25 Aug Why Men and Women Hate Each Other

Reading Time – 9 minutes
As I’ve shown and discussed hundreds of times over the past 15 years, we live in the most irrational era the Collapsing Western World has ever seen. That doesn’t mean that prior eras weren’t irrational. They certainly were. I’m saying that the 2020s in the West is the most irrational time Western civilization has ever experienced. Not surprising since the entire civilization is on its way out.
One of the many problems with this is that irrationality breeds hatred.
You see this in politics (the psycho woke left vs. the Trump Will Save America idiots).
You see this in international relations (Ultra-Corrupt Russia vs. Ultra-Corrupt Ukraine, Murderous Hamas vs. Murderous Israel Military).
You see this in pop culture (left-wing nerds who love modern-day Star Wars vs. right-wing nerds who hate modern-day Star Wars, angry men vs. Taylor Swift and her fangirls).
And you see this in dating and relationships with men and women hating each other because of the revulsion of and/or misunderstanding of the biological differences between the two sexes.
This man/woman hatred makes an already difficult dating, relationship, and marriage situation in the Collapsing West even more difficult than it already has become.
Since our goal here at Alpha Male 2.0 is to become long-term consistently happy, we can’t have any of this. Instead of hating women, we need to accept how women are biologically wired (OBW) and societally conditioned (SP) by a collapsing, left-wing civilization and love them for the complex creatures they are.
On the flip side, we also need to shield ourselves from those women who hate men and not allow them into our lives at all (or if we’re very careful, as distant FBs only). We also need to adhere to Alpha 2.0 structures that protect us from the threats modern-day Western women pose to us (Cardinal Rules, OLTR Marriage, nonmonogamy, etc).
To understand why men and women hate each other, we need to examine the two reasons. One is the misunderstanding of how we are different, and the second is the hatred of how we are different.
The Misunderstanding of How Men And Women Are Different
The first phase of this hatred stems directly from the lack of understanding men have about women and women have about men.
This is our old friend, gender myopia, a phrase I coined myself on this very blog many years ago. Gender myopia means that each gender (men and women) thinks the other gender wants exactly what they want. Men stupidly think that women want what men want, and women stupidly think that men want what women want.
And, of course, they don’t.
Here are some easy examples. Men would love it if women sent them nude pics, therefore men stupidly think the reverse is true, thus we have millions of men sending pictures of their cocks to women unasked. This, of course, never works, confusing men (and later, angering men, but we’ll get to that).
This also goes straight to the one excuse men have left against nonmonogamy, which is “But she’ll go fuck a bunch of guys if she’s allowed to do that!!!” As I’ve analyzed and shown in great detail, most women won’t do that at all, because women are not men and want different things than men. Men would go have sex with other women if they were allowed to, but most women have no desire to go fuck other men just because they can.
But men are stupid and think that women want exactly what they want, which they don’t.
To be clear, women are stupid about this too. How many online dating profiles have you seen where the woman is bragging about how strong and independent she is and talks about her awesome career and her kickass college degree? I’ve seen thousands of these. Why are women bragging about these things? Because they’re stupid and think that because they, the women, want men to be strong, educated, and have great careers, then of course men want women who have these things too.
But, of course, they don’t, so this dating “technique” women use only serves to turn men off, just like when a guy sends a woman a dick pic.
Then women get confused and then angry, thinking that “men can’t handle a strong woman” or whatever.
You’ll also see this when women say that men “want a woman who challenges them” or when women do things like kiss a man’s neck gently during sex. Men don’t want these things. Women want these things from men. So all it does is confuse men (or turn them off) and piss off the women.
I’ve written entire chapters in many of my books about how DIFFERENT men and women are. You need to acknowledge this. More importantly, you need to accept it, which is even harder to do.
That brings us to the next phase of this…
Why Men and Women Hate How The Other Gender Is Different
After going through years of battling and getting defeated by gender myopia, from women who can’t find quality men on dating apps to men having women divorce them even though they “promised they would never do that,” both men and women start to get really angry about all of this.
