22 Jan Sexual Harassment Accusations Gone Crazy – Aziz Ansari, James Franco, etc

Last October I wrote an article about all these celebrity sexual harassment problems going on in Hollywood. I titled the article, “All This Celebrity Sexual Harassment – A Dark Cultural Change… for Men.” I clearly said that while this was a good thing for women who were legitimately being raped and sexually harassed, this entire thing is a terrible thing for men. All of this stuff, including and especially the charges that are true, falls right into the “men are bad, women are victims” narrative that has been pushed by the left for so many years. I said the narrative is now going to get much worse for men, including false accusations. I said, and I quote, “it’s going to get worse. A lot worse. Just watch.”
-By Caleb Jones
I was right. Now with this new #MeToo movement, celebrity men who have not committed sexual harassment are now being targeted. I’ve received a lot of email from many of you about the recent cases of James Franco and Aziz Ansari.
My mental response to all of this was, “Yeah, I know. I already talked about this. I said it’s going to get worse, and it is. Why are any of you surprised?” But I kept getting the emails and guys kept wanting to talk about this, so I guess I’ll talk about this again.
A few things you need to understand and emotionally accept before we begin:
1. As I’ve been saying for many years, over and over again, the Western world is moving more to the political left with every passing day. Even post-Trump, America is becoming more left-wing. If you don’t belive this, read this article where I show with clear data how left-wing America is becoming, and this article where I show that even Generation Z is left-wing. This also applies to already left-wing regions/nations like Canada, Australia, and Europe, which are becoming even more left-wing.
This left-wing growth will continue for a very long time, will not stop, and can’t be stopped (unless everything collapses). Understand this and accept this. In the original celebrity harassment article, I blamed the shithead men like Harvey Wienstein for causing this problem, and I still do. But the reality is all this would have still eventually happened simply because of the continuing left-wing shift of Western society.
So expect this shit and don’t let it shock you. This is the same scenario as when so many of you were freaking out about the insane “yes means yes” college thing. You guys were like “OH MY GOD THIS IS TERRIBLE!!! RRRRAAAAHHHH!!!” and I was like, “Yep, more of the same. Why are any of you surprised?” It’s the same deal here.
This is going to get worse, guys. Get ready for it, calibrate your actions if necessary, and don’t let it shock you every time it happens, particularly to celebrities and rich people, both of whom tend to be targets in ways you likely never will be.
It’s also not nearly as big of a deal for you as you think it is, but I’ll get to that at the end of the article.
2. On the flip side, I already wrote this article about exactly what sexual assault is and is not, and what rape is and is not. I strongly suggest you take a minute and read it, especially if you’re a woman or on the side of these women. One of the problems with the #MeToo movement is that it’s now bundling things that are clearly not sexual assault as “sexual assault” (which is exactly what I knew it would do).
A bad date is not sexual assault. A guy being a rude asshole is not sexual assault. A woman consensually doing something with a man and then later regretting it is not sexual assault. I’ll go into more detail as we go along, and I’m going to refer back to that article several times as we do.
James Franco
A few women have accused James Franco of “sexual assault” in this article here. Here is the summary of accusations as I see them, and whether or not they are “sexual assault.” Feel free to read the article yourself if you feel I’m misinterpreting it in any way.
In New York, allegedly he hit on a 17 year-old British girl in 2014. He did not have sex with her nor touch her in any way. This is not sexual assault. This is just a guy hitting on a woman who is of legal age of consent. Age of consent in New York is 17, and age of consent where she lived (England) is 16(!). So there’s nothing wrong here. If it freaks you out that an older guy wanted to have sex with a woman who was of legal age of consent, then with all due respect, you need to take a chill pill and calm the fuck down. I already addressed age of consent here. And remember, he didn’t even touch this girl.
While filming something, he allegedly asked some girls if they wanted to take their shirts off, and got mad when they said no. Again, he didn’t even touch these girls. This is not sexual assault. If it actually happened (and we have no idea if it did, since he denies it), this is just a horny guy being an asshole verbally. Horny men verbally being assholes is not sexual assault. Sexual assault means he did something physical to you against your will.
During a sex scene, he allegedly removed the plastic covering that goes over a woman’s vagina during simulated sex. The woman proceeded with the scene anyway. This is not sexual assault, although I agree it could be perceived as a grey area since he had the power in the scenario. Regardless, the woman proceeded to do the sex scene anyway. She could have simply said, “No, I want the plastic covering, and if I don’t get it, I’m not doing this scene, thank you very much.” To say that she “couldn’t” say that means you’re saying women are children, or retarded, or have no free will. Of course she could have said that. If she didn’t, she chose not to. Therefore, you have a very hard time making the argument that this was “sexual assault.”
One woman allegedly received “mass email requests from Franco to audition for roles playing ‘a prostitute or a hooker.'” This is not sexual assault. It’s not even close, and hopefully I don’t have to explain why.
Someone uploaded a sex scene from a class Franco was involved in to Vimeo. There is no evidence whatsoever that Franco was the one who did it. This is not sexual assault, though I absolutely agree it could be a crime. Regardless, it could have been many different people who uploaded it besides Franco.
A woman complained she only got paid $100 per day to do nude scenes in his movie. This is not sexual assault. This is a woman making a stupid career decision. Everything in your life is your fault, sweetheart. You have free will. You could have turned down the job. No one forced you to do it.
A woman he was dating in a consensual sexual relationship once felt he pressured her into giving him a blowjob, which she gave him. This is not sexual assault, unless he physically grabbed her and forced her head down on his cock while she was physically pushing him away and saying no. Is that what she is alleging? No. By her own words, she said, “He was kind of nudging my head down.” That’s normal sexual activity, not sexual assault. Here’s what I said about that in my original sexual assault article:
If a guy was walking down a crowded city street and he suddenly pulled his cock out, grabbed a random woman, and put her hand on it, is that sexual assault?
Yes. That man is guilty of sexual assault. Throw his ass in jail.
Now let’s say a man and woman are alone, in private, making out on a couch, and it’s consensual for both. His hand is up her shirt and he’s playing with her boobs, and she’s letting him. Then he whips out his cock, grabs her hand without asking for permission, and puts her hand on it. Is that sexual assault?
No. That’s sexual activity, not sexual assault. The action is completely within the context of everything else going on.
If you really think that circumstance is sexual assault, and that man is guilty of some kind of crime for which he must be punished by courts and cops, then you are not thinking rationally, and frankly, I don’t even know if it’s worth your time to keep reading this. Have a nice day.
Precisely. Just because a man is physically directive during mutually consensual sex does not mean he’s committing sexual assault. As I’ve written about many times before, most women (not all, but most) prefer a man who is more dominant, strong, and directive in bed. I am very dominant during sex and do all kinds of things to women in a physically directive way.
OBVIOUSLY if a man is physically directive with a woman during sexual activity and she says no, he must stop immediately. I’ve said that literally hundreds of times over the past many years in my blogs and books. I’m 100% opposed to rape or any forced, nonconsentual sexual activity as I clearly stated for the record here. On the rare occasions a woman says no to something I’m doing sexually, I immediately stop, and I’ve never had a problem. It’s very simple. However, even that isn’t enough for some of these #MeToo women, as I’m about to show with the next example.
Aziz Ansari
A woman who chooses to remain anonymous (coughfuckingcowardcough) has accused Aziz Ansari of “sexual assult” here. Feel free to read the article, but the gist is that they went out on a first date, went back to his place, started getting sexual, she said no to sex, he said no problem, they put their clothes back on, talked on the couch for a bit, he called her a cab, and she went home. This was “sexual assault” to this woman.
