17 Dec ASD – What It Is and How It Works

I polled you guys about which topics I should talk more about on this blog. The number one most requested topic, perhaps unsurprisingly, was more seduction and dating techniques.
Message received. I have heard you and I’m here to give you want you want. This will be the first in a very long series of blog articles that will help boost your dating skills so you can meet whatever woman and/or sexual goals you have. If you have not yet subscribed to this blog, I strongly suggest you do so by hitting the subscribe button in the upper-right (of the desktop version of the site) so you will receive these future articles. (And an entirely new and improved Blackdragon Blog, where I’m going to implement pretty much all of your suggestions, is coming in just a few weeks.)
-By Caleb Jones
Let’s begin.
What Exactly Is ASD?
The topic of ASD is a confusing one and I get a lot of questions about this. It is absolutely critical to your dating skills that you understand ASD and how to maneuver around it.
ASD stands for Anti-Slut Defense. It is not my term. It’s a term that came out of the pick-up artist community, and despite its odd name, it’s a very real thing that has a huge influence on your success with women, or lack thereof.
I define ASD in my glossary thusly:
ASD – Anti Slut Defense. A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady.” ASD is a cause for major confusion, frustration, and psychological dysfunction in women, since they strongly desire sex but are repeatedly told there is something wrong with it.
ASD often drives women, even very intelligent ones, to extremely irrational behavior and rationalizing. Because ASD is a direct result of exposure to societal programming, ASD grows every year a woman ages until it maxes out around her early 40s. For example, a 37 year-old woman will easily have ten times the ASD of a 19 year-old woman.
ASD makes it harder for you to get laid. It’s a serious problem. That’s why you must understand it and get good at managing it.
ASD is a direct result of Societal Programming. This cancer is placed in women’s heads by two sources:
1. Other women who are trying to kneecap the competition.
2. Traditional and usually angry right-wing men who hold outdated social views.
Because of these two groups, that super cute girl sitting across from you on that second date who is attracted to you can, and perhaps will say no to you when you attempt sex… not because she doesn’t want to have sex with you, but because she doesn’t want to be called a “slut” by her girlfriends or the Republican men she knows.Why She Says No
As I talk about in great detail in my primary dating book, Get To Sex Fast, if a new woman refuses to have sex with you when you make the attempt, there are three, and only three possible reasons:
1. She isn’t attracted to you enough.
2. She’s attracted to you enough, but her ASD is too high.
3. She’s attracted to you and her ASD isn’t too high, but she feels like someone might get in trouble if she has sex with you.That’s it. Those are literally the only three reasons why a woman you’ve never had sex with says no to sex with you. (This does not apply to when a woman you’ve already had sex with says no to sex. That’s a very different scenario and it could be for a variety of other reasons, including boredom, anger, betaization, and so on. But that’s a relationship management issue, not a dating/seduction issue. Today we’re only talking about having sex with a new woman.)
Reason #1 is usually your fault and reasons #2 and #3 are often outside of your control. You have some influence over them, but not nearly as much as #1.
Reason #2 is purely based on ASD. You can do your best to avoid it, mitigate it, and navigate around it, and I’ll discuss how to do that in a minute, but you need to realize that no matter how strong your game is, you can still be confounded by ASD.
I have had second dates where I failed to have sex despite my best efforts, where the women were saying how wet they were and how badly they wanted to have sex but “couldn’t.” I’ve had second dates where I tried to have sex, the women said no, then quickly ran home, masturbated while thinking about me, then texted me and told me all about it. I’ve had other second dates where the women said no, went home, then immediately sent me texts saying they “made a mistake” and “should have had sex with me.”
This kind of crap is (usually) pure ASD. You need to be prepared for it.
How to Mitigate ASD
As I said, you can’t cure ASD and you can’t always get around it no matter how good you are. But you can do some things to lessen its effect on you.
1. Put in the numbers. This should be obvious. The guy who goes out on ten first dates in a week is going to be far less hampered by ASD than the guy who goes out on two. If you are really cranking the numbers, and you should be, the one or two women who have high ASD won’t be nearly as bothersome to you.
The only time ASD really pissed me off is when I knew I didn’t have enough first and second dates already scheduled on the calendar.
2. Don’t do anything that spikes ASD during first or second dates. Lots of guys have huge problems with this. Frankly, much pick-up/PUA advice actually exacerbates this as well. Men often blurt out highly sexual shit that actually spikes ASD (bad) instead of increasing sexual attraction and tension (good).
Talking about sex casually is good. Telling a girl you wonder what her boobs taste like will spike ASD.
Talking about what she likes in bed is good. Telling a girl you both should go back to your place after 20 minutes on the first date will spike ASD.
Telling a woman she has great energy is fine (but be careful). Telling a woman her best friend or sister is super hot will spike ASD.
I’ve coached hundreds of men on the topic of dating, and one of the biggest things men do wrong is that they say and do things on first/second dates that spike ASD. Don’t do this. As always, she should be doing 80% of the talking on these dates anyway. One of the many reasons for this is to ensure that you don’t say anything that inadvertently spikes ASD and ruins your chances.
3. Date as young as possible, ideally under the age 33. As I said above, ASD in women increases with age. 18 year-old girls have virtually zero ASD and will happily have sex with you very quickly as long as they’re attracted enough to you. But that 41 year-old woman has vast mountains of ASD and will not have sex with you quickly even if she’s extremely attracted to you, and is far more likely to put you into make-him-wait mode and make you jump through more hoops like a good little monkey in order to get to her Unique and Magical Pussy™. (And yes, there are always odd exceptions to every rule.)
As I’ve talked about in the past, my results with women skyrocketed the instant I drew a line at age 33 (the Age of Doom, when ASD really spikes) and only started dating women below that age (with occasional exceptions).
Men who start dating younger are always shocked at how easy it is to get laid quickly when they do this, especially when they go below age 23, where ASD is the lowest.
4. Screen for lower-ASD women. To be clear, I do not do this (other than the age thing above). I personally think screening is usually a very stupid thing to do (I talk about why here). Yet, I have to admit that I’ve seen other guys get good at screening for low-ASD women and it can work very well. This can’t really be done with online dating and is only done with daygame, night game, and social circle game.
I can’t advise you on specifics regarding this, but it involves bantering and kino (touching) with women and getting a feel for their level of ASD, and perhaps even if they’re DTF. If they aren’t, you drop the conversation fast and move on to the next girl, and keep going until you find one that’s ready to rock. Then you proceed on her.
If you can do those four things, ASD will be much less of an issue for you, but it will still be an issue, again, no matter what you do. Sadly, ASD is a fact of life. You can lessen it, but you’ll never eliminate it.
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Posted at 06:12 am, 17th December 2018Interesting and I disagree a bit with your three reasons girl doesn’t have sex with you although our reasons have similarities but I have a bit more covered. Mine are:
– She isn’t attracted enough
– She is playing games (you are beta so she makes you wait or maybe you seem like a player so she is protecting herself etc.)
– She has some issues with her sexuality or current physical condition (rape in the past, unsure about body, periods etc.)
– She just has ASD of various kinds/levels
Posted at 06:15 am, 17th December 2018Do you know of any technique that can lower her ASD (in a relatively fast way)?
For example say she comes to your house and you can tell shes sexually excited but she does not want to remove her clothes and stops your hand if you go into her pants. What would you do in such a situation? Just kick her out because shes confused and you dont have time for that and move on to the next girl?
Posted at 06:25 am, 17th December 2018@AlphaOmega
That would be the LMR (last minute resistance) and deserves a different article.
LMR is the what, ASD is the why.
Posted at 07:19 am, 17th December 2018I treat high ASD chicks like I treat a deer you’re trying to hunt. You have to very very quiet and careful or they’ll bolt at the slightest sound. I don’t “stick my hands down their pants” unless I’m fucking sure. I’m not sure what you described is high ASD. That could be anything like regret due to a BF she didn’t tell you about or simply being on her period. Most high ASD women have walls, a draw bridge, and moat full of crocodiles or a button that will light that shit on fire the second you try to cross it. Once a woman with high ASD decides to fuck you she will make sure you know you’re worthy with an official ceremony, speech, and doves will get released. Just kidding but kind of true, lol..
I actually love fucking high ASD women quickly. Some are impossible due to religious reasons but the ones who ain’t are a fucking thrill. If you love the thrill of the hunt they’re the ultimate hunt. As long as its 2-3 dates and you don’t have onitis issues. I lose interest after 2-3 dates and then once I do fuck them I’m on to the next challenge
Posted at 08:22 am, 17th December 2018yo dre man I take this bitch out to the movies and shit man were kissin’ and grindin and shit so we hop in the back seat you know man this bitch rubbin all over my dick and frontin like she’s gonna give me the pussy man and the bitch said 3 words man
stop no and don’t
Posted at 08:36 am, 17th December 2018YUP!
I’ve even seen the Opposite of men trying to kneecap me as the competition by saying I AM some Uber Right Wing TRADCON who judges women. Which is literally impossible being I’m into the BDSM scene and all in SO CAL. Fuckin Bitch Move!
Unfortunate this happens with ARC Mode ONE approach at times along with the good results being Direct can bring too. Part of the game..
Over 33 Chicks most def can be a drag.. Waste of Time, Money, and Fucking Drama..
HOWEVER.. I’ve noticed some Over 33 Women that have been married and divorced actually come out the other side as the opposite with LOW ASD, Low Drama and all. Usually they go all out and have lip injections, fillers, tummy tucks, boobs, ETC too. Has anyone else seen this?
Posted at 08:37 am, 17th December 2018i tried on 28 y/o she gave me excuse like, ”i only kiss a guy when he’s already my bf, im sorry you’re not”
i tried on 19 y/o she swallowed my cum in my car on #2 date b/c she says, ”i just feel like it”
Posted at 08:39 am, 17th December 2018@nator21
If she perceives you as a beta, then she won’t be attracted to you enough, i.e. reason #1. If she perceives you as too player-ish, you’ll spike her ASD, i.e. reason #2.
Self-image issues are usually a form of low self-esteem and, for whatever reason, my experience has been that women with low self-esteem are more likely to have high ASD. So I’d say again what you’ve specified there isn’t another distinct reason but just a specific manifestation of ASD, i.e. reason #2. It’s true that some women have less interest in sex, especially PIV sex, during their period, but a new woman who is genuinely attracted to you and has low ASD is pretty likely to “compensate” with a blow job or something (some women DGAF and will have sex regardless of their period).
