22 Apr The Story of Jason

In the coastal Kingdom of Delasp, several leagues north of Darehold, Lord Voris made his home. It was a small keep, granted to him by King Goldenhelm himself, a prize for his valor during the Nabagest wars.
His wife bore him no less than three healthy sons; Jorath, Jason, and Kelm.
Jorath was tall, strong as he was valiant. By the time he was a young man he had mastered both sword and horse, and the maidens swooned when he rode abroad.
Jason was small and awkward. Ever he strove to be as his older brother. Often Jorath would spend time with Jason, aiding him in his training, though to little avail.
-By Caleb Jones
Kelm was highly intelligent, with an active, keen mind, learning his letters by the time he was but three years of age.
For all his sons, Lord Voris held a great love. Often he would regale them with stories from his time as a captain of the king’s cavaliers, and declare to them that they would one day inherit his lands and bring great honor to their family crest.
The three sons grew to adulthood. Both Jorath and Kelm took wives from families of their peers. Jorath became a great warrior, as his father before him. Kelm became an honored scholar, laboring and studying directly with the court wizards and sages in Kaluna City.
Jason, ever weak, ever awkward, ever strange, having felt the sting of ridicule from his peers throughout his young life, had no desire for these things. So it was that one day he announced to his father that he was leaving on a ship, bound for the East, to see the world.
Lord Voris was enraged, full of venomous words. Jason’s duty was to his family, to his kingdom, to his king, to the gods, and to his father. Such duty was to be found here, at home in the Golden Lands, not aboard in the wild and perilous world.
But Jason would have none of it. Resolved, he took his leave of his family and his land, and set sail on a ramshackle merchant vessel.
Jason traveled far, through the Sea of Mists, to the lands and peoples far distant from Delasp. He made expeditions into the Undead Desert of Zenog, hunted game in the vast forests of Xorath, learned tricks of magic from the gnome sorcerers of Wodan, and bedded elf damsels in Elenth.
Over time, his knowledge grew. He learned the ways of trade, warfare, wizardry, and the various peoples of the world. Through his trade and business dealings, he acquired his own ship, then several ships, then several fortresses in various lands.
His body also grew and hardened. No longer a skinny, ungainly child, in time he grew to be a warrior himself, as great as his brother. Jason battled Innersea pirates, slew orcs in the dungeons of Kaz, dueled barbarians in Vaharz, harpooned sea dragons in the Sea of Blood, and even braved the Land of the Hill Giants in Li-Kai.
There came a day where he met a minor princess of low royalty in the Port of Jeslam. Yarsha was her name. She had hair of gold, skin of alabaster, and the curvaceous body of which the women of Jeslam were known. She was slated to marry a local lord, but she had never met a man such as Jason in her cloistered life. Passions quickly ran deep between them, and often Jason and Yarsha would secretly make love on the beach, under the stars, where her family reigned.
Yarsha was forbidden to marry a man of low birth, of course. But she was enamored of both the man and his stories of distant lands. They married in secret, and Jason bore her away on his ship to travel the world with her.
Over time, she began to know and accept Jason for the man he was. Her husband he was, but he was not hers. Often he would travel alone, bed other women, brave other perils. Sometimes with Yarsha, sometimes not. Still, she remained by his side.
Many years later, Jason, now a great and powerful man of the world, returned to his homeland of Delasp. He reunited with his brothers and there was great rejoicing. Surprised his brothers were at the great man Jason had become. Surprised Jason was to see that both of his brothers had grown old, weak, and fat, though they were essentially the same age as he. Their wives were old and fat as well, much the contrast to the stunning and still-youthful Yarsha, as well as and the young, beautiful concubines that often attended Jason at night.
Both Jorath and Kelm loved Jason and were glad of his returning, but they envied him greatly, the man he had become, the life he lived, the women he bedded, and the ever-present joy in Jason’s eyes, a joy that had fled both Jorath and Kelm long ago.
When the rejoicing was done, Jason went to his father’s keep. His father he met, deep within the castle walls. Quite old Lord Voris now was, his eyes and ears failing him. At first, the old Lord did not recognize his middle son, and confusion infested his wizened face.