She complained that during the dinner date, she wanted red wine, but he ordered white instead. OH MY GOD! THAT SEXUAL ASSUALTING BASTARD!
She complained that when getting sexual, he could not see her non-verbal cues that she wasn’t interested. OH MY GOD! HOW DARE HE NOT READ HER MIND!
She complained that, at dinner, he paid the bill too fast when she still had some wine left in her glass. THAT FUCKING RAPIST! HE BOUGHT HER DINNER??? WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT!
The next day, he was perfectly nice to her:
“It was fun meeting you last night,” Ansari sent on Tuesday evening. “Last night might’ve been fun for you, but it wasn’t for me,” Grace responded. “You ignored clear non-verbal cues; you kept going with advances.” She explains why she is telling him how she felt: “I want to make sure you’re aware so maybe the next girl doesn’t have to cry on the ride home.”
“I’m so sad to hear this,” he responded. “Clearly, I misread things in the moment and I’m truly sorry.”
Guess what? He’s now being punished for that apology. There are actually articles saying that because he apologized, he’s now “admitting to crimes.”
Left-wing cultural collapse, folks. And again, it’s going to get worse. Don’t be surprised at any of this stuff.
A few points to any women reading this, who I’m sure will ignore them if they don’t know them already.
1. Men can’t read your mind. I know that’s shocking, but it’s true. Every man who has some level of dating or relationship experience can relate several stories where the woman (or women) in his life fully expected him to read their minds and magically know what they wanted without saying it. Ladies, men don’t work this way. We are direct communicators and we need to be verbally told what you want and what you don’t. If you expect us to read your minds, you’re going to have all kinds of problems for the rest of your life.
2. Complaining about something you chose to do implies that women are either children, retarded, or have no free will. If you don’t want to have sex with a guy, don’t. If you don’t want to do a nude scene, don’t. If you don’t want to give a man a blowjob, don’t. If you don’t want to do something, but proceed to do it anyway, then complain about sexual assault, you are clearly stating that women are weak, pathetic, stupid creatures with no agency and that men are far stronger, smarter, and more powerful. Is that the message you want to send about women?
3. You diminish real cases of sexual assault when you cry wolf about things that clearly aren’t. As I said in the original article about this, guys like Harvey Wienstein did actually commit real cases of sexual assault (and likely even rape) that he needs to be punished for. But when you women screech about men like James Franco, Aziz Ansari, Matt Lauer, and various others who, while perhaps guilty of some crass behavior, didn’t commit sexual assault, you lessen the severity of the cases where it actually happened. This harms you, and it harms women, and it harms your cause.
How This Applies To You – The Men Reading This Blog
The main question is how all of this crap personally affects you, the guy reading this blog. Does this stuff actually make a difference in your day-to-day dating life? The answer is no, with these two exceptions:
1. You’re in college while dating / having sex with women on your college campus.
2. You’re a celebrity or similar public figure.
If you’re a celebrity, obviously you’re going to be a target of this garbage and there’s probably nothing you can do about it. Hopefully your millions of dollars and massive fame will be enough consolation for you. (I have always found it very difficult to feel sorry for celebrities. So some people think you committed sexual assault while you’re world famous and you made $9 million last year. Boo fuckin’ hoo.)
If you’re in college, you live in a bizarre, left-wing, totalitarian world were the basic, logical laws of the universe don’t apply, so I can’t really help you if that’s the case. (You shouldn’t be going to college anyway, but that’s a topic for another time.)
But if you’re not in either of those categories, you don’t need to worry about this stuff. I know that manosphere hype will tell you to fear all of these things, but as long as you don’t do something stupid, you’ll be fine. Just be sure to follow the advice I gave in these articles:
5 Ways To Avoid False Rape Accusations
Being Too Much “Player”
Love Women
Why I Don’t Drink
Sex On The First Date or Second Date?
Don’t Date Women At Work
For you particularly negative guys who think the sexual world is coming to an end, you should also read these two articles:
4 Reasons Feminism Isn’t A Threat
Feminism Isn’t A Threat – Revisited
Yes, this stuff is going to get worse. Yes, the Western world continues its slow collapse. Yes, the left will continue to grow in power. But no, at least for the time being, the typical guy out having sex who isn’t doing anything blatantly stupid isn’t going to now instantly be bombarded with false sexual harassment claims. Many years down the road, this may change (I’ll be far, far away by then), but right now, you’re fine despite all of this negative news regarding celebrities.
Enjoy the decline!
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greg g
Posted at 05:25 am, 22nd January 2018Based on what I’ve read of the MeToo people, they are basically trying to change definitions like so:
Rape = every form of actual sexual assault is now called rape rape.
Sexual assault = no touching involved, being rude, masturbating OVER THE PHONE ( I like what Dave Chappelle said about Louis CK in his Netflix special), pointing at your dick, etc
Posted at 06:16 am, 22nd January 2018There is an increasing infantilization of people in WEstern countries. This is further evidence.
Don’t women have any agency? Are they not able to speak up in the moment?
People are bombarded with this non-sensical hysteria. If you are more careful than the two guys, i.e. reading signs correctly etc. and not famous, this won’t change much unless there is absurd legislation that puts men basically at the mercy of women they are having sex with.
Still, boys growing up will be affected by this shit. They don’t understand it and don’t see it for what it is. They will self-loathe and be ashamed of being boys.
Posted at 07:10 am, 22nd January 2018While the Aziz Ansar incident isn’t sexual assault (or at least a grey area) it is BAD SEX. He put her hand on his penis 6 times and she moved away six times. Within minutes of arriving at the apartment he asked about getting a condom and she said, can we “chill for awhile”. After being upset and coming out of the bathroom she said, “I don’t want to feel forced” and not long after that he is poking her with a penis in the back and then she finally leaves because this sexual experience is NEVER going to turn toward something SHE wants. He really seems not the least bit interested in HER pleasure.
Maybe she should have left after dinner or 10 minutes after they got to his apartment,but she did not because she liked him and hoped he liked her too. She was upset because it became clear that all that he wanted was to fuck and he did not even want that fucking to be MUTUALLY pleasurable.
Actually generation Z is very conservative. Many are virgins and don’t have sex with people at all. They have no idea how to have a mutually beneficial and pleasurable relationship, so many just don’t bother.
The big question is how to teach men to please women or at least consider their pleasure is part of the equation. Also teach women to demand their pleasure up front.
After a few dates like the Aziz Ansar date this is what I do.
1) No sex on the first date. If they even ASK for sex on the first date after I post it as a BOUNDARY, no second date
2) If they suck at kissing, no sex.
3) If they don’t offer sufficient foreplay, no sex.
4) If they aren’t using condoms and barriers for their own health (rather than just because I asked) then no sex.
That is what I require. Each person is different, but those requirements have greatly improved my sex life.
Posted at 07:35 am, 22nd January 2018While it is not yet law in my country, I don’t see how this “yes means yes” legislation doesn’t affect me.
I hope every man understands that if that law passes, any woman they may or may not encounter now has the full potential to ruin their lives if he crosses them, with the full force of the law behind her. You don’t even need to have sex with her – her claim is sufficient to put you in jail.
Your live-in girlfriend wants most of the furniture from the break-up? She can claim that you didn’t get enthusiastic consent (even once during your relationship will suffice), and thus you are now in jail and she can take whatever she wants.
Your wife (if you are stupid enough to get one) wants the house, the car and the kids?