Past rapes are a very specialized situation and I doubt normal rules can be applied.
Posted at 08:45 am, 17th December 2018@CTV
“I’ve noticed some Over 33 Women that have been married and divorced actually come out the other side as the opposite with LOW ASD, Low Drama and all. Usually they go all out and have lip injections, fillers, tummy tucks, boobs, ETC too. Has anyone else seen this?”
Yes I have seen this as well. My wheelhouse for MLTR’s has been divorced women since they often have cast off the Disney BS and just want to enjoy life again. They tend to do alot of self improvement as you stated to be able to compete with the younger women so that’s a nice benefit as well.
Young girls will always be the easier lay by far but there are some over 33 girls that can be easy as well. If they’ve never been married and have no kids though, then you’re in trouble. They will throw tons of ASD at you to vet you out for provider potential. Also high condom alert if you do end up fucking girls +33 that haven’t had kids yet. They won’t care if you get them pregnant and will keep the kid no matter what you say or do. These are the types that “forget” their BC and then whoops! I’m pregnant YAYYYY
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:48 am, 17th December 2018Actually, your list is the same as mine.
That means she isn’t attracted enough. (That’s what beta means; unattractive.)
That’s ASD.
That it almost always a smokescreen excuse for one of the other three reasons I described even if the reason is real (like she really is having her period). Regarding the very rare times it isn’t, I cover those in the book.
There is no way to lower ASD that has already spiked “in a relatively fast way.”
Freezeout, try again, freezeout again, try a 3rd time, nicely end the date if it still doesn’t work, as I talked about here.
Posted at 09:04 am, 17th December 2018@ CrabRagngoon
YES! And in practice these type of Over 33 Women act a lot like Independent (Alpha 2.0 Women) who’ve essentially played the game and “Been there Done That”, not to mention when they compete with the younger they often win because when they realize this shit they put the work and they get fucking really hot. Not just looks but they have great attitudes too.
I’d argue they make EXCELLENT if not THE BEST OLTR candidates in theory for those reasons. Unless you wanted kids.
Posted at 09:08 am, 17th December 2018The new website will have a free version and a paid version?
What will be the difference between the two(free and paid)?
If there will be a paid version,could you allow bitcoin as payment,(because a lot of users like anonimity)?
Posted at 09:28 am, 17th December 2018@CTV
You almost always have to go for a slightly older woman if you are considering an OLTR type situation. Very young girls are terrible candidates for OLTR, not even great for MLTR’s in my experience. They are flaky and all over the place. They are great FB’s for sure and that’s typically where I keep them. Older woman have that advantage over the young in that they actually are reliable and will commit to plans with you. You’ll go mad trying to schedule things with the young chicks so best not to rely on them too much, especially if you have a busy life.
Posted at 09:52 am, 17th December 2018@BD,
what do you think of Madonna-whore complex?
I’d argue that she primarily doesn’t want to be seen as a slut by you. The Republican men she knows don’t have to know about the first/second-date sex she has with you and neither do all her girlfriends, most of whom will be supportive anyway.
No, it won’t. It will spike fear that she isn’t hot enough for you and thus pretty much eliminate her willingness to have sex with you. Same outcome, different motivation.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:59 am, 17th December 2018Yes.
You’ll have to see!
I’d love to but someone is going to have to show me how to auto-bill a customer using bitcoin on a regular continuity basis (once a month, once a year, all automatic). I don’t know how to do this.
I agree it’s a factor, one of the subsets of ASD. Like ASD, M/w increases with age.
That’s logic. Women don’t use logic in dating scenarios.
Sure, that’s very possible.
Posted at 10:34 am, 17th December 2018Like BD said, freeze-outs; and also a technique is to get into the pants from the back. Easier to slip in without telegraphing it, and once you’re touching the magic button, her resolve to seem the right kind of lady wanes. (Of course, if she still demands that you stop, stop.)
C Lo
Posted at 10:46 am, 17th December 2018I think its location dependent. There are parts of California that women throw themselves at you, others where even ugly women want to be worshipped. I travel a lot these days, and see the difference regionaly.
There is a casual causation between M/F ratios IMO.
I’m not convinced that there isn’t a mostly biological component to age 33, ASD, and all the baggage that comes from dating older women. Sure, part of it is societal programming but all of it? I don’t buy it.
Posted at 11:28 am, 17th December 2018What do you think of GLL’s concept of sexual availability? Which states that at any given time, on any given day, any given girl is either unavailable, available, or available (& Down to Fuck).So whenever a woman rejects you, it is if often not because of bad looks/game, but simply because she was not sexualy available for new partners in the first place.
Posted at 11:47 am, 17th December 2018This correlates hugely with my own experience. Sometimes the same woman is up for it one day and not another and if your first meet or too many attempts are during those down turns its a game over. Its a huge problem because there is no way for me to know so far if its the case or not reliable so I am wasting time and possibly losing women to this.
Posted at 12:00 pm, 17th December 2018there are wayyyyy more reasons on why the women will usually will not have sex with a guy, and if you cover those reasons (multiple techniques to get around them),
1.- she think you will judge her as a slut or a whore for going home fast with you. (including gossiping aka kiss and tell). In the last 10 years the only 2 times i experienced asd is cause i knew their boyfriends and they thought i would tell on them….)
2.- during the meet she is not sure if you are a sexually competent dude, in other words that you are good in bed.
3.- she is unsure if she will be safe. Since you are much stronger than her and you have the ability to harm her physically.
4.- She does not know or she is not sure if you are going to use her, aka fuck her and tell her to get the fuck out making her feel like shit after you bust a nut. (most false rape accusations happened due to this)
5.- She is not sure that you will not be a clinger, stalker or super needy after sex and pushy before sex.
In general the asd is a thing of the past, women do not have asd now a days… The dudes that experience asd is cause they are doing something off, pushing the no or make him wait bottom (as you correctly say in your book)
Other than that she is not fucking dudes cause she ain’t sold on the things i mentioned(of course if she is attracted, but women that are not attracted will not get isolated or go on online dates with a dude)…. Asd is a concept created with mm and the old school concept of waiting 7 hours… asd does not really apply to today’s dating environment…. if the woman like you and you cover her concern she will fuck you… I am talking about the west(usa) … I can not remember the last time i experienced asd…
Posted at 01:42 pm, 17th December 2018Well, if my list is the same than your, then I’d say that your definition of ASD should be a bit more specific and include psychological aspects. Even though, I agree in some of your corrections and that my list has more similarities with yours than I understood, there is honest psychological issues or fears which don’t include social programming necessarily.
I’ve talked with girls who have denied sex from me at 2nd date (and given up at 3rd) and girls who haven’t denied the sex and girls in both of these groups have told that they didn’t have or almost didn’t have sex with me because they feared the feeling of emptiness/lonelyness they would feel if I just fucked them and them and then left somewhat coldly.
Posted at 03:25 pm, 17th December 2018I have. Those are the only types of 33+s I get at! lol
And I really do not like the term ASD. If you are putting numbers in and outcome independent, ASD does not exist. You’ll just move on to the next chick who doesn’t have ASD.
ASD only exists for dudes who want to put pressure on themselves to have sex with certain chicks or pressure on chicks to have sex with them (aka: Outcome dependent degenerates, or ODDs lol).
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:50 pm, 17th December 2018For everyone who might be confused:
ASD does NOT mean that the woman isn’t attracted to you. It means the opposite. If a woman were to reject you because she wasn’t attracted to you or didn’t want to have sex with you, that is NOT ASD.
ASD means that the woman is attracted to you and WANTS to have sex with you, but she won’t because she has declared war against her own feelings and desires due to a perception that her feelings and desires are wrong (according to the culture or social circle to which she is loyal).
This doesn’t only mean she’s afraid of others calling her a slut or shaming her. It also means that she’s afraid of looking like a slut in front of her own blue pill self, which has declared war against her red pill self (which is the definition of ASD).
Men usually aren’t at war with their own selves (OMG, I fucked her, my friend Bill is gonna hate me now!). If a woman wants to sleep with a man, it’s a one step process – she just has to persuade him.
But for a man, it’s a two step process (assuming she isn’t fully sexually liberated): First, he must persuade her (emotionally, not intellectually, obviously) by making himself attractive to her. Then, once she has been persuaded, he must deal with her ASD – the war that she has declared against her own desires. He must assure her (usually indirectly and with his vibe, not by having an intellectual discussion) that she’s not a bad person for wanting this.
That’s why high ASD is usually a symptom of low self esteem, or a follower/sheep mentality/lack of individualism.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:00 pm, 17th December 2018Yes, but it’s only a strong factor in daygame, and since GLL is a daygame guy it makes sense for him to teach that and be aware of it.
It’s far less of a factor in night game (since why else is she going out that night?), online dating (why is she on the dating site and taking the trouble to meet up with you?) and social circle game (eventually you’ll get her on a good day). And yes, you could have a woman on a dating site where the first date happened to fall on one of her less available days, but you see what I mean; she’s still in that zone (unless she’s a pure provider hunter).
Um, that’s exactly what ASD is, reason #2.
That’s not enough attraction, reason #1.
That’s her feeling unsafe (she is the who might be in trouble if she fucks you), reason #3.
That’s a subset of ASD.
That’s her feeling unsafe, reason #3 AND not being attracted, reason #1.
Just like the other commenter, all of your reasons are just restatements of my 3 reasons. My 3 reasons really do cover all the possibilities (unless you get crazy narrow with your definitions of things like ASD).
Yeah ooooookay… even though you yourself just defined ASD perfectly in your first reason above.
(And yes, many hardcore PUA types think “ASD is bullshit”. They’re wrong, but that’s what they think.)
My definition is purely psychological in nature.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:50 pm, 17th December 2018Present yourself as a nonjudgmental sex-positive dude from the very first date. Use BD’s technique asking her “have you been dating a little or a lot lately?” to spark the conversation. Go into your sexual past (without naming any names of course, since she must know that you’re discrete) and tell her some abstract details about your life that show that you are the opposite of a slut shamer.
For example, I’ve talked before on my first dates about my past sexual experiences with women who had ASD. I’ve explained how it’s a shame that some women don’t have the nerve to blossom into who they really are. Stories, or even fun hypotheticals, will cement you in her mind as being the cool guy, or the guy who gets it, and not someone who judges women for liking sex.
