23 Mar Navigating the Coronavirus World as an Alpha Male 2.0 – READ THIS!

I’m already so sick to death about this topic (pun intended) and I’d be more than happy to never talk about it again, but this is the topic everyone wants to talk about. I’m here to serve, so let’s do this.
Update: I write my blog articles several weeks before they actually posted. Current-event ones like this one I write 4-7 days in advance. The problem is that things are changing daily with the coronavirus.
-By Caleb Jones
Therefore, I have added several “Updates” in italics to this blog article that I have added on the fly after I initially wrote it. By the way, these Updates have not been reviewed by my proofreaders and may have typos, so if you see any of those, tough shit, I don’t care, and I’m not going to fix them because I’m too busy.
How exactly does the freedom-based Alpha Male 2.0 navigate a world that has shut down socially and economically? How does he navigate through a sharp recession? Especially if he’s under the age of about 30 and has never actually experienced one? How does he continue to bring new women into his sex life if too many women are staying home because they’re terrified they might get a sore throat or cough on an old person? Update: Or if you live in a left-wing area that has literally locked down your entire state or country?
These are big topics and big questions. Some of them don’t have easy answers. I will do my best to answer them in this brief article. Be aware there’s only so much room I have in one article. I have a feeling I will be making many more articles, videos, and podcasts about these topics in the weeks to come. Update: I already have a “how to make money during a recession” article already written for the Caleb Jones Blog and a podcast on the same topic, both going up in a few days. Subscribe to both if you want that free content. I’m here to help those few of you left who are rational and action oriented to survive and thrive during this crisis. It’s part of my Mission and I’m here to help… but only if you can stay rational and stop being a pussy; that part is your job.
Update: I’m also not going to post non-stop coronavirus content like a lot of other content providers are doing right now. Yes, I will be discussing it because it’s sadly unavavoidable, but we also need to move forward with the basics, which are getting your woman life in order and getting your Alpha 2.0 income up, both of which will be critical as soon as this garbage is over.
First, we have to cover some clarifications regarding the last article I made about this, since quite a few people in the comments of that article who suffer from low reading comprehension acted like I said things I never said. I’m just going to bullet point my opinions on the coronavirus and then move on to the actions you should take. Here they are:
Most people are over-reacting to all of this. They are engaging in hysteria which just makes everything worse for no reason.
Hysteria and common-sense precautions are two different things. People have lost the ability to differentiate between the two. Common sense precautions are good things that you should take. I don’t shake people’s hands right now, I limit my excursions to just necessary ones, I wash my hands more often, and I avoid old people. But I’m not making internet posts about how there may be millions of dead people piling up in hospitals, nor am I spending hours of my time reading articles about scary virus numbers or predictions, nor am I taking frantic pictures of empty store shelves and posting them on social media. These actions are examples of hysteria. These actions make everything worse and cause new problems. Hysteria is also irrational. I am rational. I want you to be rational. Rational people are happier.
The coronavirus is not the flu. However, in terms of symptoms, it is like the flu or less for the vast majority of people who are infected.
The coronavirus is worse than the flu. This isn’t saying much because A) far less people will get the coronavirus than already get (and have had) the flu and B) this “worse” only applies to small percentage of people who become infected.
I always admit whenever I’m wrong because I’m rational. This is unlike many of you who disagree with me regarding this, who can say all kinds of wrong things and make blatantly wrong predictions on blogs like mine while being totally anonymous and then just disappearing into the internet (or changing your avatar name) when it becomes obvious you were wrong. As a rational person who is operating under my real name, I was wrong in that last article when I said the four words “nothing much will happen.” That being said, I was right about everything else I said in that multi-page article on the date I said it.
The odds of you personally encountering any severe health problems from COVID-19 are well within the 2% Rule, thus you should not worry about this particular scenario (other than taking common sense precautions as I listed above). If you do, you’re not being rational.
This is going to get worse before it gets better. As I’ve already said several times, we will all suffer major problems now and in the near future, HOWEVER, these problems will not be because of the virus, but because of society’s reaction (and in some cases, over-reaction) to the virus. These things obviously need to be accounted for and that’s the topic of this article.
If you disagree with the 2% Rule or how I argue or present the 2% Rule, I have a detailed article coming soon that will address all of your objections. I will not respond to any 2% Rule objections in the comments until then. It’s coming soon, I promise.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people already have COVID-19 but will never be reported as such because they lack any serious symptoms and just get better all by themselves. This artificially skews the “bad” ratios upwards and makes them sound worse than they actually are. This means that statements such as “20% of EVERYONE who gets coronavirus need to be hospitalized!” or “10% of EVERYONE who gets coronavirus need to be hooked up to ventilators!” are false.
Some of this hysteria is deliberately caused by left-wingers who have political motivations, namely because they hate Tantrum Trump and want him to look bad. (For the record, I hate Trump as much as I hated Obama. I’m against any president who makes the government bigger; Republican or Democrat doesn’t matter to me because I’m rational.)
Speaking of Republicans, this crisis has shown definitively that Trump supporters are just as socialist as Bernie Sanders, as I’ve been saying all along, now that you have Fox News, the Trump administration, and prominent Republicans calling for Universal Basic Income. (Jesus.) As usual, both sides of today’s politics are fundamentally wrong.
Focusing your fear on the statistical exceptions to the rule (some people well under age 60 dying, some people having irreparable lung damage, etc) is fundamentally irrational. You’re worrying yourself for literally no reason.
Society and governments should take precautions to combat the virus and flatten the curve. I have never said otherwise. The problem is that I don’t speak to society on this blog and never have. I speak to individuals here. Update: That is my opinion on the matter at the moment. However, if these horrible lockdowns continue too long, I may change my mind. We may soon enter a bizarre scenario where we may actually need to let a few thousand or million old people die to prevent several BILLION people from experiencing catastrophic financial damage. Again, that is not my opinion. I’m saying that may become my opinion depending on what happens in the next few weeks. We’ll see what happens, but judging on how incompetent our corrupt, collapsing Western governments have handled this problem, I think the odds are fair that they will continue these measures for too long, causing the masses to say, “Sorry old people, but fuck you, I’m not going to lose my house and I need to go back to work so I can feed my kids.” Again, we’ll see.
I feel really bad for any old people who die because of this virus. My dad is 80 years old, so I take this very seriously. However, me feeling bad about a few old people dying changes literally none of my other opinions I’ve stated on this matter. Some delusional oddballs seem to think that saying “don’t be hysterical about this, it’s not as bad as you think” is the same as saying “I don’t care if old people die.” It’s not.
Update: After reading the comments in the last thread about this at this blog, as well as discussions I’ve had with other people, plus discussions I’m seeing online, it’s become apparent to me that some people want to be scared about this stuff. Yes, they want to be scared. They go online actively seeking out scary stories, scary numbers, scary statistics, and scary predictions. If you tell them to calm down and stay rational they respond by yelling and screaming while pointing at all the scary stuff they’re seeing and talking about scary what-if scenarios because they get a hard-on by being scared for some reason. Being scared is just “fun” for some people. Scrolling through social media and negative news stories and soaking yourself in Doomsday Porn is not rational, it’s not Alpha 2.0, and it’s certainly not long-term happiness. Yes, this is a very serious problem, but it’s not as bad as a lot of people are feeling it is.
This is all temporary and that’s really important to remember. In two years or less no one is going to give a shit about any of this. Recall that no one gave a shit about 9/11 just a year or two later.
Speaking about admitting when someone is wrong, as I always do, all the comments posted in the last article I made about this are going to stay at my blog forever so we can see which of these people were right and which of them were hysterically, embarrassingly, and fantastically wrong. The deadline to delete those comments by the individual users has now past, so what’s there is now there forever. Hehe. This is just like how I left the comments from all the irrational Trump idiots right here back in 2016 who where jerking themselves off by saying that the USA was “finally turning back to the conservative right.” Ha HA! Go look at what those crazies were actually saying four years ago, and how they were saying I was wrong when I said the USA would still move leftward, and just how sure they were about the insane, hysterical, irrational shit they were screaming back then. Two or three years from now, many of the comments in my coronavirus thread from two weeks ago are going to look just as insane, if not more so. You can bet I’m going to revisit those comments in both of those threads (as well as this one below) at some point so I can demonstrate what extreme irrationality looks like and why you should avoid it.
Okay, those are my options on this matter. Those statements are made as clearly as I can. Now watch how many people are going to misquote, ignore, or strawman the above statements in the comments. I’m sure it will be fun.
Moving on…
Dating and Pickup During Coronavirus Hysteria
Update: In the last few days several left-wing countries and states (like California) have issued lockdowns that prevent you from going anywhere, or no where except a grocery store, bank, or pharmacy. This means you can’t have go on any dates nor have sex with any of your FBs or MLTRs unless you live with a woman like I do or unless you’re willing to break the law. As always, I recommend to all Alpha Male 2.0s to never break the law even when you disagree with the law. (I’m a minarchist libertarian so I disagree with literally 99% of all laws, but I follow them regardless.) I have no magical answers for you to solve this problem in the short-term. If you live in one of these insane, left-wing regions (why are you still living in a place like that would be my first question) then I have no magical answers for you. Your options are to A) not have any sex, B) very quickly move a woman in with you (which would be insane), or C) break the law. Obviously you need to make your own decisions about this. Just keep all of that in mind as you read on.
As most of you already know, daygame and night game have been rendered almost impossible in most major cities because of the lockdowns and quarantines.
