04 May When Alpha Male 2.0 Doesn’t Apply to You

Alpha Male 2.0 concepts have received a decent chunk of new eyeballs lately and that’s very nice. It also means I need to do a little housecleaning.
-By Caleb Jones
Alpha Male 2.0 is not for everyone. It’s only for about 10% of men, which roughly equates to 5% of humans. Most men who read the basic concepts of Alpha Male 2.0 will reject them even if they find them interesting. They will do this because of one of four reasons:
1. They’re too scared to try it, mostly because they’re too worried about what other people will think or say (for example, the typical beta male, which sadly represents most men today).
2. They’re too lazy to try it since they incorrectly think it will be too much work (for example, the typical lazy Millennial or Gen Z guy).
3. They’re opposed to it on philosophical grounds because their own false Societal Programming is too strong (for example, the traditional conservative or Jordan Peterson worshipper).
4. They’re too dominant or outcome dependent (for example, really controlling guys or really jealous guys).
The above four categories easily represent 90% of today’s men when combined. The freedom and happiness offered by the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle will never resonate with any of these men (with rare exception), therefore it does not apply to them, nor should it.
And that’s okay. One of my core business techniques for those starting their own Alpha 2.0 businesses is to niche. Instead of selling something to everyone, it’s much easier to make a high income quickly by only selling something to a very narrow market segment of very particular people or companies.
I follow my own advice. Alpha Male 2.0 is only for a very narrow niche of modern-day men, those men who really, really want to be long-term happy and free, and are willing to put up with a little work and a few odd looks from their social circle in order to get it.
Alpha Male 2.0 is not for every man, nor would I ever want it to be. As I’ve said many times, as far as I’m concerned, 90% of men can go pound sand for all I care. I have nothing against these guys and bear them no ill will, but I really don’t give a shit about these people. I’m only here for that magical 10% who want to build or maintain their Alpha 2.0 lives.
Which brings me to this problem.
I’ll use a blog as an example but it could be anything; a blog, an online forum, a podcast community, an email list, a social media community, whatever. Don’t get hung up on the blog example; it’s just an example that applies to a lot of different things.
Let’s say I have a big, popular blog on Toyota cars. It’s all about how great Toyotas are, techniques regarding your Toyota, and so on. The blog appeals to Toyota enthusiasts, Toyota owners, or those people who are getting ready to buy a Toyota. The blog isn’t for anyone else.
Let’s say you don’t like Toyota. You never plan on ever buying one and don’t see the point. You like Nissans instead.
This is fine. I’ll have my Toyota, you have your Nissan, we’re both happy.
But let’s say you place a comment on my latest Toyota article at my Toyota blog and say something like, “You know, I would never own a Toyota. I like my Nissan better and I’ll just stick with that. Some of us just prefer Nissans. I would never buy a Toyota. I don’t like Toyotas. Why bother with a Toyota? No thanks.”
(Notice the comment is bereft of any actual points. It’s just an opinion. That’s relevant as you’ll see in a second.)
If you left a comment like that on a blog for cars in general, that would be perfectly fine.
If you left a comment like that on a blog for Nissans, it would also be fine.
But if you left that on a blog focused only on Toyotas, that means that you’re either stupid, don’t know how to read, or at best you’re a bored, weak troll looking to start useless arguments for no reason. At worst you’re being a prick. You’re literally wasting your time and the time of everyone reading your comment.
Let’s say that I, as the owner of this hypothetical Toyota blog, started arguing with you. (I would never do that since that would be a waste of my time, but this is a metaphor.) I would actually spend my time arguing with someone who would literally never buy a Toyota on my Toyota blog.
Wouldn’t that be stupid? I would be wasting my time, wasting your time, wasting the time of all the readers, and taking attention away from the important commenters, those interested in Toyotas.
Let’s instead say that I was a little smarter and said something like, “That’s great man, but this is a blog for Toyota people. You aren’t in the target audience here. You’re just wasting my time and your time. You should probably go comment on some other blog.”
Then let’s say your response is something like, “Ohhhhhh you can’t handle someone disagreeing with you??? You gonna ban me now??? Can’t handle the heat??? Hey man, I like reading this blog because it’s interesting. You need to chill, dude!!!”
