09 Nov Trump Wins…And Nothing Significant Will Change

Bookmark this post. I’m going to make some predictions that will upset most of you, but I will be right. It will just take 5-10 years before you see it.
I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news.
-By Caleb Jones
The good news is that for the first time in my lifetime (and perhaps all of America’s 240 year history), we finally got a president who wasn’t pre-selected by the elites. I honestly didn’t think this would ever happen, and I’m happy to see it. The elites all over Washington, Hollywood, and Wall Street are now in absolute panic mode.
Good! It’s fun to watch them squirm.
I don’t like Donald Trump, because he’s corrupt as fuck and never really wanted the job, but his election makes me happy because it’s nice, very nice, to see the elites finally get a big, fat black eye for once. It’s about damn time.
It’s also good news, great news in fact, that the Lizard Queen is not president, and will now never be (due to her age). I have to admit that even I, who stopped caring about the US and the Western world about 15 years ago, was a little concerned that a criminal of her magnitude actually might be president. It’s nice to see we dodged at least one bullet.
The bad news is that in the long run, nothing will fundamentally change in America. It will stay on the path of creeping socialism, growing government, worsening economics, worsening demographics, less free speech, and an inevitable move to the left. Donald Trump, a dishonest authoritarian with zero emotional control who supports government healthcare, hates freedom of speech, and is terrified you might find out what’s in his tax returns, was elected to the presidency about 20 years too late to actually turn things around. If this was 1995, then Trump could indeed right the ship and prevent the coming collapse, but that was our last shot. I tried very hard to get Ross Perot elected back in the 90s, because back then it could have made a difference. Today…no.
Today, the car has already gone over the cliff, and there’s no stopping it at this point. Corporations are too entrenched, left-wing progressivism won the culture war over the right a long time ago, the government is far too big (and continues to grow), there’s more debt than we can ever pay off, the demographics have changed permanently for the worse (and will continue to worsen), and voters on both the right and the left have become too angry and irrational to make any significant painful but positive changes. (As just one example, our next president will be Donald fucking Trump. Haha!)
Left-wingers will continue to scream and cry in confusion and terror about what’s happened to their country. Well, boo hoo. I lost my country about 15 years ago, so how does it feel, left-wingers? Watching all the left-wing pundits break down last night and this morning has been sooooooo fun. Now it’s your turn to feel the pain, lefties. It’s so nice to actually see the left lose a major political battle, after winning so many for so long.
They will threaten to leave the country, but they’re full of shit. They don’t have the balls. It’s conservatives and libertarians who leave their countries when needed, not left-wingers. Lefties are too collectivist. (It’s also why lefties never secede from larger governments.)
Left-wingers have been saying that “Republicans created Donald Trump.” Untrue. It was you left-wingers who created him. Trump is the natural result when you spend years and years on end screaming at innocent, hardworking people about political correctness, trigger warnings, safe spaces, racism where it doesn’t exist, homophobia where it doesn’t exist, sexism and rape where it doesn’t exist, shoving socialism and a bloated welfare state that we never wanted down our throats, and telling straight white men that everything in the world is their fault.
You left-wingers created Trump. I hope you’re happy with him now. Choke on it. I’ll be over here smiling.
Right-wingers will continue to throw parties like it’s 1999. They will think, incorrectly, that America Has Finally Turned Around™. That America has finally Woken Up™ and that white men will Take It All Back™. And ooohhhhh boy are they wrong.
Trump, or more accurately, President Pence (since Donald is going to turn all the actual running of the country stuff over to him), isn’t going to turn shit around. Instead, two things will eventually happen. They won’t happen today or tomorrow or even in a few months, but they will happen:
1. The Republican party, that last bastion you right-wingers were hoping would save you, will now be completely destroyed. You’re going to see a civil war within the Republican party that I don’t think they will be able to recover from. Republicans in power hate Donald Trump. Trump will be the final nail in the coffin for the Republican party as you know it. There will be little unity to fight what’s coming.
And what’s coming?
2. Democrats, progressives, and left-wingers of all stripes and colors are now going to unite and rally like you’ve never seen them do so before. Likely, in 2020, or 2024 at the latest, they will support a hardcore socialist who will glide to a presidential victory with ease. The snapback from this Trump victory will be terrible.
The right-wing will be even more fragmented than it is now, and they will be utterly smashed before the left-wing onslaught that is about to begin.
Right-wing Trump voters are like the Japanese generals the day after Pearl Harbor. You’ve scored an impressive victory… and you have awoken a sleeping giant that you have no chance of beating. Trump is a beautiful golden egg, but when that egg hatches, out will come a President Elizabeth Warren or President Bernie Sanders or similar creature. Get ready, righties! (Oh man, you guys are in for a shock. It’s going to be hilarious to watch from Asia or South America.)
Even beyond that, and remember I said this to you, right-wingers: Trump will fuck you. He will fuck you just like George W. Bush fucked you. He’ll fuck you just like Obama fucked the progressives. The odds are overwhelming that Trump is going to do some things in the next four years that is going to confuse and enrage you. Just watch, and remember I said it, because I’m going to be right.
Despite Trump or President Pence, in 10 years from now:
– The US will have even more debt, both governmental and private (unless Trump somehow defaults on US debt of course).
– The US federal government will be spending even more money.
– The US economy will not be improved significantly from 2016 levels.
– The flood of incoming third world immigrants will continue at more or less current rates, and they will continue to receive taxpayer funded government services.
This election has been a fun circus, but make no mistake, that’s all it’s been. When Pence becomes president in January, the circus will continue for at least another four years, and the decline of the West will continue.
My plans to move out of the country in 2025 have not changed. As a matter of fact, in the last few weeks, as I continue see continuous, irrational meltdowns with my fellow Americans on both sides, I’ve started to think that 2025 might be too long. I’ve started looking at upping this date to perhaps around 2021. As I’ve been saying for years, America went insane quite a while ago, and its only going to get worse, at least in the long-term.
As a matter of fact, one good thing about this election is that with Hillary and Trump running, normal, everyday Societally Programming people are slowly starting to see that something is horribly wrong and unfixable with America. Years ago I would get these people insulting me and laughing when they heard I was going to move out of the country in a few years. This year, it’s very different. This year, when normal people hear that from me, they just nod quietly and grumble that it’s probably a good idea. Then they start asking me questions about where I’m going, how I’m going to do it, etc.
Oh, one last thing…
I knew that certain investments would go up if Hillary won the election and go way up if Trump won, so last Saturday I quietly invested in a significant amount of money into these vehicles. As I write these words, I’ve already made a nice, big chunk of money this morning, and will hopefully make more over the next few weeks. Boo-ya!!!
So while pathetic left-wingers cry like whiny bitches, and while delusional right-wingers throw their hilariously useless little party while the Titanic continues to sink all around them, I just sit back, smile, and profit, courtesy of the irrational voter. In a few hours, I’m on a plane to Vegas with my girlfriend and we’re going to have a great time. I’ve got a big smile on my face as I type this.
And that’s my overall point here. Don’t cry or rage about Western society collapsing, and don’t expect a messiah to save you, because that isn’t going to happen. Instead, be smart and profit from the collapse, financially, sexually, and logistically, and use those benefits to better your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Because trust me, unless you go full bore with the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle, which is detached from most of this crap, you’re going to need all the help you can get over the next 10-15 years.
Oh well, I’m off to Vegas! Enjoy the decline!
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Posted at 10:33 am, 9th November 2016Wait… Girlfriend?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:43 am, 9th November 2016Whenever I say “girlfriend” and I’m talking about myself, that means OLTR.
Posted at 10:50 am, 9th November 2016I am happy that the crooked fascist liberal elite establishment has finally had an overhaul. Black dragon, I do agree with some of your assessments and do not think the long term future for America or any western country is bright. However, as far as the Dumbocrats rallying around like they never did before, well I highly doubt that. They already did that in 2008 and 2012 when we got Mr. Hussein who was more or less the liberal Messiah. Indeed, the Dumbocrats unifying and rally not because of political zeal , but rather they are opportunists who look for ways to enrich themselves off the false promises and manipulation that liberals feed their little sheeple. Sadly, many minorities, including Asians, Blacks, Hispanics will pretty much be married to the Dumbocrat party and many are programmed from a young to age to believe anything else but supporting the party is criminal.
Growing up Jewish, there is a huge division even from my own background. There are many Jews who will not even let me into their synagogue because I am a Republican/Libertarian voter. Ironically, the more Orthodox Jews are middle class (Trump’s biggest base) , work for a living and usually vote Republican. The indoctrination though and brainwashing is ludicrous and very real. For example, many of the liberal Jews I met said he is a Klansman and Anti-Semite. All over the media, they claim he is an Anti-Semite. However, his daughter had a halachic conversion to Judaism, is a practicing Jew (even if not a very super religious one) who even went to visit the Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson’s grave in New York. Anyway, having a practicing Jewish daughter and Jewish son-in-law totally refutes this bullshit propaganda and lies both being told within our community and being spoonfed to us by the liberal fascist nazi media.
My point being that people are so deluded and indoctrinated and many vote on impulse rather than rationale and reason.
I was sad to see the state of Washington has gone super left wing. I’m trying to leave Boise , Idaho because it is a real crappy place for a single guy to live. I’m unemployed (got cheated and swindled out of my business), looking for software work and trying to find a place that is not so churchy and married, yet still has conservative values. I’m pretty sure Washington and Oregon are going to outright ban guns, raise taxes to oblivion and lead the states to becoming third world crapholes like the Californian neighbor to the south. It’s real sad for my home state of Oregon. Seattle has a booming IT market and there are many more single women there then in Mormon Mommyville, where I live, but the insane laws, bureaucracy and fascist government in the state.
Where can I go where I can get good software jobs, there is a plentiful amount of single women, who are older than 21 and single or broken down bitter divorced older women with too many kids. Girls in Idaho are without kids only before 22, usually, and do not usually get back onto the market until they got 2 or 3 kids from who knows how many daddies. Yeah , Idaho is a crappy place to be a single guy, deny it if you wish, I am sure you can bang college girls or dumb skanks via Tinder here, but it gets old real quick.
It seems almost any city that has a lot of jobs, single women is usually pretty far to the left. Many of these cities are in conservative states even which help balance out the insane politics the liberals would enforce that would bring devastation to the economies of these Liberal-ish cities. I’m thinking even Austin, Dallas, Nashville, Atlanta are all very liberal cities in very conservative states which help give these places thriving economies. The same can almost be said for Seattle, which is a very very liberal city in a conservative state. Sadly, Washington’s population outside of Seattle is too small to counter the fascist bureaucracy brewing in King, Pierce , Snohomish and Thurston counties. Even Clark county, the once Republican stronghold is now libtarded.
I can only hope a total Republican government may overhaul some of the unconstitutional laws these states are illegally enforcing. Of course, I know you would have no confidence in such things being done, nor will I.
If you are in Washington state, Black Dragon, be wary of the I-1491 that just passed. The 2nd Amendment no longer applies in Washington state , if one of your girlfriends decides you are not trustworthy to own guns. THe law is very loosely worded and can describe any person who has a close connection to you and feels you are too much of a threat to own a firearm. It’s insane!!
I’m praying for the best, but always expect the worst things may happen. Many of my relatives in Europe had to dig their own graves before being shot dead holding their crying children in their arms.
Posted at 10:54 am, 9th November 2016I’m just glad it wasn’t Comrade Bernie.
Posted at 11:12 am, 9th November 2016Lefties are too collectivist. (It’s also why lefties never secede from larger governments.)
How do you explain “Calexit” immediately trying to secede upon Trump’s confirmation? In fact there have been many attempts to secede by both left and right wing states and they’ve all failed. So is everyone too collectivist to secede?
Posted at 11:19 am, 9th November 2016I must admit I was wrong to predict Hilldebeast the winner. I assumed since the nation has gone so progressive/left there was no way she wouldn’t win-Bernie doing as well as he did seemed to prove that theory. Plus I figured the whole historic nature of the first female president would sway voters like with Obama since people predominantly vote on emotion nowadays. It has been pretty funny to watch the reactions-I saw a woman in tears storm out of the bar I was in last night when it looked like he was going to win.
I actually took some time this morning to pour over Facebook to see all the predictable reactions and crying. Some women and minorities on there truly believe they have already lost their “rights” in some way. Like he’s going to rollback to to the 1800’s, take away voting rights, civil rights, etc… Of course if you ask “what rights did you lose exactly?” you can imagine the venom spit out of those cobras. Triggered!!!!
Enjoy Vegas my friend! I’ll be there next week enjoying life while everyone else still whines about their new slavemaster.
Posted at 11:20 am, 9th November 2016I feel like a sequel to 1984 is necessary. Easy title for it: 2024. Fuck it, I’ll write it. I wouldn’t mind being the next Orwell! haha.
I find it funny how its gonna be like the 1980s all over again after Trump’s very short term (if it even lasts that long): Government telling everyone what to do and censoring everything, taking all kinds of money out of your pocket. Only it’ll be from the left instead of the right lol.
I’ll hopefully be in Asia or South America by then too if things get too bad. I live very minimally, so I don’t think I have much to worry about but I’ll be keeping a close eye on things going into 2020.
Posted at 11:23 am, 9th November 2016LMAO I did the same! And all the tradcons on my feed were like “calm your tits” lol
Its frightening how fragile everyone’s egos are getting, its as if narcissism is being coded into our DNA or something.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:24 am, 9th November 2016It will be soon. It may not be Bernie in particular, but someone just like him. Just watch.
Talk is just that: talk. I’m talking about actions, not talk.
They won’t actually do it. Just watch.
No one has “failed” at seceding. They vote and decide not to do it at the last minute, like with Scotland. Or they don’t have enough votes to secede because they’re in the minority.
Posted at 11:33 am, 9th November 2016“Left-wingers have been saying that “Republicans created Donald Trump.” Untrue. It was you left-wingers who created him. Trump is the natural result when you spend years and years on end screaming at innocent, hardworking people about political correctness, trigger warnings, safe spaces, racism where it doesn’t exist, homophobia where it doesn’t exist, sexism and rape where it doesn’t exist, shoving socialism and a bloated welfare state that we never wanted down our throats, and telling straight white men that everything in the world is their fault.”
While a lot of this is true, you can’t deny all of the fear-mongering from the right-wing about terrorism and immigrants taking away all the low paying jobs (which were actually taken away by globalism, automation, and outsourcing that the establishment favored). Things that the Republicans have been saying they were going to fix for years and failed. So along comes Trump who they actually believe will do it because he’s a “maverick” type of guy who has balls and doesn’t have to answer to anyone (or so they think) and they put him in immediately.
Also the fact that you think “safe spaces” and so called “political correctness” are “left-wing” is funny. Yes, it may be “left-wing” with respect to the retarded American Democratic party, but these things are basically are the opposite of liberalism. The definition of political correctness has also basically been hijacked. Political correctness is the watering-down of important issues by replacing shocking words with “nice” ones that trick the general population into a sense of complacency. Political correctness has nothing to do with “gender pronouns” or any of that shit. Watch George Carlin’s bit on political correctness to understand what the true definition of political correctness is.
donnie demarco
Posted at 11:37 am, 9th November 2016LOL you hit the nail on the head. The gangsters who run this country just got fucked in the ass, and it’s quite amusing to watch it all unfold.
Posted at 11:45 am, 9th November 2016And the (left) media was making news instead of reporting facts…as always.
Just ridiculous how everyone “predicted” Trump would get kicked in the balls.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:17 pm, 9th November 2016Yes, the right-wing were saying these things because they’re furious they lost the culture war. You’re talking about the result. I’m talking about the cause.
Gil Galad
Posted at 12:20 pm, 9th November 2016Reading this paragraph felt like rewatching The Big Short: this is exactly what the characters who predicted the 2008 crisis before everyone else did, they gave up on convincing the masses who just wouldn’t listen, and got off the sinking ship with a big pile of money. We’ve probably reached the point (or way past it) where even the most principled man can do this with a clean conscience: the West doesn’t want to be saved.
Mikael Hansson
Posted at 12:22 pm, 9th November 2016Caleb, now i think you are too Cynical, you almost border lining into a fear based mindset territory.
