14 Nov My Longest FB Relationship Ever and How I Did It

Reading Time – 6 minutes
Some guys in my audience complain to me that can’t keep FBs sticking around, that they complain in a few weeks and leave. While I’ve had that problem occasionally, that is not the norm for me.
How about keeping an FB around for almost six years straight? And one that isn’t a sugar baby and isn’t getting any money from you?
Today I’m going to tell you the real-life example of the longest-term contiguous FB I’ve ever had. By “contiguous” I mean that our relationship lasted almost six years straight with no breaks and no LSNFTEs whatsoever. I’ve had many other FBs longer than six years, but those all had breaks during those times where they came and went. (I have a 94% return rate for women, so 94% return to me eventually if they go away. You can get these kinds of stats when you’re Alpha Male 2.0 in an era where long-term monogamy doesn’t work.)
To be clear, this was an FB, not an MLTR or anyone I was dating. We never went on one date other than the first date where we met at a Starbucks.
Also, to be clear, she was also not a sugar baby; her relationship was before sugar daddy game was thing. During those six years the only money I spent on her was perhaps six or seven times where we stopped at fast food drive-thru on the way to my house or hers and I got her up a one-dollar burrito at Taco Bell or something. Other than that odd exception, she didn’t cost me one penny during the entire six-year relationship.
I’m going to call her Ava, not her real name.
Her FB relationship with me lasted from June 4th 2012 to January 30th 2018, almost six years (five years and seven months, to be exact). I started seeing her when she was 23 and stopped seeing her when she was almost 29.
I met her from the online dating blitz that I described in the article I wrote on my blog way back in June 2012. You can read it here if you want. I met her on Plenty of Fish.
We met at a Starbucks (the only date we would ever have) and we hit it off quickly. She was happy and bubbly, joked around a lot, and never complained about anything; the exact way I like women. To be honest, she was not the sharpest tool in the shed. She wasn’t dumb or anything, just a reasonably simple thinker. My first wife was the same way. I’ve dated several women like this in my past, though I vastly prefer more intelligent women as long as they’re low-drama (and unfortunately most smart women are high-drama, as I’ve analyzed before).
Her face was barely in the cute zone, with normal brown hair, but her body was a spectacular 9.5 (to me). Trim-but-curvy in all the right places, fantastic big boobs, fantastic big ass, but not overweight anywhere. My fav. I didn’t realize how amazing her body was until we had sex the first time because she tended to wear more loose clothing in typical Portland style. (I love it when that happens, when you don’t know what to expect and what you get is fucking amazing.)
It was my standard dating model I’ve done hundreds of times; a cheap first one-hour date (I don’t remember if I even bought her anything at Starbucks) followed by a second meet at my house where we had sex. Within 30 minutes of her entering my house we were having sex with no hesitation on her part whatsoever, even though (according to her at least) it had been about a year since she had sex with a man, because of a bad experience.
When we were done, I remember her looking at me with wide eyes, saying to me, “Wow. You really enjoy.”
Funny. And it was true, and I said something like, “Yep!”
We started seeing each other once a week, per usual Alpha Male 2.0 rules. She did not drive because she said she had a condition called sensory something that made driving dangerous. However, after knowing her for years, I think she was fine and just used that as an excuse to not drive because she was scared to do so. She was a perfectly healthy, functional person.
Yet, because of this I had to drive her two and from her house or she would have to get rides from co-workers after her work to drive her to my place. She worked in retail at a clothing store. The good news was that she lived in Vancouver, Washington just like I did at the time and was never located far from me.
I started seeing her consistently, always at my place, always talking for a while and then having sex, never going out to do anything else, not even once. The sex between us was very good and we had really compatible sexual chemistry. It was great.
Eventually, and I don’t remember how long this took, I was able to take the condom off with her and we did it bareback. She started taking birth control a little later which was fantastic. I was the first man to orgasm inside her without a condom and she was very curious about how it would feel. She really liked it and later started liking it too much, which I’ll get to in a minute.
As always, I followed all the Cardinal Rules and obeyed all Alpha Male 2.0 relationship techniques and parameters. That’s why it worked so well.
Because of the sheer amount of time we were seeing each other, many other women in my life came and went during that time, including HBM (my girlfriend before I started seeing Pink Firefly). She didn’t care, and never once complained that I was seeing other women nor ever asked any questions about it. She was wonderful.
Eventually, and it took a year or two, she started seeing other guys. She always told me when she did and gave me lots of details about these relationships. We also discussed when these men were or were not using condoms on her. If ever a guy stopped using condoms on her (this happened twice over the six-year period I think), I would put my condom back on.
