24 Aug 11 Great Countries to Move To

“Caleb, I want to move out of the collapsing Western world! I want to move out of the United States, Canada, or Europe. But where do I go??? EVERY COUNTRY IS TERRIBLE!!!”
-By Caleb Jones
This is the article many of you have been asking for. Today, I’m going to cover 11 countries that are good for you to move to as an Alpha Male 2.0. They’re not listed in any particular order. We’ll talk about a broad range of countries based on your different ages, personality types, and income levels, and I’ll give you the pros and cons of each.A Word of Warning
Here’s the problem, and I mentioned this in a video a few weeks ago: A lot of you guys who are saying you don’t know where to move because all other countries suck are lying. You’re full of shit. What you’re really saying is that you’re too scared to move (or you don’t really want to move), so you’re just going to make the excuse that every other country is worse than the collapsing country you’re currently in.As I go through this list and name a country, you’re going to immediately think of one or two negatives related to that location and decide you’d never move there because of that.
So with every country I mention, I’m going to stop you from doing this and get you to recognize that you’re making pussy beta male excuses based on limited information. And I’m going to dispel myths with every country we talk about.Around the World these aren’t the only 11 countries in the world that are good to move to; I’m sure I’ll be hearing from some of you asking why I left out one country or another. Yeah. Dude. I can’t cover every decent location in the world. We’d be here all day.Also, some of the countries on this list would be terrible for you, in particular, to move to. Others would suit you much better. Some countries have a much higher cost of living than others, and if you’re a lower-income guy, for instance, you wouldn’t want to move there.Every country in the world has its negatives. If you’re a little flexible, you’ll be able to find some you like. We’re not looking for a perfect paradise country; there’s no such thing.Now with that in mind, here we go…
Although I said these countries aren’t listed in any particular order, this is the one I would rank first. This is probably the best overall country for the Alpha Male 2.0 because it is good in terms of both women and business/economic growth. Most countries only have one or the other.Economically speaking, Colombia is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world; it’s even growing faster than most Asian countries(!). It is not perfect, but it is a very good place to move to. It’s a growth country.I’ve said this before, but South America is kind of like the world’s crazy uncle. When you go to South American countries like Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and so on, you get a feeling that the place is full of happy maniacs and that’s how they like it. Colombia has its problems, but what you quickly realize is that they’re trying.
Instead of saying, “We’re crazy, and this is the way we are. Tough shit!” like they would in some other South American countries, they identify their problems and work to fix them.Yes, you’re thinking Oh my god, there’s crime and drugs and…
You’re making excuses based on limited information — like I said you would.There are many places in the U.S. with far worse crime rates. I know several people who live in Colombia, and they’ve never had a crime problem because they’re smart about it.Colombia’s negatives? It can be a little rough around the edges at time, depending on the region. The air quality in Bogotá is really bad, for instance. English is not widely spoken there so you will probably have to learn to speak Spanish eventually, but it isn’t that hard. (Plus I do fine with both business and women while there without speaking any English; Google Translate on your phone is your friend.)On the plus side, Colombia’s women are the most beautiful on the planet. They’re nice, ultra-hot, fun, and have super low ASD. They’re fantastic.If you have location independent income and you’re non-monogamous (because that’s what an Alpha Male 2.0 is), Colombia is a fucking win-win for you.Overall, I highly recommend Colombia as a place to live if you’re leaving the collapsing Western world. It’s just all kinds of awesome.
Vietnam is amazing in terms of economic growth, and for some guys, women — depending on your taste. Multiple sources predict Vietnam will experience a 10% economic growth rate beginning in 2025 and into the foreseeable future. It’s predicted to surpass every country in Scandinavia as well as — are you ready? — Singapore.Let me say that again. It’s predicted to surpass Singapore. Is that a good place to start a business or invest? Uh, yeah. I’ve said this many times: Southeast Asia is the only place in the world that will experience massive economic growth over the next 25 years or so.
“But we went to war in Vietnam! And they hate us! And… “
What are you doing? You’re making excuses based on limited information. Stop it. Vietnam is awesome.There are some aspects of Vietnam that are very First World and some that are rough around the edges; it’s kind of a grey area in some respects. But it is amazing in terms of economic growth. I’m going to be doing a lot of business in Vietnam later next year, and I am really looking forward to it.Vietnamese women are not really my type, but a lot of you guys like them. You’ll love Vietnam even more.
United Arab Emirates
This one is really for you older guys, those of you who are self-employed with higher incomes or guys with mature businesses. The main cities there are Dubai and Abu Dhabi.“Holy shit! No! I read an article that someone was arrested for no reason there and… !!!”Stop being a pussy. Stop making emotional decisions with limited information. I’ve been to Dubai several times with no problems.Yes, you can drink there. It’s allowed. Yes, there are hookers in Dubai. Don’t worry about it. Dubai is clean, purely First World, high-tech, the people there are friendly, and if you speak English exclusively, you won’t have to learn any foreign languages there, because they speak English there too. It’s in a very central location with easy access to Asian and European locations as well.Best of all: it’s an income tax-free society. That’s right. Zero percent income taxes. So for example, people with jobs there get their entire paychecks. There’s no pay stub that shows taxes deducted because there aren’t any. This is even better if you’re a business owner.One downside: It’s very, very hot, but it’s not humid like Singapore. It’s a dry heat like Phoenix, so if you don’t mind that, it won’t matter to you.
This is a country that is very friendly to foreigners and to businesses as well. It’s also a very easy place to date — guys kill it with Thai women. They’re very sex-positive.It’s inexpensive, although not like it used to be. But if you’re looking for someplace with a lower cost of living, you can live on the beach in Thailand for very little money. So economically, Thailand is great because it’s so cheap, and it’s great for women because frankly, it’s Thailand.