Your female colleague wants to be promoted over you?
Your crazy ex FB wants to get in contact with you but you refuse?
I don’t understand how you can keep claiming that this “doesn’t matter if you aren’t a celebrity”. I know, I know, the 2 % rule etc., but we’ve all met some crazy women in the past who shouldn’t have that kind of power over you. Soon, being with really any woman can be comparable to driving in the wrong side of the road; might get injured (socially at least) and you might go to jail, at times both.
I’m not a fan of the MGTOW ideology, but we are getting closer to abstinence becoming the only real choice a man has. That or vetting any female suitor for many many hours before acknowledging that she is in a mental state where she is not likely to ruin your life, should she feel that you’ve crossed her in any way.
Posted at 07:53 am, 22nd January 2018A lot of this I avoided because I
1. Don’t have men as platonic friends. No “friend zone” No “shock” that a “friend” tried to make moves on me.
2. Only spend significant free time with men I’m clearly attracted to–“bad sex” is not that much a deal breaker when learning about what makes a cute body tick is enjoyable. If bad sex is that much a break, you’re not that into him anyway. I don’t think the Aziz chick was all that attracted to him.
3. Reading blogs like BDs. Learning about men–their desires and wants–without society’s filter. There’s a world between men and predators when you accept men wholly as sexual human beings. Accept men are not women. Don’t shame and reject them for it.
All of this I don’t have society to thank… The same society which supposedly has my wimmin interest at heart. Yeeeah right.
I’ve had random teen boys say/do questionable things to me growing up but it only happened once (I left or avoided him. Wow, groundbreaking) and it did not scar me for life then… and it won’t now.
Posted at 07:58 am, 22nd January 2018The mass media would give no coverage to this issue before. Next to zero coverage. Today it’s front page of the mass media daily. VCs, tech CEOs, movie stars are all ousted and entire careers ruined for life. The smug tech billionaires, naively, still believe they are untouchable. I promised the mass media has loads of dirt on these smug tech billionaires. The question is when if will they release it.
The reason they released all this sexual harassment proof was to get this group of VCs, tech CEOs, movie stars removed from power. So a completely new group of VCs, tech CEOs, movie stars can get promoted into this new powerful position. The mass media and Democrats blame the old VCs, tech CEOs, movie stars for not doing more to get Hillary elected. They are sending a message to this group of rich donors. Do more next presidential election to get a Democrat elected pres. or you will suffer the same consequences.
Posted at 08:23 am, 22nd January 2018Olga, with all due respect, your sex life may have improved but frequency of sex is probably NOT in your definition of improved.
You say one thing then give a lot of your agency/pleasure to the man. Don’t you offer to pay for condoms? Bring your own? You never see a man again for offering sex too soon? Bad kisser, no sex? He doesn’t know where the clit is–no sex. Yes all the responsibility is on the man it seems. But as long as you’re happy. Less but high quality sex…if that is really what’s happening. If that’s fulfilling for you, OK. Yet if you complain behind closed doors, that’s all on you and not men.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 08:29 am, 22nd January 2018I just wanted to point out that in New York the AoC is 17. James Franco could have literally had sex with the British woman (she wasn’t a “girl” at 17) he was hitting on in NYC or in England and it would have been totally legal.
I’m no fan of Aziz. He’s a little shit colored manlet who has no qualms shilling for the feminist agenda to the detriment of men everywhere if he thinks it will line his pockets. But the woman’s account of things sounds like a typical guy trying to get laid. He wanted to have sex with a beautiful young woman. She was a gold digger scumbag who wanted a piece of his fame and money. They both were trying to get what they wanted without giving up anything in return.
She’s salty that she gave Aziz a couple of BJ’s without being able to get into his pockets. So she used the #MeToo “movement” to air his dirty laundry as revenge. Sometimes there is no good guy. Instead just two pieces of shit going after each other. It’s nice to see the left start to eat it’s own though.
Posted at 08:31 am, 22nd January 2018You’re nuts if you think the #MeToo Coven is not going to come after ‘average men’. Sounds like what a typical modern ‘conservative’ would imagine. Hey, I feel safe, so what if all American males are now pre-criminalized by the Sisterhood? My IRAs will save me!
Rightist men don’t get that yes indeed, they WILL be next, after the United Sisterhood of Amerika finishes off its primary targets.
The Right had a chance with Trump/MAGA to shut down the Sisterhood, but instead they’re running and ducking just like the Leftie men. The ‘conservatives’ at FOX love #MeToo — they do everything but cheer when the next Evil Male is taken down. Meanwhile the ‘MAGA’ President preaches the need for MORE female empowerment in his speeches. American males are terrified of the United Sisterhood, and that includes the Right.
Anyway, good luck with your nation. What’s left of it that is.
Posted at 09:07 am, 22nd January 2018Impossible to find fault with this, except for a little detail.
The reason why it’s being allowed, even when it goes beyond the ridiculous (as in many sitcomes, where men are constantly mortified by women, and regularly play close-minded/brute-minded/short-minded/disloyal/whatnot personas) is not because men all defenceless creatures of innocence.
It’s because men are all absorbed by their daily task of submitting, and putting below themselves in the power ladder, as many men as they can — while they don’t feel any need to compete with women.
Maybe you, BD, as an independent worker, haven’t seen much of the dynamics of a male “community” at play. I have. Makes me very hard to see them as victims in the men-women scenario (although they are).
Posted at 09:14 am, 22nd January 2018Well, let’s hope so, since, and you know this better than I do, many women have many psychological reasons for needing to tell themselves “they were raped” while they were not at all.
It’s part of their overarching fear of self-knowledge, which extends to most of what they like, want, have done and are doing, and is resumed in: they have a compelling need to never know themselves (= to believe they are what societal programming tells them worthy women are, whatever it is).
Most times, they’ll tell only themselves (and their close friends, of course).
What can change now with this #MeToo being pushed by the media is, they can start telling the police too.
hey hey
Posted at 10:11 am, 22nd January 2018@Olga: If it’s BAD SEX you don’t go on public saying what you say. If it’s BAD SEX you keep it for yourself or your friends and shut the hell up. Its bad experience. You don’t ruin people’s lives because its BAD SEX.
You cry on your way home because it’s bad sex but that’s life and you get bad experiences in life. Big deal.
If something like this goes public because of the woman, the woman loses her case, she is now being childish and stupid and is on the bad end of the story. So if you feel sorry for her you better understand what kind of people you feel sorry for. Maybe you are one of the same?
I’ve been with women that are/were conservative because of the SP BS. And were a little bit more difficult than other women in sex date. But once they got comfortable with us seeing each other, they thanked me weeks later for being direct.
The woman above is clearly an attention whore and nothing more(and this is because she went public). As BD said this kind of cases diminish the impact of the real cases. By defending such women you put them in the same bracket as the real victims.
hey hey
Posted at 10:34 am, 22nd January 2018Did anyone notice that most of these women are ugly as fuck? That Kaplan woman especially without the make up-would never go near her. And that Violet Paley ugh…What the hell with these famous guys?
Posted at 11:21 am, 22nd January 2018Many old-style feminists actually agree with you on the Ansari case, BD:
Younger women, however, crucify Ansari (and men in general).
I think it is partially because Westerners are becoming more and more infant-like (look to Japan to see where we are headed), so fewer and fewer youngsters believe in individual agency while old-line feminists are tougher. And in part old-line feminists are tougher because they had to be. Now that “feminist” is the default worldview for women in their 20’s, feminism will be even more lazy, infantile, and victimhood-embracing because the default is laziness.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:26 am, 22nd January 2018I agree, but none of that is sexual assault.
