28 Sep The 6 Things You Must Do If You Stay In The Collapsing West

You acknowledge that the West is collapsing, that the United States is collapsing, and that Canada and Europe will soon collapse as well. You’re aware of all this and you can see it happening, but you don’t want to move out of your country or the Western world.
-By Caleb Jones
So what do you do? Is staying even an option?
Yes. As I’ve said before, and I don’t like this, but I understand that most of you are not going to move out of your collapsing Western country. Either you think the USA/Europe/Canada will do “fine” over the next few decades (hahaha!), or you’re too scared to move to another country, or you “can’t” do it (notice the quotes) due to some bullshit excuse. I would probably disagree with your excuse, but whatever, but it’s your life.
We’re talking about the collapsing trifecta here which consists of America, Europe, and Canada. Let’s call that the AEC. So today, we’re going to talk about the six things you MUST have in place if you decide to stay in your collapsing Western country for the rest of your life.
If you adopt Alpha 2.0 models, you can survive and even thrive by staying in the collapsing Western world — but only if you do these six things. If you choose not to do these six things and stay in the AEC anyway, then you’re in big trouble. Not today. Not tomorrow. But eventually.
1. You must have your own business.
This is an Alpha Male 2.0 requirement anyway, but we’re going to be very complete with this list.
If you decide to stay in the AEC and you have a job, kiss your ass goodbye. You’re done.
Again, you might be OK right now; you might be OK for the next few years, but in the long term, you’re screwed. You can lose your job for a massive host of reasons, none of which may even be your fault. You are at the whim of your employer, boss, and industry if you have a job working for someone else. You are not free even if you make a million dollars a year at your job. You’ve got to have your own business.
If you decide to stay in the AEC and you don’t have your own business, you need to get started on it now. I’ve given you all the resources to do that so you have no excuse. Even if you don’t like my business resources you can use someone else’s, which fine with me. Just get that going now.
2. You must have location independent income.
Again, this is an Alpha 2.0 minimum, but I’m being complete here. Even if you have your own business, if your income is locked into the city in which you live and you’re spending your life in the collapsing AEC, you’re screwed. What if something happens to that city and you need to move? I would be terrified right now if I had a location-based income in the United States, Europe, or Canada.
You need to reorient your business to make it location independent. I have resources for that; please use whatever resources you want to use. You cannot be location dependent if you’re going to stay in the collapsing Western world for the rest of your life. That is suicide. Don’t do it.
3. You can’t live in a city.
This one is a little more obvious to most guys; I’ve already had some of you bring this up. If you decide to stay in the AEC for the rest of your life — and certainly if you decide to stay in the United States — you have to get out of the cities and into the outer suburbs at a bare minimum.
As I’ve said in previous videos as of right now, you are going to experience civil unrest on a near-consistent basis in many (if not most) American cities. It’s just something Americans are going to have to start getting used to. (Many regions of Europe aren’t much better.)
I didn’t say a civil war; I said civil unrest — SJWs who are bored and start smashing buildings and burning shit down, bored MAGA guys going into those areas looking for trouble, authoritarian cops shooting people left and right, and so on. And you can expect this to keep happening until the final collapse of the country occurs, whenever that happens to be.
So you do not want to live in a city. In general, most cities are configured in such a way where the downtown area is the central core; then you have the outer core, which is a downtown area, but not literally downtown. Outside of that you have the suburbs; and then you have the outer suburbs, which are between the suburbs and outlying rural areas. Beyond that is rural.
If you’re going to stay in the collapsing Western world for the rest of your life, you must live either in the outer suburbs or in rural areas. You don’t have to go rural if you don’t want to; I currently live right on the edge of the outer suburbs and it works just fine.
And yes, there are a couple of downsides to living in the outer suburbs/rural. For starters, dating is a little more difficult if you live out that direction. It’s certainly easier to date and get laid if you’re living in the downtown core, but guess what — you’re living in the collapsing Western world and you’re never going to leave, so you don’t have that option anymore. It’s true you’ll have to travel a little bit more using cars, but I have lived in areas like this my entire adult life and I haven’t had any major problems with my dating life so I know it can be done.
The bottom line is you’re going to be very unhappy living in a major city in the collapsing Western world over the next few years/decades, certainly in the United States. Don’t do it.
4. You must have at least some non-Western income.
This one’s a little more complicated. If you decide to live in the collapsing Western world for the rest of your life, location independent income is not enough. It’s good and necessary, but here’s the problem. Let’s say you decide to hole up in rural Kansas the rest of your life and you have a location independent Alpha 2.0 business. Great! But let’s also say that most of that market is in Chicago. What happens when the United States — and Chicago — collapse? You’re going to have a serious problem, right?
