I Am Nostradamus!

first date advice, first online date, online dating advice, meaning of an open relationship, alpha male traits

-By Caleb Jones

Nothing serious today. I’m in one of those museful, silly moods.

I wish I could place bets on specific individuals’ future behavior in relationships. If there was a way to do this, I would make more money than in all three of my businesses combined. I already make money using my ability to predict economic booms and busts so I’ve got that one nailed, but I want to cash in on my relationship prediction powers too. Dammit.

A while back, I was walking through an office building on my way to a meeting. In front of me were two middle-aged women, the normal looking married type. They were deep in conversation about a mutual friend who was going through a divorce. They were coincidentally going to the same floor as me, so I ended up being a casual listener to their conversation for several minutes.

Apparently, both the man and the woman in question were being angry and vindictive to each other during the divorce (I’m so shocked). The woman was badmouthing him to all of her friends and family even though he never did anything horrible. The man was purposely refusing to set up direct deposit to her bank, forcing her to drive out to his house and various other things to collect her monthly support check mandated by the court until the divorce was final.

In other words, it was the standard divorce that I (and perhaps you) have seen a hundred times. For this reason, I was getting bored and started tuning out of the conversation, but suddenly one of the women said this:

“I can’t believe this! How can people be so vindictive to each other? I just don’t understand why someone would do that. I would never do that.”

This is when I smiled and wished, oh I wished, that I could have placed a $10,000 bet right then and there. I’ll tell you the precise bet that I wanted in a minute (though some of you might already know).

As I said, this woman was married. As soon as I realized they were talking about someone’s divorce, I had checked their left hands for wedding rings.

When this woman said that she didn’t understand how people could be so vindictive, I believed her. She was not putting on some kind of innocent act. I really think she was surprised at how two people who used to love each other were now acting like angry children and trying to get back at each other for no damn reason other than their own outcome dependence, immaturity and lack of emotional control. That’s all well and good.

Where she was dead wrong is when she said, “I would never do that.”

Oh-ho! Yes you would, darling. You just haven’t been divorced yet. Just wait. It’s coming, and you’ll likely be angry and vindictive against your current hubby too. That’s how women work. To be fair, many men work like this as well, but divorce attorneys, including female ones, will tell you that it’s almost always the woman who wants to “get back” at the husband, while the husband just wants the divorce to be over with so he can move on. Women. Are. Vindictive.

That is the bet I wanted to place. I wanted to bet $10,000…well, okay, at least $5,000 that two things would occur at some point in this woman’s future:

1. She’d get divorced.

2. During the divorce process, and/or after, she would engage in at several childish, vindictive acts against her husband.

The odds are way beyond 50%, likely around 70% (or higher) that those two things will happen eventually and I’d win my $5,000. 70% makes the odds better than blackjack and I make a lot of money playing that game. DAMN, I wish I could bet on things like this. It would be the easiest money in the world.

For many years now, I have accurately predicted all kinds of future relationship behaviors for all kinds of people in my life, even down to the specific things people will say. It’s gotten to the point where some people think I have some kind of crystal ball. Of course, I don’t. I just know how people are most likely to behave in monogamous relationships, particularly when they add legal marriage to the mix. I don’t let my personal feelings, nor Societal Programming, nor Disney enter into it. I just stick with human biology and I’m usually correct.

I’ve said it many times: biology always wins in the end. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, experienced you are, or how much you love someone, or how much they love you. You’re still a flesh-and-blood human being and so is your partner.

Granted, sometimes I’m wrong on the timing, but I’m rarely wrong on the outcome. Sometimes, I’ll say things like “he’ll cheat on her and get caught within two years,” and it might be five years before it happens, but he still cheats and he still gets caught. That’s when I get a few texts or personal Facebook messages from random people in my personal life that say, “Well, you were right.”

Yeah, I know I’m right. I just wish I could bet real money on this stuff. If I had this kind of foreknowledge in any other area, like with sports or the stock market, I’d be a billionaire by now. However, because of Societal Programming, there is no betting pool on whether Joe and Jane with get divorced because he’s a beta and she’s a hot Dominant, or weather newlywed Sam will cheat on Suzi because he’s an Alpha Male 1.0 who’s already had sex with 63 women, or whether Ashley will text Rick within 12 months out of the blue after she LSNFTE’d him because he’s an Alpha Male 2.0 who’s correctly ignoring her after the breakup.

If any of you know of a way I can monetize this skill I have regarding relationships and marriages with people in my personal life, please let me know. A fifth income source would be nice.

Note: I’m offering a $500 cash prize (and other cool stuff) for the best success story using any of the concepts I talk about. Go here for contest details. The deadline is Feb 22nd! Monday!

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  • Tin Man
    Posted at 05:27 am, 18th February 2016

    Let’s see …. the world of data analytics is pretty vibrant at the moment, tracking information, looking for patterns, potentially answering a few questions.  The APIs (if someone allowed you access to their activity) for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc could probably open up enough of an activity stream to allow the analysis.

    I mean, hell, Match.com and eHarmony utilize matching algorithms to predict “who is your best match” – even OKCupid has one based upon answers to questions.  The easiest thing (from a market perspective, not necessarily the cheapest way to go) would be to develop either a Facebook or mobile app.

    Of course, the real money would be using the application (not expose it) as a tool for a psychic  hotline … so it can appear as if magical, appealing to the emotional side of people (i.e. women).  Also, since women would be looking for justification/rationalization of their actions – this would provide them with a few excuses … “Hey, the app said you were cheating” or “I got this app, and I realized I just wasn’t happy in my marriage anymore”.

    Quick thoughts on Facebook activity: Surge in “new” friends, Starting to talk about Zumba (or any workout), chaotic relationship changes within her connections, more activity in private messaging (don’t need to read the messages), etc.

    There is always money to be made when there is chaos and turmoil.

  • O
    Posted at 05:32 am, 18th February 2016

    Interesting post. One way to monetize would be to create a type of “lab” where you give coupes feedback on their relationship. Like John Gottman does with his marriage lab. You could do these sessions via Skpe so the couples can be located anywhere.

    For a future blog post can you talk about contentment in Game. For example, if a man is seeing two women consistently does he still seek more women? Things like diminishing returns, opportunity costs, scheduling conflicts and risk come into play. What is the optimal structure?

  • Mario Favela
    Posted at 05:51 am, 18th February 2016

    Good post BD.

    Take a look at this guy, he had a similar idea and turned it into an actual business:

    This startup bets up to $10,000 that your marriage will end badly



  • Kurt
    Posted at 06:16 am, 18th February 2016

    Might not be too hard to start a prediction market for celebrity couples, but you wouldn’t be able to get the most favorable odds there because so many people already know the pattern with celebrity couples (and still foolishly think ‘that won’t happen to ME’).

  • KryptoKate
    Posted at 08:21 am, 18th February 2016

    This is funny, I’ve often said the exact same thing…that I wish there was some way to bet on relationship prediction because I’d be a billionaire.

    Eventually hearing “you were right” or getting to say “I told you so” is completely unsatisfying. Very frustrating to have a skill you can’t monetize.

  • Fraser Orr
    Posted at 09:05 am, 18th February 2016

    You know I have a theory about this. Certainly part of the issue you raise is due to the fact that women are naturally more emotional than men (something evolution surely selected for due to their different roles in prehistoric society), however, my theory is that a big part of it is to do with hope for the future.

    I offer as evidence of this my friend, who I will call Julie. She just completed a very calm and non comabative divorce with her ex, let’s call him Joe. There was no vitriol, nor anger, just a quick smooth exit despite ten years of marriage and two children. Lot’s of sadness for sure, but no blood was spilled. They are both in their mid thirties.

    Here is the thing though: Julie is extremely hot. Most people would rate her well into the 9s and 10s. She also has a lovely sweet disposition. A little too religious for my taste, but there you go.

    I think a major component of the vitriol is due to fear of the future. Certainly part of it is anger at the past (and this depends a lot on the cause of the divorce, such as cheating.) But part of it is “what am I going to do now?”

