08 Oct How To Set Up Your Own Alpha 2.0 Business Structure

The countdown has officially begun for the release of the Alpha 2.0 Video Business Course on Friday, October 19th. Over the next two weeks I will provide you, at both of my blogs, with a few articles overviewing how you can set up your own low-work, high-income, location-independent business that makes you money and enhances your lifestyle at the same time. These articles are free, even if you choose to not get the course.
-By Caleb Jones
For the next three weeks, the posting schedule at both of my blogs (this one and my other one) will be a little different than normal, so fair warning. (These business articles will also be simultaneously duplicated in my free email newsletter and at the Alpha 2.0 Community as well.)
The topic of how to create your own Alpha 2.0 business will be the primary focus of both blogs for that time (which should be good for you, since more business information is one of my most requested topics).
After October 25th I will return both blogs to business as usual, but until then, my focus is to help you start your own Alpha 2.0 business (or convert your normal business to Alpha 2.0) so you can make plenty of money while living and traveling anywhere in the world you like.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to just hit you up with a bunch of sales pitches. (You should know me better than that!) I’m going to give you real content and real business advice, as you’re about to see.
First, I’ll give you the meat and the content, then I’ll end this article with new details about the upcoming course. If your curiosity is killing you and you want to go straight to the course website, it’s right here. Make sure you bookmark that page so you can go back to it on Friday, October 19th when enrollment opens.
Overview of the Alpha 2.0 Business Structure
The Alpha 2.0 business structure means you have 2 – 4 small, profitable, location-independent, highly niched businesses, all of which spin off money every month. Each business sells a completely different thing to a completely different and unrelated market. This means you have a “portfolio” of diversified income sources.
You start one business at a time, growing it to a certain monthly income level, at which point you place it on autopilot while you start up the second one, and so on. Starting your first business is the hardest and will take you the most amount of time. This is normal. The good news is starting your second business (and all subsequent businesses, if you want them) will be incredibly easy and you’ll be shocked at how fast the money comes in from this second business. This puts your income on an exponential growth curve. And it’s all location-independent. It’s fucking awesome. (I will show you exactly how to do all of this in the course.)
When your two, three, or four businesses are all “done,” you have a very strong income that allows you to live or travel anywhere you want in the world while having a highly secure and diversified income. This means you are not only free, but safe from most recessions, governmental regulation changes, your political enemies (if any) banning you, and so on.
As I talk about in great detail in my main book, since I have three diversified location-independent businesses, if one of those businesses goes out of business for whatever reason, I might be upset for a little bit, but my financial life continues just fine because I still have plenty of income from my other two companies.
It’s very nice. But it gets even better.
Each of your Alpha 2.0 businesses also has multiple income streams. You don’t just sell one thing to your niche. Instead, you sell a variety of things to appeal to all the different needs, desires, and modalities of your niche.
I will illustrate with an example. Take a look at the chart at the top of this article. I have laid out an example of an Alpha 2.0 business structure, based closely on a guy I’ve been coaching who’s been making shitloads of money doing this. (The chart is not exactly what he’s doing, but it’s very close. And no, please don’t ask me who he is; he has asked to remain anonymous.)
As you can see, he has three small businesses. His first business, Business A sells cool gadgets to a particular type of engineer. He uses primarily Amazon FBA to do this as well as Ebay and various other outlets, including his own webpage. All of these things are directly dropshipped to his customers; he never needs to buy any products or inventory anything.
His next business, Business B, sells books and ebooks to day traders. Day traders is his niche, so he writes to them and sells information, much like I do at my Blackdragon business.
His last business, which he considers his “money hobby,” is where he provides instructional videos on how to paint small metal figurines, the kind they use for games like Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer.
So he has three different companies selling to three completely different markets, all of which make money, don’t require a lot of work on his part at all, and are totally location independent. He splits his time between Thailand and Europe, traveling whenever and wherever the hell he wants. He’s a happy guy. That’s what Alpha 2.0 is all about.
Each business also has multiple income streams. In his Business A, he sells multiple types of products, not just one thing. In his Business B, he sells paper books (he calls them “special reports”), ebooks, audiobooks, and has a membership program. Very, very profitable, and he’s hitting all the modalities of his market (audio, visual, and emotional). In his Business C, he does videos (both free ones and paid ones), coaching via Google Hangouts, and sells color guides (I have no idea what that is) which is a sort of information product.