Again, I’ll repeat that you don’t like Toyotas and will never buy one. I’ll also repeat that your first comment didn’t have any actual points that could have been responded to. You were just saying you don’t like Toyotas, and now you’re arguing with someone for literally no reason. Talk about wasting your time. Moreover, you’ve moved from mild troll or prick to full-on shithead, since now you’re wasting other people’s time and derailing a comment thread away from the point the Toyota people would like to discuss.
I would never dream of going to a blog focused on monogamous relationships and start whining at them over there. Nor would I go to a blog or other website focused on socialists, far-right Christians, or people who think going to college is a great idea, and say something like, “You know, I don’t like socialism. I think it’s bad. I prefer capitalism. Some people don’t like socialism.” What a ridiculous and idiotic waste of time that would be.
Over the past few months, I’ve seen comments on my blogs, social media, and other places such as…
“I don’t ever want to start my own business. I like my corporate job. I just want to keep that.”
“I wouldn’t EVER be non-monogamous! I prefer having sex with just one woman. That’s better for me.”
“Just tell women what to do! If they don’t like it you need to MAKE THEM understand!!!”
“I don’t ever want to be location-independent. I like where I live. I’m happy just staying here forever and never going anywhere else.”
“You know, not everyone wants to be free. Some of us guys just want an average girlfriend/wife and a basic corporate job and are perfectly fine with that.”
And so on.
There’s nothing wrong with those opinions. The problem is that you don’t belong here. You’re in the 90% of men who Alpha Male 2.0 is not for. By taking the time to actually make a comment bitching about Toyotas on a blog for Toyotas, you’re just wasting your time, my time, and the time of the audience.
In other words, with all due respect, you need to fuck off and go somewhere else. The internet is a big place. I’m sure there are other places full of men who agree with you. You should go there.
Now to address your excuses…
I realize that some of you have lots of time on your hands with nothing important to do. That’s fine, but please go waste your time by doing things like playing video games or watching Netflix or reading blogs espousing lifestyles you agree with instead of those you disagree with. There are plenty of ways you can waste your extensive time without also wasting the time of my audience.
I realize that I’m entertaining and interesting. Thank you. I know there is a segment of the reading audience that doesn’t really agree with me but finds me entertaining and interesting like watching a really cool-but-controversial episode of Game of Thrones. And I’m more than happy to provide this entertainment; it’s part of the game I’m playing here. But please, for the love of god, just read. Don’t actually post any comments. Placing comments on my content is for guys who either agree with this lifestyle or are interested in it enough to perhaps give it a try and have specific and legitimate questions or concerns, and we both know that isn’t you.
I realize that some of you like to argue just to argue. You lack emotional control and find arguing with people on the internet a fun pastime even if the argument isn’t actually about anything substantive. Hey, I was like that too… when I was 13. In my opinion, you have some growing up to do regardless of your actual age. But if you disagree and/or want to just write me off as an asshole, that’s fine, because I am an asshole. Seriously, read this. Argue for no reason all you like; just do it somewhere else, not here.
And lastly, I realize that some of you are women. Though you disagree with a lot of things I say, many of you find my content interesting enough to keep reading. Again, this is fine, and I welcome you even though you’re not in the target audience here. But if you start making comments about how prenuptial agreements aren’t fair to women, or how it’s a great idea for guys in their twenties to get girlfriends, or about how having sex with a woman on a second date is somehow evil or deceptive, then you’re in this same disruptive category of the “I’ll never do this stuff” poster who is taking time away from both me and my audience. You’ve got to remember this content is for men, not women. Feel free to talk about how great monogamous girlfriends are for young men over on websites or communities targeted towards women or beta males. There are a lot of those to chose from (since beta males + women = most humans).
In the past I’ve been very patient with commenters like this. I’ve indulged them and let them rant for the most part as long as they follow the Five Simple Rules, which they usually do. The problem is, while in the process of scaling this Alpha Male 2.0 business to something much larger than it is now, I’ve realized that:
A) Spending my personal time dicking around with random complainers outside of the target audience is not a scalable model, and more importantly…
B) It’s completely unfair to the core audience.