So if you’re seriously going to live in the Collapsing Western World for the rest of your life, just having location independent income isn’t quite enough. You want to have a lot of your income sources outside of the West, at least eventually. This is mandatory for you; you don’t have a choice if you’re going to stay in the AEC for the rest of your life. You will not be able to rely solely on income from the Western world even if you have location independent income.
You can set your goals however you’d like, but I’ll tell you what my goal is: One of my business goals for the next few years is to get to the point where 60% of my income from all of my income streams does not come from the collapsing AEC. I want the AEC to only represent a grand total of 40% of my income.
I’m not there yet. My foreign-source (non-AEC) income is around 22%. Not bad, but I need to get that up to at least 60%, and then I’m comfortable. That way, when the Western world collapses, which will happen within our lifetimes, I will be inconvenienced instead of completely fucked financially. There’s a big difference between those two things.
So in addition to having a location independent income, you need to make sure a significant portion of your income is coming from outside the AEC, at least eventually. (This is the least urgent of these six items in that you have more time to get this done, but it still needs to get done.)
5. You can’t have any debt.
I’m not a Christian, but one of the parts of the Bible that is actually correct is that you are a slave to the lender. When you have a debt, the person or entity who runs your life is the one you owe money to. You don’t want to owe any money. So if you have debt, you need to pay that shit off, especially if you’re going to stay in the collapsing Western world. If you have debt, you have that much more of a nut to crack every month, and that will be even more difficult if you have income trouble because you live in a collapsing society. The government and/or the big banks can also call in your debt at any time if trouble arises, which it will, which means serious problems for you and your family.
Now, there’s one complicated aspect of this. Some might say it is possible that the United States will collapse via a hyperinflationary currency crisis, and if that’s the case, you want more debt because then you can pay it off more easily since the debt will be worth less.
That’s a really complicated discussion that’s honestly outside the scope of today’s blog. The bottom line is that by the time that happens, you will have suffered so many other problems because of your debt, that benefit will not be worth it. If you’re operating on the level of hundreds of millions of dollars, then yes, you’ll be able to finagle something like that. But most of you won’t be. You need to pay off your debt if you’re going to live in the collapsing Western world.
6. You must have government-safe and currency-safe investments.
If you live in the collapsing Western world and your investments are all inside the stock market or your fucking 401(k) or IRA, you’re screwed. (If you’re outside the United States, please translate for whatever takes the place of IRAs and 401(k) in your country.) Those are government instruments. As the Western world continues to collapse, the government will start to do all kinds of crazy shit with those. You don’t control your 401(k) or IRA; the fucking government does.
You don’t want those. I’m moving out of the Western world in February which means I’m safer than most of you and even I don’t have any of those.
On top of that, you want to have investments that are currency-safe so that if the value of your currency collapses, which is very likely for both the U.S. dollar and the euro, you’ll be OK even if you enter into a state of hyperinflation.
That basically means three classes of investments:
The first is precious metals, particularly gold, but silver and palladium would probably qualify too.
The second is cryptocurrency. There’s an argument that cryptocurrency would not do well in a hyperinflationary market, but you’d be a lot better off with cryptos than you would with stocks or something like that.
The third, for those of you who have the wherewithal, would be real estate, especially foreign real estate.
If all you’ve got is a savings account with a bunch of cash and American stocks, you’re fucked. You need to configure your investment life to be sure you’ll be OK if (and when) there are currency problems, which are coming, particularly to the United States.
You need to have all six of these things if you’re going to remain in the collapsing Western world. When I talk to a lot of you, you’ll tell me you’re staying in the U.S., but you’re covered. One guy told me he was going to hole up in North Dakota; he’s got his farm, his bullets, water, he’s got cryptocurrencies, and he’s good to go. And that is a start! That means he’s covered #3 and #6 on this list.
Then I asked about his income, and he said, “Well… I have a job.” He’s fucked. He needs to start his own business, get location independent income, get foreign-sourced income, pay off all of his debt, etc.
You need all six things on this list, not just the ones that turn you on or match your political views. Some of you guys probably have already covered some things on the list, but you’re missing other ones. Get on that now.