I see this as a turning point, the elite have long stopped listening to the people and now the people don’t listen to the elites.
The pendulum always swings left and right and when it does it always swings too much. We have been in a heavy left wing dominated era, this might be the time the pendulum is swinging to the right.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:27 pm, 9th November 2016Why do you think I rated it one of the top 10 movies of 2015? 🙂
Remember Rule Number 5 here and describe to me why you think I’m wrong, instead of just saying I’m wrong. “You’re cynical” doesn’t mean anything. Give me facts and stats to show me I’m wrong, then I’ll listen.
Where do you see fear anywhere in the above article?
Posted at 12:53 pm, 9th November 2016Blackdragon,
Your sober analysis has been the most enjoyable I’ve read today. The comparison with the Japanese sneak attack is awesome. It reminds me when I was talking to Dad about 9/11, and he said “Those poor fools just shot a grizzly bear in the ass with a .22”
I have a major quibble with President Pence, though. I was so glad back in 2000 that there was a heavyweight (Cheney) backing up a lightweight (W). Well, it turned out different, and I frankly think Cheney would have done a better job. That has made me suspicious of any notion of a president really pushing off all that much work to his subordinate……especially a subordinate who probably likes Trump about as little as any mainstream R does.
Posted at 01:08 pm, 9th November 2016Agree 100%.
Anyone who thinks trump will make a great president is stupid. In fact, I believe that Hillary is the only candidate that’s fit to do the job (aren’t all politicians full of shit and borderline criminal?)
Trump is a corrupt, climate change denying, sexist, racist, lying,self-centered and ignorant piece of shit. I dig the fact that people voted for Trump as a sign of “fuck you” to the elites. But, I find it funny and alarming when people actually believe that he’ll make a great president (Yes, there are some out there).
Democrats were sloppy this time. They completely ignored one demographic: white men and this has caused them the election. I’m pretty sure this won’t happen in 2020.
Again, it’s not worth it to talk about politics. Politics has been (and always will be) full of shit. I look at politics as a source of entertainment, just like the movies. Among the people I know, those who always talk about politics are not really successful or rich. Coincidence? I think not. So, probably let’s back to useful stuff and make some cool posts.(Yes, there are rich people involved in politics because they want to push their agendas. That’s different)
Take a look at ancient greek politics or read “the prince”. Politics will always be like that -> full of shit. An idealist like Bernie Sanders will always be fucked left and right by corrupt criminals. That’s the way the world works, baby.
Posted at 01:36 pm, 9th November 2016Sadly enough, that was an invention of the right (when antiquated traditions still occupied all of their mindsets) that the left stole and made into a phenomenon. Now its made a complete turnaround, with the left using PC stuff to be just as krypto-fascist as the right was 30 years ago. And now its becoming SP. Yuck.
It really doesn’t. The gender pronouns thing is just a void in someone’s ego that needs to be filled and if your people skills are good enough you can strip that away just by being a decent human being.
I had a chat with a full blown SJW chick who was butthurt about Trump winning at the gym this morning and they started mentioning the pronouns thing. And all I really had to do was just have a civilized conversation about the whole thing. I even got her to realize that voting was meaningless and that economic liberties are just as important as civil liberties lol. She was a Sanders fan too.
I then asked what the pronoun thing was all about and she was like “I dunno it just makes me feel important” and I was like “you don’t need a pronoun to make you feel important, who says you need to feel important to be happy anyways?” Then she gave me a hug and was like “that makes perfect sense!” I’ve had full blown feminists pitch dates to me in other instances after saying stuff like this.
The feminist hate that the manosphere touts, while warranted, is tragic. They are just as human as anyone else, only they bleed insecurity through their dialogue and attempts to control. When you actually chat with one in person, you can sense their despair. They just want protection from their own kind, but for some reason aren’t given the tools to do it. Its deplorable and sad at the same time. The SP that chicks go through is just as bad as the SP that we get, if not worse.
Sorry for the derail, for some reason I felt like I had to get that out of my system.
Posted at 02:25 pm, 9th November 2016Agree 100%, this is the early beginning of a long trend of right wing political and cultural dominance in the entire West. Just like the last 30-40 years where for the left.
Western Europe will have more “Brexit type” of elections and Russia and Eastern Europe are already on board with us.
One thing to notice: Most millennials (Of which I am a part of) voted Trump.
Ideas that don´t work, won´t work. And modern neo-liberalism doesn´t work. It has hurt too many people in their purse and even in their flesh (the latter specially in Western Europe) and now they understand the source of the hurt (may God bless Internet).
Their TV and Facebook and Twitter aint gonna change what they see with their eyes and a strong intelectual Alt-Right new class of pundits is on the loose in the infinite oceans of the WWW.
Hell, a man can dream, and no hardcore white supremacism on my part, but:
Once white Americans rediscover economic prosperity, freedom, a sense of winning and hope for the future, it is very possible they´ll make more babies than ever, just like during the baby boom after WWII. Individual and societal economic prosperity and a positive outlook on the future of the tribe/nation/society are two factors that motivate people to have many children beyond the mere replacement rate. This coupled with the pro-natalist policies of Trump will help.
And since massive illegal immigration is going to be stopped or slowed down very significantly… And given that white Americans are the main electorate of the Right… 2 + 2 …
Being hopeful, right now, is not foolish at all.
Posted at 03:20 pm, 9th November 2016I agree with your sentiments, Blackdragon: Trump will most likely delay the inevitable rather than cure it.
The ultimate solution is cultural, not political; nothing excepting religious revival will save America now.
For those who care, we have a 4-8 year reprieve before SHTF.
Use it wisely.
Posted at 03:42 pm, 9th November 2016It seems I definitely have my work cut out for me. As a mid 20’s fella, who’s weakest SLA is by far his financial life, I’m thinking the least I could do is get the second passport, save, tie up any loose ends, and be prepared to make a smart relocation out of the country ASAP within such time frames, even if I haven’t built a location independent source of income yet.
and laylaylaylay
Posted at 03:46 pm, 9th November 2016I am a 32 year old black man and I voted for Trump because I felt a Clinton presidency would just give these bitches an endless 4 years of running their trap about a woman being in the White House and how its “our time now”. There are a lot depressed vaginas across this great land. Lmfaoo….My mom is taking it pretty hard, she even deactivated her Facebook account. BD said that Hillary wasn’t a feminist, but the way she rubs people always gave them that feminist vibe about her. After my time is up in the military, I’m either moving back to Korea or to Singapore.
Posted at 04:03 pm, 9th November 2016Is it gold?
Posted at 04:16 pm, 9th November 2016While I fairly agree that the car has probably already gone off the cliff, we don’t know for sure. Changing trade policy, if it can be done, can have a MASSIVE effect on the direction of the country. Curtailing imports on a graduated schedule to where in 4 years, we are at 10% of where we are now changes so much. Plus if Donald can bring in that offshore money, it makes for a Magic Combination. I mean, what an opportunity: We all of a sudden have to start making all the goods we have been importing, and look, here is a mountain of cash to invest in new factories. I still lean a bit toward pessimism, but you have to admit, there is a HELL of a sweet opportunity just sitting there like a Hanging Curve Ball, waiting for Trump to take a big juicy swing at it.
Posted at 05:06 pm, 9th November 2016If America went insane “long ago”, exactly, when,
and how should it have gone? Just curious.
donnie demarco
Posted at 05:10 pm, 9th November 2016P.S. I’ll be in Vegas this weekend, as well. If I see any suave mother fuckers with Charlie Sheen hair, I’m gonna say hi 😀
Posted at 05:30 pm, 9th November 2016Have to say, I’m not really invested in politics, but I sure did smile when I opened up my paper this morning (also where are the emoticons located, I wanted put a smiley in there. I copied donnie’s but it didn’t appear).
The New Yorker
Posted at 05:45 pm, 9th November 2016Hey BD, kinda off topic questions, but
1. You keep mentioning that the “elites” control America. Could you elaborate on that group of individuals?
2. How did you come to the conclusion that America never had a president who wasn’t chosen by the elites up until now?
3. You mentioned before that you don’t believe Trump is racist. Why?
Aardvark Joe
Posted at 06:39 pm, 9th November 2016“I knew that certain investments would go up if Hillary won the election and go way up if Trump won, so last Saturday I quietly invested in a significant amount of money into these vehicles. As I write these words, I’ve already made a nice, big chunk of money this morning, and will make more over the next few weeks. Boo-ya!!!”
Maybe I just don’t understand enough about investing, but I find this fishy. If investors knew the value was going to go up after the election, shouldn’t they have already bid the price up to the “correct” amount? I can see how you could make money by betting against Hillary, but not how you could end up in a scenario where you make money either way.
Posted at 06:43 pm, 9th November 2016Donald Trump isn’t an “elite”? On what planet?
Posted at 07:03 pm, 9th November 2016I started reading all this whining, and thought I was somehow on a beta/female/socialist blog!! Then saw BD’s post, and realized he was under attack again, wew, what a relief, I thought I was having another LSD flashback.
Read other posts on the other blog “give me a plan” from BD, all this was hashed out. Trump will just slow the decline, and reduce how fast taxes eat you alive. Be happy, go read a history book, stop sounding like your drunk intellectual FB. If your a supporter, get out a stop watch, and see if he does what he CAN do, and that is quickly.
End Obamacare, elect SCOTUS judges that have actually studied the constitution, and strike all executive orders of Hussein Obama down in his first 100 days. If he does just that it was worth putting him up there, now go hump your FB, and be happy.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:22 pm, 9th November 2016BD, you can call me a naïve or idealistic doofus if you want, but I’m gonna say it anyway:
I’d like to thank all the politically correct feminists, SJW scum, and Black Lives Matter terrorists for making a Trump victory possible even in the primaries! It will be a great pleasure to lick those delicious tears off of your PC faces!
Despite what BD says today, let me say to all of my fellow red pill deplorables – Tonight we celebrate! We averted a political disaster which may have surely ended our country! Even if huge challenges are still ahead, we kicked the PC SJWs in the balls last night and prolonging their pain is the next step!
I’d also like to thank Anthony Weiner’s penis for fucking up the feminist dyke (keep spanking it, my friend)! Kryptokate deserves a shout out too for her tremendous and accurate predictions (great and inspiring job, Kate!). And of course, my girlfriend whom I persuaded to vote for Trump against her better judgment (she supported Bernie, but couldn’t stand the Bull Dyke – if you’re reading, I love you, sweetie!).
Obviously the FBI should be thanked as well (much love to you guys!). And lastly, Milo Yiannapoulos deserves all the credit in the world for tirelessly spreading the pro-Trump message all across our nation’s college campuses (Milo, you’re the best!)
Now, let’s never mention the forbidden name of that despicable dyke ever again. Let her melt into the sewer where she belongs!
Go Trump! Now build that fucking wall!
Posted at 08:38 pm, 9th November 2016What did you invest in ?
Posted at 09:02 pm, 9th November 2016Words of wisdom from FB.
Posted at 09:28 pm, 9th November 2016@bd WHAT DID YOU INVEST IN!!!! Please tell me because these other noobs don’t see what I do. And that is of course- looking after you and your own after the world goes to shit. So please, tell me what did you invest in? The only thing I read today was that investors are investing in builders and something else i forget, I’ve been drinking..
Posted at 09:54 pm, 9th November 2016Not much will change? I think it will continue to be a blast to watch. Riots. Maybe Hillary will go on trial.
He won 30 percent of the latino vote, so if he plays it cool with them, makes a few big wins with international diplomacy, renogotiates our national debt a bit, he could get eight years out of this.
Of course feminism won decades ago, and Ive been building my escape plan for years, i’m definitely invested in the story.
Posted at 10:19 pm, 9th November 2016@ Lovergirl.
Trump may be rich or even elite but he is not part of the Washington Political Elite. In fact he has been shunned by them for years as he doesn’t “fit”.
The Washington Elite contains republicans and democrats who only give a shit about themselves. Which is how Trump was voted in.
Years ago in the U.K. when the leftist Labour Party was very left and in bed with the unions and had beer and sandwiches for lunch, they weren’t part of an elite; that belonged to the right only. But then along came the “Champagne Socialists” who became, and have remained part of, the elite in Britain.
That is why there is little to choose between major political parties and why the likelihood of change is nil. Just some window dressing and lots of rhetoric.
Posted at 11:36 pm, 9th November 2016BD is sometimes like the other PUAs: “I have multiple models craving my presence. Just subscribe to my email for $99.99 and you will get INCREDIBLE results instantaneously”
BDs version: “I quietly invested in a significant amount of money in … I’ve already made a nice, big chunk of money … and will make more … I’m on a plane to Vegas with my girlfriend and we’re going to have a great time”
The question remains: what did you invest in?
And, if you have anticipated the success, why didn’t you share your wisdom beforehand?
If you would have done that, it would: 1. boost your credibility, 2. other people piggybacking the same vehicles would just make them go up even more, making you even “big[ger] chunk of money”.
So the question remains. Is it the truth, or just bragging to spank bigger interest in your website?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:39 am, 10th November 2016That is the fantasy of the alt-right. Unfortunately, it’s a fantasy. The left wing tide is just beginning, not ending. If you think it isn’t, you need to describe exactly why, in terms of today’s political leanings, governmental structures, and racial demographics.
But hope is all you have. I prefer facts. Even if they point in directions I don’t like.
It started in the 1990s, I think around when the leftist Baby Boom generation took over the American educational system, and went truly insane circa 2000-2002, when right-wingers like George W. Bush with a Republican congress ballooned the size of government to historic levels while “conservatives” cheered him on for it (I expect a similar scenario to occur with President Trump), and when the left-wingers started building daycare centers next to high schools to encourage the high school girls to have babies, etc, etc.
That’s too general a question, and the answer would radically change based on who you ask. I’m a libertarian, so I would have liked the educational system to stay how it was (or perhaps improve) and for Geroge W. Bush to actually do what he promised to do during his campaign; make the federal government way smaller instead of increasing it to historically gigantic levels.
I’m here now, looking out over the strip as I type these words. It’s good to be back.
Federal and state level politicians, corporate CEOs and similar upper management, high-end international bankers, billionaires, high-end lobbyists, and all of these people’s inner circles and families. A good example of these types of people would be here.
I didn’t say that. I said that this was definitely the case since my lifetime, which would be since 1972. As for “never,” I said that might be the case, since if you look at all presidents from 1776 to 1971, you might find a few outsiders in there; not sure.
But yes, all US presidents elected since 1972 except Trump were indeed preselected by the elites. They pick two candidates, one Democrat and one Republican, and tell you to pick one. (The elites will take either.)
I think that about 80% of the views Trump espouses he doesn’t actually believe. He’s a hugely effective marketer and master at telling certain segments of the population what they want to hear in order to achieve results. I think all this anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican stuff is red meat he’s throwing to the alt-right, not something that is coming from a true racist bent.
He has not demonstrated anything racist in decades of high profile business dealings (except for one thing way back in the 80s, I believe, that is reasonably questionable). If he was as racist as people say, there would mountains of clear evidence in his history to point to. I don’t see mountains.
I was speculating. That means I was guessing. I could have lost money. My guess was that certain investments would go up during a Trump win, but wouldn’t necessarily go down for a Hillary win. I could have been wrong either way. Fortunately I was right this time.
That is not what I said. Go back and re-read what I said, slowly.
As I’ve said before, I don’t reveal personal financial information over the internet. Neither should you.
As I’ve also said before, I am not qualified in any way to render investment advice, and do not consider myself an expert in this area, because I’m not.
Lastly, giving out specifics on this topic would open me up to a huge amount of trolling and stupid arguments. (I learned this from the hordes of math nerds who didn’t believe I made money playing blackjack.) Trolling makes me money and I have nothing against it personally, but I don’t want to make the mistake made in the past by Roosh and others, who end up spending their time arguing about topics outside of their primary areas and/or topics they really don’t give a shit about.
I need more trolls to scream about my dating/relationship advice and political opinions, not trolls screaming about my investment advice. Investment advice isn’t what I’m about.