When she dumped the guy, and she always eventually did because they were all beta males, she would tell me, and then the condom would come back off.
After several more years she started telling me that she loved me, but she would still date other guys and have a boyfriend besides me, even though I was the one she loved. Several times in sexual scenarios she would tell me to fuck her without a condom and cum inside her, and when I asked what her boyfriend would think of that, she would answer, “You’re the one I love.”
Ah, monogamy.
To be fair, at least two of these guys were cheating on her as well, and one of them was probably married.
Ah, monogamy.
So if this was all so fantastic, the perfect long-term FB relationship, why did it end?
It ended the same reason a lot of my relationships with American women ended: she started getting fat. For you women reading this, before you explode, I didn’t say she started gaining weight, I said she started getting fat. There’s a difference.
For the first three years or so, she looked fantastic. Then slowly, ever so slowly, like the vast majority of women who live in the Collapsing USA, she started gaining weight.
As I’ve said many times on my blogs, I don’t mind when hot/cute women with hot/cute bodies gain a little weight. Sometimes it just makes the parts of their bodies I like big get a little bigger. When she started to gain weight, I didn’t mind at all.
The problem is that she kept gaining it. Most American women eventually do, especially women in their twenties. I’ve said many times that Western women in their twenties tend to gain weight more/faster than women in their thirties because women in their thirties are paranoid about gaining weight and thus do all the things to combat against it (trying to eat well, hitting the gym, cutting back on alcohol, etc), while women in their twenties are too young and having too much fun to focus on any of responsible stuff.
She was more or less in that category, eating whatever the hell she wanted, never going the gym, drinking alcohol whenever she wanted, etc. Side point, this was during the same time where I was losing weight, so it had nothing to do with my influence.
I remember the day, many years later, where she and I were standing in my kitchen and I put my arms around her waist. Then I thought, whoa, this is a way bigger waist than any of my other women, including Ava just a year ago. I don’t think I like it.
I remember being less excited to see her naked body with all the new fat on it. And again, this was while I was working hard to lose weight and I was starting to look better and better.
I’m a nice guy, I really liked her, and our personal and sexual chemistry was still good, so I didn’t stop seeing her immediately. I guess I hoped she would stop gaining weight and just stay where she was. But alas, she kept going.
So I was sitting there, seeing about six different women at the time, all of them super hot except poor Ava who now looked like the typical overweight American girl. So sadly, I had to stop seeing her.
There was no discussion or big event or anything, and as always, no drama or bad feelings. I just started seeing her less and less and eventually just stopped inviting her over to my house. The last time I saw her was January 2018.
Years later, I saw Ava on my personal Facebook. She had become unrecognizable. Now in her thirties, she looked like an overweight old lady. The Ava I started seeing back in 2012 could have been this woman’s daughter.
I can state with 100% honesty that had she not gained all that weight, I would still have kept seeing her all the way into PF’s and my marriage, all the way until February 2021 when I finally escaped the Collapsing USA. That would have been a nine-year consistent FB relationship.
So even the end of our relationship didn’t have anything to do with monogamy, Alpha Male 2.0 techniques, cardinal rules, women’s jealousy, or anything like that. She just chose to get fat, which is her choice, but I don’t have to keep having sex with you when so many other women (including and especially women your age) do what’s necessary to stay trim, especially if I’m doing the same (I fasted all day yesterday, for example).
But for many years, she was fantastic, with zero work, stress, or money on my part.
You can have relationships like this too.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 02:46 pm, 14th November 2024I’m in this scenario now with an MLTR I really like and see long term possibilities with. She broke her ankle, was bedridden for months and put on weight. What’s a nice way to have this conversation about weight with her?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:33 pm, 14th November 2024You don’t have a conversation like that because there’s no nice way to say to a woman that you don’t want to fuck her anymore because she’s gained too much weight. She’ll just call you an cruel asshole and/or make some statements about how it’s not her fault and that you should be more understand.
Just move on.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:04 pm, 14th November 2024Excuse me, but I didn’t accuse you of banning me, or of anything else. I was simply asking the question because I didn’t know what was going on and wanted to find out.. But a question isn’t an accusation.
Thank you for informing me about how this new blog works. I’ve been using that fake email on the old one and it didn’t have a problem with it. But you’re saying this new blog does. Ok, I’ll change it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:47 am, 15th November 2024I quote “It’s not like you, to ban without notification.”
That’s not a question.
Argue with me one more time, or lie to me one more time, and watch what happens.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:25 am, 15th November 2024Oh THAT’S what you were referring to! I didn’t think that went through. Ok, sorry, I forgot about that. I thought you were referring to the email I sent you.