I know I’m going to get questions about what to do in the case of a major natural disaster or similar problem, and I’ve already covered that here. Disaster preparedness isn’t the same thing as what we’re discussing today; everyone should have those things in place anyway. The above six items are the additional things you need to have in place if you’re serious about remaining in the Western world during and after the coming collapse.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 06:09 am, 28th September 2020I am amazed by all those people who still continue getting mortgages like as if they did not watch any news over the past 5-10 years. People who somehow seem to think they will want to continue living in the same country / city in the west in 20+ years, people who somehow seem to think that the property will continue being worth what they paid for it and who do not have the cash to back it up with and instead rely on an income that can stop any time.
Posted at 06:14 am, 28th September 2020I would also add: that you must have a passport / residency in another country, so that you can always leave if necessary (one might think he never wants to leave right now but that idea can change in a few years but then it might be hard to leave if your residency and citizenship countries are the same thing and you do not have any others…)
Posted at 09:32 am, 28th September 20203. You can’t live in a city.
This one for sure. I’m currently in the Chicagoland area and can tell you firsthand it’s getting bad. The social unrest is one thing but also these ‘rona mandates are strangling the life out of the cities. One of the main reasons people live in cities and pay premium prices to be there are for all the social and entertainment options. Now we see those can all be taken away overnight leaving no good reasons to be here anymore. I have no doubt they’ll employ these lockdown measures again and again in the future now that they’ve had a taste of it. Although in an election year, a lot of it is just political posturing. not sure how anyone can support either political party anymore-they’re both 2 ends of the same dog turd.
Most people that live in cities are collectivist by nature, the rule followers. Rural areas have a more live and let live attitude that suits the individualist/freedom minded guys like us.
The one big downside as you mentioned Caleb, is the lack of women in these areas. I like the idea of a more collar county area which is plenty far from the mayhem but also puts you on the fringes to still scoop up some ladies.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:28 am, 28th September 2020Americans are likely the most self-deluded people in the West at this point. “Everything will be fine.” “Trump will make America great again.” “We can spend all the money we want because we owe it to ourselves.” “My dad/brother/friend made money on his house a few years ago so I should be able to also.” “I need a house because I want to have kids and raise a family.” “Renting is bad because you waste money.” And so on.
1. Far too difficult a process for someone who never wants to move out of their country (unless they’re wealthy) so it would be a waste of my time to recommend it to those folks.
2. One could argue that one would be “okay” if they followed all six of those things and moved way out into the rural areas in their own countries and still be okay even if their country revoked international travel.
3. Odds of a Western country actually forcing their own citizens to never leave is quite low, as I’ve analyzed before. (Plus how the hell would these incompetent left-wing governments with no border walls actually enforce such a thing?)
Getting 2nd/3rd passports is a fantastic idea but it’s really for us international Alpha 2.0s.
Correct. (Though rural dwellers are pretty fucking irrational too these days, but I agree they’re less collectivist.)
Posted at 10:56 am, 28th September 2020I would disagree here, not that it applies to readers here but but if you actually make that much you can quit any time you want and be fine with investing that momey and living from it forever.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 10:59 am, 28th September 2020This sounds absolutely contrary to reality to me. City dwellers dread the day when they finally lose all privacy because Facebook, Google, big data etc., but it’s already that way in villages, where not only everyone knows what you do, they know everything you do and connect it together, and judge you for it if it goes contrary to SP (of which they usually have an antiquated version).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:40 am, 28th September 2020Incorrect in most cases. Most high-income job earners have little to zero net worth. Read the book The Millionaire Next Door as well as stats from my other blog for more details.
You’re more talking about privacy instead individualism. Rural dwellers do indeed tend to be more individualistic than city dwellers, and the data (surveys, voting patterns, lifestyle choices, etc) clearly indicate this. To repeat, that doesn’t mean rural folks are necessarily more rational than city dwellers. (If you talk to an American rural person about topics like Trump, guns, foreigners, or Jesus you’re going to get a stream of the strongest irrationality you’ve ever seen.) I’m just saying they are (at least a little) less collectivist than city folks.
Posted at 12:08 pm, 28th September 2020@Pseudonymous User
“City dwellers dread the day when they finally lose all privacy because Facebook, Google, big data etc.”
I tend to disagree here just due to what I’ve heard from most of your typical city folks, particularly the younger ones (millennials and younger). They mostly seem total unfazed by the continued loss of privacy. They often explain how they don’t care and “have nothing to hide”. Which I call bullshit on since most people have some skeletons they would not want made public. They assume just because they’re not committing obvious crimes, there’s no worry. I bet they wouldn’t feel so good if things like infidelity(since we know long term monogamy doesn’t work), dodging taxes, weird fetishes, etc… were exposed to the world. And I know MANY people in my own circles who have these sorts of things to hide-included some guys who regularly see escorts and “masseuses”.