I could give you a hint though. Do some research on precious metals and inverse ETFs. That’s all I’m going to say. I will ignore any future questions or comments on this topic. My point was (and still is) to do the research necessary to profit from our collapsing nation, instead of getting upset about it or looking for a messiah to fix your collapsing nation for you.
Oh no, I’m way worse than other PUAs. I actually fully disclose that I’m a businessman capitalist, and that the only reason for this entire blog is to vacuum as much money out of your wallet and into my bank account as humanly possible. If you have a problem with that, you need to unsubscribe from this blog and go read someone else. I’m here to make money. Your money.
A) No one would have believed me.
B) Why brag about something I haven’t accomplished yet? That doesn’t seem to make any sense. I brag about shit I’ve done, not shit I haven’t done yet.
C) See the reasons I listed above about investment advice.
You seem to think this blog has a much larger readership than it actually does. If I had 50 million readers, then yeah, I would have done that. Sadly, my audience is a teeny tiny faction of that. It would have made no difference.
My friend, EVERYTHING on this blog, EVERY POST I MAKE, including this one, is to spank bigger interest in my website. I’m here to make money, honey. Now shut up and buy my books. I have financial goals to hit.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:30 am, 10th November 2016Alright, since BD wants us to be more constructive, here is my personal wish list for the Trump presidency. Note: Trump probably won’t do all of this, or even most of it, but if he does even one or two of the following, I’ll be a happy man:
1. Smash political correctness into dust and encourage a culture of absolute Free Speech and free and open debate.
PC culture and SJW cultural authoritarianism has been a plague on the First Amendment for far too long. Trump needs to set the anti-PC example and trigger social justice warriors, and other cry bullies, as much as possible until they fall into absolute despair. Contribute to a “nothing is sacred” culture and drill home the idea that the only safe space is your mother’s womb, the only trigger warning is your mother going into labor, the only Free Speech zone is America, and the only micro-aggression is life.
2. Cut off all federal funding to colleges and universities (both public and private) which refuse to adopt the First Amendment as their official university Free Speech policy.
Under this executive order to the Department of Education, any college student asking for a “safe space” or a “trigger warning” would be immediately expelled. All opposing points of view on college campuses would have to be given an equal platform (including racist, Nazi, or even pro-pedophilia crap). Nothing is sacred or off the table in terms of debate, as far as Free Speech is concerned. Referring to Free Speech as a “micro-aggression” or “emotional violence” would merit expulsion as well. All universities which don’t comply would be completely denied any and all government money.
3. Rescind Obama’s Unconstitutional “Dear Colleague Letter” and replace it with an Executive Order either abolishing all college kangaroo courts, or mandating Constitutional due process for all students accused of rape.
Under this Executive Order to the DOE, Obama’s “rape conviction quota” mandated to colleges and universities as a precondition for receiving federal funding would be abolished. Obama’s mandate for colleges receiving federal funding to lower the standard of evidence for rape convictions to the “preponderance of the evidence” standard would be abolished as well. Instead, Trump’s Executive Order would mandate either the “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” standard be restored, or at least the “Clear and Convincing Evidence” standard used more commonly in civil cases.
Ideally, Trump would issue an Executive order to the DOE mandating the abolition of all college tribunals and kangaroo courts on the subject of rape or any other subject. Female students who are the victims of rape, or any other crime, can simply call 911 and leave the entire college out of it. Colleges have no business even knowing about any crimes on campus or doubling as fictional courts of law. If a man wasn’t found guilty of rape beyond a reasonable doubt by a real court of law, no college has any business expelling him or even acknowledging that he committed any crime.
All colleges (both public and private) which refuse to obey Trump’s order would be denied all federal funds.
4. Issue an Executive Order to the Department of Education mandating that all federal funds to universities (both public and private) be cut off, unless the schools completely rescind their “affirmative consent” policies regarding what constitutes rape.
Rape must be defined in accordance with existing state law and any college or university having a higher standard of what constitutes rape on campus for students who have technically broken no state laws and committed no crimes is to be rendered completely ineligible for federal grants, student loans, or federal funds (financial aid, etc…). In fact, colleges should not have a definition of rape at all. If a female student was raped, her business is with the police (the real police, not the campus police, which shouldn’t exist) and the college has no business even knowing about it.
5. In his first 100 days, work with ICE and the Border Patrol to institute Operation: Adios Amigos
Operation Adios Amigos would be similar to President Eisenhower’s Operation: Wetback in the 50s, which would seek to find and deport as many illegal aliens as possible. If an illegal alien has a child who was born in America, that child is a U.S. citizen according to the 14th Amendment. As such, that child stays here to be raised by an American foster family. For the arrogance of violating our borders, losing their children should be their ultimate penalty. No apologies. No mercy. No PC trigger warnings.
6. Build that fucking wall.
A wall should be built on the U.S./Mexican border and either an electric net on our side electrocuting anyone who uses a rope to scale the wall, or landmines on our side to blow the legs off of anyone who gets over the wall.
7. Lobby Congress to temporarily suspend all legal immigration until we assimilate the ones who are already here and deport all legal immigrants who refuse to assimilate, while instituting a permanent ban on all Muslims entering the country.
According to federal immigration laws, all perfectly legal immigrants are here only “at the pleasure of Congress.” This means that Congress can pass a law tomorrow deporting all the legal ones as well. Only citizens (both natural born and naturalized) have the right to be here. For legal immigrants, being here is a privilege, not a right. As such, all legal immigration should be suspended for 5-10 years. All legal immigrants who refuse to assimilate (and assimilation begins with language) should be deported. After they have been reasonably assimilated, legal immigration can start up again, with an emphasis on welcoming immigrants from Europe escaping the Muslim takeover of their ancestral lands. All Muslim immigrants (both legal and illegal) need to be automatically deported without ceremony and a permanent ban on Muslim immigration to the U.S. should be instituted.
8. Make English America’s official language.
In the private sector, anyone can speak whatever language they want and it’s all good, but English being America’s official language would mean that all government business and government documents would have to be done in English. This means an end to public school “bilingual education” and “bilingual voting ballots” in California. It would also mean that the National Guard would probably have to be sent to the town of El Cenizo, Texas to force the local government to speak English, as that town has banned English from their local government and is conducting all city business in Spanish!
9. Declare Black Lives Matter an official terrorist organization.
This means that all crimes (murder, violence, theft, vandalism) perpetrated by BLM would be investigated by the Department of Homeland Security and its perpetrators tried in military tribunals and sent to prison camps like Guantanamo. Other actions such as drone strikes against BLM’s violent disruptions would be in play as well.
10. Get us out of all international organizations, thus restoring the Declaration of Independence
All global organizations such as, the UN, NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, the International Criminal Court, and all international treaties attached to these organizations, we need to completely exit from. This requires Congressional approval, so it’s not likely, but Trump should push for it anyway.
I have so many other things I want him to do, but these are just my top 10. Again, it’s probably unrealistic for him to do most of these, but if he does even 2 or 3, I’ll be very happy (especially #1)!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:43 am, 10th November 2016@TheScalpMaster:
Political correctness detected. Employing red pill countermeasures now:
He will make a better one than the Bull Dyke. At least that much is certain!
She’s not even fit to stand on her own two feet without tons of injections and anti-seizure meds. The only thing she’s fit for is a hospital bed.
Not all politicians have signaled their desire to abolish the First Amendment. The Bull Dyke spoke about how Breitbart.com has no right to exist and how she would use the government to shut it down (like in China) and how she would work with the Attorney General to legally prosecute so called “Islamophobic Hate Speech.” Obviously, the cunt has never read the First Amendment or any other portion of the Constitution (she mentioned once that men accused of rape should be guilty until proven innocent because the Fifth Amendment’s mandate for “innocent until proven guilty” is sexist, since it implicitly calls all women liars until they are found to be right).
The Dyke was a threat to the entire Constitution (especially the First Amendment). She would have extended PC culture, not fought against it. Can you imagine the Supreme Court Justices she’d appoint who would interpret the First Amendment to allow the criminalization of so called “hate speech,” just like in Canada and Europe? I shudder.
Since “climate change” is indeed completely fictional, it’s good that he denies that piece of PC white guilt. The global warming fiction was invented to cement white guilt and other types of anti-white racism, to justify one world government, and to destroy capitalism. The destruction of Western Civilization is the goal of the climate change fantasy, so Trump rejecting it shows wisdom.
There is nothing sexist about him. I suspect you’re using the word “sexist” to simply mean “not PC.” Harmless locker room talk has nothing to do with sexism, or the belief that women are in any way inferior to men.
He has never said or done anything even remotely racist in his entire life!
Now YOU have just described every politician.
There is a huge difference between saying he’ll make a great president and saying that he’ll simply be better than the Bull Dyke.
Yes it will. It’s not PC to like white people. Political correctness requires anti-white racism. The Democrats won’t give up their racist attitudes against whites just to win an election. What do you think the Democrats are? Smart? HAHA!
Posted at 04:03 am, 10th November 2016Interesting article BD, but the scenarios of the comments disagreeing with you are equally possible.
We all know that culture influences politics. The left-wing culture lead to left-wing politics. But in your article it seems like the ever growing left-wing culture is preparing a huge political counterattack in 4 – 8 years.
You must acknowledge that in the entire western world there is a revitalization of right-wing politics, and it’s because of the culture and the zeitgeist starting to lean more in this direction again. And it’s not only some dudes from the manosphere but increasing amounts of women as well. There are already tons of ex feminists, and there will be tons of ex BLM supporters and tons of ex immigration supporters. I know a girl who worked in a refugee camp here in Germany and now she is disillusioned and reajusting her political view to a more nationalist one. It’s interesting to watch.
I wouldn’t leave this right-wing revival out of the equation. People like Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopoulos, and of course Trump become more and more influential.
And left-wingers are like fresh vegans who think they will take over the culture and replace meat eaters entirely. But after a few years most of them will ievitably crash due to the development of severe nutritional deficiencies and will be forced by reality to adjust their thinking. They will start eating meat again and by then they won’t be some clueless meat eaters whose only argument is “But bacon is yummy.” and who can easily be outperformed by vegans in a debate, but who will instead have formed their own rock-solid arguments (based on biology, nutritional value, evolution) against a vegan diet.
So the new right-wingers won’t only consist of all time right-wingers but also of ex left-wingers.
More accurately left-wingers created the revival of right-wing culture in general. Donald Trump is just the first manifestation of this new right-wing wave.
But debating about the future of our culture is pointless, because the result of this cultural development won’t matter since it’s the system itself that is set for failure. The debt will bring us down, regardless of the cultural condition.
So what am I doing here? I should focus on detatching from the system and building an Alpha 2.0 lifestyle.
PS: I guess the only reason for this article was to get more traffic on this blog, which is a smart move. Otherwise you would have posted it on your personal blog.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:05 am, 10th November 2016@The New Yorker:
He has never said or done anything even remotely racist in his life!
On this one. Rich does not necessarily equal “elite.”
The elites hate him and want him dead. That’s why his biggest mistake was making Mike Pence his Vice President. Mike Pence is a mainstream, pro-globalism, and pro-establishment Republican. If Trump pisses off the elites too badly, they’ll simply kill him and install Pence. That’s why Trump should have picked someone just as anti-establishment to be his VP, like Ann Coulter, or even Bernie Sanders if he wanted some good anti-assassination insurance.
Posted at 07:19 am, 10th November 2016This should be every future president’s slogan from now until the end of time. lol
Gil Galad
Posted at 08:57 am, 10th November 2016@Jack Outside the Box:
Let’s see if you pass the test of scientific falsifiability: what kind of evidence would change your mind about climate change ? You know what this means: if there is no scenario in your mind where your denial of climate change could be rebutted by facts, then you’re automatically conceding that you’re taking this on faith. Is there any ability for your brain to entertain the hypothesis “climate change is being used by lefties for immoral goals, and climate change is true” ? Penn Jillette finds it likely to be true, Gary Johnson believes it and proposes a carbon tax as a libertarian solution. Libertarians are seeing the accumulation of evidence and can no longer cling to right-wing conspirationism that rivals “jews and satanists are gonna destroy us” rubbish in its stupidity.
Hell, do you even believe that the climate was ever different in geological time, or are you some weird ‘atheist creationist’ (like many feminists and antiracists are, in a sense) ? Humans can make species extinct, but change the climate, nah, the Universe will prevent them ’cause Nature’s wisdom or something (the same wisdom that invented malaria, cockroaches, and child cancer).
NB: if you don’t address the specific question and instead give me the ‘usual’ (a statement of what you believe instead of arguments for it), then this was a one-shot and I’ll write no second comment.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:48 pm, 10th November 2016Incorrect. As I’ve explained several times before, what you’re seeing with the rise of nationalism, Brexit, Trump, etc, is a sharp reaction of the right-wing minority to A) left-wing bullshit and B) the elites in general. Right-wingers, now out of power, are extremely angry. Sharp reactions like this are normal.
Also remember that a sizeable percentage of Trump voters (and we will never know the exact percentage) are not right-wingers or nationalists at all. They’re simply people who are upset and the elites (rightfully so) and are throwing a Molotov cocktail through the window; they don’t give a shit about politics, left or right.
Since right-wingers are now in the minority, and become a further minority every year that goes by, this is not the beginning of some massive shift back to the right. Of course I could be wrong, but none of the facts, and I mean none of them, point to some massive, majority, long-term shift back to right-wing politics and cultural attitudes in modern Western society, such as many of you guys are fantasizing about. In fact, it shows just the opposite.
Exactly. I’m here to make money, honey. (Plus this topic does affect male/manosphere topics so it applies to both of my blogs equally.)
donnie demarco
Posted at 02:08 pm, 10th November 2016Exactly, Trump has a wealth of experience in content marketing and media communication. I believe he was quite deliberate and methodical about which demographics to target, and used very precise messaging to get the maximum return.
donnie demarco
Posted at 03:02 pm, 10th November 2016LOL.
As a paying BD customer, let me break down how this entire process works.
First there is free content. The purpose of BD’s free content is to provide a good first-time user experience and establish the kind of value that can be expected from the site. Based on the strength of this first-time experience, people will decide whether or not to pay money. In my case, it was the “How to Deal with the Other Women Question”. I tried BD’s method on a girl I was dating at the time, and it worked. This was enough validation for me to purchase his book set.
The next stage was to go through the paid content. No big surprises here; I followed his instructions for online dating (making tweaks here and there based on personal experience), and got the expected results. My sex life has measurably improved since adopting his techniques. I received the expected value for my money.
Today, I am at the community stage. I’m probably done paying BD money for books, and most of the value I receive now is from the article comments. Not only do I receive value from other commenters here, but I can provide value to others through stories about my experiences. The value proposition here is endless; we can make new friends, learn new techniques, spin off to form our own blogs, whatever.
So let’s revisit that question you asked:
With all I’ve just told you, can you understand now why questions like this are stupid and irrelevant?
BD is OPEN and HONEST about his desire to earn money for his content.
Paying customers like myself are OPEN and HONEST about our willingness to pay money for valuable content.
There is no subterfuge, and no conspiracy. The exchange of time and money is all consensual between us.
And yet for every article that BD posts, there’s always That One Guy who feels he has to “expose” BD’s agenda for making money. And we all laugh at that guy. Not only because he’s completely delusional about what’s going on, but because he’s also probably not happy with his own life. If he was, he wouldn’t be wasting his time trying to ruin a blog or troll other people on the internet. He would be focusing on improving his own life.
And on that note, I need to make my latest post containing raw dating expense numbers. If you’re interested (I dunno, maybe you date girls or something?), it will be here.
Lab Guy
Posted at 06:15 pm, 10th November 2016I’m a disenfranchised Ron Paul supporter who voted for Trump. I don’t have high expectations either and he is no free market libertarian, but the best part is seeing the left wet themselves over this election. At least for now we can talk about some issues without being called ‘da rasis’ and have less gun control for now.
I told people that I wish I could celebrate by buying a box of the fattest cigars I can find and shove one up the a___s of every libtard who vote Hillary.