Bad sex is not sexual assault.
The amount of sex you have is not at all indicative of your left/right political leanings, as I made clear in the article I linked to about this.
Obviously incorrect. And stupid.
Is it? I thought it was 18. Link?
Wow. You clearly have no idea who I am, do you?
I’m a business consultant and regularly work in corporate offices where I see normal people in the normal workplace all the time. I’m in one of these corporate offices right now as I type these words.
Yes, most men are betas. I’ve said many times that about 70% are. Not sure why that’s news, and I’m also not sure why I need to feel sorry for these men. Everything in your life is your fault. If you’re not a beta, life won’t treat you like one.
Posted at 11:30 am, 22nd January 2018I don’t even like Aziz very much or his comedy, and I was laughing at how bullshit the #MeToo story was the girl told. Like, she blew him, TWICE … barely said anything to him … and then expected him to read her mind. Needless to say to most men here … males need to “move things along” when it comes to sex – it’s part of the process. Try, try again. Many women (not the Aziz woman who was a deaf mute) … actually DO give painfully fake “no’s” to men, either because it’s their fantasy to be “roughly taken”, or Cosmo told them men prefer it/ it makes them not seem like sluts.
I take even the painfully phoney “no’s” seriously due to the rape-blame culture we live in, at which point when I stop the sexual advances, the woman looks disappointed, rolls her eyes, then says “nah just kidding go fuck me now” — like we all kinda knew inside all along.
Aziz trying to make things happen a few times when the lady was hemming and hawing is just Typical Male Procedure 101. It might have been a bit more motivated or aggressive than usual, but nothing that constitutes assault. The women undressed and blew him twice, in his apartment. That’s a strong signal. When she refused sex, he said okay … have a nice night.
Imagine a cars salesman, when given the slightest hint of hesitation by the customer about a certain vehicle, would immediately back down and walk away. He would sell exactly zero fucking cars! Sorry but there are elements of the mating game that are pure Game Theory 101, for men and women.
The main problem was she told all her coworkers about the date with Aziz, built it up. She probably wanted to “boyfriend him” up, bask in his fame and celebrity, etc. When she realized the obvious — he just wanted a sweaty night to use her as a slam piece, pump and dump … she was humiliated and thus this story popped up. End of story.
I see all these women friends on Facebook grandstanding about Aziz and “yes means yes” positive consent … like you need a clear verbal “Yes” (and notarized contract) every time you touch her knee, then her lips, then breasts, then finally pussy in Triplicate with ongoing timestamps.
Hey, ladies. You know how many times a woman has verbally asked for my consent before doing anything sexual with me? Zero. Zero point zero. Kissing me, grabbing my ass, grabbing my cock, 69, putting breasts in my face …. never asked for “positive” consent. Not once. Hey, not that I minded. I didn’t. There is communication that happens other than verbal. And not just the bedroom, I’ve had girls grab my cock on the dance floor, multiple times. Now yes I was already grinding on them. Nonverbal communication.
Posted at 11:34 am, 22nd January 2018I can’t help but thinking that the #metoo and “Yes means Yes” regulation has nothing to do with protecting females, but as a tool to keep men in control.
In particular, men that are troublesome for the status quo. Influencers that can swing a large crowd from thinking what the government wants to what is good for the individual.
It pushes men that have influence and power in a do-or-die situation –
Follow the narrative, or your name is pinned in combination with the #metoo hashtag.
To be successful as a man, you have to be competitive.
Competitiveness and a high drive are linked to high testosterone.
It needs no explanation that men with high testosterone have a strong desire for pussy.
Make pussy a liability, and you force them either into marriage or submission.
Either way, the government has them by them by the balls, either through accusations or the divorce court.
It is more effective in the United States than Europe, as #metoo sates both the desires of feminists as tradcons.
Feminists because it “protects” women and gives them power. Tradcons because it punishes casual sex and promotes monogamy.
Both are being played and it is mostly beneficial for the elites, who can now effectively disable dissidents.
The issue is that I do not believe it is a problem that men can fight directly.
Women and white knights will initially cherish the new opportunities to rail down all opposition with sketchy accusations.
It will become less exciting when it boomerangs back in their face, and fathers, brothers and husbands are thrown into jail or lose their career.
Until that time, the smart man stays the f*** out and off the radar. The bigger the tree, the more wind it will catch.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:54 am, 22nd January 2018Correct. The left has no interest in actual fairness and never has. It’s authoritarian by nature.
Correct. The slow collapse continues.
Not just until that time, but forever. The man who makes sex a priority will always get it with minimal problems. Always, always, always. All other men will sit and whine about how there’s nothing you can do about it and jerk off in their basements while posting angry, whiny bullshit on the internet.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:28 pm, 22nd January 2018Major, major, major props to Bill Maher for this:
Posted at 02:42 pm, 22nd January 2018Do you really think this all is part of someone’s nefarious plan? No-one thought this kind of story was newsworthy, then reports of individual incidents went viral and the media, driven by the outrage culture, gladly added this tool to their arsenal. Most women have stories of, as Olga above put it, BAD SEX (and men do generate BAD SEX in great quantities), so such pieces resonate with them well—what more can a journalist wish for?
As an aside, could someone please enlighten me regarding those campus consent things? Not being an American, I can’t really grasp all this. In a couple of short sentences, can someone explain to me what can befall a young man practicing BD-style game on campus?
Posted at 02:43 pm, 22nd January 2018They aren’t “sexual assault”, but are they “sexual harassment”?
Posted at 02:52 pm, 22nd January 2018A simple “no” to the question of “will this effect you?” is inadequate. My fear and seemingly the fear of other men is that it effects many of our day to day interactions with women, including first dates and first sexual encounters, as well as simple interactions in every day life. Many women seem to use these things as ammunition and a reason to dislike all men, treat us poorly, be unpleasant to us, and be unfair to men (i.e. Divorce). This can take a toll on a person over time. So no, it won’t effect my dating life negatively because no matter what, I’ll still be getting laid and having ongoing positive sexual relationships with women, but it will effect dating and daily interactions, as it already has. Have you not experienced this?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:18 pm, 22nd January 2018Sexual harassment law states that the woman must be a “captive audience.” The law recognizes this in only three circumstances:
1. The workplace.
2. An adult educational facility (post-high school).
3. Any other place where the man follows a woman when she is trying to leave, thus turning her into a captive audience.
The first two are violations of civil law. The third is a criminal offense, because deliberately turning someone into a captive audience (when the venue doesn’t technically lend itself to that) adds extra maliciousness to the act of sexual harassment. You can also charge a man like this with stalking (which is also a crime), or criminal harassment in general.
But where there is no captive audience, so called “harassment” (both sexual and otherwise) is not only legal, but protected under the First Amendment’s guarantee of Free Speech.
Therefore, “harassment,” by definition, is not legally recognized as existing on the internet (for example). Legally, it’s Free Speech, even though private websites may, of course, have stricter definitions, and ban people accordingly, but there can be no legal repercussions for exercising a First Amendment right.
That’s why catcalling a woman on the street is protected Free Speech, unless the man starts to physically follow her, thus turning her into a captive audience, thereby making himself liable to being charged with “criminal sexual harassment.”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:18 pm, 22nd January 2018Not in Ansari’s case. That was on a date.
I’m unaware of the “official, legal” definition of sexual harassment, which is usually something done in the workplace.
