How To Avoid Women’s Negative Aura

-By Caleb Jones

There’s an old saying, “Never stick your dick in crazy.” The concern many men have is that if you have sex with a woman who is real trouble, you’ll end up with trouble in your life. As I’ve discussed many times before, this isn’t an issue if you simply keep these women as FB’s and don’t get serious with them or act like their boyfriends. I’ve had many FB’s in my past who were extremely problematic women, yet they never gave me any trouble whatsoever… because they were too busy giving this trouble to men they were actually dating, including their boyfriends.
The response to that is that you shouldn’t have sex with women who are “dark” regardless. If she is a problematic person (crazy, a drug addict, evil, mental problems, etc), then simply the act of having sex with her constitutes some kind of aura or energy transference from her to you. You will then be “infected” with her darker, more negative energy. Sex is such an intimate act, these people warn, that even if it’s completely meaningless, you don’t really like her at all, and you use a condom, the nature of the act itself somehow draws her dark energy into you, which is bad.
Do I believe this stuff? Partially, but not completely.

I’m about to get a little spiritual on you, so get ready. As always though, I will temper this with objective reality, at least as I’m best able.

I do indeed believe that people have an aura that cannot be explained by our current level of scientific advancement and usually cannot be detected by our five senses. I have definitely had the experience of meeting someone, and before they even spoke, I could feel a darkness within them, even if they were physically attractive. (Britney Spears is a good celebrity example of this that I’ve used before.) I have also had the opposite experience of meeting someone and immediately getting a good vibe/aura from him or her before they ever said a word, even if they were physically unappealing in every way.

(However, most people don’t have any aura at all. They’re just “normal,” no dark or light aura. They’re just “there.”)

I do also believe that it is possible for a person to transfer their dark or light auras to other people they spend time with. If you hang around a dark person, you will start to get infected with their darker energy and start feeling more negative emotions more often. If you hang around a light person, you will start to get lighter yourself and start feeling happier and more positive, at least a little.

I don’t think the act of sex has anything to do with it. I think it has more to do with time you spend with that person. As always, people who put a higher importance on the act of sex, even when the sex doesn’t mean anything, are submitting to cultural Societal Programming whether they realize it or not. In the Western world, this is especially true of of Americans. Because of their puritanical roots, they place a larger sense of both importance and danger on sex than other cultures do, both now and historically.

As difficult as this is for many right-wingers to accept, sex is simply a physical act. There is no functional difference between having meaningless sex using a condom with a woman you just met, and shaking hands with a woman you just met. They’re both physical acts that involve some physical contact. Any difference you perceive in these two acts is purely a result of Societal Programming. Your culture has raised you to believe one act means one thing and another act means another. But, in the objective world, they’re both just simple, physical acts.
It’s true that sometimes you can add in emotional meaning to a physical act. I’ve shook hands with perhaps thousands of people over my working lifetime, and 99% of those didn’t mean anything other than politeness demanded by Societal Programming. However, once I met a very old and dear friend for the first time in many years. When we shook hands, we clasped each other’s hands, both hands, gripped them tightly, had huge smiles on our faces, and held strong, powerful eye contact. It felt really good to see my friend again, and he felt the same. In that case, the handshake meant something. But that doesn’t mean all handshakes are like that. Very few are.

Sex works the same way. If you have a one night stand with a woman you know you’ll never see again, that’s just a physical act. If you have sex with your long-term girlfriend, it probably has great emotional, and perhaps even spiritual meaning for the both of you. But that doesn’t mean sex has great emotional / spiritual meaning every time you have sex with every woman you have sex with. I can tell you for a fact that about 85-90% of all the sex I’ve ever had in my life (and I’ve had a lot of sex, far more than most men ever will) didn’t really mean anything. In most cases, it was a simple, physical act required by my biology.
Therefore, if you have a woman in your life who has a dark aura, that’s not ideal, but if you keep her at the FB level only and follow all the relationship rules for FB’s (only see her a maximum of once a week, never take her out on dates, don’t let her spend the night, etc), you’re probably fine. If instead, you start dating and spending time with a woman with a dark aura (as a MLTR or OLTR), now you’re probably in trouble. I’ve seen many men do this and it’s usually a mistake.