Disadvantages: Bangkok is pretty shitty and the cost of living there is rising. A lot of people don’t like Bangkok, and it’s really not my type of place.It can also get humid there; something to consider if that bothers you. It’s definitely a hooker culture, so if you hate that, Bangkok isn’t the place for you. But you could live outside the city and do just fine. Thailand is a very, very good place to live for an Alpha Male 2.0.Economically speaking, it will not grow as quickly as other countries in Southeast Asia because Thailand has already experienced a lot of its growth already. It’s still a growth country, it’s just not skyrocketing economically like Vietnam.
I’ve mentioned Argentina many times on my blogs. It’s a crazy-but-super-fun place. But if you’re an Alpha Male 2.0, you have a location independent outcome and you’re making money from outside Argentina. I certainly would — I wouldn’t rely on income from inside Argentina with their shitty currency. But with income from outside the country, you could take advantage of their much lower cost of living.Buenos Aires is an amazing city. It’s a huge New York-size city, and the women are cute (thought not amazing).Argentina is a great place. Again, it’s a little insane, so if you’re younger (under 35 or so), it’s awesome. It’s almost got an old European vibe to it.Also, if you live there for a while, you can possibly get an Argentinian passport, too. Win.
For you Americans, I’m not talking about the state of Georgia — I’m talking about the country Georgia, the former Soviet republic. It’s in this strange little part of the world where it’s not quite Europe; it’s so far east of Europe that I don’t consider it a European country, but that’s a grey area. I wouldn’t move to anywhere in Europe. Eastern Europe won’t go down as hard as Western Europe; that’s a big topic for another time, but yes, Europe is on its way down.Georgia is one of the few former Soviet republics that is doing most things correctly. They’re embracing capitalism and opening themselves up to trade, free markets, and low taxes, and it’s a pro-business environment. It’s a really good place to base your international business. The crime rates are also the among the lowest in the entire world; Tbilisi is sometimes rated as the world’s safest city.
Disadvantages: The capital city, Tbilisi, is a very small town. If you’re looking for a giant, bustling city, Tbilisi may not do it for you.
Also, one criterion I have for possibly moving to a particular country is that it shouldn’t border a place that’s prone to war and armed conflict. It’s sad, but Georgia borders a country called Russia, which is run by a dictator who likes to invade other countries. I don’t necessarily think Russia will invade Georgia, I’m just giving you the facts I have.Georgia is awesome for an Alpha Male 2.0, especially if you want to stay near Europe or have a quasi-European lifestyle.
Panama is my favorite Central American country by far. It’s like a little Hong Kong in the middle of Central America. Panama City is fun, and the women are very hot and nice. Panama borders Colombia; you can basically drive between the two at your leisure, so a lot of Colombian women spend time in Panama.If Colombia is a little too rough for you, or if you have a higher income and like a nicer environment, Panama City is the best of all worlds. It’s a very pro-American place; one of the reasons there’s so much prosperity is that there’s a lot of American money down there. They have a very strong economy, and they’re friendly to foreigners.On the downside, it gets a little hot and humid, but not too bad. The women aren’t quite as hot as they are in many South American countries — but they’re still hot.Panama is a great place for women, dating, and business. It’s almost a miniature version of Colombia. It’s not going to see crazy growth like Colombia, because like Hong Kong, it’s already arrived. But it will do just fine.I love Panama. Highly recommended.
Cambodia is one of the rougher, more Third World countries in Southeast Asia, but like Vietnam, its economic growth is going to skyrocket, and it’s actually already begun.Similar to Vietnam, Cambodia is doing all the right things to facilitate this growth, but it’s starting at a lower point than Vietnam did, so the growth it sees could even exceed Vietnam’s. These are just predictions, but I think Cambodia is going to do extremely well.We talk about finding the next Singapore or Hong Kong, and Vietnam is probably it, but Cambodia could be right behind it.It’s a little rougher so you’re going to be roughing it a little bit, like living in Paraguay. So if you like everything nice and perfect and clean, Cambodia might not be the place for you. But if you want to get in on the ground floor of a rapidly economically exploding country, this is it. There are only a few countries I can think of whose growth will rival that of Cambodia. I’m going to be doing a lot of business there in the next few years.In terms of women, I can’t really speak to that where Cambodia is concerned. I’ve dated one Cambodian woman, but she lived in the U.S. and it was many years ago. I don’t know a lot about the dating situation there, but I think if it were bad, I would have heard about it.Overall, Cambodia is awesome, especially if your priority is business and money.
Chile is one of the more capitalist, even-keeled countries in South America. I don’t expect it to grow amazingly like Colombia, but it’s still a great place. I think Chile’s growth was a little better 10 to 15 years ago, so that probably would have been the time to move there. But it’s still a very, very good place for an Alpha Male 2.0.I’ve heard very good things about the women down there. I’ve never been to Chile myself; it’s one of the few places in South America I’ve never visited. But I know enough about it to strongly recommend people look into it, spend some time there, and see if they like it.In terms of big-picture issues for the Alpha Male 2.0 — the location independent entrepreneur who is non-monogamous — Chile is a damn good place.
