Woman Logic – Where It Comes From


Woman logic. Which one has more? (That’s a trick question.)
My family and I were out at a pizza place recently. It was a typical pizza place with video games and things for kids to do.
There was another family a few tables away.  Soon I hear the sound of a small child crying.  Loudly, like he had been hurt.  A few minutes later I see the mother arguing with her daughter, who I would guess was 13 or 14.  

-By Caleb Jones


The mom was blonde and very hot but had that same stressed out, why-is-life-so-hard? look that most women in their 30s have.  She was clearly upset at her daughter.  The daughter had the typical snotty attitude most 13 year-old girls take with their mothers.

The exchange went like this.  Most of the quotes are quoted verbatim.

Mom: Do NOT hit your brother!  You hear me?  Do NOT hit him!

Girl (defiant, getting in her mom’s face): God.  What’s the big deal?

Mom: He’s half your size! Look at the size difference between you two!

Girl: Oh, he can play soccer.  But he’s too small to stand up for himself?  Yeah right.

Mom (getting very upset, getting even closer to her daughter’s face): Don’t you ever hit him again! Do you hear me?

Girl: He yelled at me.

Mom: Because you took his money!

Girl: Only two quarters!

The argument went on and on like this.  It’s indicative of woman logic from both sides of the equation, the defiant young “independent” woman (I use that term very losely, that’s why it’s in quotes) and the “responsible” mother (again, the quotes).

Notice a few things:

1. The daughter had a quick response for everything her mom threw at her.  Everything.  The problem is, every one of her responses were completely, utterly illogical.  The daughter was probably a normal, intelligent gal, but her responses made her sound like some quick-draw retard.

2. The daughter was 100% convinced she was in the right.  It was not an act.  She literally thought smacking her little brother after stealing some of his money was a perfectly acceptable thing to do and her mom was just being a fuckin’ bitch who should get off her back and leave her alone.  I promise you the very next phone call she made or texts she sent was something to do with how much of a “bitch” her mom was.

3. All the mom did was repeat herself and raise her voice.  That’s it.  No punishments, no consequences.  I couldn’t quite tell but I would bet $50 from that symptom alone that this woman was a single mother with guilt issues.  (I did not see a man in the family group that looked within the age range to be the woman’s husband, but I could be wrong).

Women are dreadful at actually providing boundaries and consequences for their children, single mothers even more so.  They’re great at nurturing and kissing boo-boos.  But when it comes to actually setting boundaries for their children, sticking to them, and punishing them when the kids cross those boundaries on purpose, women are helpless.  They just don’t know how to do it.

I’ve seen women who were tough, badass corporate vice presidents or lawyers crumble like little pussies in front of their tiny whining children.  It’s pathetic.

I’ve raised two teenage children.  My son just turned 20 and my daughter is 13 going on 25.  I love my daughter more than anything in the world, but I guarantee you if she had done what this gal did, there would have been no discussion and no argument.  I would have instantly confiscated her cell phone and sent her out to the car to sit there alone for the rest of the evening.  She would not have used woman logic on me because I would not have given her the opportunity to do so in the first place.

As much as I hate to say this, that mother asked for that horrible disrespect.  You don’t argue with an angry 13 year-old girl full of defiance and woman logic.  You punish them and remove them from other human beings ASAP.  The sad part of this is that option probably didn’t even occur to the mother.  She likely thought it would have been “mean” to do something like that.  Much better to get more and more angry, yell louder and louder, get your daughter more and more angry, increase the distrust, and damage the mother/daughter relationship even further.

Oh yes, much better than punishing.

So next time you’re getting woman logic from your girlfriend, wife, fuck buddy, a woman you’re on a date with, female coworker or friend, realize that this is where woman logic comes from.  First, it starts when women are very young. Before adolescence even, though early adolescence is proably where it waxes greatest.  Then it is unwittingly drawn out and encouraged by a woman’s mother, who uses her own form of woman logic during the child-rearing process (“punishing is mean”, etc).