When I had my first meet with my married fuck buddy (the one married to the doctor), she had to first make sure I wouldn’t judge her for cheating on her husband. I told her a story about how I once had an ongoing casual relationship with a married woman who was being mistreated and neglected by her husband. Despite the marriage being essentially over, she couldn’t bring herself to sleep with me because she felt cheating was wrong.
So I had to encourage her true self to come out with lots of reassurances (some of which involved defending her husband and simply painting him as a lovable loser who I simply feel sorry for) and when it finally happened, “it was a beautiful experience for both of us.” This story seemed to put her mind somewhat at ease that I wouldn’t judge her, thus lowering her ASD. Later on, I told her even more wild stories about some of the other married women I fucked!
Others have answered this very well. But make sure each freeze out is progressively more distant than the previous. For example, when she resists the first time, say ok and just lie beside her and talk. When she resists the second time, leave her, get on your phone and check your email. When she resists a third time, leave the room, go to the kitchen and do the dishes. The goal is for her to come over and ask “are you mad at me?” Then try again.
Don’t give her anything to push against. Just withdraw your attention and respond to her resistance with distance (more distance than she is comfortable with).
With that being said, I’m pretty much at the point where I screen out women with ASD completely from my life, unless we’re talking about married or taken women who just need to be sure that I will be a discrete and nonjudgmental lover.
Posted at 04:51 pm, 17th December 2018So afterwords (first bang, before lock in) when I get from her the “you’re gonna text me later…right?” …is that a part of ASD even though it is post-bang?
I realize it’s a comfort seeking move on her part (and I give her that, cause I want her [pussy] around as long as possible, plus I don’t want buyer’s remorse), but is it ASD? Bad frame on my part? Just normal comfort seeking?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:05 pm, 17th December 2018Absolutely! In fact, at this point in my life, those are the only over 33 women that I go for. But, in my experience, they’re usually not divorced. They are still married/taken, but they act like they’re divorced, except with greater discretion!
Usually, these are the types of over 33 women who are making up for lost time because they were prudes throughout their young lives. Watching them just unburden and unleash themselves is a true joy and even a spiritual experience of sorts! These women can give the best sex ever and even tend to go all out and experience multiple lovers (even other women) in order to live the “Sex in the City” lifestyle, especially if their husbands are overseas in the military.
Military wives are the most wild of the bunch and, in my experience, most of them were conservative church girls throughout their teens and twenties, so now they are going through a major sexual purge of all their past repression! It’s such a beautiful thing to see!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:11 pm, 17th December 2018As I said, a lot of ASD prone women are ashamed in front of their own selves because they have internalized the slut shaming culture of their parents/peers/whatever.
But I’ve also banged girls who, after sex, have said, “my god, Teresa is never going to forgive me for this.” It’s pathetic but ASD is at war with female free will. That’s why I screen those types of women out now.
Part of the problem is that women tend to be authoritarian within their social circles (I won’t let you do this because you’re like a sister to me and I love you, you’ll be mad now but you’ll thank me later), whereas male peer groups are more libertarian and horizontal in their philosophy (Hey man, I’m not your daddy, just be careful).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:33 pm, 17th December 2018It’s a “subset” of ASD, but yes. It’s what the PUAs call “buyer’s remorse.”
It’s only bad frame if you get a lot of girls saying this kind of thing to you after sex (often means your frame is too playerish). If you have sex with 15 girls and only two do something like this, then don’t worry about it.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:35 pm, 17th December 2018Actually, considering how rare real rape is, 9 times out of 10, a woman telling you that she’s been raped is just another form of ASD. What she means is that she had a threesome with two dudes when she was a little tipsy. She regrets it (because her friends shamed her or something), so now she will rewrite history by calling it rape so that her reputation will remain intact.
To the sisterhood, rape is respectable because it’s not her fault. So she may try to save face by simply pulling the rape card and using some alcohol as an excuse. Most of them don’t mean that they were genuinely physically brutalized or involved the police in any way.
I’m deeply skeptical of any woman who tells me that she was raped, especially as early as the first date. It’s usually just a backward rationalization for past wild sexual behavior which she wishes to reframe in a way which makes her look like a saint, due to ASD. Or, she’s not sexually attracted enough to you and is pulling the rape card to get you to back off, or as a shit test to see if you’ll be PC about it, even if she’s lying her ass off (which she usually is).
My rule is to usually drop all women who tell me they’ve been raped (especially if they tell me this early). It’s usually a narcissistic bid for attention and sympathy from beta males and may be a red flag that she is a rapeochondriac, and thus someone who will be accusing me of rape sometime soon because I asked her during sex if she’s still okay 6 times instead of 7.
Or, in the unlikely event that she was REALLY raped (as in, genuinely physically brutalized), other men who are way more patient than me will have to nurse her through this hang up. I have too many women who haven’t been raped to fuck. Fortunately, a real rape victim is a rarity in the West, unless you live in a Muslim area within suicidal Europe.
Posted at 05:36 pm, 17th December 2018I have had very many splendid conversations with VYW in my neighborhood….almost every time they are flying solo. At my age cracking mixed sets is a fool’s errand.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 07:47 pm, 17th December 2018I was involved with a married woman years ago, and she was always complaining about her husband, unhappy, all that. I got to really resent the role of counselor. And it really turned me off married women. I thought they were ALL like that.
Until I had a great married FB, who I still see regularly once a week. Maybe we’ve met 20 or 30 times, and she’s only even mentioned being married twice. I’ve got no idea what her marriage is like, it’s not my business. I wouldn’t intrude on her privacy by asking and she doesn’t feel the need to talk about it. It’s changed my mind about married women.
I agree strongly with Jack about over 33s who are making up for lost time. It’s particularly frequent in Asia, where young women are trying to maintain their virginity (blow jobs are usually okay, though). Once they are married or divorced, the pressure is off and they let loose.
They are my primary target group. Yes, it is easier than VYM. But I also think they are more fun to be around.
Posted at 08:40 pm, 17th December 2018Didn’t you miss an obvious connection in your post?
You said one reason for ASD are certain right-wing angry men that want pure virgins and love Jesus and oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree!
So another thing that spikes ASD — she thinks you are one of these moralizing men that will “flip their shit” if she admits she had sex with 1-10 (whatever your magic number is) or more men in her past, or sucked off a black guy once (many Trumpers have huge ingrained racial issues), etc.
If she thinks you are such a weirdo/ “Churchie” who will judge her harshly for her sexual history, of course that will make her more resistant to getting sexual. She’s playing the part that you ultimately “want” her to play, and feels guarded, and wants to avoid a screaming match. No way she’ll tell your her true sexual history, or proffer a blowjob/ anal on the first date like she does with some guys.
Conversely, if you seem like a sexually liberated man with an open mind, who doesn’t care what she’s done sexually (I mean as long as she’s clean and disease free and discreet, different factors here). Think it’s kinda fun if she’s fucked in public/ is willing to, whatever. Well, judgement free == fun times begin. In fact, you are “framing” sexual openness and open-mindedness as a positive, and it weird to be anything but. It’s a weird manipulation where you flip the cutural norms on her. You create “new” social programming.
This particular phenomenon is big in certain subcultures. Take the theater/ drama kids. In that subculture, prowess and bravery is considered “willing to do anything, no matter how embarassing, for the stage.” Wearing tights, or be on stage nude, or kissing whoever (no matter who), or acting like a very loud Retard, are points of honor among the subculture. Totally opposite a culture, say, football guys, who would mock you for most of that shit. Different points of honor there.
So too with women. You frame the culture, to which being “sexually puritanical” is actually considered outdated, stuffy, old guard, Baby Boomer (no offense). And you’re almost daring her to up the ante. Certain “Red Pill” guys though have this virgin chip on their shoulder, start spouting shit about ‘hamsters’ and ‘sluts’ and of course the girl will clam up, not wanting to be embarassed or shamed by some lecturing male.
C Lo
Posted at 11:17 pm, 17th December 2018Doesn’t matter. To build on your earlier comments, if she keeps talking about how this list of men has been just horrible to her, this is your cue to GET OUT before she names you to that list.
Doesn’t matter if it’s been two weeks or twenty years, eventually your name is going to get added to that list. You are not special!
Find an easier woman.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:41 am, 18th December 2018I agree completely!
In fact, I believe that is precisely what I was trying to say!
London Boy
Posted at 02:15 am, 18th December 2018Another great post blog but i also think ASD can be very contextual too, which I don’t think you’ve talked about before.
A few months ago, I went on a holiday to Malaga and flirted and gamed this 21 year old. Really good looking, great body. Now, she was primed and ready to go back to my hotel but then her friends were drunk, and one of them became really upset (young girls are far too emotional, far too quickly lol). Instantly, her sexual desire went down as she needed to go and tend to her friend. Despite all our flirting, dancing, she talking to me about her life and agreeing to come back to my room, the second her friend was upset, that’s what mattered to her, not sex with me even though she clearly wanted it.
The point I am making is that, when you’re gaming a girl who is with a group of her friends, beware that her ASD will also rise and fall depending on the approval of her friends but also the context. She won’t leave her friends unless she knows they’re ok and approve of you – this goes especially for young girls between 18-24.
Leke Apena
Posted at 02:19 am, 18th December 2018To be fair, your #3 pretty much covers my above point. You can do everything right, but external events can ruin everything. The second a woman feels her friends might be in danger or something bad might happen, she won’t sleep with you, no matter how horny she is. Sometimes, some things are just out of your control when it comes to sleeping with women.
Posted at 04:44 am, 18th December 2018That is why these days I do not pick up girls who come with a group. I either isolate or I dont go for it. In my experience it rarely worth the work in those cases – increased amount of work and too unpredictable outcome.
Leke Apena
Posted at 05:34 am, 18th December 2018@AlphaOmega
I completely agree it’s more difficult best to avoid but when you’re night gaming or on holiday, it’s almost unavoidable. Even if you isolate, they are still going to be thinking about their friends. Heck, it would be hard to even isolate her until she’s certain her friends are fine and they approve lol.
You do get women but who don’t care so much about their girlfriend because they want sex badly. This tends to be those much older women. I rarely see such a mentality with younger women. It’s just how they are.