Aren’t you at least taking a risk if you spend any time with someone with a dark aura? Perhaps, but I firmly believe in this rule: The one with the stronger aura wins.
I am, I think, one of those people who have an obvious aura. I’m not sure if it’s a “light” aura, but it’s certainly a positive aura, perhaps a positive/intense aura. My aura is strong enough that if I spend time with someone, they are far more likely to rub my positivity off on them than I am to gain any negativity from them, and that’s even if they have a reasonably strong dark aura. I suppose this might not be true if I started spending time with someone with a god-level of dark aura, like a serial killer or Hillary Clinton, but this kind of human being is rare and I have yet to encounter one in real life.

Therefore, in my case at least, I don’t worry about any darkness seeping out of any women (or men for that matter) in my life and infecting me. If you’re more of a normal person, perhaps this might be an issue, but then your job is to either not spend time with these women or keep them at the FB level and that’s it. Never let any woman with a darkness around her become anything more than a FB. Even making this person a low-end MLTR is a big mistake (I’ve made this mistake in the past).

I frankly think that every man reading these words should work on having a strong, positive aura, but this is done by increasing your long-term consistent happiness, as I talk about in my book. You don’t sit around meditating on your aura; you get your ass to work and make more money, have more sex, get fitter, clean out your anger and negativity, clean out your Societal Programming, and live a better life.

Easier said than done, I know, but more than worth it.

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  • Grenads
    Posted at 05:22 am, 21st August 2017

    I don’t know if other people agree with me, but I sense your aura is being like strong and dominating. Not necessarily positive; but yeah it can become so, if then we look at your motive/intention afterall.

  • Calvinator
    Posted at 06:40 am, 21st August 2017

    Good post BD.

    And This: “The one with the stronger aura wins.”

  • Shubert
    Posted at 06:49 am, 21st August 2017

    Hi all,

    What is the name of the online community that BD built (forums, wiki,etc.), I’d like to ask some questions.

    My bad about the off-topic comment.

    Yes I looked, no I did not find it.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:35 am, 21st August 2017

    I’m about to get a little spiritual on you, so get ready. As always though, I will temper this with objective reality, at least as I’m best able.
    I do indeed believe that people have an aura that cannot be explained by our current level of scientific advancement and usually cannot be detected by our five senses.

    That’s because we have more than five senses, not because there’s anything spiritual or metaphysical about it. Science actually does study these things. I get that the depth of those feelings makes their biological nature very distasteful to most people who’d prefer to make it irreducible/mystical/whatever, but it is. These perceptions outside of the traditional “five senses” are simply a less effective version of instincts that other animals possess, just like, for example, we do possess a sonar like dolphins, just way, way less developed – or how we can sometimes feel that we’re being watched.

    I think the key to no longer compartmentalizing “science” and “weird stuff that’s beyond science” is to realize that just because it is “experiential” and not something we can touch or measure in an obvious way, doesn’t mean the experience itself isn’t caused by chemicals coming from the person with an ‘aura’ and affecting you. The experience of receiving/processing those pheromones or whatever they are is what we call “feeling an aura”; it could even be the person’s body language or facial expression (ie without any emission of pheromones) that directly acts on our brain through vision and releases the substances that cause the “aura experience”.

    What I agree “cannot be explained by our current level of scientific advancement” is the exact mapping of which pheromone, body language, appearance, interaction, etc, leads to which exact reaction in a given person, including which type of “aura” they end up perceiving. But that’s not the same as saying it’s unexplained, and decidedly not the same as saying it’s spiritual, unless it’s the Sam Harris-type, Waking Up, naturalistic kind of spiritual.

    @Shubert: it’s the alpha 2.0 community.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:52 am, 21st August 2017

    If she is a problematic person (crazy, a drug addict, evil, mental problems, etc), then simply the act of having sex with her constitutes some kind of aura or energy transference from her to you. You will then be “infected” with her darker, more negative energy.

    My ex was a former drug addict, who still had an affinity for booze but was still able to (generally) control herself. We talked about stuff like this on a weekend trip I took with her. She wasn’t perfect, she made a lot of mistakes in her life, but I was able to tell that she was on a road to decisive recovery. I too came from a background that is just as bad, being a former sleeping pill addict myself. So our lights kind of shined together.

    I have definitely had the experience of meeting someone, and before they even spoke, I could feel a darkness within them, even if they were physically attractive. (Britney Spears is a good celebrity example of this that I’ve used before.)