Social circle gamers no longer have the ability to meet a lot of new people unless they get very creative. However, guys who have already built up decent social circles are still able to “milk” these for a while. The problem is that if this coronavirus scare continues for a long time, these guys will start running the reservoir dry.
Online dating still works, but barely, since most women are nervous to go out and meet new men. A lot of you have reported problems here. Update: However! Lots of guys are reporting massive upward surges in response rates and swipe match rates since so many girls are sitting at home bored with nothing to do. There has not been a similar upswing in the number of women actually willing to meet you in real life though, so most of these matches/responses, while fun, are “fake” in that they are somewhat unlikely to result in real-life sex.
The one exception to the online dating drought is sugar daddy game, which has actually become an explosive pro-man buyers market as tons of hot younger girls who used to work at restaurants and similar businesses now have no income and are begging for some older man to help them out financially for sex. I’ve had several ex-FBs who were sugar or salt babies in the past contact me in the last three weeks wanting to see me again, and I know several older sugar daddy guys who are doing very well on the sugar daddy dating sites right now.
I denied these young ladies’ requests, since I take my own advice and already have a very full roster of women, as always, and don’t require any new ones. And that, my friends, is the key point of this entire article that I’m going to bludgeon you with over and over again, which is this:
See, here’s the problem. Way too many of you fuckers in my audience have spent years reading my content but not actually taking my advice. I tell you, over and over again, the importance of building a roster of strong, repeating FBs and MLTRs, and you make a bunch of excuses about how busy you are or about how your boring monogamous girlfriend is “enough,” so you don’t do it.
All is well and good until something like Mr. Coronavirus comes knocking at your door, and then you bitch and whine about how you’re not getting laid.
Do you think I have that problem? Nope. I have an OLTR wife plus two very solid and reliable FBs plus two backup FBs on top of them plus a large roster I can draw upon whenever needed. My sex life has not skipped a beat during this entire coronavirus thing. As a matter of fact, I’ve had more sex lately than I normally have, and with zero extra effort on my part. Update: That’s the truth. And no, my region has not been locked down so I’m still allowed to legally go get laid if I want.
This is because I took my own advice. I took the time and effort to build a long-term woman infrastructure in my life. So, I’m good to go even in times of crisis. If you had taken the advice I’ve been giving you over the last 11 years instead of being lazy or making excuses, you’d be fine too.
But now that you’re here, there are no easy options. Regardless, if I was in your boat (and I never will be), here’s what I would do:
1. Contact all of your exes on your roster, even if your roster is small. You are far, far more likely to get a woman who has already had sex with you to come over to your place during the coronavirus scare than a woman you haven’t met yet.
2. In terms of cold dating, focus as much as you can on younger women, as young as you can (stay within the law, please). Bored, hyper, validation-craving 19-year-olds are going to be much less nervous about going out into the world to fuck new dudes than careful, wary 31-year-olds.
3. Put in the numbers, far more numbers than you ever have before. Get on every dating app/site you can think of and blow the shit out of it.
4. If you’re well over the age of 35 and have decent income right now, check out the sugar daddy dating sites even if you’ve never tried it before. It’s a great place to be right now. However, and this is important, always remember the two criteria you must meet before you actually pay for any sex.
Making Money During Coronavirus Hysteria
Here we go again. For years I’ve told you to build your own location independent, low work, high margin Alpha 2.0 business. Some of you have, and that’s great. You guys make me proud and and I wish there were more men like you. But a hell of a lot of you haven’t, making excuses about how your bullshit corporate job is “not that bad” or is “enough” for you or how you don’t like other countries or some other bullshit beta male excuse. Well, now many of you have employers that have shut down their businesses, and you’re either not getting paid at all or getting paid a fraction of what you were before, and you’re freaking out about paying your bills.
Do you think I have that problem? Nope. My day-to-day lifestyle and overall financial condition have not changed one inch since all this stuff started. I follow my own advice, so I have three Alpha 2.0 businesses I run from home that don’t require me to go anywhere and largely sell to people and businesses who also don’t need to go anywhere. One of them has taken a small hit in income, about 10% (my consulting practice), one has taken a larger hit of about 20% (my I.T. marketing company), one of them (this one, my Alpha Male 2.0 business) hasn’t taken a decrease in income at all. Update: My marketing company is down an additional 18% since writing this article. These are minor drops, and I can replace that small amount of lost income through other income streams in those businesses or by rejiggering business expenses across my three companies. I also started a massive increase in marketing and scaling in my Blackdragon/Alpha Male 2.0 business back in January before all this virus stuff, which will continue. I am perfectly fine and will remain so, even if this stuff continues for months. Again:
But if I hadn’t listened to me and was in your shoes, here’s what I would do:
1. Start your Alpha 2.0 business right the fuck now. Stop making excuses and just start. Some of you have my business course. Great, get to work. If you didn’t get my business course yet, you can get the more expensive version here. If you can’t afford that, join the SMIC program here and use those resources instead. Start your niched business that can sell to people who don’t need to go anywhere, just like I have.
The point is, START.
When the economy snaps back upward, and it will snap back in a big way when this is all over, you want your business in place so you can ride that wave so you can gather a big surge of income. My Alpha Male 2.0 business and my I.T. marketing company are going to go crazy with new profits when this happens. I can’t wait. You can do the same thing with your business as well. But you have to TURN OFF THAT FUCKING VIDEO GAME, STOP READING CORONAVIRUS NEWS AND PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE AWAY, GET YOUR ASS OFF THE COUCH, AND GET TO WORK.
2. In any economic downturn or recession, all business strategies focus on two things: marketing and value. Double or triple your marketing and/or sales efforts. (I already did this about two months ago, as some of you have already noted, and there’s much more to come. I’m going to market the FUCK out of this business.) Focus on the value you provide to your customers or clients in your niche. Do not focus on price. Do not cut your prices. Instead, focus on how your niche will benefit from your products, services, or information in new and additional ways.
3. For those of you who have more cash or assets, now is the time to buy. Stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, precious metals, just about everything is down right now, and that means you need to buy them, or at least pay close attention to them and perhaps buy them soon. I’m personally waiting for real estate to crash next, and then I’m going to be buying like a madman. I’ve been talking about my plans for this for quite a while.
New successful business owners and even new millionaires will be made over the next few months, those few men rational enough and willing to take action to take advantage of this sharp-but-temporary downturn. You could be one of them. Update: This is my fourth recession and I’ve experienced and the last two I survived as a self-employed business owner, coming out ahead when they were all over. I will be discussing many success-during-a-recession business techniques over at the Caleb Jones Blog, my podcast, my YouTube channel, and in the SMIC Program and the Focus Program over the next few months. Join those if you want in on that.
At a bare minimum, make this coronavirus crap a wake-up call for you to get your shit together in your woman life and your business life so that the next time we have a crisis like this (and we will, and it will probably be worse), you’ll be covered like we Alpha Male 2.0s who have already put in the work to build our castles.
As always, the choice is yours.
Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:26 am, 23rd March 2020Amen! Agreeing with everything from start to finish! My fuckers, listen and absorb what Dragon wrote up here, because a tiny fraction of simil information around the World are sold at very high prices from gurus! Nothing but the truth! Put on your fucking blinders and work your ass off! Have a nice day!
Posted at 05:54 am, 23rd March 2020I am experimenting with a new format to meet girls from online dating (disclaimer : although my country is not yet in full lockdown, all non-essential businesses are closed, which means traditional first-date venues) : I match and get the phone number just as usual, but I work harder on comfort over text, and set-up a “first date” via Facetime, where I also lean more on comfort than for a normal face-to-face first date.
Then I invite them over to cook together at home. It worked twice already in the last few days, and have other prospects in the funnel.
Overall it takes more time to get the lay, but hey, it’s still cool to see that it’s possible to continue getting laid with new women!
Posted at 06:09 am, 23rd March 2020Great vid man. Since this will go on for probably 6 months, you might need to make a couple more, but longer ones, blasting the shit out of guys to wake a lot more up.
Posted at 07:31 am, 23rd March 2020Tons of content in this article, thank you! I’ve got a date lined up tonight, she contacted me, but it was a social circle contact. Since nothing is open, I invited her over and probably will just hit it tonight rather than wait. Women are already bored as shit and I’m sure she contacted me because she wants laid, plus she’s 21.
I’m seeing single guys going nuts online because they can’t go meet women and can’t get women to meet up with them online. I’m having no trouble. What I’ve noticed is my FB’s and MLTR are bored so they are hitting me up too often right now wanting sex. Getting a lot of “I’m horny” “come fuck me” texts to the point I’m worried I may have to soft next one or two if they keep pushing. Interesting times.
Posted at 07:32 am, 23rd March 2020“businesses I run from home that don’t require me to go anywhere and largely sell to people and businesses who also don’t need to go anywhere.”
Caleb, Do you suggest setting up Alpha 2.0 businesses that cater to a niche that is location independent as well. I am setting up a business and the niche is mostly location dependent. Do you advice switching my strategy to a location independent niche to make it more free and risk tolerant?
Posted at 08:00 am, 23rd March 2020Btw, I saw that several big websites selling gold and silver coins are now mostly sold out.
But Gold seems to be lower now, a bit strange. My theory on the lower gold is that some business owners who are short on cash now needed to sell it to survive.
Posted at 08:01 am, 23rd March 2020So you don’t think that is irresponsible to meet multiple women on rotation now?
Posted at 08:04 am, 23rd March 2020Sorry, one more question: do you suggest also hitting up exes where it would violate the no contact rule? Meaning it would be too soon to contact them again? I have a few in this category right now.