This does not mean I’m going to delete any and all comments that disagree with me. Quite the opposite. As regular readers know, I love it when people disagree with me using actual points. These kinds of comments are fantastic for high quality conversation and my personal branding, so I will always respond to those comments as long as they’re on-topic and don’t include any personal attacks. I’m only talking here about comments that don’t have any actual points, similar to the ones I described above. Saying “I don’t like this” or “I would never do this” is not an argument or a point. Therefore it can’t be responded to in any rational fashion. It’s just a silly time-waster.
The sames goes for any points made that are completely outside of Alpha Male 2.0 core concepts, such as “What’s wrong with having a job forever?” or “Bitches need to be told what to do,” or “Having sex with more than one woman isn’t Christian.”
I have dramatically jacked up my content output lately. My YouTube presence, my social media presence, my podcast presence, cranking out new products and services, all of these things are going full-bore, and there’s much more to come. In a few weeks I’m announcing some major changes regarding my blogs and other websites. Most of you are going to love these changes, but a few of you are going to be upset. Doesn’t matter. As I mentioned a few months ago, I am spending a huge amount of my personal wealth and time scaling Alpha Male 2.0 into a world-wide brand which means I need to cut some dead weight around here.
You’re coming with me on this journey, or you’re not. It’s that simple.
I need to focus 100% of my time and efforts on you in the 10% who get it. As always, I’m here for you guys, and only you guys. You guys are why I’m here. No one else.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:13 am, 4th May 2020Hey BD, FYI: Your proofreader missed that the first paragraph betweeen “Alpha Male 2.0 is not for everyone…” and “…very particular people or companies.” is there TWO times.
Posted at 06:24 am, 4th May 2020Well, I’ll have to disagree with you on this one BD.
I have a corporate job
I’m on an LTR
I do night game, not online game.
I’ll never be in an OLTR, I dont want to.
I’m young and most of your content for older guys and sugar daddy stuff is not for me
I still find your content incredibly valuable. I have told several friends that think like me to read your blog and they love your content. Your pragmatism, MLTR and FB content, business and lifestyle content, and basically your sharp, straight to the point way of thinking can be helpfull to anyone.
Well, I’m probably not on the majority here, but I think I can read, reflect and learn from other peoples perspectives, even if they aren’t exactly like mine. Otherwise you’re a robot. BD have said here multiple times like he can change his mind over any subject anytime. And even if you don’t, theres always a lesson when someone smart and competent is talking.
Even if not all your content doesn’t resonate with me, and despite your request, I’m sorry to disappoint you BD but I will not stop reading your blog lol (I know youre not talking about me because I’m not here on the comments whining, well, not anymore at least for the past few years)
Posted at 06:35 am, 4th May 2020Fix the article, it’s not properly edited. Been reading your content since you were posting on the SED fast forum.
Keep up the great work! Much needed in this modern-day PC environment.
I agree 100% with the article though.
C Lo
Posted at 09:10 am, 4th May 2020I concur.
The best part of Caleb’s content is it’s scaleable. You can add in the parts that work for you and not add in the parts that don’t.
Lord knows he and I don’t see eye to eye on lots of things, nor am I afraid to argue with him on stuff that is wrong on a factual basis (notably, his recreational blackjack content) but I respect that he allows users to disagree unlike others in the ‘sphere who will remain nameless.
I have an opinion that Caleb’s desire for an international lifestyle and quest for tax havens is no longer viable long term post corona virus but thats just my opinion and I doubt he gives a shit what I think. But personally I won’t be going that way.
I’ve started a zero employee business that is recession proof with zero overhead, but the trade off is it is location dependent, but it also has sale value. If I want to move I’ll sell it and buy another.
Am I 2.0? I think so. I do what I want, don’t give a shit about what other people say about me, and have more freedom than anyone else I know.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 09:11 am, 4th May 2020If I were you, I would consider having your tech staff implement something similar to emoticon reactions to posts on Facebook. Basically, one-click canned reaction. Offtopic, TT1G etc.