Also, make sure you have logistics on point and you’re mentally sharp. Another thing that might spike up a woman’s ASD is a man who is not in control. If you’re too drunk and forget where you’re staying on holiday for example, then you’ll kill her attraction. Trust me, I’ve been there and learnt my lesson.
Posted at 05:42 am, 18th December 2018Without a doubt it still exists. Especially women over 40 come packing huge amounts of it on a first date. I would say “they had their walls up” but it’s the same thing. Then unless they suck your dick or you finger them on the first they reset those walls on the second. Sometime you get less on the second. But, I think what you might be saying is it isn’t a problem if you know what you’re doing. I never have a problem with this anymore. For example, I picked up a vyw over the summer. Never met her before. Had her from a parking lot to my pool in 15 minutes. That rarely happens with women over 33. The amount of time it takes is most cases is about 3-4 hours (the important part) at a min. Now don’t get me wrong I have some late 30’s FBs who fuck randoms all the time but they’re more like alpha males. They’ll fuck you and never talk to you again. They leave beta males lying in their own tears but they’re not normal.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:41 am, 18th December 2018That is not ASD. That’s just the result of shitty logistics, which is your fault. She was trying to tend to her friends instead of fucking you, which yes, is what most girls will do in that situation. She wasn’t afraid about her friends’ judgement, just taking care of them.
Correct. This is why it’s very important for you to very carefully cover LOGISTICS before going out to try to have sex with someone new. (This is yet another reason why I never do night game; the logistics are often out of my control. With online dating they are usually within my control.)
Posted at 08:55 am, 18th December 2018I’ve never encountered that. I’ve been with chicks who say they have been molested by their uncles and whatever, then after I have sex with them they text me saying I made them orgasm like 6 times lol.
I wouldn’t buy into that kind of hysteria. You’ll have less opportunities. Like JOTB says, not many chicks who have been assaulted don’t make it a mission to make sure that “all men must pay!!” for making moves and stuff. Unless they live in a really trad-con or other anti-chick area like JOTB says. Funny how the relationship between trad-con and SJDub is almost symbiotic in that sense.
Most of the chicks I get with have lives that were really shitty like mine then we hang out, have sex, then they look to me for advice and stuff. If you are the light that people want to walk to, you won’t need to worry about being accused of wrongdoing.
Very true. Some chicks are beyond saving no matter how awesome you are. Those types tend to give themselves away tho.
That’s pretty much the only way to eliminate ASD. Find chicks who don’t have ASD.
Dexter Daygame
Posted at 09:06 am, 18th December 2018If ASD is primarily societal and not biological then will the 18 and 19 year old girls of today still have have high ASD when they cross 33 even though societal attitudes about sexuality in the west have become far more liberal and less judgmental?
Posted at 11:28 am, 18th December 2018Do a post on female oneitis
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:19 pm, 18th December 2018No. You forget that 18 and 19 year-old girls today have less sex than 18 and 19 year-old girls of prior generations. In many ways, sexual attitudes in society have become worse, not better.
(And even if they didn’t, their ASD would still increase and spike at around 33.)
C Lo
Posted at 12:48 pm, 18th December 2018Clearly, you’ve had a different experience with these women than I’ve had. My standard rule now is if someone starts painting people black from their pass, it’s hard next time.
Then again, I used to attract crazy women like a magnet. Now I’m fairly good at sniffing them out. In retrospect they all played hard to get too. The ones that sleep with you right away don’t give you that kind of trouble.
Posted at 01:45 pm, 18th December 2018Whenever I see ASD on this blog I always read it as asymmetric sexual disorder. In a way it describes more correctly what it is. I see so many women are confused and are acting contrary to what would be a good idea to start a healthy relationship.
Posted at 02:13 pm, 18th December 2018Any chick who plays hard to get (takes longer than three dates to have sex with) should be avoided no matter what they bring up.
Talking about sex is more and more common for people these days. If its like this and chicks STILL have ASD then I agree with you and they are looking for dudes as a means to power. Because just like sexual assault is about power, accusing others of it is also about power. The reason why both exist is because we still exercise a narrative of “might makes right” instead of “live and let live” but that’s a whole nother type of discussion.
And like I’ll keep arguing, that’s 2% stuff. Most chicks just want a guy who doesn’t pressure them into doing stuff whether it is just hanging out OR having sex.
The chicks who you are talking about have felt nothing but pressure their entire lives to the point where they now want to be the ones who want to pressure others because it makes them feel good. And since dudes feel more pressure when chicks play hard to get, those types use that as a strategy.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:46 pm, 18th December 2018It’s not the sexual assault itself that’s a red flag. It’s her making sure you know about it, especially if she tells you early, like on the first date. Women who are “rape conscious” and try to lure you into that same consciousness are toxic.
You cannot have anything to do with a woman who is constantly encased in an impenetrable armor of suspicion, encouraged by feminists who want women taking classes involving kicking male dummies in the groin, or wearing “rape whistles.”
I was once on a first date with a girl. All we did was talk (partially about sex) and everything went well. On our second date, she seemed more enthusiastic than before and eventually suggested we go back to her place. Once there, after talking some more on her couch, she took me to her bedroom and we sat on her bed. Then everything went to shit!
With a big smile on her face, she wanted to tell me how proud she is of me. I asked her what was that supposed to mean (it sounded like a teacher talking to a little child). She said that most men are pigs who wouldn’t mind raping a woman, or at least pressuring them into sex. But she told me that I was very restrained, polite, funny, and respectful, and because of this, she feels safe having sex with me now. She said the world would be a better place if all men could “pass the creep test” like I did.
She then leaned over to kiss me. I instantly got up, thanked her for the nice two dates, told her to get some help, asked her to delete my number from her phone, and got out of there as fast as I could. The look of shock and confusion on her face was priceless!
She then texted me several times, calling me a creep, a weirdo, and that she’s glad that I left because I probably would have eventually raped her!
This “rape energy” is exactly the type of mindset that makes a woman radioactive garbage. Women like this are dangerous and you will end up in jail, or at least with a restraining order on your ass, if you don’t treat these women the same as you would treat radioactive material from a nuclear testing facility.
Posted at 06:13 pm, 18th December 2018BD and Or Any1Else
Could you give rankings of which cities in U.S have Women with most ASD vs Least ASD top 5 for each. City culture has to have an effect right. Pretty sure Women in Las Vegas and New Orleans(Mardi Gras boobs exploited) have lot lower asd on avg than women in Portland or New York right? Lol
Posted at 09:47 pm, 18th December 2018Those are the types who I was talking about, the type who constantly feel pressured to have sex because of outcome dependent boys getting at them. I agree that stuff is a red flag. But it’s not common at all, much to the dismay of the more toxic members of the manosphere.
Yup I would have dropped her like a bad habit too. Also anyone who says that they are “proud” of me is NOT telling the truth. To me that is code for “you are doing what I want you to do…good boy” no matter who it comes from. It’s extremely disingenuous and condescending. I don’t want anyone to be “proud” of me. I want people to be happy for me.
Lucky for me, I haven’t gone that far with psychotic collectivists like that…yet. I’ve met them, and like I said before, they give themselves away pretty quickly. I usually get to dialogue like that pretty early cuz I joke about collectivists right out of the gate, on the first date. So if the chick can’t hang, she’ll tell me.
The more I read into this, the more I’m getting that she wants to be the rapist. She probably wanted to rape you. Like I said earlier, a lot of people who have been abused in their past and who choose not to recover properly typically want to be abusers themselves. Looks like this chick was no exception. You refused her seduction, so she got salty about it.
I’ve dated a few rape and molestation victims, and I never got any kind of dialogue like that at all. Sure they go through a period where they recover, but they recover nonetheless. Its the ones who haven’t recovered who should be avoided. And those types are pretty rare. 2% rule stuff to be sure.
Look, no one is more power hungry than emotional people. They are the biggest control freaks ever. And it just so happens that chicks are extremely emotional especially about sex. BUT! Those types are rare and they give themselves away if you say the right stuff to them.
Posted at 09:49 pm, 18th December 2018That’s a very outcome dependent question. I could tell you that chicks are really horny and have sex with dudes in public in Miami and you would still struggle.
Before you can even think of ASD, you need to be outcome dependent and succeed in your city. Or move if it’s a really small place and everyone knows each other.
Posted at 05:18 am, 19th December 2018I expect my STBXW to be just like that when she moves out early next year!
C Lo
Posted at 10:02 am, 19th December 2018My hot take:
The backlash to “Baby, it’s cold outside” is because society is trying to reframe her obvious ASD as something else.
Posted at 10:04 am, 19th December 2018Yes women who have just come out or going thru a recent divorce “intend” to be very low ASD. They just want to have fun and want to be low drama. But they are usually emotional wrecks for awhile.. And they can fall very fucking fast if you’re not careful. Rebound on you.. Insane sex though. they love the fuck out of your dick. Treat it like they discovered gold.. They do all those things they wouldn’t do with their ex husband and didn’t even know they liked… Let you do pretty much whatever you want.. But a lot comes with that.. As long as you keep things open (as in relationship) they’re great..
Posted at 10:20 am, 19th December 2018The “fat friend” (archetypal) or just whatever friend (also includes gay guys) that swoop in to “save” the girl from Mr. Slick are tale as old as time.
I wouldn’t say this is ASD — ASD is more of an internal thing.
Whether the girl follows the friends, or persists and tells them to buzz off to get your meat stick, is based on a few things but generally:
How much she actually likes you (granted you may know each other for 10-60 minutes tops).
How you react in the moment.
Your current value/ game as progressed is what it is, when fattie comes knocking. How you react is what you control at that moment.
The key at that moment is to act like you don’t give a single shit, and have no fear of loss whatsoever. It’s actually the girl who may be “missing out” on what she wants. She can take it or leave it. No trying to run interference, or diss fatty, or try explaining that you’re a good guy to fatty, arguing, persuading the girl and squeezing your tentacles in. This is the typical script, in which the target + fattie are well versed in hungry, drunken chodes who thought they were close to nookie do.
No, just lean back, disengage, and like “okay — a shame, but okay”. Don’t give up completely or surrender, I mean — act like you don’t care, but “secretly” persist — “you want to leave? okay — hey do you want to walk around for a bit” —- “my friends” — “ah okay … well do you want to leave or your friend?” or “I understand … hey we can listen to some music back at my place if you want, just talk.”