They go online and start talking to other people of their gender who have also been defeated by gender myopia, start hearing about other stories that match theirs, and their anger increases.
Then they start doing research online about the behaviors of the other gender and start screaming and ranting about how horrible they are.
The way men exhibit this is by becoming hardcore red pill, black pill, Andrew Tate worshippers, or Jordan Peterson worshippers. They scream nonstop about things like hypergamy (their favorite word), alpha widows, 304s, OnlyFans, financial divorce rape, and so on.
They quote stats about the high percentage of women who demand six-figure, six-pack men and how 80% of the women are going after the top 20% of men and how the bottom 80% are completely screwed, and how evil women are for wanting this.
They lament about how great everything was back in the 1950s when women were loyal, Christian, and perfect. And how every beta male was “handed” a “good woman” by society and how we need to get back to that (which, of course, the Western world never will).
And so on.
Women, on the other hand, become angry woke feminists, or something close to this. They scream about the patriarchy, the male gaze, fuckboys, small dick energy, and so on.
They’re infuriated that men are attracted to women’s physical appearance. They’re enraged when men still watch porn or look at hot girls on Instagram even though they’re already married or have a girlfriend. And whenever a man cheats on a woman, which is all the time because monogamy doesn’t work, this rage escalates.
This rage goes on ultra-overdrive when a woman hits age 33 or so, and spends the rest of her life screaming that all of the men her age want women younger than her and how unfair this all is and how evil men are for wanting this.
Are all of these angry red pill men and angry woke women factually incorrect?
No. In most cases, when these men and women state these things, they’re stating facts. Yes, women are attracted to men with more money, fame, and status, and yes, men are attracted more to how a woman looks and how young she is.
The problem is not that these things are untrue. The problem is that this is how men and women are designed, at their very core, from the ground up. There’s nothing you can do about it. As I’ve said many times, if you have a problem with how men and women are wired, don’t yell at them; go yell at God (or whomever else you think created these creatures).
Women aren’t hypergamous because they’re evil. They are hypergamous because that’s how they were designed over 150,000 years ago.
Men aren’t sexually attracted to younger women because they’re evil. They’re attracted to them because that’s how they were designed over 150,000 years ago.
If you’re going to be angry at either of these groups of people because of these things, the problem isn’t with them. The problem is with you.
You own a dog. Every time someone knocks on your door or rings your doorbell, your dog barks loudly and incessantly.
Is the dog doing this because he’s evil? Is he doing this to annoy you? Is he doing this because he’s selfish or immature? Is he doing this because he’s sinful?
No. He’s doing this because he’s a fucking dog. Dogs bark. It’s how they’re designed by nature hundreds of thousands of years before you were ever born.
If your response to the dog’s barking is that now you suddenly hate your dog and all other dogs because they’re evil, then you’re just being stupid.
(And yes, if the sound of a dog’s bark drives you insane, you shouldn’t own a dog.)
This is why the angry red pill guy screaming about hypergamy or whatever is just as stupid and irrational as the woke Gen Z girl on Instagram screaming about the male gaze. Both of these irrational maniacs are angry about how men and women are biologically designed.
That’s dumb. If you’re going to be angry about that, you’re simply going to be angry forever. Your only option for happiness at that point is to become a hermit and live out in the woods with no internet and no human contact with anyone for the rest of your life, and we both know you’re not going to do that.
Instead, if you want to be long-term happy like I am, you need to emotionally accept that women are designed to want things very different from you, as well as things you find irritating or unfair, and make that okay.
I’ve been posting dating and relationship content for 15 years straight without a break, since 2009. Have you ever heard me get angry or scream at women about how they dump men or want men who make more money? Nope. I’ve reported on these topics dispassionately and shown you how to avoid these problems for yourself. But I don’t hate women for this. They’re just acting the way they’re designed to act, just like you’re acting the way you were designed to act when you see your perfect 10 on Instagram and get a stiffy.
