13 Jul The Stupidity of Looking for External Solutions

-By Caleb Jones
Fair warning, I’m going to make a lot of you very upset today.
Let’s say you live in a country with really high tax rates (like, ahem, the US, Europe, etc). You bust your ass, working very hard, and get upset at how screwed you get every week, month, and/or year when your big, stupid, corrupt government pulls 30%, 40%, 50% or even 60% from your hard-earned money so it can give it to lazy people who don’t want to work, or to bail out corrupt wealthy bankers, or to bomb brown-skinned civilians in distant countries for no reason.
If you want to solve this problem, you have two options. You can look for an external solution or an internal one.
Let’s say you go for an external solution. This means you start a grassroots political movement to get the government to lower people’s taxes. You spend hours upon hours on social media, community organizing, giving speeches, managing rallies, trolling people on the internet, writing angry blog posts, ranting on YouTube videos, trying to get booked on radio shows and podcasts, and various other activities.
While this may be emotionally satisfying on some levels, and while you may meet a lot of friends who think like you do, this route to solve your problem will take a very long time, likely decades, and your odds of success are extremely low, because Western governments, and the elites who run them, love high tax rates on the working rabble. Let’s quantify this…
External Solution Analysis:
- Amount of work required: Lots
- Approximate time frame: 25+ years
- Odds of success: 5%
Now let’s say you decide to pursue an internal solution instead of an external solution. An internal solution means you ignore everyone else outside of you and your life, and instead focus on your own situation. If you were upset your taxes were too high, an internal solution would mean you would do things like read several books on how to legally reduce your taxes, visit with several accountants and tax attorneys, and revamp your entire financial life, including your job / business, and perhaps even move to a different city, all so you can pay the minimum legal amount of taxes that you possibly you can (as I talk about in my book).
Just like with the external solution, the internal solution is going to take a decent amount of work. However, instead of taking decades, it will only take a year or two. Even better, since your odds of success are only predicated on your actions and no one else’s (rather than the actions of millions of other people), your odds of success are extremely high. Let’s quantify that…
Internal Solution Analysis:
- Amount of work required: Lots
- Approximate time frame: 2-4 years
- Odds of success: 85% or higher
As we can clearly see, using internal solutions is far more efficient and effective by just about every objective measure. I am a testament to this. My life is like a dream come true, literally, because for the past 15 years or so, I have focused 100% on internal solutions and completely ignored external solutions. As a result, I have literally no problems left in my life (besides losing a little more weight) and I’m literally the happiest person I personally know (and I know a lot of people).
This is why, when you observe people who are focused on external solutions, such as political activists of the SJW, left-wing, right-wing, or alt-right persuasions, you don’t see a lot of really happy people. These people are sometimes happy, but usually they’re upset and complaining.
This is because external solutions are not actually solutions. They are mostly a way to vent emotions and be part of a group. Before you disagree with that statement, pause for minute and really think about it. I just showed you above how long external solutions take and how shitty their odds are. I think most people know this, at least deep down in their hearts. Then why do so many people pursue external solutions instead of focusing on internal ones? Occam’s Razor tells us that an actual solution is not the primary thing these people want. What they really want is an avenue to vent their anger and tell other people how upset they are. They also want to get validation from other people who feel the same way they do. You could also make the argument that they want to make like-minded friends, and that may be true as well. Yet, their primary priority is not to solve their problem. If it was, they would forget about external solutions, focus instead on internal solutions, and get their problems fixed relatively quickly.
This applies regardless of what your “problem” or “issue” is, or where you fall on the political spectrum.
The left-wing American who wants single payer health care, tax rates on rich people to be jacked up to 70%+, and an expanded welfare state could forget about going to rallies, worshipping Bernie Sanders, and voting for Democrats (external solutions) and just pack their shit and move to Sweden (internal solution). Bingo. Problem solved. Yes, I realize moving from the US to a “real” socialist country is not as easy as I’m making it sound, but remember, I was clear that internal solutions take time also, just not nearly as much time. It might take that guy five years to get that all done, with a near 100% odds of success.
Notice that you don’t see an exodus of American left-wingers moving to the socialist countries they lionize like Sweden. Hmmmm… Why not?
It’s the same with the angry alt-right manosphere guy who thinks we should go back to the 1950’s. Instead of trolling SJW’s on the internet, bitching about feminists, and kissing Trump’s ass (external solutions), he could just convert to Islam, relocate to any Muslim country (particularly a non-dangerous one like Turkey or Indonesia), marry an 18 year-old virgin, and live the rest of his life in Alpha Male 1.0 bliss (or should I say, drama). But notice that he doesn’t do that. Instead, he doesn’t change anything of significance in his life and keeps wasting his time on his external solutions which he probably knows deep down are very unlikely to work.
I can always tell if a person really wants a solution to his or her big life problems. It’s whether or not they A) take action to fix the problem instead of just bitching about it, and B) choose internal solutions rather than external ones. The ones who choose internal solutions are the ones I know are serious about actually solving their problem regardless of what their emotions are telling them.
One might argue that you can do both. That one could focus on both internal and external solutions at the same time. If you define “external solutions” as voting in a useless presidential election once every four years and not doing much else, then I agree with you. But, if you’re talking about bitching on the internet, spending time reading / listening to angry political stuff, and/or activism, then you’re wrong, and here’s why:
Your time is limited. Time is the most scarce resource you have. If you had unlimited hours in the day, or if you had an eternal lifespan, then yes, you could focus on both internal and external solutions without either of them suffering.
The problem is that you only have about 17 waking hours a day and you’re going to get old and die in a few years. You have shockingly little time to solve your problems and build a better life for yourself and your loved ones. I know there are many of you reading these words who spend a decent amount of time trolling and bitching on the internet about political or cultural stuff (and not getting paid for it). While you’re doing this, you’re not using your limited time to get laid, improve your dating skills, get a better job, start or expand a business, learn about investing, lose body fat, gain muscle, or any of the other things necessary to ensure your long-term happiness as a man.
As a time management consultant, I can tell you for a fact that if you actually took a timer and tracked the amount of time you spend in a typical two-week period of your life dicking around with external solutions (politics, political discourse on the internet, activism, consuming and thinking about political / cultural content you’re upset about or want to change, etc) you would be very surprised at how much time it’s taking you… time you’re not spending on improving your life.
The only exception to this is if talking about this stuff actually does improve your life in a very direct way. At my other blog, I sometimes talk about political issues, but I get paid to do that. That blog (and this one) make me a nice hunk of money every month, as well as directly contributing to my Mission and long-term goals. Secondly, and more importantly, I’m not trying to change anything regarding society and I don’t even care. I gave up on Collapsing USA, Cuckoo Canada, and Suicidal Europe a very long time ago. I’m too busy working on, and enjoying the fruits of my internal solutions to give a shit about left-wingers who get giddy thinking how to make the West more like the Soviet Union or about right-wingers who get boners thinking about building a wall. (Seriously, guys. How could a sane person really take these things seriously?)
If you spend any time on external solutions, it’s time to re-think exactly why you’re spending your time on something that will likely take decades to accomplish with tiny odds of success, rather than focusing on internal solutions that will take much less time, and with much higher odds of actually improving the lives of you and your loved ones.
Or, just keep on being angry with your angry friends. Hey, it’s your life.
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Posted at 05:26 am, 13th July 2017Brilliant. Brilliant post man. I spent two years as an “activist”, now I can see how meaningless it was. It is all about internal solutions.
Your post reminded me the Alpha 1.0 guys who are looking for a good girl, who want to change the society, which is an impossible task.
Instead, focus on yourself, start your location independent biz, be the Alpha 2.0 guy — the free man.
Thanks for sharing your ideas, you keep changing my life. I read your book a while ago and my life changed a lot.
Posted at 07:19 am, 13th July 2017I’ve never heard it couched in terms of internal vs external solutions, but you’re absolutely right. Just as with women and game, many, especially in the so-called manosphere, which I, as an old man, refer to as the boyosphere, are ranting about how things should-be, rather than creating their own reality in the bubble of their own little universe, a creation of their own effort.
I’ve been making my “own light,” a term I herd from a media promotion expert years ago. It reminds me to say, “fuck the world,” what am I doing for me today, right now. The world and it’s inhabitants don’t give a shit about me and mine, my success, or failure. Why should I care about this collectivist idea we call, “the world,” and why should I work to “make the world a better place,” and other cliched ideals?