Posted at 12:18 pm, 4th May 2020Hi BD, I want to take the time to thank you for your whole concept of the Alpha 2.0 way of living since it really is the best and most conducive way for a man to be as happy or at least as much as a man can be in the modern world. I’ve actually been following this blog for a couple years now… and the older I’m getting (i’m 31) and the more introspection I’ve done, I’m slowly realizing many things; The main thing I’ve realized is that I’ve spent much of my life being or staying angry or frustrated at why I haven’t got results in certain areas of my life which is ironically the 2 main areas you speak of : financial and woman aspects of life. Well I finally realized that staying angry at these aspects is exhausting and doesn’t actually help my life in any way haha. It’s funny because as I type out these words it sounds like such common sense though I guess we all have blind spots in life. Anyways, now it’s time to move forward and be positive in life, and for the first time I think I’m finally going to join the SMIC to get some help and direction in my life
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:21 pm, 4th May 2020Editing problem is fixed. (It was a blog problem, not a proofreading error.)
We don’t disagree. Despite the non-Alpha 2.0 aspects of your life you don’t make whiny comments about how monogamy is way better or how having a corporate job is fantastic. You simply live your life and take the aspects of my advice you want to better your life. That’s great!
You’re right, my content is valuable to men like you. The men I spoke of in the article are not men like you.
Posted at 01:32 pm, 4th May 2020RedPillSwinger
Posted at 02:40 pm, 4th May 2020What’s wrong with following Jordan Peterson, Caleb?
I’m not a Trayvon and am fully aware that both the tradcons AND the feminine imperative are willing to screw men and allocate them in a default subservient role. However, his advice is gold imho since it can motivate lots of young people to break free from.their dependencies.
Wired For Success
Posted at 02:48 pm, 4th May 2020Arguing for the sake of arguing seems to be a major thing amongst younger men such as myself. (Not that I personally waste my breath like I used to with trying to argue pointless things with internet randos)
Particularly in the era of “anger porn”, it is all too common on both sides to see people screech at each other over politics or the quality of western entertainment right now. (which is inarguably garbage atm)
Because arguing for the sake of arguing is much like yelling at a brick wall, anytime I see someone post something idiotic that I don’t agree with, I simply roll my eyes and mutter under my breath rather than bother engaging them.
Life’s too short to waste time debating with people who simply don’t get it y’know?
And in response to one of those common comments you get from one of those guys BD, my own two cents on the matter of accepting mediocrity in one’s personal life.
“I want an average girlfriend/wife and a basic corporate job”
To those people, I say “okay boomer.”
Seriously though, some people prefer being good little sheep. Nothing you can do to change that.
The idea of ever “settling” however disgusts me greatly though hence why I found Black Dragon blog though before that, it was the now-defunct “Bold and Determined” blog that opened my eyes to the fact that it is indeed possible to live as a free man provided you are willing to put in the work of course. And honestly, I think that’s what stops most people from at least having some financial freedom in life. Hell, even during this quarantine we’ve all been under, most people have been binge-watching Netflix or consuming video games/porn instead of taking this extended time off of work to start building at least one passive income stream.
Me personally, I’m happy to say that in part thanks to following your advice about location independent income, one such stream of income I started near the end of last year is now netting me a solid amount of monthly passive income. Not a whole lot mind you, but more than what I otherwise wouldn’t have had and I’m looking to scale it up as we head into the hotter months of the year.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:56 pm, 4th May 2020I clearly said Jordan Peterson worshipers, not Jordan Peterson followers. Nothing wrong with following the guy. I’m subscribed to his YouTube channel.
His advice isn’t the problem. It’s the Tradcon framing and opinions under which he gives it. Read this.
The big problem is that today, average = bad. Read this.
Posted at 08:14 pm, 4th May 2020Not so long ago, I remember when the comment session was full of gold advice – from yourself and other readers – sometimes even better than the actual article.
I also remember that the whiners were actively participating, but ashamed of derailing the actual thread with their BS.
Well, all I can say is your advice works…specially your relationship advice, which was what actually brought me here back in 2012. And I’m glad you continue to keep your honesty about who you really want to help.
Thx a lot man!