    For the last five or so years, I’ve been getting this vibe from nearly every chick I’ve met who is under 25. Its like 9 times out of 10, I know that they are up to no good. Anyone else getting similar reads off of the YVW crowd?


  • Kevin Velasco
    Posted at 09:38 am, 21st August 2017

    Great and unexpected metaphysical content, BD!

    Women with personality disorders and personality traits from the “dark triad” are definitely worth distancing from. A friend of mine refers to women like these as a succubus. There’s even a demand for men who got mentally fucked up by these types of women, as seen on sites like

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:14 am, 21st August 2017

    I don’t know if other people agree with me, but I sense your aura is being like strong and dominating.

    You can’t sense a person’s aura without meeting them in real life. Written words on the internet do not convey aura. They convey personality, intent, writing skill, frame, emotions, etc, but not aura.

    Not necessarily positive; but yeah it can become so, if then we look at your motive/intention afterall.

    My motive and intention here is to make as much money from you as humanly possible. Read part two here.

    What is the name of the online community that BD built (forums, wiki,etc.), I’d like to ask some questions.

    My bad about the off-topic comment.

    Yes I looked, no I did not find it.

    There’s a huge and obvious link to it on the sidebar of this blog, but mobile browsers (phones / tablets) always cut that off and sometimes push it to the very bottom of the page where no one thinks to look. It’s irritating and I’m working on rectifying that, but it will take time.

    That’s because we have more than five senses, not because there’s anything spiritual or metaphysical about it. Science actually does study these things. I get that the depth of those feelings makes their biological nature very distasteful to most people who’d prefer to make it irreducible/mystical/whatever, but it is.

    You’re correct and I agree 100%, including with the issue at hand, but doesn’t mean I believe in nothing spiritual.

    For the last five or so years, I’ve been getting this vibe from nearly every chick I’ve met who is under 25. Its like 9 times out of 10, I know that they are up to no good. Anyone else getting similar reads off of the YVW crowd?

    Of course not and you still have a long way to go to work in your negative outlook on life, joelsuf.

  • Nick
    Posted at 12:57 pm, 21st August 2017

    Made this mistake recently at the height of me getting a lot more positive and doing better in life. Despite a lot working against me. Sad thing is I was completely aware of it and even starting seeing ads on Facebook targeted about chicks like that (a bit creepy, but thanks for trying to warn me to keep to a FB…FB…) Brought massive drama into my social and personal life and brought me down at every turn from being positive and progressing. Good post : )

  • Parade
    Posted at 02:08 pm, 21st August 2017

    And then you have me…I seem to be able to control the aura I exude at will, if I concentrate on it. For example, a long time ago I was part of a class where we were asked to look at someone and make some predictions about that kind of thing…and I decided it’d be fun to project a ‘I hate everyone’ vibe…and my partner for the exercise picked up on it. Even though it wasn’t actually true.

    And to bring it back…perhaps it’s less of ‘the stronger aura wins’ and more of ‘the more intentional aura wins’ — if you’re trying to present a positive aura you probably will, and you’ll probably retain it even in the face of negativity…or if you’re trying to present a negative one you’ll be able to bring people who aren’t conscious of it down. (Of course, the people who are conscious of it probably won’t spend much time with you 😉

  • buzz
    Posted at 03:17 pm, 21st August 2017

    My name is not Buzz and I do crazy women.

    Almost every woman I have been with in my whole life was crazy with her prescriptions to prove it. They seem to be drawn to me, it doesn’t take much game to get them and they are kinkier by far 🙂 Interestingly about 85-90% of all the sex I’ve ever had in my life did mean something to me. Most of the time I either understand why they do things or don’t care but this one behavior has got me baffled.

    I was straightening up my bed in preparation for a new conquest and I just happened to pick the mattress up and look and there was a very lightly used mini tampon????

    This was definitely small enough to flush and I allow all women unrestricted use of two different bathrooms when they are over.

    I have had two new women in my bed in the last month so I don’t even know which one of them did it.

    Is this some kind of a mark their territory behavior?

    Do women check under the corner of your mattress for used tampons?

    If you have had more than one woman in your bed lately take a look under your mattress and let me know?

    These women were in the 35 to 50 year old range not youngens…..