You’re agreeing with her and not fighting. But then kind of slipping in alternate suggestions (you DO need to lead her, esp in front of her friends, otherwise you’re requiring her to look extra thirsty in front of her friends). You need to act like you’re fine walking, instill a FOMO fear of loss (not be clingy tentacles or bargain/ argue). But then just proffer an “opportunity, no pressure” she can take. Usually it works and she doesn’t want another lonely night in an Uber with her bitchy friends but will tell them “she’s fine and call them later” and there you go.
Posted at 11:17 am, 19th December 2018Two things I do that really helps with ASD and LMR are:
1- Token Resistance – Girls crave for fairytale relationships full of emotional outbursts. When you do token resistance, and agrees with her that “no you shouldn’t do it” (while starting to do it), “I have to stop touching you” (but keep touching) etc, you are helping her believing in the fantasy that you two just have an attraction that is too strong to resist. She will tell herself that you both (and not only her) knew you should wait but just couldn’t – It wasn’t her fault. It will both turn her on and lower her ASD because she is not the only one being seduced anymore, she is also seducing you despite your efforts. You two split the guilt.
It works because it plays with the subconscious of the girl, that communicates indirectly through emotions instead of words. Every girl do token resistance at some point, when you do it as well you talk to her on her native language. That’s also why some stuff you never talk overtly with the girl, only covertly.
2- Validation – This is necessary throughout the entire seduction proccess. Specially for the more straightforward men like myself (I have failed multiple times to do it and it bit me in the ass later in the form of ASD and LMR). In the beggining the girl knows you want her because she is a girl. But that doesnt validate her, and if you never give her another good reason why you want to be with her, she will (often correctly) recognize that you just want sex. That triggers ASD like a bitch. You need to find a couple things that are unique about her (even if they are not entirely true) – and you need to make her believe it. If you only say she ‘is smart and you like it’ but she’s actually dumb as a doorknob, she will see right through you and smell bs. To kill all that ASD you need to convince her that she provides something to you that you can’t get anywhere else – and THAT is what spark your interest and sexuality, not only her pussy;
The problem is that girls rarely have that effect on men (at least on me), usually they all have the same shell and only show their wrinkles after a few dates. So the key here is to have some pretty generic compliments that apply to mostly every girl, but SOUND original and unique. This way you can communicate to her emotions saying you are greatly attracted to her ‘adventurous spirit’, and she won’t doubt it for a minute. She wants to believe she has an adventurous spirit (or whatever bullshit you say), and even you might believe in it, so it works.
The generic compliment is fundamental, and that’s why many PUAs like to talk about esoteric, mystic stuff. It fits everyone and chicks dig that crap.
I’ve seen myself many times start with a girl that is totally interested in me, very attracted at first, but the closer we get to sex it starts to cool down. Her ASD and LMR kicks in, and her hamster is trying to convince her that I must want something else from her other than her pussy (and if that is real I can have the pussy- If it isnt, I cant….I know, girls), but I never validated anything from her. I dont really seem that interested in her. It is obvious Im just trying to get lucky – And she bails.
1- Try to make her believe you want to wait as well, but just like her, you can’t – she knows it is not true but it speaks with her subconscious
2- Validate her. Find something unique about her that makes she believe that she is special, not only another notch for you.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:54 pm, 19th December 2018This is horseshit dude! You’re making excuses like a feminist!
No, these girls have NOT experienced “nothing but pressure.” Get that PC/chivalrous/tradcon crap out of my face! The reason she falsely accuses men is precisely because she is NOT pressured and is jealous of the ones who are.
Do I have to quote H.L. Mencken again? Sigh, fine I will:
“The woman who is not pursued sets up the doctrine that pursuit is offensive to her entire sex and wants to make it a felony. No genuinely attractive woman has any such desire. She likes masculine admiration, however violently expressed, and is quite able to take care of herself. More, she is well aware that very few men are bold enough to offer it without a plain invitation, and this awareness makes her extremely cynical of all women who complain of being harassed, beset, storied, and seduced.“
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:44 pm, 19th December 2018This is yet another reason women will lie about rape. It’s all about power. On a first date, she will establish her rape credentials up front so that you will walk on eggshells and treat her like royalty. She wants that crown firmly on her head because the rape club is the most exclusive and elite club within the entire sisterhood.
Her rape card establishes that she is infallible, above criticism or questioning (like a third world dictator), and entitled to your sniveling worship. It’s better than a credit card. Rape cards have gotten women free gas at the gas station, helped them keep their jobs, got them better grades than they deserved in school, and generally exempted them from having to live in a democracy where everyone is equally questioned and criticized in favor of a matriarchal dictatorship instead.
This is why feminists can’t let go of the whole “rape, rape, rape, rape, everything is rape” myth. It gives them nearly god-like power.
And the best part about this elite rape club is that she doesn’t even have to be raped to join – just tell everyone she was, or she can get drunk and fuck her ex and congratulations, she’s a “rape survivor” now, and thus a member of the royal family of self-righteous “know it all” cunts for life.
Unless……she’s confronted with an alpha 2.0 who knows her game and has zero PC guilt. Then she, and all her plans, are fucked!
“I’m sorry about your rape, Miss, but I must insist you still pay me $36.52 for all these groceries, or I will have to call security, and a woman who was just raped probably doesn’t want to be touched by men so soon, so please think carefully.”
LOL! I was a grocery store cashier at age 16 and I really wish I would have gotten a chance to say that!
Posted at 02:10 pm, 19th December 2018Calm down, we’re in agreement. My wording was wrong. Those types believe they are pressured to gain sympathy. They want to be the ones putting the pressure on others because it makes them feel better. That’s where their quest for power comes from.
That’s right. Although it won’t mess with her plans. They will be carried out anyways but because Alpha 2s have the ability to not get butthurt and salty about stuff and just adapt to it, they’ll be fine.
Moral: Be an alpha 2 and be aware of the collectivism going on around you and adapt to new rules you need to follow. Don’t like the rules? Go to a place with better rules. How do you do that? Be location independent.
I used to get salty about chicks screaming about rape, but now I really don’t care. I’m not going to be in the US long enough for it to be a significant problem for me.
But by the 2030s or so it’ll be pretty nasty. Chicks will get the power they have always wanted and we’ll see a complete reversal of sex and gender roles. We’ll see more and more chicks getting away with all kinds of atrocities because we’re a culture that can’t let go of this narrative of “protect anything with a vagina!!” lol
As BD has written about, it all falls on dudes. All we need to do is quit attempting to protect chicks from stuff.
Posted at 05:53 pm, 19th December 2018This is a little OT and it might adress to ASD or not (probably not) but I will ask anyway, if it’s ok with you guys:
So has anyone here ever dated or had sex with a muslim girl who usually wears a headscarf during day time? I have had a few sexual encounters with muslim girls, but they were not religious and never wore headscarfs.
What happened is I saw a muslim girl with a headscarf, maybe around 19, who was smiling at me for seconds while we were waiting for the bus. She was hot, from what I could tell, nice legs and cute face. Then a begglar came to us and asked her for money and then myself. When he left I couldn’t make a move on her for some reason maybe because of the scarf thing or because of her age since I am in my late 30s. Also I really don’t want to deal with those girls’ families, trust me, it can get very stressful for you. So I creeped out a little but still got horny. I know many muslim guys and families, who would “kill” their sisters/daughters if they ever found out they were fucking around. Anyway the bus arrived, I got in, but she didn’t. She just stood their and talked on the phone when I left.
I guess what I am asking is, what do you think my chances could have been to had her come home with me? And if, then how? Is there any difference to a 19 year old western girl? Usually I don’t date much or go out on dates, I just get girls into my place immediately (or their place) after knowing them, if there is a sexual connection. Usually muslim girls who come from religious homes, often do have sex secretly but they don’t approach in public and rarely or never smile at you. They look in the internet for fun, not on the streets.
Damn this really feels like a missed opportunity
Posted at 06:52 pm, 19th December 2018ASD is what ensures no pleasurable instant you deal with her (and the before, and after of any pleasurable time) may be strategy-free and pretence-free.
Ain’t it lovely. 75% of the “manosphere people” (even people like Stefan Moulyneux) feel nostalgic for slut-shaming and want it to return to its glory.
Posted at 07:06 pm, 19th December 2018Yes.
The ASD rise in no longer young women is, primarily, an issue germane to the unmarried ones.
Posted at 07:19 pm, 19th December 2018That’s a quite roundabout way to say: assure her by tricking/manipulating, not sincerity/reasoning.
The former may or may not work, the latter cannot work.
Which is exactly what it is like — we may as well call it with the right names.
C Lo
Posted at 08:42 pm, 19th December 2018No! Wanting sex does not make her a slut. It means she’s human.
Somebody beat the societal programming out of this one.
Posted at 10:59 pm, 19th December 2018im glad youre still doing a little bit of game stuff, because it seems like 90% of the game blogs have gone into a lot of politics and its just refreshing to see someone who hasnt gone down that rabbithole
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:25 am, 20th December 2018Do you think we’re suicidal? Why would anyone on a sex-positive forum want to date or have sex with 7th century tradcon trash? That’s a serious question!
Oh for fuck sake! You really are on the wrong blog.
Or maybe you couldn’t make a move on her because……..she’s a Muslim? Food for thought.
Stressful? Getting a bomb placed in your car? Getting your throat slit? Getting your hand cut off? Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty stressful. Why would a sex-positive man even ask insane questions like this or deal with any of this 7th century savagery?
Seriously, what’s your motivation? Are you like an extreme thrill of the hunt guy or something? Do you think women who actually like sex are “low hanging fruit” and you need a bigger challenge? Then just move to Afghanistan and be done with it. But why burden sex-positive men with this masochistic nonsense from you?
Exactly! Which means, you must have a real scarcity mentality if you want to go after such prudes. Does it also turn you on to go after lesbians? How about female asexuals?
What’s wrong with you? There are sexually liberated women all around you and you’re asking, “how can I fuck the virgin with a diaper on her head?” Why? Extreme thrill of the hunt mentality leads to masochism! Seriously!
The real question you should be asking is, “why do I hate girls who love sex and focus instead on girls from barbaric sex-hating cultures?” Your next question should be, “what’s my strategy when her six brothers come to my house with knives and attempt murder me for “turning our sister into a whore?” You third question should be, “Is my masochism curable?”