    Julie surely knows that she can find another guy in ten minutes if she wants to, and she surely is very familiar with the beta behaviors she can exploit. I am sure she is surrounded with these behaviors.

    I think the thought, during divorce, that she will never get back the life she once had is one of the major pain points in a break up. This is much less of a worry for hot, intelligent women, and so  I think they tend to be provoked less.

    Of course there are plenty of hot crazy chicks too, and I think a lot of their vitriol comes from a “how dare he, doesn’t he know how hot I am” thing, and that also is feed by that gnawing feeling that all women have buried in the psyches that they are getting less hot by the minute.

    But I think a significant portion of the vitriol in divorce comes from a judgement as to what your SMV is for the future. And as you know for women SMV is largely going down, down, down. Julie has ten years of hotness left and she’d better exploit it.


  • Jason
    Posted at 09:48 am, 18th February 2016

    Betfair.com will open any market you want as long as there are people willing to lay you bets.

  • Kryptokate
    Posted at 12:53 pm, 18th February 2016

    @ Fraser    It’s a good point. More broadly, the real measure of how nasty a divorce gets is how detrimental it will be.  When you have two people with basically the same income, who are just going to simply split everything down the middle with no alimony, each keeping their own 401k and their own car and debts, etc, then divorces can be quite amicable and simple, either with or without kids. I’ve seen several like that.

    The worst and most acrimonious divorces I’ve seen is where the wife did not work for all or most of the marriage and is totally dependent on the husband and is going to take a huge hit to her lifestyle after the divorce, even if she gets alimony. If she’s no longer attractive when that happens, it will get explosive. And if the husband has a new girlfriend (which he probably does), he wants to spend his money on her, not the ex, so he starts hiding it, spending it, nickle and diming the ex, and the feud will escalate and can go on for literally years (or in one case I know, more than a decade).  These are the cases where you’re talking about a huge nosedive in social status and lifestyle…she’s going to go from driving around a new SUV and going to pilates to working as a cashier at Target and dating losers. He’s going to go from his big house in the suburbs to living in a small apartment and paying all his extra money to his ex.  These are the cases where living together allowed for a very nice lifestyle but there is just not enough for them to live nicely if there’s two households. Cue the nuclear war.

    Another thing I’ve noticed is that there is a total myth about people fighting FOR the kids. I know tons of divorced people and what they are almost always actually fighting about is trying to get their ex to take the kids and getting more time “off” to themselves. As soon as people start dating again, they want their weekends free. They want time alone with their new boyfriend/girlfriend. Most of the time when an ex is pretending to fight for the kids is so they can either get more child support or so they have to pay less child support, since child support is calculated based on time spent with the kid. But what I mostly see is men and women alike arguing over how it’s the *other person’s* turn to take the kids and you-always-bail-out/I-had-plans/it’s-not-fair-I-never-get-weekends-free/etc. The martyr parent trying to spend more time with their kid is mostly a myth and a role people play to get sympathy.

    There’s also a temperament aspect because some people are just much more laid back and agreeable and more likely to move on from things without grudges. Others are much more naturally combative and vindictive. If one has ever seen their spouse “go to war” or be aggressive with really anyone (and that would include on behalf of the children), then they should expect it would happen to them in a divorce.

  • Cheesetrader
    Posted at 01:04 pm, 18th February 2016

    As Mario notes, you can already buy divorce insurance.  It might be difficult to obtain as a 3rd party, but if you’re willing to pay enough in premiums, someone will underwrite you.

  • Kyle [ThisIsTrouble.com]
    Posted at 01:05 pm, 18th February 2016

    There has to be a website out there by now that allows you to bet on celebrity divorces. Of course, fame throws a lot more of variables into the mix, but I be there’d be a market for it.

    To add it on the bored housewives at home all day would be all over it betting hubby’s money.

    Until they cheat on him.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:12 pm, 18th February 2016

    For a future blog post can you talk about contentment in Game. For example, if a man is seeing two women consistently does he still seek more women? Things like diminishing returns, opportunity costs, scheduling conflicts and risk come into play. What is the optimal structure?

    I’ve talked about that already, in detail. Look through the archive of this blog. Read some of my books too.

    The least-bad long-term structure for most men is an one OLTR and one FB on the side. The FB is younger and hotter than the OLTR. The FB also gets frequently replaced with a new girl, like once every 6-12 months or so. That way the guy gets both stability/connection and sex/newness.

    Take a look at this guy, he had a similar idea and turned it into an actual business

    Absolute GENIUS! He’s using Disney fantasies to (potentially) make huge money on the high divorce rates. I would take it a step further, in that I would charge these people huge rates of interest instead of just advertising. I just wouldn’t call it “interest. I think the guy is onto something but he’s pussing out by not taking it all the way.

    I would just offer to pay $10,000 for anyone’s wedding, and you have to pay me $20,000 back if you ever get divorced. I’ll put a lien on both your asses if you don’t pay me back at your divorce (and perhaps that number get jacked up to $30,000 if that’s the case). I might even press some more Disney bullshit buttons and say that if you make it 20 years, you don’t have to pay me anything. Most people wouldn’t make it that long.

    I’m confident that at least 70% of people getting married right now will be divorced within 20 years. That’s a 40% gross profit margin using the numbers above.

    God damn…my wheels are seriously turning…new business idea…mmmmmm…

    I think the thought, during divorce, that she will never get back the life she once had is one of the major pain points in a break up.

    It is…for MEN. As you correctly pointed out, women know they can snap their fingers and find another provider husband whenever the want, but most men are terrified they’ll never find a woman “as hot” or “as smart” or “as whatever.” There’s a reason 80% of divorces are initiated by women.

    In regards to sex and relationships, women live in abundance, most men live in scarcity.

  • Buzz
    Posted at 04:35 pm, 18th February 2016

    Pre marital counselling?

  • Kaminsky
    Posted at 06:43 pm, 18th February 2016



    “she’s going to go from driving around a new SUV and going to pilates to working as a cashier at Target”


    She’d have to have a terrible lawyer for that to happen, wouldn’t she? I thought the whole problem in our divorce culture is that women have no fear of the above scenario unfolding.

    It’s very much worth noting that women initiate 80%….AND….are the vindictive ones who want to divorce proceedings to be about punishment.  How can it be both? Yet it is and that about says it all about what mostly horrible group of people Western women have become.



  • rgz
    Posted at 07:25 pm, 18th February 2016

    This reminds of the plot for the movie ‘The Big Short’.  In it, some smart people do all their homework and correctly predict the USA housing crash of 2008 in advance of the actual event.  They all put large financial bets on the housing crash.  At first, when housing started to crash, they were happy that their intellect proved to be superior to everyone else, but eventually they didn’t like how everything went down.  Even though they were right, they were profiting from everyone else being miserable.

    So even if you are right and predict a divorce in advance, how could you take pleasure in profiting from somebody else being miserable during their divorce?

  • BlindIo
    Posted at 11:24 pm, 18th February 2016

    Being right about what is going to happen doesn’t mean you caused it. If you would prefer to be right and not make money on it, then you are just being self-destructive.

  • Alan
    Posted at 04:57 am, 19th February 2016

    I have respect for you if what you say is true, for being a self made man.

    Irregardless, the title to this post should be ‘I am a confused soul, treading on Sith lord status.

    Only a Sith lord deals with absolutes.

    Biology always wins out?

    This probably isn’t the right outlet but I couldn’t help it after the last two posts.

    Your definition of biology either serves your interests in order to perpetuate your theory and or cash cow. You claim most people can’t successfully integrate as monogamous pair bonding. Maybe you’re right and it’s a matter of mind. Your view on the universe is limited.

    Science is simply a method of measuring. There are many laws and energies in play that are not officially recognized yet because basic instruments cannot compile supporting empirical data. A hundred years ago gravitational waves were not officially recognized. In a hundred years from now, collective consciousness will compile data on other theories with advanced technology.

    The individual ego, the excessive desire and consumption for resources will be the end of humanity.

    When you look in the mirror you tell yourself I’m not apart of what’s going on in the world, whilst you use the same tactics to influence impressionable, desperate, dumb, short sighted boys that the bankers do. You are unwittingly helping the fall of mankind as you, who claims to understand the prison planet we’re on, watch evil men burn the world and the innocent.