  • Freedom
    Posted at 03:52 pm, 21st August 2017

    Hey BD, I have a situation with a girl that I hope you can comment on, at least briefly, regarding the proper Alpha response. Your response may help me as well as other readers, as its related to this article as well, among others.

    About 3 months ago, I met an attractive girl (a friend of family) while visiting some family for for 3-4 weeks. She was very flirtatious. In those 3-4 weeks, I interacted with her 7 nights. We spent 2 nights on social outtings along with family. However, between those 2 social outtings, we spent 5 nights being intimate/sexual, with 3 of them being only 3rd base (for lack of a better term).

    During one of the intimate nights, the condom briefly slipped off, but I corrected the issue very quickly.

    She then left town for 2 months to visit her own family and recently moved back to the city in which I live. I kept in contact texting basic stuff once every 1 to 2 weeks.

    I wanted her as an FB. I realize now that I probably spent too much time with her before she left, along with making the mistake of cuddling (although I enjoyed it at the time), as you have mentioned in other articles.

    When she returned, I met with her with the intention of being intimate once again. Upon arrival, I made simple conversation as to how she was doing. Her reply was that she was depressed, can no longer stay in the city despite having just moved back, that she made a big mistake that will affect the rest of her life, etc.

    Being a bit suprised by this behavior, I made an unwise comment along the lines of “you make it sound like you’re pregnant.” She then stated that she was in fact pregnant, but did not offer any details as to who the father is, or when she realized she was pregnant, or whether she intends to keep the child or not, etc. She also said it was none of my concern, etc. I left.

    I know that women often use the pregnancy card to manipulate men, despite not being actually pregnant. It is possible that she in fact pregnant, but I suspect she is either lying or has had unprotected sex with one or more other men within the past 2-3 months. You can understand my concern with this situation for obvious reasons. I am no longer interested in this girl due to the drama and I believe the only solution at this point is a hard next.

    What is your perspective and/or advice on this situation? Your response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you BD and fellow readers.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:13 pm, 21st August 2017

    About 3 months ago, I met an attractive girl

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:12 pm, 21st August 2017

    Of course not and you still have a long way to go to work in your negative outlook on life, joelsuf.

    Must be my own defense mechanisms created by my own observations I suppose. When I do day game with VYWs and I jokingly ask them about betas they use, they giggle and give me IOIs, I suppose I’m using that observation to, like I said, create a defense mechanism. Although I did have a good experience with a VYW recently.

    Does that qualify as a negative outlook on life? I’d argue that it does not. For example, one of my buddies gets really stressed out when he drives. When I drive around, and the same thing happens to me that happens to him, he goes “how come you aren’t getting mad?” And I’m like “why would I waste my energy getting mad?” Something else will happen around him and he’ll get on his soapbox about it, and I’ll be like “whatever, they’re just doing them, live and let live.” He’s like “doesn’t that annoy you?” and I go “…nah. Doesn’t affect me none.”

    I suppose I’m a bit cynical, but definitely not negative. If I do go on wild tangents and get on my soapbox, its purely for my enjoyment really. Sure its a waste of energy, but in that moment I’m having fun.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:35 pm, 21st August 2017

    Does that qualify as a negative outlook on life?

    If you feel darkness coming off of “9 out of 10 women under the age of 25,” yes.

  • John
    Posted at 11:40 pm, 21st August 2017

    Someone mentioned site and yes i know this site. 5 years ago i was dating woman who got me totally  insane. I was always unhappy with her, she drained all my energy, i left her, she pulled me back and then she dumped me and found some criminal. Then praising how happy she is. It was one of my embarrassing periods in my life. Still is if i think about it.

    That was so crazy that i avoided women 4 years and only now have started to date again. But no way i would want to live with any woman ever again. That was really scary experience and she made me look like a beta chump because i tried to rescue her from her criminal boyfriend. People probably thought that im some really jealous ex boyfriend, but i havent been jealous at all in my life.

    Do you have any experience with borderlines, BD?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:18 pm, 22nd August 2017

    Do you have any experience with borderlines, BD?

    Yes. Lots. Just keep them as FB’s and they’re wonderful.

    The problem isn’t psycho women. The problem is needy men who choose to get into serious relationships with psycho women.

