24 Oct Find Her Sexual Fantasies

Reading Time – 5 minutes
You may or may not already know this, but my lovely wife, Pink Firefly, likes to watch me have sex with other women.
Yes, I have a rough life.
(If you’re still monogamous… WHY? Stupid.)
When I say she “likes” it, I mean she really likes it. It super-duper turns her on. It’s her big sexual fantasy. When she watches me do this, assuming the dynamic is good (and it usually is), she gets so turned on that she can’t stand it. Many times I’ll drive the “guest” woman home after the little event is over and as soon as I get back Pink Firefly is horny as hell and ready to rock, and I’ll have sex with her after just having sex with the other woman. It’s fucking fantastic.
She does not like threesomes at all. It’s not her thing. Fortunately, it’s also not my thing either (I’ve done them but I’m not a big fan), so we’re compatible that way. Several times various women have encouraged her to join us in the fun, but Pink Firefly politely declines and just keeps watching. It’s her sexual fantasy.
Sexual fantasy is the key word here.
Do you tell people your sexual fantasies?
No, probably not.
Sexual fantasies are usually things people keep to themselves. People do this because usually these things are disgusting, weird, or at the very least, societally inappropriate. Since most people are outcome-dependent, they are terrified that other people might find their sexual fantasies strange/evil/gross/inappropriate, so they sadly keep their sexual fantasies to themselves, at least for the most part.
I don’t have this problem because as an Alpha Male 2.0, I’m outcome independent and don’t have a shit what people think, so I’ve already made my big sexual fantasies known to the public. My biggest one was mother-daughter, a fantasy I had my entire life until I finally did it several times with several different mother-daughter couples, including one woman I went to high school and her daughter (and yes, for you prudes, all the daughters were of legal age).
This means it’s no longer a fantasy, but a memory, which is much better than a fantasy, trust me.
You need to remember that as much as your hidden sexual fantasies turn you on and excite you, this is just as true, if not more so, for the women in your life. Women have sexual fantasies too, and women tend to get more emotionally involved with their sexual fantasies than men in most cases.
Your job is to uncover your women’s sexual fantasies and then provide them if you can.
I’m very proud to say that I have been the only man to provide man many women with their deepest, darkest, most exciting sexual fantasies. No other man in these women’s sexual histories (or futures) did or will give them the experience of their sexual fantasy. Just me. This really helps things like my 94% return rate, low drama relationships, and long-term track record of women staying with me for a very long time despite the fact I’m non-monogamous and always having sex with other women.
Once a woman is in a long-term relationship with me (FB, MLTR, or OTLR doesn’t matter) I go out of my way to ask her to tell me what her biggest hidden sexual fantasy is. They’re usually embarrassed to talk about it and resist telling me, but I push hard on this. Eventually, they finally relent tell me. Then, if I can provide the fantasy, and usually I can, we do it. Then her fucking mind is blown and she loves me forever (figuratively speaking or, in some cases, literally).
Sometimes I enjoy the fantasy too.
For example, you would think that Pink Firefly just told me one day that she really wanted to see me have sex with other women, or perhaps that I told her I wanted her to watch me. Not at all. This was her secret sexual fantasy, so she kept this private. Only after dating her for many years did she finally have the courage to tell me, and even then I had to really rip it out of her. It sounded so weird (to her) that she didn’t want to say it out loud.
But once she said it, and described it in detail, I thought it was fantastic (of course). We did it a bunch of times and she loved every minute of it.
Like most women and their sexual fantasies, she had all the details mapped out in her head.
“My fantasy,” she finally said, “Is to sit on my comfy chair right next to the bed here, with a glass of my favorite wine and my little dog on my lap, while I watch you fuck one of your FBs. I want to watch you to put her in all the positions I like and I want to hear the noises you both make. I want to be really close to both of you so I can see everything, but not too close because I don’t want to disturb either one of you.”
So we’ve done that, many times, and the rest is history.
Sometimes, a woman’s sexual fantasy is pretty simple. Maybe she wants to be choked during sex or called certain things during sex, and her current or ex beta male boyfriend is too much of a pussy to do it or he would look funny if he tried. Those are easy.