    You say you already did your part to alert others of the lie. You say now you’ll smile and chill with girls giving you blow jobs by the beach as you watch people frantically try to make a difference to their respective communities and countries. What kind of American are you? What kind of human being are you?

    Your favorite comic book character is the Punisher, your idols are actors who whore themselves as heroes on the screen. The actors who portray these heroes, are heroes to the blind sheep and greedy wolves. Would any of the caricatures  of your heroes do what you advocate? No, they would kick sense into your and every other chubby greedy ass advocating hopelessness and ego over collective consciousness.

    Arnold is a boy. A man honors his words, his vows, makes sacrifices. Before Arnold, Maria was healthy, happy. After Arnold, the poor thing looked like she needed a long over due break. He is just another clumsy Hollywood, political sold out prostitute worshiping money, fame, power.

    The real heroes are the ones who sacrifice for others, you’ll only briefly hear about them or never at all. Ken O’Keefe is a man. This over consumption culture glorifies the stupidest of the stupid and the sleaziest of the sleaze (shout out to Aaron Sleazy my homeboy). Uncommonly do we hear about the ones who throw themselves over children in the line of fire, who invest energies into selfless altruism, who give their lives for humanity so that people like you and all the followers can kick up legs, live a comfortable life and laugh at all the stupid people trying to make a difference. Sounds a lot like what the bankers do.

    Humanity is evolving, it all begins with watering a seed in the mind. Thoughts over time change the physical structure of cells.

    Maybe not everyone is mature enough to work on themselves and look inwardly at the nature of thought and of their mind. For them, what you advocate must be like the gospel.  They will just repeat the same mistakes, relationship after relationship. Love is about overcoming ones own destructive nature, reverting corruption and coming back to the purity and source of life, God. I can already see the zealous projecting their religious limiting beliefs. Go read between the lines of material from Alan Watts, Tao, Buddhism, whatever non limiting source to understand my meaning. If you don’t, you’re not looking at the bigger picture of the universe. To the offended, keep your limited beliefs to your basement virgin teen friends or German cross-fit engineering circle jerk buddies. I used to be an Atheist, it’s plain dumb stupid to deny life.

    Love is sharing life with the person who in an infinite amount of planets, realities and dimensions would still be the one person you would fight tooth and nail for and move mountains for to be with forever, she, the same.

    To condescend in your material that readers are probably not the type to be able to cultivate this relationship is testimony to your lack of intellectual integrity. Socrates wants you and your readers to understand his method of questioning. You go through your entire life fucking women, and making money, watching the world burn. By the end of it, you will realize whether you contributed or exploited this planet and then it will be over as return back to the source of life.

    You get what you put out. If you subconsciously believe real women don’t exist, you filter your world and attract something else and manifest something different whenever you are with a woman. You become the male counterpart to the false feminist. Repeat and rinse.

    If you integrate the qualities of an upstanding, courageous, out come independent Alpha male 9000.00 (lol) who leads and shows his appreciation to his significant other in the ways she wants, you will never need to worry. She will faithfully love you and support you in your mission till the end of time.

    If you settle for some 20 year old later in life, can you respect and honor her in the same way you would have if you spent your life with someone whom you built a lifetime of experiences and shared mutual love with? To me it seems like a lot of lonely guys are justifying and mocking others for doing something they cant’t do or fathom themselves.

    If I only think if me, I, my ego and what I want, I am not enough until I gain X, Y, Z, and if I take advantage of you because I’m craftier than you, than I contribute to the pool of collective suicide. I don’t want that, I want to work towards the pool of collective evolution where whats good for you is good for me for the benefit of sustainable living.

    Caleb you know about Natural Law, you claim to be a nerd at heart. You know of Cassandra in Doctor Who. Why are you rejecting humanity and objective universal truth? The fascist self declared psychotic blood line families are at war with everyone setting up false flag attacks while raping the planet. I know we all need to make a living, but at what point is it enough to be able to turn to the elephant in the room?

    Why watch from the sidelines as they continue to burn, destroy, enslave us with debt, indoctrinate us, including your readers, into submission? The fascists are shitting themselves because people are figuring this all out themselves, and the minority is growing into the majority. Is it not right to stand up against oppression and give back to the planet that gave you and I the privilege to fuck, love, play?

  • hey hey
    Posted at 06:25 am, 19th February 2016

    Alan the Disney man. You are hero dude. The universe is cruel, life is cruel and none of these things will matter in some million years. So all you have to do is make the most from the life you are given.
    BD is in fact helping people out for free. You dont pay any of the advices he is giving. Yes it is marketing ploy for people who want to go hardcore and help themselves 100% but even that it is about helping not destroying.
    I lost my brother due to his strong monogamy beliefs, he was very succesful but really destoyed his life in some parts believing these Disney fantasies. I just couldn’t believe great men would crumble in front of one pussy. Oh I just hoped he was alive to show him this blog and understand that all of that was a lie and what he was capable of.
    How is BD watching from the sidelines when he says repeatedly that he wants help the 5% of men who are smart enough to help themselves? This is giving, giving to those who want to. The majority of people are dumb unfortunately and nobody can help them. At least BD is offering something.
    Hawkings said if we don’t find another planet to inhabit we are doomed as species. Do you think the majority listens to him or even cares? People burn because they are lazy to get out of the fire. And even when some men tell them fire is dangerous they still want to burn.

  • Tin Man
    Posted at 07:46 am, 19th February 2016

    I once read a quote from a Nazi Concentration Camp survivor, when asked “why didn’t you just leave?” … and her answer was “Because we owned a piano.”    Think about that for a second – and this is not about an answer from a woman (it just happened to be a woman answering), this is about an attitude – it is that her family, even knowing (not just suspecting, but knowing) what was going on around them, chose to stay rather than sneak out, move away, get their kids to England or where ever — they stayed because they owned a piano, it had been in their family for years, and they just couldn’t leave it behind.

    A fucking piano!!  Really!!

    And then I thought about how many pianos each of us have in our lives.  They may be things, people, beliefs – whatever they are, they are keeping us “here” – even though we see what’s going on around us – we know something “might” happen (in reality, it probably will) that will devastate our lives.  But we can’t do anything because of that damned piano.

    So @Alan, keep your piano – I’ve given mine up, hell, I figure there’s another one down the road someplace – as you said, we are all consumers at heart anyway.  OH and BTW, Maria Shriver (age 60) wasn’t that good looking to start with, she chooses to look like she does – because she’s got the money to look however she wants to.  Age is a nasty bitch to women.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:59 am, 19th February 2016

    Dear Blackdragon, you’ve stated some facts I have a problem with, yet cannot refute, so I’m going to do the next best thing and make up stuff in an attempt to make you look bad. I realize that’s pathetic, but being really upset that’s my only recourse.

    First,  I’m going to insult all of your readers, and say that anyone dumb enough to listen to your advice must be desperate and stupid (even though I know the exact opposite is true).

    Next, I’m going to imply that you’re a shitty human being by not helping to prevent a catastrophe that has already occurred and cannot be prevented. I’m also going to lie by implying that this catastrophe is a little bit your fault, even though it happened many years before you started this blog.

    Then I’m going to lie yet again, and state that your idols are Hollywood actors, when I know for a fact they’re actually self-made businessmen.

    Then, as I keep talking, I’m going to completely lose my mind and spout all kinds of meaningless false Disney about god and love and the gospel and stuff. My false Societal Programming has completely dominated my mind and it bothers me deeply you haven’t been affected by it as well. Please join me in my delusions. Please! So I can feel better. Thank you.

    Lastly, I’m going to lie yet again, and accuse you of sitting on the sidelines, even though you have personally helped literally thousands of people over the last 20 years improve their businesses, their incomes, and their relationship lives. That really bothers me, since clearly you have helped more people than I have.