The Philippines
This one is good for you guys who want to do this on the cheap and want to get laid a lot even though you have no game. It’s the best country in the world for Western beta males to get laid. These women are the horniest women on the planet Earth — and I say that as a compliment.Downsides to the Philippines include lots of humidity, if that bothers you. It’s a little rough around the edges down there. Filipina women are really fun, they’re great to be around, they’re very horny and sex-positive, but they can be quite emotional. You might experience a little more drama with Filipina women. It’s a very Hispanic-type culture where everyone pair bonds, but then cheats like mad dogs.There’s a very large gay community down there, and a lot of women complain they can’t find guys to hook up with, which is good for us. And it’s a super cheap place to live. You can seriously build your own house on the beach outside of Manila for around $12,000 USD.The Philippines is a great place for guys who are much younger OR guys who are much older. I know some old bastards guys who are over 65 who are widowed or divorced, and they go to the Philippines and find a woman to marry who’s around age 35 (or younger!) and and still young-looking. I’ve seen it work.So you guys who don’t have a lot of money but want to have sex with women who like Western men? Go to the Philippines! Great place for certain types of Alpha Males 2.0.
Specifically, Kuala Lumpur, which is almost a baby Singapore. It’s a fancy, cool town.Malaysia is a Muslim country, but it is the mildest Muslim country in the whole world, I believe, even more so than Indonesia. It’s not a place where you really feel it. I know a lot of high- and mid-income guys who live in Kuala Lumpur and really like it.In terms of women, I don’t have a lot of information on that. But again, if there was a big problem with Malaysian women, I would’ve heard about it by now, because guys love to complain to me when things aren’t right.So I would say if your priority was business, Malaysia would be a good place for you. If your priority was women, perhaps skip Malaysia and go someplace like Thailand, the Philippines, or Colombia.Downsides to Malaysia include the heat and humidity. Kuala Lumpur is a few hours away from Singapore by train, so it’s a very hot, humid part of the world.I almost moved to Malaysia. I was that close. That’s how good Malaysia is, especially for you guys who are location independent business owners or want a higher-quality lifestyle somewhere that’s more First World than Third World but is still very cheap (cheaper than Bangkok!). I have never heard of anyone spending significant time there and disliking it — never.
I just gave you 11 countries that are really good for the Alpha Male 2.0 to move to. They’re not all perfect for everyone. Your choice will depend on your age, your income, your taste in women, and where you are in life.If your reaction to this is, “I don’t like ANY of those countries! They’re all bad!!!” then congratulations, you just proved my point. You’re full of shit and making excuses. You don’t want to take action, you just want to complain and stay put in your collapsing country. Stupid.
Once COVID is over (we’ve got a few more months, I’m sure), find a country you’re interested in and take at least a week to visit the place — two or three weeks is better if you can pull it off. Get to know the people. Learn the area. Learn the economics. Date some women there if you can. If you hate it, go visit another country. You might be surprised. It’s a lot easier than you might think for an English-speaker. I don’t speak any other languages, and I do just fine.No more excuses. I just gave you 11 countries — the next step is up to you.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 07:23 am, 24th August 2020I’m happy where I am in Australia, but the main current issue for guys, is with all countries having closed their border and overseas tourism currently being in a holding pattern (unless you have your own private jet, but if you do, it’s unlikely you’d be reading this blog) more than likely for all of 2021 and possibly all of 2022 as well, there’s no overseas flights available. Not unless you can afford to fly via business class that’s too fucking expensive. Then when you arrive somewhere, it’s compulsory that you have to quarantine in a hotel for 14 days and you have to do the same thing when you return back to your own country.
Not into Asian women personally myself, so that counts out Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia. Would still be nice to visit all of them. Philippines – great country after visiting there, but most of the women there are really ugly (not all, but about 98%) and the ones there who are pretty hot and they do exist, are usually always taken.
Posted at 08:22 am, 24th August 2020A lot of nice travel you can do around Australia. In other parts of the world the travel has been possible to a limited degree.
Here it becomes clear how important it is to have flags. Already if you have citizenship in A and residency in B even during the lockdown you were one of the few people who could do almost unlimited travel between the two countries even with closed borders. Of course flights have to fly… or you need some other transport.
Personally from the Asian women, barring some unusual exceptions, I find Japanese and Korean quite attractive and some women in Central Asia, the rest not at all. I find a lot of the latin american women very attractive though.
I personally do not think there is going to be a lot of that now from Russia, it will only do stuff if it gets attacked first I think.
On another note, what do you think of Russian passport as a second / third passport as per flag strategy. It may seem a strange choice but lets say you could get it via some ancestry connection. Would you think thats not something to pursue or that it could be a nice second / third passport if you don’t plan to live in Russia and have another passport?
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 09:10 am, 24th August 2020BD, why do you want to live in a developing place? It’s lucrative to do business with them, sure, but why reside there?
On the other hand, a place that was once great but is now on the decline has it all: beautiful architecture, developed public transit, safe gentrified districts. True, Berlin U-Bahn might be less organized than its Seoul or Tokyo counterparts, but Bogotá (population 7M+) does not have any subways at all. True, Bogotá homicide rates closely match those of Dallas, but Rome has literally 25 times fewer murders per capita. True, Ukrainian and Georgian taxes are ridiculously low, but one can live in Vienna and legally pay zero taxes (because of curious clause 7.8 in its tax treaty with Cyprus).
Why such an aversion to living in declining places? (It goes without saying care must be taken not to tie one’s business(es) to a declining economy.)
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 09:28 am, 24th August 20202008: Georgia
2014: Ukraine
2015: Syria
2017ish: Libya, Sudan and CAR
Would you bet large amounts of money that no little green men are going to appear in Belarus within a year or so?
The above notwithstanding, an extra passport is not a liability, so get it if it’s easy, but given how few doors it opens for you, don’t put too much resources into it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:10 am, 24th August 2020Incorrect. The world’s borders won’t be shut down for another year and a half. Too many of the elites would lose too much money. They will start opening up in a few months.