Other times, the sexual fantasies get really involved. Just this year I had a conversation with one of my long-term women, asking for her sexual fantasy. Immediately she got nervous and looked downward, which is always a good sign because that tells me she’s never told anyone because the fantasy is too weird.
“Seriously,” I said in a loving voice, and I meant it, “It’s okay. Tell me what you want.”
She finally looked up at me and her eyes sparkled.
“I want to be a bunny when you fuck me,” she said.
“Oh,” I said, “Like a Playboy bunny?”
“No,” she said, “A BUNNY.”
She went on to explain, and as usual, she had all the details mapped out. She wanted to wear a butt plug with a fussy bunny tail attached, wear fuzzy bunny ears, hold her hands in front of her with fingers pointed downward like the Emperor from Star Wars, stick out her two front teeth, make bunny sounds, and be a bunny rabbit while I fucked her.
As explained, she got super turned on. It was really cute. It was her fantasy.
(We haven’t gotten around to doing it yet because of the logistics involved, but I promise you we will. And she’ll never forget it. Shit, I probably won’t either.)
I once was dating a 19-year-old as an MLTR who finally revealed to me that her big sexual fantasy was to set up several cameras around the room and film the two of us having sex so she could pretend to be a porn actress. We did it more than once and it was great. (I still have the video on my encrypted offline hard drives.) This was many years ago and today, not surprisingly, she has an audience of her own (nothing sexual though).
Sometimes, sadly, you won’t be able to give her the sexual fantasy she wants. For example, another one of my current long-term women told me her sexual fantasy: she wanted to get fucked by a girl wearing a strap-on. Well, I’m not a girl so I can’t do that. Instead, we had to settle for some of her other smaller sexual preferences which were easier.
Hilariously, she got around to doing this last year for the first (and last) time. She hated it. She said she liked the girl but the strap-on didn’t feel that great. Then she had sex with me, and after we were done she said, “Okay, yeah, your dick feels WAYYYYY better than strap-on.” So, lesson learned, at least she experienced it and crossed it off her list.
You might be wondering what you are supposed to do if she tells you her fantasy and you can do it but you don’t want to. Like, she wants you to beat her with a whip, or worse, she wants to whip you.
Set whatever sexual boundaries you want. My only boundary during sex is that I don’t want to feel any physical pain. I’m just not into that (but if you are, and a lot of men are, please go for it). So any sexual fantasy a woman gives me that involves me feeling any pain, I’m going to pass. But that’s literally the only thing I refuse to do, and I’ve never had a woman state that as her fantasy.
Thankfully, women’s sexual fantasies tend to be less disgusting than a lot of men’s sexual fantasies. I’ve never heard of a woman wanting a man to pee or poop on her, but I’ve heard of many men wanting this from women. So the odds of you being able to fulfill her fantasies are pretty high.
Have this conversation with your women, just your long-term ones. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.
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Posted at 09:55 am, 24th October 2024Great article but sadly many men can’t do that since they are single and have no women in their lives.
Getting laid is hard enough for them let alone doing what you are doing in this article
Posted at 10:29 am, 24th October 2024So how do you initiate the conversation of its someone you just met?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:00 pm, 24th October 2024You don’t. This advice is for women you’re already dating and having sex with.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:02 pm, 24th October 2024Obviously this article doesn’t apply to those men. Obviously those guys need to read my numerous other articles on this blog regarding how to get laid and do that first.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:05 pm, 24th October 2024I too have a mother/daughter fantasy. Unfortunately, I haven’t fulfilled it yet. The closest I came was when I fucked my ex’s mother in front of her, and THEN I fucked my ex in front of the mother (and the mother told me to only cum inside her daughter). But that wasn’t the actual threesome that I wanted. That was just a mother/daughter tag team. I even made a field report about that on sedfast (rip). Still have the mother/daughter threesome on my bucket list though.
Fortunately, I fulfilled one of my other sexual fantasies just last year. I finally fucked a midget! It was……something else!
I’d be extremely uncomfortable with a dog, or any other animal, being there.
Bunnies make sounds?
Yeah, that’s a big no from me as well. I’m a privacy freak and would never allow anything being filmed.