    Random Right-Wing Religious Internet Troll

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 08:01 am, 19th February 2016


    The societal programming is strong in you.  BD and guys like him are trying to help guys become better men in general.  We as men don’t owe the world a damn thing though and should be free t live the life we choose.  That being said, no one here is saying to inflict damage onto the world.  There are plenty of scammers, thieves, criminals, and other assorted baddies out there actively trying to hurt people and the world.  All these kinds of blogs are trying to do is help men live in reality and not a fantasy world.   There isn’t one end all be all way to live-we are exploring other new possible solutions for long term happiness.  I pick up that you are quite religious now which can also bring a lot of guilt and shame into your mind just for following your natural desires.

    The decline in this world started long ago and guys like BD are just trying to help men navigate and make the best of it. Insulting us as the readers and him is weak. This site provides many facts and real life stats to back up what he’s saying. I’m not seeing any of that in your diatribe.

  • Kryptokate
    Posted at 03:16 pm, 19th February 2016

    @ Kaminsky   No. First of all, what you hear on the internet about women being all set up after a divorce is totally exaggerated. Unless the couple were millionaires beforehand, she is going to take a huge nosedive in lifestyle afterwards, if she doesn’t work. Let’s say the guy makes $100k a year, they can have a pretty good life living in a single household together. But $100k a year to support two households is not going to work. Either she’ll have to downsize out of her house and into an apartment, or she’ll have to start working, but two households simply cost way more than one, so everyone takes a hit unless they have a lot of money.

    Second, the states vary a lot by whether they award alimony, how much, and for how long. In a few states it basically doesn’t exist (and this is where all states will be heading eventually). In others she can get long-term alimony, but if the guy doesn’t make quite a lot of money that isn’t going to sustain her lifestyle. I live in an alimony state, and I’ve still never seen a non-working spouse who didn’t have to get a job after a divorce. And guess what kind of job is available to someone who hasn’t worked in 10 years? Cashier at Target. My local Target is literally full of middle-aged divorced white ladies who clearly didn’t work for most of their lives. That’s a huge step down in status.  I don’t think any states have permanent alimony anymore, though I could be wrong about that. The alimony laws are all old and were enacted in a time when women couldn’t support themselves…they’re slowly being reworked to be uniform among the states and based on short-term formulas that apply regardless of gender.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:34 pm, 19th February 2016

    Ah Alan:

    Only a Sith lord deals with absolutes.

    You watch way too much Star Wars.

    The individual ego, the excessive desire and consumption for resources will be the end of humanity.

    This is Marxist garbage.

    When you look in the mirror you tell yourself I’m not apart of what’s going on in the world, whilst you use the same tactics to influence impressionable, desperate, dumb, short sighted boys that the bankers do.

    I’d be shocked if there are any teenage boys here.

    You are unwittingly helping the fall of mankind

    No, that would be you with your anti-individualistic and pro-communist views of “collectivism.” You do realize that stripping people of their individuality and brainwashing them into believing that they are just cells in a collective machine is what every tyrant and totalitarian philosophy in human history has promoted as the only morally acceptable mindset, right? Dude, disregarding your own self is the beginning of tyranny. They tried that in the old Soviet Union most recently. In North Korea, they tell people they are selfish pigs if they want more than a handful of dirty rice every day.

    It is you who is contributing to the destruction of humankind. After the elites use you to breakdown individual selfishness and promote an ideology of absolute submission to the State, they will then put you against a brick wall and shoot you in the head. That’s what happened to hippie idealists like you in the Soviet Union.

     What kind of American are you? What kind of human being are you?

    The kind who is too selfish to ever be enslaved.

     chubby greedy ass advocating hopelessness and ego over collective consciousness.

    More Star Wars style Communism! Dude, stop blowing George Lucas. That’s all New Age fiction, partially funded by the CIA in order to get us to “live in the now” while they play chess with the future. Lucas is a paid shill.

    Arnold is a boy.

    A “boy” who moved to a foreign country, learned the language, became the top bodybuilder in the world, then the highest paid and most successful actor in the world, married into the Kennedy family, and was successfully elected as governor of the most populated state in the country (twice), while still having the energy to maintain an open marriage. What the fuck have you done lately, Mr. Man?

    A man honors his words, his vows, makes sacrifices. Before Arnold, Maria was healthy, happy. After Arnold, the poor thing looked like she needed a long over due break.

    He never broke any vows. The open marriage concept was understood by her and him.

    He is just another clumsy Hollywood, political sold out prostitute worshiping money, fame, power.

    Go ahead then: Move to China, learn the language, and do what he did. Let’s see how un-clumsy you are.

    The real heroes are the ones who sacrifice for others,

    You mean, unpaid slaves. No, those are Marxist chumps who infantilize other adults who are too lazy to make their own sacrifices for themselves, so they need another adult to do it for them. You’re talking about slaves (heroes) helping losers (victims – of their own stupidity).

    Uncommonly do we hear about the ones who throw themselves over children in the line of fire,

    Firefighters do this because they are rightfully compensated for it. Tell a firefighter or a cop to work for free and see what happens.

    who invest energies into selfless altruism,

    Selfless altruism – absolute submission to the State (or society) via the denial of self – is responsible for the existence of every single totalitarian nation and ideology in the history of the world (from Nazi Germany to Soviet Russia, from New Age trash to Star Wars).

    What is sad here Alan is that evil sociopaths love men like you. The elites want everyone to be like you so that everyone feels guilty for being selfish, thus paralyzing the entire population with guilt-induced poverty and “collective love” while the elites are the only selfish ones left and laugh at their fully altruistic poverty-stricken slaves (like you) who think they are morally superior to the elites for being poverty-stricken slaves, and are therefore happy with their slavery. It’s a con game, Alan, and you have fully bought into it. 

    The last thing evil sociopaths want is high self esteem individualists, which you hate just like the elites want you to.

    who give their lives for humanity

    “Humanity” is an abstract fiction designed to ease conversation. In reality, there are only individuals. When you think you’re “sacrificing for humanity” you’re really sacrificing for the State, or some tyrant who wants to be happy instead of you.

    Maybe not everyone is mature enough to work on themselves and look inwardly at the nature of thought and of their mind.

    You watch too much Star Wars and smoke too much weed. Do something more constructive.

    To the offended, keep your limited beliefs to your basement virgin teen friends

    The only one talking here like a naïve virgin living in his parent’s basement is you.

    Love is sharing life with the person who in an infinite amount of planets, realities and dimensions would still be the one person you would fight tooth and nail for and move mountains for to be with forever, she, the same.

    Alright, now it is time for you to admit it: You’re a virgin, aren’t you? Say it! It’s alright, son. Just admit it. Cry if you have to. But admit reality.

    You get what you put out. If you subconsciously believe real women don’t exist, you filter your world and attract something else and manifest something different whenever you are with a woman. You become the male counterpart to the false feminist. Repeat and rinse.

    Stop with the Star Wars New Age mumbo-jumbo!

    If you integrate the qualities of an upstanding, courageous, out come independent Alpha male 9000.00 (lol) who leads and shows his appreciation to his significant other in the ways she wants, you will never need to worry. She will faithfully love you and support you in your mission till the end of time.


    You really got the Disney monogamy bug, don’t you? I’m still waiting for you to admit that you’re a virgin.

    If you settle for some 20 year old later in life, can you respect and honor her in the same way you would have if you spent your life with someone whom you built a lifetime of experiences and shared mutual love with?

    There is no settling for anyone. All relationships are temporary. The more temporary, the more respectful. Familiarity breeds contempt. A Disney man and a Disney woman who spent their whole lives together don’t honor each other. They hate each other, feel imprisoned, regularly cheat on each other and pray for their partner to die! There’s your stupid “altruistic collective consciousness.”

    To me it seems like a lot of lonely guys

    The last thing we are is lonely. This is projection. The only people who ever tell me that I’m going to die sad and lonely is sad and lonely nice guy virgins, sad and lonely obese pigs who eat chocolate cake while chanting “someday my prince will come,” and gold diggers who get pissed that I don’t follow their agenda and will probably die poor and lonely with cats themselves. Seriously, no one else ever accuses me of being lonely.

    are justifying and mocking others for doing something they cant’t do or fathom themselves.