Is this a serious question? Is there a difference between a 19 year old western girl and a Muslim virgin wearing a diaper on her head and thinking that that western girl is a whore? Hmmmm. Is there a difference…..is there a difference……..um………FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!
And you are seriously asking if a diaper-headed Muslim will just go home with you and fuck you on the same day she met you? Dude, I have no words!
You know you’re in a fucked up situation when a girl comes home with you and her first question when she walks through your door is, “okay, so which way is Mecca?”
Yeah, and then you get decapitated by her father! Have fun with that!
A missed opportunity for you to die literally choking on your own blood. I’m dead serious! Get it? Dead?
Seriously man, if these are the questions you are asking on a sex-positive blog, you seriously need to take another look around and question if this lifestyle is right for you.
You don’t sell sunblock at the South Pole. You don’t lay on the beach wrapped in a fur coat. You don’t sell meat recipes on a vegetarian forum. And you don’t take Muslims to swingers parties.
If you do any of the above, you might wish to pause and ask yourself “what is wrong with my thought process and how can I change it?”
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:49 am, 20th December 2018Completely wrong! The term “tricking” or “manipulating” implies that you are being deceitful. If you are calling me deceitful for assuring her that she isn’t a bad person, then you are suggesting that she IS a bad person for liking sex. This makes you a slut shamer yourself, thus putting us in a fundamental disagreement.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:56 am, 20th December 2018JohnMurdoch –
Your techniques are indeed very good and effective assuming you are dealing with traditional Disney types.
Of course, those tradcon types are the most likely to have the highest ASD, which, I suppose, is the topic here. Still, I feel the need to point out that this is precisely why I’d rather bypass the whole ASD issue by going after women who are sexually liberated only.
I object to the very notion that I’m not allowed to want a girl just for sex, especially since, in the red pill world, all sex starts out as casual. If a girl wants me to fall in love with her or like her in a relationshippy way before sex, I will instantly reject her because we are not sexually compatible.
So yeah, your techniques are good and all thrill of the hunt men would do well to read and internalize your post. For the rest of us though, your post is a great reason to avoid these types of traditional women and go for sex-positive females only with low to nonexistent ASD.
Just saying. Whatever vibes more with your personality.
Posted at 03:05 am, 20th December 2018@Jack Outside the Box
you got some serious problems dude LOL
I didn’t ask whether I should marry her, I asked whether anybody here has fucked girls with “diapers on their heads” as you said, meaning if those types of girls are willing to go home with you for sex?
Like I said I have already had sex with muslim women just not those kind of women. You ask why? Because they have vaginas too, that’s why.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:17 am, 20th December 2018Correct!
Feminists reject the notion that women are human beings, because human beings are flawed and make stupid decisions based on anxiety, even if those decisions go against their true desires. Feminists admitting that would be them being forced to admit that women are equal to men, which completely fucks up their female supremacy narrative.
SJWs want the world to think that every decision a woman makes, she makes from a position of strength (which would make her a god, not a human being). This means that, according to these female supremacists, ASD doesn’t exist, because if a woman says no, it must mean that she doesn’t want to have sex, since all women have high self esteem and own themselves. They don’t. The majority are sheep who bend to the will of the collective, even if that will violates their own individual desires.
But again, they can’t admit that, because then they would have to admit that women are just as flawed and nervous as most men (read: equal), which is a red pill truth that would devastate feminism.
So instead, they set up this cartoonish, two dimensional, and bipolar world in which it’s either 100 percent yes or 100 percent no. And 99 percent yes counts as a no. Even the slightest anxiety makes it rape.
Of course, the problem with that is that such perfectionism robs women of the right to be human by demanding perfect wisdom and perfect infallibility from women on all issues. That is probably the cruelest burden you can place on a human being, which is what the feminists are trying to do – admit no weakness, no peer pressure, and just assume perfect wisdom and genius intelligence from all women.
It’s horseshit, but it protects feminist egos, with the side effect of redefining all sex with even slight female hesitation as rape, just like getting pressured by a commercial to buy Coca Cola is corporate theft, according to these socialists, who must cover up the weaknesses of human free will by claiming that every mistake must be redefined as external oppression because the individual couldn’t possibly have made a mistake – it must have been oppression!
The denial of ASD is thus just a denomination of “sexual socialism.” “The evil patriarchy made me do it because I really meant no (since it could not have been weakness (ASD) because women have no weaknesses), just like the evil corporations made me buy that hamburger; it couldn’t be because I’m a dumbass bowing to peer pressure.”
It’s pathetic!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:26 am, 20th December 2018Name me one problem that I have, serious or otherwise.
Also, be sure to explain why it’s a problem instead of a proud feature of my personality!
I know. If you did, there would be no problem (assuming you would convert). The Muslims like marriage.
And the obvious answer from anyone with commonsense is no. How could you even conceive of a tradcon woman like that meeting you and then coming home with you for sex? There is no way a girl like that would have sex before marriage, lest she risk her own death?
I ask again, why such obvious questions?
Right, because the diaper wearing ones are Islamists following Sharia law. You have your answer.
Seriously? That’s your standard? That’s pretty low man! Just saying.
Posted at 04:01 am, 20th December 2018@Jack Outside the Box
You wrote a novel about what I shouldn’t do instead of just saying you have no experience in fucking muslim women. I didn’t ask for your permission. And then obviously you don’t know how slutty muslim women can be, especially those who usually get married. They DON’T want to get married, they have to. But they still want to get dicked. That’s why many of them go to University in order to not get married before graduating….and also to get dicked down.
lol that actually shows your lack of knowlede and experience. Are you american? Because that sounds incredibly ignorant. Like I said they fuck too secretly, they usually do it by meeting guys on the internet. Sometimes they go in parks to meet the guys and then fuck outside in the dark, or in their cars. Some of them just give BJ or Anal, some do the whole program.
Didn’t I already mention she was HOT? What other standards do you need?
Posted at 04:35 am, 20th December 2018Can’t disagree with that, but your option demands heavily screening girls for their ASD, and that can be a bigger pain in the ass than simply applying a few techniques on regular girls that will improve your game and eventually become second nature. Screening girls for ASD can be hard, and even if you go after that broken girl with a thousand dick stare, blue hair and tatoos everywhere, she might give you some LMR anyways, so you better have some techniques on your pocket to deal with it.
I agree with you that screening greatly reduce the need for these techniques, but I would keep them in my back pocket anyways…
Plus you can have pure sex relationships with “prudes” pretty easily if you play the cards right. I’ve had FBs that left my house in sunday morning after some crazy great sex all night long, and went to church with their mom’m afterwards. I also had pretty meh sex with sexually liberated women that seemed to be just going through the motions. Me personally I prefer to be in the other end of “girl finally letting go her ASD and fully diving into crazy sex” than “girl having sex with the 135th guy this calendar year just because”.
Like you said, whatever vibes more with your personality
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:03 am, 20th December 2018Scores of them. I just can’t be bothered arguing with ignorant people who speak without personal experience, so I usually stay out of these shit fests about Muslims. No one ever says anything new anyway.
But since you asked ….
In places like Turkey, Indonesia and even the cities in Iran, where middle class women work and have their own incomes, they have a lot of freedom and independence. At least in Indonesia, women in general are pretty horny. It’s a shame culture, not a guilt culture, so it’s all about avoiding getting caught. ASD is socially enforced, but not internalized.
So, a little bit of discretion.
But women tend to have gangs of cool friends that they can talk openly with. They just need to keep it away from the neighbors and parents.
I did have an FB who wouldn’t have sex before sunset in the fasting month. She came over one day, a bit early, literally waiting for the gong at the mosque. A swig of some disgusting chocolate milk drink she had with her, and she was ready to go.
About half of women in my city wear veils. I skip em on dating sites, I just don’t like them. A key that they are liberal is when they say Muslim, but they also say they drink socially. Not wearing a veil is definitely a plus, but it doesn’t mean that much.
Honestly, I’ve also done Indonesian catholics, Christians, a few Buddhists, a Hindu or two, some atheists and a Wiccan. They all just seem to act like women to me.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:11 am, 20th December 2018Just thinking of one girl from a good muslim family, a lawyer who was making very good money. She used to do dating sites and night game, going to bars to pick up young white backpackers. I remember her cackling away at the coffee shop, shouting with laughter about some awkward young American who the night before had nervously asked her how much he should pay her. She said, well, usually I charge about $300 an hour and you’ve been here for eight hours so that’s …. no never mind. I’ll take your case pro bono.
Harry Flashman
Posted at 09:51 am, 20th December 2018There is one exception to the 33+ ASD rule, the divorced woman. First, simply do not DATE a 33+ woman for any reason. But you can certainly get to sex fast with a post-wall woman if she is divorced and as someone mentioned, has all the Disney behind her. Sure, you will still meet lots of sky-high ASD provider hunters, but as an older guy, I found there are boatloads of 40-something, post-divorce women who are totally DTF. The key is, DIVORCED. If she is 38, never been married and no kids, run. She will have astronomical levels of ASD, will be extremely expensive to date and is likely at least a bit nuts. With any post-33 woman, you are not dating her, you’re banging her. When I was dating, I got to sex amazingly fast with 30-40 something divorcees. They are great to put into the rotation and often an easy lay if you’re in a bit of a slump. As long as you aren’t dating them, it’s good to keep a few around.
Posted at 09:52 am, 20th December 2018Vanilla Boy
Thanks for sharing. I guess we have made some similar experiences. Most muslims I have been involved with were turkish, arabians and some from Balkan. There is actually another woman, an Algerian, divorced but she has a boyfriend. She always looks at me as if she wants me to approach her, but in this case I won’t – I guess. lol
I live in a big city and there are muslim girls here who waer veils too (not the whole body covered) but usually also wear tight pants, make up etc so that you can see their body type. Many of them also openly drink alcohol in public. So I guess it always depends on their families as well. Some are strict and some are more liberal. And there are also women who are not forced to wear veils by their families but they do it anyway, maybe it’s part of their game or part of keeping the illusion real, in public.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 10:14 am, 20th December 2018Yeah. About fifteen years ago, far fewer Indonesian women wore veils. Back then, they usually did it because they’d swallowed the green religion pill and it was a clear warning sign. These days, there’s much more social pressure, with some regional governments making a law that women civil servants and students and so on HAVE to wear it. I hate that shit. But the flips idea is that it’s no longer so indicative of a personal tendency towards fanaticism. I still prefer and respect women who just refuse to wear it, or the ones who jump ship entirely and frankly quit the cult. But I can also handle a bit of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy if they still want to consider themselves Muslims.