That is not what I said. Go back up and re-read the end of the article. Slowly. I clearly said there are many precautions you should take, and clearly listed them.
These things won’t affect you if you take the precautions I recommend.
The number of first dates I’ve been on is well into the triple digits. I’ve never had a problem. Literally, not once. Because I have sex on the second date, don’t use alcohol, I’m not pushy or angry with women, I always pursue a long-term relationship, never do one night stands, I’m always nice to women the next day, I don’t fuck women at work, I don’t fuck women on college campuses, etc, etc, etc.
That crap is only relevant if you let women do that to you. Read the wolf analogy here.
Nope. But I do everything right. You can too.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:28 pm, 22nd January 2018Sure.
No. Sorry.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:07 pm, 22nd January 2018Political correctness detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:
How is it a grey area when it comes to sexual assault? Bad sex is perfectly legal.
Being a moron is perfectly legal. She could have left at any time. What else?
Which is pathetic. Notice she didn’t say, “I don’t want to be forced.” She said, “I don’t want to feel forced.” I agree that a good seducer would make a woman feel comfortable, but, in the legal world, there is nothing illegal about making a woman feel forced. She can feel however the fuck she wants to feel. Making a woman feel forced is not a crime. As every therapist will tell you, as an adult, you have a responsibility to take ownership of your feelings and not make your emotions someone else’s responsibility.
If she wants to refuse sex until she no longer feels forced, that’s her choice. And he didn’t force her in any way. He’s a gameless idiot, but fuck her feelings. Her stupid feelings don’t make this a crime.
Exactly. So she left and he didn’t stop her or follow her. I repeat: No crime.
Not a crime.
Cue the violin. My eyes are moistening.
Oh no! LOL! Who gives a flying fuck whether or not she was “upset?” Go on a female blog and discuss feelings. You have no business punishing him in any way just because he’s a shitty seducer. You want to withhold sex from him? That’s your business. But making you upset is not a crime. It means nothing!
Again, not a crime.
Because of people like you.
Previous generations also had no idea at first, so they learned by doing. But people like you are threatening to throw these poor kids in jail if they don’t give you utopian sex on the first try. So they are sexually repressing themselves for their own legal protection. Shame on you and all those like you!
HAHA! How about teaching women that men aren’t perfect and bad sex is just an unfortunate part of life that you’re not allowed to throw a man in jail for?
And what should men be allowed to “demand?”
Let me spell this out for you: You have the right to “demand” NOTHING!
That’s pathetic, but I can live with it. After all, I first want to make sure you’re not some metoo psycho.
Wow! First of all, no man (who isn’t autistic or a social justice retard) will ever verbally “ask” for sex. That is not done, outside the “clueless dork” community, known otherwise as “male feminists.” Second of all, you’re pretty…..high maintenance, aren’t you? You’re going to cut a guy out of your life just for offering you an orgasm? Um…..okay. Enjoy your cats.
What the hell does this even mean? Does he have to suck your tits for at least two minutes and fifty-seven seconds?
So…..it’s not enough that he used a condom? You must be assured that it had nothing to do with him complying with your request? Ugh.
Then, as someone alluded to above, you must have a low sex drive then. Whatever. Remind me to stay the fuck away from you though.
Rae M
Posted at 04:14 pm, 22nd January 2018I agree with BD that what Aziz Ansari did was not sexual assault. Aziz had so many opportunities to rape her but for whatever reason he never did. Even though the woman should’ve left Aziz’s place right away after he ignored the first time she expressed verbally that she was uncomfortable, that does not mean that Aziz ‘s actions were any less fucked up. What he did isn’t enough to put him in jail but he has to know that his behavior was extremely inappropriate and he should never do it again.
Posted at 04:50 pm, 22nd January 2018Sad to see this usual sorry american narrative of left wing= welfare state = feminism =all things bad. it doesnt work like that. On the contrary. The welfare state done right sets men free. I live in such a country, regularly declared a feminist hell hole by americans, yet here alimony doesnt exist, marriage contracts are always upheld, campus rape? Jesus no… Etc.
And there is logic to it. If the state provides certain guarantees, men dont have to.
And while “metoo” here have received plenty of attention, I cant name a single danish man cut down by it. I certainly remember critical editorials in the biggest papers or some well known danish film directors dismissing it as a witch hunt in a surprisingly blunt way but not any man brought down. Its because women are afraid to come forward, feminists say. I doubt it. The whole narrative just isnt seen as attractive but more like a hysterical proces that infantilises women.
Or perhaps women just like men too much! Recently a new train system opened in my hometown. A popular author/filmmaker was given the honour of recording the station names to be called on the trains. He is known for spending winters in Haiti, probably because he can afford servants there. He had wrote fantasies of his rights to the black servants daughters and had 17-year old girlfriends when over 70 himself. He travelled the world for some kind of erotic art- type film engaging in what he said could probably be considered sugar- daddy activities.
And yet he is popular. Especially with young people but also in polite society to the degree that he is given such honours. Why? At least partly, I think the welfare state plays a role again. He is brutally honest about his lifestyle and I think it impresses people, not leastc women, and he doesnt have to project “family values” yuk. Because men are freer. Freer if they dont have to reenact the 1950′ s. Yet often anti- feminists seem to want precisely that. Strange.
Posted at 05:53 pm, 22nd January 2018The male celebs are part of the problem by being “too nice” about this. When are these accusers going to be challenged in court? Am I living in a parallel timeline where slander isn’t a concept? Or is the legal system completely taken over by extreme far lefts as well?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:06 pm, 22nd January 2018I’m not going to get into a political debate here, but you are incorrect. Your country, Denmark, ranks low in educational rankings, has the lowest life expectancy in the region, the highest rates of death by cancer, skyrocketing levels of private debt, rising poverty levels, your welfare state has been propped up by oil revenues like with Norway, and those are just a few of your problems; I could list many, many more. (Sources here and here, but I could list more.)
I’m going to do a big writeup and analysis on Scandinavia at my other blog soon, but you defensive Scandinavian guys really need to get it into your heads cultural Societal Programming is the strongest form of SP there is. Whenever you feel a kneejerk reaction to defend your country, you need to immediately pause, take a deep breath, and take a minute to make sure you’re thinking rationally. You Scandinavian guys are the most culturally defensive guys on the planet; even worse then the Eastern Europeans (which is saying something). You’ve got to calm down, look at the facts, and be objective.
If I can be objective about the many problems with my country, you can do the same.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:11 pm, 22nd January 2018The problem is almost all of these male Hollywood celebrities are left-wingers. James Franco and Aziz Ansari are both progressive leftists who gleefully support all the usual left-wing tropes like LGBT and feminism. You’re not going to see any left-wing man like that seriously fight this kind of stuff (with very rare exceptions, like Bill Maher).
These left-wing male feminist celebrities are just going to lie back and take it like the pussies they are.
The Lord Humungus
Posted at 07:02 pm, 22nd January 2018Should say “WHEN everything collapses”
otherwise I agree with everything.
Posted at 07:04 pm, 22nd January 2018https://www.ageofconsent.net/states/new-york. It’s not a primary source, but what it says agrees with several other websites.
Posted at 08:07 pm, 22nd January 2018An article to consider. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/01/this-is-not-a-sex-panic/550547/?utm_source=atlfb
Samantha Bee does a good job pointing out that women know the difference between sexual assault, rape, and extreme harassment AKA Harvey Weinstein and a bad date. However, all of it sucks on various levels. http://samanthabee.com/
If you are a man and you don’t give a shit about the woman you are with and you just want to get off and you don’t care if she enjoys it PLEASE hire a hooker and pay her well. We will all be happier.