Of course, cultural Marxists, politicians, and over zealous, self-important and self-appointed do-gooders rely on this rhetoric to rope the masses into following their so-called leadership, as they scream the loudest for you, me, and everyone to offer up their personal time, money, votes, and power to those who would use it to further their own internal solutions, while leading use to believe they are they are using our work for the external solution of a better world through their efforts. These people, and the minions like them who rant, rave and protest the individual and his efforts at achieving financial success and self-sufficiency, want you to lay down your heart, mind and soul at their idealistic altars, are simple parasites, and should be expelled as such.
All this collectivism will solve nothing for anyone, other than giving money and power to the few who are the leaders of such movements. It won’t help me or anyone here build wealth, get laid, or enjoy life. Rather, like a hell-fire and brimstone minister, the externalists of our political and social movements will only condemn you for anything that resembles manly self-initiative leading to selfish endeavors to take responsibility to improve one’s own life first, then, out of the abundance of his success and resources, give to those whom he chooses to share his wealth with. They heap shame on you for not losing yourself and your very soul to the collective good of mankind. They persecute you for not willingly wanting to work yourself to an early, unhappy grave, so that they can take the fruit of your labor and the cash in your pocket and hand it over to those who have neither work for it nor deserve it.
Men who seek the external solutions only seek to perpetuate a flawed and unjust system. And, they will never bring about the reforms they hope for trying to change the course of the hundreds of millions, when they could have used their ingenuity and resources to make a real change in their own lives. Live for yourself. Stop trying to change the world. It’s not going to change because you want it to. It doesn’t care about you. Why would you care about it? If a man is able to take responsibility for his own life, he at least has a shot of making it as good as it can be for the few short days he lives on this planet, irregardless of how the external world crashes and burns.
Posted at 07:50 am, 13th July 2017That’s the Stoic philosophy in a nutshell. Namely do not spend or waste any time on things that are out of you control ( politics, etc) and focus all your time on things that are in your control
Posted at 08:31 am, 13th July 2017I don’t know if I disagree or agree. I actually believe if you calibrate your life correctly, your time can be unlimited. Yes, even after you die. Michelangelo still lives on. Great art still lives on. Your subconscious is the biggest value producer your brain has. It does its’ work while you sleep. But, a minuscule amount of people hone this. So this is the exception that does prove the rule.
I believe you can transcend the 24 hour limitation. I think this is one of the critical secrets the real successful have known in their circles.
Life and Time are completely qualitative metrics. The best way to make money on and off the stock market is creating and/or investing in companies that develop solutions to short-term minded morons (aka Make Money by People Who Waste Their Time and Life). Blaming the world and indulging in vices is what made America look Great.
You don’t need to be an Analytic Junkie that works at Economist Intelligence Unit to figure out that the Laziest Countries rank the best on these Quality of Life indexes. The US doesn’t do so well because the rich are some of the hardest working value producers in the world. No, China is not a hard working country. They are process driven country that copies what America creates and scales it with their massive population.
Personally, I have tons of time. Because I maximize it. People just rather waste their life. When you get in your zone you can get shit done in a day what would take most people a month to do. This post is good in theory, but in real life, people will agree and go on waste their time.
Is even replying to this a waste of time? lol
Posted at 08:37 am, 13th July 2017I agree that ‘internal solutions’ as you call them have higher odds of success, take less time, and in general can lead to results.
There are a few situations though where no matter how much work you may put into an ‘internal solution’ it will never match the leverage of an ‘external solution’.
I was on my condo board for about 5 years and was able to successfully convince about 100 other owners that we needed to do a major building renovation. We rehabbed all the stucco on the exterior of the building, fixed all parts of the concrete (balconies and such) that were crumbling, changed out windows for high – e impact glass, etc.
The result is our ugly green water front building is now a modern looking building with significantly higher property values.
An internal solution would have been to buy somewhere else for a higher price and not worry about getting involved on a condo board. The external solution was to go for a killer deal on property, and get the community to fix up the building.
I have often thought of what if… what if I had never gotten involved and bought somewhere else? Would my personal result be better? Definitely it took a lot of energy and time. For several years, I spent probably 10 hours / wk as a board member.
There’s a lot I could have done with that time. I might have started my business earlier, gotten into better shape sooner, met more ladies, etc. But to have the same standard of living, I would have paid a lot more money.
Today, it’s pretty nice not to have a mortgage of any kind, live debt free, for very cheap in a killer location. It definitely adds to my overall freedom. That wouldn’t be possible if I hadn’t pursued an external solution.
When you can convince a lot of people to channel their energy behind one thing, whether it’s a building, a municipality, a meetup group, whatever — there’s a lot of leverage there that you will never get acting alone. That’s the thing about external solutions that make them hard to walk away from.
I think if you do go for external solutions, you have to be very careful about it. You can’t go for open-ended change the world kind of stuff. I agree 100%, you’re not going to accomplish anything if your goals are too expansive. You have to set achievable goals and if you are not making progress be willing to cut your losses and move on. Basically you have to be very realistic about what you can accomplish.
Posted at 09:36 am, 13th July 2017Well, it certainly solves things for the elites who push collectivism. They play right into their hands.
The stoic philosophy is more about giving up on everything and just kind of accepting everything (but still being mad about it) than finding internal solutions. Edgelord trolls who spend hours on the internet rustling jimmies follow a stoic philosophy. I used to be one and as fun as it was, it wasn’t productive at all.
This post is why I am so drawn to anarcho-capitalism. I haven’t come across a single anarcho-capitalist who exclusively seeks out external solutions.
Even when the west becomes a poor man’s USSR, it won’t be that difficult to adjust. Just save money, invest wisely, don’t waste money trying to impress others, rinse and repeat. And all this stuff can be done with a simple internet connection now. It’s becoming easier to make money online than at any 9-5.
September Skye
Posted at 10:51 am, 13th July 2017<blockquote>It’s the same with the angry alt-right manosphere guy who thinks we should go back to the 1950’s. Instead of trolling SJW’s on the internet, bitching about feminists, and kissing Trump’s ass (external solutions), he could just convert to Islam, relocate to any Muslim country (particularly a non-dangerous one like Turkey or Indonesia), marry an 18 year-old virgin, and live the rest of his life in Alpha Male 1.0 bliss (or should I say, drama). But notice that he doesn’t do that.</blockquote>
You can’t understand why he doesn’t relocate because your focus is to only care about yourself.
(Also, you don’t know just how shitty and corrupt life is living in an Arab country, any Arab country. And how would he find work when he doesn’t know the language? No, this relocation to the Middle East wasn’t the best example to make.)
As for the low success of political movements: things accumulate. And times change. “Resistance is futile” is the most popular anti-nationalist argument, I know, it’s used by EU critters constantly as they don’t have much else. But history proves otherwise. Nationalism is the strongest political force in the world, and a lot of people who “wasted their lives” have provided hope for millions of Whites who suffer from the crime and oppression brought on by mass immigration. Not only hope, but have managed to slow down the establishment agenda in many places, provide the chance for Whites to speak and spread information, and lay the groundwork for further action in the future. Our fight is not just for today but for tomorrow. This may be hard to understand for those who can’t think this way, can’t feel the connection to something more important than themselves.
Libertarians like to write clever articles before every election about how one vote doesn’t change anything, and how you would improve your life more by working some extra hours on election day instead of voting. And yet millions of people ignore their advice and do go vote, which does result in one side or the other having their people in power. Which does benefit the individual even though each individual, it could be argued, would increase his profit more by skipping the election and let others do it. (A welfare seeker benefited from Obama being elected; a miner benefited from Trump being elected, etc.) Libertarians have no theory for this because they don’t want to, as they’d have to admit that other people can take power this way but libertarians can’t, being an insignificant parenthesis in world history.
Yet these libertarians with their clever look-out-for-number-one articles spend hours writing those and other articles, which they are not paid for, because they do want to affect other people. Because they do care about what direction the country goes. The hypocrisy is palpable.