Interestingly, I’ve never really talked to a woman about her deepest sexual fantasies, since I’ve always assumed that all the women I’ve been with long term have been uninhibited with me (they certainly act uninhibited). But maybe they’re hiding things from me, and maybe I should ask.
Like you, I wouldn’t expose myself to any physical pain, but I also wouldn’t do other things either. I’d never film anything, allow any animals in the room, shit, piss, or vomit on anyone or allow them to do such things to me, and I would never choke or inflict any type of violence on anyone, as I would dismiss such things as too risky and too gross for my taste. But I’m open to role playing and other things. That girl who wants to be a bunny sounds really freaky, which I like. 🙂
Posted at 06:43 pm, 24th October 2024“(I still have the video on my encrypted offline hard drives.) ”
How do you handle packs or videos having sex? What’s the point of having them encrypted if the girl shows them to someone? etc.
Posted at 01:52 am, 25th October 2024If guys want a good peak into the female mind of sexual fantasy I suggest checking out the book My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. It’s a collection of writings from a number of women who sent in their short stories of their fantasies and I have to say, after reading only half of it, I concluded that women have way more detailed and disturbing fantasies than I think most men do. Read it and you’ll see. Also, I think most women have gang bang fantasies with multiple men at the same time, even if they don’t reveal it. So unless you’re into being with other dudes, if she does tell you she fantasizes about this, be prepared to disappoint her. The second I think is rape fantasy. That’s like scary taboo for a lot of them and I’ve also heard that women who were in fact sexually assaulted at some point in their lives sort of regain power by engaging in play rape in a safe and controlled environment.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:16 am, 25th October 2024Dude, a gang bang doesn’t mean you’re doing anything with other dudes. I’ve had two gang bangs with my ex, and all it meant was that me and, in her case, four other dudes would fuck her at the same time. But none of us dudes touched each other, except maybe by accident. A gang bang is for her pleasure, and nothing gay happens there. So no, you shouldn’t disappoint her, regardless of whether you’re into other dudes or not. You won’t be touching the other men.
In my case, one guy was fucking her vagina, another one her ass, the third one her mouth, and she would jerk off the final two men, one in each hand (just like in a cliche porn), and then we would switch so that each man experienced each position. But there was nothing gay going on. We’d all agree to never shoot our cum in the vicinity of any other man. In fact, the second time, each man had to give a verbal warning that he was going to cum so that the other men weren’t in the way (especially the two being jerked off by her). No gayness. Just proximity. LOL!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:00 am, 25th October 2024Oh don’t be a puss. The dog was required to stay on her lap the whole time, which it did. And the dog isn’t always there.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:06 am, 25th October 2024https://calebjones.com/how-i-protect-my-data
If the women have a copy of the video THEY are allowed to share the video with anyone they want, even the public. I’m outcome independent so I don’t care. And the girls are hot so if anything it would probably help my brand.
Just *I* am not going to share them because I’ve made promises and I do what I promise.
(FYI I’ve already mentioned before there is video of me having sex with at least one hot Instagram model on the internet right now. It’s behind a paywall as far as I know, but it’s there. I don’t care and still wouldn’t care if it wasn’t behind a paywall.)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:11 am, 25th October 2024Correct. Men’s fantasies are very simple compared to women’s.
Disagree strongly. I have almost never experienced this. That’s just one book of shocking stories, not a broad sample size of what large numbers of women want.
Yes, those are both accurate. Rape fantasies are huge for many women (former rape victims and otherwise).
Posted at 04:56 pm, 25th October 2024Perhaps gang bang is too intense of a term. Let’s just say a three or foursome where it’s just the one woman and the rest are men. I think woman fantasize about having at least more than one at a time. And what I meant was just being around other dudes not actual intercourse with them. To each his own, but I’m not even into that. Years ago a male friend and I had a threesome with a girl where we basically took turns. I hated every minute of it. I wish I had those blinders that horses wear in the park so I couldn’t see what he was doing. When it was over I quietly said to the girl from now on if she was interested in doing anything with me it’s only going to be me and you because I’m not doing that again.