    I know if a woman is psycho usually by the second or third date, certainly by the time we’ve been seeing each other for about two weeks. It’s not hard to detect.

    The difference between me and most other men is when I see this, I say, “Ah. She’s a psycho. Great. She’ll make a great FB, but that’s all she’ll ever be.”

    Other men say “OMG I love you be my girlfriend move in with me!!!!”

    As a result, I have a happy, enjoyable time. Other men have nightmares. Yet we’re both having sex with psychos. See the difference?

    That’s the problem. That’s what you did. You got serious with a psycho, moved in with her, and stayed around her for many years. All 100% YOUR FAULT. Not hers. YOURS. You don’t move in or get serious with a psycho. You make her a FB and have sex with her, and let her make the lives of other men hell while you get all the good stuff.

    Now, because of your decisions, you’re so scarred you think all women are terrible. No, just that psycho you chose to live with was terrible. 95% of women are perfectly fine people.

    Hopefully you’ll get over your problem and experience the wonderful creatures women are when you have the balls to say no or “FB only!” to them.

  • Joanna
    Posted at 01:50 pm, 22nd August 2017

    @Buzz Lol the tampon thing is supposedly to bewitch you, she probably tried to put it into something you ingest too as menstrual blood is supposedly supposed to make a man of interest magically and eternally devoted. Its definitely something older women prescribe too. I have heard women advising other women to do that to placate their roving men. In closing … Eeew. You should call them all in and hold it up and ask who it belongs too (obviously don’t do that)

  • K
    Posted at 03:00 pm, 22nd August 2017

    Crap. As far as I know myself, she probably just took the tampon out shortly before sex, hid it under the pillow (or wherever), then totally forgot about it.

  • Freedom
    Posted at 10:06 pm, 22nd August 2017

    Hey BD, I appreciate the reply with the link to that article. It has links to plenty of other information as well. Thanks for that.

    However, I do not see any specific information on your website for how Alpha men should deal with women that they’ve had protected sex with, but claim to be pregnant. Or how to tell if she is lying. (Granted, condom use is not a 100% method if not constantly checked for breakage or slipping off, but we are as vigilant as possible, as you covered in your condom article.)

    I’m sure you will agree that women sometimes lie about being pregnant at all, or tell one man that they are the father of another man’s child.

    This is obviously done in an attempt to manipulate men, perhaps into a LTR. Especially if you never promised monogamy and you suspect she has been with other guys. Also, especially if women make this claim without presenting any evidence, or refusing to provide details such as when they first suspected they were pregnant, how and when they confirmed the pregnancy, or who they may suspect the father to be.

    I hope you can provide a brief response to these issues, because I’m positive that there are men out there who have dealt with situations just like this. Thanks.

  • buzz
    Posted at 11:07 pm, 22nd August 2017

    There is an incredible amount of technology that goes into a modern tampon it did not leak at all in fact it may have already been dry when placed under my mattress. None of them prepare any food for me.

    You can imagine though seducing a woman, bringing her home to your bed, excusing yourself for a quick pee and then when you come back she’s got this used tampon by the string and she goes “OK let’s see you explain this, go ahead give it try”……I mean talk about incriminating evidence F. Lee. Baily couldn’t get you out of that one 🙂

  • buzz
    Posted at 11:14 pm, 22nd August 2017

    Walmart has a pregnancy test now for .97 cents.

    Buy a few, keep them handy….

    Test before you do anything.


  • buzz
    Posted at 11:26 pm, 22nd August 2017


    I do really appreciate you brain storming for me as I don’t have a clue what goes on in a woman’s mind 🙂

    That is what I was thinking too, she was almost done, knew she was going to be examined and didn’t want any mess. Just why didn’t she go to the bathroom and flush it?

    I know you are not supposed to but this was a really small one, not your grandma’s tampon 🙂

    It actually scared me I thought it was a dead mouse at first, I didn’t know there were wild white mice with brown stripes LOL.

  • John
    Posted at 11:50 pm, 22nd August 2017

    Thank you BD. Could you write about your experiences with borderlines? I know it was my fault, but we all make mistakes and i had no idea even what borderline is at that time. I know now that there were red flags, but i wasnt able to see them. She was also older than i am, not someone who is on 20-s, but 40. So i couldnt expect her to be so unstable, but now i see that older they are more crazy they go.