You might be thinking it would take you forever to set all these businesses up. It might take you a few years before you’re all done BUT you’re making money as soon as you get your first business to the point where you’re making regular sales. It’s not like you have to wait years and years before you see any money. You could be making $1000 per month, $2000 per month, or more, pretty damn fast, before your first business is even close to being done.
Exactly What The Alpha 2.0 Business Course Will Include
On 12:01 a.m. October 19th, enrollment for the video course will open right here and will be only available for one week. At midnight on October 25th, I will shut down enrollment and you will not be able to purchase it.
Here’s exactly what you will get in the course:
– Almost seven hours of video of me (and my lovely assistant), broken out into 35 lessons. Each lesson runs between 3 and 20 minutes, depending on the complexity of the topic. You receive access to these videos immediately, as soon as you sign up (and you’ve paid for the course in full), and you will have a permanent account where you will have access to them forever.
– Membership in an exclusive and private Facebook community where you can interact with other participants of the course. You receive this immediately, as soon as you sign up and your last payment is made.
– Written PDF transcripts of the entire course. These will be sent to you 35 days after you sign up for the course.
– A resources sheet, listing all of the companies, services, and websites you’ll need to set up your Alpha 2.0 business, complete with links. You receive this immediately, as soon as you sign up and your last payment is made.
– Personal coaching time with me, Caleb Jones, so I can assist you personally in setting up (or improving) your Alpha 2.0 business. This is done over email where you’ll have a day to ask me all the questions you want, 35-40 days after you sign up for the course and your last payment is made.
The cost for the course is $697 if you make one payment or three monthly payments of $267 if you would like to do the installment plan (this is for guys who don’t want to miss out on the one week this course is available).
For an additional nominal fee (don’t know how much yet), you will have the option of adding another course that includes these three items:
– A full 2.5 hour audio course on Alpha 2.0 business success, with extra material not included in the video course. I cover topics such as how to find international opportunities, how to identify and cash in on growing trends, a big section on time management, how to work with vendors, managing your finances, and strategic planning.
– A training video on how to create your product funnel, which is perhaps the most profitable thing I have ever done in any business. I’ll show you exactly how I did it so you can copy what I did.
– Extra coaching time with me. It’s just like the email coaching above except you get two full days with me instead of one. One day, then a second day a few weeks afterwards.
If you want much more details on the course, just click here to go to the course website. Take a look at that site; it has a huge FAQ and answer section that will answer probably any question you have.
Just to wet your appetite, here’s a behind-the-scenes sneak peak of all of us filming these videos two weeks ago:
The next business article is coming on Thursday, October 11th.
Please let me know if you have any questions or any specific requests for any upcoming business articles. I’m all ears.
Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:36 am, 8th October 2018Black waistcoat ? I thought you never wore black (yeah, spotting the most important detail in an article is my special talent. I wonder if I could make a business out of it).
Serious question though : is this course adapted to a foreigner ? I guess you’ll answer yes, but legislation, taxes, what you’re allowed to do as a businessman, etc. varies from country to country. I guess you can’t deal with every specific detail, but do you think this course will benefit non-US citizens as much as US ones ?
Posted at 05:43 am, 8th October 2018I will purchase the course only to see how u look in person finally …
Posted at 07:29 am, 8th October 2018Hi @BD
I think the following question is more related to the Teacheable platform than the program itself but will be the videos subtitled? I don’t have problem with the English language (I even speak it at a good level and I can be easily understood) but when it comes to learn something in video I don’t want to miss any detail and splitting my attention in the video details and the audio it makes it a little harder to me.
Even english subtitles will work for me!
Can’t wait for the October 19th!
Posted at 07:35 am, 8th October 2018Woah bd, last blog post you said you think your weight/appearance is bad? Just from that picture you look fine to me lol.
In regards to the video course what’s the timeline for success you typically see for guys to get up to the alpha 2.0 financial requirement of $75,000.
Also, can this apply to someone who would be working on his business part time?
Posted at 07:55 am, 8th October 2018What was all these “Where I Have Failed With My Weight” shenanigans about? You don’t look overweight at all this picture 😉
Posted at 08:31 am, 8th October 2018How much of this course would be applicable to someone wanting to sell his own artwork (whether paintings, sculptures, short stories, whatever.) Not exactly a low-work kind of enterprise.
Posted at 08:50 am, 8th October 2018From what I’m seeing it appears that you need to have some sort of niche skill (I.e. dating expert, day trading expert) to properly make this work. What about your system will help the normal guy be successful, who isn’t an expert in a niche category (or any category).
