Who Is Alpha Male 2.0 For?

The release of The Maximum Freedom Course (less than four days left to get it!) has brought up some questions about exactly who Alpha Male 2.0 is for. Is it for everyone? If not, what type of man is it for?

How To Turn Your Life Around – Guest Post From A Guy Who Did It

Special treat today. This is yet another example of a guy who completely turned his life around using Alpha Male 2.0. ELT was a fat, poor, sexless, Mexican beta male. Today he’s fit, strong, 85 pounds lighter, getting all the sex he wants, and has his own Alpha 2.0 location-independent business making ten times what he used to make.He is one of many success stories about how you can go from lower-beta to full-fledged Alpha 2.0 (and ELT is modest) if you just put in a little time up-front. But I’ll let him tell you in his words. Take it away, ELT…

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