    I was really weak, but thank god i didnt marry her. Was your wife also borderline?

  • Freedom
    Posted at 12:09 am, 23rd August 2017

    Buzz, thank you very much for the reply! I will buy some pregnancy tests. Of course, I have to set up a meeting and then convince her to take the test in front of me. I have yet to contact her for days. She may or may not cooperate.

    If she cooperates and is confirmed not pregnant, problem solved.

    If she is confirmed pregnant, the next task would be to determine who the father is. I understand there may be blood tests that indicate how many weeks a girl has been pregnant for. That would help determine if I am the father. All of this is new territory for me.

    Again, she may, or may not cooperate. She may repeat phrases such as, “It’s none of your concern. You have nothing to worry about. It’s my body. I’ll raise it by myself if I have it. I’m not sure if I’ll keep it. I’m pretty sure it’s not yours.”

    If she does not cooperate, that would help confirm my suspicion that she is either not pregnant, or that she knows for sure that I am not the father.

    I may only have 1-2 weeks to get to the bottom of this before she decides to move to another state.

    Do you have any suggestions as to what I should say or do to get her to cooperate?

  • buzz
    Posted at 02:06 am, 23rd August 2017

    @ Freedom

    What you need for a pregnancy test is urine in a glass she doesn’t have to do that in front of you I guess, you could wait outside the bathroom, you just need to do the test yourself.( I have seen positive pregnancy tests for sale on Craig’s list). You just put a couple drops of pee on the test strip with an eye dropper and time it and then check for markers usually two red lines but read the instructions.

    If she is not hostile, hey maybe things are not that bad, maybe your period is just late, maybe you got a bad test, lets try it again maybe all your problems will be over…… might work….


  • POB
    Posted at 06:29 am, 23rd August 2017

    Usually psychos are very hot when you first meet them. They seem carefree and eager to have wild sex so a lot of guys fall for them because of that.

    As BD said, problem is when you ignore the warning signs and go 100% with your dick making them a “serious” woman.

    My last one was a mild psycho FB who constantly hit me at 3-4am to have drunk sex. I’m almost a non-drinker these days but it only cost me half a bottle of wine for her to come over and hump me like her life depended on it. That’s as far as I go.

    I really don’t do women who are on heavy stuff because there’s a greater risk of shit hitting the fan.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:03 am, 23rd August 2017

    However, I do not see any specific information on your website for how Alpha men should deal with women that they’ve had protected sex with, but claim to be pregnant. Or how to tell if she is lying.

    That’s a topic I’ve addressed in great detail in my ebooks. Perhaps I’ll write an article here about that at some point. The bottom line is to always have in your bathroom two recent pregnancy tests of different brands, as well as a plan B pill, and don’t tell women you have these until you actually need them.

    Thank you BD. Could you write about your experiences with borderlines?

    I will in my ongoing series of my woman history. But again, it’s not very negative or exciting because I only keep these women as FB’s.

    I know it was my fault, but we all make mistakes and i had no idea even what borderline is at that time. I know now that there were red flags, but i wasnt able to see them.

    Fine, then:

    1. Don’t ever do it again.


    2. Don’t hide from women or dating because you assume that all women are like that. Only a small percentage are.

    Was your wife also borderline?

    No. She was a normal, everyday woman. (Which was part of the problem.)

  • Freedom
    Posted at 12:18 pm, 23rd August 2017

    BD, you say you addressed the topic it in your ebooks. Which one specifically? I must decide what action, if any, that I am going to take very quickly. I am pressed for time as the girl claims she will leave the state in 1 or 2 weeks.

    I would be extremely grateful if you just wrote a few sentences on the situation as it stands rights now, not what I should have done 2 months. I know you are a busy man.

    I have to decide if I should even bother to try to contact her and get her to cooperate with multiple pregnancy/blood tests to attempt to learn the truth. She may be uncooperative and just give more drama. Others have advised me to either try to get the tests done, or just break contact.

    Also, this incident occured at a hotel room, not my place or her place, but it is true that I did not have a plan b pill handy and did not think I needed it as the contact was minimal.

    And I did not have pregnancy tests in my posession the last time I went to meet her and she dropped this on me, after me having to GUESS that she may be pregnant verbally. I have not seen or contacted her since. Its been less than a week since that day.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:21 pm, 23rd August 2017

    BD, you say you addressed the topic it in your ebooks. Which one specifically?