Pickle Rick
Posted at 06:21 am, 5th May 2020This sounds like a reference to Sturgeon’s Law to me.
My argument is why would you NOT follow the precepts of Alpha 2.0
But I think Caleb is too nice.
The thing is most men are too weak-minded (different from the cited reasons of scared and lazy).
So once again reference Sturgeon’s Law.
Posted at 10:17 am, 5th May 2020I think you’re right about Jordan Petterson. He IS tradcon. And I’m still some kind of libertarian left, which puts me in the opposite corner. But he’s still a smart, perceptive guy with some good advice to offer. Same could be said of Brian Tracy, although his politics are different. Come to think of it, I disagree with about half of Caleb’s political views, too. It would be dumb not to listen to someone’s good ideas because you don’t agree with them in some different sphere altogether.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:32 am, 5th May 2020Most of that is part of changing times, both culturally and on the internet, which is fine. I’m changing the entire format soon to reflect some of these new realities.
You’re very welcome.
Sturgeon’s Law is accurate. Even as a young man I figured that one out. 🙂
Incorrect. Brian Tracy didn’t constantly weave his right-wing political views into his advice. He also didn’t go out of his way to lean into more right-wing groups and audiences to market himself. These are the reasons is why he had (and still has) a lot of left-wing followers as well as right. Whenever Brian got political, which was rare, he was very very blunt and clear about it. Then he completely dropped it and focused back on specific tactics that were not based in any ideology.
Absolutely none of that describes Jordan Peterson.
Agree. The problem is a growing majority of the population are losing the ability to do just that.
Marty McFly
Posted at 05:50 pm, 5th May 2020I like and agree with almost everything you espouse. Buuut, I like having my cake and eating it too, which is why I enjoy the alpha harem relationship model. I am willing to replace and or rotate out any chick who doesn’t follow my lead. You made a post a few years ago regards S&M relationships. That’s not my thing, but when she’s with me, she submits as much as is reasonable. It helps that I am TotH, so it’s in my best interest anyway to pump and dump. I don’t believe love exists, so I don’t fear growing old alone. There’s still so much I haven’t accomplished yet, and women aren’t even top priority at the moment, but spinning plates is so choice!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:14 pm, 5th May 2020Say no. An MLTR is not a girlfriend.
As I always say, we can always argue the minutia of exactly how you have sex with multiple women, but anything is less bad than monogamy.
Posted at 11:21 pm, 5th May 2020Even if one only applies parts or at least the mindset of the Alpha 2.0 concept, one’s life changes drastically for the better. Who would not do everything to live a happy and exciting life?
Thanks to Caleb for putting out great, true and innovative work, packed with knowledge for so many aspects of modern day living.
Posted at 10:37 am, 6th May 2020BD, can you qualify what you mean by betas representing most men today?
I can see how some aspects of men’s mentality are very different from 100-200 years ago, but the impression I get from any kind of text from the 1800s (fiction or non-fiction, provided it says something of how men acted back then) is that the typical one would still largely qualify as beta, by pua standards.
The average late 19th century guy isn’t particularly assertive or immune to pedestalization, etc. Heck, the guy who’s more or less ruled by his wife (if indirectly) doesn’t seem to have been uncommon either.
My impression is (a) they had higher T and were fitter, granted, (b) they were more conservative (duh), (c) in a marriage they were more dominant in some ways (not across the board), but they wouldn’t strike us as alpha in their general demeanor or social interactions.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:28 pm, 6th May 2020The answer, sadly, is “most people.”
Too off-topic. But what’s funny is that you answered most of your own question in your comment.
Posted at 07:51 am, 7th May 2020Okay. Anyone else who has insight on what I said here, I’m interested.
Posted at 04:51 pm, 7th May 2020@ Antekirtt it’s okay to be a beta or not fit into the 2.0 model. The fact that you are more self aware than most betas is probably enough to lead a happier life than you otherwise would have. Over thinking and/or taking all this stuff so seriously doesn’t seem like a healthy option in this case.