Again, I apologize. I was in a state of anxiety and I shouldn’t have said that. Not arguing. My bad. Won’t happen again.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:55 am, 16th November 2024One more “state of anxiety” and you’re banned. Be an adult and control yourself.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:15 am, 16th November 2024I understand, Caleb. Usually, I’m the one making fun of the snowflakes. I get it. Once again, I sincerely apologize. This blog is configured differently from the previous one. Thanks again for explaining why.
I’m here because I think you put out some of the best content in this space (even if I disagree with some of it). I think the ideas you express are worth debating, and, in the long term, make the world a better place, and individuals happier. I’m glad this space exists, and I’m equally glad to be a part of it. 🙂
Posted at 06:52 pm, 16th November 2024The FB model has never worked well for me. Like you said in your last livestream that you enjoy sex more when you care about the woman more and that you’re more paternal now. Well I’ve always been like that. Honestly if I don’t have a strong level of care for a woman I’d sooner go without the sex. Consistent FB’s require a level of detachment that I’m just not capable of. So that means MLTR’s. The most I’ve had at one time was three, and managing my emotions has it’s difficulties as well. The problem here has been that I always like one more than the others. And then when that one leaves, I’m sad disappointed and frustrated to the point that the others feel my discontentment. I try to keep my emotions in check but sometimes they just pick up on it and become frustrated themselves because they somehow know that they weren’t the favorite or whatever. I never ever verbalize this, but I think they sense it. I can suspect that this could contribute to their eventual leaving as well, but who knows, they always leave eventually anyway. To me it’s such a huge hassle to bring new women in, let alone get one to the point of liking as much as the one before. The older I get the less I want to be bothered as each subsequent relationship has less luster than the previous.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:53 am, 17th November 2024Yes but I STILL LIKE IT if I don’t care about the woman. It’s not like I don’t like it.
And I’ve stated many times on this blog that if that’s how you feel, that’s a serious problem to your long-term happiness you need to address, not make excuses for.
Yup, exactly my point. You need to address this problem through reading, meditation, practice, and possibly therapy, or else you’ll never be long-term happy in your woman life.
Posted at 08:33 am, 18th November 2024My issue is that I have troublems separating FB and MLTR, to me its not very clear and perhaps I could try to make more effort to make it clear but it leads to the women being very upset.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:41 pm, 19th November 2024The difference between FB and MLTR is very, very clear. I think you don’t WANT IT to be clear.
Yeah, because you’re doing it wrong. If you treat a woman like an MLTR because you “don’t want to make it clear” and then you suddenly start treating her like an FB, yeah, she’ll be really angry and I would be too.
FB or MLTR categorization starts the instant you have sex with her a second time. It’s not something you figure out later and it’s not something you’re unclear about.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:35 am, 20th November 2024Wait, hold on, so you’re saying you don’t have the balls to treat an FB like an FB, and instead treat her like an MLTR even though she is, in fact, an FB, because you’re terrified that the woman will otherwise “get upset?” Are you serious, bro?
I have had WAY MORE sex with women who were super upset at me, and even hated me, than with women who thought I was sweet and cuddly. This is like basic alpha male shit, dude!
Dandy Dude
Posted at 04:55 am, 20th November 2024I have a couple of similar stories with FBs. It’s a terrible feeling when you meet one of them after a while, and then you see the size she’s gotten and regret coming over. And the worst thing in my case is that both were really intelligent and fun women, who I loved talking to, proper FRIENDS with benefits, But the increased weight was too much of a turn off (I’m a body guy, instead of a face one) and women aren’t stupid, they notice that you’re no longer as interested.
With one of them, the last time we saw eachother, I just kept stalling and talking, because I didn’t really wanna have sex anymore. Such a waste.
Posted at 06:59 am, 20th November 2024Thats not what im saying, I am saying they get upset AFTERWARDS. I am saying that I don’t care / make effort to make clear distinctions and that it leads to drama.
Ok, this helps, that’s basically what I was looking for as an answer, and now it’s clear what I did wrong.
Posted at 01:33 pm, 20th November 2024You’re not doing anything different outside of the cardinal rules to get this FB to stick around for years with no break, but didn’t you say it was pretty normal to have women
LSNFTE within a few months or less? Is that not the norm for you?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:56 am, 21st November 2024Within 1 – 1.5 years, yes, not “few months or less.”
LSFNTEs with FBs and MLTRs are the norm for me just like they are for everyone else. It’s feminine nature and there’s no getting around it (other than the exceptions to the rule like this woman). The difference is that my relationships last much longer before they happen and I have a 94% so I don’t care if it happens because I know they’ll be back.