Posted at 08:58 am, 23rd March 2020I like what Dave Ramsey says about this: The 2nd and 3rd quarter of this year are going to be really, really bad. Still think the unemployment rate will be at least 33%.
But then the last quarter of this year is going to be crazy!
That’s what I hope but the unemployment rate could possibly be at the 33% mark through 2021.
But as an aspiring Alpha 2 I can’t be worried about all that. I need to worry about my own livelihood and I can’t develop such a livelihood by worrying about everything around me. Never could.
I also like what Grant Cardone says in that you surviving is the BAD news. Or the good news depending on the things you do right now.
This pandemic is going to be a legit test of character for most of us. Certainly is for me. I’m calling it the “Six Months of Sacrifice.” What am I willing to sacrifice to make myself stable during these times? I’m I willing to pitch over 9000 clients/companies in my freelance writing business? Am I willing to pitch to higher paying clients and take things to the next level even though they are “cutting their marketing?” Am I willing to overcome my anxiety and stuff so I can make my life better?
For idiots like me who foolishly lived paycheck to paycheck their whole lives like a child, its a massive test of character and it means I need to change a good amount of my habits right now.
Cuz if I don’t I may as well…you know: Be an old person with COVID 19 cuz it would be just as bad.
For me it’s step up or step aside at this point. I can either do all I can to hold things down the best I can, or I can give up, get evicted, run to my folks’ place and cower in the corner like a bitch while I improve nothing.
As far as the opposite sex goes, I’m willing to take a lot of time off. I’ve gone Monk Mode before and I can do it again. Nothing to it.
Same with weights. I can take time off weights and do other stuff. No big deal.
Sure it’s gonna be uncomfortable and inconvenient for awhile but I’ll manage.
I have to, I don’t have a choice.
Posted at 09:00 am, 23rd March 2020Great stuff Caleb! This is the type of info men should be reading and implementing instead of jacking off to “doomsday porn” as you called it.
I’ve been diligently combing through investment opportunities during this and hope to make some great returns when this is finally over.
My biggest takeaway from this is my living situation, location wise. I sadly live in one of those leftist states and city which is under the “shelter in place” order now till who knows when. I need to take this time to plan a move out of this place. I sold my property here last year and was waiting to see if real estate took a downturn before buying again which may happen now. My concern is, as it has been from the start of this madness, if the increasing Draconian measures the governments will take. I agree with basic precautions like you stated and a short shut down of certain things (events, concerts, bars, dine in, etc…) but I feel they will keep pushing it to levels you see in Italy where it’s criminal to leave your home at all.
As far as the very old, I commented a similar sentiment last time you posted on this in that we may have to let some people die. Do you try saving folks80- 90+ while destroying the lives of everyone else? I also have an older parent still living (mom is 70) so yes it concerns me and I’m staying away from her. I do think if this continues, hard decisions will have to be made BUT no politician would have the guts to do anything especially in an election year.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 09:51 am, 23rd March 2020A course of action that seems sensible to me is to lift the quarantine one age group at a time, starting with the youngest part of the population, at such rates as to keep the load on the healthcare system manageable. The end result is the same as only quarantining the elderly but sounds more ethically acceptable to the public. No idea if this would be actually effective though, let the epidemiologists decide.
Posted at 10:01 am, 23rd March 2020Good to hear you are breathing deep from the belly, Caleb. The reason I suggested training the lungs is not just because of COVID-19 – it’s a great way to tune your nervous system and energize/relax when needed.
In Europe it’s not just left-wingers that want to restrict freedom. Right-wingers can’t wait to restrict freedoms as well, just for different reasons.
Left-wingers love China because collectivism and communism are great!
Right-wingers love China because nationalism and wouldn’t it be great to monitor Muslims and refugees?
Left-wingers want the country under complete lockdown because society bad, go sit in a corner.
Right-wingers want the country under complete lockdown because damn foreigners are getting us sick – screw you globalists!
Gotta admit. In the past I have been frustrated and fearful about freedoms disappearing in the near future. Starting from today, I have decided for myself to not give a shit because:
Almost everyone I talk to and know actually WANT this to happen, posting shit like #trustyourgovernment and #obey (haha, yes, literally #obey).
The larger the government, the more likely it is going to be incompetent anyways.
There is always a way around the system, and who is going to care about little old me as long as I don’t rile up others.
Shit is going to be awesome. Already self-employed, work from home and largest clients are in fields that actually stand to grow during this coronavirus pandemic.
Bring it on!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:07 am, 23rd March 2020I have noticed the same. It’s nice.
That’s up to you. You don’t need to do that but it can help. Ideally you have 2-4 location independent businesses, some of which are to location independent customers and some are not. Always diversify.
It’s not strange. Gold is behaving the way it always does. It did the same exact thing in 2008 before shooting up. Gold always drops at the start of a recession (though not nearly as much as the stock market), but then it spikes upwards very nicely.
Just watch what happens to the price of gold in about 6-10 months. Us gold owners are going to be very, very happy.
Of course not. I am. As long as you meet one-on-one indoors and your women aren’t over the age of 60, what’s the problem?
NO! If it’s been less than 4-6 months than stay quiet. Let them miss you.
Love it. That is the correct attitude to have.
I didn’t mention that but yes. This coronavirus scare is going to snap a lot of guys out of the “so what if I’m location dependent? I don’t mind” mindset they’ve had.
For example, many people who think I’m being weird for moving out of the USA next year will shortly do a 180 on this and realize they probably need to move too once this all calms down. If not out of their country, then at least out of their city/state/region/province.
Fine. If you live in a place like that, then as soon as the restrictions are lifted, make it goal number #1 to move the fuck out of that country/region (via your Alpha Male 2.0 location independent income!) so you’ll never experience that problem ever again.
That is not my opinion as of today’s date. I think most (though not all) of these societal precautions are warranted as of today’s date.
But ask me again in 2-4 weeks after we see what governments are doing and what people’s reactions are.
During this USA election year, Trump will reveal that he was the socialist he always was and will push the government to the socialist left just as if Bernie Sanders won the election. This will, of course, hasten the end of the USA which can’t afford to spend billions or trillions of dollars it doesn’t have bailing everyone out.
In totality, the Western world may have just lost a about a decade of its lifespan because of this crisis and its embarrassingly incompetent response to it (as compared to most (though not all) countries in Asia who handled it effectively).
The West’s collapse will now occur much sooner. Time to get your shit together so you can advance during this crisis and the bigger one to come.
Posted at 10:21 am, 23rd March 2020Thats exactly what I am planning and is exactly what I was thinking I just had doubts about it.
I just dont understand why it would go suddenly down first other than what I suggested: that perhaps some people who had gold now need the money because they only had gold and no cash?
Do you think its smart to try to buy more gold / silver now than what one intends to have as usual percentage of portfolio or would you not go that far?
Do you think cryptos will also see a huge explosion in value in a few months from now?
I know a lot of advice is now to focus on commodities because they are undervalued and will be a huge deal in the time to come short term at least but I stay away from it because I dont have that much spare cash and dont understand it so well.
Posted at 10:33 am, 23rd March 2020BD, I’m doing my part by suspending my student loan payments to blow on young women. It’s absurd that I’m one of the first little people to get a break, but whatever.
I still have a great little apartment, direct tap gas grill, pool is going to open in a couple months….I’m set up really well.
Here’s the thing: I honestly don’t want to negotiate cash for sex. I’d rather just offer $50 for them to learn how to swing dance, play some games, or go on a hike.
I don’t want to get in the way of the hardcore pros trying to make ends meet. One look at my profile pic and they’ll probably move on anyway. I’m not going to get into a bidding war.
All of this is probably insanity to other readers….but I haven’t been on a first date in nearly a decade. I’m really just seeing this as a way to meet new people and get used to being around new women, while throwing a little goverrnment change their way.
Eric S
Posted at 10:42 am, 23rd March 2020just resonated that there are likely MORE motivated sickly baby boomer sellers with businesses i can flip thanks to this virus.
shaved my head yesterday and time to focus and take a shot at leapfrogging…ready to see how much getting laid off from my, at times brutal, 3 year sales job paid off via your “just getting started younger guy,” advice.
thank you
Posted at 10:53 am, 23rd March 2020It’s the kids crowing about Boomer Remover, but in reality, Gen-X took over. It might take a couple years, but here we are. I’m guessing at least 10 million middle managers just got promotions.
Posted at 11:06 am, 23rd March 2020What if I can’t cash-in paypal currency in my country? How can I then make profits if I do business with entities who are outside my country?
C Lo
Posted at 11:25 am, 23rd March 2020I’m going to narrowly focus on this one section:
This is the absolute truth and I totally agree.
This is bullshit on all counts. The changes are systematic and pervasive, you’re just used to them (social programming!) and the inconvenience they cost.
A buddy of mine used to be the editor of major automotive magazine. He was coming back from a NHRA drag race with a used piston out of a top fuel dragster maybe a decade after 9/11. They use nitromethane, and as a used part, it had residue. While passing through airport security, one of the sensors picked him up and DHS detained him for an extended period of time (think days), even though he had extensive documentation of who he was and what he was doing because some sensor went off.
Imagine what governments all over the world are going to do with big data and forced temperature scans.
Not to mention the international ramifications. This virus that orgninated in China killed more people in Italy than if China had unleashed an actual land war on Italy – and it’s not done. You reeeeeeeeeeeely think they are just gonna forget?
Never mind. You clearly really do.