Posted at 06:54 pm, 10th November 2016“I don’t like Donald Trump, because he’s corrupt as fuck and never really wanted the job,”-
Wow, serious hit to your perception of reality. He is no angel but sometimes things can be relative. In this case he is a saint compared to the other side. This election will definitely slow things down in the sense that the country was going to hell in a hand basket especially when it came to PC directives. I said it would give white dudes an immediate 1 point rise in their SMV and it sure as hell has. The mudsharking should slow given the hit to a one race agenda.
With that said I have to say there has been some very significant items I have picked up from this site regarding game. The two F rule I had never heard anywhere but here.
There has also been some lifestyle driven agendas here which frankly just are not true. The push that you cannot have a relatively long term marriage is at best partly true. I have a 25 year marriage which is not full of red hot passion but is a success if you count for being committed and having someone who is loyal. She also brings in a nice income. Not bad considering it was miserable until I swallowed the red pill a few years ago. There is no 1.0 or 2.0, just Alpha. An Alpha does not micro manage or argue.
Also secured a concubine who is mid to lower 20’s. Had two different friends rate her and both came in with ratings of around 9.5 or higher. She is thirty years younger. For the losers who say they just want to kill themselves when they are in their 50’s I would say start taking care of yourself and stop eating shit. I get better looking women than 95% of 30 to 40 yo men. That is a conservative figure. The key is to not limit or restrict yourself to a certain directive. How I overcome PC age appropriate directives has become easier with Trump in the headlines now. He will change a LOT of things. It has already started.
Posted at 08:12 pm, 10th November 2016For once, I agree with 100% of your predictions. The deficit will go up, spending will go up, there will be a backlash, not much will change, the whole 9 yards.
The ONE thing you’re wrong about though – not predictions – which has been mentioned, is that the left-wing is not some sort of monolith. Social Justice Warriors, the PC Police, Feminazis, BLM, “crybullies” – these are an extreme element of the Left, and by no means the majority – they are just the most vocal. That would be like lumping you and all conservatives and libertarians in with the Tea Party, the Klan, and Sarah Palin. It’s just dishonest.
There’s a huge portion of the left that are not politically correct at all. Bill Maher, for instance, who is pretty tough on Muslims and how we’re too tolerant on letting politically radical Muslims in the middle East condone jihad, beating wives, raping women and treating them as property, executing gays. And then another poster here mentioned George Carlin, the ultimate in non-PC who was clearly a liberal leaning thinker. (pre-born, you’re good, preschool, you’re fucked!)
If anything the most un-PC people in the country are liberals. I’m a raging atheist for fuck’s sake, I’ll blaspheme all day, hasa diga ebowai … the right wing hates that. You can’t generalize too much. There are more than “two blocs” or even 4 in this country.
But yes the country will slowly go down the tubes.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:51 pm, 10th November 2016I didn’t say he was corrupt as compared to the Lizard Queen. I just said he was corrupt, because he is. Of course the Lizard Queen is more corrupt, but I don’t believe in lesser evilism. (That’s why America is collapsing.)
You have just proven my entire point. Your marriage works because you fuck other women. I say that almost every day.
(I just love these guys who come on to my blog saying that I’m all wrong about monogamous marriage not working, then in the same comment proceed to prove how I’m exactly right.)
Correct, but I’m not saying “America is a SJW country.” I’ve never said anything like that. I’ve said America is a left-wing country, because it is. According to polls, since the year 2000, the average American has moved to the left on every political issue except abortion. Most Americans lean left on the vast majority of all political issues. I’m not taking about SJWs or Black Lives Matter activists. I’m talking about the typical, average American.
Here are some articles on that:
My point to some of the commenters above is that to say that suddenly all these left-wing white people, black people, Hispanics, etc, are suddenly going to move to the right just because Donald Trump was barely elected president (he lost the popular vote, folks; what does that tell you?) is ridiculous. I realize that’s what some of you want to believe, but the facts back what I’m saying, not what you’re saying.
Johnny Caustic
Posted at 09:27 pm, 10th November 2016BD, I agree that the decline and fall of the American Empire will continue on schedule. But…
Why do you believe that Trump will turn over governing to Pence? Trump strikes me as having a long record of working as hard as Blackdragon. I just don’t see how a guy with his work ethic, who took major financial and personal risks to become president (and will be the target of globalists for the rest of his life), would suddenly become lazy and uninterested in power on inauguration day. Can you please explain your thinking? Thanks.
Posted at 11:03 pm, 10th November 2016It’s not ONE guy. Before me someone already asked BD to disclose his excellent investment strategy:
Aardvark Joe says:
And also masterdev says:
The only thing close to response from BD is a cryptic:
Now, as to my knowledge, GOLD had a spike, but is down now:
the same with inverse ETFs – as market has rebounded after BD went to Vegas and I wonder if BD closed the positions in time.
It’s not about BD’s desire to make money – I have no problem with that. On the contrary. Every man should make enough money.
However in this case I think BD says something which is outside of his expertise: dating – yes, but investments? We still need to see. Track record please?
My problem is when BD overpromises and does not deliver. Not only in investing, but sometimes also in dating:
He promises to teach everything about his dating metod in His books, and yet he uses techniques like:
Hm,…What is the “standard opener”? And why is it not in the book?
By the way, @donnie demarco: it was an EXCELENT post of yours about the challenges involved in spending money on women!, I remember it, and the end with *fistpump*! Cheers!
Posted at 12:59 am, 11th November 2016@Alex.
Suppose BD had made his thoughts on this investment public and it had gone down the proverbial. What would you be saying about him then????
And why should he disclose his tips publicly and for nothing? I wouldn’t.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:57 am, 11th November 2016That’s exactly why. I’m on vacation in Vegas right now so I don’t know the specifics, but I heard my girlfriend listening to something on the news this morning about how Trump doesn’t want to live in the White House and wishes to remain in Trump Tower as President instead. EXACTLY. Trump has no interest whatsoever in the day to day work of being president. None.
He loves his real estate, licensing, and TV shows and will stick with those as much as possible. He also reportedly asked John Kasich to run all foreign and domestic policy for him as VP (which is everything) and there is significant anecdotal evidence that he never planned on winning the presidency in the first place and only did it to increase leverage for future TV deals, but even those two things aren’t true, the evidence is still overwhelming he doesn’t give a shit about the work involved in being Pres.
I’m not saying he’s going to make no decisions, but he’s going to turn most of this shit over to Pence. It’s clear to me that Mike Pence will be the most hands-on vice president in history. More than Cheney. Again, I could be wrong, but that’s where all the facts are pointing.
Alex, you don’t know how to read or you’re blatantly lying. He didn’t say there was one guy asking what I invested in. He said there’s one guy trying to “expose” me for wanting to make money. And in this thread there is one guy: you.
So you can’t read my comment above about how I said very clearly that I don’t give investment advice because I have no expertise there? Yet you want me to give investment advice anyway?
You’re illiterate or trolling. If you’re illiterate, please go brush up on some remedial reading courses and then come back when you can read the words displayed here within at least a high school level. If you’re just being a troll, please A) return all the ebooks you’ve ever purchased from me for a full refund (since, with one or two exceptions, all my ebooks have a lifetime money back guarantee, unlike any other PUA in the universe), B) immediately unsubscribe from this blog, and C) don’t read any of my content ever again.
If you post one more comment complaining that I don’t supply specific investment advice when I have no expertise in which to do so, I will delete it. If you make me delete more than one comment like this from you, you’ll be banned. You are free to believe that I’m lying. You are not free to derail topics on this blog. Thanks in advance.
Posted at 04:53 am, 11th November 2016“Your marriage works because you fuck other women. I say that almost every day.”
LOL. Completely wrong. My marriage works because I swallowed the red pill. I have extra happiness with a concubine. Let’s not twist things.
Look there are certain things that you have that I wish I did at your age. But the reality is BD you have missed the mark regarding a few things in life like the idea that a woman will always leave you, fathering and commitment. You may figure it out as time goes on.
Posted at 05:12 am, 11th November 2016From a logic standpoint it goes like this:
Happy long-term relationships are only compatible with the red pill approach;
The red pill approach is incompatible with monogamy;
Therefore happy LTRs are incompatible with monogamy.
Thus BD is not wrong, he’s just telling things a bit out of sequence in this case.
Wouldn’t you say your definition of “commitment” kinda differs from the society’s?
Posted at 06:45 am, 11th November 2016“Wouldn’t you say your definition of “commitment” kinda differs from the society’s?”
Not sure since I don’t follow said “society”. I just know that my women are committed. Will admit that many of the cheer-leading feminist men around today never know if their women will be around tomorrow.
Think King Solomon.
Posted at 09:38 am, 11th November 2016@ Jack
I love the ideas of de-funding colleges who squash free speech and discriminate against people who are accused (but not convicted) of rape. Having said that, most of the other stuff you say truly offends me as someone who loves our constitution and looks at all of humanity as my brothers and sisters.
On the one hand you say you want to restore free speech and on the other hand you say BlackLivesMatter (an organisation which you presumably don’t like) should be banned. I think BlackLivesMatter is pretty ridiculous but if the government bans them, who will be next? This would be a violation of free speech.
Also, do you really think the government is going to round up and deport 11 million illegal immigrants, most of whom are productive and law abiding? I don’t like illegal immigration, but would be disgusted by our government doing something so inhumane. I think everyone in this country needs to admit that we were the ones that allowed illegal immigrants to come in the first place. Our solution to illegal immigration needs to be humane and take into account that our economy depends on the illegal immigrants who are already here.
Only allowing immigrants from Europe reaks of racism; and targeting all Muslim immigrants including the vast majority who are legal and law abiding/ productive goes fundamentally against the principal of freedom of religion.
I bet you think you are for the principles of the constitution but most of the stuff you are proposing goes against the principals of free speech, freedom of religion and the idea that we should all have equal treatment under the law. It seems more based on prejudices than anything else. I wonder how much you have traveled outside the United States? I also wonder if you have any friends who are not white?
Oh and this country is called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. America is two continents (North and South). If you go outside of the U.S. people will think you are a fool if you call our country America.
I am libertarian by the way.
Geoff Pride
Posted at 09:42 am, 11th November 2016Lots of things will change, the most obvious being an uptick in hatred directed towards minorities.
This is just a small sample of day 1:
Trump is a shitty, divisive, negative, and incendiary person, and it absolutely sucks that he “won” (in quotes because Hillary got nearly a half million more votes than him, at least a half million votes did not count under the highly antiquated electoral college system.)
It ESPECIALLY sucks considering BD’s main point of “it won’t matter anyway,” which is true. So Trump brings no actual positives, and a wealth of negatives that will negatively impact the cultural climate of the world. Trump is a LOSER, his life is mostly a long list of profiting off of failure through systematic manipulation. He is the weakest presidential winner EVER as far as voter turnout and his massive loss of the popular vote. He is a loser that lose LESS to an even bigger loser. I hate Hillary, but cannot BELIEVE fans of Trump. You guys are messed up.
Posted at 10:01 am, 11th November 2016This. Exactly this, came straight out of Don Jr’s mouth.
I’m sorry, Trump supporters are desperately living in a fantasy world. They pinned all their hopes and dreams on a masculine father-figure they’ve longed for all their lives, and think Dad’s going to fix it all and make it all okay.
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll realize that even Donald himself didn’t expect victory (if he did, why would he be hedging his bets by talking about the system being rigged?).
I’m not convinced the man wants to be President either. He can’t exactly turn it down at this point. He’ll be like George W. Bush, letting the VP run the country for the duration like Cheney, again exactly as BD said. At least the actual policy and details part, I’m sure he’ll have input and preferences here and there. If you tried to brief the famously-short-attention-span Trump on even a list of leaders in the Middle East, the man would fall asleep. He’s just not interested in boring policy and coalition building. Clearly loves the spotlight though.
Posted at 10:11 am, 11th November 2016I read this post, I am not sure what to make out of it. I have watched Trumps old interviews on youtube, He has been saying the same thing since the 80’s, There is no doubt he is a alpha male but this continues to upset you, Your moving out of the country like Rosie and all of the other left wingers. He is corrupt not showing his tax returns, saying he is going to fuck you, I am sure every alpha is happy as hell he is elected, but your crying about it. Sounds like Michael Moore in Trumpland. Sounds like a left winger trying to make some cash from both sides.
Geoff Pride
Posted at 10:53 am, 11th November 2016All alpha is not equal, in fact there’s a very fine line between alpha and retarded. A baby can dominate a room and command attention by being loud, base-level alpha is no feat. Automatically supporting someone for being alpha without regards for content or character is for fools.
Posted at 11:16 am, 11th November 2016@JOTB:
I don’t personally know any Trump supporters so I’ll extend my congratulations to you! That’s not sarcasm.
You say….
I recognize that derailing PC was important for Trump supporters, but President-elect Trump at the White House and on Capitol Hill is already sounding and behaving like a run-of-the-mill politician. In response to a reporter’s question, Trump called Obama a very good man. (?!)
To my fellow Americans who voted for Trump, I sincerely hope he doesn’t disappoint you.
Ouch, Jack!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:48 pm, 11th November 2016Same thing.
His being an Alpha doesn’t upset me. I love that about Trump and always have.
I was making plans to move out of the country many years before even Trump ran for president. Here’s something I wrote about it over four years ago. Trump has nothing to do with why I’m leaving. I’m leaving because of left-wingers and big government “conservatives.”
For the third time, Rosie O’Donnell and other left-wingers are just saying they’re leaving the country. They’re full of shit. They won’t leave. Just watch.
Yep, and they’re going to get fucked and very dissapointed if they think he’s actually going to turn anything around for the long-term.
Yeah, I’m a left-winger, when I want to privatize the school system, abolish all welfare, abolish all income taxes, eliminate all political correctness, abolish the Fed, abolish all affirmative action, etc…
Correct. I’m here to make money from both sides, as much as I can. Now shut up and give me money please.
Geoff Pride
Posted at 02:44 pm, 11th November 2016I have to note here, that men who automatically support an alpha for being the alpha, is the dictionary definition of beta.
Posted at 04:52 pm, 11th November 2016I don’t know how someone who has had well known mafia connections since the 70’s can be seen as somehow giving a finger to the “elite”. That’s ridiculous.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:54 pm, 11th November 2016@Captain:
You’re talking to a law school graduate who has studied the Constitution (including literally thousands of U.S. Supreme Court cases) for the better part of the last 15 years of his life (second only to family law). Nothing I said violates the Constitution in any way! I too love the Constitution and believe it to be the conscience of the entire nation!
All terrorist organizations should be banned. This has nothing to do with peaceful expression.
No, it wouldn’t. Anyone can peacefully protest, non-violently speak about anything they like, or give their opinion about anything, no matter how much I may disagree with it. But the First Amendment does NOT protect (and never has) criminal speech, or speech which verbally encourages violent or criminal behavior, or law breaking (a la Black Lives Matter – WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!) According to the U.S. Supreme Court, such speech verbally encouraging crimes violates the “Bad Tendency Rule,” and may even fail the Court’s “Clear and Present Danger Test.”
The First Amendment has never protected speech encouraging the breaking of laws (not to be confused with wanting laws to be changed).
Further, you’ll, of course, agree with me that things like vandalism, arson, destruction of private property, illegally blocking traffic, heckler’s veto, physical violence, and murder are not protected under any Constitutional Amendment, Article, or Clause and are criminal activities. As such, when you throw in BLM’s political aims, it fits the American government’s definition of a terrorist organization. They should all be legally executed (preferably with drone strikes) or imprisoned in military camps like Gitmo, not for their non-violent speech, but for their crimes against humanity and human rights violations!
By definition, if they were law-abiding, they would turn themselves over for deportation. The fact that they aren’t doing that refutes your statement that they are law abiding.
Do I think the government is going to do that? Probably not. Do I think it can if it really put its mind to it? Yes. Do I think it should? Hell yes! We’re either a country or we’re not.
There is nothing inhumane about enforcing the law. There is nothing inhumane about upholding the definition of “nation.”
Correct. Because of PC!
Your PC disposition will be interpreted as a sign of weakness. You must take into account the various moods and shades of Mexican culture. They have no respect for your cup cake approach. If you want these criminals (just by virtue of their physical presence) to respect you and submit, a strong fist is what’s needed, followed by a brutal ass kicking from our military!