The men I know that are REGULARLY getting women to ask them to fuck them, are not the men that are not pushing hard and to move sex along, but the men that are sweet, kind and laid back. and a woman says, hey, do you mind having some non-relationship sex? My friend who has about 7 relationships and often gets asked to have sex, is a sweet guy and doesn’t push at all. Read his recent blog entry. https://pourvotreplaisir.net/2018/01/21/are-you-a-sex-worker-if-you-dont-get-paid/
Finally, if a woman is acting like a “dead fish”, don’t try to fuck her. There is fight and flight, however, there is also FREEZE. Sometimes if a person is surprised by a course of action, they have absolutely no what to do so they “go along” or just freeze. If a woman is just laying there or only doing what you tell them to do, but is not active in the process, STOP. Ask for affirmative consent. if they can’t give it, kick them out. Sex should be like volleyball. You touch them and they touch you. You grab them and they grab you. If that isn’t happening, they are not into it.
Posted at 08:19 pm, 22nd January 2018As an American who has traveled to 50 countries, lived in 4 and been with women from all over the world, I feel qualified to make these generalizations about white american women…
-They have a bizarre relationship with sex. One night they will hook up with a complete stranger and brag to their girlfriends about it and the next night they will act like sex is gross.
-They have a bizarre relationship with men in general. Having a normal (non flirtatious) conversation with a man is foreign to most American women. They assume that if a man talks to them, he is after sex.
-They tend to have a lot of irrational fears especially about men.
-They tend to be more attracted to status than looks and therefore more easily deceived by douchy, dishonest guys. Women in a lot of other countries are more attracted by looks and seduction.
-They are experts at shaming men.
-Many of them are hung up on how “high school popular” they are, even as adults.
So, the #metoo movement spinning out of control isn’t much of a surprise when you put all these American women traits together.
When I go to other countries, I am usually stoked by how much more women respect themselves than in the U.S. and how much more I enjoy hanging out with the average women.
Disclaimer: these are just generalizations and there are tons of American women who don’t fit this mold (e.g. my gf).
Posted at 09:02 pm, 22nd January 2018In Franco’s case, women were asked to take off their top for an audition, where it would’ve been stated in advance, that it was required. He was being professional and didn’t say like he was feeling horny, so just wanted her to do that.
Posted at 12:44 am, 23rd January 2018LoL….
I’m in Nigeria and frankly, all these terms you guys are throwing about at random “feminism”, “sexual asault”, “rape” are exactly just that to me – terms. Here, Its VERY rare to see what these are supposed to mean in reality.
When I hear of a sexual assault/rape case thats in court or made the news, I immediately visualize a guy/possibly group of guys stalking a girl, grabbing her, taking her to a nearby bush/uncompleted building and forcefully having sex with her while she’s struggling/crying/screaming. And guess what? When I get details Its usually exactly what I already visualized or a slight variation of it at the very most.
When I read about supposed sexual asault cases over there, I’m usually thinking ‘wtf? Nothing happening in these that isnt completely normal when a guy is trying to have sex. Its RARELY ever a straightforward process. Lots of twists and turns which is what makes it exciting.
Like BD says and I agree, not many people in the west are having sex …
Posted at 12:59 am, 23rd January 2018Of course, these sorts of sexual assaults and rapes happen in the West too. When the facts are established to be as you describe, or similar, then there’s no question but that it is rape or assault. But the cases that BD is talking about are not of this type…
Posted at 01:07 am, 23rd January 2018You are not seeing a rise of the left. What we are seeing is gynocentric media whipping up a storm to sell news – news papers are dying.
Also women suffer from a very sad case of Mass Group Think.
Men often just go whatever and get on with their shit – so you won’t actually hear from men unless actual action is required.
Women in media rarely poll men, hell reporters don’t even leave the office these days it’s disgusting!
James Franco is acting creepy.
I’m not saying everything he allegedy did is bad, but he is pushing the boundaries.
That other woman is clearly insane.
Posted at 03:38 am, 23rd January 2018Roger,
Point is, there is usually a massive overreaction compared to the details of the stories IMO. These reactions will be more appropriate in cases as severe as what I described above and not when a guy is just playing the game involved to get laid…
Mike Hunter
Posted at 06:41 am, 23rd January 2018https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States#New_York
Mike Hunter
Posted at 06:59 am, 23rd January 2018Olga:
Sure! Just as soon as women allow for legalized prostitution in the United States. Feminist organizations fight the legalization of prostitution viciously because they know it would lower the cost of sex. Their latest tactic is to claim that voluntary sex workers are victims of human trafficking (sex slavery). Personally I’d be much happier if I could legally pay a super hot woman $30 for a 15 minute session like I could in Europe. But if you live in the United States and solicit a prostitute the charge stays on your record ruining your job prospects. In my state the 2nd time you get caught soliciting a prostitute results in a 3rd degree Felony!
I don’t care whether or not they’re into it. All I care about are the legal consequences of my actions and getting the bang. As long as I don’t break any laws, and keep my surveillance system running then I’m good! If a woman can’t be bothered to utter just ONE monosyllabic word to stop the action; then obviously whatever is happening to her isn’t that big of a deal. Women aren’t retards or children. They know exactly what it means when they go into a guy’s house after a date, and exactly how to stop it. Stop taking away women’s agency! Samantha Bee is a feminut shill. No one here is going to take you seriously when you link to her propaganda.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:06 am, 23rd January 2018I have updated the article to reflect New York’s 17 age of consent; thanks for the info guys.
What Mike said. Only 30% of American women think prostitution should be legal (source) which is insane, so a woman recommending men use hookers isn’t helpful at all, until you get your sexually uptight sisters to change their minds on this.
The problem is if a woman is acting like a dead fish, sex is already occurring at that point. No woman acts like a dead fish when she sitting on the couch next to you.
And yes, if a woman ever does this to me, I immediately stop the sex, gently kick her out of my house, and go have sex with someone else. (Yes, I have actually done this.) I don’t do wife sex.
Incorrect. Some women don’t have sex like this yet thoroughly enjoy it. You wouldn’t know this since as a woman, you probably haven’t had sex with a lot of women.
Very, very incorrect:
Have you even read anything I’ve ever written?
Posted at 03:03 pm, 23rd January 2018Sorry, Blackdragon, I dont know why you bring it up, but Denmark isnt propped up by oil. It has been a nice little top-up for about five minutes but is ultimately completly irrelevant. As for debt? Seriously? Denmark runs no deficit, has virtually no public debt, and has the highest possible credit rating from all agencies. I can only assume youre referring to private debt which is very high here. However that is backed by plenty more assets and therefore not a problem. Its basically a product of a mortgage system that makes any homeowner who doesnt take the free money and plough it into the stock market an idiot. Interest rates are negative for homeowners. Partly because foreigners are so eager to hold danish currency. You get paid to borrow money for your house. Warren Buffet would add to danish private debt if he lived here. That doesnt make him a risk.
All of this seems remarkably off topic. I wasnt trying to “defend” denmark in any way. I only used Denmark to make a broader point about what constitutes being left wing or feminism, challenging the sad, simplified logic often coming from the US in particular.