Posted at 11:49 am, 23rd March 2020a little off-topic but still somewhat related to the whole COVID-19 scare:
I’ve been reading about the 4 turnings theory and how it relates to the lifespan of the US; basically about every 80 years (4 generational turnings; a human lifespan), society undergoes a massive shift, broken into smaller shifts every 20 years (one turning). The fourth turning is known as a “Crisis” and comes to a close with a “climax”. The last time this happened was during Great Depression to WWII (the climax being bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Predictions based upon the theory calculate the USA in its existing form to come to an end around the mid-to-late 2020s. Given how our current crisis period started with the 2008 recession, I’m thinking the COVID-19 pandemic may eventually send some sort of long-term societal/economic shockwave the drastically alters the USA circa 2025-2028.
There’s also a publication by John Glubb stating that an empire usually lasts ~250 years, barring outliers. Connecting Glubb’s work to the four turnings theory, I’m expecting the US to collapse around 2026 and the whole COVID-19 thing to be the catalyst for the collapse.
Posted at 12:13 pm, 23rd March 2020My comment on the past one got filtered I imagine (though not sure why it would).
I’ve noticed a huge spike in matches, and also new women a bit iffy to meet. However lately my roster is MORE than full, since I really hit it hard before covid19 hit my area. Hitting up old contacts is definitely working.
I’d like to see a more detailed economic article, as some others have said this may not be a short hiccup (talking months of certain sectors of the economy being out of work). I work in healthcare so basically none of that shit applies to me. I plan on buying discount stocks and real estate. I’m working to get my duplex s8 eligible.
Wired For Success
Posted at 12:23 pm, 23rd March 2020Thanks for this timely article BD.
I’ve been seeing some of those doomsday fear-mongering idiots in circles I frequent as of late.
Unless you’re very young, very old, or some rare genetic unicorn with a garbage immune system, you have NOTHING to worry about with Covid-19 health-wise.
Speaking of potential collapses, I think its safe to say all this “woke” bullshit that’s infected western entertainment the past few years is now quickly going to come to an end with people’s main concern being essential supplies or how they are going to stay financially afloat the next few months. I’ve already seen this happen with Marvel Comics getting reamed by pretty much everybody regardless of where they are on the political spectrum with their hilariously bad new “New Warriors” announcement on Youtube a few days ago.
Posted at 12:23 pm, 23rd March 2020The “strategic” placement of your affiliate links…thanks for the devious grin on my face.
Even a little preparation makes a big difference. With my emergency fund plus $ saved for months worth of loan payments (fuck forbearance), I can hunker down and hone my copywriting skill, coming out on the other side of the crisis with a marketable skill *and* 90% of my debt paid off. My situation is no where ideal but heaps better than the average millennial woman, so I better take this opportunity.
I got 1 guy I’m sexing now free of charge. I pay for for everything when we do go out. Even though he has an underlying condition he is not panicking. All he cares about is that stimulus package money lol.
Posted at 12:31 pm, 23rd March 2020I’m in France, in total lockdown, meaning, basically, I can’t go out except to buy groceries or go to the hospital. Not a real problem business-wise, but of course no dating / sex possible for the next few months.
As you mentioned, I noticed I have much more matches / conversations than usual on online dating, some chicks I matched months ago and who never answered me beforehand just started chatting with me. Of course they will vanish as soon as the lockdown stops.
But the good news is, after several sexless months, everybody will be horny as hell, so I guess there will be many opportunities at that time.
Posted at 12:48 pm, 23rd March 2020I am one of those who will do that 180. While the city/state/province I live in hasn’t been completely sheltered in place which is nice, we’re gonna see what happens. Probably will for a bit. Which I don’t care about, but if we’re gonna get sheltered in place for obscenely long periods of time, I’m not down for that.
Either way, I’m gone in two or so years. Places that are not the west aren’t nearly this disorganized and stupid when it comes to this. Sure they get authoritarian but its only in short bursts then everything is cool again.
Marty McFly
Posted at 12:48 pm, 23rd March 2020Thanks for keeping a cool head. What would you estimate is the probability of civil unrest in certain cities and if so how far off?
Posted at 12:51 pm, 23rd March 2020Thanks BD for such a superb and timely article. This was very much needed.
I actually have an MLTR who’s 20 years old and lives with her parents who put her and her sisters on lockdown since last Monday! They won’t let her come out and see me. Hahaha. It’s both hilarious and sad how people have gone so crazy over this.
Financially speaking, I have a few friends in the stock market who are hurting right now. I feel for them, but that’s the game. I’m not currently in the stock market but would love to take advantage of this dip as you suggest for the short term. As per one of your comments from the last article, do you still suggest waiting until the Dow goes to 16-17K and then buying up a bunch of indexes and then selling them all off once it goes back to 23K? Or focus more on individual company stocks that may prove a higher return.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:19 pm, 23rd March 2020Not really. It’s because of all the leveraged traders who got hit with bad margin calls. They had to sell their gold to satisfy those calls.
Not very many Americans have zero cash but plenty of gold laying around. Most people who have gold also have some cash.
That is very hard to say. It could explode or it could stagnate because new crypto buyers might be too scared to try something new.
The number one problem with crypto is that it still has a very high barrier to entry for the normal laymen. It still seems complicated and weird to normal people. As long as it does, prices will remain somewhat normal.
I thought the crypto industry would have that that issue nailed by 2020 but they still haven’t for some reason.
You keep saying that and I don’t know what you want me to say. Pay cash for sex, or have sex for free, or don’t have sex. Make your own decision.
Then you need better profile pics, obviously. Get my online dating book so you can get better pics; I have an entire detailed chapter on it.
Jesus. Please don’t use dating sites as a tool to meet platonic female friends and get into friend zone. I can’t think of something more dumb.
Use Stripe instead. Stripe is awesome. Use Google Pay or WePay if Stripe isn’t an option for some reason.
It’s quite odd that people seem think PayPal is literally the only way to get paid online. It’s not.
Too soon. The very odds are low the USA will collapse in literally six years. But it will collapse in our lifetimes and it will probably collapse 10 years sooner now, i.e. if it was going to collapse in 25 years, now it’s going to collapse in 15.
Correct, the economic damage to some sectors will last several months.
More info on this coming.
Dude! HOLY SHIT, I saw that video! It’s literally a South Park or SNL video come to life. A superhero named Safe Space who is a black guy wearing pink? Who has a non-binary twin named Snowflake? Incredible. And they’re serious! I love the soyboy writer too. Hilarious.
Ah, Europe.
If you define “civil unrest” as people violating lockdown orders en mass because they want to go to work to pay their bills or need some some basic human contact, the odds are extremely high all over the world if governments sustain these lockdowns too long. People aren’t going to stay cloistered in their homes for months on end regardless of what their governments order. That isn’t how human beings work.
If you define “civil unrest” as millions of people violently rioting in the streets and/or using firearms against the government, those odds would be extremely low (barring a few very young, bored, stupid antifa / neo-nazi types who will always cause a little trouble on a small scale) since Westerners lost their balls many decades ago, are too fat / stupid / drug addicted / scared / beta / low-T to do such a thing. Read this for more info.
You’re very welcome.
I don’t feel for them at all. Every ten years like clockwork everyone who has stocks get murdered and they whine and complain every time. When will these idiots fucking learn? I have zero sympathy.
I am not qualified to give specific investing advice. I can just tell you what I’ll probably do, which is buy shitloads of indexes if the Dow drops below around 16K and then sell them when things get back to normalish. I would never recommend anyone owning individual American stocks unless you have some kind of insider information or you’re an industry expert.
Posted at 03:46 pm, 23rd March 2020Not BD, but I’d say it could happen pretty soon. People are gonna get real tired of this and will start riots. Especially young people. Especially if they were living paycheck to paycheck and they just lost their job. Which is a gooooood amount of the US.
I don’t think things are gonna stay super inconvenient like this for long. We’re gonna see a lot of homicides, suicides, violent crime, burglaries (LOTS of burglaries probably, I know if I had nothing to lose I’d be breaking in places like crazy), police won’t want to be deployed to stop all of it because of the virus, so for a couple weeks certain places will be the wild west: You’ll be able to break in anywhere and steal whatever you want without penalty. That’s what the entire US will be if things don’t return to normal in a month or so lol.
If there are power outages, you’ll see some real madness. It will be like a scene from a movie. Makes me wish I owned a gun.
This will especially happen if the unemployment rate rises above 33% which is what WILL happen if this goes on through April.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:47 pm, 23rd March 2020They just locked down the state of Oregon which is 20 minutes away from where I live. You’re allowed to travel outside of your house but it needs to be “essential,” like going to the grocery store or going to work if you don’t work at a place where the public gathers. Malls, restaurants, and so forth have been shut down of course.
I don’t live in Oregon but I live right on the border in Washington State so this affects me only in a peripheral sense. So far Washington has not been locked down but I expect it will soon. I wonder if the state governments around here consider driving somewhere to have sex with FBs as “essential.” I certainly do. 🙂
I was joking with Pink Firefly over the weekend about how we should move an FB into our house so big daddy BD can maintain his non-monogamy. Unsurprisingly she wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea. (I’ve mused about lots of “interesting” living scenarios for us for the long-term future. I may discuss those in a future article.)
I keep getting the question regarding if I will be forced into de facto monogamy if Washington State gets locked down. It’s an interesting question and I don’t have an answer yet, but the reality is that I meet my FBs at an actual office in a real office building where I do indeed work. It’s also right by where I bank. Sooooo…
But hey, if any government or law enforcement officials are reading, I am a good little boy and I will not break the law. I do not recommend, condone or endorse breaking the law. Yes yes yes.