Incorrect again. I’m headed to Dubai and Armenia next month. Some countries are allowing international travelers as long as you get a Covid test 96 hours before you leave.
Some countries, yes (in Paraguay it’s 20 days!). All countries, no.
Correct; Filipino women are generally not attractive. The Philippines is for men who can’t get laid, not men who are really picky.
And that matters…. why? You just fuck them anyway. No one is actually monogamous in the Philippines. No one.
Jesus. Blatantly incorrect, but someone else above already corrected you.
Absolutely, I would do it. Not the greatest passport put having a non-great 2nd/3rd passport is orders of magnitude better than only having one passport.
1. To get on-the-ground experience with the business climate there which is much easier to do if you live there, at least for a time.
2. If you wanted to start a location-dependent business there (which of course I would not recommend).
3. If you wanted to make business contacts there more easily.
4. If you wanted to learn the economy better for your investments.
5. If you wanted to have sex with a lot of women there.
Absurd statement. Many rising (or arisen) countries have literally all of that too.
If you want to live in a collapsing country, go right ahead. Some guys like staying in these places. Fine with me. I don’t like collapsing countries because:
1. People there are insane, and it’s starting to bother me.
2. People there are irritatingly left-wing.
3. Many of the women are harder to fuck in certain countries (higher ASD and/or sex negativity).
4. I have found it’s easier to put together better business deals outside of the Collapsing West.
5. I have found it MUCH easier to get better investments outside of the Collapsing West and it’s easier if I live in these areas than if I don’t.
But I understand there are plenty of men who don’t mind these things. If you don’t, great, stay in Suicidal Europe. I’ll be far away living a better life.
Wired For Success
Posted at 11:57 am, 24th August 2020Interesting that one-third of your list contains SE Asian countries Caleb particularly in regards to women.
I think it’s highly possible that in the coming generations, we’ll be seeing a LOT more white guys with an Asian girlfriend or an Asian wife as more guys here in the Collapsing States of America continue to throw in the towel with women and their unreasonable bullshit standards and instead of playing a losing game, go abroad to get laid and/or find their future wife.
Posted at 12:30 pm, 24th August 2020With some of these faster growing Asian countries, you probably don’t even have to live there to reap the financial benefits of their growth. If you have a decent amount of cash savings you can afford to get a little risky with, you can speculate on things like Cambodian or Vietnamese stocks (or possibly even crypto currencies!) while they’re cheap and no one wants them thru apps like Robinhood and boom you can passively make millions of dollars while you’re in the USA or in Britain or in Australia. Now yes capital gains taxes in these countries will fuck you over with take home income, but as a single guy with a low lifestyle, this isn’t too much of a concern for me. This can work really well for guys like me who like Western white women (I’m very picky about looks) but want a good couple of chunks of the cheddar that will be minted in South East Asia over the next several decades.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:36 pm, 24th August 2020That wasn’t my intention but yes.
Correct. This is already started to happen.
As a matter of fact, lots of hot and/or over-33 white girls hate first-generation Asian girls. They know they can’t compete in many respects.
Correct but it’s a lot easier for multiple reasons.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 12:43 pm, 24th August 2020Armenia is an unexpected choice. Curious to see what your experience with Transcaucasia is going to be. Have you already been to Georgia?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:28 pm, 24th August 2020Fantastic option for Five Flags that I can’t talk about at this time. (Attorneys won’t let me.)
No. Was going to go but it got canceled during the virus. I will go though.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 04:40 pm, 24th August 2020Apparently an investment of $100k gets one an Armenian passport, interesting, I didn’t know that. Not the bestest passport ever though. I don’t think Armenia is good for anything else, unlike Georgia which has attractive options for setting up a company.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:42 pm, 24th August 2020I’m doing something different. (Something better.)
Posted at 09:36 pm, 24th August 2020Yeah well…
Are you aware that Argentina is heading full speed into Venezuela?
Also, women are VERY flaky here (they are the most flaky in LATAM).
I don’t recommend coming here.
Posted at 09:45 pm, 24th August 2020These all seem like viable countries to move to escape the collapsing West. One thing I’m concerned about is healthcare in these countries. When you move out of the US, how are you gonna deal with healthcare? Did you purchase healthcare insurance for abroad?
Say if you got really sick or had to visit the hospital in these countries, would the healthcare be good enough to take care of you?
Posted at 10:07 pm, 24th August 2020Would you recommend any countries in Africa?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:22 pm, 24th August 2020It’s a land of chaos and it has a lot of problems (and will have more) but it’s not going to become a nationalized nightmare like Venezuela.
They’re flaky everywhere, especially South America.
Basic shit like aspirin and broken bones I’ll take care of wherever I live; just about any country can handle that stuff. Serious stuff that isn’t urgent (like if I need some kind of procedure, etc) I’ll handle somewhere with great healthcare like Singapore. Google “medical tourism.”
Not yet but I will.
All of them except perhaps Cambodia, yes, but again, if I got “really sick” I’d fly to a country like Singapore, Dubai, or Panama and take care of it there. The Alpha Male 2.0 is location independent so he can go anywhere in the world for health care and is not limited to where he lives.
Yes, but only for men who are extremely A) young, B) brave, C) aggressive, and D) highly motivated. That’s a smaller percentage of my audience so I didn’t address Africa in this video. Read this.
Posted at 01:00 am, 25th August 2020Ironic, because all they have to do is change their behavior and standards but they actively choose not to.
Posted at 01:06 am, 25th August 2020It is not unexpected if you have been following Nomad Capitalist he has been talking about it for quite a long time and clearly explains why.
Either just residency or maybe its one of those countries where you can hire a bunch of cheap staff or just one and that gets you a passport. For someone with established business those countries are amazing.