She gets another healthy dose of this poison from her preteen girlfriends, who themselves all have mothers full of it, most of them single mothers or mothers on second husbands.

Finally, years later, this little girl now all grown up, explains to you with a straight face that she can’t have sex with you because it’s “only the third date”, even though she did fuck Larry last month, who never took her out on a date in his life, but that was different since her and him weren’t “dating”, see, YOU have to take her out on more dates if you want to have sex with her, because blah blah blah…

Woman logic.  Now you know.
And knowing is half the battle.
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  • Old Guy
    Posted at 20:48h, 06 December

    13 year old daughters. The best reason I can think of to not carry a loaded handgun.

    The passage from first boobs to driver’s license is a real trial. I pity the single mom who attempts it alone. I watched my kid’s BFF at that age play her single mom & dad like a maestro plays a violin. It wasn’t pretty, nor was the outcome.

    They say kids need two parents. Girls at that age need like four so the alternating teams can get sanity breaks.

    I now understand why the 19th Century Brits were fond of the strap & cane.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 13:34h, 07 December

    My daughter is just entering that phase. I’m not looking forward to it. However most of the teenage daughter fallout tends to fall on the mother more than the father…for the reasons I made in the post.

  • Godfather
    Posted at 16:14h, 07 December


    Not used to seeing spelling errors in your awesome posts! Not being pedantic,but I would like them pointed out too.

    Reckon children would respond to your punishment and change their behaviour? Or would they just ‘be aware’ and try harder not to get caught and try and escape punishment of your kind?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 18:31h, 07 December

    Yes, please let me know spelling about any spelling errors that get past me. (It doesn’t happen often but it does happen.) Corrected!

    The answer to your first question is a resounding yes.

    The answer to your second question is a partial yes. Are teenage children going to do bad things? Yes. Are they going try to not get caught? Yes. The issue is a matter of degree and frequency. My son was very well behaved during his teen years. Not perfect, but well-behaved. He’s a great guy now. I expect similar from my daughter, though with a little more problems (since teenage girls are more problematic than teenage boys). That’s because in both cases they faced actual consequences for their actions, not just their mother screaming at them. (Which kids learn to tune out by age nine or ten. Think about it. Do kids really fear being bitched at by their mommies?)

  • Jon
    Posted at 09:47h, 16 June

    When I was a kid, the only thing my mom could say that scared me was “just wait until your father gets home.” 🙂

  • Joe Sixpack
    Posted at 11:36h, 03 November

    “Finally, years later, this little girl now all grown up, explains to you with a straight face that she can’t have sex with you because it’s “only the third date”, even though she did fuck Larry last month, who never took her out on a date in his life, but that was different since her and him weren’t “dating”, see, YOU have to take her out on more dates if you want to have sex with her, because blah blah blah…”

    I love the closing para here. And the answer to the “you have to take me out on more dates” issue is, you frame your relationship is more sexual and less of a dating scenario from the first interaction with her?

  • Tim
    Posted at 17:29h, 14 November

    Would you ever “coach” the mom of your child so she can better handle a situation like this or is it a lost cause? If the guy is around, he can step in and deal with it, but what about the times when the mom is on her own?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 17:34h, 14 November

    If I was married or living with a woman and we had children together, sure, I’d do my best to coach her. Odds of success, about 40%.

    If I was divorced from a woman while we still had kids together (like I am now), then no. She’d just snort and ignore whatever I said.

  • Tim
    Posted at 10:33h, 18 November

    Thanks for the reply. Too bad those odds of success aren’t higher.

  • Buzz
    Posted at 13:21h, 13 October

    The daughter was 100% convinced she was in the right.

    Most women are like this I thought it was in their DNA

    They are just set to I am right and everybody else is wrong at birth…

  • Le Petite Princes
    Posted at 14:56h, 02 December

    You’re simply arguing over how to raise a child.
    Your way isn’t better than her way. She may raise a well adjusted adult and you may raise a sociopath.
    Women are nurturers for a reason. Men are hunters for a reason. Go and be a man and leave the females job to us. Some fathers just aren’t cut to raising kids, go back to work you lazy bum LMAO :p

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 15:00h, 16 December

    Your way isn’t better than her way.