I’m not concerned but I’ll keep you guys updated. Should be interesting.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 07:04 pm, 23rd March 2020Thanks for that last comment, that’ll be interesting indeed!
Would you actually have at least one FB willing to move in if you did decide that?
I live 2 minute walk from a supermarket, so hopefully I could exploit the groceries loophole to bring women to my place if this really lasts for months.
That’s more of a problem in my city since a lot of women live in the same household as their old folks… Ah asian families!
Posted at 07:06 pm, 23rd March 2020Damn, I wonder when Florida is going to be sheltered in place. Was considering heading over to my folks because I really can’t get much done with these four walls around me for too long. At least when I’m there I’ll have people around.
It’s really difficult for me to not panic right now, especially considering my history of mental health issues. It isn’t easy at all. Today was a bad day in particular, wasted a very long time on Doomsday Porn. I hate myself for it.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 07:07 pm, 23rd March 2020Yes, please!
Posted at 07:15 pm, 23rd March 2020Just wanted to share an AM 2.0 type of business I am putting most of my focus into…..Futures Trading (S&P 500 and Crude Oil). I am still learning and working on my patience and order execution discipline. I am part of a small group of traders and we get together in a Zoom conference call every morning and trade together. Our group leader is a 60 year old that’s been trading Futures for the past 30 years. I think this is the near perfect business to run and encourage others to do some research into this, especially if you are in lockdown with plenty of free time now.
Pros: Low capital needs (you can literally have a $5,000-$10,000 account and earn the $75,000 a year income by capturing one 10 cent move in the price of oil per day), the S&P and Oil futures are probably within the top 5 most liquid markets in the world, you can trade on your laptop anywhere in the world with only one screen, all trades go through the CME, the markets are open 23 hours a day starting Sunday evening to Friday evening, 2 hours per day Mon-Fri is all that’s needed, futures day trading does not need a $25,000 account minimum like day trading stocks do, no traditional selling (no looking for clients or customers), money is made in bull and bear markets (a couple weeks ago when the markets were tanking, some of my trading friends made several months worth of income on a Sunday evening), to my knowledge futures day trading can be taxed as Capital Gains in Canada (yes, even if you buy and sell within a minute), no customer service BS, compared to stocks you don’t need to followed dozens of tickers
Cons: You are risking capital (albeit relatively low), recommended to trade from 9am-11am EST (sucks being in the west coast or other parts of the world), trading can be difficult because it could bring out your human emotion/fear that overrides logic (even for logical individuals), you are alone (unless you trade with others via a web conference or this is a pro if you are an introvert).
As an example, today I shorted 1 contract of Crude Oil ($1,000 in capital needed) at 23.93. The price dropped to 23.83 within a minute. That 10 cent drop made me $100. Had I shorted 5 contracts, that would have been $500. I was willing to risk $50 if the price went up 5 cents. It was a high probability set up I look for, so in the long run I should statistically have more winning trades than losing trades. Our group leader regularly trades 10 contracts and generally earns $2,000-$5,000 per day. Seems too good to be true, but this is the power of trading futures.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:13 pm, 23rd March 2020Funny… just one hour after I made the above comment Washington State’s governor just announced a two-week stay-at-home order. For two weeks no one is allowed to go anywhere unless it’s something like a hospital, groceries, banking, gas station, or “essential work”… which, of course, no one can define. Should be interesting.
Not if Pink Firefly wasn’t cool with it.
This can’t last for “months.” As I said above, human beings aren’t going to stay in their homes for “months” regardless of what the government says or threatens.
The government can try whatever the fuck they want, like they tried for decades to prevent people from smoking marijuana, but it won’t work.
Left-wingers think they can make guns vanish if they pass more gun laws…
Right-wingers think they can get people from stop doing drugs by keeping drugs illegal…
And normal people think during a pandemic the government can successfully force people to stay in their homes for “months”…
Humans don’t work that way.
It’ll work for a while… but not “months.”
2% Rule. Don’t worry about it.
See a therapist. They do phone appointments.
Love it! I’ve spoken with many Alpha 2.0 day traders. I don’t have the personality for it but it seems to work for them.
Posted at 08:24 pm, 23rd March 2020What part of your personality makes day trading non suitable for you? You seem more introverted, not as keen to deal with BS from customers and seem very logical and disciplined. These tend to be good traits for successful, consistent traders. Also, are there any Alpha 2.0 day traders you know that have blogs/websites/YT channels you can disclose?
Posted at 09:01 pm, 23rd March 2020This panicking has become a HUGE blessing. I haven’t been this productive in years. I have far less interruptions, I don’t go anywhere other than the store, pharmacy, gas station, etc.
So, with all this “downtime,” my business is growing because I’m now able to spend 12-18 hours a day working on it. I limit social media and the news to one hour a day combined.
I’m at peace because I’m only concerned about what I can control and care less about what I can’t.
I encourage people to study Stoicism. Check out View From Above and Voluntary Discomfort as an introduction. It’ll give you perspective, peace, and focus. YouTube has many great content providers.
Posted at 11:12 pm, 23rd March 2020This post reminds me of the movie “Gone With The Wind” and my favorite movie star, the one and only Clark Gable. In GWTW he plays the character Rhett Butler, a smart alpha male who makes a fortune during the war and spends his time fucking hot chicks! People consider him a scumbag but he doesn’t give a flying fuck!
I don’t like these fucking limitations imposed on my life but the situation has turned great for me. I am very productive these days.
The next couple of years are going to be AMAZING for people with hard analytical skills who can study the markets and find alphas. I am going to build my skill set up and then start my own analytics consulting business probably in Dubai in 3-4 years! Adios America 🙂 I am also studying day trading. Let’s see how it goes!
The Capitalist
Posted at 11:21 pm, 23rd March 2020Yeah, I’m actually going to double down on my prediction in the comments of the previous thread.
It’s possible it could be slightly longer than my original guess but I stand by my prediction that things will be fine. And in less time than most are saying.
In addition I’m gonna be bold enough to say that things actually aren’t going to change much dispite everyone acting like even if the economy recovers things will change and never be the same. Nope. Not really. Things will go back to the way they were for the most part. Maybe even better because people will appreciate it all.
Yes the economy is going to take a hit. It already has. Yes many people who weren’t financially prepared for an emergency like this are going to be stressed and experience some hardship.
But it isn’t going to take long for all who are realistic to clearly see that shutting down everything for more than a few weeks is going to cause WAY more suffering than this virus.
And as much as everyone says things will never be the same.. they actually will. It’s not like people are all of a sudden not going to wanna go to restaurants or travel anymore.
So the businesses that survive that let folks go will hire people back. It will also provide the business owners with an opportunity to not hire back anyone they wish they hadn’t hired to begin with. Sometimes it can be hard to get rid of some staff members that you want to get rid of.. this just made that easier. So my guess is that some businesses will have better staff when all this is said and done.
Scuba Steve
Posted at 03:11 am, 24th March 2020CALEB, WAKE THE FUCK UP!
The virus isn’t just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That’s why people are being released only to die later after being “reinfected”.
WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.
WHO does not include “recovered” in their reports, poorly defined: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
New: “Recovered” drops dead, surge of reinfections
28-Feb: Israeli “recovered” case tests positive again
28-Feb: South Korea “recovered” case reinfected
27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after “recovery”
27-Feb: “Recovered” in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant
26-Feb: 14% of “recovered” in Guangdong test positive again
21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after “recovery”
19-Feb: “There is a likelihood of relapse”, expert says
14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier
31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after “recovery”
Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition: http://archive.is/6NGuH
Virus invades nervous systems: http://archive.is/qmc6U
17-Mar: Italy first case tests positive again after “recovery”
14-Mar: Cruise ship “recovered” case reinfected in Japan
Posted at 04:04 am, 24th March 2020Haha, and that happens a few hours after you made fun of Europe… More seriously I see all of that as a threat to location independence. Very few countries currently accept European people on their soil, and the US were the first to ban us. I don’t know what the situation is for you Americans right now? There is no way for an European citizen to escape confinement, even if he was abroad when that happened (unless he was very lucky and chose the right country in the first place, but that’s not something you could anticipate).
Anyway, no big deal, I have a big house and can work on my business and on improving my body, and this situation gives a lot of food for thought.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 04:42 am, 24th March 2020Of course, but assuming hypothetically your wife is cool with it, do you know at least one FB who would happilly move in your house?
Sorry if my question wasn’t clear earlier, I thought that hypothetical PF’s consent was clearly implied with the context of my question.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 04:55 am, 24th March 2020@Scuba Steve
You got me scared for a minute, but looking at your links it turns out you’re in full blown paranoid crisis and completely irrational: have you even read and understood what’s written?
P.S: There was a glitch and it seems my email was incorrectly input for this comment.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 05:12 am, 24th March 2020I really don’t know what’s gonna happen.
But for me here is what would work better: age segregation of people over 60
Force all people over 60 into self quarantine, put seals on their door and bring them groceries. If the seals are broken, fine them huge amounts of money.
2 weeks from now if they catch the virus it’s because they were too stupid to follow the instructions and tampered with the seals on their door, therefore people above 60 years old aren’t allowed at the hospital if they got infected by covid-19, they just stay at home, get some meds such as chloroquine and azithromicine with zinc, but if they can’t breathe, well too bad. No hospital, no ventilators for them. Just let the die at home and not overcrowd hospitals for younger people who need treatment.