Most poor countries have private western style hospital in the big cities.
Posted at 04:29 am, 25th August 2020If you were starting an alpha 2.0 business, would you start it in the collapsing Western World and THEN move when its up and running ?
Or would you first start moving and then create your business ?
Thank you
One side note : Russia as part of a 5-flags is a great option in my opinion. But that may change in the future because of such a polarizing country, and I wouldn’t make it my main country either.
I know a few people with Alpha 2.0 businesses who went there from Western Europe.
From what I know it is a bit “hard” because you NEED Russian language there, especially if you want to do business or just have a business there without pain.
Posted at 04:49 am, 25th August 2020What about it as a second / third passport but not actually living there or doing any business? As far as I can tell there are no obligations in this case.
I also can possibly get Hungarian citizenship by descent – looking into that as well. I see it is currently the only country in Europe that taxes its non resident citizens on worldwide income same as USA does but it seems it does not apply to people with multiple nationalities so I guess I would also have no obligations in this case…
Posted at 05:05 am, 25th August 2020I think the answer depends on your financial situation. Often non Western countries would be much cheaper to live in but working conditions and salaries would also be much lower.
I would say if you have substantial savings where you could easily take a few months / year(s) off to just work on your business ides without worrying about money then those months could be years in some cheapter countries.
But if you don have such savings and need to work while developing your business then of course you want to do that somewhere with a good salary / working conditions.
In the west in my view its often possible to get jobs that pay well and give you so much free time you can easily work on your business on the side at no financial pressure so I would stay in west for that reason.
But if I already had huge savings to the point I could live somewhere else then I would do that.
If you live in a country with generous unemployment benefit then an option could be to terminate your job in such a way that youd get the benefit, live in a cheaper country but keep the residency for the unemployment benefit and use that to pay your bills. Of course that can get very tricky if they summon you for a meeting at short notice, but its something that can be an option for some.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 05:40 am, 25th August 2020Which part?
Remote work is a great intermediate step between an office job and starting one’s first business.
Posted at 07:06 am, 25th August 2020Yes, it helps to get used to the lifestyle / rhytm and build the environment and routine for it. Most office jobs usually can easily be done in much less than the working hours especially if you do not have someone constantly coming to your office with fresh work so it also gives a lot of space to work on other projects especially that no one sees what you are doing or not doing, plus saves commuting time and energy. However having a private office helps a lot in this regard, with many of the same benefits.
Currently I have an office job but work from home one day a week and when in office its completely private.
Still, I am fed up with the country I am living in and can really see it on the route to collapsing with the changes I witnessed already after the few years I am here and also noticing all the things that are wrong here. So that gives some motivation.
My personal guess / view would be the passport if you do not live there and can get it relatively easily like was my question. I can also imagine for some types of investments it can be interesting but I cannot imagine it for anything else – there would be better and easier countries for residency and business – many of which are close to Russia / similar to Russia so it would not make sense to chose Russia – unless its much easier for you somehow.
Posted at 07:41 am, 25th August 2020I don’t know exactly about the requirements, but if you have absolutely ZERO descent, that’s hard and you must stay there for a long time before you can get one.
Maybe things are different if you have Russian origins.
Well depends on how you want to organize your 5-flags. To me, it checks mostly 3 things : Quality Women, Not a part of the Western World (or at least, more and more leaning towards SE Asia) and low taxes IF you can get your residency (taxes for non residents are still high).
The downsides : Harsh climate in most of the country (though dry), a lot of international pressure against Russian policy, language is mandatory for any serious plans to stay there to live or for business.
Posted at 07:53 am, 25th August 2020The question is how far can that go. Most countries talk about parents or grandparents and for me I have origins in several countries (including Russia and some others) but more distant than grandparents, so I am trying to investigate that at the moment to first see the official rules and then to see how flexible it is if not official…
What you describe is mostly true for many parts of former soviet union such the caucus and central asia and far east europe, those these regions do not sometimes have some of the disadvantages you mentioned. So the question again is what is the benefit of residency specifically in Russia? To me it specifically if you want to take advantage of the large mostly open empty space – that is – if you want to live somewhere like Sibera specifically for some reason. Then I would probably chose Russia over say Australia since to me Siberian climate seems more friendly than Australian dessert. But Then there are other options like Mongolia or Canada which may be better for this kind of “Retreat lifestyle”.
Posted at 09:08 am, 25th August 2020Telecomunications companies where hit with a dumb law that says something like “now they are public services!!!” causing them to stop investing -> this means very bad internet in the years to come, not very good for alpha male 2.0
Airlines are also being affected and they are leaving -> you can’t come or escape from here if there are no airplane companies.
Crime and turmoil is on the rise, Buenos Aires is decaying so much…
I don’t think this is going to be a nice place to visit in a couple years.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:44 am, 25th August 2020Because in a land full of needy beta males, they don’t need to.
Start your fucking business first. That’s always the priority unless your situation is highly unusual.
Correct, Russia can work well depending on your configuration.
Can’t tell you. Ask me again late next year.
I agree that may be possible; Argentina bounces up and down all the time because it’s insane, but that’s a far cry from saying it will “be Venezuela.”
Posted at 09:55 am, 25th August 2020why then do they complain about Asian chicks who they supposedly cant compete with? Ah yes, because they dont want needy betas. As always women can get what they want easily if only they change the attitude they just dont want to.
Posted at 04:25 pm, 25th August 2020Thanks to the pandemic a lot of guys just got location independent income. They’re getting that taste of freedom and learning they can live anywhere. That’s all you really need to live a great life. Just travel around living like the locals. Party, fuck women, what ever. Stay away from pricey tourist areas and you can live very well in most of the world.