Dandy Dude
Posted at 09:10 am, 8th October 2018I’m going through this right now, and it’s tough indeed. But at the same time, if you have a clear plan you can actually measure your progress and it gets rewarding to the point of addiction. Everyday you’re knocking some more items from your project’s to do list and getting closer and closer to your goal.
That’s awesome.
Posted at 10:07 am, 8th October 2018I attended the live workshop and see the fb community as a huge value add. Is there anyway those that attended and traveled to your live workshop could gain access to the fb group or some sort of discounted deal on this?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:15 am, 8th October 2018I’m not allowed to wear too much black above the waist. A jacket is okay. A waistcoat isn’t much. And I spray tanned the day before to make my skin darker to alleviate the contrast.
That’s a very good question and I’m not sure, but I would guess the answer is no.
I will make a note of that suggestion for any future courses I do (which I will if this course sells well). But there will be full transcripts of everything said, so don’t forget that..
As I’ve said many times, I’m overweight, not fat. That pic was taken from 30 feet away at a high angle where you can’t see my fat neck or prominent double chin. Just wait until you can see me full-on, up close, with bright lights in my face. 🙂 A lot of is the “TV makes you gain weight” thing which I’ve discovered is very true, even for my assistant who is trim and hot.
That all being said, other people who have seen the video have told me I don’t look that bad, so I’m likely perceiving myself as worse than what other people see (which I guess is human nature to a degree).
2-5 years if you’re starting from absolute fucking zero. Less if you have some money already, or some business experience already.
Yes. You only need 15 hours a week to make this business structure work. (Though it will take longer, obviously.)
As I’ve mentioned before, making a high income selling nothing but art (artwork, fiction, etc), is very, very, very hard, even if you’re amazing at it. (This is why I don’t focus on writing fiction even though I love it. There isn’t enough money in it.)
Artists must either supplement their art income with an additional, unrelated business (as I described and recommended anyway), or drop their income goals down below the $75K per year minimum (which I don’t think is a good idea unless you’re planning on living in a place like Thailand or the Philippines for the rest of your life).
My daughter is an artist, so I don’t like saying that, but it’s the truth, and it’s my job to tell you the truth even if it’s unpleasant.
A how-to business is not required for Alpha 2.0.
Incorrect. You can just sell products. No niche skill needed there.
If you have a little money you can also hire people to write your info products for you (as just one example). Again, no niche skill needed.
Also, I do not believe that you have literally no niche skill. If I were to sit down with a clipboard and interview you drill-sergeant style for two hours I’m sure I would find 2-4 niche skills you already know that you could build a business from. Most people devalue their own worth and their own skill sets. Don’t do that.
Exactly. Working in my businesses is my single great joy in life. More than sex, more than travel, etc. It’s so awesome, exciting, rewarding, it’s hard to put into words.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:18 am, 8th October 2018If you’ve been to any of my past live business seminars (not woman seminars, business seminars), then yes, I’ll give you a 15% discount on the course since some of it will be repeat for you. Email me if you’re interested. However, if I can’t find you in my records for whatever reason, be prepared to show some kind of proof that you actually bought a ticket and attended (I have a bad memory and can’t remember every guy I’ve met at every seminar I’ve ever done). (If you’re the “Kyle” I’m thinking of, I think I remember you.)
Small Survivor
Posted at 10:33 am, 8th October 2018Do you have any platform where people can book you and you can do this for them, maybe at a price? There are a lot of people who could benefit from an interview like this, including myself.
Posted at 10:47 am, 8th October 2018I cant wait to buy your course,but i have some questions:
1.You said that it will be a day after 35,40 days after you bought the course,when you will respond to email.There will be one day where you respond to email for everybody who bought this course(i mean there are 1000 people who bought this course,do you respond in that day to all the emails from all this guys,or you will divide the number of people on multiple days,and you respond in a particular day only to a small group of the total people)?
2.For the top 25% of guys who will buy this course and implement it,how many hours,do you think realistically it will take on average ,for a person to achieve the 75.000 dollars (standard),indifferent if he has 2 small bussiness,or 4. 1000 hours?2000 hours? 5000 hours?(you dont have to be precise ,but this question is more like,if i spent 3000 hours on my alpha 2.0 business ,and the result is weak,and the top 25% of the guys achieve result x in y hours,it means i did something wrong and i need to check myself).