Meanwhile, people under 60 years old face minimal risks. So they are allowed to live their life normally as long as they don’t go near any over 60 years old people. They are also allowed to stay home and not go work if they are afraid, no question asked, government provides with a help to go through this. Like just enough to afford a tiny housing in a cheap area and food, and for medical treatment if they are weak. If someone is weak, such as having cancer or whatever, but still goes out, well too bad for them, they have been warned. They are under 60 so are allowed to be treated in hospitals and get access to ventilators as old people aren’t overcrowding the hospitals with covid-19 (since they are banned from hospitals if they are infected).
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 05:27 am, 24th March 2020Make it a month to be sure. So governments could announce that a month from now, people over 60 who are newly infected with covid-19 will not be allowed in hospitals and will not be allowed to be plugged to a ventilator. They must stay home and not come in contact with anyone. Until a vaccine is found.
Meanwhile people younger than 60 years old could resume normal life as soon as the hospitals aren’t overwhelmed with covid-19 infected old people anymore. Probably a month or 2 from now. Even earlier if they agree to renounce the right to be treated in hospitals and to be hooked to ventilators.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 05:42 am, 24th March 2020Isn’t it a bit too early to panic? Which of the observations you cited can’t be explained by mass application of low-sensitivity tests? And the scariest claim you make, that the virus invades nerve tissue for periodic breakouts like HSV does, isn’t actually found in the source cited.
Posted at 06:20 am, 24th March 2020C Lo said:
China is actually providing aid and guidance to Italy right now. I am sure they are extremely grateful.
John Smith
Posted at 07:06 am, 24th March 2020I didn’t even get that far. I got the “Warning: Potential Security Risk” page when I clicked one of Scuba Steve’s links and turned back.
Anyway, the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act is another argument in favor of Alpha 2.0 businesses. It looks like it requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide 80 hours of paid sick leave related to Covid-19. If you don’t have any employees, it doesn’t matter. 🙂
Posted at 08:41 am, 24th March 2020What is Exhibit-A?
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 10:15 am, 24th March 2020Something or someone regarded or presented as primary evidence in support of an argument or proposition.
Posted at 10:47 am, 24th March 2020@Scuba Steve
I decided to click on just one of the references you provided.
Here’s snippets of what it said :
“in CERTAIN individuals, the antibody cannot last that long”.
This is no different than many other previous viruses. Sometimes, some people, get re infected.
“…. told USA TODAY that the data is too new to determine definitely whether the immunity will last for a short period of time, for years, or for life.”
This is the evidence you gave that “we are all fucked”? Your own reference said that we don’t know, and this is no different from previous viruses / endemics / pandemics. Some people get reinfected sometimes.
Definition of fear mongering on your part.
Posted at 11:51 am, 24th March 2020Great Article, thx a lot for being a rational voice in all this mess.
About women, sadly I am able just have sex with my OLTR right now (which is way way better than nothing, because she’s super hot and specially horny not being able to leave her place). I’ll be spending the whole week with her up until Sunday (we are fucking 2 times a day and she still wants more…but I’m still going out to work).
Also hitting tinder hard looking for younger women, but they are just a waste of time right now (some of them already put it in their profiles, saying things like “I just want to play games online” or some shit like that).
All my FBs are on lockdown…but still keep hitting me on my phone anyways.
About business, I’m investing ALL my new acquired free time on it. Already launched a new online sales business with my brother and will soon hit the market with a new very high ticket consultation targeting high profile man who want to save money on current ongoing renovations.
Yes, things are not good, but there is golden opportunity out there waiting for the really bold ones.
Posted at 12:42 pm, 24th March 2020You mean during the elections? Of course he will, every smart politician who wants to stay president would do that, no matter who it is. If it was wasn’t for the elections, he wouldn’t do anything like that. Whenever a crisis happens and an election is about to occur, it’s always a huge opportunity for the current government to prove how valuable and social it is, to its people.
As for setting up a business now, I don’t how this could make you money unless it’s a business you can do from home, just like you said you did. Everything is shutting down, so it’s like a chain reaction that affects everybody.
I just went to the mall and there was a sign hanging, that people are requested to pay with their cards for health reasons. My conspiracy gene just got relived and it got me thinking about all the crypto currencies etc. What if the powers just found a way to set up an economical crisis, which not only kills older people (less payments for pensions) but also finally gets rid off physical money? The econimical recession is just the price that we have to pay. But this is just me being bored at home.
Posted at 12:57 pm, 24th March 2020Oh and about women. I am sure most of you guys won’t get too happy with tinder and dating apps either. Sure, women are sitting home now but so are men. You might get more matches than ever yet at the same time an average looking woman will get even more attention than ever as well, her pool of men she can choose from will become even bigger and bigger. Given that a woman is probably very cautious to meet up she will most likely go for the guys she finds phyiscally arousing even more than ever. I think the dating app industry will get a huge hit too soon, at least many men will suffer. Seriously, how many men here pay actually money for tinder? Are you going to pay in the future too? I wouldn’t.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:40 pm, 24th March 2020If you speak English as a second language please take the self-responsibility to look up words and terms yourself you don’t understand (which takes about 5 seconds with a thing called “Google”) without asking us to it for you. That creates a lot of wasted time and all kinds of problems. For example, the commenter who answered you didn’t even define it correctly within the context that I used. The correct, in-context definition (which took me about 5 seconds to find with “Google”) is: the foremost example, often with a negative connotation.
Haha! And the problem is most men will indulge them.
This is regional. Mine either aren’t on lockdown, or are but don’t care, or in some cases, are but don’t know. (Yes, I’m serious.)
Yeah, I’m getting some of that as well. Millions of women everywhere are bored out of their minds. A lot of men too like Sandro.
I haven’t even felt the emotion of boredom in at least 35 years.
During or before, yes.
I didn’t say he wasn’t smart. I said he’s a socialist who will directly contribute to the downfall of the USA. (And yes, I realize you Trump supporters don’t really care.)
Hey, if you love big government and think it’s a great thing, your ideology won a very long time ago and you’re good to go! Re-elect Trump or vote for Biden or even Bernie. Any of those guys will have you covered.
Good luck with that.
I’m leaving.
Watch my blogs tomorrow. I will show you.
Don’t be bored. TAKE ACTION and start your business.
Posted at 02:26 pm, 24th March 2020The city I live at will be under a semi-shelter-in-place starting tomorrow night. I’m starting to get afraid of the virus since it is spreading like crazy. I’ll be staying at home during all of April or until cases begin dropping, I just want to wait this out and spend time working from home at this moment.
Posted at 03:48 pm, 24th March 2020lol Caleb, I don’t care about Trump or his party I don’t even think he is smart at all, it would just be smart to do what you said he will do. What I was trying to say is that every president in the democratic world would do the same thing, for obvious reasons. Therefore I highly disagree with you calling him a socialist because he is definitely not. I have noticed how easy american people tend to call other people socialists, just because one says or does something that doesn’t profit his pockets first.
Again, it’s a big missunderstanding. I wasn’t defending the government, I was just rationally explaining how every government takes advantage of big crisis by acting social. Remember Bush Jr. after 9/11? Now for everything that he did wrong in his 1st phase, America supported him in his fight against terrorism almost blindly, no matter how stupid the wars were he started. The people were down morally after 9/11 and he took advantage of it by playing the big Daddy who takes action and kicks some ass. I am sure that’s the main reason why he was elected again, despite being a terrible president.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:07 pm, 24th March 2020I agree calling him a socialist without any context is hyperbolic, so I’ll instead I’ll repeat what I said in the article, in that Trump is as socialist as Bernie Sanders meaning he supports huge big-government welfare programs on a mass scale such as UBI, medicare for all, and so on. Also, like Bernie Sanders, Trump doesn’t give a shit that doing these things is extraordinarily bad for the future of the USA and would hasten the collapse of our already collapsing country, and only cares about his re-election at the expense of the long-term future of this nation. And yes, all other presidents in the past or present have done the same and would do the same. And they’re shitheads too.
You’re defending the fact that Trump is doing something by saying any other president would do the same thing. And you’re right, but that’s not what is relevant to me.
We don’t disagree, we’re just saying two different things. You’re saying Bob is drinking poison, and he is. You’re also saying I shouldn’t attack Bob for drinking poison because Larry or Jeff or John would also drink the poison if they had it, and that’s true too. I’m saying they’re all fucktards and none of them should drink poison. I’m also saying I don’t vote for people who drink poison, and moreover I’m going to move very far away so these poison-drinkers won’t affect me nearly as much.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 04:19 pm, 24th March 2020Reminds me of a guy who called in a few times on The Black Phillip Show (R.I.P. Patrice), whose wife and girlfriend lived together with him. Very curious arrangement, but I can’t see how a guy does that while maintaining a low-drama lifestyle.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:30 pm, 24th March 2020You don’t.
The only way you have even a chance of making it work is you designate one woman as your wife and one woman as your friend (not girlfriend, but friend) who you occasionally fuck and that’s it. And even then you may have problems.
Posted at 09:35 pm, 24th March 2020So I just had a long term woman decide she doesn’t want to continue our relationship because she’s terrified of what’s going on with Covid-19. She’s paranoid about having someone in her home and getting her kids sick. And she says she realizes she doesn’t have a relationship as a priority right now. We’ve been dating for 9 months.
I imagine this is drama that will either self-correct or you may say it should be dealt with with a soft next.
Just wondering if perhaps extreme circumstances of self-isolation and fear of the unknown etc should be treated differently and perhaps with some patience and understanding.
