03 Oct How To Do “Long Game”

Reading Time – 5 minutes
The vast majority, and I mean the vast majority, of all the women I’ve had sex with I did so by the second date. A few happened on the third date (mostly women over 33) but those were exceptions.
If you talk to any man who has also had sex with a statistically large number of women he’ll tell you the same thing; that for the vast majority of women he hooked up with he did so pretty fast. Indeed, many more pickup-artist types have sex with women on the first date, something I generally don’t do (though I have done it, again, as exceptions to the rule).
This is interesting once you consider that most normal guys/beta males attempt to have sex with women they know by being in friend zone for a long, long time, hoping that someday she’ll magically want to have sex with them and then they’ll finally score. Which, of course, is stupid and never works.
On top of this, I’ve shown through my own statistics that I have never had sex with a woman who didn’t see me after the first date, and I mean never. And I’ve tried.
So here’s the bottom line: women have sex with men quickly or they don’t have with them ever. It’s how women are wired.
However, all that being said, I have to be objective about this and state that there are indeed exceptions to that rule. There have been a small percentage of women I’ve had sex with that took months or even years of them knowing me before we did the deed. I will repeat that this is a very small percentage of the women I’ve been with. All of these women were bizarre exceptions to the rule. Yet, I’m admitting that these exceptions did occur.
These women came from completely different sources. Some of these women I had worked with, others were through referral game, others through social circles, and still others I met using my usual online dating process or similar.
This process has been called by others “long game,” where you game a particular woman for a long time (months or years) before finally having sex with her.
A few important points about this:
- Long game is NOT friend zone!
Friend zone is when you hang out with a woman often, all the damn time, for years on end while acting like her beta male brother and never getting sexual with her. This is NOT long game. Long game is actually the opposite of friend zone. During long game you have a strong, attractive Alpha Male vibe, you hardly spend any time with her, and you’re aloof as fuck. - Long game success odds are always low.
With any woman you attempt to put through the long game process, always consider your odds of success at 20% at best, because that’s about what the odds are. Long game is a true “Hail Mary.” It doesn’t usually work because, again, women fuck men fast or they don’t fuck them at all. When you’re attempting long game you’re working against her entire biological nature. The odds of success will always be low no matter how good-looking or cool you think you are. - Long game should only be a tiny supplement to your normal game.
Because of the above reasons, you must consider long game as a distant bonus to what you’re doing, not the core of what you’re doing. If you’re doing any long game you’d better also be doing shitloads of online dating, daygame, night game, and/or social circle game on top of that. If you’re only doing long game and nothing else, you’re friend zone beta and it’s not going to work for reasons I will describe in a minute.
With those disclaimers out of the way, I went back through my spreadsheets and pulled out those unusual women I had sex with after knowing them for months or years (usually years). I determined the commonalities these women shared, or more accurately, the commonalities of the interactions I had with these women. There were quite a few.
From this, we can reverse-engineer what makes long game work, and what you should do during the long game process to keep your odds of success as high as possible (though still quite low).
Here are all the commonalties, listed in no particular order:
- I did not spend time with these women.
I didn’t hang out with them, I didn’t talk to them, I didn’t work with them every day, I didn’t go to parties with them, and I didn’t act like a friend zone dork or their brother. The vast majority of the time I was far away from these women with zero contact.Texting and/or social interactions did occur, but infrequently and rarely.
- My frame the entire time was 100% outcome-independent Alpha Male 2.0.
When I did have interactions with these women, I didn’t act like a beta male. I didn’t act like a pussy. I didn’t act desperate. I never indicated I was attracted to any of them in any way.I was confident, relaxed, slightly sexual, and completely outcome-independent. I had the same vibe with them as if I was on a first or second date with them.
- The women saw social proof of me having sex with other attractive women.
All of these women, with only one exception, clearly saw during the long game process that I was having sex with A) other women and B) that these women were attractive. I had no idea this was the case until I went through the names on my spreadsheet and reviewed the scenarios. Yet once I thought about it, it made total sense.Damn near every one of these women knew I was fucking someone attractive at least at some point in the long game process. In some of the referral game cases, it was a woman they knew (or were related to). In other cases, it was Pink Firefly. In yet other cases, it was a woman they knew as an acquaintance.Are you seeing now how long game isn’t anything like friend zone?
- I was very, very patient. I did not pester these women for sex. I waited a very long time before I pulled the trigger in any way whatsoever.
In most cases, it was well over a year or more before I actually made a real move to have sex with these women, including women I had a first date with. (Remember, according to my dating model, you don’t try to have sex with a woman on the first date but instead exude a very sexual frame.)I will also repeat that at no time did I complement any of these women or demonstrate that I was attracted to them.The fact that I wasn’t slobbering all over them, not trying to have sex with them, and that they could see I was having sex with other attractive women all combined to ramp up their attraction for me, or at least their curiosity.
- Other women said positive things to them about me.
In about 60% of the cases, other women (often including women I was having sex with) said positive things about me to these women. As far as I know, they weren’t hearing nothing from women about me and they weren’t hearing negative shit from other women about me (“He’s a fucking asshole,” etc). Instead, they were hearing about how I was nice, cool, fun, or smart. This was even more social proof. It also enhanced a feeling of safety on their part.
- When sex finally occurred, it happened very fast with no hesitation.
When I finally had sex with these women, it happened very fast, very easily, with zero hesitation, and zero ASD. At least 50% of these women looked and/or acted visibly excited to have sex with me; my guess is they were thinking about it for a while before it happened. (Perfect.) Of all these women, only one of them (a Russian one of course) gave me any hesitation whatsoever, but even with her it happened fast once she overcame that little bump.Side point. 70% of these women became real, ongoing relationships where they really liked me. Several of those became pretty serious. The other 30% were either short-term or sporadic.
Using these observations, we can extrapolate how to do proper long game:
- Stay away, stay aloof, and keep time spent with her as infrequent and brief as possible.
- Have sex with other attractive women during the process and make sure the woman knows you’re doing this.
- When you do spend time with her, be completely outcome-independent and Alpha 2.0. Don’t act needy. Don’t act like a beta, her brother, or a friend zone dork.
- Don’t compliment her in any way and don’t demonstrate any direct sexual interest.
- Be extremely patient and don’t pull the trigger for a long time.
- Don’t expect results; the odds of success will be low no matter what you do.
Also, only use long game sparingly, rarely, and set low expectations.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Tobi Vega
Posted at 03:37 pm, 3rd October 2024I don‘t understand what pulling the trigger means. How do you escalate with a woman without having contact, without „trying to have sex with them“, without indicating sexual interest…How would you even get them on a date or into your apartment. My understanding is that you need to hit on a woman in some way and handle their shittests in order to move anything forward.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:08 pm, 3rd October 2024It means when you overtly try to have sex with her.
You can’t.
You wouldn’t go on a date. You ask her over to your place (or visit her at her place if she lived alone) with the clear intention of having sex.
Well your understanding is wrong because it’s extremely rare I get shit-tested when I’m trying to have sex with a new woman, long game or otherwise.
Posted at 08:30 am, 21st October 2024Completely agree that women either have sex fast or not at all.
I went back through all the women I had sex with thinking how fast it happened – and we can argue here what fast means – but every single one was max 5 dates from zero, with most faster than that, probably at least half if not more by second meeting, from zero.
The ones that took longer never happened.