    Yes it is. Demonstrably better.

    Is my way perfect? No. Better than the irrational woman I used in the above example? Yes.

  • Le Petite Princess
    Posted at 15:25h, 16 December

    I’m not sure if you’re doing a better job, your daughter is still very young and you want her to have multiple partners and you believe that’s what she actually/likely wants. I just can’t get my head around that! I’m really trying to understand you and how a father would want their daughter to sleep with many men. I’m here to learn and I’m hoping to understand how you see that is something she would want.

    I can shed some light on what you see as illogical in regards to the second part of the article. Here’s what’s happening with the woman who wont sleep with relationship guy (the one who dates her first) and yet sleeps almost immediately with the guy who doesn’t buy her even dinner.

    It’s pretty simple really. She’s trying to keep the good guy for an actually relationship of some kind with good clean fun and naughty fun lol and knows that if she sleeps with him too soon he wont stay around. She’s reacting to what she thinks relationship guy wants to stay around. Her preference is for this guy over the one below (unless of course she’s in a really bad place then the guy below suits her better)

    She sleeps with the promiscuous guy pretty soon because she knows nothing will come from it and sex may be a one off or maybe a few times before he goes looking for something more shiny. She’s not bothered holding off because she knows nothing will come of it.

    Does that clear it up at all?

    If you want intimacy, regular sex, companionship show up as super sexy but super intelligent, ambitious and long term in what you’ve got to say. If you just want sex, act completely slimy. Those who are emotionally detached will seek you and she may even bring some extra STI’s into your life.

    By being super sexy and relationship orientated you make the slimy guy non existent to most women.

    Here’s another secret, women tell you that looks don’t really matter, load of crap, looks matter to us as much as they matter to you. The only difference is we may overlook the physical for other aspects of your character, personality, skills, ability and resources, that’s why you see rich ugly bastards with sexy little kittens.

  • buzz
    Posted at 17:32h, 16 December

    ***It’s pretty simple really. She’s trying to keep the good guy for an actually relationship of some kind with good clean fun and naughty fun lol and knows that if she sleeps with him too soon he wont stay around.***

    Is there anyway we can put this to bed right now?
    Making a guy wait longer for sex
    How good you are at sex and how often you can do it
    divided by how annoying you are
    is a much better indicator of how long he is going to stay…

    and yes fire away if you don’t agree…..

  • Le Petite Princess
    Posted at 18:08h, 16 December

    @ Buzz, I actually agree with you with completely. I’m confident your answer represents almost all men.

    I’m pretty sure men value quality sex over most aspects of a relationship. Many women have so many options they don’t put much effort into learning what you guys want and that’s why they end up being pumped and dumped. I’ve sung this message many times on a website aimed at why men do this to us. Nobody seems to believe me. Glad you do.

  • Le Petite Princess
    Posted at 18:22h, 16 December

    Sorry, I sent my response too soon…

    There are a small handful of men who actually pump and dump for other reasons, like men who actually don’t want relationships of any kind (normally emotionally unavailable and have a avoidant type personality) and their soul aim is to get notches on their belts (most are under 28 but some go on to remain players forever).

    I have no problem with promiscuous men who just want casual sex so long as they don’t lie to reach that goal. Bedding lots of women by lying is sex by deception, illegal and immoral! I feel sorry for women in that situation. I guess that may be why women hold off too.

    I hold off for completely different reasons, I need a deep bond before having sex, physical intimacy is very sacred to me. I can’t orgasm without a connection and what’s the point of having sex if I’m not going to get off on it. Sorry if that’s too much information.

    Whether us women are pleasant and fun to be around or annoying means little to these avoidant type men. The goal of getting different women is paramount compared to how great sex is with that woman.