Posted at 04:07 am, 26th October 2024How would an Alpha Male 2.0 handle choking? Does he take into account of the potential harm it may do, perphaps putting a hand on the back of the neck instead of front, or lightly pressing the front. Or is this bullshit societal programming (ALL CHOKING BAD), 2% rule and way overblown by the left?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:13 am, 26th October 2024If she likes to be choked (and LOTS of women under the age of 27 do), then learn the proper technique (only compress the muscles on the sides of her neck, etc), and then do it to her a lot. She’ll love it.
I have not even heard this. Left-wing Gen Z girls love to be fucking choked and often ask you to do it to them. Some of them can’t even cum unless they’re being choked. (It’s part of Western cultural collapse.)
You might be hanging out with the wrong people or wrong parts of the internet.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:53 am, 26th October 2024Well good for you that the dog was obedient. I wouldn’t have taken that risk, though. But even if I would have, I still don’t like the idea of a dog watching me while I fuck. But to each his own, I guess.
Now that is incredibly disturbing!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:02 am, 26th October 2024Wow! So…….when you watch porn, you’re saying you only like watching the scenes when two women are together?
Would you have a threesome with two women? If so, what if your main girl would expect you to repay her by giving her a threesome with you and another man? I’d say it’s only fair.
It’s a shame you’re so disgusted by other men, even if you don’t have to touch them. You’re really missing out. While I love threesomes with two women, I’m mindful of the fact that I have to do double the work. This is why I slightly prefer threesomes with other men. If he and I double team her, I get to do only half the work. Plus the competition with him makes my dick harder, as per my body’s heterosexual evolutionary programming. 🙂
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:24 am, 26th October 2024How a man handles choking has literally nothing to do with his alpha 2.0 status or lack thereof. Choking is just a matter of personal preference. Betas have different opinions about it from other betas, alpha 1.0s are different from other alpha 1.0s, and alpha 2.0s certainly have opinions about it that differ from other 2.0s. The subject has nothing to do with a man’s alpha or beta status.
I personally am disgusted by the concept of choking, at least when it’s somehow merged with sexuality. I personally think it’s gross, violent, and a major sexual turn off for me, so I would never do it. But that doesn’t make me an alpha 1.0, an alpha .2.0, or a beta. It just makes me my authentic self.
The only type of sex that I believe in is sex in exchange for sex. I’m against taking something sexual and making it non-sexual or professional (prostitution), and I am EQUALLY AGAINST taking something non-sexual and making it sexual (choking, BDSM, etc…). The BDSM movement is the opposite side of the same coin with prostitution. In my world, “non-sexual sexuality” is just as bad as “sexual non-sexuality.” Sexuality should stay in its lane and non-sexuality should stay in its lane.
But again, that’s just MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE, which has nothing to do with alpha or beta status.
By the left? More like by the right. The left mostly believes that all heterosexuality is rape because “power differentials between men and women in a patriarchal civilization make women not politically strong enough to consent.” Or that “all sex is rape unless it is first prefaced with autistic verbal procedures previously employed only by the severely brain damaged.”
The left is psychotically heterophobic. It’s actually the right that would specifically call out choking for its potentially harmful risks (a view that I’m not entirely unsympathetic with).
Posted at 08:28 pm, 26th October 2024@ Jack Outside The Box I’m not into porn so I don’t watch it. So the question of watching another guy in the scene is irrelevant to me. And much like Caleb I’m also not into threesomes, Even if it’s two girls. I’ve had one like that and again, once is enough for me to determine that’s not for me. I prefer one on one with myself being the dominant. But hey, if the multiple partner stuff is your jam, you do you bro.
Posted at 04:38 am, 8th November 2024Fulfilling wishes is just the best, I do the same with men, and believe me, the fantasies are also fucked up. It’s the best feeling to make someone’s darkest fantasies come true and have them tell you the most vile stuff.
Want me how to teach you how to suck a dick? Sure. Want to get dominated by me and two girlfriends? Sounds fun. Want to get a blowjob by two girls at once? I bring a girlfriend, just be here on Friday. etc
I also did some “kinky fairy” stuff for my girlfriends, like organizing a gangbang
Posted at 10:36 am, 31st January 2025Caleb and Jack Outside The Box should do videos arguing with each others.
Posted at 10:37 am, 31st January 2025For entertainment purposes 🙂