Yet, once the old man realized his son had indeed returned and stood before him, now a great man, tears flowed from the old man’s grey eyes, and the two embraced.Through wheezing breaths, Lord Voris declared that all was forgiven and that he would take back his evil words from so many years ago. Jason assured him that no apology was desired nor needed, that his love for his father would remain ever strong.
Jason and Yarsha stayed within Delasp for a time. In the winter, Lord Voris passed away, and strangely Kelm did as well just several days later, his aged and plump body no longer able to sustain him.
The lands of Voris fell then to Jorath. Yet, his own health also failing him, he bestowed Voris’ lands to Jason, uttering sad tidings that he, Jorath, lacked both the energy or the desire necessary to be a Lord worthy of his people.
So it was that Jason became the new Lord, and his land prospered under his stewardship, though ever the world beckoned to him. Putting the stewardship of the land in the hands of his advisors, he left on his ship once again, Yarsha ever at his side.
As Jorath slowly passed away in his home, Jason experienced ever new exciting adventures, Yarsha and other women bearing his many children, and it was his name that was remembered in his family’s annals above all others.
Fun little side note: This story is set in the same world as the book Sampson and the Wizard.
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Posted at 10:38 am, 22nd April 2019Funny you posted a fantasy article today. The only TV I watch is Game of Thrones and while it does have a lot of “you go girl” stuff, it does drop some truths from time to time. In the latest episode, Sansa Stark says to the dragon queen “Men do stupid things for women. They’re easily manipulated”, referring to how Jon Snow, her brother, loves the queen. I think this sums up most men these days.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:51 am, 22nd April 2019Hmmmm. Yes…
It’s almost as if I planned this blog post to coincide with Game of Thrones’ new season that everyone is obsessed with…
I actually thought the same thing when I heard her say that. A lot of red pill guys get upset when pop culture verbalizes the fact that men are easily controlled by women, but it’s actually a fact. They are.
And they can chose not to be whenever they want.
But they don’t.
So who’s fault is that?
Posted at 11:07 am, 22nd April 2019Yes I hadn’t started watching Game of Thrones until this year — yeah wasted a lot of time on TV these past 4 months but ah well.
Definitely a lot of feminist “you go girl” stuff on there. If the 10 year old “boys” can fight, then so can the 10 year old “girls” — odd choices.
In terms of manipulation, forget that Sansa Stark line. It’s evident in the series.
Some 10-12 year old boy-King up against “Princess Titty McGee” — he has no chance, none whatsoever not to become her little dog, which he does until (spoiler alert) Mommy blows her sky high.
Then there’s the Red Sorceress who basically goads everyone until fucking her (including that Virgin bastard dude) — and in his case, as a ruse to tie him down to the bed and put leeches on him.
The series definitely shows how a woman showing her tits hypnotizes a great many fools to their peril.
The parable above is interesting but what is the main thrust of it, I wonder?
Does it indicate that foreign travel and adventure … or merely novel experiences … are essential to self-growth, strength, and wisdom?
I would argue that foreign travel is important for perspective and realizing your own small-mindness and biases, sure.
Or is merely a warning among those provincial bufoons who never leave their state/ hometown? Surely, even domestically one can learn a great many things from NYC to California to the small town middle America. There are many foreigners here in America itself.
And if we’re merely talking having as many novel experiences as possible, might hobbies or time management come into play? Maybe you should thrust yourself into public speaking, dance, programming, podcasting, fencing, BJJ — stuff that challenges your comfort zone, rather than spending 100% of your time from cubicle to Television set.
Or is this merely an indictment against monogamy and plopping out kids at age 25, whilst getting fat?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:27 am, 22nd April 2019It’s everything you mentioned, all of those things. But mostly it’s about how embracing freedom tends to improve you as a man, and how embracing SP tends to drain you as a man.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 11:40 am, 22nd April 2019Strike out the words “for women”. People, of both genders, are just stupid.