Thanks in advance.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:19 pm, 24th March 2020Yes. That is not drama as I define the term nor is it a soft nextable offense. Just be nice and let her go nicely. Do NOT start having platonic phone, text, or social media conversations with her over the next few weeks though. That will shove you into friend zone. Be nice but be very distant and unavailable, then circle back to her when this is over.
Posted at 07:05 am, 25th March 2020BD whats your opinion about Trumps 2000 billion dollar bailout?
At least it might help USAs economy back on track right?
Dandy Dude
Posted at 07:49 am, 25th March 2020Yeah, that was close to his arrangement. Wifey was clearly #1, and both women knew it. But I always got the impression that he had to deal with a lot of drama. Seems to be an issue even for great pimps, if Iceberg Slim’s book is anything to go by.
I rather keep my girls separate and unknown to one another, thank you.
Posted at 08:46 am, 25th March 2020The more money the government wastes, the worse the economy gets.
And it’s 3 trillion I believe. If that actually passes, we’re gonna see 1920s-1930s like depression numbers really quick. We’ll all get hooked up but we’re gonna have to pay that shit back 5x at least the very next year lol. Then we’re gonna see unsettlingly high inflations. Very similar to 2009-2011 but probably more.
But that is IF we get this stimulus. I for one hope it doesn’t happen. I want things to be like this until May or so or when we start seeing cases dropping. OR if a vaccine is made.
It’s why Trump wants things to go back to normal by Easter. And things should go back to normal by then. Cases are already dropping in China, only a matter of time before they start dropping here too.
If all the chaos happened in China a month ago and there’s chaos here now but things are slowly getting to normal in China currently, I’m guessing that things will be back to normal in China in mid April and things will be back to normal here in mid-May.
Hilarious as this is, Dave Ramsey seems to be the best voice of reason on this: The 2nd and 3rd quarters of this year are gonna suck but the last quarter of 2020 is gonna rock. We’re gonna see ridiculous inflation in 2021 but really low unemployment…unless this drags on then we’re gonna see ridiculous inflation AND high unemployment. That would really suck.
Either way none of this shit should matter to an Alpha 2 or someone who wants to be Alpha 2 and I’m learning that more and more now.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:16 am, 25th March 2020Read my third comment above yours.
I’ll discuss that more at my other blog.
Posted at 12:54 pm, 25th March 2020BD, what are your recommendations for staying in contact with your FBs/MLTRs? Most of mine have left the state to stay with their families, and one of them is actually infected (nearly asymptomatic).
Do I treat it like a LSFTNE and just forget them for now? Or stay in touch but just once a week or so?
My gut says stay in touch, but even more spread out like every 1.5-2 weeks at most. They’re great, but I don’t need to be blue-balling myself or reducing their attraction.
You’ve been at this much longer. What do you think?
Posted at 01:08 pm, 25th March 2020What sugar baby sites do you recommend? I’ve never used one but if there’s a big increase in supply (and possibly a reduction in cost) seems like a good time to give it a try!
Posted at 01:14 pm, 25th March 2020I hate big government and bailouts as much as the next guy but in this case, it is hard to see an alternative. What is the alternative in your opinion BD? I mean basically the government is directly responsible for all these people losing their jobs, they took away their incomes so it kind of makes sense to give it back to them.
Although if you ask me the correct way of handling this situation would have been to just allow the damn thing to run its course, without shutting down the economy at all. Some weak sick people would die just like they are already dying of 1000’s of different things in the first place, most people would get sick and get better, just like they get sick and get better from dozens of other diseases throughout the year.
60million americans caught H1N1 and yet nobody got the bright idea of forcing unemployment on the entire nation then, how did this suddenly become such a great idea this time?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:38 pm, 25th March 2020Seeking.com is probably the best right now, but there are many others.
Ask me at my other blog tomorrow when my article on the political and economic ramifications goes up over there. The bottom line is that the USA was headed for inevitable collapse due to big government before the virus anyway. Regardless of what the government does the USA is fucked, and now it’s fucked much sooner.
Not when the government doesn’t have any money.
Good question.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:08 pm, 25th March 2020A woman being unable to see you because of a pandemic is not a LSFNTE so you can’t treat it the same way.
Yes, keep in touch every once in a while, especially if she is the one contacting you first.
Your gut is right. You could even do it a little more often if she is the one initiating.
Posted at 02:16 pm, 25th March 2020@gamblinsan
“60million americans caught H1N1 and yet nobody got the bright idea of forcing unemployment on the entire nation then, how did this suddenly become such a great idea this time?”
This is the big question for this particular illness-I think some level of this is ok to keep the healthcare system from getting overwhelmed but implementing true lockdown and martial law type stuff is too far. Is some of this a test to see how much control the Feds can exert over the population?? Nobody can say and it’s all speculation right now. Maybe it’s due to it being an election year partly, maybe it’s due to the faster spread of this one, who the hell knows. We have a yearly cold/flu season that kills many as well, but life always goes on as usual during that time, even when flu deaths have spiked in years past. They can’t keep people on lock down too long or it’ll take some huge tolls across the board-there are ripple effects like we saw in 2007-2008. The hospitality and transportation industry will be first to get hit, then you’ll start seeing upticks in loan defaults, etc…more bailouts…
I also think places like Italy are freaking people out due to their higher death rate. Italy has the 2nd largest number of elderly as part of their overall population(Japan is #1)and the highest median age in Europe so we’re seeing disproportionate amounts of death there. There’s even commenters here that keep bringing up “BODY BAGS PILING UP IN ITALY!!!!”. Yes they have higher numbers of deaths but that is expected due to their demographics.
Larger point that Caleb has already talked about is the hastening of the collapse of the west. I think this will finally tilt it all the way and accelerate us to the decline. It was all fucked anyway so best to prepare for that NOW if you haven’t already and not just get complacent again once this thing blows over, which it will.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 02:41 pm, 25th March 2020One (or more) of the guys on the Rule Zero podcast said that this is a consequence of how feminized the western world has become. Makes sense to me, and reminds me of Bill Maher’s bit on the subject:
“Sensitivity is more important than truth. Children are more important than people. Commitment is more important than individuality. And safety is more important than fun.”
Paul C
Posted at 03:56 pm, 25th March 2020BD, to me, the real joke here is that most people would consider what they’d call your “fear” of monogamy to be merely irrational paranoia; while these same people would consider the threat of COVID-19 to be utterly valid and appropriate.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 06:31 pm, 25th March 2020Amen! Thanks for stopping the pollution of this blog with things irrelevant to dating women and relationships.
And thank you so much for refocusing on that kind of useful ideas related to dating women and relationships.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:57 pm, 25th March 2020That’s pretty funny and I never thought of it that way. And you’re right. It’s even worse than that though: Statistically speaking, TMM is a far greater financial, logistical, and emotional threat to the typical man out there than the COVID-19 virus. It’s hilarious.
You’re very welcome. While there will always be a little topic mingling between my two blogs on occasion, that topic separation is important.
Posted at 05:55 am, 26th March 2020Yeah, every one of my FB’s have temporarily dropped off, so has my MLTR.
I’m socially isolated, lonely, and haven’t had sex in almost 3 weeks.
Reminds me of being married.
I’m just being dramatic…in all seriousness this had been great for my business but women have been a challenge for sure.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:16 am, 26th March 2020I have a feeling that the majority (or at least a huge plurality) of everyone infected with COVID-19 is completely or nearly asymptomatic (and thus unreported). The smaller percentages of the scary cases are the ones that get all the news and that everyone focuses on.
Posted at 09:38 am, 26th March 2020If you’re a Thrill of the Hunt guy right now like me.. You’re just jacking off lol. FUCK THIS!!!
That being said I’ve got more time for home workout, school shit, business shit, and paying debt since we can’t go out.
Get ya mind right.
Posted at 10:57 am, 26th March 2020Those of us without debt are gonna make a killing on the market. Not necessarily just stocks either. If you have liquid cash around and don’t mind tying it up in the market for a while, like real estate it’s going to be a great time to buy.
I’m playing it safe playing with blue chips*, and the dip that happened Monday is gone and the market has sprung back, but I feel it’s only temporary. It’ll crash soon again more likely, and that’s the time to scoop up some valuable stocks. The market will go to shit, but if you’re an AM2 you will take advantage of it.
*If you want to get into options or futures/securities/daytrading then I’d say wait for the casinos to open and put it all on black, your odds are better than way.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 01:05 pm, 26th March 2020Unrelated.
But Blackdragon, what would you do if you found out your OLTR has an Only Fans account?
Posted at 03:52 pm, 26th March 2020Last year three month “flu season” in Australia had a death toll of around 430 people, many more hospitalised. Barely made the news.
Now at 14 deaths or something in two month everyone is freaking out.
Posted at 05:20 pm, 26th March 2020Think that happened to me, although I think I “flare” up at times. Like today I went to work feeling perfect, after work I go for a run and I have slight chest pains and stuff.
Then again I only slept 4 hours last night and have been up since 6 in the morning, soooo…..
But the pain is more annoying than anything else. Nothing crazy. Definitely gonna be a concern if it goes on for awhile.
Think I’ll be alright after a good night’s sleep tho. If anything it’s probably my body missing the weights and my body saying “bruh quit doing all this cardio!” but who knows.
If I DO have it I’ll probably get over it easily.
Posted at 05:33 pm, 26th March 2020Greetings Caleb.
Appreciate your great content.
You have an article on starting over from scratch.
How will you do it differently in case you have to start during epidemic of corona virus.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Posted at 05:34 am, 27th March 2020I have followed so much of BD advice over the last 5 or so years and my god is it paying off now!!