I remember a member of the KKK once said on Howard Stern, “The biggest weakness of the white race is our addiction to cheap labor.” I agree with this statement. It is time to break that addiction! Our economy will recover if it sticks to the principles of capitalism! Our very identity as a nation is what is at stake here! These people don’t want to assimilate. They want to turn the U.S. into North Mexico. For this they must pay, just like white people would deserve to pay if we went to Mexico and tried to de-Mexicanize the culture there! I see this as simple commonsense!
Read it again! I never said we should allow immigrants only from Europe. I’m fine with legal immigration from every corner of the globe (except the Muslim world), on the promise of immigrant assimilation and Americanization. What I said was that there should be a slight emphasis in our immigration policies favoring European immigrants who no longer have a home because of the Muslim invasion of Europe. These Europeans are the last bastion of western civilization (outside America, Canada, and Australia) and they are homeless.
It is the height of compassion to give them a home here, so that a remnant of the West can be saved before all of Europe bows to Mecca and the pedophile Prophet (pig vomit be upon him). If I were Trump, I’d call on all homeless Europeans to consider coming to America, assuring them that they will have a home here, that they will be welcomed with open arms, and that here (unlike in Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Britain, France, etc…) their daughters won’t be raped for walking down the street while wearing something that’s not Islam-approved, because here, “allah will never be akbar.”
Yes, I want to save even the French from Islam (god help me).
No, it doesn’t! Your knowledge of immigration law in relation to the Constitution is decidedly limited.
First, the Constitution does not protect those who are here illegally. It protects only natural born citizens, naturalized citizens, non-citizen legal immigrants/residents, and legal visitors or tourists! Those who are here illegally are NOT protected by the Constitution or any portion thereof. Although liberal judges are trying to change this!
Second, legal immigrants, according to the law, are here “only at the pleasure of Congress.” If they are not citizens (natural born or naturalized), then their stay with us is a privilege, not a right! This means that Congress – by passing a law through a simple majority, assuming it’s signed by the President – can kick out all legal immigrants for any reason Congress wants! Yes, freedom of religion is guaranteed in the First Amendment, but your right to be in this country is NOT a right (unless you’re a citizen). In short, the Constitution doesn’t apply to our immigration laws or policies, and it never did!
Third, the Second Amendment guarantees the right to own a gun. But this doesn’t change the fact that you need a permit to do so. As such, a law can be passed requiring all Muslims to obtain a Muslim permit before they are legally allowed to practice Islam. If they violate the terms of the permit by breaking laws, becoming violent, or engaging in terrorism, their Muslim permits may be revoked and First Amendment wouldn’t protect them, jus like the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to those who fail criminal background checks, etc… I advocate a legally required Muslim permit to practice Islam in the United States for Muslim citizens. If you say this violates the First Amendment, then you must also say that gun permits violate the Second.
I know I am! And I’m positive that I have read, studied, and analyzed more federal court cases expounding upon Constitutional principles than yourself!
No, it doesn’t. See above.
No it doesn’t. See above.
No it doesn’t. See above.
This is irrelevant. We’re talking here about my home.
This is an equally irrelevant and subjective politically correct question used by SJWs against red pillers, so I won’t dignify it! Please check your PC levels. They’re rising.
Oh yeah? LOL! Well I’m NOT outside the U.S. and most people here refer to our country as America and us as Americans. If I were to visit Canada or some other country within the two continents, I’d use different language. Your levels of PC have now flown off the chart.
A PC libertarian. Who knew?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:39 pm, 11th November 2016No, but I do have white friends who have white relatives, who have white acquaintances, who have black and Hispanic coworkers.
Does that count? Am I cool now, yo? Am I hip? Am I…..”with it?”
No, but seriously, get the fuck out of my face with that PC white guilt bullshit!
Posted at 08:30 pm, 11th November 2016This should really stop. I know it’s what the media is saying but the “popular vote” here is so warped by the electoral college system as to be completely meaningless.
Because of the system we have:
1. People who live in guaranteed red or blue areas won’t go out to vote if there aren’t any local elections they care about. Why bother voting for Trump in NYC?
2. The candidates have no reason to campaign in the most populous areas of the country. They’re all solidly one candidate or another. So even if, say, 40% of SF could be persuaded to vote for Trump, his campaign spent no money or time on the area.
3. And most importantly, we have multiple candidates on the ballot and can only vote for one of them. I might prefer Johnson, Trump, and then Hillary, and, because I live in an area where it doesn’t matter what I vote, I decide to vote for Johnson. That takes away a single popular vote from Trump, even though I really don’t like Hillary.
And finally, you say half a million, but I say .1%. They were incredibly close to each other when it comes to the warped popular vote we have.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:35 pm, 11th November 2016Hey Captain, I just noticed something:
You claim to be in the U.S. and yet you said this:
You spelled organization with an s – “organisation,” which is Canadian/Australian/European spelling. Did you get your spell checker from Canada?
Also, you said this:
This is a common Canadian complaint. You are obviously ignorant of the fact that us Americans (heh, heh, heh) refer to each other as Americans more often than “United States citizens” and refer to our country as America instead of “the United States.”
Do you also spell the word “realize” as “realise?”
Are you sure you’re a U.S. citizen? You sound more like a Canadian, eh?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:18 am, 12th November 2016@Zoe:
Yes you do! They’re just smart enough not to talk about it. Think back to the men you’ve slept with who were the most phenomenal in bed! They’re Trump supporters, baby!
Well thank you!
He’s being gracious. Just like he said that the dyke needs to be locked up, and now during his acceptance speech, he sincerely thanked her for her service. He has to work with Obama and make nice during the transition phase until January 20th.
Graciousness is not PC to me. The heart of PC is obstructing speech, elevating emotional and subjective “lived experience” (another bullshit PC term) over objective truth and justice, anti-white racism, anti-male sexism, heterophobia, and Islamophilia.
He may very well disappoint us. But he won’t be nearly as bad as the dyke. Putting him in office was worth it just for that fact alone. We can sleep better knowing that thousands of Muslim refugees from Syria won’t invade this nation. Gay men like Milo can relax knowing he can extend his visit here without worrying about some Syrian jackass putting a bullet in his head while screaming “allahu akbar” because of the PC immigration mandates of a globalist anti-western cunt!
LOL! Hey, you break the law by coming here, you pay! Their arrogance just offends me.
Interestingly, the law is clear that both the Constitution and civil law doesn’t apply to illegals, but criminal protections still do. So, if they’re illegal, they can’t sue anybody for anything or claim Constitutional protections. But they can call the police if someone tries to murder them. This, in my opinion, is insane. How can the legal system protect people who don’t legally exist? That’s like California giving them a legal right to drive despite them not even having a legal right to walk.
The best way to get them to self-deport is to pass a law declaring that all criminal law protections do not extend to illegals either (just like civil laws and Constitutional protections already do not). This way, all crimes against illegals, including murder, will be perfectly legal. Only those who legally exist should receive legal protections. Simple commonsense, in my opinion. I’m sure that would get the amigos to think twice before coming here in the first place, and it will definitely get them to leave. This is the only law that I think should be written in Spanish, lol. Whatever injustices they experience because of this are obviated by the fact that they had no legal right to even come here in the first place. So everything that happens to them, including murder, should be legally and morally put on them!
Legal Disclaimer: I do not condone law breaking. Thus, I do not encourage or condone any physical violence or criminal acts against illegals while committing those acts is still a crime. But I do think the laws should be changed.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:22 am, 12th November 2016Hey BD, are the emoticons in the tool bar seriously gone?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:59 am, 12th November 2016@Johnnybegood:
Not necessarily. At minimum, he’ll just be better than the dyke.
To make sure the elites don’t rig it. He wanted to embarrass them by talking about it constantly and how we won’t accept the results if he loses. It made rigging those computer voting machines too risky for the globalists.
Even if he does nothing, he’s still better than the dyke.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:09 am, 12th November 2016@Geoff Pride:
Are you suggesting that this is a bad thing? You’d prefer an obedient, non-divisive, and non-incendiary Google who apologizes all the time for being white?
I remember during the campaign I was expecting Trump to go full PC on us. When the former president of Mexico called him a racist, I remember thinking to myself, “oh here it comes. He’s had his fun, but now will come the apologies.” “I’m sorry for being white. I’m in the process of learning where my hate is coming from. My words were hateful and unacceptable. I should learn to check my privilege, blah, blah, blah.”
Instead, his response was, “President Fox just called me a racist. Well guess what? The wall just got ten feet higher.”
Boom! The idea that a white politician could have balls never occurred to me. Now, since I believe in racial equality, I’m not partial to white pride, but in that moment, a surge of self esteem and good feelings swept over me as I realized then and there that this man would definitely become the 45th President of the United States! It was a spiritual moment for that I will never forget. Even with all his flaws, he has a sparkle in his eyes that white people have desperately needed for so long. And this is important. We, as a country, need him.
It is now open season (politically speaking) on anti-white “check your privilege” racists. White people will no longer keep their heads down and be ashamed for how they were born. And it’s about goddamn time!
No. It’s great in many, many ways.
Bullshit! She got only two thousand more votes than him, which is one thousand less than Gore got against Bush. She won the popular vote by 0.5 percent.
And the electoral college is not antiquated. It’s necessary. There are more people living in 8 states than there are in the other 42 states combined. So in order to prevent an 8 state oligarchy, the electoral colleges ensures that every state matters and gets at least one vote.
His positives are legion.
So restoring Free Speech is “negatively impacting the cultural climate?”
No billionaire is a loser. Stop watch the Young Turks.
1. Saving the First Amendment is more important than Trump’s flaws.
2. Saving the Second Amendment is more important than Trump’s flaws.
3. Saving the West from Islam is more important than Trump’s flaws.
Under Trump, we at least have a fighting chance to accomplish all three goals. Under the dyke, all three of those would be hopeless and this country would drown in PC trash as we get blown up by the “poor refugees.”
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:19 am, 12th November 2016Hey BD, funny story: It turns out you can’t say “c^^k” with a “u” on your blog, but you can say Google, as demonstrated by my above post which wouldn’t post over 10 times until I replaced the word c^^k with Google. But now I can’t edit it to reinsert the word because the editor says it’s spam, despite it already being posted! Amazing.
Posted at 04:23 am, 12th November 2016I just realized who Trump is. In the PC world, what sexist MOFO cheated on his wife, with a direct subordinate, in a high paying network TV job and got away with it all? David Letterman. David Letterman did all that, kept his marriage, kept his job, and he did NOT get skewered by the media, OR social media, his job, or even his WIFE! And he earned all of these passes because he was the guy who kept giving Sarah Palin shit. Trump is the Republican, or should I say RINO, David Letterman. The only other guy in recent memory to get some passes on bad behavior. Trump Trump Trump Trump
Posted at 04:33 am, 12th November 2016LOL! I’m moving out of state next year. Still haven’t decided where in this awesome country of ours. But I’ll use your insight as a determining factor. Thanks for the tip 😉
Posted at 08:31 am, 12th November 2016He didn’t ask that question to appear more “hip” than you.
Having a lifetime of only white friends means you’ve lived a limited life experience, and thus your perspectives will limited and your conclusions will be made based off of incomplete information.
People unfamiliar with other people on a friendship level tend to show fear, anger, “us vs them” attitudes, etc towards entire groups that are “different.” The tone of your post seems to fit the textbook definition of low life experience and unfamiliarity, that’s why he asked the question, you’re a living textbook definition and example of “I only know white people.”
People familiar with others tend to show empathy and acceptance and are able to see multiple perspectives based on real life experience. You’re undeveloped in this area due to your lower degree of life experience.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:55 am, 12th November 2016I’ve already talked about the corruption, utter unfairness and stupidity of our current election system, so you’re preaching to the choir here.
Regardless, many commenters here are making the argument that America is about to turn back to the right-wing, yet most people who voted did so for the left-winger. The facts available to us don’t match their argument.
Jack, if you behave like every other commenter in the universe and just wait a little bit, I push comments through caught by the spam filter. But if you’re going to be impatient and spastic, then yeah, you’re going to have to re-type your novel-length comments multiple times.
No one complains about my blog functionality as often as you do. I’m ignoring all of your complaints about this from you from now on. Take a chill pill and calm down.
Posted at 10:10 am, 12th November 2016What did you invest in?
Posted at 10:19 am, 12th November 2016I, for one, find any religion to be dangerous because it a) preaches that authority trumps evidence and b) divides people into “us” and “them”. I find Islam particularly dangerous because the principles above are being actively used to manipulate Muslims to commit atrocious acts.
Therefore if I were to profile people, I would assign higher threat probability to a Muslim than to a non-Muslim. What in the above reasoning would change if I had more Muslim acquaintances?
Lab Guy
Posted at 10:19 am, 12th November 2016Regarding BD’s assertion Trump never really wanted the job or except maybe ran to start a new business venture (she has some crazy Catholicism stuff, but I like reading her blog for another perspective):
A war with Russia probably avoided:
And it was good move to demote Governor Christie given his current problems in NJ with Bridgegate. Not sure what Trump is thinking on Obamacare but hope that monstrosity is axed soon.
For now, enjoy the libtard tears and show the left no mercy. We need a bit of optimism right now.
Posted at 10:44 am, 12th November 2016If you had genuine Muslim friends your level of fear and distrust of the typical Muslim stranger you encounter would drop considerably, and the rhetoric you use to describe the issue of manipulation-by-religion would be more careful than “ban all Muslims,” out of basic respect for your fellow human beings (instead of “them”) and the understanding that most Muslims are like everyone else, they just want to get through the day with as little BS as possible and be left alone to live their lives.
Posted at 11:36 am, 12th November 2016My point was that we don’t have the facts. I’m avoiding whether or not the electoral college system is good, and specifically pointing out that we have absolutely no idea what the actual popular vote is, and the warped popular vote is close enough that we can’t actually say if the majority of the country supports Trump.
Sure, if the warped popular vote said “58% supported Hillary and 30% supported Trump” we’d be pretty safe in saying “the majority supported Hillary”, but that’s not what we have. We have about (I was wrong before) a half a percent difference in popular vote. With the warped system that’s easily explainable by people in certain areas voting for the Libertarian instead of Trump, or the Green Party instead of Hillary.
Gil Galad
Posted at 11:51 am, 12th November 2016Heh, I wouldn’t say most, but I agree that the truth here is between the two extremes. In my home country (massive muslim majority) there’s easily 40% who are the type that gets along relatively well with Westerners but in private can be made to admit that they’re ultimately favorable to a world sharia, sometimes including the most radical stuff (stoning, amputation of thieves…), though they’re becoming less and less enthusiastic about that as the years pass. Muslims are extremely diverse, ranging up to the weirdest version who vaguely admits that the Quran is human-made and gay people are fine – a vaguely islamized deism. But up to half of the total would say yes to “invade the world if not too many civilians are killed, and implement at least part of the sharia”, and easily three quarters think you and I are going to hell. Not good, and definitely worse than today’s christianity: the “higher threat probability” above is correct.
And since I’m in the mood to be the asshole today, take note that Jack OTB still hasn’t answered my sweet comment to him about global warming (“what evidence would change your mind about denying it ? if none would, you’re admitting you’re taking this on faith and not reason”). He is no outlier, and it tells you something about hardcore climate change denialists in general: these people are every bit of the religious zealot. I respect ‘skeptics’ way, way more.
Geoff Pride
Posted at 12:15 pm, 12th November 2016In my experience in the US its most, but that could simply come down to those communities I’ve been able to experience (I dated a Muslim girl for a year or so and it was eye opening and life changing.) I agree that when you enter into strict Muslim ideology there are dangerous facets of it.
My point wasn’t Muslim specific though, this was my point, and it extends to all races and easily-divided sub-sets of people:
You can tell those people who’ve experienced a more complete life of friendships and close experiences with all different types of people, and those who have confined themselves to their own and thus are more ignorant due to lack of life experience. Jack Out The Box is clearly the latter.
Posted at 12:18 pm, 12th November 2016In my experience in the US its most, but that could simply come down to those communities I’ve been able to experience (I dated a Muslim girl for a year or so and it was eye opening and life changing.) I agree that when you enter into strict Muslim ideology there are dangerous facets of it.