It reminds me of what an ex-Ayn Randbot wrote about how Randian doctrine if followed completely would actually forbid giving away or even recommending her books to others, as that means an unselfish expenditure of time and money that doesn’t benefit yourself. And yet Randians did give away or recommend her books because they did care about others’ well-being. While avoiding thinking about the paradox in this. If it was acknowledged at all they had to resort to the laughable claim that “Well it gives me pleasure to help others so that means it’s a selfish act after all!” (Which is semantics, simply exploiting the limitations in language that allow “pleasure” to be used this way.) It’s hard to be a libertarian.
September Skye
Posted at 11:01 am, 13th July 2017Yeah, discussing things is “ranting” when you don’t like other people’s opinions, but your post isn’t “ranting”, right?
And of course, using a strawman argument as always against the manosphere. The manosphere doesn’t only discuss how things could be but also offers solutions and tips for the individual. But if you’d acknowledge this your whole premise would fall. And you probably don’t know about it anyway. Learning about things takes more time than just throwing out a strawman and count on that no one who sees it will contradict you.
This is such a delicious example of the boomer mindset that I gotta save this. Fuck those kids growing up with crime and mud all around them, they should have been smart enough to be born earlier like you! Who didn’t rely on anyone, no siree – except a boom caused by massive government spending and borrowing which the dumb kids have to pay for. Sucks to be them! How can anyone’s brain be wired for caring about other people anyway, especially younger people? That’s just creepy. It’s … “COLLECTIVISM”! And you know who was a collectivist? HITLER! And STALIN! Tada, argument won.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:04 am, 13th July 2017You’re speaking metaphorically, I’m speaking literally. Speaking literally, Michelangelo does not live on. He can’t have sex, can’t take a nice trip, can’t feel the rush of a proud accomplishment, can’t laugh with his children, etc. He had a very limited time on this Earth, and now he’s dead.
Correct, but all your subconscious can do is think. It can’t act, and action is what creates results. You can only act when you’re awake
Nope. Nice fantasy though.
That is true with everything I write. Only a small percentage of men will actually take action on my recommendations, as I’ve said many times.
Yes, it would have. Convincing a few other people to renovate your condo is not the only way to get a killer deal on a condo, and I would know, since I owned, rented, and flipped several condos many years ago.
Moreover, you’re talking about a grey area in that you only had to convince 100 people to renovate one building/complex. That’s almost an internal solution. A true external solution would be to lobby your giant city or state to re-zone the land to increase your property values instead of renovating your house or moving.
Small external solutions that only involve a small group of people, like getting something done in a small business, getting something done in your own family, or getting something done in the very small town you live in might be okay, depending on the scenario. But beyond that, no.
I do only care about myself, but my focus is to solve people’s problems. External solutions won’t do that.
And yes, I only care about myself and my loved ones at this point. Society lost my respect and support quite a while ago.
I didn’t say Arab country, I said Islamic country. Malaysia is cool. Indonesia and Turkey would be just fine for a lot of men. Etc. No one said you have to move to Iraq.
He could learn the language, which as I said, would take him a few years rather than decades.
Correct. That’s why being a right-winger trying to move society to the right is a waste of time. Times are shifting left, not right.
Left-wingers are on the side of history (sadly), but they don’t need to be activists for it. They can just sit around and it will happen anyway.
Hope is not a result. (As I tried to explain to many Obama supporters back in the day.)
Correct. Factually correct.
That would be a valid argument if there were great differences in the results of voting for either side. The reality is not thus. There is virtually no difference in the results that actually occur in the real world by voting for a Democrat or Republican in national elections these days. Minor differences in rhetoric and temporary, incremental changes aside, both sides are corrupt, warmongering, controlled by the elites, and pro-corporatism.
Last time I checked, the two countries in history closest to libertarian principles (the United States pre-1913 and Hong Kong pre-1990’s) were massive success stories of historical proportions. That says something. (And remember that I didn’t say they were libertarian countries, I said they came closest to that more than anyone else.)
Absolutely correct and I agree 100%. Activist libertarians are wasting their time even more than activist right-wingers (which is saying something!). These libertarians should instead get to work on their own lives. But like you said, these people are such a tiny percentage of society that it doesn’t really matter what they do or don’t do. The bigger issue are all those left and right wingers.
Gil Galad
Posted at 12:02 pm, 13th July 2017I think what you might be ignoring here is that the typical leftwinger doesn’t just want to live in a place where the majority are leftwingers, or where the state is socialist or quasi-socialist. They want to convert everyone to it, they want the world to be socialist, so even in Sweden they aren’t happier than a hardocre commie in the 1980s USSR, because they tie their happiness to the state of the entire world and not to their personal wellbeing plus the wellbeing of maybe a few people around them. That’s how political pseudo-religions work: “If the ideology hasn’t contaminated the entire world, I’m not happy”. Their unhappiness is due to dissatisfaction with the state of the world, not just the country or family or just themselves.
Posted at 12:33 pm, 13th July 2017Hey, can you explain, with your work with Nike how they are so ubiquitous that they give the illusion that they transcend 24 hours limitation? Computers don’t sleep and when one Foot Locker closes in North America, a store in China overlaps and opens…
Or are you talking strictly individually? Which is completely fair.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:44 pm, 13th July 2017Incorrect. The typical left-winger doesn’t want live in a place where the majority of people are conservatives or libertarians; they want to live with other left-wingers. I think you’re saying you don’t want that or some left-wingers you know don’t want that. That’s not “most” left-wingers.
Incorrect again. Western European style quasi socialism is exactly what most left-wingers want for whatever country they live in.
Correct, they want that also.
You are not Nike. You are not a corporation with 9,000 employees. Nor are you a brand. You are an individual. I’m talking to you, the individual, not a massive Fortune 500 corporation.
Posted at 01:05 pm, 13th July 2017This remains to be seen. But nor would I would want to be a corporation. You don’t need to be a massive Fortune 500 company to transcend 24 hours thanks to the Internet. Matt Drudge puts that site on auto pilot and he’s a one man show seen all over the world 24/7…
I’m not at all interested in Waking Life. I’m too lazy for this. I do all my work in my sleep and the action while awake is minimal compared to if I were slaving awake 72 straight hours. Which is possible, but not sustainable.
Posted at 01:34 pm, 13th July 2017Very alpha.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:45 pm, 13th July 2017Thank you, but I have already written extensively on that very topic. Time management, outsourcing, time leveraging, location independence, residual income, internet income, etc. I was making six figures on less than 30 hours a week of work for many years. That’s using your limited 24 hours wisely. That’s not getting more than 24 hours in a day. You only have 24 hours, period, always. That applies to you and me and and Bill Gates and Matt Drudge.
Some people may use those 24 hours more effectively than others in order to live a happier lifestyle, but they still only have 24 hours a day to get whatever they want in their life done. I manage my time very well, far more than most, but I still only have 24 hours a day (and I really wish I had more) and several decades before I grow old and/or die (and I really wish I had more; 500 years would be great). My time is limited. So is yours.
If you want to think you have 100 hours a day or will live to be immortal and youthful forever, go right ahead. I’ll be over here living in the real world.
Gil Galad
Posted at 02:21 pm, 13th July 2017Maybe I didn’t put it clearly. I meant that for a left-winger, it’s not enough to live in a European style quasi-socialist state (that’s why I said they didn’t JUST want that): they also want to “convert” all other countries to that system. That’s why, for a left-winger, moving to Sweden isn’t enough: they want America, and everyone else, to become Sweden, more or less. They want the world, not just the country they live in, to be that way (with some complications when it comes to third-world countries, because being schizophrenic, left-wingers will also want to “respect” the most barbaric non-white cultures and let them keep their ways).
Aman Tari
Posted at 02:56 pm, 13th July 2017BD, perhaps off-topic.. but what kind of outsourcing do you use in your own business?
I’m still hesitant to let others take care partially of my business(by remote specifically). Although I know, in relation to time/work efficiency, at some point I should too.
Posted at 03:27 pm, 13th July 2017I do agree with your general point but you could improve your writing style by not saying things like this.
* If you define “external solutions” as voting in a useless presidential election once every four years and not doing much else, then I agree with you.*
We just had the most useful presidential election in at least 60 years. and every vote counted it was really close, if you can’t see the difference between Trump and hildabeast maybe politics isn’t you area of expertise.
I did not know that libertarian means you can be as snotty as both liberals and conservatives.
Nobody is kissing Trumps ass except maybe Melania.