    But they don’t do it. They die sad and lonely, whereas men like us die happy and in abundance.

    If I only think if me, I, my ego and what I want, I am not enough until I gain X, Y, Z, and if I take advantage of you because I’m craftier than you, than I contribute to the pool of collective suicide. I don’t want that, I want to work towards the pool of collective evolution where whats good for you is good for me for the benefit of sustainable living.

    You are Hitler’s wet dream. And Stalin’s. And the bankers.’

    The fascist self declared psychotic blood line families are at war with everyone setting up false flag attacks while raping the planet.

    And you help them by being filled with guilt and thinking that it’s selfish and evil to compete with them. You think it’s best to just stay poor and deny yourself, just like the fascists want! Good job! You will make an excellent drone “for the good of humanity.” The bankers will promote you as the gold standard of morality while they laugh and laugh and laugh….

    Why watch from the sidelines as they continue to burn, destroy, enslave us with debt, indoctrinate us, including your readers, into submission?

    Submission and altruism are the only things you have precisely preached thus far! You are doing their work for them perfectly! Open your eyes!

    The fascists are shitting themselves because people are figuring this all out themselves,

    No Alan! The fascists are certainly not shitting themselves. They are laughing and living comfortably, secure in the knowledge that people like you will stop other people from living comfortably and instead become a bunch of selfless masochists living in filth, thus taking away all of their competition, while those selfless masochists living in filth will take satisfaction and moral pride in their filth because “being rich is evil” thus preventing future revolutions!

    You are the biggest supporter of the banking elites, Alan! And you don’t even know it!

    and the minority is growing into the majority. Is it not right to stand up against oppression and give back to the planet that gave you and I the privilege to fuck, love, and play

    Oppression is what you preach. The oppression of guilt and shame is more powerful than a nuclear bomb! Some tyrants oppress with military tanks. Some oppress with money. You try to oppress and enslave us with guilt and shame.

    Being happy is what allows you to help others from a position of strength. You can’t help others effectively if you’re miserable, except out of oppressive guilt. Being happy is what puts you in a position to make others happy, and those others are morally required to compensate you.

    You have a lot to learn, Alan. You need to open your eyes to how you are currently a puppet of the elites with what you preach. Or keep watching Star Wars, keep holding on to your virginity, and keep fantasizing about your New Age Marxist collective consciousness horseshit, while the elites laugh behind your back and promote you to the masses.

    The choice is yours. But when you’re still a virgin you 50s don’t expect anyone to altruistically sacrifice for you just because you made the wrong choice now!






  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:50 pm, 19th February 2016

    The choice is yours. But when you’re still a virgin in your 50s don’t expect anyone to altruistically sacrifice for you just because you made the wrong choice now!

    Fixed last line.


  • Kaminsky
    Posted at 01:27 am, 20th February 2016

    Lately, Trad-Cons have been really getting quite loud, it seems. It could be that the redpill is getting a little bit more well-known and the immediate, knee-jerk reaction from Trad-Cons is to double down hard on their allegiance to the FI/Disney juggernaut. A redpiller’s reality offers them a ‘could have been’ and there is no room for a even a tiny sliver of ‘could have been.’ The regret is a sleeping dragon in their mind (not to be confused with their wife).

    Anyway,  good ol’ feminists and their zany, childish shit just seems like a harmless memory in comparison to how loathsome Trad-Cons are to me right now.  They KNOW how bad they fucked up their life (at least on some level) and their only play is to make sure that other guys do it too. Horrible.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:04 am, 20th February 2016

    Lately, Trad-Cons have been really getting quite loud, it seems.

    Yes. There are many reasons for this, and I have a lot to say about it, but I don’t want to spout off about it in a comment. I’ll be writing a post about this soon, but I want to give it a lot of thought before I put it out there.

  • Fraser Orr
    Posted at 04:36 pm, 20th February 2016

    BD, one of the things you might comment on in this post about “trad cons” would be the brouhaha over the Roosh thing. Don’t get me wrong, I think Roosh is a bit of a douche (in fact his name even rhymes with it…) but I think it is illustrative nonetheless of what happens when the mass media “discovers” the men’s movement. Somehow his views (and an obviously ironic article) are interpreted as if he is a supporter of rape? Ridiculous.

    I was originally born in Glasgow (though I now live in the United States), and some of the ridiculous things the Glaswegians said when somehow Glasgow became the center of the controversy were just laughably ignorant. It is one of those “this vaguely fits some preconceived notions I have so I’ll assume the worst and not bother to actually find out the facts” type of meme.

    I find it hard to believe your readers haven’t heard of this matter before, but in case they were too busy advancing their missions rather than keeping up on the mainstream media nonsense, here is a link:


    Oh and kudos to him because he took it like a man and set up a press conference, at which he wiped the floor with the pathetic press, despite the fact that his body language showed that he is a weak public speaker.

    Press conference is here:



  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 07:50 pm, 20th February 2016

    Yeah its such bullshit that women are supposedly living like queens off alimony and child support. Mine wouldn’t even be enough to cover my rent and we had 5 kids together. My state almost never gives out alimony, though I do get some. Only reason I was able to is because I was a stay at home mom for over a decade and because the amount my ex was being asked to pay in child support was so ridiculously low that they were trying to compensate.

    My lawyer said they never give alimony, but they gave it to me because my marriage was more old school, I homeschooled and was still nursing a baby and had several small children. My ex also didn’t show up in court so they were like, this guy obviously could care less.

    Wanna know how much I get a month in alimony? $160. Woohoo, Im really living like a queen off that!! Time to party it up!! I might even be able to afford, like, half a weeks groceries for us!! Or, maybe the gas bill. Wonder which I should choose?

    I have to laugh at Kryptokate’s illustration of each person “only” getting $50,000 because where I live that would go a long way!! I agree with what she is saying, just where I live, that much money for a single mom would be fantastic!!

    Ive never heard of anyone in real life getting that much money in a divorce. Maybe in Hollywood. Heck, one of the guys I know has to pay child support to three different women. He’s not living like a king or anything but he’s not that bad off either.

  • Alan
    Posted at 04:00 am, 24th February 2016

    Thanks for being patient with the reply!


    Hey bud, when we die nothing happens. As an exercise of imagination, imagine there’s no afterlife, heaven or hell. When we die, we as energy convert into something else, or return to the source of life, or the big bang. What if we’re here to learn a lesson? What if we reincarnate on different bodies or planes depending on our actions here on Earth? What if everything matters, and this will mater in a million years? What if the universe is ever evolving, depending on the actions of the universal collective over the millennial of time? Do I have empirical evidence to back this up? Read on!

    In the future when our instruments and tools are evolved we might be able to prove the existence of these powers and energies which is ancient, occult and intuitive knowledge. Besides, if people knew about this people would give less fucks about death, and charge head in into the gates of hell to destroy the powers that enslave us on this planet!

    Hey, don’t knock it till you read this post and entertain the idea. Only a few hundred years ago the establishment was advocating Earth as flat and as the center of the universe. The point here is, use that noggin and exercise the ability to imagine, which Einstein himself advocates as being the highest form of intelligence.

    Also, think about it. If everyone thinks this way, people won’t be scared to die, thus stand up to the oppressors, because what is there to be afraid of? Death becomes a passage into something else, a journey into a new beginning.

    What do you think of Astrology? On one end you have naive people believing everything, on the other, skeptics of scoff and laugh at the stupidity of those who follow it. But history tells us people laugh or condemn at what they don’t understand. Scientists for example saying the world was round during the days of religious inquisition.

    I always advocate a balance between skepticism and an open mind. If I’m wrong I’d like to know why the commentator thinks so, we’re all striving for truth. Renown astronomer, mathematician Johannes Kepler and founder of analytical psychology Carl Jung both profess to the macro and microcosm of the universe. They advocate astrology, they present empirical data to link planetary alignment can play a part in the grand scheme of things. Just think of gravity; we can’t see it, don’t need to believe in it, but it’s common knowledge after hundreds of years of proof. One can only imagine the years preceding this discovery how individuals thought otherwise and defended their positions with such incorrect belief. That’s not to say astrology or what I just described defines someone, it plays a part, and the individual is always able to exercise free will through natural laws to over whatever constraints or tendencies.