Is Denmark left wing? Yes if redistribution through taxation from the wealthy to the old, the poor, the sick etc is the standard but by most other definitions, not so much. That includes feminism which is broadly rejected here. Tradcons will hate Denmark as being feminist because they want women to depend on men but I hope more americans will eventually realise how stupid that false choice is. If anything tradcons and feminists are becoming ever better allies. They both hate sex, seek to control men and infantilise women.
Posted at 03:18 pm, 23rd January 2018The thing that pisses me off the most about this stuff is the hypocritical nature of this victim mentality. We’ve got all these stupid movies with 100 lbs females kicking everyone’s ass. The non-stop “women can do everything a man can do and even do it better” rubbish all over the media.
But when it comes to a date they are too fucking scared to say no and leave if they don’t like how it is going. WTF?
Thankfully even some of the worlds most famous feminists are actually starting to say this now. Germaine Greer came out with it this week.
Posted at 03:38 pm, 23rd January 2018This is somewhat timely since I just had to fire a guy recently for being inappropriate with women at work and making comments that could be considered sexual harassment. He was warned once after we received complaints, but he kept it up and we got more complaints from different women, so he had to go. At that point he becomes a possible liability to us and we just can’t have that.
In any case he is in his 60’s and was constantly making comments about young women. He sees some teenage girl bending over and tells the woman he is working with that he wants to slap that. He made a comment once about just needing a nice young woman to rub his knob. Then he’s with an older woman, that just started with us (a married, church going 60 something woman) and he starts going on about how he wants to bang this 20 something girl that works there and how “everything still works “ referring to his dick. His comments make the women he works with uncomfortable, and because they are often alone when working with him and sometimes at night it makes them feel unsafe. He also was embarrassing us by doing things like asking out a mother and her daughter while on the clock, which is reflective of the company because he is in uniform.
Most of the women we work with can handle this stuff and would knock him into next Tuesday if push came to shove, but not everyone. Men have to take into account that their words and actions can feel threatening towards women. I think this is difficult for a lot of men to understand because men don’t have to feel that fear of women. They don’t fear being raped and it’s not ever an imminent danger to them (from a woman anyway) so they don’t identify.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:30 pm, 23rd January 2018Completely irrelevant. A private company, of course, has every right to fire anyone it wishes to if it is dissatisfied with his or her work performance, behavior, or speech while on the clock (especially if he was already warned about his offensive speech). That’s called the free market.
But I’m assuming his name and face aren’t going to be plastered all over the internet, he will not be shamed or spit on by the culture at large, nor will he be receiving death threats from self-righteous dykes even after he got punished (by being fired).
I’m also assuming that he wasn’t fired for anything he said or did off the clock on his own time, as PC employers are, very disturbingly, doing more and more of. That’s why I’ve been calling for laws against “time theft” for two years now.
Furthermore, I’m assuming everyone understands that no one can sick the police, or any other aspect of government, against him for his speech (unless these women want to sue him for “hostile work environment sexual harassment”).
There’s a difference between “uncomfortable” and “unsafe.” There’s no rational reason these women would have to feel “unsafe” just because of a 60 something year old jackass who likes to talk dirty. That’s pretty weak.
So you fired him. Good. But don’t link this to “rape” or “feeling unsafe.”
Really. A guy in his 60s yammering like a pig from the 50s makes you feel “threatened?” In what way? That he’d physically overpower you? That he’d even want to? Really?
False rape accusations are real. When I was an attorney, I’d always advise men to never be alone in an elevator, a staircase, or any other isolated place with a woman they work with. If a man walks into the break room and sees a woman alone, walk out. If the elevator doors open and there’s a woman there by herself with no witnesses, take the next one.
Even cops aren’t immune:
But they fear being lied about, financially swindled, and thrown in prison for crimes they didn’t commit.
Posted at 09:40 pm, 23rd January 2018@Jack Outside the Box
Yep. Shows that some women are brazen enough to tell a big enough lie repeatedly, even after they’re confronted with evidence they’re lying. The video shows that a woman will fabricate reasons to justify her lie, despite the consequences on the falsely accused.
They brazenly perjure themselves over something as trivial as a traffic ticket. Shows they are capable of accusing anyone of anything over things just as trivial, no matter how trivial the interaction with a man is, or how much they press the lie in hopes that crying wolf loudly enough somehow conjures the wolf into existence.
Posted at 01:53 am, 24th January 2018Now that you’ve had understand women, my friend.
You can either love women or understand them — never both.
Posted at 09:42 am, 24th January 2018This kind of stuff reveals something I’ve known for a while:
1. There is always a quest for power that is present no matter what and even if we are aware of it, it will never be addressed. Men used to have power over a woman’s sexuality (there was once a time where women could get stoned to death just by wearing revealing clothing). Eventually, that was challenged and addressed. Now women have figured out that they can have the power over a man’s sexuality. Eventually, that will be challenged and addressed as well.
One group gets power at the expense of another, then the oppressed become the oppressors. And it keeps swapping back and forth. The circle of life, everyone! lol.
Either way, it sucks that this kind of shit has alpha 1s and betas more paranoid about sex than ever. There IS however a silver lining in all this its that talking about sex isn’t really taboo anymore. So now that its out in the open, it is now permissible to openly talk to women about sex within minutes of meeting them. And then fool around and have sex with them on their terms.
The only thing this kind of stuff tells me is that you just need a new strategy and that older techniques will get you in trouble. So just adjust accordingly. Up until, we’ll say, 10 years ago, getting laid for a guy just meant going out, hitting on 20 or so drunk chicks, taking one of them back to the house then having sex with them. Nowadays, that’s considered rape according to this new narrative. Fine by me, I never cared for that anyways and that was never my ONLY method for attaining sex. Much more fun to have a nice date or three with them, enjoy their company, THEN have sex.
Just like with having multiple income streams, you should have multiple “seduction” streams. This way you’ll be good no matter what happens.
I actually don’t mind this. Cuz now its so easy to talk about about sex, which will make her comfortable enough to have sex anyways. If you talk about it enough with the chick, she’ll start getting aroused even lol. People don’t understand that the #metoo people are very horny individuals, but they just want to have sex on their terms. When you are abused sexually, you are in desperate need of control (nearly half the chicks I’ve had sex with have been taken advantage of in some aspect).
The problem with it is because our culture dislikes individualism so much and embraces collectivism, they decide to run a crusade against people who have did them wrong instead of using their experience to help others who have experienced the same. Then, like any good collectivist, they will paint an entire group of people as bad individuals. As BD says, its cultural SP. I’d rather them openly say: “We like sex as much as the next, but because we had bad experiences, we prefer sex on OUR terms.” I’ve had so many women say stuff like that to me and I’ll be like “alright, we’ll have sex whenever you’re good to go.”
I’ve joked about affirmative consent with many college chicks and most of them are like “yeah, in order to have sex with me, you have to sign this over 9000 page contract haha.” So many are aware of this and think its stupid too. 15 years ago I would NEVER be able to talk to chicks about sex like this. So its not a big thing for me.
But yeah if you are reasonably famous you would do well to give the chicks you have sex with some kind of compensation after, whether its money, company, status, whatever. Or like I said, just have sex on their terms, whatever they may be. If you don’t like it, then get out of there and find another chick. Outcome independence.
Posted at 02:57 pm, 24th January 2018Did you see that WWE wrestler fired for a rape accusation?
Apparently, the police have been investigating this for months and have not laid any charges. And the Women seems to have very little credibility since her “friends” have come out publicly and called her a psycho, drug addict, as well as a pathological liar. One guy even made a YouTube video showing text messages of her bragging that she ” fucked a famous wrestler”.
