Here are a few questions I’ve been getting about the Alpha Male 2.0 Focus Program and their answers. This is the program where I meet you with personally in Portland, Oregon four times over the course of a year so you can improve your woman and financial life 90 days at a time. Click here for more details.

The deadline for the $500 discount is 5pm on February 16th and our first session is March 21st.

The questions:

Can I make installment payments?

Yes. Just email us and let us know how you’d like to submit payments. You can pick any amount you want and any frequency you like. You won’t be able to attend any sessions until all of your payments are received, however.

You said it will be a small group of guys. How small?

I obviously won’t know the exact number until our first session in March. There could be just three or four guys in the room, which would be fine with me, or there could be ten or so. Ideally, I’d rather keep the session to around ten men or less to make sure I can give individual attention to each attendee if needed. If I get more than that attending, I will probably create another set of dates and use those for the overflow. So if you want to lock in the dates I already published here, you should sign up before that happens.

Will you send me an actual invoice?

Yes. We will send you an official invoice from my consulting company, DCS International for your tax purposes. (The program should be tax deductible but please check with your accountant on that.) If you make installment payments you’ll receive one invoice per payment.

What happens if I miss the first session in March? Can I still sign up? Won’t that mean I only get three sessions then?

You’ll still get four sessions if you sign up after the first one, but you’ll definitely miss the first session since there are no identical repeat sessions (and you won’t get the $500 discount since you would have missed the Feb 16th deadline for that). The Focus Program is actually eight sessions over two years. You just pay for one year at a time, or four sessions. So if you miss the first session you’ll get the materials for that session and you’ll get one “make-up” session in 2021, so you’ll still get four.

The $1000 deposit is refundable, right?

Up until our first phone call, right. We’ll have a quick phone call and if either of us determine the program isn’t a good fit, you’ll get the $1000 back immediately.

If there are any other questions just let me know. The deadline for the $500 discount is 5pm on February 16th and our first session is March 21st. Click here for the details on the program and to sign up.

9 Comments on “Q&A Regarding The New Alpha Male 2.0 Focus Program

  1. Hi Blackdragon,

    Out of all the women you have had sex with , what percentage of them have been under the age of 24 ?

  2. Out of all the women you have had sex with , what percentage of them have been under the age of 24 ?

    Approximately 57% last time I calculated it. It’s slightly higher than that now since younger women don’t really care if you’re married like I am.

  3. You meant to say that they prefer it that way. 😉

    Haha. No, just some. Most just don’t care one way or the other.

  4. So out of the under 24 women you have had sex with , what percentage would have been type 2 VYW and type 3 VYW respectively ?

    50 % / 50 %  ?

    Basically im trying to understand how doable type 3 VYW are for men over 30

    Im 30 btw

  5. Sonny, please stop it with the completely off-topic questions. You’re doing this in my threads all over the place. Thanks in advance.

  6. Blackdragon,

    I understand that this particular question in this particular thread was probably off – topic and so was the one one about kobe bryant and ill bear that in mind but the question about ” type 2 VYW” on your thread prior to this one specifically pertained to your history with women.

    The celebrity question also on that thread tied in to what a previous commentator wrote.

    Anyways im here to learn and self improve not to disrupt.



  7. Hey Blackdragon, two questions for you:

    1)  I’m having difficulty pushing through the pick-a-niche and getting started aspects from the Alpha 2.0 Business course (nothing to do with your content, I got held up on committing to one and have been spinning my wheels for too long).  I’m thinking the intensive coaching will help me break through that barrier, then once I’m rolling I will be able to use future sessions to rapidly tune and improve the business.  The sales letter mentions improving an existing Alpha 2.0 business but not starting one.  Is this an appropriate goal for me signing-up and getting your help?

    1)  You’re offering a wide domain of topics, which is appreciated.  At the same time I’d want to narrow in on one or at most two at a time.  When picking our objectives for coaching and the action items that you assign us between sessions, would I be able to do say an 85% business/15% women type split?  (Which is what I’d personally go for, I expect my time and energy for girls to go way down while focusing on income, so having heavy 90-day action items for dating would be dicey)

  8. The sales letter mentions improving an existing Alpha 2.0 business but not starting one. Is this an appropriate goal for me signing-up and getting your help?

    We cover both; setting up your own business and improving one you already have. When we cover business topics in the program, I’ve purposely utilize topics that can apply to both scenarios.

    When picking our objectives for coaching and the action items that you assign us between sessions, would I be able to do say an 85% business/15% women type split?

    Yes. There are certain baselines you’ll have to follow during the program but YOU select your goals and your areas of improvement to work on, not me. This program is for YOU and YOUR goals (within an Alpha Male 2.0 context).

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