A fascinating case is yesterday’s elections in Ukraine, in which the first halfway decent president the country ever had was voted out of office in favor of a comedian whose strategy was to hide from the journalists and let the public imagine what he would do for them. He showed up with no campaign promises whatsoever and literally asked Facebook followers to fill that in for him. To add insult to injury, he’s very obviously the creation of a certain rich man who’s very obviously after the country’s largest bank which used to be his but was nationalized after he had allegedly siphoned off $5bn out of it. That’s what 75% of the people have voted for, in a country that has been at war with Russia for the last five years no less.
Not that it’s really news after the way people voted for Trump and Brexit. These might or might not have been favorable outcomes for the respective countries, but the motives of the voters have been anything but rational. I just don’t think such a clear case of mass stupidity as was seen in Ukraine was ever displayed before.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:49 pm, 22nd April 2019Thank you. Though Hollywood these days isn’t a very high bar. 🙂 (Maybe that was your point.)
Hank Specter
Posted at 01:01 pm, 22nd April 2019Caleb = Jason
Posted at 02:17 pm, 22nd April 2019I’m ready for chapter 2!
Posted at 03:25 pm, 22nd April 2019@Pseudonymous User
Men do stupid things for women and women do stupid things for safety.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:54 pm, 22nd April 2019Nope. Jason was skinny and awkward. I was chubby and happy. Jason was made fun of when he was child. I was not (my childhood was great). Jason inherited his father’s kingdom and wealth. I didn’t get shit from my dad (nor likely ever will). Jason had two bothers who got married. I have three brothers and none of them are traditionally married. And so on.
This is a story about an Alpha Male 2.0 living in a fantasy setting, it’s not the fantasy version of my life. (Though I’ve strongly considered writing that as a short story just for fun.)
Jason 2 – Darksword’s Vengeance!
“This time, it’s personal.”
Posted at 06:18 pm, 22nd April 2019Maybe I should get around to watching an episode of Game of Thrones. The last time I watched television was the early seasons of House of Cards, more than five years ago. But you gotta stay in touch, so maybe I’ll break down and give it a shot.
Alexander Romanov
Posted at 09:58 pm, 22nd April 2019Thanks for entertaining story! Meaningful as well
Posted at 11:20 pm, 22nd April 2019I would love to see a whole series of young adult fantasy books encouraging boys to be Alpha Males 2.0.
I have two sons, and would rather see them have good heroes and role models in their impressionable age.
Jason Batten
Posted at 08:41 am, 23rd April 2019Love it! Would like to see more of these.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:03 am, 23rd April 2019Sampson and The Wizard is it, and was designed to be the first in a series of at least 4 books that I’ve already outlined. I got more positive comments on a per-reader basis with that book that perhaps any other book I’ve ever written.
The problem was that I couldn’t figure out how to properly monetize a series of really inexpensive books ($9 or less) to the point where I could financially justify my time in writing them. Writing a book, even a short one, takes a huge amount of time, and pulls my time away from other much more profitable business activities.
So sadly, as much as I hate it, that series is stuck in limbo at the moment, until I can either A) figure out a way to make a lot of money with it or B) wait until I turn 53 and shift my Mission into phase two where I don’t care about money anymore.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:04 am, 23rd April 2019I’m surprised at the positive comments and emails I’m getting! Usually guys complain when I do things like this.
Message received… I will do more.
Esau Alfaro
Posted at 10:34 am, 23rd April 2019This was amazing! I loved the adventures he had while traveling since I’m thinking on traveling to another country to work for a while and learning money making skills.
What countries do you recommend going to where I could make money and meet women? I was thinking UK or USA since I want to practice my english. Maybe somewhere in asia since you talk about that in the Caleb Jones blog.
Posted at 11:02 am, 23rd April 2019Come on BD, don’t do more of this, especially since you now only post once a week here. (I’ll play the devil’s advocate here, but seriously…)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:14 am, 23rd April 2019Your opinion is vastly outnumbered. As always, I go with what the bulk of my audience tells me.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:14 am, 23rd April 2019Too general a question. Just about any country works for that.
