05 Sep Referral Game Overview – How To Have Your Women Help You Sleep With Other Women

Reading Time – 5 minutes
Enough of you asked about this, so I’m doing it. Today I’m going to give you an overview summary of how “referral game” works. I go into detail on how you can do this in this book and course here and this mini-course here, so I strongly suggest you get those items if you’re really interested in this.
Referral game, a term I invented, is when you have a woman you’re already having sex with to help you have sex with other cute women she knows. These can be her female friends, female relatives, female co-workers, and/or female roommates, all of which I have successfully done at one point or another.
I have been doing referral game regularly and successfully for almost 16 years. In the last several years, I have completely focused on referral game and have used it to bring new women into my dating/relationship life far more than I have used online dating (or any other form of game).
The advantages of referral game are numerous:
- It is literally the fastest way to have sex with a new woman without having to pay for it. Because her friend has already “vetted” you, all fear and ASD vanishes on her part. I’ve had sex with new women I just met within 20 minutes or less using referral game.
- It is a pathway to super attractive women other men can’t get. Many of the most attractive women I’ve ever had sex with in my life were via referral game. Other men have to go through her dating app, Instagram page, daygame ASD, or whatever, but with referral game you circumvent all of that and get directly to her.
- You get access to women you could never get access to via online dating. For example, my main woman in Dubai and my main woman in Paraguay I both met via referral game, and neither one of them has ever been on a dating app in their entire lives.
- It works fantastically with normal women using normal game, but it works on steroids if you do it with sugar daddy game or in lower-ASD cultures such as Latin America.
- Often, the new woman you get is hotter than your current girl who referred her. This has happened to me more often than not.
There are, of course, major disadvantages to referral game as well, which are:
- It only works on women under the age of 24, when ASD is lowest. It is 100% doomed to fail if you try this on women older than that (unless you’re doing sugar daddy game where you’re paying her and her friend she’s referring to you also expects to get paid). Trying this with non-sugar-daddy women over age 24 will just result in a woman who will scream at you and call you an asshole. (Note: I’m referring to the age of the referring woman; she can refer you to a woman over age 25, but the woman doing the referring must be under age 24, unless you’re paying her.)
- It only works on women with lower ASD. Referral game will not work with higher-ASD women or very religious/traditional women.
- It only works if the referring woman has a lot of female friends and/or lots of female family members. It won’t work with introverted girls who have no sisters, for example.
- It only works if the referring woman knows women who are cute or hot. Lots of women only have female friends/co-workers/family members who are ugly or unattractive. You probably don’t want to have sex with those.
- It will usually not work on your OLTR or an MLTR who is really in love with you. She’ll be too jealous to do it, or worse, she’ll do it but then get super jealous after the fact, and then drama will ensue. Referral game works best with FBs (normal FBs or sugar daddy FBs). It works second-best with mid-range or low-end MLTRs. (Though there can be unusual exceptions to this.)
- It requires a decent level of game from the man. You’ll be juggling two or more women at the same time, meaning you need to know what you’re doing. If you’re a beginner with women referral game will likely fail.
- You need to be following all of the Cardinal Rules (which I’ve outlined in my books and other content) with the referring woman, or else this won’t work.
So as you can see, referral game is not a panacea of male fantasy. In many relationship scenarios, it won’t work at all. But if you’re like me and have or had many FBs, statistically you’ll have plenty of opportunities to pull it off many times as I have.
It essentially works like this. You are seeing a woman who qualifies within all of the above parameters (she’s under age 24, not super high ASD, likes you and trusts you but isn’t totally in love with you, etc). Once you have sex with her a few times over a few meets, you ask her about her friends and family. (I do this anyway with all of my women since women like to talk about that stuff and I want my FBs/MLTRs to always feel comfortable with me).
When she starts talking about specific women in her life (friends, family, co-workers, roommates, it doesn’t matter), ask more questions about those individuals. As she keeps talking about them, ask her for pictures of them. Do it very casually like it’s no big deal.
She will happily show you pics on her phone or Instagram pics of these women. If you see one you think is attractive, you say something like, “Oh, she’s cute. She should hang out with us one of these days.” And then just smile. You can even add something like “If you know what I mean.” Again, do this very casually like it’s no big deal. Don’t act creepy, sexual, or horny when saying these things. Trust me, she’ll understand what you’re saying.
If she falls in all of the correct categories listed above, and you come across casually, and you’ve been following all the Cardinal Rules, the odds are good she’ll agree.
How she agrees depends on her, the scenario, and the nature of your relationship with her. There are lots of possible variations.
Sometimes she’ll say, “Sure,” and then you can schedule a meet with her and her friend where the three of you meet up. You can end up doing a threesome, or end up having sex with them separately.
Sometimes she’ll suggest that the new girl might like you but then just leave it at that. Then you can suggest that she text her with a picture of you and ask if she would like to meet you. Then you can meet up with the new girl separately.
If it’s a sugar daddy situation, sometimes she’ll just give you her phone number and tell you to text her. In higher-end sugar daddy scenarios (like Instagram models) she’ll instead contact her later, get the new woman’s permission, and then she’ll send you the new woman’s contact info for you to contact her directly.
There are lots of possible variations and I’ve experienced all of them. Sometimes there’s a threesome, sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes you just meet the new girl directly without any involvement from the referring girl, and sometimes there’s lots of involvement from the referring girl. Sometimes the new girl just comes over to your place, sometimes you need to take her out first. It’s different every time.
The key is to be flexible about the framing the referring girl provides you, and then be swift to take action within that framing. If she says text her, then fucking text her. If she says to take her and her hot friend out to dinner in order to meet her hot friend, then suck it up and take them out to dinner. All of it can and will work as long as your game is strong and you’ve been following the Cardinal Rules.
The great part is once you have sex with the new girl once or twice, you can start seeing the new girl separately from the original girl, and now you’ve got both of them. It’s great. I once saw two roommates, who looked like sisters but weren’t, where I would see each roommate every other time. I did this for over a year and it was fantastic. I’ve also gained access to very hard-to-get Instagram models that I would have NEVER met had it not been through referral game.
There’s a lot more to referral game so again, I refer you to here or here to get more information. But I’m telling you, it’s absolutely amazing despite its limitations.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Danny P
Posted at 02:31 pm, 5th September 2024Hey Caleb, Should you wait until after the talk to do referral game if it is with an MLTR?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:23 pm, 5th September 2024In most cases, yes. With FBs it’s sometimes not necessary but with MLTRs yeah.
Posted at 09:42 pm, 7th September 2024If you’re a age 35 & over guy who’s extremely good at fucking, you could do referral game with women aged 33 & over, but only with sexually open minded women, where they’re into swinging and they have a social circle in that scene. Of course most women in this age group aren’t in this category.
Gaza Oplatky
Posted at 10:48 pm, 8th September 2024Where do I find your Cardinal Rules, please? I’d like to get the basics down first, before attempting advanced material like this. Thank you.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:41 am, 9th September 2024https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpCtN–K_9g
King Alex
Posted at 07:43 pm, 10th September 2024Amazing stuff as always dear Caleb. I’m working on a new form of game that I’ve never seen before on the manosphere. It’s about gaming a two set with the intention of getting sexual with both at the same time and from the very beginning. You definitely need sharp game and better looks but I find your get to sex fast model equally effective. Any advice fine tuning for a long time fan? (Since 2009) 😉
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:38 pm, 11th September 2024Your question is too broad for me to answer.
King Alex
Posted at 01:44 am, 12th September 2024I understand. Do you think it’s a good idea?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:39 am, 12th September 2024I think the odds of success for such a thing is very low even if you’re very good.