After getting your emails and requests for this for two years, I have created a new version of the Alpha Male 2.0 Business Course. You will learn how to create your own low-work, high-income, location-independent business that will set you free instead of enslaving you like most traditional businesses.

You’ll be able to get it in less than two weeks, on Thursday March 5th.

This is the course on how to make $6,500 per month (or much more if you want), working less than 30 hours a week, living or traveling anywhere in the world you want, working with a completely flexible schedule (whenever YOU want), with no employees and little hassle.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Sell products, services, or information.
  • Develop multiple streams of income from multiple sources so that if one source gets eliminated, you can still pay your bills.
  • Determine what to sell and find something that has the maximum odds of selling at high margin and high profit.
  • Price your products for maximum net income.
  • Market your product, service or information 37 different ways. By the end of the course you will be a mini marketing expert and know the best ways to market your offerings for maximum income.
  • Emulate exactly what I and thousands of others have already done. I will show you exactly how I make money in my businesses, flowcharting out exactly what I do. I will do that for two of my different companies, one online business and one offline business (yes, you can do this offline).
  • Choose exactly which web services to use for every individual task.
  • How to outsource your work. How to work with virtual assistants and subcontractors so you can minimize your work hours WITHOUT hiring any employees and taking on that legal and paperwork hassle.
  • Minimize your expenses and taxes so you keep the maximum amount of your income.
  • Implement time management – how to manage multiple small businesses, multiple income streams, and everything else so you can make the money without having to work long hours.

This course is over seven hours of video training, plus supplemental documents and other materials.

Also, if you order the course during its initial release period (between March 5th and March 16th), you’ll get several big bonuses that include both video and audio content. You’ll also get a discount.

This is not the same course I offered back in 2018. Many of the videos are different, it includes much more content, there is no coaching, and it’s double the price. (If you purchased the original version of the course, you were given all the new videos as a free gift several weeks ago; go back to the course site to view those.) At the moment, the price is $1,197 if you order it before March 16th, but that is subject to change. (I don’t know yet if we’ll offer payment plans.)

Alpha 2.0 business is one of my most popular and requested topics. I’m happy to finally provide this for you guys.

More details on this coming very soon.

12 Comments on “Announcing New Alpha 2.0 Business Course

  1. Is Real Estate or Insurance an Alpha Male 2.0 business model?

    Far too general a question. Doing what in real estate or insurance?

    Can I be an Consultant at 19 without any real world experience?

    If you can help certain types of companies solve a certain type of problem, yes. Otherwise no.

  2. Just over here quietly putting my hand up for a payment plan option…

    No promises but I’ll see what I can do.

  3. Just out of curiosity, do you have any specific advice for aspiring Alpha 2.0’s who are artists? My Mission has always included creating music, and I’m wondering if you believe that can fit within the Alpha 2.0 lifestyle. I’m 26 going on 27 and have just recently been heavily influenced by your writing, and while I love money and women and understand rationally how they are foundational pillars of human life, music is a major part of my mission and is something I love to work my ass off at. I’m curious how you would approach this if music or any art form (maybe what you would call a “technical skill”) was what you were best at and loved to do the most.

    (For what it’s worth I have a degree in music and have been involved in that world for some time, so I’m not coming at this from a place of naïveté).


    Love your work!



  4. As I’ve talked about before, making $75,000+ per year consistently doing anything artistic (music, acting, art, writing fiction, etc) is almost impossible and is largely based more on luck than it is on skill. I usually recommend guys who are artists instead build a business within the artistic niche they’re in rather than selling their art. For example, if you’re a musician, instead of trying to make a lot of money making music, be a music producer, music agent, music promoter, and so on, and instead do music on the side purely for fun.

  5. Blackdragon, how about if one is a music producer, he could produce entertainment music videos (like humorous remixes/remakes of popular pop songs)? Would that be a good A2.0 business?

  6. Blackdragon, how about if one is a music producer, he could produce entertainment music videos (like humorous remixes/remakes of popular pop songs)?

    Making music and producing music are two different things. Making music is artistic and very hard to make money. Producing music much less artistic and more technical; you can make money doing this.

    You’re talking about making music but you’re calling it “producing.” Producing music means you produce the music made by others.

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