Hehe. Another fb told me she used to teach Koran classes, she said she still never ate pork, never drank alcohol, still did her five prayers, all that. So what about that half hour shag we just had, I asked? And she said, oh, sex is just TOO good. I can handle going without pork, but going without sex is too much to ask.
Note that she wasn’t declaring undying love for me personally. She just wanted a good shag.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 10:25 am, 20th December 2018Berti, you said Arabians. You mean, Saudis? Good God. I gotta say, I always thought they were beyond the pale. Ghastly place. The worst country I’ve ever been to. And a friend who lived there for years said, be thankful that they hide their women away like that. Ugly as hell, with one of the highest rates of obesity in the world.
Funny you mentioned an Algerian woman with a boyfriend. One of them was clearly hitting on me at a dinner party the other night. But she’d jumped ship, lived in Europe, and said she’d never set foot in a country where women were REQUIRED to wear a veil again. But even so, she stopped short of saying she’d actually left the religion. She was definitely older than my usual category, but smart and cool and stylish. I’m gonna keep that one on the back burner.
Posted at 02:43 pm, 20th December 2018Vanilla Boy, I spent 3 weeks in Kuwait and holy shit some of the younger women were absolutely hot and very, very friendly….I now have a thing for head scarves and cleavage. Nice. That said, they all get fat, there’s nothing to do in that neck of the woods other than eat.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:01 pm, 20th December 2018Dude, what the fuck???
This is slut shaming! Not every girl who likes sex is “broken.” Not every girl who likes sex has tattoos. Not every girl who likes sex has blue hair.
Oh, and the whole “thousand dick stare” garbage is a myth invented by 1950s traditionalists who want to fuck tons of women while hypocritically insisting on women’s “virgin purity!”
If you think only “broken” girls are sexually liberated and have no ASD, you have a long way to go before becoming sex-positive.
Then again, sex-positivism may not appeal to you. But guys who think like you make life more difficult for guys like me, because those women sense your judgmental vibe and then play the purity card with me because they don’t want me to think they’re “broken.”
Can you please do sex-positive guys like me a favor and cut that slut shaming bullshit out? Much appreciated.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:10 pm, 20th December 2018My post wasn’t just for you. It was also for those thinking about making your mistake.
I’m not forbidding you from anything. I’m saying you’re risking your life (literally) and it is stupid.
What does the subject of ignorance have to do with whether or not I’m American?
Are you European? Because that sounds like typical anti-American elitism to me.
Do you have a plan for how to deal with her father? Older brothers? Do you have the financial means to hire bodyguards? Bomb sniffing dogs?
How about personality? Sexual attitude? Cultural compatibility with western civilization? A lack of 7th century barbarism? Individualism? Do any of these things mean anything to you?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:13 pm, 20th December 2018Or married and cheating, or showing a desire to cheat. Or in an open marriage.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:32 pm, 20th December 2018I thought I’d addressee JOTB’S points, but he just retreats to the cliches. Just goes to show the power of a fixed conception. You describe experiences that don’t fit the notions he’s picked up from Fox News and …. Does. Not. Compute. Error. Error. Error. Please reboot your computer.
Maybe you aren’t an ignorant American, Jack. Maybe you’re actually well read and well traveled. But you certainly SOUND like an American who has never left his home town and imagines the world out there to be full of dragons.
Some statistic somewhere that two thirds of Americans never hold a passport.
Funny, the ones I meet in Asia seem cool and well informed about the world. I mentioned that to one of them and he said, yeah, well, any American who actually travels abroad is automatically not your typical American.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:48 pm, 20th December 2018In 25 years with probably over a hundred Muslim women, I’ve had one incident like that. Staying with a woman in her house in a conservative part of town and a small mob turned up. There was a bit of argy-bargy, but they eventually fucked off and rang her father. She said the next time he saw her he cried and said how am I going to account for you with God? Guilt trip and psychological abuse, but no violence or threats of violence.
Jack man, turn off the television and get out of the house!
Marty McFly
Posted at 09:54 pm, 20th December 2018Our subconcious motivations manifest in subtle mannerisms and tonal shifts that give us away to the more emotionally perceptive sex. Most women can sense your Madonna-whore complex and they will use it to their advantage. Trust me on this.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:12 am, 21st December 2018How do you think a cliche becomes a cliche?
I haven’t picked up anything from Fox News because I’ve never watched Fox News. Your garbage assumptions about me make you guilty of the same thing that you are accusing me of.
Berti has admitted that he has no experience with Muslim women who wear the diaper on their head. He’s precisely asking about them, so the experiences that he brings up do not contradict what I’m saying about those who wear the head diaper.
Why are you even bringing up me being an American? This is a complete non-sequitur in this conversation. This is just typical European-style anti-American filth that you’re spewing.
I’ve certainly read the Koran and the Hadiths. I’m willing to bet that you haven’t.
Why didn’t you say, “you certainly sound like a person who has never left his home town?” Why do you have to emphasize the “American” part? What does “American” add to this? Is it the fact that we have way less white guilt and political correctness than the Europeans, and therefore, are more likely to hate Islam?
So what?
I could spend the next 100 pages trashing Europeans – their lack of testosterone, their softness, their suicidal tolerance of savages who want them dead, their hate speech laws silencing all commonsense, their elitist pretensions to “superior education,” their unbelievable sense of guilt, and their eventual extinction and replacement with barbarians – but that would be too off topic.
I suggest you stick to the subject of Muslim women instead of attacking Americans and Americanism. We will outlive you. We will still be here while you are out bred and die with a tolerant and self-righteous smile on your face – while 2,000 years of your history get deleted from human memory, as Eurabia rises and forces every European little girl to wear a head diaper under penalty of acid thrown in her face!
Enjoy your smug conceit of “superior inclusiveness” as you, your culture, and your children are wiped out of existence and out of the history books, thanks to your own enlightened “love” and “tolerance” of culturally backward, third world garbage.
Really? You fucked more than 100 Muslim women? Were any of them wearing the head diaper? If not, your experiences do not contradict anything I’m saying.
Was she wearing the head diaper? Those are the types Berti is asking about.
I haven’t had a television in my home in over 10 years!
This piece of advice makes no sense. I wouldn’t be able to have the sex life I have if I never left the house. What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you suggesting that there are tons of Muslims just outside my door, which suggests that if I don’t know any, it means I must never leave the house? Well, maybe that’s true in Europe (Eurabia), but here in America, Muslims are rare (thankfully), so you can leave the house more than any human being alive and you can still easily avoid running into one.
Before you attack me for making baseless assumptions, check your own premises about how I am a Fox News viewer, TV watcher, and someone who never leaves home. Pathetic!
P.S. You also might want to pick up this book (assuming it’s not banned in your “tolerant” country for “hate”): Understanding Mohammed and Muslims, by Ali Sina. It’s a great read.
In the meantime, see the devastating consequences that your thinking is bringing your own home:
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 04:52 am, 21st December 2018You’re shooting in the wrong direction, Jack. I’m Australian.
Posted at 04:57 am, 21st December 2018And that is not what I said at all so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Keep going after the blue haired tatoo girls and blaming on me when they dont put out (because apparently I’m the one shaming them lol), while I’ll keep fucking the ‘prudes’ you think are too uptight for you. Hint: They’re not. It is all in your head. And “all the trouble” you think I’m going through to bang these girls are also something you made up. Most of them will be fucking me after they know me for a couple hours…. all you need to do is play the right cards. Girls are the same – each has a sequence of buttons you need to press and they are all yours
Also hint: if you’re going to screen for girls with a hundred + lays it is up to you. Nothing against it. Just stop bitching about who’s not doing it. I’ll bang these girls as well, whenever I feel like.
Posted at 09:57 am, 21st December 2018Jack, serious question.
Why are you so obsessed with if some guys are sex positive / sex negative or if they are slut-shamers?
Really, why do you care so much?
Posted at 02:00 pm, 21st December 2018Lol at all the above. An entire conversation on whether you should be fucking Muslims. I’ll fuck pretty much any women who doesn’t make throw up in my mouth.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:25 pm, 21st December 2018With a few contributions from people describing real life experiences. Mixed with a load of ideological tripe based on fear and ignorance.
Posted at 05:34 am, 22nd December 2018Makes me wish BD allowed insults lol just to make things exciting. But I understand why he doesn’t allow them.
Posted at 06:39 pm, 22nd December 2018@Vanilla Boy
It were mostly Lebanese, Syrian and north african women I have had my flings with, no Saudis. The North Africans, Marocco and Tunisians were the hottest imo. lol
Dude I will keep it short cause you definitely don’t know what you are talking about:
Because most of the time americans tend to exaggerate things like “they will bomb you” or “you will get beheaded and stoned” comments.
Want proof? Here:
Dude, I was talking about having SEX, not about marrying her. Why the fuck would I care for compability with western civilization? lol
You still don’t understand that not every muslim who wears a scarf on her head is an extremist muslim hardcore virgin. And this is another reason why I called you ignorant.
LOL you don’t get it
Posted at 03:33 pm, 25th December 2018@ Jack
You got big life problems man. You should man up, alpha up. I follow what you are saying past few years pretty much same attacks when you see a muslim word or even when some religious christian made some comments you just seem to be out of control like angry bull on these guys. you seem to be jumped out of medieval ages as an angry uncivilized person.why do you care what other people believe or live. it’s their business. this is not outcome independence as BD teaches, you cannot be a happy man this way.
I’m an American living in Sf Bay area and I can confirm you are a rare ignorant. I visited almost all 50 states in US, worked in East Coast, TX, Midwest, now in CA, I never met someone like you. This is to let other guys know living in other part of globe angry people like Jack here exist it seems but they are rare.
what Jack is saying is wrong. muslims are not rare here. Jack should be living in a small town or city. when I go out every time for shopping etc visiting local Costco or Safeway etc I am guaranteed to see at least one muslim women with headscarf. this was the case in Houston, and other major cities I lived as well.