Posted at 02:58 pm, 28th September 2020Caleb, you’ve mention before about the importance of having gold as an investment & also Silver, due to its industrial use but why also Palladium?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:23 pm, 28th September 2020I don’t want to get into the weeds on that one. I don’t recommend palladium to the novice investor; stick with gold and perhaps silver. I mentioned palladium for those guys who are already investing in it.
Posted at 04:46 pm, 28th September 2020i really like the text blogs as opposed to the vlogs
I can quickly see the main points and skim if needed
with video, I almost have to watch the 20 minutes in full to know what the 6 points are.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:03 pm, 28th September 2020We will always do text articles for blog-based videos, even when the new blog goes live.
Posted at 07:34 pm, 28th September 2020When will the new blog go live?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:47 pm, 28th September 2020Hopefully in the next 7-10 days but it could be longer. It look much longer than planned (one reason was because I have over 1000 articles and 60,000 comments to import from multiple websites, all of which need to be formatted, etc).
Posted at 12:57 am, 29th September 2020Personally I consider Platinum as the undervalued asset right now, but Palladium will probably also grow. What one has to be aware of is that these two metals are much more volatile than silver or gold due to not just industrial use but also due to limited supply that also depends on geopolitical factors. Rhodium is also interesting and has totally exploded over the past few years and its something no one talks about but I wonder if its already peaked, for me that ship has sailed away.
Holden Caulfield
Posted at 01:38 am, 29th September 2020Don’t buy house and call it home.
Posted at 04:24 am, 29th September 2020It is just an overly long and complicated way of saying what I said in my first message in this post. I strongly believe in real estate as investment and source of passive income but I would not do mortgage unless backed by ability to repay any time and I would think carefully about where to buy and ideally purchase multiple properties in several countries.
Posted at 05:47 am, 29th September 2020One of the benefits of living in a rural area is the lack of zoning regulations, which allows you to build a tiny house for very little money. If you’ve done that, are reasonably wealthy and have a low lifestyle cost, you can fly over escorts to your rural tiny home if you just want to get laid and don’t care how you go about getting laid. If you want a relationship, yeah that’s going to be much more difficult and you’ll probably have to travel out into the city.
They won’t force you to not leave, they’ll just impose an exit tax on you or increase the exit tax if one already exists. Government is incompetent at managing countries and societies, but its actually quite sharp and creative when it comes to vacuuming money out of peoples pockets at gunpoint (especially those who want freedom)
Caleb do you think the civil unrest in the United States and Europe could culminate into a French Revolution-style event within a few decades? If I understand correctly, the French Revolution isn’t a civil war but a social/political revolution that was caused by many of the same social/economic problems we’re seeing unfold in the United States/Europe.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 07:40 am, 29th September 2020Real estate is typically a low-risk, low-reward investment. It only makes sense if done with leverage, which increases both the risk and the reward.
If you’re living in a Western country, purchasing real estate most likely grants you access to cheap credit, why waste such an opportunity?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:43 am, 29th September 2020Again, how are they going to enforce this in any practical way for those who refuse to pay it and are living on the other side of the world with no American assets?
I’m just not concerned about things like that.
Posted at 09:01 pm, 29th September 2020I’m definitely living out in a rural area if I still have debt and can’t move out of the US in the next five years or so. Although I don’t live in a massive city (I live in a small city, a college town) I can definitely see what’s coming. Don’t want to be part of it at all lol.
Caleb himself wrote about this I think, but the current day activist doesn’t understand that a bloody revolution where you sacrifice your LIFE for the change you want to create is the only real way to actually change your culture. So the answer to this is no. We won’t see a bloody revolution. Citizens simply don’t have the weaponry anyways. If anyone was to start a bloody revolution or a coup or something, they would get literally nuked in seconds by the National Guard. Yes, this would actually happen. This isn’t the 18th century anymore where both citizens and authorities had the same kinds of weapons.
However, the chances of the US and Europe transforming into an authoritarian state not unlike North Korea is not only likely, it is not avoidable at this point. Won’t be like this until the 2030s or so but it’s coming. Gonna be pretty much exactly like V for Vendetta. I definitely don’t want to be part of that lol.
In fact, pretty much most developed nations will turn into a variation of North Korea over the next decade or so after witnessing how easy it was for governments to tell their citizens all over the world to shelter in place earlier this year. The common person’s undying trust in Statism is that strong. Makes me agree with some of what AntiFA is doing tbh, although they seem to want to replace the fascism they are seeing now with their own version, but that’s how it is.