At this point in time the USA is moving right not left, a huge shift in direction.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:08 pm, 13th July 2017I outsource literally every task I can possibly think of. I work with about 9 or 10 different virtual assistants or subcontractors in one capacity or another. Audio editing, web site management, social media management, blog posts (not writing, but posting and managing), client grunt work, email, customer service, etc, you name it, I outsource it.
As a self-employed entrepreneur, only about 10-20% of the tasks you work on in any given day or week actually make you money. Your job is to outsource the other 80-90% as fast as humanly possible (once you’re making money that is).
You have to let that shit go. Or else you’ll never manage your time well.
Blackdragon (exact quote): “There is virtually no difference in the results that actually occur in the real world by voting for a Democrat or Republican in national elections these days. Minor differences in rhetoric and temporary, incremental changes aside, both sides are corrupt, warmongering, controlled by the elites, and pro-corporatism.”
Defensive Low-Reading-Comprehension Right-Winger: “You think Trump and Hillary are exactly the same? !? Wow you’re dumb!”
I have never said anywhere there was no difference between Tantrum Trump and the Lizard Queen. Indeed, I examined their differences in great detail last year at my other blog.
(What is it like to have such low reading comprehension? I’m seriously curious. The world must look completely different to you.)
Did I hurt your feelings? This coming from the tough guy who said on my other blog that constantly bombing innocent civilians by accident is okay?
I’ve been attacking left-liberals and conservatives publicly for over 20 years. This is nothing new; it’s bizarre you’re just figuring this out now. (Though with your level of reading comprehension…)
1. Is that why so many in the alt-right call him God Emperor? Is that why you have guys with posters of Trump in their fucking bedrooms? Is that why there were so many orgasmic YouTube videos about him during the election?
2. No, Melania isn’t getting sexual with Trump lately. You must not be keeping up with the news. Their marriage is a sham, just like Hillary’s. (Trump’s been cucked.)
Completely incorrect. Read this.
You are so blinded by your ideology that you can’t even think straight. Sadly, people like you are the norm today. Have fun with your external solutions. I’ll be over here being happy.
Posted at 07:26 pm, 13th July 2017I have to work like I’m immortal to keep my “Internal Solution” skills up to snuff. I have to believe I can work 100 hours a day and be youthful forever. It’s not a bad attitude if you LOVE what you do. It may not be the “real world” but it’s my attitude, the only attitude that will foster my happiness. My work ethic is what makes me happy. This is one of if not the only thing the World Government cannot tax from me.
There is plenty of profit to be made in Civilization declines. Plenty of value chains to be picked off for The Individual. The masses will shift anywhere the easy work is rewarded. They are doing yours and my outsourced work. So they can drop LSD and read The Alchemist after projects. This is a major opportunity for Real Winners out there who want take control of their life. Figure their life out for themselves. But, people choose confused sadness over and over again.
This is a well timed post. That will ultimately get lost in the noise.
Me, Inc by Gene Simmons is a great supplement to this post.
Posted at 08:00 pm, 13th July 2017Boom. Nailed it.
The same can be said for anyone collectivist, not just left wingers. Collectivism = Imperialism. Its not JUST nationalism which is what the left says, and its not JUST Globalism which is what the right says.
If you want to “make a statement” or “fight for ____” be a part of the “____ movement” or be a “____ activist,” you want everyone to think like you by default and you are putting individual liberties on blast and also endangering a civilized human being’s natural tendency to self govern. End of.
Posted at 01:56 am, 14th July 2017BD, is “Trump’s Wall” concept an Internal move or an External move?
Posted at 02:57 am, 14th July 2017“Small external solutions that only involve a small group of people, like getting something done in a small business, getting something done in your own family, or getting something done in the very small town you live in might be okay, depending on the scenario. But beyond that, no.”
Ok fair enough…
Random question perhaps somewhat related to the topic at hand. Have you seen the Red Pill documentary? I saw it, I thought it was pretty good for a 2 hour film – you can only dive so deep for something geared towards mass audiences.
I think with the election of Trump (whom I don’t like), movies like the Red Pill, the growing popularity of your blog, I do actually believe that issues relating to men are gaining more attention and prominence in the US today. I think we’ve been alive to see the pendulum swing all the way left (regarding *feminism*, not everything else) and are starting to see small signs of it just beginning to swing a little more to the right. I don’t think we’ll ever go back to 1950s US, but just maybe men might start getting a better deal in family courts.
Anyway, would be curious on your thoughts of the movie (if you haven’t seen it, it’s worth watching), and regarding MRA movement which seems to be gaining traction. Thanks.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:35 am, 14th July 2017External in the extreme. “God Emperor Trump, please build a wall so Mexicans won’t bother me / affect my wages / kill me / etc.”
An internal solution would be to build an international based location independent Alpha 2.0 business that doesn’t require employees. Or to move to a different country. Or different part of the country. Etc.
Correct, but it is a tiny percentage of men and an even tinier percentage of people. The vast majority of people, money, and cultural messaging is still left, and will continue to move further left (at least in places like the US and Canada).
They won’t, at least not with any mass scale. I’d bet $5,000 on it. Just watch.
Red Pill is interesting to me, since it helps individuals, but the MRA is not. I agree 100% with these guys, but they’re 25 years too late. An MRA movement back in the mid 1990’s would have actually accomplished something. Now it’s way too late.
“Gaining traction” won’t help. It needs to encompass a sizeable percentage of the male population to actually change anything meaningful. We’re talking at least 15-20% of all men in the United States. Not going to happen. Not even close. Men are too beta and left-wing now.
Posted at 01:14 pm, 14th July 2017The more I think about this post, the more I like it.
People seem to do the opposite of what is right for them.
They do the “anti-Alpha 2.0” They outsource their happiness, money and control onto others and keep all the incompleteness and pain…
As in relationships and business, most people take the worst deal for sake of expedience. I don’t know how many guys I know who have thrown away Retirement funds for 3 days in Cabo on Valentine’s Day. Only to get broken up with a couple months later.
Happiness must be on your terms or no terms at all. Non negotiable. Because in real life, people are out to convert it for the $$$.
Posted at 02:05 pm, 14th July 2017@crdr
“I don’t know how many guys I know who have thrown away Retirement funds for 3 days in Cabo on Valentine’s Day. Only to get broken up with a couple months later.”
Ain’t that the truth. I’ve also known guys who blow tons of cash on taking princess off to Europe or whatever. I don’t pay for women’s vacations, never have. If you want to go, you pay for your own airfare and split the hotel with me. If they think that’s ridiculous and refuse, dump them because you just learned a valuable lesson about them and dodged a lifetime of bullets.
All these women just love to travel which just means they’d love for you to pay for their travels. I’m not here to fund your adventures honey.
Posted at 02:31 pm, 14th July 2017I don’t even split exotic trips like that. If the trip is not domestic or a drive away. I do not go. I’ve seen the game over and over again thanks to Instagram. These beautiful women who couldn’t pay for the trip alone sucker some stand in boyfriend into splitting the trip and snap a few fancy hotel room service pics about how much in love they are in.
Then dumps the loser when she loses patience to how beta he actually is.
It’s cliche, but bringing sand to the beach is another External Solution. That can cost you serious coin if you’re not thinking straight.
Splitting hotels is like after a year or two of SOLID dating. But splitting just for the sake of it. Let’s be honest, you would be good fucking in some Exxon gas station off the New Jersey turnpike. In fact I recommend it.
Posted at 06:38 pm, 14th July 2017Last November was the first time I bothered showing up to a presidential election in 20 years. I don’t have high expectations for Trump, but it was a joy seeing him make the libtards and cuckservatives cry like little bitches.
Trump has done some dumb stuff and has really stupid economic ideas but we are getting some good things. The illegals are self deporting; the less of them the better. He got the EPA off farmers asses. The SC nominee approved was better than a Bush or a Ted Cruz could have done. He trolls the media like a pro; I love the entertainment value. We have also found once again that the GOP in general is worthless and they are part of the problem and people are noticing.
Hildebeast would have let the third world hordes in, banned gun ownership, and stolen everyone’s pension and retirement money.
Taxes and all that will stay about the same. Military industrial complex will still be too big.