3.This is not a question,but a suggestion,irrespective if this technique (i sell the course for only one week) works,could you in the future,with other courses,to not let the course to be sold,for just one week,and have it to be bought at anytime,like your books?This will help the guys from E europe,Asia,Africa and any other third world country to buy your course.
(Sorry for bad english,but its my third language,If you dont understand a question,i will rewrite it).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:47 am, 8th October 2018I have some exercises in Chapter 9 in my main book. Beyond that, no. Noted for the future.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:57 am, 8th October 2018No, it will not all be in one day. We will schedule the day in advance and I will break things out to help different guys on different days so I don’t run into exactly the problem you describe.
I haven’t calculated the number of hours, but my general answer is that it will take you 2-5 years to get this all done if you’re starting from absolute zero. It will go much faster if A) you spend more time on it than just the 15 hour per week minimum, B) you already have some business experience (though that is not required), C) you have some money to spend on marketing / advertising (though that is not required either).
The rest is based on how hard you work and how consistent you are with your work. Some guys will just dabble at this. Other guys will try this and get bored or discouraged. Other guys will be consistent and eventually get there. Other guys will hit it hard and make money fast. It’s all up to you.
No. I implemented an installment plan option specifically for you guys in poorer countries because you guys asked for it, so I’m not interested in any more excuses about how you can’t buy it that week.
I mean, I love you guys, but c’mon. You know how I feel about excuses.
Posted at 01:16 pm, 8th October 2018I had a location independent internet business for about 16 years that did fairly well. I didn’t have to work a “real” job and it paid my lifestyle. But it never hit super high numbers because the merchandise I was selling was “questionable” due to copyrights and the like. It was highly-niched, but I couldn’t advertise it in the traditional way due to the nature of the products. Long story short, the business eventually collapsed which ultimately left me banned for life from using Paypal over violation of the user policy. All my fault, poor choices, I know.
My question is, for someone who basically had a location independent business and gets the overall gist of it, would this course still benefit me when building a new one? More so, enough to justify the price point. Secondly, if I’m completely banned from using Paypal ever again, does this highly complicate matters in setting up/having a payment provider when starting a new online business? Those guys seem to have sort of a monopoly for online transacting.
Pancake Mouse
Posted at 01:18 pm, 8th October 2018You’ve never thought to simply google “caleb jones blackdragon”?
Posted at 02:43 pm, 8th October 2018In terms of services, I have been developing skills in at least two: software development (mostly R and SQL although I’m open and curious to learn the LAMP stack and blockchain technologies) and financial modeling as it relates to non-recourse project finance.
How suitable are these to an Alpha 2.0 style independent small business?
Posted at 03:18 pm, 8th October 2018“Have 2-4 diversified businesses in niche markets”…Christ, I have no idea what the hell I’d do for just 1 niche…I’ve wasted my 20’s (I’m 30 now) working in bullshit retail stores…and now I’ve come to realize I have absolutely no skill or expertice in anything and it pisses me off because it’s like even if I want to do this whole business 2.0 thing, I have nothing to sell and don’t know what the hell to sell in the first place ???..the whole concept of the 2.0 business is so confusing to me,..you said in your last article BD that we all have some area in our life that we just can’t seem to grasp…and that area for me is definetly making money/knowing anything about business, it’s like a foreign language to me !!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:54 pm, 8th October 2018You took the words out of my mouth regarding the price point. There will be a lot of repeat for you in this course if you’ve already done it, yes, but at the same time you will make more money implementing these systems than the price point, which is very low for this amount and type of business information.
Complicate matters, yes, and quite a bit. Make it impossible to do business in an Alpha 2.0 way? No. You have services like Stripe, plus merchant services via normal banks, plus cryptocurrencies, plus standard wire transfers, plus cash smartphone apps like Venmo and Cash App, and on and on.
Also remember you can have an offline location independent business where PayPal isn’t even an issue. My computer consultant marketing company never uses PayPal and will never need to, since it’s 100% offline.
Suitable but difficult, since these skills put you in direct competition with very smart, very hardworking guys in countries like India and Bangladesh who will do these things a fraction of the cost you would want to charge. You’d better niche like crazy.
Very suitable.
The course will show you exactly how to find one.
The course will show you exactly how to find something to sell.
Get the course. Seriously. It will help men just like you.