I have never hated women about any of this stuff and have never felt emotionally angry about any of it. Oh sure, I’ve talked about it, made fun of it, talked about how irrational a lot of it is, but I’ve done that with how men behave too.
Once you accept that women are like this and it’s 100% okay with you, the last piece to this is to design a lifestyle where these desires women have won’t hurt you. That’s what Alpha Male 2.0 is all about. Nonmonogamy, separation of finances, Five Flags, enforceable legal protections, and all the other models I talk about will protect you 100% against all the stuff the black pill guys, red pill guys, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Fresh and Fit, Rollo, and everyone else constantly scream about.
Hell, if all you do is always date at least two or three women, never get legally married, and ever combine any finances with any woman, just those three things will completely protect you at least 90% from these problems.
That’s yet another reason you should accept these aspects of women. They can’t hurt you if you live an Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle. Look carefully and you’ll see that 99% of men who bitch about these things are either pussy beta males or angry, outcome-dependent Alpha Male 1.0s. These guys can and often do get hurt by these things, but that’s their fault because they choose not to engage in Alpha 2.0 models which will protect them.
Understand, accept, and then protect yourself.
Then you’ll be happy.
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Question of The Week
Should You NEVER Date Single Moms?
R.J. Writes: What is your response to the guys saying you should never date a single mom because she just wants financial assistance and a provider for her kids? You’re probably going to say it’s okay to have single moms as FBs but what about MLTR or OLTR?
My Answer:
Real stats from my life. I have dated and had sex with dozens of single mothers, as FBs and yes, as MLTRs too. I have literally never, and I mean never, had any of these women pressure me to be a provider, boyfriend, husband, spend more money on them, or spend money on their kids more than any of the women who didn’t have kids. I mean it. It’s never happened.
Moreover, I’ve spoken to many other men who have had sex with lots of single moms as FBs or MLTRs and they report similar experiences almost across the board.
This “advice” comes from philosophy and not objective reality or experience. It comes right out of stupid guy-logic that states “She’s a single mom, therefore she needs money, therefore the only reason she’ll date you is for your money. Makes sense to me.” Honestly, this sounds like something a guy who’s only had sex with five girls would say.
Now, if you get into an OLTR (serious long-term girlfriend) with a single mom, then yeah, she’s going to expect you to provider-up to her and her kids, but honestly, if you do that, aren’t you asking for this? Why would THAT surprise you at that point? It shouldn’t, and if it does, you’re really stupid. I have found that most men who get into an OLTR (not MLTR) with a single mom fully expect provider shit from her at that point, which again, should be expected.
If you don’t want to have a serious girlfriend or wife who already has small children, that’s fine, don’t do that. Objectively speaking, it is indeed less work to have a girlfriend/wife who has no kids. I have no problem with that. But to say “never date” as in “never have sex with one” (meaning FB) or “never date one” (meaning MLTR), that’s dumb and factually inaccurate. I’ve had many single mom FBs and MLTRs (the vast majority of them in their twenties) and the vast majority of them were great, and I had a wonderful time with them.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 02:02 am, 26th August 2024What is 334s? I searched in Google but didn’t find anything clear
Posted at 04:58 am, 26th August 2024He Meant ‘304’s’ whisch is slang for ‘Hoe’
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:57 pm, 26th August 2024Yeah I fixed that typo.
Posted at 09:09 pm, 27th August 2024What’s the male gaze?
Posted at 10:42 am, 28th August 2024[BLOCKQUOTE]Instead of hating women, we need to accept how women are biologically wired (OBW) and societally conditioned (SP) by a collapsing, left-wing civilization and love them for the complex creatures they are.[/BLOCKQUOTE]
*Chuckle* women aren’t complex creatures, they’re pretty straight forward. Hand them a couple hundred dollars (or whatever the equivalent is in your local market) and they’ll immediately drop their panties and do whatever the hell you want. Bonobos (our closest genetic relative) do this, the rich elite in Davos do this, Trump did it, Charlie Sheen did it, and I can go on and on.