    My open relationships one, but I don’t recommend buying it just for a the few pages on that topic alone.

    I must decide what action, if any, that I am going to take very quickly. I am pressed for time as the girl claims she will leave the state in 1 or 2 weeks.

    Dude, you need to calm down. The odds are extremely low that she’s actually pregnant with your baby.

    It’s not rocket science. Invite her over to your house to talk (not fuck, just talk), and when she arrives walk her right into your bathroom and have her pee in a plastic cup. Then test her pee with two different pregnancy tests. If she refuses to do any of this, then let it go, wait nine months, and if she actually has a baby (which is very unlikely) and she actually contacts you saying it’s yours (which is also very unlikely), then demand a DNA test before you do anything.

    That’s it. I’m not answering any more questions on this.

  • Freedom
    Posted at 01:33 pm, 23rd August 2017

    Thank you very much sir! I know your time is valuable. You have provided the most clear and concise advice that I have received on this, with those few simple sentences. And I have asked several sources.

  • Nicholas
    Posted at 01:58 pm, 23rd August 2017

    While reading, I kept thinking that this sounded like a loose variation of the Jim Rohn quote, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

    Is that quote something you agree with? And do you attribute any of your early success in any of your key life areas to one or more people you were around quite a bit at the time?

  • Mike
    Posted at 07:57 pm, 23rd August 2017

    I hope you write more about this ‘aura’ stuff. Like you, I’ve always been extremely science and statistically minded. But since I’ve been going out, I’ve seen too many things beyond explanation that would be impossible by random chance alone.

    1) I’ve encountered men who go years getting brutally rejected by women. Literally every night out with them is rejection after rejection after rejection. It’s like they have dark storm clouds over their heads.

    2) I’ve had nights where I get into a ‘zone’ where every girl I talk to gets attracted to me. I can make out with 3 women like it’s nothing, and usually it’s extremely easy to pull. Do I just have really high testosterone on that day or is it something else?

    3) Freak occurrences. I’ve had lots and lots of experiences with synchronicity that I again, can’t explain through random chance and statistics.

    The universe is a strange cool place, and I agree that we all seem to have ‘auras’. Or at least something that can’t be explained by modern science.

  • hey hey
    Posted at 03:33 am, 24th August 2017

    @Mike:  1) Betas that never learn from their mistakes. This is nothing strange or bad luck or the universe is against them. If they put the work and do the correct things, life will change for them. I’ve seen many of them too, I know what they do wrong that repels women, yet they refuse to change.

    2) No it is usually a good day on your part. You feel great and confident for some sort of reason and that hugely attracts women. When you are not in the mood it shows, even if you are trying to play it cool. That’s the good/bad aura. For example if something really bothers you but you don’t say it and act cheerful, the woman will sense that there is something wrong. If you are happy and you feel confident the woman will sense it even if you don’t say it.

    3) It’s statistic. Too many minutes, hours, days, months in your life it is certain that you will get these what the fuck occurrences. Nothing strange again.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:55 pm, 24th August 2017

    While reading, I kept thinking that this sounded like a loose variation of the Jim Rohn quote, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”


    Is that quote something you agree with?

    Yes, generally speaking.

    And do you attribute any of your early success in any of your key life areas to one or more people you were around quite a bit at the time?

    Some, yes. I tried to spend time around motivated, self-made entrepreneurs while in my 20’s. I also spent a hell of a lot of time in my car back then, and listened to non-stop success and business audio programs written by successful men, which is also a form of association.

    I hope you write more about this ‘aura’ stuff. Like you, I’ve always been extremely science and statistically minded. But since I’ve been going out, I’ve seen too many things beyond explanation that would be impossible by random chance alone.

    1) I’ve encountered men who go years getting brutally rejected by women. Literally every night out with them is rejection after rejection after rejection. It’s like they have dark storm clouds over their heads.

    Yes, though hey hey described possible scientific explanations for your observations.

    I know people in my life who are always having huge, non-stop huge problems that just come out of no where, many of which aren’t technically their fault if you analyze the cause and effect, yet they keep happening to these people over and over again anyway. Yet I almost never have these freak problems. What’s the difference?