    This is just my opinion and I’d love to hear others point of views (because after all I’m hear to learn how you think) but these guys are truly missing out on that amazing sex you only get when you’re in love. Imagine if they allowed someone in, allowed themselves to be vulnerable, to permit another person to see who they really are and to experience amazing mind blowing sex you can only get whilst being in some kind of passionate chemistry that only comes over time. I’m so grateful to know how that feels.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 19:16h, 16 December

    I’m really trying to understand you and how a father would want their daughter to sleep with many men.

    I never said that. All I said was she will not find long-term consistent happiness being a serial monogamist. For example, having one guy OLTR and one guy FB on the side is two men, not “many” men.

    Just because someone is not monogamous doesn’t mean they’re having sex with everyone in town.

    if she sleeps with him too soon he wont stay around

    As Buzz already pointed out, you’re demonstrating the exact, irrational, inaccurate woman logic I was explaining in the article. Thank you for the live demonstration. 🙂

  • Le Petite Princess
    Posted at 20:56h, 16 December

    It could be just me but I think two men is still one too many for a woman. I would just leave before sleeping with two men. I wouldn’t share my body or energy with two men.

    I understand, however, that men may want to open up the relationship to more than one partner and I’m happy to consider that if he really needed a new pussy to be happy(particularly if I had children with him)but it would require some fair input by both of us. I’m a live and let live kinda girl.

    That’s not a live demonstration because the girl is just a hypothetical female and the sentence directly afterwards re-iterates that is what she’s thinking based on what she’s taught. Not that she’s some ignorant silly irrational, illogical person (although I am sensitive, empathetic and emotional)

    I wrote

    “if she sleeps with him too soon he wont stay around. She’s reacting to what she “”””THINKS””””relationship guy wants to stay around”.

    So what I’m actually saying is that she’s only doing it because she she believes men want that to hang around. Who’s responsibility is it to tell her otherwise? If nobody tells her then she will never know. It’s a cause and effect thing and the cycle will go on unless more of the Buzz’s come out and state otherwise (in real life directly to her)

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 20:46h, 17 December

    It could be just me but I think two men is still one too many for a woman. I would just leave before sleeping with two men.

    That’s fine. Then you’re a serial monogamist and you’ll never have a truly happy relationship that lasts longer than about 3 years.

    I personally like longer happy relationships than that.

  • Le Petite Princess
    Posted at 22:07h, 17 December

    I was in a relationship for 8 years from the age of 16 and it was blissful. The passion never fizzled beyond the 2-3 mark I read about in anthropology/evolution science journals. Unfortunately he died.

    My sister is 40 years old and is in a very passionate loving relationship for the past 24 years. Her husband is beta (but not scared of his own shadow like described on PUA websites) and she bangs him silly (I know because she can’t wait to leave my house to go home and blow him and he rings her all the time wanting some “sexytime”)

    What I have noticed different in them is he keeps things exciting and fresh and she keeps herself looking amazing (she actually looks better than me and my girlfriends and we are all around 23-25 years of age)

  • buzz
    Posted at 22:33h, 17 December

    OK just so you know,
    I have done that
    and it does not work.

  • buzz
    Posted at 03:45h, 18 December

    that last one was in response to

    ***It’s a cause and effect thing and the cycle will go on unless more of the Buzz’s come out and state otherwise (in real life directly to her)***

  • buzz
    Posted at 03:57h, 18 December

    So on rare occasions it is possible to use female logic to your advantage.
    I was dating this woman who worked for a customer of the business I was working for, touchy situation had to go slow.
    So after a few not really big dates she starts giving me the she would only be in a monogamous relationship speech. and she was cute and I had nothing going on at the time anyway. So I just calmly told her that monogamous means having sex with only one person
    and since we were not having sex yet, that did not apply to me….
    I just get this bewildered look and then…

    come over to my place tonight!!!!