My point wasn’t Muslim specific though, this was my point, and it extends to all races and easily-divided sub-sets of people:
You can tell those people who’ve experienced a more complete life of friendships and close experiences with all different types of people (on ANY side, this applies to ALL of course, including minorities who only stick to their own), and those who have confined themselves to their own and thus are more ignorant due to lack of life experience. Jack Out The Box is clearly the latter.
Posted at 12:29 pm, 12th November 2016It’s not fear. It’s not distrust. It’s profiling.
We were discussing immigration. If someone from Peru and someone from Syria are applying, and only one can be admitted, whom would a sane government invite, all else being equal?
Some Muslims are problematic in some aspects in ways non-Muslims aren’t, making admission of Muslims, in general, systematically worse compared to everyone else. Are there systematic benefits to increasing Muslim immigration?
Posted at 12:39 pm, 12th November 2016No, I have taken no part in that discussion. You addressed me in my line of discussion, I did not address you in yours. Follow the discussion line of Captain and Jack in the Box, that’s the discussion I’m involved in.
Captain said ” I also wonder if you have any friends who are not white?” in response to a xenophobic post of Jack’s.
Jack replied that all his friends were indeed white and framed it as if Captain was trying to be more “hip” than him.
I was saying that it has nothing to do with hipness, that Jack is demonstrating qualities indicative of a limited life experience when it comes to interacting with various demographics of people, so obviously so that Captain called it and Jack admitted to it. A limited life experience like this makes a person less capable of good judgement, they will be operating from an abnormally strong self-centric skew, and tend to irrationally hate/fear that which they are unfamiliar with on a personal level.
I was never talking Muslims specifically, but to your point:
I am against inflammatory language being used to antagonize others based on demographics. This is different than taking realistic measures to ensure national security. There’s a big difference between increasing levels of screening for certain demographics and locations, and hateful and conflict-inducing rhetoric being spewed at them.
Posted at 12:57 pm, 12th November 2016You put Jack on the wrong side of his box. Is that inflammatory language that antagonizes others based on box orientation? : )
Apparently you think that being “inclusive”, accepting others’ cultures unconditionally is a good idea. The main reason this is wrong is letting “culture” justify wrongdoing (don’t Jews amputate body parts of newborn babies, for example?).
One should look at actions, not words. And if a particular group is especially prone to certain actions, that might be cause to be wary of them and/or to take some kind of action against them all.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:00 pm, 12th November 2016@NWP: So why are you impersonating me? You obviously know very well that my screen name is “NWP” on the sedfast forum. So now you’ve tried to slander my reputation by making me out to be a believer in social justice PC horseshit by stealing my fucking name? Fuck you!
BD, can’t there be some rules here against impersonating other posters and substituting their opposite beliefs by stealing their very conspicuous screen names from other places (especially since the same people read both places)? This is mendacious libel!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:36 pm, 12th November 2016But you’re not against deception, slander, and illegal impersonation of someone else based on the opposite personality!
You have a strange code of honor.
The artist formerly known as faux NWP
Posted at 02:41 pm, 12th November 2016Just having a laugh, you make it so easy and irresistible. You can rest assured that no one who already knows you thinks that this is you, that much is self evident. But I feel you, its not that cool, this will be my final NWP post. I respect other’s requests for respect, I’m indeed PC in my respect and consideration for others, to your benefit here. If something is needless and inflammatory like this, and they request that I stop, and they’re correct in feeling offended like you are here, I stop it.
I’ve meant everything I’ve said though, if you’d care to address. You said you have very limited life experience outside white people, so you must be aware that this is skewing pretty much every thought in your head. Any part of you wish to take enlightening action and expose yourself directly and for significant time to cultures you admittedly ignorantly despise?
Posted at 02:52 pm, 12th November 2016Hey, there’s no such thing as “correct in feeling offended”. This is the core issue.
Posted at 02:54 pm, 12th November 2016Wrong. When someone is obviously antagonizing like I was here, the person being antagonized is correct in feeling offended by it.
-resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult.
NWP aka Jack is correct in his display of annoyance and resentment here. And I’ll respect that I’m the cause of this, and stop. Call me PC, I think its just about good vibes and avoiding needlessness. This was all to demonstrate this exact point. His reaction was predictable to the “t.”
Not NWP either
Posted at 03:04 pm, 12th November 2016Right. Even your dictionary definition agrees that it’s about perception.
But the big problem–it’s strange that I have to spell this out–is that one can’t define when it’s “correct” to take offense and when it isn’t. Fixing the problem of people feeling resentful or annoyed by forbidding speech is so obviously a path to nowhere, while the problem lies completely with whoever gets offended.
Posted at 03:11 pm, 12th November 2016Its lame, but its fundamental to human nature. Some amount of things you just want to accept and roll with. “Fuck” was offensive too for fucking centuries (and still is to most). And the meaning behind that word is sunshine and puffy clouds compared to racially based slanders rooted in generalized hate and fear and unfamiliarity.
I think its weak as fuck to slander groups of people in mass with antagonizing speech. A white man who slanders minorities and then gets mad at them for asking him not to with “PC” as his device to dodge the fact that its about base-level human respect, is an idiot with esteem issues in my book. Is it that hard not to use obviously incendiary language to knock people? Come on. A bigger person, a true alpha male (whichever version), has no need to shit on the weak and then tell them to STFU about it when they ask him to stop.
Posted at 06:27 pm, 12th November 2016Fixed. Government can literally change anything at any time. Three words: Japanese Internment Camps. Two more words: Patriot Act. The constitution is a joke nowadays.
Oh and its like this anywhere else in the world with a big, organized government. Virtually no one is safe from statism.
Posted at 08:04 pm, 12th November 2016@jack
Today I was talking to a lady friend of mine and mentioned that I did not vote for Trump because I believe he is a racist. Next thing I know she started going off about about all kinds of socially programmed crap about white privilege etc. She assumed just because I didn’t vote for Trump I was part of the extreme left wing. Actually I think for myself. And, I have respect for all my fellow human beings regardless of their race or religion. I even have respect for you even though you appear to have a lot of hate in you.
The extremes on both sides are destroying The United States. We really need a moderate President and a moderate congress who will move towards balancing the budget by drastically reducing military spending, create a rational immigration policy and get the federal government out of managing state functions (e.g. the department of education, health & human services etc.).
Posted at 08:09 pm, 12th November 2016@ jack
I also have to commend your knowledge of law and the Constitution. Did you complete law school? Did you pass the bar? You certainly have the intelligence to have done so.
By the way good job figuring out the Canadian connection. I am American but did my undergrad degree at a Canadian University.
Too bad for you that you are close minded to non-white, non-judeo Christian people. I am going to have a great time with my 22 year old Muslim girl tonight and my 23 year African American girl Monday. I also am looking forward to my various upcoming trips to Latin America and Asia. Have fun with your white American women and all their hangups.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:11 pm, 12th November 2016Your point is that because the electoral system is horribly flawed in this country, which it is, that we have no idea if the majority of people like Trump or not. This is incorrect, because we have much more data than just the electoral college results.
For example, a quote from the Washington Post here:
A majority of voters, 57 percent, saying that they would have “negative” feelings if Trump won, and 53 percent saying that of Clinton. There is no precedent for a candidate winning the presidency with fewer voters viewing him favorably, or looking forward to his administration, than the loser. Moreover, just 40 percent of voters said they had a “favorable” opinion of the Republican Party; 47 percent said the same of the Democrats.
Here’s data from the Pew Research Center (here) quoting:
Just 11% of all registered voters say they would be excited if Trump won, 26% say they would be relieved, while a majority says they would be disappointed (34%) or angry (25%).
I could go on and on, the the preponderance of the data is clear on two points:
1. Trump is widely hated, and perhaps the most hated person to ever win the presidency on his election day.
2. The US is still a majority left-wing country.
This stuff about a right-wing renaissance or turnaround in the US is a nice thought, but it’s simply not true. No data supports it.
Posted at 08:45 pm, 12th November 2016The left and right in the U.S. both think the other side is the threat to our country. In reality Corporatism is the threat. Most of the right wants to privatize education. What a terrible idea! We will end up with the government forcing our children to go to corporate schools and we will all have to pay the bill as these schools seek more and more profit. It will be no different than Obamacare.
Let’s just get the federal government out of anything that doesn’t directly relate to the constitution.
Posted at 09:01 pm, 12th November 2016Not worth arguing too much more over it, but you can’t trust the polls. They gave Hillary something like a 85% chance to win (that everyone was assuming was 100%), and yet Trump came within 500k/0.5% of the warped popular vote. Alls I’m saying is we don’t have good data on if Trump would have won a popular vote or not.
Regardless I agree with you, even if Trump would have won a straight popular vote, it doesn’t mean the country is turning into a right wing country. Or that we’re even sort of moving towards that. Much of Trump’s support came from people who have no options, who will vote for anyone who pretends to care about them (not that they’re stupid, but…who would you vote for? the guy who says “I feel your pain” or the guy who says <nothing>)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:10 pm, 12th November 2016I’ve been saying that for 25 years, and trust me, no one is interested. “Get the government out of it” is a nice slogan, but that’s all it will ever be. The US is becoming divided into two groups: socialists and nationalist authoritarians. The government will grow in size, forever, until the US collapses. Count on it.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:18 pm, 12th November 2016@Captain:
A belief which has zero merit and zero evidence.
Considering your PC behavior here, I share that assumption.
I do not respect people regardless of their religion. Your religion says something about your personality, your beliefs, and your view of the world. In short, the religion you choose says a great deal about your character and decency as a person. It is thus foolish to respect all people regardless of religion.
Only SJWs use the word “hate” as a noun, instead of as a verb that is followed by a noun. There is nothing wrong with having tons and tons of hate. In fact, it’s good to hate that which is worthy of hate. Just like there’s nothing wrong with having tons of love. It all depends what that love or hate is directed towards!
But if you use the word hate as a noun, then you have been brainwashed by Star Wars and social justice, in which case, I can’t help you.
Moderate? I thought you were a libertarian.
I’m in favor of all of those things.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:47 pm, 12th November 2016Yes.
What??? When did I say a single bad word about non-white people for being non-white? What the fuck are you talking about? Also, non-judeo Christian? Um, dude, I’m an atheist! There is nothing Judeo-Christian about me! I despise “Judeo-Christians.”
Now I understand why you think Trump is racist with zero evidence. You’ve suggested here that I’m a racist, or that I’m closed-minded to non-whites, despite zero evidence, while blatantly ignoring what I said about me wanting immigration from every corner of the globe (except the Muslim world). Like a typical SJW, you see racism where it doesn’t exist, even in people like me who believe in racial equality. You also see Christianity where it doesn’t exist, even in atheists like me who see Christians as bumbling dorks. So yeah, I totally get how you can see Trump as racist. You ignore the evidence and make false PC inferences.
Just make sure her big brothers don’t plant a bomb in your car for “turning our sister into a whore. Allahu Akbar!” Boom!
LOL @ “African-American.”
Despite your claims to libertarianism, there is no way you aren’t a PC SJW. Also, where did you get the idea that I have any problems with black people? I’ve fucked two African women. They weren’t Americans though. They were foreign exchange students from Africa. And both of them were very good in bed, and enthusiastic about “embracing western values.” I have fond memories of them both.
But you think I have something against non-white people and that I somehow make racial distinctions based on skin color. And you think I’m a Christian! HAHAHAHA! You’re funny.
Have fun!
What makes you think I confine my sex life to white women? What makes you think that I have any type of racial bias whatsoever! You either don’t know how to read, or you’re conflating race with culture, which is another SJW trait.
Posted at 12:34 am, 13th November 2016“Democracy is the road to socialism” Karol Marx
We live in the dumbest political system in human history, where homeless drug addict has the same power as succesfull self-made millionaire( in theory at least- but thats the postulate of democracy). It’s obvious that there are more dumb, lazy and minimalistic people than smart, responsible, succesfull etc. so every democracy is becoming more more degenerated every year (which means more left-sided). Today western world is what communists dream for 100 years ago. And it will be worse I agree!
Do you plan to escape to democratic country? If yes, then guess what’s gonna happen there sooner or later….
Anyway enjoy the decline!
Posted at 01:04 am, 13th November 2016@Captain
Posted at 01:07 am, 13th November 2016@Captain
The Left is a threat to the Union, not to mention free speech and having an opinion. And worse, the Left is perpetuating Leftness through the Schools. Public Schools are currently a disease. The only thing to do to learn to think without becoming a Borg is to get OUT of public school.
Gil Galad
Posted at 01:13 am, 13th November 2016@Jack: that’s possibly the wrongest thing you’ve ever said on this blog. I’ve never read someone with as little self-awareness as you. You have no idea how much judeo-christian prejudice you have, it’s pervasive in your comments. Your opinions on technology, the environment, your black-and-white classifying of people into SJWs and other categories, and many other things reek of christian dualism and essentialism. So many ‘atheists’ like you think that because they’ve just removed Yahweh of the equation, all the intellectual damage of the christian culture has been dealt with, and it’s precisely that belief that gives all the more power to judeo-christian biases.
I have no idea how you manage not to see this; I mean, do you seriously believe that all the extreme black and white categorizing that you do is, you know, correct, or that your being an atheist who nonetheless believes the universe can “punish us for our hubris”, indistinguishable from christianity (only the name “God” has been replaced with another word: this is definitely not “spirituality”, it is traditional religion), has nothing to do with a judeo-christian influence ? Dude.
No wonder you’re repeatedly told that you have a narrow perspective or haven’t met enough people: you live in a tiny enclosure and think it’s the world, and make judgements accordingly.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:36 am, 13th November 2016@Impersonator:
There is nothing funny about impersonation. In fact, it violates civil law. How did I make it easy or irresistible for you to attempt to illegally smear my reputation by making me out to be a believer in social justice trash? What purpose did it serve for you? What reason did you have?
Two things could have happened:
1. People who don’t know me, or know me somewhat, would have gotten the false idea that I have lost my mind and now believe in SJW nonsense, thus harming my reputation on the forums and giving me the legal green light to sue you for libel and impersonation (both illegal).
2. People who know me well would have come to the false conclusion that I am two-faced, thus calling into question my credibility on the forums when I discuss my sex life (since you mentioned that you dated a Muslim girl when I have emphatically said on the forums that I would never do such a thing, etc…), thus, once again, giving me the green light to sue you for libel/impersonation.
You think this is funny? I would love to sue the living fuck out of your lying ass, but I can’t for two reasons:
1. You admitted the impersonation before my reputation was harmed with anyone, thus depriving me of the second thing I need to win a defamation case (concrete damages). This leaves me with only one of the two required criteria for slander/libel (the deception), while the law says I need to prove both (you lying AND concrete damages to my name resulting from the lie).
2. Due to the nature of the Internet, I don’t know who you really are, what your real name is, or where you live (assuming you even live in America). Although, if I were to make an official court claim, there are legal ways to get around Internet anonymity.
Forget about what’s cool. If you would have damaged my reputation with your deception, you would have broken the law!
I’m not asking you for respect! Fuck you! I’m asking you (nay – I’m demanding) that you obey the law!
HAHA! Like a typical SJW (another one), you falsely conflate facts with feelings. This has nothing whatsoever to do with my feelings. My emotions are completely irrelevant! This has to do with you violating the law against libel and impersonation (both of which are worthy of lawsuits if reputation damage is done to the victim). Such potentially reputation destroying deception is a civil violation, which is NOT to be confused with hurting legally worthless feelings!
How dare you equate your illegal misrepresentation of objective facts with me using inflammatory language to give my opinions? I can give whatever opinions I please and be as inflammatory as I please! Fuck your feelings! Learn the law!
My god! You’re really clueless aren’t you? Me feeling “offended” has nothing to do with anything! You’re falsely mixing feelings with facts (like all SJWs). Facts have legal protections! Feelings do not! Understood?