Also, men in the past were really betas, but the patriarchy propped them up to alpha status. Just how women are propped up alphas (Bd calls them dominants) due to lack of patriarchy and weak men; not to mention the involvement of the government and corporations, as well as influence from the media.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:22 pm, 7th May 2020Amen.
Posted at 03:18 am, 8th May 2020@Antekirtt
I won’t address your comment broadly but I will bring up one significant factor. In a sense I agree with you because there used to be a time when actually beta mating strategy (provider) worked quite well but I’d put this matter like this: There was more alphas because men were allowed and expected to act like men (dominant alphas) BUT their mating strategy was more of a beta provider (because it worked and that’s why society still thinks that all you need is resources to attract women – outdated social programming). So if we try to use BD terminology, there was more Alpha 1.0s – sort of of “Alpha Bux” if you use red pill terminology.
At 1800 until ~1950 women tended to be more stay at home wives etc, man was responsible of bringing the food to the table and paying for shelter (house/appartment). So man was providing resources and protection. There was also extremely strong pressure against single-motherhood.
That was the time when men had actually some power over women and there was some balance between sexes at SMP (now we only have our attention we can control). Men had resources, women had pussy and men and women happily transactioned their goods with each other. Women knew that if they misbehave too much, the man could kick them out and they would probably be despised by society (especially if they had kids), be somewhat homeless and they probably didn’t have too much money (smart ones probably had secret savings). Also all the high paying occupations tended to be only for men (yes, there was a time when there was some level of patriarchy going on which feminists bitch about but it doesn’t apply anymore at present day). So basically back in the old days as a woman you were likely to be fucked if your man kicked you out.
At 2100 century women don’t have this kind of problems so they can act as they please and they will be fine (they aren’t judged anymore by the society if they are single mothers and if they don’t have a job, government will take care of them.
Feminist movement started around 1960 and that’s when social programming towards betaization of men started so it’s easy to agree with you that late 1900s men weren’t particularly alpha because social programming had been going on for couple of decades, but men of 80’s were still certainly more alpha than men of 2020. Portion of alpha 1.0 has diminished and there is now more betas and Alpha 2.0s. When a woman says he wants “a man”, she means that she wants alpha 1.0 (so dominant man who commits on her). Successful Alpha 1.0 are starting to be somewhat unicorns because many successful men realize that they don’t have to necessarily commit on single girl. Current development of SMP is probably even more toxic for women than for men because successful alpha’s don’t commit and women don’t actually want betas so they have to regretfully settle on them at some point (divorce rates etc.). This would take me to whole another subject so I’ll end my response here.
Posted at 07:04 am, 8th May 2020@Zech and Duke: thanks for the responses, several good points there. Overall, I think this reinforces that in personality and seduction, most men were beta in the past too. De facto dominance via financial/societal leverage doesn’t say much about what a guy is. That’s why I brought it up: it’s a regular statement on this blog and if stating it regularly isn’t overthinking, then disagreeing and giving a couple reasons isn’t overthinking 🙂
Posted at 08:01 am, 8th May 2020@Antekirtt
That’s not what I suggested. Betas were more alpha and there was more alphas in general. So by using your description, they were more assertive (probably had more productive things to do too) and they had the resources so they didn’t “need to” pedestalize women. They probably didn’t need seduction skills that much because resources or socioeconomic status attracted women more than nowadays and pairing happened more in the common social environment (compared to for example tinder today which is extreme example from the other end). When you hang out with a girl daily, and you don’t despise each other, things happen. You don’t need to be seduction master.
So they were more of an provider side involved yes, but that doesn’t necessarily make a man less of an alpha.
Posted at 11:40 am, 8th May 2020BD, what’s your opinion on having a high paying job in lieu of running 2-4 A2.0 businesses? In the tech field, although there is little “job security” the money is very good (200k and up) and it’s easy to find new jobs that pay similarly. I don’t see how I can switch to a freelance style business and still pull same level of cash. Businesses also go up and down just like the job market, so the risk is basically the same. Is there a benefit to running businesses that outweighs the cushiness of a regular high paying job?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:17 pm, 8th May 2020Having a high paying job means you are not free, therefore I’m opposed to it.
I make more than double $200K per year as a freelancer. How do you explain me?