    Sorry about hearing about your brother. For any consolation he’s still here in some form in the universe. Even if it’s simply light that has yet to be exposed in the distant areas of the universe, he still exists somewhere in time and in space. Even then, energy never dies. It’s only converted. Can you imagine the possibilities of alternate planes of dimensions/ consciousness?  Fuck, the material from progressive scientists give me multiple intellectual boners. I love this shit.

    Hawkings is an educated smart man, but even he can be prone to the limits of belief. He advocates a stance on atheism. Language can play such an important part, especially to impressionable and literal. Where will peoples compass of morality deride from if the standard decides it’s a matter of subjectivity?Anarchy! The result of what we see here on this planet today! Wars, everyday conflicts, unsustainable living and global warming to say the least!

    The idea of no God contrasts the other extreme where God is a psychotic physical entity casting judgmental from above. To me, both are the same agendas perpetuating divide and conquer of segregation among the population to maintain infighting. I really wouldn’t be surprised to find that this man along with others on either end of the spectrum unwittingly push the agenda by those who control exposure and media. Whether he’s aware of it or not is up for debate, without proof, we can safely conclude the guy genuinely wants people interested in science, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re wondering what’s wrong with me, you should know by now that I’ve seen some shit, so I like to question everything. Perception is not my reality.

    Regarding this topic, look into the mainstream scientific fields as an example. Talk to a researcher at your local tertiary educational institution. You have to play by the rules of the higher ups and there’s no questioning, like in the military. Of course sometimes they get to research what they want, but there are many cases of where anything that is directly opposed to the status quo is buried. Don’t believe me? Research! Sites like Wikileaks are there for reasons. It’s about avoiding extremes, hurting other people, and being in balance and in harmony with objective truth as proven through the scientific methods, and following an open mind and healthy rational stream lined imagination to possible outcomes.

    @ Tin Man! I loved you in that movie. Why you didn’t present yourself as Dorothy’s own personalized giant metallic dildo is beyond me! Good stuff you’re on here!

    I have some pianos of mine to smash and destroy, cheers. Btw, did you see Shriver before? She was voluptuous. Stress can be a bitch, no amount of money can avert that motherfucker. The fact she complied with peer pressure, akin to the same amount society does to the masses, to be a good Kennedy, daughter, sister, kills me. Well, people play their own part in accountability.

    @ Blackdragon;

    Thanks Caleb for presenting this free information, I’ve come across your material since 2012 and been on the forums since Masf. Irregardless, I don’t easily trust those who’s objectives are money making. I always strive to strike a healthy balance for open mindedness. Irregardless, I could have approached my callous communication with a little more consideration and grace. Sorry. For consolation, I’ve openly talked about your material on a neutral and maybe even slightly biased manner in online forums; especially the 2.0 book through other online mediums including social networking sites and the thing we call real life. I’m here because when you suggested you based some of your codes on natural law, I came across material that suggested sex, money, power, etc and the ego is precisely what the powers that be want people to follow, lest they actually turn their attention to they themselves with loaded lock and barrels. As you advocating the things that you do in the manner you communicate them with, can you blame me for thinking the way I do about this all?

    You indeed have stated facts, thanks. I ask that we keep a balance of an open mind and skepticism. Today science says it’s hardwired biology. There’s empirical data that correlates between the mind and body. Physically, cells can change over time depending on the state of mind. Tomorrow, science might expand its stance outside the box with empirical data not yet accumulated and evolve its conclusions. The beauty of fucking life! The universe has no direction, it’s simply evolving following natural laws inherent in itself, coupled with our own input here on Earth. When everybody finally evolves and gets on the same page, we recognize the problems here, we set out to solve them, we then reconstruct this planet back to a sustainable condition, we then colonize other planets in our solar system, we extend the life of our sun, and we rinse and repeat with solar system after another. Imagine the evolution of collective energy being channeled in the highest frequencies, the powers and energies that are constantly in play whether the majority deny or accept them.

    I want people to think for themselves and look at every angle on an idea. Ultimately I want everyone rising to their governments and local central banks for global revolution. The pursuit of sex, money, and the escapism of sports, games, parties, drugs, movies, etc. redirects people on Earth for what’s truly important. Giving a sustainable future for our children, and theirs! This is why I accuse us for unwittingly furthering the agenda of the 1% when I read material on how humanity is fucked or when we verbalize it.

    Simply entertaining the idea we’re fucked and watering that seed limits us to any other possibility from there on out; where actions and destinies follow. So why not entertain the idea everything will work out and allow our words and actions to align with that destiny? Why not think positively? Why not do the best we can? Why not believe in the process? Are we afraid of death? What’s there to be afraid of once we understand energy converts, it’s a journey? Are we afraid of scarcity? What’s there to be scarce about once we fulfill our needs and understand we take nothing to the grave?

    Also you mention that a catastrophe has already occurred which cannot be prevented. You’re talking about the economic crisis meltdown occurring in the U.S.A., and possibly Western World right? I hope you have the time to answer this question or at least post a link or source to because it is something I am innately interested in. Despite plans being carried out, they’re still being carried out by lackeys, which are people like us. Revolution is possible when people put up their hands, say enough is enough and stare death down the barrel, which becomes easier with the right knowledge, education.


    You say we don’t owe the world a damn thing. Well, it gave us life so there’s that! Many Indigenous people of the world understood the wisdom and mindset of sustainability. The cancer on this planet is produced through our mindset. We produce the symptoms on this planet, the outer comes from the inner. The more people who place faith to give more than what they take, the better! I’m referring to entities that inconsiderately rake in profits like BP. Those entities are supported by people like us. We’re collectively allowing these entities to play leech and act irresponsibly on this planet by watching them on the sidelines. What if we the majority collectively decided to individually hold themselves to higher standards and call it a day by forcing these parasites to hold accountability?

    We owe our children the same opportunities and environment we received from our parents. I used to prescribe how much I didn’t want to live on this planet anymore. Now, I want others who don’t care about sustainability to not live on this planet anymore. I digress! It’s true what you say with everything, the decline happened a long time ago. I just want everyone to say enough is enough and exercise their power of free will, to be optimistic and to take action! It only takes 30 – 100 people to spark a movement or come up with a solid solution. The individual has to believe that despite what has occurred in past over millions of years, something different can happen now. Imagine people all over the globe simultaneously making conscious efforts to unite against those that seek to ruthlessly enslave us and wipe us from the face of the planet? Can that be possible with the mindset we don’t owe the world a damn thing? Maybe I’m misconstruing your comment sir.

    Also, I have guilt and shame associated with money that I need to eliminate, my pianos. If I had more money I could do greater things, raising awareness, inspiring or motivating others, all in style.

    @Jack Outside Box;

    No, fuck I wish I watched Star Wars with the same amount of vigor I advocate its principles. I need to go see the new movie! There needs to be a healthy balance of the Marxism, with the ego. I advocate people an indoctrination of sustainable pragmatic values, and critical thinking, to minimize hoodwinking as much as naturally possible. That’s much better than what’s currently being educated universally everywhere. It’s great to be a balance selfishness, and selflessness, any extreme either side brings about the imbalance we see today on Earth. You have a point here and thanks for highlighting it. I’m riding on a bit too much on the selfless side of things here so I’ll realign and embrace that selfish side of me for a nice healthy balance!

    Please source George Lucas as a shill, I love to read and learn.

    Arnold has accomplished allot and is a man in those disciplines, in the areas of marriage, and sustainability he’s a boy! He could have handled his infidelities with a little more discretion. Also, if he put himself in the shoes of Maria the whole time, would he have fucked other women? Would he let alone have been blatant about the infidelity. No one is perfect nor an idol to worship old boy! Chinese is harder to learn than English, I will be doing that in future too! Can’t wait! I refer to clumsy in how he handled his sexual urges, not his language. I must exercise a greater handle on my communication skills lest they be openly interpreted! Admittedly I oversee his business acumen to which Caleb testifies, point to where it’s deserved.