Posted at 06:43 pm, 14th July 2017Gentlemen: After 60 years of skinning the cat in various fashions, the most satisfying solution to external influences, pressures and edicts is to simply become an outlaw…… an intelligent and creative outlaw. This is the most satisfying decision I’ve ever made, and for the most part, most are none the wiser. Fellow outlaws DO have honor amongst themselves and we are able to live as a loose tribe and can bypass societal rules and so called regulations/laws. It helps living rural, the more land held, the better, as one is further insulated in daily infractions. It becomes a splendid game. Git sum….soapweed
Niteride Mick
Posted at 07:14 am, 15th July 2017Hey BD as a small business person do you come across people who don’t pay on time or only pay on 30 day accounts so how do you manage your cash flow if you do a big contract and get screwed when they don’t pay you on time Just curious I was a sole business person was screwed by a big contract I did once They strung the bill out to 60 days They paid Working for yourself sounds grand but if money not coming in only bills Stress time !!!
Arnie McKinnis
Posted at 09:01 am, 15th July 2017Amazing to me, no matter how clearly you believe the message is, someone will turn it around and misconstrue it.
The premise to me seems fairly straight forward. And it starts with a base question of “Who do you want to be?” … there are not right or wrong answers to that question, it is your answer and your life. I’ve spent the last few years, as my kids are entering their own lives, with the ability to truly make their own decisions, asking them that same question – with little or no judgement from about about the answer. Because, I have told them over and over again, I can not live their life (and no one else can live their life) it is theirs.
BD has set out a roadmap for someone else to follow (if they so choose) – it’s not for everyone. And this article is another perfect example of “choosing” your life. If you really want a solution that is (a) definable and (b) achievable – then the best path is probably creating a solution that does not depend on other people or the government. He (BD) is of the mindset (or this is my interpretation from reading) that there is only one person who can change your world, and that’s you.
As I’ve told people who are looking for their own path in life … Make the BIG decision, and everything else is just a detail.
Great article, and we live in a world where the majority of people want to bitch and complain about something.
Posted at 09:11 am, 15th July 2017I am a african american 29 yr old lived in Miami, Florida and Now in Los Angeles, CA. I’ve been doing a lot of research on women lately. The biggest eye-opener on my research is that American USA women are like the worst overall compared to most other countries from reading blogs like ReturnofKings and The New Modern Man and watching youtube videos. I’ve also been hearing dudes especially african american dudes in their 40s say that once they visit places like brazil, colombia, and dominican republic they can’t really put up with american women anymore. I’ve heard them say that they can’t even date american women anymore. I also heard another man say even if he bring one of these foreign women back to USA that their attitudes will get worst because of American USA feminist type culture. Then they say the solution is to actually just move overseas to one of these places. Is that looking for an external solution to solving their women problems or getting what they really want from women is just move to another country where women are a way better deal for them sexually, mentally, and financially?
Posted at 11:13 am, 15th July 2017Collectivist. Just as bad as the women’s movements they attack.
Took a glance at it, and yup they are just as bad as RoK. “The “truth” is that men are being treated poorly waaah waaah waaah!”‘ Was it their choice to dump all their happiness in the opposite sex. Yes? Then whose fault is it really?
That’s another external solution (unless said videos pay you).
Well yeah, cuz those chicks just obey them and feed their weak alpha 1 egos. Its good that they found a solution, but it looks like they are still pissy. So chicks have been able to work the system in their favor? Good for them, I admire that. They are playing the game and using their implicit value to their advantage. White men were doing this for centuries lol. I would be doing the exact same if I were a chick. Preying on outcome dependent betas and alpha 1s who rely on the opposite sex for happiness is passive eugenics. This isn’t a bad thing.
The same culture that got rid of the antiquated process of having chaperones on dates, only having sex with one chick your whole life and other sex negative nonsense? Oh yeah that totally sucks lol. Has it gone too far? Yes. But that’s the nature of collectivism. Collectivism leads to supremacy no matter what the “movement” is. Women’s movements want chicks to rule the universe. Nonwhite movements want nonwhites to rule the universe. White nationalists are just as bad. But now these movements aren’t necessary anymore, and if they stop everyone would be much happier. Wanna know why there is no “individualist” movement? Cuz people like myself and BD who don’t care about the state of the world and just make adjustments don’t want to rule the universe. We have our own universe to rule.
Not at the moment. Race mixing is celebrated in the west to the point where in 20-30 years there might actually be a quota on it. I know plenty of white dudes who are with nonwhite chicks and they are celebrated. Now if you meant the chicks will begin using the dude, yeah that’s accurate. So? If you don’t have kids with her then drop her like a bad habit. Done deal. If you do have kids with her then yeah its gonna suck. But that was their decision.
To me that’s an internal solution. The activism is an external solution. I’m planning to move out of the US as well, but not for that reason. I’m moving because in a couple decades the US is gonna be a poor man’s USSR and that would suck for me since I kinda like not having 2/3 of my income get snatched by the government lol.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:27 am, 15th July 2017I do too. Trump is the most entertaining president in my lifetime. Its great! But it won’t actually solve any real-world problems in the long-term.
These things are going to happen anyway, eventually, post-Trump. Just watch. (Gun ownership will never be banned in the US though; there are already too many guns in people’s hands to do this. Gun restrictions will increase to insane levels, but there will never be an outright ban.)
Incorrect. That would be Russian women. Read this.
That has nothing to do with being black. Jaded white men who take the trouble to do this say the same exact thing.
I don’t have this problem. American women are problematic but still just fine. And most of the problems you’ll have with women in ongoing relationships will be the same regardless of her race. But, if all you want is notch counts and sexual variety, then yeah, going to Colombia would probably be a good move.
Correct. Read this.
That is one option that I’ve covered before, yes. But that’s not your only option. Read this.
Moving to another country to find a woman more compatible with what you want is an internal solution, so it’s okay.
My argument against many men who desire this is that what they’re seeking (living in the third word forever so you can possibly have a forever monogamous marriage) may not make you as happy as you think. Or it might, depending on your personality. But that’s a topic for another time.
The bottom line answer to your question is that it’s an internal solution.
Posted at 07:04 pm, 15th July 2017To JoelSuf:
-You should check out Charles Tyler on youtube and also Oshay Jackson on youtube who interviews men about their experience with women in America compared to Overseas. He doesnt just say the women are better in Brazil, DR, and Colombia and stuff but also says that they have better food/eating habits which makes people more fit and why the fuck does USA have highest obesity rates which of course makes women even worst on top of attitudes.
– Also they state an unarmed black men does not have to be afraid when the police pulls them over overseas in these places like Brazil, DR, Colombia etc like in America USA. They said in youtube interviews that America USA makes them feel more stressed and less safe overall compared to DR, Brazil, Colombia. Using those 3 countries cause thats main ones they brag about how cool it is on youtube.
-Check out negromansphere.com. It’s like the black ROK. They said they actually got their website idea from ROK. ROK ,The New Modern Man, This Site, Negromanoshphere(For Black Men Mainly) and, Rational Male are best dating topic blog sites that I’ve noticed. If you cant admit ROK and The New Modern Man drops informative decent content than you’re very wrong or delusional about that.
Posted at 07:13 pm, 15th July 2017To Blackdragon:
– These guys are saying it’s more than notch counts with these women overseas. They say these women know how to cook better and treat a man in general better. I just went on a date with a chick in Los Angeles yesterday and she stated she eats out a lot and doesn’t really cook. When women say those things it’s definitely a turn off. I most likely will not contact her back. She’ll have to contact me and come directly to my place and give me head or something. Maybe the fact that prostitution is legal in those countries have something to do with women better attitudes but they state it’s more to it than that. People are more fit, healthy, and lot less stress than people in America USA overall.
-Also their more about the nuclear family unit in those countries as well and none of this single Mom praise bullshit that goes on in USA and family courts trying to destroy nuclear families with suspect laws.
– Also if you want to provide some feedback on what I said above to other guy as well that would be cool too.