[BLOCKQUOTE]They lament about how great everything was back in the 1950s when women were loyal, Christian, and perfect.[/BLOCKQUOTE]
I’m struggling to understand how these modern day tradcons would even get an erection to a woman from the 1950s. Women from the 1950s look hideous compared to today’s young models (and yes, I like the hot, slutty, tatted girl look – have fucked a couple).
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:00 am, 28th August 2024“The male gaze” is a man-hating feminist term which refers to a man looking at a woman in a heterosexual way, as distinguished from an asexual way. The male gaze is said to be evil, misogynistic, patriarchal, and horrifically evil, according to the lesbians that comprise the philosophy of radical feminism.
Closely linked to the male gaze is the “objectification of women,” which is defined as – any thought formed, speech expressed, or action taken which suggests or implies that women are anything other than completely non-sexual disembodied spirits with “beautiful souls.”
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:06 am, 28th August 2024Bro, not all women are literal prostitutes. Some are actual heterosexuals who have sex with us for the same reason that we have sex with them. Not all women are into the concept of having sex for non-sexual, gender neutral, or materialistic reasons, like money. Many women just want to have sex in exchange for sex, which are the types of women I surround myself with. You can keep the hookers though if you want them to fake it for you!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:18 am, 28th August 2024After years of self-reflection, I realize that it’s not women per se that I hate. Rather, I hate psychological femininity, or a feminine orientation towards sex and sexuality. This is why I’ve done my best to surround myself with psychologically masculine women only, or women with a masculine orientation towards sexuality. These women have made me, on balance, very happy and fulfilled.
But it’s not for everyone because most masculine men are hetero-romantic, which means that they want psychologically feminine women, with all the sexual frustrations that come with it. I, on the other hand, am homo-romantic, and therefore, prefer psychologically masculine (albeit physically feminine) women only. And the masculine woman herself must be homo-romantic as well, as distinguished from masculine women who are hetero-romantic, which means they want to dominate a feminine man, which turns me off no differently than feminine women.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:28 am, 28th August 2024Yeah, I’d like to caution any man who wants single mothers as MLTRs or OLTRs. Having single mothers as FBs or FWBs is great, as long as you never meet their kids, and have nothing to do with their kids. But that becomes impossible if they become MLTRs or OLTRs.
A woman like this can easily go to family court and claim that the child has become “emotionally attached to you.” Once this happens (depending on the state), the court could pronounce you as the legal father, even against your will, thus forcefully garnishing child support from you. This is true irrespective of whether or not the biological father is in the picture and paying monthly child support as well. There are scenarios in which the woman was receiving forced child support from two separate men – the biological father and the family court pronounced legal father – for one and the same child!
So if you don’t want to nurse another man’s sperm (no offense, Caleb!), I’d advise you to either stay away from single mothers, or keep them at the FB or FWB level only, and make sure you never meet the kids!
Just some harmless advice. But feel free to ignore it and listen to Caleb instead if you guys want.
Posted at 03:26 pm, 28th August 2024Those kinds of women are going to charge you for either your time, your physical/emotional energy, and/or your attention. All of those are things you can put into making more money. As Coach Greg Adams says, all men pay!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:18 pm, 28th August 2024Yeah, but if I pay with my time, emotional energy, and attention, I’m going to get the woman’s sexual and emotional sincerity in return. That’s what I crave, especially during sex – her GENUINE horniness and sexual enthusiasm. Her orgasms are the source of mine.
But, if I pay her with money, like you recommend, I’m just getting a faker who will scream her head off for me in bed if the dollar amount is to her liking, but it’s all a lie and she’s just an actress. That completely makes the whole thing pointless for me, corrodes my self esteem, and completely abolishes my masculine sense of virility.
No thanks.
Posted at 04:31 pm, 28th August 2024Dude, I’ve had hot girls who I’ve paid only to fuck look me directly in the eye while we were fucking and then go out to clubs with me (they wanted to hang out with me when I was trying to leave after the session – they had never met me before). So no damage done to my self esteem or “sense of virility” based on those experiences. 99% of guys who do the goofy PUA/game/rizz bullshit won’t get experiences like that.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:13 pm, 29th August 2024This will never happen to any of my readers. You’re being insane. Go look at my videos and blog articles about the 2% Rule.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:29 pm, 29th August 2024You can’t know that for sure. Like I said, it depends on the state. It also depends on the woman and the family court judge.