Americano Grasso
Posted at 06:32 pm, 8th October 2018How much of an impediment would it be for a new alpha 2.0 business if it did exactly zero paid advertising on Google or Facebook? I know you don’t give a shit about politics, but I don’t want to give a single cent to those nutjobs.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:45 pm, 8th October 2018None at all. I give you 36 different ways to market your product/service/information. Pay per click is just 1 of those 36. I didn’t do any PPC ads to grow my Blackdragon business, and that’s a six-figure income source today.
Posted at 01:28 am, 9th October 2018BD, do you think domains a little more specific, like artificial intelligence and machine learning would be suitable, as these are currently my domain of expertise ?
Posted at 07:03 am, 9th October 2018You tricky bastard. I do not need this course at the moment… but your have peaked my curiosity and your clever creation of scarcity will likely get me to buy. Good job. heh.
Posted at 07:40 am, 9th October 20181. Find a specific class of tasks that people are doing in Excel.
2. Make a product that solves those problems for them using R or whatever.
3. No question marks.
4. Profit.
They’re bad at actually solving people’s problems though, and that’s where the money is. Hell, you could hire them for the actual programming : )
Posted at 08:25 am, 9th October 2018@Anon, thanks….
I tend to agree. I had an internship with a guy who tried to get a programming business up in India….he now has 3 guys working in his basement.
BD, I have a mathematics degree and I took 4 finance courses, including financial modeling in Excel. I then picked up a book on project finance, which I think you know is a slightly different critter than normal corporate finance or investments. I work, essentially, for renewable energy finance folks, doing due diligence reports. I’ve parsed dozens of financial models.
I’m pretty sure all of this is off limits for a side business. I can’t very well go to a client and say “Your model sucked, I can build you a better one” and not break ethical and probably legal boundaries with work. Seems like I would have to avoid renewable energy.
I’m trying to wrap my mind around what the business model would be. “Hire me to build or improve your project specific financial models in order to identify risks and impress lenders.” ??? Seems kind of crazy.
The programming bit…..would build off of this. The question is “what would a blockchain (smart contract) punch list look like?” I just don’t think that’s the place to start.
Posted at 09:29 am, 9th October 2018Add on…..there is an outfit that does “financial modeling world championships” sponsored by big accounting firms and Microsoft….they have the previous year’s questions up for practice….I wonder if those are good example pieces, and generally, the value of things like coding competitions and the like.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:13 am, 9th October 2018Yes.
Notwithstanding my opinion about college, absolutely none of that is a unique selling proposition for a niche. Those are just skills. The world is full of highly educated, high-intellect men, very proud of their college degrees and books they’ve read, with low incomes.
Your job is to take those skills (if you can) and translate them into solving a problem or fulfilling a strong need for as narrow a niche as you can.
That isn’t how you sell. Instead, you would ask a prospect what their pain is, and when they tell you (and they qualify for your service) tell them exactly how you can fix that pain and how wonderful it will be for them when their pain is gone. Then just sign here, Mr. Prospect…
I can’t give you free coaching here, so get the course and/or sign up for the SMIC program.
Posted at 11:35 am, 9th October 2018Fair enough, and thanks for the SMIC program suggestion….I’ll mostly likely do that, at the diamond level….the woman part of my life needs work too….so it’s a better value proposition for me. You have convinced me that there is some opportunity from the above discussion. Really interesting timing on all this….I recently took a fine comb to my finances and resolved to get out of debt and beyond wages.
Posted at 12:23 pm, 9th October 2018Blackdragon,
I’m currently in my early thirties. I’ve basically been a general laborer my whole life; currently working in the telecom industry. I have NO experience starting a business, and I’m pretty sure no marketable skills to start one. However, I’m tired of just trudging along in life and having an average income. Is it possible to start a profitable business with absolutely no business/sales experience?? You talk about the possibility of making 75000 grand a year. Hell, I’ll be satisfied with 50k. Maybe I’m just looking for reassurance…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:16 pm, 9th October 2018This business course will help men exactly like you.
You are wrong. Read my comments above regarding that.
Did I have any business/sales experience when I started my first business back in my early 20s?
Did anyone when they started their first business?
Everyone starts somewhere, including me, including you.
The reason people start small businesses and then fail is because they don’t follow a proven model. Instead, they just get excited about whatever they’re selling and operate their business either on guesswork (bad) or whatever their competitors are currently doing (usually bad).
If you get this course and actually follow through on its advice, your odds of success are far, far beyond those people. It’s not even close.