No, I didn’t. I was making a sarcastic joke in order to make an implicit stand against white guilt and political correctness. If he would have asked me if I’m a Nazi, I would have said yes and that I have a blow up doll of Hitler whose dick I suck daily! This is distinguished from the typical PC stooge who would virtue signal and say something like, “oh yes, I have a million black friends, please believe me, I’m one of the good ones.”
I was making a joke to show that I’m not a pussy! But I never answered his question seriously and I never will. I will NEVER fall for that SJW crap. The skin color of my friends is not his business and he can take the white guilt and shove it up his ass!
Which cultures do I ignorantly despise? The Muslim culture? I don’t ignorantly despise that filthy culture. I despise it with full knowledge of it! It is you who ignorantly likes it!
What other cultures have I shown any hostility to? I believe that all immigrants should assimilate into the culture of the country they come in to. And that includes white people immigrating to non-white countries! Commonsense! Not hostility or ignorance.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:14 am, 13th November 2016Facts have legal protections. Feelings do not. Get over it.
Facts have legal protections. Feelings do not. Get over it!
Oh fuck off! You got me! I don’t appreciate being slandered and defamed! I don’t appreciate being illegally impersonated! Wow! I’m so predicable! Hey Nostradamus, why don’t you go out and punch someone in the face and then when they react with anger, say to them, “aha, I knew you’d get angry. Gotcha!”
What a joke!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:34 am, 13th November 2016Give me a single “slander” that I wrote that is “racially based,” or even based in any type of racial consciousness!
Slander is a legal term that you obviously know nothing about. Either way, get over it! I’ll be as antagonizing as I please.
Stop using a legal word that you know nothing about. And calling attention to the color of my skin, as if that decreases my argument’s merit, is rather racist!
I have every right to give my opinion, no matter how antagonizing or inflammatory it is. If someone doesn’t like it, no one is obligating them to read it. They can piss off any time! They can ask me not to do it, but I have every right to respond that they are being PC (which they are) and then do it anyway. Welcome to freedom of speech, baby!
You know that ad-hominem attacks are not allowed on this blog, right?
No, it’s not hard. In fact, it’s rather easy. But I refuse to take the easy path on principle, as there are people trying to illegally censor this type of speech, so I will stand in solidarity with my fellow free speech absolutists just to show the PC crowd that we can, and that there is literally nothing that they can do about it!
Who are you talking about here? The Muslims? The victims of Islam are the weak ones. Not the Muslims themselves! Blowing up a building, and then claiming that the people who did it (as distinguished from the victims inside) are the “weak” ones is ridiculous.
Who else are you talking about? Illegals? They broke the law. They should pay! Get over it! I’ll shit on whoever I please!
I’m not telling anyone to shut up. They can ask me to stop until allah runs out of virgins. But it’s not going to happen!
As for your characterizations of an alpha male, only a beta would adjust his opinions to become more popular, to avoid offending emotional weaklings, or allow himself to be shamed for honestly expressing himself! Call me as beta as you want. You will get zero compromise and zero submission from me!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:20 am, 13th November 2016I never seriously said I have only white friends. I was making a sarcastic joke as a “fuck you” to the question. I’m not disclosing the skin color of any friends.
I don’t give two flying fucks about “different.” I give a fuck about “alalalala….BOOM!” I give a fuck about cultural and legal totalitarianism based on backwards trash written by a pedophile!
Again, I never sincerely admitted to only knowing white people. And you can make an objective judgment about a religion or a culture by simply studying it, its beliefs, and its attitudes, as well as inspecting the practical consequences of these dispositions in the real world. All of these things I have done. But you’re doing the typical SJW thing, whining about subjective “lived experience” and other emotion based irrelevancies. If I were a judge and had your “lived experience,” I’d have to recuse myself from the case for being “not sufficiently objective.” Subjective experience makes you too close to judge this culture coldly and efficiently.
I don’t need life experience to read the Koran. Last year, I read it everyday on the toilet (and it came in handy when I ran out of toilet paper). I don’t need life experience to read the Hadith. I don’t need life experience to read the Sunna! I don’t need life experience to watch whole buildings blowing up! I don’t need life experience to listen to what the imams are saying and then compare and contrast it with the holy books.
No, it wouldn’t. Read Ali Sina’s book “Understanding Mohammed and Muslims.” He’s an ex-Muslim with plenty of your precious “life experience” in the area of Islam. Liberal Muslims are pit bulls. They can snap at any time. I’d be more terrified with Muslim friends, not less.
Oh please! The human card? Really?
No, they’re not.
Then they should shed their hypocrisy by becoming ex-Muslims.
Good for you. I hope her parents didn’t find out. Or if they did, I hope she avoided an honor killing.
Islam is not a race.
I feel so sorry for people who think like you. Europe thought like you. Now look at it! Sweden has become the rape capital of the West because the women there don’t dress in Islam-approved clothing. Terrorist attacks are raging in London, Paris, Germany, and Belgian Muslims are openly calling for Sharia. How did this happen? Well, because, “you should make friends with backward regressives in order to broaden your life experience.”
Well, Europe has lots and lots of life experience now! How do you like it?
Ah yes! Here come the PC buzzwords. We have “xenophobic.” What’s next? Cis-gendered? It’s [insert current year?] Islamophobic? “punch up, punch down?” “Problematic? Micro-aggression? Triggered? Come on, give me one more!
Which was a sarcastic joke.
So subjective life experience trumps objective analysis? Thank god you’re not a judge. You’d have to recuse yourself from every case.
I’m unfamiliar with Japanese culture. So am I trashing it? I don’t give a fuck about unfamiliarity. I give a fuck about a totalitarian worldview that wants all of us dead or enslaved.
Not based on demographics. Based on religion and tyrannical beliefs.
We don’t have to screen them at all if we just refuse to let them in.
The conflict was induced by them. I’m just fighting back.
Note: Since you have me at a disadvantage, who are you on the sedfast forum?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:00 am, 13th November 2016@BD:
I was afraid that you wouldn’t find it, just like you didn’t find my other post that disappeared on your other blog, remember?
Besides, this wasn’t a complaint against you. I thought you’d appreciate some valuable information. WordPress is censoring the word “c^^k with a “u.” If you say that word, WordPress will automatically delete your entire comment, marking it as spam. I mean, talk about censoring the red pill community! This is chilling!
I didn’t. I took your advice and saved a copy to my word processor. I just had to copy and paste it here multiple times before I figured out that the word c^^k is what is causing the censorship. This was a eureka moment that I wanted to share with you. That’s all. I wasn’t expecting you to do anything, except say, “hmmm.”
Can you at least answer me about the emoticons? Are they seriously gone from the toolbar?
Posted at 05:36 am, 13th November 2016@ JOTB
🙂 😉 🙁 etc
Try this: https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Smilies
Never saw emoticons in the toolbar here, have always typed them in. Hope this helps.
Posted at 06:52 am, 13th November 2016This one just made my day, LOL.
It’s funny how people think you owe them something “free” in a capitalist world. If you really want something, there are only two ways to go about: either you learn it (and sell it later if you like) or you pay for it.
Posted at 09:19 am, 13th November 2016Wrong. I did NOT break the law by posting as NWP on a message board, you don’t have a trademark on those three letters that disallows anyone else from using them as a username on a messageboard. Hahah that’s laughable and you know it.
YOU got OFFENDED and EMOTIONAL. Own reality. This legal threat BS lashout only adds to the obviousness of your distressed feelings.
You put yourself at a disadvantage because you’re so predictable and obvious. So. . no.
Posted at 10:18 am, 13th November 2016If Jack getting emotional is the only thing you have to comment on in this discussion, then it no longer makes any sense to continue it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:31 pm, 13th November 2016When I move I’m doing five flags, so it won’t matter if the country I move to slowly creeps towards socialism (which is what pretty much all countries do).
And if it gets really bad there, no prob, I’ll just move again. The Alpha 2.0 lifestyle and business structure allows for this kind of mobility.
Posted at 12:50 pm, 13th November 2016Three flags, or did your plans change?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:57 pm, 13th November 2016Four flags, or perhaps 3.5 flags, but if I said “Four Flags” that would confuse people.
Remember, I’m talking to a very large audience here, not just the regular readers of my blogs.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:58 pm, 13th November 2016A recent quote from Doug Casey’s latest newsletter, which mirrors exactly what I’ve been saying:
Will Trump winning mean a real change in direction for the US? Unlikely. Don’t mistake Trump for a libertarian. He has all kinds of stupid notions—torture as official policy, killing families of accused terrorists, and putting on import duties. He has no grasp of economics. He’s an authoritarian. His cabinet choices, so far, are all neocons and Deep State hangers-on.
On the bright side, he has real business experience—although of the kind that sees government as a partner. I doubt he’ll try, or be able if he does, to pull up any agencies by the roots.
You’ll notice that voting for Trump and Hillary broke along cultural lines. The Republicans won the rural areas (which are dropping in population); the Democrats won the cities (which are growing). The Reps are white (and becoming no more than a plurality); the Dems have most of the so-called “people of color”, who used to be called “colored people” (and are becoming a majority). The Reps did better with males; the Dems better with females, who tend to see the world in softer and gentler shades. The Reps are favored by native-born Americans; the Dems are favored by immigrants, who often have very different values. The Reps represent the diminishing middle-class; the Dems represent the growing underclass. The Reps did better with older people, who are on their way out; the Dems did better with younger people, indoctrinated by academia and the media, who are on their way up.
None of this looks good for the future of traditional American culture… With current immigration and birth patterns, the constituency of the Democrats should gain about 2% every four-year election cycle in the future.
Even more important, as we leave the eye of the storm that started in 2007, and go into the trailing edge of the economic hurricane, the Trump administration will be blamed. There will, therefore, be a radical reaction away from what it’s believed to represent in 2020.
Posted at 04:33 pm, 13th November 2016Yes, link to your own blog to prove how corrupt and lazy president Trump is.
Here is my prediction: He is going to turn around, or at least meaningfully slow, the unchecked immigration. And that will legitimize doing the same thing in europe. Should that come to pass, it will mean that Trump has literally saved the entire western world.
Check back in 5-10 years.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:45 pm, 13th November 2016Facts don’t have legal protections? Yes they do. Impersonation isn’t a civil violation? Yes it is. Smearing someone’s reputation by pretending to be him and substituting the opposite opinions isn’t defamation? Yes it is!
You didn’t damage my reputation. So no, what you did was not legally actionable. But you do need to be mindful of laws against impersonation and slander/libel.
Dude, I never made a claim of trademark infringement! I made a claim of impersonation. There’s a difference. Both violate civil law. The difference is that impersonation has to result in concrete damage to the reputation of the victim in order to be worthy of a lawsuit, whereas trademark infringement just has to happen in itself.
You’re right that I don’t own a trademark to those three letters. So if I were making a trademark case, I’d be laughed at in court. Since I don’t have a trademark, feel free to use the NWP name on Facebook or some completely unrelated cooking or mountain climbing blog, or whatever. But you know perfectly well that the same people read this blog and sedfast. You impersonated me deliberately and with malicious intent. You know it. I could easily prove “malicious intent to impersonate,” which I’d have to prove in an impersonation case, but not a trademark case (for a trademark case, I’d just have to prove that you used those three letters and nothing more)!
The only reason I’d lose here is because I can’t prove concrete damages to my reputation. But still, learn the law.
As I keep trying to tell you, objective deception pertaining to facts cannot be equated with me giving inflammatory opinions about Middle Eastern diaper heads.
You obviously knew who I was before you made your first post here. I still don’t know what your screen name is on sedfast. I thought you’d at least show some class by letting me know. But whatever.
Posted at 04:54 pm, 13th November 2016I’ve just realized, with surprise, that I don’t really understand the core issue about the immigration. Why are there so many poor immigrants in the US and in Europe? The visa requirements are strict, there are many rejections. Half the illegal immigrants in the US are said to have arrived by plane, so they got visas (which they overstayed), meaning they had passed through a US embassy and were granted entry.
A brief Google search isn’t helpful. I’m sure lax immigration policies don’t cause voters to flock to a particular party, so that can’t be the reason. Corporations interested in cheap labor can either lobby for more legal immigration or just place their factories in those countries. Cui prodest?
Joe K
Posted at 09:31 am, 14th November 2016Hillary is the quintessential feminist in my book. Her lack of complete unwavering allegiance to SJW issues du jour is actually testament to her feminism. She will say literally anything to achieve her aims. She will break any promise, vote (as senator) whichever way the wind is blowing, take any stand that is politically advantageous at any given hot minute. The beauty of her loss was that she understandably assumed that she wouldn’t be penalized for her utter lack of accountability. I mean, geesh, American women aren’t held accountable for anything- so hell, why would she be? But – aha – she was.
Trump is essentially the embodiment of taking the modern-day female ethical template and imbuing that upon a rich, powerful masculine figure. That (lack of) character just looks a lot uglier when it’s embodied by a man, with all of his aggression. When Trump says literally whatever is the nastiest, most combative thing imaginable to try to get his way – people recoil in horror. Except that women do this shit all the time and people almost forgive them for it on the spot. It’s expected from women.
So – seeing how this is true of Trump – that he’s purely Macchiavellian and believes in positively nothing – I wouldn’t count on any of his promises being kept…with one exception – I do believe he’s gonna go hard at changing the libel laws. He’s thin-skinned and neurotic like that.
Another financial crisis will not usher in a Bernie/Pocahontas type. You think the Argentines were happy with Cristina Kirchner? You think the Brazilians were happy with Dilma? The world is slowly figuring out that the socialist template does not work for anyone. Obama did not leave virtually any contingent of American society better off than when he began, except for the 1% and speculators/traders like myself, and it seems- BD too? Hope you covered those long volatility positions by 6:15am last Wednesday dude!
donnie demarco
Posted at 06:08 pm, 15th November 2016From now on, I’m going to start heading to Vegas every election; I didn’t think about politics all weekend and it was great. Unfortunately, there were no Ebony Dragon sightings for me while I was there :/ However, I did meet and bang a girl from Mexico, which I felt was only appropriate given the recent Trump election.
Posted at 07:15 pm, 15th November 2016Uh no. Most millenials voted not-Trump. Only about 37% voted for Trump. This is more right-wing delusion. About 55% voted Hillary. Millenials also supported 3rd party candidates (and Bernie) in pretty large numbers.
Posted at 07:34 pm, 15th November 2016Lol, you’re seriously blind. BD is talking about the future, and young voters overwhelmingly supported Bernie during the primaries (and even during the election, there were some write-ins for Bernie). Yes, if there is any sort of crisis, the first people that young voters will turn to will be Bernie or a similar candidate like Elizabeth Warren.
Posted at 01:19 am, 16th November 2016I swear to God, I am going to LOSE it if I can’t make SOMEONE see the light. Islam is NOT a religion. It is Religion PLUS Law. It is a package deal. It is a Theocracy. It is thereby unconstitutional. It actively promotes the supplanting and or overthrow of existing Governments. While it is highly unlikely that would ever happen here in the US, that is no reason to IGNORE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS.
Hopefully, Trump will get to this.
Posted at 05:21 pm, 19th November 2016You’re so right…You put AssHole’s win in perspective for me…I still don’t like the MFer and anything about him or even his spawn, but you’re so right…
Posted at 05:08 am, 20th November 2016You mean, Blackdragon, there’s absolutely no hope the USA will be back to being a real democracy, governed by the elite to the good of everybody as their primary goal, instead of their unlimited enrichment.
Because this is what is all about. And the “diversity” “equality” “misogyny” and the rest of knick-knacks have been so powerfully deployed to cloak what of substance is going on. That is, capitalism has turned into financialism, and “the markets”, meaning Big Finance, has governed the world for the last 15 years.
And they drain, they drain away money from the people; the extracting class and the extracted class.
This is why Steve Bannon is so hated, just see his latest interview.
The point is jobs and money.
The right can get the support of countless millions of poor people, empoverished whites and ever-poor blacks and Hispanics.
You know why Big Media is so assiduous in courting them with flattery and deceptive tales, waving scapegoats before their sight?
Because Big Media knows the interests of its owners will come to an end when and if the poor realize how they are being used and what is going on.
Bannon, Breitbart News, Trump, give that an unthought-of 2% chance.