    When I mention real heroes, I mean Aitzaz Hasan. Imagine if everybody was like this man indoctrinated with similar values. Everyone would have the steel like balls to turn their attention to the real monsters instigating the mess on the planet. The first problem people needs to deal with is resolving the conflict in the Middle East. We need to prevent the establishment from using Judaism and it’s followers as meat shield scapegoats in creating the next big Empire, the Greater State of Israel while 1984 and various world wars occur. It’s indisputable! When people expand their minds to include the totality of the occult secrets of the universe, and the human psyche, with which these monsters have extensive knowledge on, the logical and natural conclusion is uniting.

    Lol, asking cops and firefighters to work for free, what are you talking about man, please elaborate sir. Altruism, submission to natural, universal law. Laws – as obvious as gravity, and as subtle as Quantum entanglement (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement – Just check out the first two paragraphs if you’re short on time: “ It thus appears that one particle of an entangled pair “knows” what measurement has been performed on the other, and with what outcome, even though there is no known means for such information to be communicated between the particles, which at the time of measurement may be separated by arbitrarily large distances.”) – that are have been here since the beginning of the big bang, and will continue to play forever irregardless of whether we recognize them, believe in them, or align with them.

    Use your imagination, the empirical data compiled on Quantum entanglement opens the dialogue on various phenomena such as the claims of telepathy. Do some research on occult, natural law, it truly is fascinating. Still skeptical? Look into it as as an intellectual exercise to entertain the idea of looking at things differently, even if only for a moment. Going further outside the box and exercising genuine curiosity, It fascinates me to think that potential extra terrestrial life is also bound by universal laws, whether they follow or ignore them, don’t you? What about possible evolved extra dimensional beings in the fourth, fifth and higher dimensions?

    In the same way Masons (insert label for establishment) climb the ladder by passing tests that slowly erode their humanity on unimaginable utter scum like proportions, can souls climb the dimensional (for lack of better word) ladder after passing tests in life to higher planes by fulfilling spiritual (for lack of a better word) missions, after death? Brian Tracy, one of Calebs utter heroes, entertains a very watered down theory of mental exercise in his book Maximum Achievement. Could this explain the other phenomena of people experiencing contacts with spirits and ghosts also? Yes, there’s probably allot of bullshitting liars or naive impressionable people out there, but should we be blanketing all claims with the same disbelief? Could there be a very real possibility in at least 1% of all claims?

    Science and its methods are all about the pursuit of curiosity, questioning everything including the current societal status quos! The possibilities are extremely interesting, don’t you think? What if hypothetically speaking, as an exercise to entertain fun ideas, there was and is some kind of intergalactic or dimensional federation that watches over humanity and looks out for corruption in the same way conservationists look over other species considered inferior, or how like biologists with germs and disease?

    It’s so fucking awesome! It’s not a question of being morally superior, it’s an exercise of evolving facts and or ideas, a matter of being free from the constraints indoctrinated throughout society, peers and its institutions in mainstream religion, spirituality, science and educational schools to say the least! No one, not you, I, Caleb, anyone here is completely wrong or right, it’s a matter of learning more and knowing more. When the mind stretches it can never revert back to its original state of being! Can you imagine if everyone knew or entertained these ideas? Fuck the bankers, let alone any threat from anything, anywhere. Barely a thing could at best make a dent on the well being of universal collective consciousness! It’s the only natural conclusion once the individual circumvents the limitations imposed unto him or her by society and its dependents.

    The idea of having one definitive soul mate is an idea up for speculation and mostly nothing but an idea I entertain for fun. Maybe one can have this connection with anyone, maybe not. Still, one can accept the idea of connection despite distance, like affection or love through quantum entanglement. We’re all energy, atoms at the end of the day. I digress here to rebut your statement, I’ve made love to and coldly fucked an amount of women the average person would choke dicks on, and will continue to do so until I call it a day! I entertain this idea of soul mates as a social experiment because apart from two weeks in my life, I’ve never committed to being monogamous and a little Disney sounds a little nice for a change! I can imagine couples saying what you subscribe to, whom breed contempt over each other. I’ve also come across couples with unimaginable consideration and love for each other, cultivated over decades of bonding. That to me is sweet, as sweet as nectar pussy, CAN YOU SAY FUNKY DUCKY SPACE MOUNTAIN THE MACHO MAN IS THE AYATOLLAH LOYOLA BAYBEH? OOOOOOOH YEEEAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!

    I’d like to integrate the best qualities of everyone here including Caleb so we can hold ground against those that seek us, our children and the innocent and weak total annihilation. If I can learn a thing or two here then spank my monkey, I’ll absorb information and change my views for universal truth FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE BAYBEH! The more leaders and doers the better, the more equipped people are, the better.

    Thank you for pointing out the oppression of guilt and shame being a force more powerful than the nuclear bomb! I completely forgot about these factors, totally let that slip under the radar, I have to seriously work on this.

    @Fraser Orr;

    THANK YOU! I once heard of Roosh ages ago, I didn’t think much of him. I didn’t research him, so when he did the world tour I got swept with everybody crying foul and rape. I didn’t know what to make of it, I thought everybody was right of the things they were accusing him of. Cheers for reminding me to prize intellectual integrity and for sharing these links.

    Good day, would love to read Calebs trademarked fleshed reply giving serious consideration to the possibilities of what may be. I understand reading texts like these are far and few between, and the latest post doesn’t cover what is being presented here.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:30 pm, 24th February 2016

    Also you mention that a catastrophe has already occurred which cannot be prevented. You’re talking about the economic crisis meltdown occurring in the U.S.A., and possibly Western World right?

    Yes, as well as the cultural meltdown of the West. It’s already happened, and it can’t be turned around unless someone like Elon Musk invents something that radically changes the world. Other than that, the West is fucked, regardless of what you do, how angry you get, who you vote for, or how many people you tell to revolt.

    Thus, forget about society (which killed itself) and instead focus on building a life of awesomeness and independence, so that the collapsing west doesn’t affect you or your loved ones.

    Or, be an angry right-winger and keep fighting a battle that has already been lost. The choice is yours.

    I hope you have the time to answer this question or at least post a link or source to because it is something I am innately interested in.

    I’ve written about this in many extensive articles over at the Caleb Jones Blog and will continue to do so. Go take a look. (You won’t like what you read though.)

    Revolution is possible when people put up their hands, say enough is enough and stare death down the barrel, which becomes easier with the right knowledge, education.

    Which is exactly why it’s never going to happen. Both right-wingers and leftists have been screaming about revolution for decades. Yet it hasn’t happened, and people are less likely to revolt than they were years ago. One of my favorite songs was “Revolution Calling” by Queensryche, calling for revolution just like you and your friends are, and that was 30 fucking years ago. Did a revolution happen? Nope. Westerners are even fatter and lazier and more complacent.

    A revolution will never happen. The fat, privileged, lazy, deluded population of the West are way past that. Hoping for these people to revolt is pure Disney.

    But if you want to cling to Disney, you’re more than welcome.

    I’ll be over here being happy. 🙂

  • Alan
    Posted at 04:55 pm, 24th February 2016

    Thanks for replying! I’m blaring this video clip and I fucking love it! I need a helicopter hat, my homeboy Skeletor, and some cocaine and hookers! OOOOOOOOOOH YEEEEEEAAAAH!!!!

    The invention we’re waiting for is already here, the internet!

    The internet is the medium which can culturally affect users, especially the impressionable youth! Through video games, forums, and various shady image board sites. The fat, lazy and complacent die off, while the new generations step up to the handles.

    The culture attack is something that needs to be addressed in order for the revolution to occur. No news to us, people buy the person first before buying any idea, service or product. Thus, we need to turn our attention to ourselves before we even think of leading others by example.

    Intelligent and aware Hollywood celebrities can’t blatantly advocate much, given their dependent on the system. Cultural internet and video game celebrities aren’t so heavily dependent. Hypothetically speaking, if we can harness their stroke and fan base in progressively educating their audiences and creating more leaders, the cool revolution will have its day. It’s already occurring, I can’t even link all the revolts occurring globally, daily, swept under the rugs by media.