I am from a left wing country who around a week ago flagged that we would be going into lock down that could last Months…well screw that. I grabbed the kids ( I am a single Dad) and got one of the last flights out to SE Asia where I have a nice apartment thanks to learning about the 5 flags model!! Copped a big back lash from from family and friends, though outcome independence taught me to not give a shit what people think.
I have a bussiness that does have staff though I trust them and can coordinate what I need to do from here. My balance sheet is solid and debt low. I am also nearly 50 so have a pretty decent personal portfolio balanced over different assets, like BD has said before after 30 years of working, no excuse not to have 1 million $$ minimum. And it will be considerably more soon with the opportunities coming up.
No concerns about the stupid virus affecting us, young and healthy. More chance of coming off my motorbike.
Life goes on here, there is caution but not panic. I can eat out, play sport, home school the kids and as for women I nearly need a stick to keep an away. And I don’t mean bar girls or hookers, They are Asian and Western girls with good hearts who are also a tonne of fun!
The biggest message is get yourself in a position where you can take action not be dictated.
BD I really have no words to express my gratitude to you and your work that has put me in this position now. Thank you
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:40 am, 27th March 2020Not much different. Watch my daily videos for the answer.
You’re very welcome and I’m glad to help.
Posted at 10:03 am, 27th March 2020I also noticed that the LSNFTE is on the rise. Correlating with the MLTR and FB becoming bored and horny.
I’m from Israel, and we are on semi-lockdown.
Out of the blue 2 girls contacted me this week.
The first is one I dated 4 years ago, got into bed but could not nail her as FB or MLTR. Once every few months I text her, we converse but nothing materializes. She contacted me via text, then called. We spoke and texted this week but she was slippery and maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to bring her over. She seems desperate for company.
The second is a 6 month old FB which left stating the LSNFTE almost word per word. I’ll be going to her place in a few hours to do the did, and she wants to feed me too.
This is a classic case of “don’t fuck up”.
I have heard from several people that they now do “Zoom Dates” (it’s a free app for multimedia conferences (voice, video and files sharing). It seems that girls fear the unknown new men, but will more gladly go to bed with an old flame.
Posted at 03:33 pm, 27th March 2020Caleb, please accept my apologies for cross-posting the comment all over the blog.
I was trying to get your attention.
Moving forward I’ll make sure to follow proper communication protocol.
Looking forward to your upcoming content.
Posted at 08:10 am, 28th March 2020BD, show me 100 of your loyal readers, and I’ll show you 5 dudes better positioned to take advantage of this….at most. I’m being generous.
I am setting up SA. My profile is a mix of showing how much FUN I’m having, how I’m ADULTING LIKE A WARLORD through a crisis, how I’m legit single in an apartment I legit have lived alone in for a long time, and is almost entirely scrubbed. Oh yeah, and begging them to make sure they don’t have anyone downstream who could be infected with Covid, and I actually mean that, because I’m basically a contact junkie for this thing…..well, after the initial wave, anyway.
That’s why I said a few days ago the pros wouldn’t look at me twice. You totally didn’t understand. I’m playing off of boredom, not desperation. Everything in the frame I’m throwing up reinforces that.
I’d rather play board games with a bored but super cute 20 y/o than bang a hot 35 y/o desperate single mother for cash. I swore I’d never pay for sex again and I will honor that.
I also look forward to telling the story about that time I quarantined with sugar babies.
If my whole life has been building to something, it’s summer 2020. This feels like a dream. In your terms, I am owning my shit on 6 of 7 fronts, and my woman situation just sorted itself out. This is a Revenge of the Nerds wet dream come true.
Posted at 02:11 pm, 28th March 2020Preface – I’m in the UK.
I’ve followed all your advice and have a very similar life to yours (OLTR multiple FBs). Business-wise I can and am implementing everything you say.
Women-wise, we are on lockdown. I can either choose to live alone or with my OLTR. Our chief medical officer has said: “Couples who live apart should either continue to do so or test the relationship by moving in together”.
Long story short, no FBs on both a legal and a moral (public health) basis – any suggestions?
Love your stuff.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:15 pm, 28th March 2020Here’s my bottom line:
1. Don’t break the law.
2. With #1 in mind, go ahead and have all the sex with your FBs you like as long as A) you’re healthy and under age 60 and B) your FBs are not irresponsible younger women who are blatantly violating quarantine and hanging out with lots of friends and shit like that. If you have A + B, and it’s legal, it’s a green light. If you have A + B but it’s not legal, use your own judgement. Otherwise it’s a red light.
3. For the love of god, do not move in with a woman just because you want to get laid. I would rather you have literally zero sex for a few weeks temporarily (a world-wide pandemic and governmental lockdown is indeed a valid excuse, one of the few I could think of) than move in with a woman just because you can’t go without sex for a few weeks. I have talked about how complicated and dangerous it is to move in with a woman under a sexual or romantic context a thousand times. Don’t do it just because of a temporary problem like this stupid virus.
Posted at 06:22 pm, 28th March 2020My dad’s side of the family is from Israel, I remember when I visited there a decade or so ago and IDF troops were pretty much on every street corner. Is it still like that now?
Can you define “semi-lockdown?” Stuff is still open where I’m at, but all of the college campuses are closed, and restaurants do takeout only. All gyms are closed too 🙁
Is that how it is out there?
Posted at 06:28 pm, 28th March 2020Something I might do to make chicks more comfortable when I hit them up online is to try to get tested for COVID 19 in my city and if I come out negative for it, I can put the results as one of my pics.
Then in my profile I can say “COVID 19 free: 2nd photo for proof” or something like that.
That might make chicks a bit more comfortable to have a first date with me, which is totally possible where I’m at. All of the parks are still open and I see people on picnic dates at one of the bigger parks downtown a lot when I run there.
Trouble is, I would need the chick to be COVID 19 free and that might be difficult to arrange.
Either way, I can go without chicks for awhile anyways. Just like I can go three or so days a month with all my devices in Airplane Mode, I can certainly go three or so months a year without female attention. Gives me more time to work on the stuff that really matters, like improving my business/money/vocation.
Posted at 09:04 pm, 28th March 2020Perfect answer to my last question and exactly what I thought you’d say. Thanks!
Posted at 05:58 pm, 29th March 2020WTF wow. But I’m not surprised. It’s Israel. I have a feeling it’s gonna be like that here in the US too eventually. Now that things are really inconvenient here for another month, we’re gonna see a lot of demonstrations, protests, riots etc. I expect a LOT of looting in some of our bigger cities over the next couple weeks.
If this continues through May, we’re gonna see riots added to the lootings. Lots of em. People get bored, they’re gonna want to go out, we’re not designed to stay in the house for months on end. It’s gonna be fun to watch from the vantage point of the small city that I’m living in, but I feel bad for anyone living in a large city.
That really sucks. Not that bad here yet. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get like that here or else it’s gonna get reeeeeaaaaallllly bad lol.
Posted at 12:18 am, 30th March 2020The idea behind those regulations is that protests and demonstrations will be a pressure valve, but also that the people will need to keep a 2 meter (6″7) distance between them.
I do hope for your sake it won’t happen, although I see the logic in your argument.
Update – brought her over on Saturday night. She was in bad shape (partially sick, not with COVID-19). She also gained weight (as expected) and was not in the mood. Took her back home on Sunday. Will not initiate anything in the future.
Lazy Blitz, a Storm of Openers!
Posted at 05:31 am, 30th March 2020Amen
Posted at 09:59 pm, 30th March 2020I’m getting a similar feeling. Was kinda saying that to myself while driving to work: I have a feeling that I’m gonna have a massive breakthrough in all the most important areas of my life in summer for some reason.
The next three or so months are gonna be fantastic for those of us who do the right things…provided we make the correct sacrifices.
Those who aren’t willing to make significant sacrifices are not gonna have a good time. Those are the types who are going to be unemployed, worrying if they are gonna get another “stimulus” check from the Nanny State.
And when they don’t get it (and they won’t, I have a feeling things will return to normal in May despite COVID 19 still spreading), they will “express” their feelings.
They’ll stay unemployed because their former jobs will either hire better people. They’ll be broke, hungry, and desperate. Many will get COVID sick because it will still be spreading. This will prompt the social distancing guidelines to resume until September.
Cue all kinds of lootings, vandalism, riots, and violence to themselves and others. Medical facilities will be overcrowded, people might even drop dead in the streets, The unemployment rate in the US will be approaching the 33% mark. These are my predictions. People are scared but they are also stupid: When they are “told” that they can return to normal, they will and they will pay for it cuz that’s when this thing is gonna spread like crazy. That will be in about May or so.
I for one am going to continue social distancing until cases drop (I’m expecting either June or September). I’m expecting this thing to spread like crazyyyyyyy in the next couple months, but then its gonna go down to the ground in summer. Or fall. Perhaps somewhere between the two like mid July or something. Who knows.
Either way, we’re gonna come out of this waaaaaay better because we did the right things: Stayed away from all the bullshit and learned about how to build our empires. So what if things are gonna be super inconvenient for a while? Big deal, grow a set and deal with it.
I’m giving myself today and tomorrow to do and watch stupid stuff. But when April begins, so will the sacrifices and the changes. The COVID 19 scare represents a serious test of character for many (myself included) so I kind of really don’t have a choice but to do the right things in response. If I don’t, its game over.
Posted at 10:11 pm, 30th March 2020Watched it out of curiosity. Great, now I probably have terminal COVID 19. Thanks. lol