Rich people have been doing 5 flags and extra passports forever. Most of us don’t have enough assets to make it worthwhile. I’ve been location independent for many years now. I’ve chosen to stay in the US and just keep away from decaying cities full of lunatics. Since I’m not attracted to asian or hispanic women, none of these 11 places will be my choice. But I do appreciate the opinion of someone who’s traveled more.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:27 pm, 25th August 2020Three countries in my list, Argentina, Georgia, and UAE, have non-Asian, non-Hispanic white women.
I went out of my way to make my 11-country list “excuse-proof.”
Posted at 01:38 am, 26th August 2020Out of the Asian countries, I’d recommend Vietnam for younger guys with drive and energy who are interested in developing a business locally and building it over the long term. It’s an extremely exciting country, the people are gutsy and determined. It’s gonna go places. Just don’t expect it to be easy. You better have some good competitive advantages to make it here.
Thailand and Malaysia? Good options for a base to live in if you already had a good location independent business. Good for older guys with limited tolerance for discomfort. Medical facilities are almost as good as Singapore, and same for the other infrastructure.
Cambodia? Either for a young guy looking for a place where the entry barriers are low, or for an old guy with a limited income trying to get the best value for his money. Grubby place, really.
Philippines? Sorry, I can’t stand the place. I can’t really be objective. I’m sure some people make it work.
Posted at 03:18 am, 26th August 2020He is probably one of those people who see central asia / caucus and thinks its all asian people that look like far east asians.
Posted at 08:47 am, 26th August 2020I visited several countries in Southeast Asia a couple of years ago. The energy and dynamism made my head spin. No one sitting around. Everyone going places, doing things, building their lives. I plan to return to set up a business there in the next 3-5 years as I wind up my US businesses.
Vietnam was my favorite. I was in the Ho Chi Minh City area. Friendly people. Just don’t criticize the government and they will leave you alone.
Funny story to illustrate the attitude towards Americans. I unthinkingly only packed a T-shirt that said “Marines”on the front. In the hotel elevator on the way to the fitness center a fiftyish Vietnamese gentleman looked at my T-shirt and said, “Marine Corps!”
I smiled and said, “Yes, a long time ago.”
He said, “Semper fi!”
Very cool people, lol!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:57 am, 26th August 2020I don’t know, and I don’t know if he’s an American so I’m not talking about him in particular, but Americans in general are really, really ignorant about other countries and peoples. It’s sort of embarrassing.
Yup. I would apply that to Asia in general (with a few unusual exceptions). When I first visited China and Hong Kong I was absolutely blown away by the same thing.
Yes, again, that applies to most Asian and many non-Western countries. They don’t recognize free speech but if you give a shit about the internals of their governments (and the Alpha Male 2.0 shouldn’t) then you don’t care and it’s totally irrelevant.
Posted at 04:33 pm, 26th August 2020Hey Caleb – I’ve lived in colombia several times and was actually here during the pandemic and now speak fairly fluent Spanish.
Other than taking advantage of the standard of living and everything else if your business clients are in the US, what type of business would you look into in a place like this that you say is growing?
Is it almost always real estate / rent related? I sometimes think of expanding some consulting / marketing stuff to clients here because I know there’s way less competition, but at the same time they can pay like 1/5th of what my own clients do.
Curious what types of income related things you’d look into?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:07 pm, 26th August 2020Too general a question. That’s like asking me, “What kind of business should I start?”
No. It could be anything.
Then I wouldn’t start that particular business and instead start something where you could A) make charge more money per customer or B) was very scalable.
Posted at 12:38 am, 27th August 2020Do you think its bad education, sense of self importance or the lack of need due to having a vast domestic empire? It is interesting because some 50 years ago one could argue to be that way justifiably but now its increasingly obvious America is not the place to be…
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 07:42 am, 27th August 2020I’d think the Americans’ ability to locate European countries on a map is comparable with Europeans’ ability to do the same with US states, and the territories in question are comparable in many senses.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:25 am, 27th August 2020That’s a factor but not the reason, of which there are several. The biggest reasons are: A) we Americans think we rule the world and are the center of the world and everyone loves us and copies us, therefore why learn about (or go) anywhere else? B) The USA is huge. You can travel thousands of miles in one direction and still encounter people who speak English and live your same culture; this is a unique feature of the United States as compared to most other countries.
Most Americans have not yet caught onto the fact that America today isn’t “number one” like it used to be. But this is rapidly changing; the childish and ridiculous 2016 Trump/Hillary election actually snapped a lot of normal Americans out of their “everything’s fine” trance. (Not that they’re actually doing to do anything about it…)
I more or less agree. Today during the collapse of Western civilization most Westerners have become morons across the board, and the old distinctions of “Who’s better/smarter Americans, Europeans, or Canadians?” has completely blurred. For example, 20 years ago it seemed to me that Europeans had more basic common sense than Americans… but now? Holy shit, no.
USA, Europe, Canada… Everyone’s insane now.
Posted at 02:27 pm, 27th August 2020When you said you don’t like declining countries because 1) “their insane and it’s starting to bother me and 2) they’re irritatingly left wing” (insane and left wing sound like the same thing or am I missing something?) were you talking about the Portland protests and the general political climate surrounding that situation?
I’m trying to figure out based off that comment what threshold between something that bugs you being okay, versus something you shouldn’t care about aka outcome indepence.
Don’t know if it warrants its own video, but I’m sure there’s a lot of things that will bug me about any particular sitiation I’m in when regarding women, business, or the country I’m in.