    Also, placing emphasis on an someone outside of ourselves like Elon Musk, or anyone else, shifts responsibility away from us, where the problem lies! It’s not a job for one man, it’s a job for everybody. Everybody has the same mental capacity to invent like Elon and every other man and woman before and around him! The key is overcoming self limiting beliefs and educating ourselves for the accumulation of more knowledge, which most of us have access to.

    Thanks, I also need to be working simultaneously to create total and utter independence from everything for I and my loved ones. I look forward to diving in your material later, I’m sure you’ll love it too, considering everyone can use an extra cent in advertising revenue! 🙂

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:28 pm, 24th February 2016

    The internet that has made Westerners more lazy and complacent, not less. But have fun trying to save the world, Mr. Collectivist. I’m sure you and your buddies will turn it all around.

  • Kaminsky
    Posted at 05:56 pm, 24th February 2016

    The internet has only hastened the decline. Mediocre people used to just go about their business. Being ‘political’ or ‘informed’ required picking up a newspaper and reading something that doesn’t beep, buzz, light up, flicker and throw tits at you. Just dead paper. Dead reading effort, which was way too much for 85% of the world.  With the internet, people can take one hour to click their way to what used to be a decades’ payload of angst, righteous indignation and pseudo-heroism. One hour.  Now bring on the next hour. This has led identity politics, feminism etc to reach levels of insanity beyond imagining. Because people are clicking it into being. The internet has ratcheted up the speed of the decline a hundred fold. I’m amazed that you think it’s any kind of answer.

    Of course a small percentage have been smart enough to use it wisely (Red Pill/manosphere). But even wise users have only been exposed to the truths of how screwed they are too.

  • Alan
    Posted at 09:24 pm, 24th February 2016

    Thanks for the replies, if we give up and submit we will certainly adopt your attitude. Until then we follow through with what we’ve already started steadfast in our beliefs with optimism, vigor, and when it’s all said and done we’ll at least have had contributed to the idea for others to continue, and or at least join the ranks of those who can authentically say they gave it a shot. I respect too much the people who have given their lives for the idea. Caleb says he gave it a go, that’s what I want to do too.

    We know the average person will say what we’re doing is illogical considering the illusion of the men behind the curtains of the behemoth machine, but we’ve never weighed the opinions of others heavily. Besides, for anything to change in life one has to believe that despite thousands of years, something can be different today. A little madness is always required. I do this and hold myself accountable so that I can look in the mirror and in the eyes of everyone I meet on the street, including my one day to be children without a heavy conscience of what ifs on my mind, like I already am today.

  • Alan
    Posted at 09:37 pm, 24th February 2016

    Thanks again for reminding me to be selfish too, I need to financially support my one day to be children too. Just doesn’t do it much good if there’s no healthy, safe place for them or their children to prosper; love you all. 🙂

  • Alan
    Posted at 10:21 pm, 24th February 2016

    Hehe, I can’t resist sneaking this one in here too old chap, for the record I’m a libertarian utilizing Socratic questioning with an emphasis on eudaimonia and arete. We know the majority of the people on this planet deep down want what we want, peace. For the lurkers, google star children as a social experiment to exercise the imagination and mental muscles. There are more people than you think behind the shadows who are fighting the good fight, and waiting for the most opportune time to expose themselves.

  • Scott
    Posted at 06:21 pm, 25th February 2016

    “I would just offer to pay $10,000 for anyone’s wedding, and you have to pay me $20,000 back if you ever get divorced.”

    “I’m confident that at least 70% of people getting married right now will be divorced within 20 years. That’s a 40% gross profit margin using the numbers above.”

    You might want to structure the deal so that the longer they go before divorcing the more they owe.  If they go a full 19 years before divorcing your APY would only be about 3.65%. on 10k with a 20k payback. Compounding is some powerful shit. I understand this isn’t a finance blog, but I like the Idea and want in on the ground floor.

  • Brodel
    Posted at 01:58 pm, 4th May 2016

    @BlackDragon @Alan

    One Disney fairy tale couple exists: Aaron and Abby Wills.

    They met in their teens (1993), married 8 years later (2001), have two boys and are very happy.

    Aaron happens to be P-Nut from the rock band 311. Observe their facebooks, and know that it is possible, just infinitely *improbable* for the vast masses.

    So, young, tattooed, musician has alpha bro-rock reggae funk first major label album out and meets girl. Girl falls in love with boy. He travels and has 1000’s of girls ready to pounce nearly nightly, ensuring dread around every turn. Two years later, band puts out 3rd album, sells 4 million copies. MTV, radio, appearances, millions of dollars. Girl hits jackpot, sensitive midwest (Indiana) boy can give his girl the world and loves it. 6 years and 3 albums later, couple wed.

    They are currently living happily ever after in California. His one-itis fulfilled, her Disney prince now her King.



  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:26 pm, 4th May 2016

    One Disney fairy tale couple exists: Aaron and Abby Wills.

    Not until they’ve been married at least 25 years. Check back in 10 years and see if they’re still together (and happy).

    Also ask yourself if you’d bet $50,000 of your own money that he has never been sexual during the marriage with any of these “1000’s of girls.” Because I would bet against it. And I’d win.

  • Brodel
    Posted at 02:52 pm, 4th May 2016


    Touché, though they’ve not been married the whole time they have been together for nearly 23 years.

    That he got strange on the road is likely the case.

    Who knows what will happen in 10 years. Seems to me that pair bonding in the teens and growing together while being highly creative, well monied, traveled, and having fun doing what you love all the time (and being very good looking!) gave them a best chance scenario.

    The whole band is married with kids now. Fans were calling for the ousting of Nick Hexum when he went beta on the Uplifter album. Seems he’s gotten that under control…

    Have you evidence of a single Disney Fairytale family?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:00 pm, 4th May 2016

    That he got strange on the road is likely the case.

    Correct. Then it’s not a fairy tale.

    Who knows what will happen in 10 years.

    They’ll either get divorced or he’ll keep cheating on her with younger women. Either way I’m right. Long-term monogamy doesn’t work.

    Have you evidence of a single Disney Fairytale family?

    No. Fairy tales aren’t real.

  • Brodel
    Posted at 07:22 am, 5th May 2016


    It just occurred to me, I knew of a marriage that lasted over 30 years with no cheating and was happy:

    My own grandmother and stepgrandfather. They married before I was born, went until he died a couple of years ago. Super rare, and yes, they were likely low sex drive. Baptist Christians, no partying, just Southern Indiana old-school values and coupon clipping. I gotta say tho, they were nice and sweet people…

    …and I would kill myself if I had to live like that. BORING!

    My own grandfather cheated on her before they got divorced. He had girlfriends until he died, independent, business owner, eternal bachelor that I knew. Looks like I’ll be following in his footsteps.

    Main thanks I want to give you is for the confessions of a serial monogamist post. @KryptoKate IS my ex-girlfriend, to a tee. She’s about to marry a beta that has NO IDEA what he’s getting into. I will watch from afar whilst knowing the sad truth, I just hope he doesn’t kill himself when the hammer drops post contract and kiddos. “He’s a really nice guy.™”

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:52 am, 5th May 2016

    …and I would kill myself if I had to live like that. BORING!

    I know.


  • Mickey Singh
    Posted at 12:37 pm, 5th January 2017

    Hey blackdragon im going to keep this short. im 99% in about your monogamy doesnt work i pretty much believe you and thank you for teaching me at a young age im almost 20

    1) will the wife or the girl ever get bored if the husband has more options for pussy whenever he wants to? like a rich famous or good lookin dude that can get laid whenever he wants to if his wife doesnt give it, does that keep the wife from not getting bored?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:46 pm, 5th January 2017

    will the wife or the girl ever get bored if the husband has more options for pussy whenever he wants to?

    If he’s monogamous? Yes.

    If he’s nonmonogamous? Bored, no. Frustrated and leave him (LSNFTE), yes.

  • PJ Pires
    Posted at 02:14 pm, 12th October 2017

    Marriage is a artificial hell.

    Why men marry nowadays?!

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