Yet this man has been immediately fired from what you can only assume would be his dream job, and had his reputation completely destroyed, all because of one accusation from someone whom could be completely mentally ill.
Whether he actually did it or not, this man is guilty until proven innocent. Even if/when it comes out that he didn’t commit this crime, the damage has already been done.
Also, I ‘m not so sure this is/will just be an issue for men in the entertainment industry either…
Is this the era of new McCarthyism?
Posted at 05:46 pm, 24th January 2018Why, yes : )
“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” —Trump
“McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.” —Wikipedia
Posted at 02:54 am, 25th January 2018*delete*
Posted at 05:56 am, 25th January 2018@ Olga
You know that volleyball players don’t touch and grab each other?
Posted at 01:31 pm, 25th January 2018He foolishly hid that he was investigated from WWE for months, and WWE is a giant, publicly traded company that can’t afford to have people that shady working for them. AND he was a total asshole backstage. He’s been known to do drugs and flash people in public, so his rape accusation was a final straw of sorts. One of his tag team partners, a life long friend of his, got injured and he went on social media bragging that he put the guy out of action. So the accusation was just the icing on the cake.
Like BD says, it isn’t unless you are famous or are socially retarded, like that wrestler was. Even IF you are famous, you’re good with all the money you have anyways, yeah?
If we start seeing law enforcers and detectives driving around neighborhoods busting down the doors of every single man’s house, THEN it will become McCarthyism. And yeah, it WILL probably get that way. But not now. Not for a long time, not for like 20 years or so.
Posted at 02:05 pm, 25th January 2018@Joelsuf
As far as I’m aware people that perform for WWE are independent contractors. What obligation was he under to inform them of an unproven allegation?
As far as the guy being an asshole and this just being the last straw, it may be true or it could be that he’s just playing his character. A lot of those guys stay in character outside of their own show. The tweets he made about his partner sound to me like part of the show. I would bet that they were going to perform together when he came back from his injury.
I wish I shared your guys lack of concern over this having no effect on us regular guys. Personally, I believe that the entertainment industry men are just the beginning of this insanity. I don’t know about you but in 20 years I’ll still be a relatively young man…
As I was typing out this reply, the leader of the opposition party in Ontario has just resigned over “harassment” allegations. Once again nothing has been proven. There’s a Women talking on the news with her identity “protected”, she;s literally a fucking shadow. Conveniently, the election is only 18 weeks away, and the Conservatives were a lock to win due to incompetence and corruption and by the current Liberal assholes.
Even the Prime Minister Turdeau the turd has tweeted how “brave” the accusers are. Pretty scary shit man, I think I need to get the fuck out of the west too…
Posted at 10:04 am, 26th January 2018Good lord I’d never get laid if making a move was assault. Just the other night I kissed a girl with 10 minutes of the date, first date, and then never imitated touching her again. She spent the next 4 hours periodically touching, rubbing, kissing me, picking lint off my crotch, and then finally inviting me into her car were she basically molested me for a half hour. None of which I ever said she could do (she didn’t ask) nor did I return the favor and its a normal experience for guys in their 40’s, who have a fucking clue. I didn’t call a rape crisis hotline.
Posted at 10:40 pm, 28th January 2018After trying to avoid these sexual harassment allegations for months, it is now everywhere all over the media, so even though I did not want to I temporarily looked into a few of these things last night. Topics do not get on every media outlet like this unless it is orchestrated. When I first heard about Harvey W. (a Democratic donor) it seemed like it was an attack by Trump/Republicans on Democrats. Then there was media mergers going on, so there was the thought it was trying to lower the price or prevent the mergers. It wasn’t likely that it was “really” about sexuality issues, as it was more likely that it was political (politicians often weaponize sexuality to attack their political opponents as that’s one reason sexual issues remain illegal/monogamy as the Societal Programmed standard). Real sexual abuse is very bad and very wrong and is a real crime. Sexual harassment has a lot more variables and most of it should not be mixed together with real sexual abuse as that does a significant disservice to whoever is really sexually abused. TaranaBurke (a fine AfricanAmerican woman) started MeToo in 2006. If others thought she was a Trans, MeToo is what many might say, but to continue. Tarana is a director of GirlsForGenderEquality, started by JoanneN. Smith (a very fine HaitianAmerican woman), and it is funded by the GeorgeSoros OpenSocietyFoundation. PUA/Manosphere guys (that I’m not against as I’m in favor of pick-up) are often complaining about the “feminists.” G.S. has so far given $18 Billion to political Left issues. George has had issues like a feud over a million dollar plus apartment between ex-girlfriends. As an Alpha 2.0 type I don’t care about such silly things. Tarana says MeToo is to “inspire men,” (that doesn’t sound like it’s honest agenda) but it is beginning to have an OPPOSITE effect. More people (men and women) are seeing MeToo not as really about protecting women who had real abuse, but as an attack on all men and as an attack on the sexuality and freedom of all people. As this BD article said MeToo diminishes REAL abuse, it takes away from the females who have really been abused. Real abuse of any kind is totally wrong, but this MeToo hysteria that has been socially engineered that combines sexual harassment (even as insane if a man looks at a woman, if a man flirts with a woman, if a man puts his arm around a woman in a photo, so-called bad dates, etc) with real sexual abuse actually does more harm to the women who have had real abuse. Organizations such as MeToo are in fact USING women and taking advantage of women for their political/control agenda (and many women are playing right into their hands). MeToo promotes a fake prudish morality that even most of the women don’t even agree with, but they are going hysterical over a fake manufactured enemy. Women don’t consider it sexual harassment and go hysterical over blatant propaganda of commercials/tv shows/churches who say all women are good for is to get traditionally monogamously married and be wives and mothers and have babies and raise children. Even sexual harassment is not sexual abuse.
If a boss of female employees in a regular job don’t combine anything sexual in exchange for anything with that job (it’s similar to the saying to never mention sex/money, probably because minimum wage has to be kept low), it’s safer to not be famous, and don’t be involved in politics, that should prevent much of these allegations. If dating a girl she says she’s in MeToo, then I would say good bye (to protect myself). When I heard about Aziz it seemed like it was a joke, and it was like MeToo had turned into a joke. Game mistake number one: Dinner Date, solution: No Dinner Dates.
Back at a private place she shuts the door. Usually don’t try to get physical immediately (sit, drinks, music, dance in a variety of ways just not horizontal yet, possibly play a variety of games and not just Twister as I make up some of my own on index cards to talk about and have fun doing). Usually don’t kiss outside unless (she wants to, in a park at night, on a beach at night, in a scenic or secluded area). Usually don’t try to kiss until in a private place (speaking of micro-escalations the first kiss does not always have to be on the lips, it can be on the hand/under wrist/ears/neck/not somewhere that rhymes with cussy/cheek to see how receptive she is. Instead of the standard “takeCockOut, start to raise the flag pole yourself, put her hand on it and go from there,” might have to be modified to do more to get her aroused first that some call foreplay possibly including battery operated devices that many women seem to enjoy to see how receptive she is. Not start in missionary position, such as start in a position like the woman on her back and the man standing to begin with so there is no force applied and she is one hundred percent free to leave. She shut the door, the door is unlocked, she is free to leave whenever she wants. Usually not do too much very Dominant/Kinky on the first few “dates” until talk about it and are on the same page, unless that happens to be a topic upon meeting. Some guys complain about a lot of things too much, while other guys do NavySeals type Game practice to prepare for Gaming in a crazy world. Special Forces Level Game Training Day 1 Complete.