How will I know if it’s too much to tolerate or I’m being too sensitive?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:03 pm, 27th August 2020No. I’ve been complaining about Americans being left-wing (Trump supporters included) and irrational on my blogs for at least 10 years now. What you’re talking about are just the latest symptoms of this getting worse.
Outcome dependence and irritation are two different things. If I was outcome dependent about this stuff, I’d turn into a ranting, angry political activist and start telling everyone to vote for Trump or Bernie or whomever in order to “save the country” and other silly slogans. Obviously that is not how I view this at all. Instead I see irrational Trump supporters and SJWs scream at each other on the internet (or in some cases, in real life) for no reason and I just snort in irritation and roll my eyes. Irritated, but not outcome dependent.
Is it truly affecting your happiness or not? If it is, make a change. If it’s not, deal with it.
My irritation with insane people is not one of the top reasons I’m leaving. Taxes, business, and financial reasons are. It’s just an extra reason.
Posted at 06:37 pm, 27th August 2020Good to know politics/culture isn’t at the top.
My tax situation is pretty good right now, and I’m socially to the left, with the option of moving to a red state should I get irritated.
I don’t get all the fuss with the US not being at the top globally. If it ends up a mediocre country like Spain or Portugal, that doesn’t sound too bad.
If the dollar loses value, then that’s another story. I’ll just invest in other currencies or gold.
The only thing that I could see as a negative is the government seizing citizens’ bank accounts, which I’ve been hearing about for almost twenty years. The protests resulting from that would be apocalyptic.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:11 pm, 27th August 2020My guess is that things will get so bad before that actually happens that it won’t matter.
Posted at 10:35 pm, 27th August 2020What’s your opinion on South Korea as a country A, or it’s a no-no because of North Korea?
Also, is it significantly worse to just live in your original country while holding a 2nd passport (and while trying to limit your assets there in case shit hits the fan) VS going through the hassle to live in a country where you don’t have citizenship (country A)
As a Vietnamese living in Vietnam, I’m quite curious about the stuff you’ll do here later next year, may you give us a hint?:)
Eric S
Posted at 07:57 am, 28th August 2020I’m looking into figuring out if I can go to one of these and use the cost of living difference and online work to pay off my debts and work on building this location independent stream. Most likely the phillipines based on your article. I can also swet out 30 years of toxins there. Thanks for throwing down.
Key #s seem to be…
Cost of living and cash flow needed
Cost of transfer ($ and work capacity/output)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:17 am, 28th August 2020Per my rule about not living in a country that borders another country that hates it or could attack it, it’s a no-go, at least for me.
I don’t know what you mean by “worse.” Living in your original country while having a 2nd passport might be fine but it’s a violation of Five Flags. (And you may not care based on your income.)
Nope. Ask me late next year. (It has nothing to do with Alpha Male 2.0.)
Pretty much, yes. Do it!
Posted at 11:01 am, 28th August 2020Nothing spells trouble like two countries with the same name.
Posted at 04:38 pm, 28th August 2020Why isn’t Singapore on the list?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:35 pm, 28th August 2020To quote the article:
These aren’t the only 11 countries in the world that are good to move to; I’m sure I’ll be hearing from some of you asking why I left out one country or another. Yeah. Dude. I can’t cover every decent location in the world. We’d be here all day.
Posted at 07:05 pm, 28th August 2020Why isn’t Mexico on the list? I like it because of the nice weather and being so close to the US. Is it because it’s to close to the US, and thus tied to their economy? Last I checked Mexico was eleventh for ranking on economies in the world. Maybe it’s plateaued already.
That’s fine if you want to give me the same spiel as above. I don’t want you to spend all day doing unprofitable things. Time is money and all that crap.
I figured I have nothing to lose by asking.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:27 pm, 28th August 2020To quote the article:
These aren’t the only 11 countries in the world that are good to move to; I’m sure I’ll be hearing from some of you asking why I left out one country or another. Yeah. Dude. I can’t cover every decent location in the world. We’d be here all day.
Posted at 10:30 pm, 28th August 2020Agreed.
I like South Korea a lot though, nice weather, nice women, interesting culture, good infrastructure… and as a fellow Asian I won’t feel/be discriminated (unlike in other white-dominant countries, been there done that, sadly). It’s my ideal Country A (in case I really want to do 5 Flags) and I probably will bite the bullet anyway.
It’s also interesting because most Vietnamese people have the (not completely irrational, certainly beyond 2%) fear that China may attack and invade Vietnam someday if it’s given a chance (ie: WW3, which could very well happen in our lifetime) like it did countless times in the past. The situation isn’t much different compares to Russia vs Georgia and South vs North Korea.
Posted at 11:36 pm, 28th August 2020I’m gonna take that to mean that you do think it’s good to move to, unless that quote also includes countries that you don’t think are good to move to. Having already disagreed with south Korea, that’s probably not the case.
In any event, the biggest ones to avoid are the U.S., Canada, and Europe. But only if you care about making more money, getting taxed less, and are irritated by leftists.
Posted at 11:43 pm, 28th August 2020Interesting hearing that from someone from a Vietnamese background. I remember traveling up in the far north, in Ha Giang, which has always been a flash point area for China / Vietnam hostility. People up there sure distrusted the Chinese! All I can say is that any country that tries to invade Vietnam is going to have its hands full. The Vietnamese aren’t the sort of people who are going to let invaders walk in. The history books are full of stories of people who tried and failed to do just that. And I wonder why China would even really want to? More trouble than it’s worth! They could probably do better just by trading with it. And it’s probably pretty low on their list pf priorities compared to Taiwan, Hongkong, Tibet.
Posted at 09:03 am, 29th August 2020Great list!