Posted at 09:10 pm, 15th July 2017Holy christ. So they’ve combined the racism of Black Lives Matter and the tradcon collective of ROK? *goes to check*
Meh. They’re alright I suppose. Currie is on it and I’ve never had anything real bad to say about him. I don’t really have a problem with any of those entities you mentioned, really. Its just that for ever one thing you find with some actual info that is legit, you find like 10 that are just collectivist nonsense and are just as bad as the SJdubs they dislike so much. If I implied that they are complete trash, then I didn’t mean to. I don’t really think anything is complete trash. Hell, if I need a laugh, I’ll read Encyclopedia Dramatica for Christ’s sake and they are like South Park, they go after everyone. It’s just that from what I have read, in most cases, the manosphere spread their own weird form of Social Justice that conveniences them. I’ve gotten booted from Roosh’s board (tradcon haven) and Atheism+ (Progressive haven) for being a devil’s advocate and pointing out that things should be taken on a case-by-case basis.
Here’s a little secret about collectivism and social justice…it’s fueled by vengeance, manipulation, and ends in supremacy. If you join a cause or movement or whatever, you are there for their convenience. The moment you argue that things should be addressed on a case-by-case basis, its over and you are out. But not everyone is as stupid as scientologists who black list former members of their organization because they didn’t pay enough money. Most other collectivists don’t do such things, they’ll instead lump those who disagree with them together cementing the us vs them mentality.
And yes, most manosphere blogs etc do this. BD’s is pretty much the only I’ve seen who hasn’t done this too much. Him and Victor Pride are the only two manosphere bloggers that I can take seriously. Mike Cernovich was there too, but then he had to go and jump on the tradcon bandwagon. Same with Sonny Arvado.
And look, being a collectivist is the “in” thing nowadays. Its never been cool to think only for yourself and those closest to you. Its always been more acceptable to think in terms of class, race, gender etc. than on a case-by-case basis, its a faster process. But hell it doesn’t need to be the only process.
Look, anyone in the manosphere or their counterparts, and even some of the anarcho-capitalist bloggers I follow would score fairly high on this test (that I drunkenly made as a joke, I need to redo it haha). The manosphere is cool and all, but most of the time they seek out collectivist, external solutions that to me, is a waste of their energy.
Posted at 09:51 pm, 15th July 2017Wow, you seriously cannot imagine a valid reason to want to fight to make the world a better place (however you define that) beyond it being a stupidly inefficient attempt at improving one’s own little life? You know, it is possible to pursue one’s life purpose while at the same time participating in the greater conversation. Most of us are not about to expatriate to Asia (nor would you want us to, because it would ruin your party). Nor is it hypocritical not to want to move to a foreign country to escape this one’s problems; this is our home. That leaves only one option: working to fix the country we have. (Which, ironically, immigrant-haters wish the targets of their ire would do.)
Best example I’ve seen yet of how Libertarianism is just selfishness tarted up to vaguely resemble a real philosophy.
Written as a fan of (the bulk of) your work. (Except the obnoxious political commentary.)
Posted at 10:58 pm, 15th July 2017There was a time when when I thought things could be done to make society better, then I said screw it I’m not even living the lifestyle I want to live, and for those of us who desire to live an Alpha 2.0 type lifestyle it seems like the majority of people are not in favor of freedom/happiness (and they’re not trying to help me), so I’m going to focus on living my own life.
There was a time when the pick-up community was mostly about pick-up, then it got overrun by a bunch of betas and now it’s mostly about complaining and politics. Whenever I hear beta guys constantly complaining about women and politics I think to myself, “So, what you’re really saying is you’re weak.”
There’s a concept in pick-up about “avoiding time-wasters,” and I also similarly avoid people who complain. I kindly give women/people about a five minute opportunity to meet me, where I approach and make the offer, then they have between 30 seconds to five minutes to accept or not.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:46 am, 16th July 2017Political correctness detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:
No such thing, Dump the stupid buzzwords.
Only if you indulge in slut shaming or other regressive, traditional, or puritanical attitudes, in which case, you’re on the wrong blog.
Returnofkings is a puritanical cesspool filled with sex-hating prudes, slut shaming maggots, and totalitarian 1950s enthusiasts. Not a good place to learn anything.
More garbage PC lingo. Is it hard for you to say that you’re black?
Also, do you think that a white racist immigrating here from South Africa could call himself an “African American?” And if so, do you think maybe he’d do it just to piss off black people? (Credit: George Carlin).
Right. Black culture has a very unfortunate bent towards traditional alpha 1.0 territoriality, slut shaming, and other types of neediness. You might not want to follow such blue pill nonsense if your long term happiness is important to you.
Dude, open your eyes. These are fucking slut shamers! That’s all.
It’s not an external or an internal solution. It’s what I call “no solution.” Looking for a traditional Disney princess is probably worse than suicide. But then, I’m just a sex-positive dude who loves group sex, so what do I know?
There are plenty of western women who are skinny, eat healthy, and take care of themselves. If it’s hard for you to find a black woman who isn’t fat or who doesn’t have a bad attitude, I suggest trying white women. We have more than enough to go around. And even if we didn’t, we could share.
Get this BLM filth out of my face, dude! Seriously, spew your PC white guilt somewhere else, yo! I think you’ll discover that no one here is even slightly scared of, or intimidated by, the fact that you’re black. In fact, I cannot convey to you how many zero fucks I give about your pathetic race baiting sob stories.
Public Service Announcement to black people who don’t get it:
Are you an unarmed black man who doesn’t want to get killed by the cops? If so, follow these two simple rules:
1. Don’t commit crimes (dumping the gangsta rap from your music collection might be a good idea too).
2. When a police officer gives you a direction, follow it. Don’t argue. Don’t resist. If the cop is wrong, settle it in court. But don’t resist the cop’s directions. Keep your hands where he can see them and just say “yes, sir.”
Man, did you pick the wrong blog to spit white guilt, lol!
Why would anyone want to check out a racist site that promotes racial segregation and practically has a “colored folks only” sign on its fucking doorstep? 1950s much? No thank you.
For that matter, why would anyone want to check out the real ROK either? It’s filled with tradcons who think women liking sex is a sin. Fuck that!
Makes sense. Both are pro-1950s.
One of those sites, by your own admission, has a segregationist mindset and at least two have a prudish 1950s mindset. I’m willing to bet that the rest are not much better.
ROK is all about female virginity and pro-sexual purity. As a man favoring sexual liberation, it literally makes me sick. No. It doesn’t have any decent or informative content, unless you want a primer on what not to do.
As an adult, not a child, you have a responsibility to be an independent human being. This means, you shouldn’t outsource your stomach to women. Are you a child? Why would you make yourself dependent on women like that? That’s just pathetic. Grow up and cook for yourself! Stop letting women manipulate you with food.
Pick up your own damn socks! You’re not a baby anymore.
Good. Already I like her. She’ll keep you independent.
Sigh. Are you afraid you’ll burn yourself in the kitchen or something? Dude, just man up and break out the pots and pans. It’s not that hard. Take a cooking class. There are lots of hot women in classes like that. Don’t be dependent on women for anything gender neutral. You’re allowing them to blackmail you through the erosion of your own self-discipline.
Why? Because she doesn’t treat you like your mommy?
Those third world women have their men wrapped around their pinky fingers. None of those men know how to cook, how to make their bed, how to do laundry, how to clean, or how to maintain even basic home maintenance. Without women, these third world men are totally helpless and wouldn’t even be able to locate their underwear. And why are these men such slaves/babies? Because traditional women have mindfucked them, son!
While I don’t condone single motherhood or the unconscionable crimes of family court (ask me how I know), the traditional family is not the answer. In fact, the traditional monogamous family really needs to die if you ask me. At least if you’re red pilled.
You have been brainwashed by Disney tradcons. Snap out of it!
Posted at 02:01 pm, 16th July 2017To JackInTheBox
– Your Responses sound suspect. What city do you live in? Have you visited DR, Colombia, Brazil etc? What are your fav cities in USA America? You cant even admit American women have the worst attitudes and highest obesity rates near the top if you do your research. If you can’t admit that you super suspect.
Posted at 02:20 pm, 16th July 2017To JackInBox pt 2 lol:
The New Modern Man site is cool. I love how they do eye candy of week. Which none of other top dating blogs do. Always presenting a baddie. Which America USA could have more of if women cooked more and didnt produce the highest fuggin obesity rates. You sound like you probally hump fat chicks who eat mcdonalds a lot.
– Women overseas are more feminime in general plus you can save more if you find a way to have a independent location business while living overseas cause cost of living is way lower. Almost everything in USA is overpriced from houses to eating out.
– What other manosphere or dating blogs do you read. Only this one?