Posted at 12:54 am, 30th September 2020Depends what you mean by forcing. Actually blocking borders and airports with armed guards and allowing the chosen few to leave even if they have valid passport: low. But what about the odds of revoking your passport but otherwise travel is possible, so you can only leave illegally if you dont have another passport? We have already seen this happen in the USA and I believe you yourself mention it as one of the reason to have extra passport. Dough Casey seems to think the chance of this is high. I admit he is a bit more on the scale of doom and gloom guy but Andrew Handerson who is quite positive has talked about that recently as well.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 08:41 am, 30th September 2020Could you please clarify what threat do you anticipate? If you’re referring to revocation of passports of people who owe taxes, this seems in line with the uncontroversial policy that suspicion of lawbreaking merits some form of detention until the person is either cleared or convicted, and preventing the suspect from leaving the country is the mildest confinement method. Do you foresee measures like this being applied arbitrarily? Are you in disagreement with BD that the law has to be followed?
Posted at 08:47 am, 30th September 2020What you describe is basically arbitrary revokation because who decides I am a suspect? Based on what? If a someone in the goverment wants me to stay in the country all they have do is to say they need to double check my taxes.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 09:37 am, 30th September 2020Well, in any civilized country the law specifies a mechanism by which certain authorities have the power to investigate allegations of wrongdoing, detaining suspects where appropriate. Is your country likely (as in >2%) to abuse this power with regard to you?
Also if the country in question is the US, a foreign passport only works because the US does not do exit checks, but in the unlikely case they go crazy and start preventing Americans from leaving, what’s stopping them from introducing those checks?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:11 am, 30th September 2020Possibly, but on a small scale. (Stupid, bored MAGA guys punching stupid, bored Antifa guys; most everyone else will just stay home.)
More details here.
That’s not what you said. You said the USA would force people to not leave the country. You’re now doing a complete 180 and saying something completely different.
Sure, that’s possible.
It’s one of the distant, lower reasons, not any of my main reasons.
I love Doug but as you said he’s Mr. Doom and Gloom and I disagree the chance is “high.” I would call it “moderate to low.”
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 04:01 pm, 1st October 2020An unrest differs from a revolution in that the latter is a struggle for power, a certain group that rides the wave in a bid for control of the entire country or part of it. Catalonia, for example, is in perpetual unrest but the leadership of that movement is moderate enough so not much happens. But it’s possible that someone does something stupid, a series of escalations happens and radical separatists use that to seize power. Belarus is in unrest but there’s no leadership so no revolution. Polish civil resistance in the 1980s had a clear goal, putting Solidarność in power, which is what happened.
In the US there’s no political group in sight that would attempt to seize the reins this way, so unrests are unlikely to become revolutions. Gun ownership is irrelevant.
Posted at 07:22 am, 2nd October 2020If there is a currency crisis, beyond having a location independent, non-western income… You also need to be able to charge customers and hold money in a foreign currency. Either that, or convert earnings to crypto / gold as soon as you run each transaction.
In a real currency crisis the U.S. Government may try to shut down bitcoin exchanges, make it a criminal offense to own bitcoin, as they did gold in the great depression. In a situation like this though, everyone would be breaking the law.
Posted at 07:54 am, 2nd October 2020Its not realistically possible for holsing bitcoin to be illegal by definition – its outside of the system. However it can be made illegal or near impossible to convert it to fiat locally ane it is very easy: all banks can simply refuse to work with exchanges. If its on black market then it can do very well ironically for you if you have some because in absense of official methods to change money there will be fat premiums on bitcoin. This already happened in some countries where bitcoin traded at 2x or more value for this reason. In fact I believe it is still the case and if you can find potnetial clients from such countries and figure out a way to trade with them you can make a lot of money on it.
Posted at 12:00 pm, 7th October 2020They can make it retroactive and work with foreign governments to enforce it – e.g. if you currently live in Australia but lived in the United States 5-10 years ago, sorry you’re subject to a recently passed retroactive exit tax even if it didn’t exist back then. If you don’t pay, then we will make the Australian government come get you. It won’t work forever and they can’t get every foreign government to play ball, but a country with the political size and influence of the United States has the power to do something like that. Nomad Capitalist described such a thing in his most recent video on potential new taxes.
When governments get desperate enough for revenue, they devise all sorts of creative, psychotic ways to steal money out of people’s pockets.
Posted at 09:38 am, 12th October 2020Having your own business isn’t that simple, but I agree with the rest, especially #3 and #5 (as for me, I don’t live in a city, and I don’t have any debt).