I personally know men who make over $200K per year doing similar things. Some of them make over 1$ million a year. How do you explain them?
Not if you own 2-4 businesses in different industries as I outline. I am far, far more secure than you are if you had a $200k tech job vs my 3 diversified companies. It’s not even close.
I personally know men who make around $200K per year in tech jobs (Microsoft, Intel, and Sony specifically). These men are always facing layoffs and outsourcing. They are not secure.
But I am, since I have diversified income and no one can ever fire me.
1. More freedom in day-to-day life.
2. More income potential.
3. More flexibility.
4. More security (if you follow the 2-4 diversified businesses model).
5. You’ll like your work more (since YOU get to choose what you work on instead of your boss).
6. Don’t have to work as hard. (I could maintain my income on 15 hours per week if I so chose. Could the guy with a $200K job say the same?)
And so on.
If you offered me TRIPLE my current income if I took a job I still wouldn’t take that deal.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 01:19 pm, 8th May 2020Hey Caleb, I have a problem, I’m always thinking about sex all day, I’m 20 yrs old, a virgin and still live with my parents. I bought your Younger Man Lifestyle, and I’m already getting to work on my Alpha Male 2.0 Business, and working on moving out, however I know you said to first move out before you deal with women, but it’s just distracting. How can I fix this?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:31 pm, 8th May 2020I didn’t say that. I said you need to move out as soon as possible so you can be free. You don’t need to move out in order to have sex. Teenagers have been having sex while living with their parents for decades. If they can do it, so can you.
The reason you think about sex all day is because you’re not having any. Go get an FB so you can get laid. Right now (or at least as soon as the stay at home orders in your city lift).
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 03:51 pm, 8th May 2020Ok, got it.
Oh, my mistake I thought you said that.
I’ll be getting to work on that ASAP.
What are good places to have Sex if I still live my parents?
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 04:39 pm, 8th May 2020Actually BD disregard that last comment I made, I’m going to go after older women who have their own place, can this work as a younger guy like me? Is this beta?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:43 pm, 8th May 2020Off-topic.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 09:27 pm, 8th May 2020Aw man lol
Posted at 01:04 am, 9th May 2020Another thing is getting to be Alpha 2.0 or close to it..
Isn’t an overnight thing..
Being non-monogamous as a honest guy takes a lot of balls and work
Trying to set up a business/ going back to school to do so from a wealthy family where you don’t need to takes will power and determination.
It takes a lot of intellectual curiosity and open mindedness to take an honest look at the Right/Left politically, culturally and ideologically to see a lot of the bullshit..
So another problem is most men give up..
Posted at 10:28 am, 9th May 2020Yes, younger dudes going after older chicks is effective, provided you have experience. 33+ chicks expect dudes to be experienced and if you are not you will never have sex with her again.
It is not difficult to gain experience even if you have never had sex before. This is what I did in my late teens. I read all kinds of materials about sex: Positions, how to read body language this way you don’t get a rape charge, how to properly perform manual and oral sex on the woman, all kinds of stuff. Watched tutorials as well. And this was in the early to mid 2000s.
Not if you don’t let her lock you down, which she might. Or if you catch feelings, which you probably will if you are 20 years old and never had sex before.
One of the reasons that BD marked this as “off-topic” is because he doesn’t discuss pickup/relationships with any dude under 23. This is because he knows they are going to catch feelings despite any and all of his advice.
Anywhere. Just act like an adult about it. Do your folks need to ask you when they’re having sex? No, they just do it.
You just need to be mindful of them. When you get a chick home with you just tell your folks “Me and her are probably going to fool around/have sex at ____ fyi.”
If you can’t move out immediately, then at least stand up to your folks and approach them as an adult.
Posted at 03:11 pm, 9th May 2020I actually disagree! While it does take a long time to do what Caleb is doing (in terms of income, I may never do it because of how far behind I am so I’ll be alright with probably $50000 a year across 3 income streams), the mindset is overnight especially if you have clear pain points from being beta or alpha 1.
If you are shown a clear reference point that being beta or alpha 1 messes with your happiness levels then you’ll be drawn into alpha 2 stuff immediately.