You have no idea how many insane things I’ve seen.
I simply said it’s possible. In California, for example, the likelihood is above 2%. In Texas, maybe it’s 1%. But I’m throwing out the possibility because I’ve seen it, and I think your readers should at least be informed. Then, they can judge for themselves how likely it is depending on their jurisdiction, the specific woman, and their specific situation. They should just be made fully aware of all potentialities.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:42 pm, 29th August 2024Just how the fuck did you come to this absurd conclusion?
You think a woman never looked me in the eye during sex, and never wanted to hang out with me afterwards, just because she wasn’t a hooker??? She wanted these things precisely BECAUSE she wasn’t a hooker! Literally 100% of men who are successful with women experience this. Every girlfriend I ever had looked me in the eye in bed and wanted to hang out with me afterwards! Every FWB, some FBs, and every MLTR wanted the same.
There isn’t a single man alive who hasn’t experienced this if he is successful with women. And no, “successful with women” doesn’t mean you shell out money. If a woman has sex with you in exchange for sex, that means she wants to hang out with you because she likes you (unless it’s just a one night stand). All men, assuming they are sexually successful, experience this without buying whores!
Let’s put this in perspective: You seem to be implying that female heterosexuality is rare, if not non-existent. You seem to think that everyone, or 99%, are either celibate or paying hookers. And that female heterosexuality is this rare 1% thing. That’s insane,
In my world, prostitution is precisely this rare 1% thing, and female heterosexuality constitutes the 99%. In other words, our two worlds are literally upside down from one another. But you might want to explore the world of female heterosexuality. You’ll be surprised how common it is, and how rare prostitution is by comparison. Seriously!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:48 pm, 29th August 2024Also Nail – you do know that this is a game/seduction/self-improvement blog, right? Sorry if you think all that is bullshit!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:53 pm, 29th August 2024Didn’t you leave America because we’re so insane? This isn’t Dubai. This is the land of insanity. I rest my case!
Posted at 11:44 am, 31st August 2024The 99% number is a rough guess on my part. Could be lower. Either way, the vast majority of men who do the PUA/Game/rizz stuff aren’t going those kinds of experiences.
LOL, who the hell are you to decide what is and isn’t “success with women”?
Wrong, this is a blog on making money, having multiple long-term relationships, and living free. It literally says that right under the headline. The “game” stuff is a call to action on how to get item #2 in that list, and one I don’t subscribe to.
Yeah that’s great, but we’re not talking about your world. We’re talking about the real world.
Based on the way you type, you come off as pretty insane to me
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:56 pm, 31st August 2024Again, how did you come to such an insane conclusion? The vast majority of men, assuming they are successful with women, DO have those kinds of experiences. If you disagree, then my only conclusion is that YOU don’t live in the real world.
You did it to me. It’s called an eye for an eye.
I define success with women as women wanting to fuck you because they see you as attractive, or having sexual merit. The opposite is a guy who uses money to bypass his lack of merit/attractiveness. A woman will fuck you without money if she’s horny for you. How many times have you experienced that?
In other words, I define success with women the way most men do.
That’s his other blog.
Which you are against.
Fine, but stop acting as if you’re in the majority around here and the rest of us who believe in female heterosexuality are somehow crazy.
So you’re saying my world is fictional? In other words, you’re calling me a liar and are implicitly saying that I’m making shit up when I say that most women are straight! Well, that’s great!
So…..according to you, in the real world, 99% of women are asexuals who will generously fuck men for money whereas female heterosexuals are virtually non-existent, correct?
If this is what you believe, you might want to have a long conversation with the owner of this blog, because the only reasonable conclusion I can come to is that you’ve never even had a conversation with a real woman who isn’t a hooker, as you keep insisting that female heterosexuality is mostly mythical. I literally have no words right now!