That’s our disagreement, what you put at 0% I put at 2%.
And if they, the oligarchs and their hired-for academic/journalistic chattering class, are so worried, that means some real hope must be there. They wouldn’t be so worried if there wasn’t any.
See how they are getting paranoid about Breitbart’s success. They know information is the key point.
They know they can afford no real debate.
“Trump = Hitler” is followed by “Breitbart is fake news”.
It’s logical.
If fake news is to be believed real news, real news must be fake.
The famous phrase, “I freed 1000 slaves, I could have freed many more if they knew they were slaves” is a timeless one.
Humans are given vastly different intelligence and awareness (bullshit detection quotient could be a name for it) is what makes that phrase a timeless one.
And if whites are so careless they can’t wake up, there’s a chance to awake blacks and Hispanics and other non-white poor people to their real interests (no immigration, no job delocalization, …).
The day may come the FED is forced to stop printing money to give it themselves and their friends and enablers while distracting their victims with constant talk of “racism” and the other false problems. It’s not impossible. And it’s not impossible, too, to free culture and university from the real believers of marxisn and anti-white racists.
A winning new narrative and the media to spread it is all what’s needed.
You are at least 2% wrong.
Joe K
Posted at 07:17 am, 20th November 2016@E G
“That is, capitalism has turned into financialism, and “the markets”, meaning Big Finance, has governed the world for the last 15 years.
And they drain, they drain away money from the people; the extracting class and the extracted class.”
This part of what you wrote – I agree with. But c’mon – you think that some ‘new narrative’ is going to fundamentally change the trajectory of the global financial market-based economy? What are the poor masses going to do – literally de-list the hundreds of thousands of market-listed derivatives that enable any intelligent person with modest savings and a trading platform to print their own money?
Poor people could already do this today. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve mentioned this to – just to be kind and generous to them – and they’re all like “nah, it works for you…but I could never do that.”
OK, so what is that exactly…lack of balls? Lack of confidence? Lack of self-discipline to cobble together enough savings to open an account?
I mean, yeah – if everyone in the world had the guts, intelligence, and self-discipline to do what I’ve described, it would never work out so well – just carry it to its’ logical conclusion when you have that much competition en masse.
But that would be silly to worry about, because human beings writ large are never gonna have that kinda guts, intelligence, and self-discipline. Because why would they not already possess those qualities? Are people getting better/more courageous/more disciplined et al, with each passing generation? That’s rhetorical, obviously. For the same reason, essentially, your vision will never come to fruition either.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:04 pm, 20th November 2016Wow, I love that. Accurate.
That’s part of the problem. The vast majority of the media is corporatist and left-wing, and this includes popular new media (internet media).
Fuck 2%, even if I’m 30% wrong, I’m still right.
Posted at 09:57 pm, 26th November 2016Lots will change. The US just dodged a gigantic bullet. The world and this country would have been a MUCH scarier place with The Cunt in power. Trump will stave off and stop hundreds of thousands of muslim refugees from flooding in, hence preventing the US from become like France and Germany where there indigenous populations are being randomly raped and assaulted by the refugees. It would have been such an injustice to innocent americans had Hillary won and let these people flood in. That aspect, just by itself, that is immigration reform will be giant by itself.
Trump will appoint a conservative justice that will prevent the US from becoming a much more liberal, dangerous country. Hillary would have appointed constitution-ignoring leftists to the court who would have done great harm to this country.
Hillary, arguably, would have continued to provoke Russia perhaps escalating to a nuclear confrontation. Trump will seek to make deals and become allies with countries like Russia.
BD, I like your stuff on game and women, but this article really misses it. I don’t see how you can’t see these things I’ve outlined and understand that it will be much different with Trump (and better) than it would have been with Clinton. It’s not even close.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:05 pm, 26th November 2016I never said anything about this country being better or worse with the Lizard Queen in power. I said with Trump in power, nothing much will change from the status quo, i.e. right now. And I’m going to be right. Just watch.
Hillary in power vs. Trump in power is a completely separate conversation.
Posted at 09:47 am, 1st December 2016I came to China a few years ago due to a job opportunity. It was not to chase Asian poon or some grand exit strategy on my part but in retrospect I am very glad that I GTFO.
I am a Canadian and the election of Trudeau nationally and Wynne at the provincial level in Ontario made me lose faith in my fellow citizens.
The fact that Obama got a second term made me think of Americans “these bitches be crazy!”
I have no particular affection for Trump but I agree with BD that there is a certain satisfaction from seeing the self-anointed elites getting a black eye. And Hail Mary that Hillary Clinton didn’t get into the White House.
But to talk more about China, setting aside the issue that you can’t upset the apple cart regarding the political order of things, freedom of speech is actually rather robust here. None of the SJW pet issues have any traction here. Nobody gets triggered here. The men tend to be beta as fuck but the women are feminine; and you won’t see a Gay Pride parade marching through Tiananmen Square any time soon.
As an expat you can probably dodge taxes otherwise it is a flat 9.2% on your earnings. Sure, you have to be in with the CPC to be one of the billionaire kleptocrats but as a small businessman with an entrepreneurial urge you get free run of the place and build a six-figure income.
Getting back to politics, a lot of the politicians here are corrupt but they have a bit of subtlety about it. If Hillary was Chinese she would have been taken out and shot years ago. I haven’t got a feel of what people here – and particularly the CPC members – think about Trump. He is probably considered “bad for business”.
It remains to be seen what Trump’s America will look like. We should revisit the subject around Easter when he has had 100 days in office to set the tone of his administration. I am curious as to who he will put in his cabinet because he is a big picture kind of guy and the details will be left to these people.
Fred Flange, stoned philosopher
Posted at 02:16 pm, 1st December 2016Late comment but just to make one tiny point. Otherwise I think your analysis jibes with how I see the magic 8-ball.
A threat to leave the country out of spite is always Temper Tantrum 1.0 (first righties when Obama got in, lefties now) . Just one problem:
There’s nowhere to go.
That includes you, sensei.
The trends that swept our God Emperor (Peace be upon him) into office are worldwide, not just here in the USA. Actually we’re late for supper there. Look at: England, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Brazil, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Thailand, Philippines, (they got their Trump first). Nationalism and xenophobia are up (Brits are mad at the POLES for Chrissake. Why? Because the Poles are whiter than the Brits?). EU-style free trade and free borders are on the ropes. These trends will increase and be in full bloom by your exit date.
Scotland will secede from the UK. Northern Ireland may tiptoe towards unity with Ireland, while it’s a tough pill to swallow, no one there wants those awful border crossings back once Brexit happens and Ireland remains within the EU. Europe will turn in on itself, as we will.
So where to go? Nowhere really you can set down and say definitively, “I’m safe.”
Canada? Maybe for a while but you can’t stay. Unless you hide up in Nunavit. Latin America? Belize? Panama? Maybe, for a while, if you have your own enclave and some weaponry. You could ex-pat in Japan for a while but it’s damn expensive and everyone’s dying off.
Russia could move into Ukraine and probably will, but will get bogged down there and in Syria. They will make trouble – they’re Russians, that’s what they do, they still think they’re surrounded and everyone’s out to get them so they’ll pounce first. But they’ll get overextended and there’s no economy there. The famous USSR joke is still true: “They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.”
So my advice is hunker down. Ride it out. I don’t know if decline in the strict sense is inevitable, but I’m no cockeyed optimist. But things have ways of popping out of nowhere and so things could go more sideways than down. Which ain’t up. But I’m too chicken to place a bet on that. I just don’t think anywhere else is the oasis, unless you can create your own with lawyers, guns and money.
I opposed Trump but never doubted he could win and now he has all the just-sobered baby-boomers (the smartest bestest generation ever, they told us so in 1968) drunk on fake news. That will carry him for awhile.
PS: What the fuck is it with right-wingers today and their love of communist Russia? That was supposed to be our enemy forever? Anyone remember the John Birch Society manta “none dare call it treason?”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:55 pm, 1st December 2016Read this:
If you say there is no where to go, you’re saying all countries are equally bad. Incorrect.
Fred Flange, stoned philosopher
Posted at 09:59 am, 2nd December 2016No of course not all countries are equally bad. And your plan isn’t by any means a bad one. Having two places available residence and passport-wise is an excellent strategy. Though actually your prior posts (yes I saw them) and my comment don’t really conflict! I’m with you totally on the places to avoid. And it’s not all going to go bad right away everywhere, some places could be safe for quite some time. Just don’t take it for granted the stability of where you land will last forever. But you know that.
My point was more directed to the “waahh I’m unhappy I’m leaving” types (rightie and leftie) who think they can walk into Canada for free and run a Marxist book store or NRA-approved gun range in Vancouver for the rest of their days, ordering food stocks from Costco.
The far East can work if you don’t mind keeping your head down, that’s also true of south America. Don’t forget China and Hong Kong will fuck with you if you come to someone’s attention, they are still communists and don’t trust outsiders. Ask the filmmaker Josh Fox. He interviewed some Chinese solar tech scientists about global warming and got followed around by the police for doing so, they broke in and searched his room for the videos he took. He fooled them by pasting the flash drives to the inside of his banjo, then sat around in a roadside café singing bad folk songs like he was a broke busker, eventually they got bored and left. Russia will most likely ignore you, but they could fuck with you just because they can, and because you are a USA émigré (they think “spy”), or someone there with connections decides they want whatever shit you may have and have you picked up so they can take it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:09 am, 2nd December 2016Haha…agree 100% and I’m way ahead of you:
Posted at 12:12 pm, 5th February 2017Washington and Hollywood? Absolutely. Wall Street? Fuck no! Trump is deregulating the financial sector as we speak. Regardless of who wins the presidency, the bankers win. This is has been the case since Reagan.
What exactly does this mean? More Mexicans? More Muslims? Sounds like the “nice way” of being racist. Who gives a shit about demographics?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:20 pm, 5th February 2017Hello? I wrote this article on November 9th, not Feb 5th.
I have said exactly that only about a thousand times.
More people more likely to vote for left-wing politicians, regardless of race. (Young people is another worsening demographic, for example.)
My black son might disagree with you.
If you plan on living in this country for the rest of your life (and I do not), then you should. People vote, and if people keep voting for things that will continue the collapse of the USA, you will suffer.
Not that I care. I’ll be outta here in a few years.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:51 am, 6th February 2017Political correctness detected. Employing red pill countermeasures now:
Islam is not a race. It is a choice. Everyone who cares about freedom, sexual open mindedness, western values, and individualism should want as little Muslims in this country as possible. Freedom and Islam are two mutually exclusive concepts. Islam is a totalitarian cancer that, metaphorically speaking, eats “freedom cells” wherever it finds them. “More Muslims” is something the West needs to avoid at all costs.
Everyone who gives a shit about freedom, individualism, and western values. Racial demographics don’t matter if all of these immigrants, and people from minority races, assimilate and become proud Americans/westerners. But if they don’t, then we are in trouble.
Race may not matter, but culture does. Look at the Mexicans, for example, who refuse to assimilate or even speak English. Imagine third worlders coming to this country, changing our demographics permanently, and refusing to adopt our values or the values of the Renaissance or the enlightenment. Will they preserve the individualism upon which the freedom of all of us depends – an individualism which is alien to their culture? Will they preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States? Unless they are assimilated, it is doubtful.
We should care about demographics because demographics is destiny.
Posted at 11:11 pm, 13th February 20171. What exactly are “Western values?” I’m pretty sure many people enjoy freedom and sex, not just Westerners.
2. Islam isn’t a race, but you don’t see people giving a fuck about Muslims that don’t look like the stereotypical “raghead.” It’s deployed in Western culture in the exact same way every other kind of racism is, regardless of the stupid semantics you right-wing snowflakes love to default to whenever someone suggests you might be stereotyping.
3. You could replace “Islam” in “Islam is a totalitarian cancer” with literally any other large organized religion and it would still be true.
This already happens, just not instantaneously like delusional nationalist idiots such as yourself seem to expect. For example, have you met anyone who is the child of immigrants? With most 1st generation Americans, there is a night-and-day difference in how they act compared to their parents.
It’s very clear that you don’t know any Mexicans, because there are a shit-ton of Mexicans who have either learned English or have had children who immediately learn English in school and teach it to their family or raise American families of their own.
Yeah, and I will continue to “imagine” this happening for the foreseeable future because it’s just a stupid fantasy. But by all means, continue to be piss-scared by your own delusions.
Lol you statist/nationalist morons love to bloviate about your “special” piece of paper.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:14 am, 14th February 2017@CD:
Western values consist of the concept of inalienable human rights, democracy, capitalism, cultural individualism, sexual freedom, separation of church and state (secularism), freedom of speech, and personal autonomy (barring the infringement of someone else’s personal autonomy). In other words, everything that Islam is against.
Virtually all of our western values can be concretely found within our highest law – the Constitution.
I do. I couldn’t care less how white you are. If you chose to be a Muslim, I see you as a threat to my freedom.
Dude, it is fundamentally immoral to judge someone by how they were born. That’s why racism is immoral. Judging someone by superficial things they can’t control like skin complexion or genetic characteristics is insanity.
By contrast, judging someone for their choices is moral. Therefore, negatively judging someone who chose to embrace a regressive and totalitarian religious ideology squarely opposed to all western values enshrined in the Constitution is proper. It’s the same as being pissed off at any tyrant who thinks all freedom should be abolished. The racism analogy is ridiculous.
Not anymore. Today, Islam is uniquely dangerous. It is the only major religion which exists today that wants to kill you for disagreeing with it, or for drawing pictures. It is fundamentally incompatible with the western values I outlined above. All other religions have been westernized/castrated.
Again, Muslims are a unique exception whose religion tells them to resist assimilation at all costs. Look at Europe. Also, the Mexicans, just by virtue of their massive numbers and extremely dominant culture, tend to resist assimilation as well. Some have even joined MECHA (the Mexican KKK) and demand that America return the six states that they “stole” during the Mexican/American War back to Mexico. In the meantime, they say they want to “reclaim” the southwest for Mexico. The mayor of Los Angeles – Antonio Villaraigosa – has close associations with MECHA!
I didn’t say “look at all Mexicans.” I said “look at the specific Mexicans who refuse to learn English.” They exist too. And they’re pretty pompous about waving the Mexican flag and insisting that Mexico exists wherever they set foot. Such people with such attitudes have no place here.
Great, so you have faith that they will all, more or less, assimilate then? Good for you. Meanwhile, California has bilingual voting ballots, is erecting ballots for Mexico’s elections in California, and is acceding to Mexican families’ demands that their children be taught American history from the Mexican point of view (especially the Mexican/American War), while the city of El Cenizo, Texas made Spanish its official language and declared that speaking English within a city government job is a firing offense.
Wow! You do know that that “piece of paper” is our highest law to which literally all other laws must conform, right? Are you an anarchist? Because if you believe in the rule of law, then how can you dismiss the highest law as just a “piece of paper?” Do you think the Constitution should be ignored or repealed? If so, what do you want to replace it with? Because the “western values” that you inquired about above are precisely concretely enumerated within that document. These are the values of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. If you’re against those, then I can understand why you don’t care about immigrants from radically alien cultures migrating into our own. You’ve just casually dismissed the source of all our liberties! Are you some kind of authoritarian?
And for the record, I’m not a statist. I’m a libertarian and a civic nationalist (not to be confused with a white nationalist).
Posted at 06:09 am, 14th February 2017@CD,
usually Islam is one a few races; Arab or blacks. Those probably make up the vast majority of Moslems who are causing problems in the west ( look at the rape epidemic in Sweden, Germany, the stabbings in Germany and France) It’s always some nutso Moselm who happens to be Arab or Black ( from some places like Syria, Somalia, etc)
Yes, yes of course I know about the white Moselms in Europe (sarajevo/bosnia and in Georgia, Russia, etc) but the ones causing havoc in western countries are by and large brown and black.
So profiling and vetting can be done there.
Trump’s trying to keep our country from becoming a wreck like places like London, France, Germany, Sweden, etc. He’s trying to keep America from going that predictable way and it’s ignorant, heads in the sand, facist pricks like yourself who are trying to stop someone from righting the direction of this country.