-Also you need to stop saying ROK is wack. You susoect for that. RooshVForum which comes from that site is most loaded informative dating forum ever.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:07 pm, 16th July 2017That might be accurate. I’m not sure if it is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is. The Collapsing USA is becoming a hybrid of left-wing insanity + a police state.
Then you’re a more Alpha Male 1.0 type of guy. I could care less about these kinds of things. As long as she hot and low drama and I can have sex with other women on the side, everything else is simply a bonus (and I agree a woman who cleans your house and cooks for you is a nice bonus; but that’s all it is to me; a nice bonus, not the primary objective).
Correct. Again though, that only matters if you goal is to bang a lot of girls. If your goal is to find one good one who is trim and fit, there are plenty in the USA as long as you’re a little patient.
Incorrect. Divorce, cheating, and single mothers are extremely common in those countries. The difference is that, yes, the government doesn’t put a gun to men’s heads when these things occur. But if you’re expecting to find 1950’s America in places like Brazil, Colombia, and DR, you’re in for a rude awakening.
I did. The bottom line for you is to be very, very clear about your goals, which I don’t think you are. Are you there to bang lots of girls? Are you there to get a serious girlfriend? Are you there to get traditional monogamous wife forever and live there forever? I’m reasonably confident you don’t have a definite answers to those questions, and you should if you’re talking about moving away from the USA.
Of course moving out of the Collapsing US is a good idea. I’m doing it myself in a few years (though for very different reasons than you, since I have literally no trouble getting laid in the US with perfectly attractive women). Regardless, you must formulate your goals first, get them crystal clear, then look for solutions.
The problem with these ROK type sites is not that they’re necessarily wrong (I agree with most of their overall points), but that they appeal to men who are angry and usually shoot first and ask questions later, rather than men who are realistic, methodical, rational, and crystal clear about their objectives and plans.
No. It’s not a valid reason because it’s so unlikely to actually work.
I already addressed that in the article.
I know. I’ve said that many times and I analyzed that very fact here.
But you can’t. Both the USA and Europe are too far gone to save, economically, fiscally, culturally, demographically, and governmentally, as I’ve demonstrated many times in many ways over many years on both of my blogs.
As much as it may be hard for you more political types to understand, my viewpoint in the above article has less to do with libertarianism and more to do with objective reality and statistical probabilities.
“Obnoxious political commentary” = political opinions I don’t agree with.
Correct. I’ve seen this de-evolution over the last several years happen right before my eyes.
To be fair though, politics (specifically left/right tribalism) has now infested all areas of life. 30 years ago the only thing political was politics. Today everything is political, including things like dating advice and sports. It’s sad as it is irritating. All signs of a deeply flawed society on its way down. (Since If everything was going great, people on both sides wouldn’t be so kneejerk angry.)
Posted at 11:12 pm, 16th July 2017Yup. And I can tell you when and how that happened too because similar to BD, I was there for most all of it. Get ready for an interesting history lesson.
It was when the students of the PUAism practiced in the 00s, who were stupid enough to drop money on bootcamps not knowing that the PUAism that was taught in the 00s was designed for dudes who were already successful in their lives EXCEPT chicks. This was when it WASN’T a scam. If you were gainfully employed and well educated, you were able to learn TONS from Strauss, DeAngelo, even glorified street performers like Mystery or irreverent pricks like Gunwitch and David X. But that was the thing; they expected their students to be somewhat successful in other areas before taking their bootcamps.
The trouble started when it got popular in the late 00s. Because instead of (even somewhat) successful dudes, losers started taking their bootcamps, did not get results (because they had no real value), and blamed the PUAs. They got together and created the MGTOW concept, which is actually based off of Japanese Hikikomori (Japanese manboys who have pretty much given up on life and just watch anime and porn in their rooms until they die or something). This was right before the 2010s. I’ve been in their groups before and lemme tell ya, it is equal parts hilarious as well as unsettling. In fact, just to let off steam if I had a shitty date or something, I would go on PUAhate and join in their complaining, until the Elliot Rodger thing that is. Then I ran for the hills.
Those on RoK who claim they are “red pill?” Many of these were originally part of the PUAhate crowd, calling themselves “incels” (involuntarily celibate). Here’s how they developed.
Some of these MGTOW were still horny and wanted sex. That’s where RSD came in. Now RSD is an organization that I like but do not respect. They say a lot of decent stuff in their free(ish) lectures, but do a lot of stupid try-hard nonsense in the field. RSD targeted these MGTOW, told them that they can literally get any chick they want no matter what, as long as they do exactly what the RSD instructors do. This also began in the 2010s.
Seeing this trend, Roosh, Tuthmosis, and Matt Forney, who had been relatively unknown in PUA circles for some time, got an idea: What if we combine the efforts of both PUAhate AND organizations like RSD? Like creating a community that feeds off of a MGTOW’s general hatred for chicks while at the same time teaching these MGTOW how to get chicks (which is a genius scam, since most MGTOW need professional help WAY more than dating coaching, so who better to provide BOTH than Roosh)? And thus, Return of Kings was born. I’ve never even heard of RoK before 2013ish. But now I can’t avoid it when dicking around in the manosphere.
Roosh is an evil genius for doing this. What we’re gonna see going into the 2020s is Roosh and his ilk completely taking over and becoming the Comcast or the AT&T of the PUA industry. RSD also prey on MGTOW, but its not nearly as appealing as Roosh et al, who say “we know you hate chicks, so let us tell you how you can get one that you might be able to control.”
I have a theory that Roosh and co. and the bigger women’s movements are in cahoots as they both revolve around collectivism, but its far fetched and its more something I say to make myself laugh more than anything.
Posted at 11:22 pm, 16th July 2017Straight up, as fun as it is to rustle the jimmies of pretty much any collectivist, yeah it really sucks that social/political nonsense has taken over every area of life. I was doing a whole bunch of work while leaving a video game marathon in the background recently. And one of the people playing was a dude wearing a dress. Yeah that’s kinda weird, but it rustled everyone’s jimmies, and now they are saying that “the marathon is ruined.” Just cuz they saw a dude in a dress play a video game. Unbelievable.
I’m just glad that my hobby of choice, bowling, hasn’t gotten this way…yet. When it does, Its gonna suck so much.
I hate collectivism so much. I wish it just went away forever. But like you said BD, its unavoidable nowadays.
Posted at 03:23 pm, 17th July 2017There was a time when the pick-up community was mostly about pick-up, then it got overrun by a bunch of betas and now it’s mostly about complaining and politics.
Indeed. Even Heartiste is now Stormfront half of the time (and 100% of the commenters). Even though ‘white nationalism’ contradicts many aspects of Game directly, and is the most concentrated collection of woman-worshipping manginas around.
I mean, if Game can enable a black/Asian guy to do better with women (including white women), how can the same blog bash women for ‘mudsharking’, and then also claim that white women have no inherent attraction for non-white men?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:44 pm, 17th July 2017Not to mention the fact that a hell of a lot of white men are really attracted to non-white women (Asian women, Hispanic women, etc). That flies in the face of a lot of these guys’ “save the white race” and “have white babies” narrative.
Posted at 04:57 pm, 17th July 2017I also agree that MRAs will never accomplish anything externally. Not one law will be changed in the net-net. Every small cosmetic change in favor of men will be more than negated by some covert feminist increment.
What the red-pill community (which is much larger than result-less, not-very-creative MRAs) *has* managed to do is get more men to think about internal solutions like PUA, MGTOW, or expatriation. All three can be equally valid based on the man’s individual personality, and the three are not mutually exclusive either.
Hence, feminism will be crushed under its own weight via millions of internal solution, not any one external solution (not even Islam)..
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:07 pm, 17th July 2017Correct.
Correct. As you said, all three of those are internal solutions, which are fine. However, even the external solution of the red pill community has only a affected a tiny, tiny percentage of men. I mean seriously, what percentage of men in the world are part of red pill? A fraction of one percent?
Thus my point.
Posted at 05:20 pm, 17th July 2017I mean seriously, what percentage of men in the world are part of red pill? A fraction of one percent?
Hard to measure. It depends on what the threshold of truly ‘red-pill’ is. In terms of basic awareness that leads to push back over the Internet, maybe 20% (going by how many feminist and cuckservative videos and articles get slaughtered in the comments sections). But in terms of real life decisions that buck SP and social pressure, perhaps just 0.5%…
However, even the external solution of the red pill community has only a affected a tiny, tiny percentage of men.