Small Survivor
Posted at 05:48 pm, 9th October 2018Do the business ideas or niche problems solved with your Alpha 2.0 businesses have to be tied in to your Mission? I’m kinda guessing yes, but wanted to confirm since you said it’s best to have each one be on entirely different markets as a safety measure.
PD. I’m really looking forward to this course! Specially the part where you teach how to make offline Alpha 2.0 businesses. I thought it was mainly delegating tasks to technology that made time management for those businesses possible.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:53 pm, 9th October 2018No, but they can’t conflict with your Mission.
I don’t say this publicly, but of my three companies, my offline business is the one I’m most excited about in terms of long-term growth and work-to-income ratio. 🙂
Posted at 12:41 pm, 10th October 2018So we get only one day, one time, to ask you questions by email, and it HAS to be 35-40 day after purchasing?
I was planning on purchasing it and putting it into action a year or two later, as I am currently in the midst of starting up a company already and it requires all my attention.
Posted at 04:35 pm, 10th October 2018Hey, Blackdragon. I’m from Mexico City and I have to choose between attending your seminar or getting this course. What would you recommend?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:20 pm, 10th October 2018No. If you’d like to schedule your email day after 40 days that’s fine with me. But I can’t wait a year or two; I need a more reasonable time frame.
If you can only do one then it should be the course. It has much more info than I could ever shove into the Mexico City seminar, or any seminar I could give.
French Newbie
Posted at 10:16 am, 11th October 2018Dropshipping with Amazon FBA? Are you sure because you have to buy the stock and send it to the amazon warehouses. And Amazon forbids dropshipping.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:23 am, 11th October 2018Yes, I’m sure. That’s the entire point of Amazon FBA. For example:
However, I know different countries and regions do things differently.
Ryan r
Posted at 10:18 am, 14th October 2018How many and what percent of the guys who took your seminars are having success making just $2k per month doing this type of thing?
Obviously the concepts are sound but it’s silly to pretend it’s trivially easy (just one six hour course!! ) when you spent half a decade obsessed with dating, and even today spend half your week posting and replying to comments just to make a living. And arguably this is your only alpha 2.0 business you have going if the others are consulting.… all to say, what’s the evidence you’re actually in a position to ‘franchise’ this thing vs just put in half your life to build this thing and can’t generalize necessarily.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:06 pm, 14th October 2018A small percentage, since most people who go to a seminar don’t actually put what they learn in the seminar into practice over a prolonged period. This is true of any public speaker on any topic (and I would know, since most of my business friends are public speakers; they have the exact same problem). It’s the same with guys who write business books as well.
That being said, if I made a list of people I personally know, just off the top of my head, making $2K per month or more using these models, I’d have at least 20-25 names in the first go. More if I really thought about it and went back through my notes.
Where have I said any of this is trivially easy?
Utterly incorrect. Responding to comments at all of my blogs and forums takes 28 minutes per day on average. I track these numbers very carefully.
Incorrect again. I have a marketing company which is Alpha 2.0, and my consulting business is Alpha 2.0.
Franchiseabily and Alpha 2.0 are two different things. I’ve never claimed I could franchise my BD business or my consulting business, which I couldn’t (I could with my marketing company though). I cover levels of residual income in the course.
Posted at 10:57 pm, 15th October 2018For guys thinking about purchasing, is your expertise more with the products, services, or information area? Obviously you’ve dabbled in all three but have you taken businesses to 75k/six-figures in each, or are some like this blog below that level to-date?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:34 am, 16th October 2018I talk about this in the course in great detail. I’ve done it with services and information. Every guy is either a products person, information person, or services person. I am not a products guy; I’m just not wired that way. So I cover products based on what other guys I’ve worked with have done, but I state very clearly in the course I have never been successful with products (nor tried very hard to be so because products aren’t my thing). At the same time, all of the other information in the course (outside of what to sell) applies equally to products, services, or information.
Good question.
This blog (all of the attached products and services it sells or links to) makes a lot more than $75K per year. I flowchart the entire thing out in the course.
Posted at 04:47 am, 18th October 2018Appreciate the thoughtful answers. Respect for what you built and are building.
I’m not buying, but hope you offer short e-books covering some of the areas at future dates.
Posted at 02:37 am, 4th August 2020Very informative article. Business owner like me should read article like this. This is a very useful post. I’ll definite return to this very helpful article. Thanks for sharing this.