Final warning. In exactly 30 minutes I shut off the purchase button for the Ultimate Open Marriage Manual (and audiobook, and video course). After that it won’t be available and all the discounts and bonuses will be gone forever. Click here to get it.

4 Comments on “30 Minutes Left to Get The Ultimate Open Marriage Manual!

  1. Check this out.  UK wants to stop Blackdragon.

    Coronavirus: Sex during lockdown with someone outside your household is illegal from today

    Haha I saw that yesterday but 1) is it going to be checked? 2) is it going to be enforced and 3) its only 50 bucks if paid within 14 days so even if you get caught and it gets enforced its just 50 bucks. Also how do they know you are having sex? Anyway its true that the mere fact its even possible for a government to even consider something like this never mind pass such regulation tells you a lot about the country. The main irony is that all these stories like Orwell and others are from UK. Well, well, well…

  2. By contrast, the Dutch government recommends sex buddies, rather than one night stands. The guidelines imply you can have up to three of them. So all is not lost for the western world.

    In a typically open-minded intervention, official guidance from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has been amended to suggest those without a permanent sexual partner come to mutually satisfactory agreements with like-minded individuals.

  3. By contrast, the Dutch government recommends sex buddies, rather than one night stands. The guidelines imply you can have up to three of them. So all is not lost for the western world.

    In a typically open-minded intervention, official guidance from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has been amended to suggest those without a permanent sexual partner come to mutually satisfactory agreements with like-minded individuals.

    It is still dumb as hell like as if people needed to be told this to know this is what they should do? Either implies incompetent politicians who have no idea what is going on or a sheep society or both.

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