You think believing in the existence of straight women is insane??? So you’re denying my sexual experiences, the sexual experiences of the blog owner, and the sexual experiences of billions of men
Okay, in that case,, it is clear now that the only one living in a fictional world is you – a world in which only men are straight and everyone who believes otherwise is crazy! Please get some help. Or just talk to a real woman who’s actually horny!
Jesus fucking Christ!. LMAO!!!!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:26 pm, 31st August 2024Please explain one thing to me:
The owner of this blog – Caleb Jones – has had sex with an insane number of women (many times with each one) without spending a single penny on them over the course of years and decades! I haven’t fucked as many as he has had, but my sexual experiences are identical to his in the money department.
Question: Are the insane number of women that he and I combined met and fucked weird, atypical, or unique for not demanding payment for sex?
Posted at 05:54 pm, 31st August 2024You two probably spent LOTs of time and emotional energy trying to fuck those women. You may not have spent a lot of money, but you spent resources in other ways buddy.
You are putting words into my mouth. I NEVER said I was against that.
I am not in the majority, the majority is beneath me.
No, I just think your mannerisms make you insane. I think you have mental problems based on how you type
Posted at 05:18 pm, 3rd September 2024A big part of the hatred men have towards women is a scapegoat for the disappointment they have within themselves for having been duped for so long. There’s a resentment by men who find the red pill that they spent a lifetime thinking one way about men/women/relationships, when in fact it turns out that everything is a completely different way than you were led to believe. They come to the conclusions that most people are oblivious and knee deep in societal programming and Hollywood illusions which is why they were never taught otherwise. They realize that their life and relationships would have been better had they known better and feel a sense of betrayal from their fellow humans. It’s easier for people to just blame the other gender rather than to say “yeah I was tricked, it was beyond my control, but now I know, so now I have the control to do something about it”. That’s where Alpha 2.0 comes in. It’s admittedly difficult at first. Just like putting braces on crooked teeth it’s going to take tension, adjustments, and consistent time to realign yourself with a new way of thinking and a new way of doing. Especially after potentially decades of thinking and doing life the wrong way (beta or 1.0). But in the end you’ll have a nice smile on your face!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:13 am, 4th September 2024GREAT comment. I agree.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:35 am, 10th September 2024False! I spent lots of time and energy getting into SERIIOUS RELATIONSHIPS with these women, but simply fucking them? I fucked many of them on the first date! Others I had one night stands with after spending just a few hours talking with them. See also referral game. When the girls you’re already fucking introduce you to their friends, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and energy, if you both just want casual sex.
Please distinguish between casual sex (which doesn’t take a lot of time or energy if you know what you’re doing) and serious relationships (which do take time). Yes, I paid with my energy, but I love the love and sincerity I got in return.
Forgive me, but you said you only believe in paying for sex. I guess if you don’t mind “relationships for money,” then okay.
LMAO!!! Ok, Chuck! Then at least admit that your “women who want sex for sex are rare” bullshit is just that – bullshit! They are the majority, which you claim to be above. At least get the numbers right. YOU are in the minority, not us.
Never mistake passion for “mental problems..” Yes, I’m a very intense guy, but most women say that that’s what makes me attractive. That’s why I don’t have to pay for sex. If you’d meet me in real life, you wouldn’t think I’m “insane.”
Posted at 05:06 am, 26th October 2024Agreed on the great comment by DANIEL. People almost always rather blame externalities than themselves. Happy to see a lot of comments and engagement on Caleb’s blog posts, reminiscent of old days 😉
A perspective I’d add to this is also about how the angriest people tend to have nothing better to do. It’s very hard to be angry, sad, etc. when you have big goals, a strong Mission & Vision, are exercising often, have a deep social / family life / hobbies etc. I’m not even talking about Alpha 2.0 here. A ton of successful and fulfilled people I know who are completely outside of the Alpha 2.0 ecosystem aren’t always (publicly) angry.