I’m in tech and there were so many muslim engineers in every company I worked for. in my previous company second person VP was very smart muslim, his name was Mohammed, company acquired by a large pharma in 11 billion $.
you should really get out of your small town, meet some muslim girls and men, and i can guarantee your views will change. for ex come here in Facebook campus, visit one of the 4 large halal cafeterias in campus, take a cup of coffee and chat with friendly muslim ladies or men.
your fears are also irrational. none of the major shootings(las vegas, pittsburgh synagogue etc.) happened recently any muslim was involved. you are more like to get hit by an angry white or incel; statistical fact.
if you keep this way i’m just sorry for you, i’ll not waste my time arguing with you, i’m busy with my mission, but you better keep your hateful comments for you or write in another blog not here..you cannot be a happy man carrying all this package of negative feelings, hate, anger. and unfortunately you carry all this negative stuff here every time you see any muslim word. be positive man. you will realize most women and men are alike. it’s your problem anyway.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:18 pm, 25th December 2018Name one. And please explain why it’s a problem, and not a proud feature of my personality!
And you should learn how to speak proper English. There are many courses you can take that will teach you all about proper grammar and syntax.
Antekrit (formerly Gil Galad) is a foreigner who posts here and he speaks better English than you. Does this not embarrass you?
I assure you, I am very much in control. But thank you for noticing my proud defense of western civilization!
LOL! What? Am I the one throwing acid in women’s faces? Am I the one murdering people because they showed an image of a religious pedophile?
The religion I am attacking is precisely the religion of medieval and uncivilized people. That is precisely what I’m responding against!
For the same reason that a vegetarian posting on a vegetarian forum would be upset if some meat eater like me would invade his vegetarian forum and post meat recipes on it. Use your head.
Then let them post on their Muslim blogs and let them discuss all day about how western women are whores. I won’t disturb them or interfere. But I expect the same courtesy.
I’m pretty happy, but I’m also very, very passionate. You can’t really tell the difference between righteous passion vs. uncontrolled anger on the internet, but in real life you can.
Then why does your grammar and way of speaking suggest you’re a foreigner who just recently jumped the fence last week with seven other amigos? Just asking.
Ah……this explains many, many things about you and your point of view.
For those of you who don’t know: The San Francisco Bay Area is the American headquarters for all things social justice, politically correct, Marxist, and generally anti-American. The Bay Area is home to every Communist degenerate and blue haired pig who ever chanted, “No Trump, no wall, no USA at all.”
It’s the geographic heart and soul of American post-modernism and neo-Marxism where displaying the American flag is “hate speech.”
You really shouldn’t have outed yourself as living in the Bay Area. Your credibility and my ability to take you seriously just went down to zero!
Living in the Bay Area confirms for me that you have zero ability to confirm anything. I am neither rare nor ignorant. In fact, on the Muslim issue, I’m in the majority. It is we who elected Trump. That makes us far from rare. Do you know math?
Yes you have! You’ve met thousands of people who think like me! But they would be fools to out themselves to you in real life! They would never admit to agreeing with me in public in front of you because they are not stupid. I don’t bloviate like this in real life either.
No! We are the majority, but we are silent in real life around people like you. You speak like a virgin who thinks threesomes only exist in the movies because no girl in your life has ever admitted to having one. Like a beta male who thinks alphas only exist in porn, you have much to learn.
If us (the majority) electing Trump didn’t convince you that we are the majority, I’m not sure what will!
Yes they are! Muslims represent less than 2% of the American population. This is statistical fact!
“Must be living” not “should be living,” It’s called proper English. Where are you from originally? Because you speak like a linguistically clueless foreigner, not a natural born American.
And no, I live in one of the biggest cities in the midwestern United States. Well actually, I live in a suburb of that big city. I’ve worked within that big city, but I’d never live there because I’m white and whites aren’t welcome there as residents (at least not safely).
Yes, because the San Francisco Bay Area is a haven for third world degenerates. We’ve established this!
I occasionally see a woman or a little girl with the head diaper around here too, but it’s very rare. Like I said, Muslims are less than 2% of the American population. That’s less than gay people!
Ah…..things are now coming to light! Silicon Valley?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:29 pm, 25th December 2018Continuing:
Of course! Anti-white affirmative action + H1B1 Visas = third world jungle at your “progressive” tech company! Not surprised.
HAHAHA!!!!! Well, of course his name was Mohammed. Muslim parents aren’t skilled in the imagination department when it comes to naming children. It’s always either Mohammed, Ahmed, or Ali Baba, or some other shit that requires two gallons of saliva just to pronounce.
I swear, some of these assholes need to be arrested just for hijacking the entire alphabet, lol.
I don’t live in a small town. Well, I do, since my suburb is pretty small. But I’m within easy driving distance of the inner city (one of the biggest in the U.S.), not to mention at least 10 other suburbs around me. Internet dating would be impossible otherwise. I’m essentially living in a big metropolis for all practical purposes.
Fuck that! Why would I want to? I’m happy with my sex life! Why would I want to meet any Muslim, man or woman?
No! I guarantee you that things will turn physically violent if I were to simply ask them the question why they follow a pedophile prophet, or if I were to show them a picture of said prophet.
Huh? I don’t have a Facebook. I value privacy and Zuckerburg is a sociopath who can kiss my ass!
Can I bring my own pork?
Can I chat with them while eating some bacon? Will they remain friendly if I gently suggest that they join the rest of the world in the 21st century?
See, it is YOU who needs to chat with people like me. We aren’t rare. We elected Trump. We have more power than you think. Show yourself to be open and we will reveal ourselves to you in your real life surroundings.
Oh….but don’t mention that you live in the Bay Area. That’s instant social suicide.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:36 pm, 25th December 2018Conclusion:
No, they’re not. But you would have more credibility saying that if you didn’t live in the Bay Area.
You’re not going to mention the Pulse nightclub in Orlando? What about 9/11? That kind of puts all those shooters to shame, don’t you think?
Many Muslims…….wait for it………………….ARE ANGRY WHITES!!!!!!!
Where did you get the insane idea that Muslims can’t be white? Where did you get the insane idea that I see all Muslims as non-white people? Where did race or ethnicity even come into this discussion?
Question: What is the difference between an incel and a Muslim?
Answer: Muslims think they will lose their virginity after they blow themselves up!
Thank you, thank you, I’m here all week! 🙂
I will admit though that when I heard about that incel killing those people with that truck, I originally thought it was a “truck of peace.”
Uh huh. Now let’s hear those statistics again, except this time, per capita.
Want some more statistical facts?
1. You’re more likely to be murdered by a family member if you convert to a different religion if that family member is Muslim.
2. A little girl is more likely to have her clitoris sliced off and her vagina stitched up if she was unlucky enough to be born into a Muslim family.
3. A homosexual is more likely to receive the death penalty for his homosexuality in a Muslim country than a non-Muslim country.
4. You are more likely to be punished (both legally and socially) for having sex before marriage in Muslim societies than in non-Muslim societies.
“If you keep thinking this way, I just feel sorry for you.”
Seriously, where are you originally from? It is obvious that English is not your first language, and yet, you claim to be an American! This shows what a sad state America is in as it pertains to its immigration policy!
Listen to me very carefully: I will post my hateful comments all over this blog any time I choose, anywhere I choose.
I ‘m not violating any of BD’s rules, so you have zero say in the matter.
Also, it’s “keep your hateful comments to yourself” not “for you.” Hooked on Phonics worked for me (when I was 6)!
“Hate” is simply a protection shield for that which you love!
Without hate, that which you love receives no protection, security, or assurance of its continued existence. Just ask one of your Muslim friends if he agrees with me on that. Spoiler: He does.
I’m very positive about good things and very negative about the bad. The negativity towards the bad solidifies and strengthens my protection and care of the good.
Politically correct garbage typical of the Bay Area.
No, it’s not a problem at all. But thanks for playing!
Posted at 05:22 pm, 9th January 2019I have a general question about ASD. I understand (from reading here) that single women over 33 have an uptick in ASD due to age & life experience. My question is about married women. I just left a blue collar job at a railroad that I had worked at for 10 years. For 15 years before that I worked a different blue collar job at an automotive shop. Needless to say, there weren’t many women in those two industries so I haven’t worked with any of them on a daily basis since around 1996 when I was 23. Back in April of 2018, I took a job at a high tech manufacturing plant that employs ~600 people. At my new place, there’s women everywhere from the front office to the production cells. Consider me naive, but I’m in absolute shock about how aggessive some of these women really are. In the 8 months or so that I’ve been there, I’ve been asked out to lunch twice, once by a cute little 21 year old single girl that has a boyfriend, a nice & curvy 32 year old single girl, & even a 47 year old married woman that’s holding herself together so well that you’d swear she was at least 10 years younger that asked me out for dinner, drinks, & a show that she bought us tickets to before she even asked me. Now, I’m 45, probably 25 pounds overweight, married to an average wife with an average house, a 20 year old son, & basically just a joe average dude with an ordinary average life. I’m no liar or a cheat so I turned them all down to avoid the drama, but my head is spinning because I can’t believe that these women, especially that the 47 year old would ask me to do things outside of work knowing that I’m married. She’s been laying it on thick & telling me about how her husband won’t fuck her & that she’s bored, & hinting around about how she’s interested in my hobbies, bla, bla, bla, you know the deal. The more I ignore her, the more it turns her on. Having been removed from the rest of the “real world” because of those other two jobs, I’m guessing now that this is the way a modern work place like this is & that women are just more bold these days than I remember?
Posted at 01:10 am, 17th January 2019I have an interesting scenario that’s playing out. Met a 33 year old woman online over the weekend. I am 41. There was immediate attraction both ways psychical and intellectual. Things have happened so fast since – we have booked trips away together etc already. We talk basically every day the whole day.
She has also sent me some very sensual pics although she stated from the start she hates selfies.
She is in town for work today and is going to stay over at my place (what does this tell me?). She has categorically stated “nothing” will happen on the first few dates but have also made suggestions that once she is ready it is going to be totally worth it. On the other hand some of the text she sends me suggest she really want it
So this is definitely ASD kicking in but the signals are very mixed. I am very good looking and have been very successful on first dates luring back the woman to my place and the rest is history. Most of them have returned.
There have also been signs of desire in that she has asked me to go off the dating site.
She also said she never wants to marry again (I am also on this viewpoint)
Advice on tonight? She seems really nice so I wont mind waiting a while. What type of discussions should I steer clear from which could spike it?
Or should I get ready for the mother of all shit tests?