    That one lasted 5 years…

  • Le petite Princess
    Posted at 16:08h, 18 December

    @ Buzz, well maybe keep putting it out there, get your gender to keep their word, make sure the players (who are doing the pumping and dumping) are taken out of the equation and women will see that men wont use them and will start to believe you and fcuk you senseless. They are dying to unleash.

    Because your cheekiness was hot. Throw out that sexual energy baby, don’t let society make you hide it. We love being desirable to you. Most importantly be outcome independent and remain a gentleman and fit. That’s it. No need for anything else. LOL. You’re welcome.

  • Chuck
    Posted at 06:57h, 25 June

    Damn… the article was good, but the most instructive part of this post is in the comments section. Le Petite Princess is an absolute fountain of woman logic. Anyone reading this, go back and check out her maneuvers because they’re beyond typical. If you can’t see it here, in writing, you’ll absolutely miss it when it happens with the women in your life; and it will. Trust me.

    I hate to spoon-feed, but here’s a taste to get you started:

    Her first argument was that women are better at raising children because:

    – Anything could happen theoretically.
    – Women are nurturers for an unspecified “reason.”
    Some fathers aren’t cut out for it. Therefore, women ftw.

    Now, the logic there is already horrendous, but it gets really interesting after BD responds to her: her entire logic turns on a dime. Now it’s because he wants his daughter to slut it up (whether fabrication or misunderstanding, not important: it’s the logic reversal that we’re interested in here). Then, before he can respond, she changes the subjects and blabs on and on about something else. Think filibuster here.

    This is Feminine Discourse 101, fellas. The rest of her posts here are absolutely packed with gems… read them carefully.
    Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:29h, 25 June

    Damn… the article was good, but the most instructive part of this post is in the comments section. Le Petite Princess is an absolute fountain of woman logic.

    I know. I love it when objecting commenters prove the exact points I was making in the article. It happens a lot. 🙂

  • john
    Posted at 06:41h, 28 September

    “Go back to work you lazy bum” said the woman who wants to stay home.

    Double standard much ?

  • Katie
    Posted at 20:42h, 28 February

    This idea of “woman logic” is disgusting. Are you sure that the parenting skills you listed are something all or most women will do, or just women (or possibly human beings) you’ve personally encountered in your culture/geographic region?

    You mentioned that your way of handling the situation would be to punish your daughter – take away her phone and make her sit in the car for the rest of the day. I assume you would call this “man logic.” Well, this is exactly how my mother would have handled the situation. She would automatically punish me calmly rather than yelling, and then later explain to me why what I did was wrong and what I could’ve done better. She is a woman, and she handled situations like this in logical, effective manner. How would you describe this case? Would you write it off as an outlier? Would you write off all examples of great women acting responsibly as outliers?

    The example listed in your article is just an example of a shitty parent (and a shitty teenager). It has nothing to do with whether she was a woman or not.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:09h, 01 March

    You mentioned that your way of handling the situation would be to punish your daughter – take away her phone and make her sit in the car for the rest of the day.

    Please quote me correctly. I didn’t say the rest of the day; that would be abusive. I said the rest of the evening, meaning while we were at the pizza restaurant.

    Well, this is exactly how my mother would have handled the situation. She would automatically punish me calmly rather than yelling, and then later explain to me why what I did was wrong and what I could’ve done better.

    That’s exactly what I would have done as well.

    She is a woman, and she handled situations like this in logical, effective manner. How would you describe this case? Would you write it off as an outlier?

    I wouldn’t describe it as an outlier, but I would describe it as statistically unlikely (as in less than 50%), particularly if she was a single mother.

    Would you write off all examples of great women acting responsibly as outliers?

    Of course not. Read this.

    The example listed in your article is just an example of a shitty parent (and a shitty teenager). It has nothing to do with whether she was a woman or not.

    The gender of the parent has nothing to do with the parenting style? You are incorrect, and all the researchers in this area would say so.

  • Joel Walbert
    Posted at 17:34h, 27 April

    This could have been the shortest article ever written to be perfectly honest.
    Woman Logic – Where It Comes From

    It Doesn’t Exist.


    End of article.

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