Speaking generally, the hot girls are in Scandinavia / Eastern Europe / South America. But the financial opportunity is in Asia, particularity SE Asia.
Posted at 02:02 pm, 23rd April 2019I really love the (not-so) hidden long-term happiness message here. I think more stories should show how the characters’ lives and themselves end up in their old age. That would be very interesting.
Posted at 06:39 pm, 23rd April 2019Please don’t post fiction here on this blog anymore. Thank you.
Posted at 09:16 am, 25th April 2019Please no more of these posts
Posted at 11:30 am, 25th April 2019I’ll add to the “please no more” voices. Reading something like this is – “cute” or “nice”.
Posted at 12:38 pm, 25th April 2019Fun article
fiction written in the choose your own adventure format would be funny and
…choose tmm go to page 32 and increase your misery index by 3 points …
master online dating go to page 80 and add 4 points to all your alpha male life skills ..
Posted at 07:43 pm, 25th April 2019Don’t. You aren’t missing much. GoT is the Nickelback of TV. It COULD do better, but it just phones everything in just because of its popularity.
Watch Cobra Kai season 2 on youtube instead.
You should! I have, and it was awesome.
Posted at 09:46 pm, 25th April 2019Interesting how there seems to be a 50/50 split in the audience on these kinds of posts.
Caleb, I’m curious. As a blogger, what do you do when half of your audience really wants something and the other half hates it?
Quite curious about how you’ll handle it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:01 pm, 25th April 2019Good question.
You proceed and do it; you just don’t do a lot of it.
For example, it’s been about an entire year since I’ve made a blog post like this, and it was a year before that since I made the one before that.
So if I increase the frequency of these kinds of posts to, say, 2 or 3 a year, I’m giving the guys who like it what they want, but I’m still not doing often enough to get accused of doing it “all the time” by guys who hate it. And if 1-3 posts out of 52 a year is seriously too much for guys who don’t like it, well then fuck, they’re being completely unreasonable snowflakes and they can stop reading this blog, since this blog is not for snowflakes. (If I was posting this kind of thing every month, that of course would be different.)
That’s my view on it anyway.
Posted at 01:02 am, 26th April 2019Yeah!
Caleb, I for one like these stories. They offer education & motivation in a nice package. Not too frequent, but you could do 3-4/year.
You will not win any literary prizes, but that’s not your goal anyway.
I bought the Samson book and would buy more.
Have you considered writing educational stories for children of Alpha 2.0 fathers? Age appropriate, for both genders (this might mean two sets of books). If not financially justifiable now, maybe later in your life/mission.
Much better than “standard” SP ridden children books/fairy tales we were feed as children (and still suffer the consequences).
I still read to my son (14) and daughter (9) occasionally as form of bonding. Read Samson to my son and will this one too. BTW: next book on the list for my son is Arnie’s biography 🙂
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:08 am, 26th April 2019I BEG YOUR PARDON???
Already answered above. Scroll up.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 05:31 am, 28th April 2019I love science fiction and discussing the future. You made some great posts such as discussing with your future self. I wouldn’t mind more science fiction short stories but I don’t like medieval genre.
However besides the brothers (I don’t have siblings), I totally relate with this story being rather awkward introvert skinny nerd and small. I don’t have a wife or kids and I will probably never have any but I am totally in the “bedded elf damsels in Elenth” phase as a nomad.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 06:31 am, 28th April 2019It’s very subjective and totally depends on your tastes for women: I have been in Sweden and all European countries, west and east, even Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania bordering Russia. It is really not where I have seen the most attractive women for me, personally. But I love South East Asian women, black African women and Latina women. I have a blast particularly in Thailand and Philippines. I have been researching Dominican Republic recently and I see a lot of profiles I like over there with interesting mixes between Latina and black African.
I would recommend browsing profiles in several locations on sites such as dateinasia.com and badoo for instance and see where you like women most.
Also other males blogs more specialised on travels such as naughtynomad.com can be a good start.
Posted at 12:49 am, 29th April 2019Comment deleted for violation of Rule Number Five.