When SP and OBW fail you, you’ll see the light. This is what happened to me. My mother left my father so it gave me a clear reference experience that monogamy doesn’t work.
My father died at 52 from cancer that he wasn’t healthy enough to recover from because he was a workaholic. Again, a clear reference experience that I shouldn’t be working 70 hours a week in my late 40s because I might die in a decade if I do. If my father wasn’t a workaholic, if he took care of his health, chances are really good that he would still be alive today. But he isn’t. Cuz he wasn’t focused on long term happiness and personal/financial freedom.
It’s the same with my mother. She’s clinging to social security and is barely getting by. That’s another reference experience that shows me that the old way will not guarantee my survival unless I want to rely on friends or family.
Given all those reference experiences, how can I not pursue alpha 2?
It’s how I became a fast fan of BD. He’s doing stuff I always wanted to do since I was young but was shamed out of doing, so overnight I adopted alpha 2 thinking: Focus on personal freedom, don’t do monogamy, make sure you are making money independent of location without going somewhere and clocking in (or delivering stuff from your car, which is something else I was doing).
I want to live way longer than my father, so I need to be an alpha 2. I don’t have a choice.
We’re gonna see a lot more dudes come to that epiphany by the end of the year. Just watch.
Abdul Nguza
Posted at 05:47 pm, 9th May 2020Ok, got it, I’ll be getting my Sex ed on!
Makes sense.
You’re absolutely right, one thing about being Alpha 2.0 is standing up to your parents.
Thanks for all of that Joel, I’ll be implementing all of this and will let you know my results.
Posted at 06:15 pm, 9th May 2020Great idea. Older women are the best teachers for younger men. Also, they are usually realistic enough about life not to expect younger men to be providers or husbands. Unless you’re unusually smart, you’ll probably get oneiteis for one or two of them at some stage or other, but it will do much less long term harm than if you get those feelings for a girl your age, who will almost certainly expect you to treat you as a girlfriend if you have sex with more than half a dozen times or so. An older woman will probably dump you sooner or later, and you’ll learn a few lessons from it.
Posted at 06:12 am, 11th May 2020Bd, your material has been truly eye opening. This is one of the very few places I have visited consistently during the last 8 years.
It’s strange, since day 1 I get the feeling there is something wrong about what you teach or you (no adhom), I really can’t point what it is. Since I keep learning and this is the only place of this kind I keep coming back. Of course I haven’t made hate posts, and don’t think there is any point in them, however if i ever find a hole in your logic I’ll politely let you know.
I’m failing in my oltr, I seem to be incapable of emotional exclusivity. Maybe oltr is not for me, maybe this is because I’m under 30. maybe I just don’t want to remove from my life women whom I’m having sex with, have feelings for and aren’t my oltr.
When I started it I couldn’t see why an under 30 man couldn’t have this relationship.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:34 am, 11th May 2020That is called “Societal Programming.”
Downgrade or next your OLTR immediately and start having MLTRs so you can be happy. You clearly don’t want emotional exclusivity. And you’re too young to have a girlfriend.
Posted at 09:48 am, 15th May 2020Huh, I thought you loved how much my dissenting and “controversial” comments begot more traffic and comments for your blog! (and even wanted me to “debate” you). How sad.
Meh, I guess it’s too much to handle for you now….and I don’t really think you have that much interesting content now as a lot of the articles are just regurgitations of what I have seen before. Some people need repetition I guess.
I wish you the best with Pink Firefly and your lovely sugar babies! 🙂
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:08 am, 15th May 2020…as you say literally and exactly what I said in the above article people like you say.
Thanks for proving my point.
Posted at 10:44 am, 15th May 2020And IIRC you denied his request for a debate, which proves the entire point he was making in the article, that you’re here to spew opposing personal opinions without having them properly challenged.
And your response to the article was to insult his blog, which speaks volumes about you.
I wish you the best with your beta boyfriend!
Michael Patterson
Posted at 12:15 am, 26th June 2020Hey man, I’m new here and I REALLY resonate with pretty much everything I read so far. I respect this and thank you for sharing this with the community. I look forward to reading more and working on myself