I would say that making individual men aware is still a catalyst activity for internal solutions.
Their desire to actually change laws is the pure external solution, which has zero chance of success. There are probably *no* laws less likely to be repealed than female-favoring ones..
Traditional MRAs, like Angry Harry and Paul Elam, are even worse than external solutions, since they think they are doing a lot of activism, while actually doing nothing in terms of petitions, organizing protests, filing lawsuits, etc. They didn’t even do the activism that would qualify as an external solution; they just pretend that they do it (no one can point to any tangible activity beyond keyboard activity, that either has done in the last 25 years).
External solutions are worse than internal solutions.
Imaginary external solutions are even worse than real external solutions, but that is what most MRAs are.
Posted at 10:50 pm, 17th July 2017-Check out negromansphere.com. It’s like the black ROK.
I can scarcely think of a site less worthy of visiting than that. It rivals Jezebel..
Blacks will never get anywhere as long as they see race in EVERYTHING. They fail to realize this.
Posted at 11:59 am, 18th July 2017Just got banned on RooshVforum.com
Man that guy is raising today’s socialist wave of pussies.
They are anti money, anti freedom, anti independence, pro being broke and having sex with sluts then shaming them after and putting Unicorn Virgins on Pedestals…
Pure confusion out there.
Fuck that shit.
Posted at 08:49 pm, 18th July 2017Man I enjoy This blog especially the comment section. Thanks for breaking down how RSD and Roosh came together to try to take over manosphere lol. Also don’t sleep on negromanosphere. The manosphere/dating site is raw and of course your gonna relate more to it if your aa or black but other guys are on their too hahaha. Roger Allen Currie is main writer on that site who is a dating coach and he has like 4 top quality audiobooks on audible.com about dating/relationships. Oshay Jackson created the site youtube his name he’s heelarious. Will make you laugh no doubt plus he shows his chick in his vids sometimes where you can see proof he has a nice chick that looks on point, and he usually does youtube vid/interviews from his couch with dudes about women lol. He even interviewed Aaron Clarey and I think their becoming close friends cause Clarey mentions his name now on his funny ass consulting youtube vids.
Posted at 06:20 am, 25th July 2017BD, I think there is a spectrum here:
At the end of your life you will want to give something back, and it will probably be more towards the external side of the spectrum. Meanwhile if you enjoy, and grow through, some part-time external solutions, go for it. You can’t do everything with just 1-100 people.
Just be conscious of what BD is saying. He is making a very good point, though perhaps in an extreme way. I am sure once your frame is strong on this, you can bend the rules here and there.
Meanwhile, best and quickest Internal AND External solution: Don’t have kids.
Like Michelangelo, you won’t live on through your kids, you will just die. Before you do, think about using your time and money on far better things, like sex for example!
More humans equals more problems. More nature, resources, and space equals more beauty and fun. Now THAT is a noble legacy.
End of break, back to work, thank you for reading and not breeding!
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Posted at 09:20 am, 25th July 2017Not exactly true, chicks are starting to realize how the game is played and know that they can use sex as a weapon to get their way in pretty much any situation…as long as white knights who value them highly have the final say.
When these white knights go away, that’s when women’s movements will be crushed by their own weight. I think BD has written about this. Its really nothing to stress about in our lifetime.
Posted at 09:59 am, 25th July 2017Oh they know it. People tend to forget that the civil rights movement was collectivist, and what is the end goal of anything collectivist? Supremacy. So of course they are going to see race in everything. Its how their collective masters taught them.
Yup. Same happened to me. I posted a thread entitled “What is the difference between us and Atheism+ anyways?” All I wanted to do was let them know that they are being angry collectivists just like Atheism+ (which I also got banned from). That got me a warning.
My thread of me saying that I was concerned about Matt Forney’s weight got me banned lol.
Gil Galad
Posted at 10:44 am, 25th July 2017@Joelsuf: I’m under the impression that you’re not getting repeatedly banned only for disagreeing or because they’re thin-skinned etc, but because you troll too much. I agree with lots of things you say and even the stuff I disagree with I still kind of respect, but you have a habit of stating some pretty extreme or unproven stuff and then backing off and saying “I’m not being serious, just a speculation I’m doing” and/or “just to piss them off” (paraphrasing). It gets hard to tell which is which (ie are you dead serious, or purposely exaggerating, or what), and of course people online are gonna default to the interpretation that serves you the least. Didn’t you make a resolution here sometime ago about not trolling anymore ?
Posted at 11:11 am, 25th July 2017Well yeah, back then (early 2010s) I was heavy into rustling jimmies because I was really depressed and rustling jimmies was an outlet for it. But I was still trying to prove a point; that collectivism not only has an end goal of supremacy but is a tragic waste of energy. I’ve had that philosophy since high school. But yes before I got banned from Roosh and Atheism+ I was a shitposting edgelord, so I had a “track record” to go by. Atheism+ didn’t want any part of it no matter who I was dissing and I got warned a couple of times, and it was only welcome on Roosh if I was dissing leftists.
Well there ya go. I state extreme stuff and then admit that I’m just speculating and not being serious. Is there anything wrong with that, if I’m clearly stating that it isn’t serious? I still want to provide lulz, and that’s my creative way of doing so. Its like I said; rustling the jimmies of collectivists is fun for me.
How is that? When I say that I’m not serious about something, I usually mention it. If it’s difficult to tell, all you have to do is ask. If I’m getting annoying and someone (not just BD) tells me to stop, then I’ll stop. And also, I really don’t care what others say on a computer screen. Especially on blogs, message boards or chat rooms. I hardly even care what others say to me in person for that matter, especially if I don’t know them.
Yes. In adherence to BD’s first rule, I only attack ideas, not users themselves. I was attacking the users themselves a year and some change ago. I also don’t go out of my way to rustle jimmies anymore, which I admit is a bad habit, and I did it a bit when I first started reading this blog.
Posted at 04:50 pm, 25th July 2017Completely agree.
There are few people that will share your idea. In fact most people are happy with the crap/corrupt system – as long as they are getting ahead/kickbacks. You’ll find the politicians you catapelted into office turn around and do the opposite of what you want.
Or your party/system for change is too small, then everyone gets bored and it dies.
Big powerful parties/systems work because they give cash benefits to those that support them.
I’ve now decided to focus on helping myself, to try and educate the masses or help them is futile.
It’s better to lead by example as Blackdragon does – maybe one day I’ll write a book.
Posted at 02:35 pm, 8th August 2017This article was so good. Resonated with me 100%.
Jake Lang
Posted at 06:54 pm, 11th August 2017I generally agree, with a few minor quibbles.
I think that for the majority of people, this is good advice. Internal solutions, because changing the world is unlikely.
But I do think there’s the small fraction of the population, the lucky, privileged, elite, and skilled, who actually can change the world. So in those rare extraordinary peoples case, they should master internal solutions quickly, then move on to external solutions (that are ACTUALLY well-designed to succeed, logically).
A second option as well–this is sort of an overly optimistic pipe dream but not impossible–is that if a sizable chunk of people with the same ideology all simultaneously pursue success-oriented external solutions, creating a social movement with lasting results, then external solutions are worth it. The chances of that happening and it succeeding are still extremely unlikely, but mass changes like that do happen in history, and there is something to be said if you’re lucky enough to be near that kind of wave, and ride that wave, so to speak.
donnie demarco
Posted at 08:10 pm, 15th August 2017Successful people create change by changing themselves. They succeed by seeing and accepting their environment for what it is, having clear goals and creating measurable steps to reach those goals, and having a good read on how the environment reacts to the changes. Not to mention, having the adaptability to change things up when the current plan isn’t working.
Losers just talkety talk talk talk. Yell, argue, post on Facebook, blah blah blah…
Gordan Dan
Posted at 06:49 am, 24th September 2018Great article, it sums it up.
Lot of people got completely destroyed by trying to make revolutions when time wasnt ripe, and by trying to change others, and respective societies. In I CHing it is part of wisdom to pick up the time to change the environment.
While mention those cucked countries dont forget Australia, hehe.
I escaped from there and have no intention to return. Insanity of society is as high as in Canada, but acceptance of that rubbish by population made me make such decision…