One correction though; there is no road connection between Panama and Colombia. Travel by air is really the only option.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:44 am, 29th August 2020Not exactly accurate (there is no paved highway), but yeah, it’s not as simple as I implied in the video, but we’re already discussing that at this same thread over at my other blog.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 02:07 pm, 29th August 2020Why don’t you unify them if you’re posting the same articles to both anyway?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:59 pm, 29th August 2020More easily said then done. People are going to have to click their mouse three times to see the other thread. Oh, the horror.
Don’t worry. In a few weeks when the new blog goes up this problem will fix itself since there will be no more comments.
Posted at 12:49 pm, 30th August 2020Great article, BD. I do have a problem with the consequences of hysterical government intervention and how everything can change because of Covid. Take Panama, where I moved in December in part inspired by your first post on it. I loved it for all the reasons you mentioned and more, but itlit down in late March and it’s slowly opening now! I fled to Spain as soon as I could and am not sure I will want to move back there.
The reason is: it is not necessary for a country to become a”new Venezuela” for the social standards to crash farther than we can fathom if a government becomes bent on making everyone miserable. I think the most ridiculous countries (from what I’ve heard: Panama, South Africa, Peru…) have a Mad Max scenario à la Argentina 2001-02 coming. Power outages, being robbed at gunpoint in daylight, etc. I hope I’m wrong, my girlfriends on the field will keep me informed.
Meanwhile I will visit new countries. Asia is looking better than ever.
Posted at 04:53 pm, 30th August 2020Ah, you must be talking about the Darien gap! My sister did it on a push bike a few years ago, traveling on her own. Sounds like quite extreme travel, and she’s a tough old thing, but not impossible by any means.
Mark C Brooks
Posted at 02:55 pm, 7th September 2020As I actually lived in Asia for 15 years I thought that I would add my 2 cents worth:
Best Looking Women in Asia – Rated.
1. South Korean. The S Korean women are as good looking as Japanese women but with better bodies (more boobs/ass). Unfortunately, the S Koreans are extremely xenophobic and standoff-ish. (Korean men are about the worst cock-blockers in the world.) Plus, very few Korean women speak English. Analysis: Forget about it.
2. Japanese. Some of the best looking women in the world and extremely stylish. (When I was living in Tokyo I lived in Omotesando (the Madison Ave of Tokyo). I can remember getting off of the subway and being awestruck seeing so many true 9s walking around on the way back to my apartment.) Seriously submissive and, while lacking the skills in bed of the Filipina and Indo girls, they will do everything to please you. The only drawback for me was that they were, on average, a little on the skinny side. Plus, very few Japanese women speak English. Analysis: Wonderful girls if you can find one who speaks English and you’re willing to teach her a few tricks in bed.
3. Vietnamese. Hands down the best looking girls in SEA. I found dating them to be a little awkward and they are such little schemers. (As bad as the Filipinas.) Most of the Vietnamese women that I met spoke pretty good English but its variable. Analysis: Definitely go for it if you can find a beautiful one with a genuine personality.
4. Thai/Filipinas. Tie. While there is certainly a lot of difference between the cultures of Thailand and the Philippines and the looks of the girls in those two countries, I would say overall that the physical attraction level is about equal. I personally like Philippine women more than Thai (more on that below) but you really can’t go wrong with either. Analysis: The sex capitals of the world. Although Bangkok is a somewhat nicer city, I personally prefer Manila.
5. Indonesians. I like the Indo girls. They’re almost as good in bed as the Filipinas and they speak pretty fluent English but they’re just not that good looking overall. Analysis: At least once in his life every man should spend a Sunday in Wanchai, Hong Kong when all the Indo and Philippine maids have their one day off a week. Just a total ball. (Do it before the Chinese commie bastards ruin HK.)
Thai Women vs Filipinas.
1. Philippine women speak much better English than Thai women. Most Filipinas are fluent English speakers while in Thailand you often get what I would refer to as baby English.
2. In my opinion, Filipina women have much better bodies than Thai women. (Unless you like your women on the skinny women.) Maybe it’s the Spanish influence, but there are a lot of Philippine women with great tits & asses.
3. Philippine women are much better in bed than the Thais. (Hands-down) As someone else mentioned in the comments above, the Filipinas are the horniest women on Earth.
By the way, a couple of guys in the comments above mentioned that the Philippine women are unattractive. Boy, did you miss the boat. (As in Seriously missing it.) There are a ton of solid 8s in Makati. You just need to know where to find them. There are also a lot of true 9s in Manila but, I have to admit, they are a lot harder to meet.
The temples/ruins at Angkor Wat (Siem Reap) are really worth seeing. I don’t consider myself much of a tourist/traveller but I was seriously impressed with this place. Otherwise, there is nothing worthwhile in Cambodia. Zilch.
I’ve actually never been to Malaysia. One of the few countries in SEA that I didn’t at least visit. From the guys who I have spoken with who lived there, they tell me that they never actually dated a Malaysian woman. (Odd) From what they say, they usually hooked up with hookers from Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines.
You have to speak pretty fluent Spanish to be able to really enjoy Columbia, Panama, etc. Who the hell wants to spend all day on Google translate trying to communicate with some dumb chicka with big plastic tits.
By the way, what’s all the crap on this site about America becoming unlivable and falling down. I guess if you live in Portland the US would look pretty shitty but here in South Beach, Miami its just beautiful. And so are the women.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:56 pm, 7th September 2020I’ve it several times in SA and had a great time doing it. 🙂
Posted at 03:13 am, 12th September 2020How come I haven’t read any mention of Bhutan? I mean, what are your thoughts? Also, Armenia seems like a Georgia that wouldn’t violate your “bordering enemy” principle. Thoughts?