    It’s because these are negative as fuck, constantly thinking negative thoughts, and constantly putting negative out into the world. What you think about, what you put out, you’ll get back. And no, science can’t prove or disprove this. It’s something else.

  • Mayrick Dubois
    Posted at 06:36 pm, 24th August 2017

    The old saying in the beginning of the article was hilarious and very true. “Don’t have sex with crazy” can also very much apply to men. You are very correct about auras. Usually you can pick up people’s auras very quickly after meeting them. Some people are dark and some are light. Some people will be neutral. Usually I sense their auras right away and make a point to stay away from people with dark whether they are male or female. It is best to make sure people with dark have very limited access or no access or influence on your life. People with light will draw you into them. You will be attracted to them that way. You are also correct, that it is the time spent around them and no so much the sex. The light or dark auras will start to influence you the more time you spend around them and the stronger aura will dominate

  • 2017HappyLifestyle
    Posted at 12:08 am, 27th August 2017

    Learning to read the aura/vibe of other people is a beneficial skill to develop especially for relationships. Similarly it’s often said to project a sexual vibe, but what most don’t say is to do that gradually. It takes a lot of skill when being around various auras/vibes to figure out what it is, choose your response such as not getting angry, and channel their aura/vibe/energy into something more sexual/fun. I’m attracted to the girls that some other guys call “sluts” (as if that’s a “bad” thing), girls that wear tight skirts with high heels, and the hot Latina types, but not all guys can handle those, as it can take a Dominant man level, a Jedi level, or a master magician Wizard level of ability to be able to interact with and direct that amount of energy. I’m turned off by the traditional marriage, mommy, housewife, boring types of women that many other guys tend to want. Some people with a negative aura can do a “fake friendly” in public, but they will eventually slip. It would be terrible being trapped in a marriage with someone with a negative aura.

  • LibreMax
    Posted at 08:04 am, 27th August 2017


    How to learn how to read the aura of people? Can you please link lr point particular resources that you may think of?

  • CurtisOKC
    Posted at 10:19 pm, 27th August 2017

    Great article BD.

    I am like you on this one and typically project my aura onto others a little but the one area that I would like to see you tackle sometime and one that I seem to struggle with is Time Management with Women when I have a HOME OFFICE!

    I tend to attract ladies that talk a lot it seems for whatever reason.   Additionally, I am able to turn on and off my dating brain like a switch.  This confuses women and they assume that I am in a bad mood or cranky when I am just working.

    But in my experience, woman like to talk non-stop and it is 80% just unimportant stuff or things that can wait til I am not working.

    In the end, it comes down to ATTENTION and women (even my daughter will whine that I am ignoring her while I AM WORKING!!) require a lot of it lol.  It seems that guys that work from home office just don’t gain the same respect that men that work away from the home have.  Occasionally, I will go to Starbucks or put on my Beats headphones so they get a clue but then I have no printer etc.

    I am very open w/ my main lady and she knows not to ask me to mow her yard while I am working from home office and she has a 15 year old son playing video games.  She gets me in many respects.

    I just seem to be a LOT less productive when she is with me for an array of reasons.  It is probably mostly my fault and me needing to be more military and strict about my time management and setting hard times for stuff.

    It’s funny but every time I say I am going to my place tomorrow at 10 AM the next morning she is making me pancakes at 9:57 AM.  Then she will ask if I am in the mood for morning sex.  Then it’s can I help her with the heavy bag of dog food, then she wants to discuss something “important” real quick of course.  Before I know what she has done, it is 1 PM and I am way off schedule.

    I am getting better at this now but it is still challenging.  Especially when she gives me a full body massage to lure me in lol. =)  She knows my weaknesses!

    Anyways, any creative ideas you can share will be greatly appreciated!

  • Marty McFly
    Posted at 04:17 pm, 21st March 2018

    How do we address our own negative energies? For instance, what if you’re a good guy with high-moderate narcissism, who only seems to fall for damaged women? I grew up in an abusive household. I am in therapy, and I’ve been focusing on being less self-absorbed. But my ego still gets the better of me sometimes. Ultimately, who we are is no one’s fault but our own and I really do realize that. By practicing selflessness in our actions, our thoughts will follow suite. Thus, we grow stronger. We grow closer to others with healthy self esteem.

    Boy, what a genius I am! Figured it out myself, once more. You’re all welcome.

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