16 Jan When That One Amazing Woman Turns Out To Be A Nightmare

Reading Time – 8 minutes
There is a woman in my life whom I’ll call Sofia, not her real name.
In terms of her identity, all I’ll say is she’s a very long-term FB, she’s in her mid-20s, she’s from Paraguay, and she’s probably the hottest woman I’ve ever had sex with in Paraguay.
The first time we had sex, many years ago, it was amazing. This is significant because usually the first time you have sex with a woman it’s not “amazing” even if she’s really hot.
Usually, if it ends up being amazing, that comes later, after you get to know each other a little better.
But with Sofia, its was amazing from day one, and not just for me, but for her as well.
She was my exact, precise physical type. Super hot face with exotic features, blonde hair (very rare in Paraguay), very short and tiny, big giant ass.
Our sexual chemistry was perfect. We were 100% compatible with each other from day one.
We started seeing each other regularly. Within a few months, she told me she loved me and she had never been in love with a man like she the way she was feeling for me. She was fantastic.
Just a few months ago, which is many years later, she said the same thing. She loves me more than any other man she has ever loved.
Within about a year of meeting her, she was talking about marrying me and even having me move her to Dubai so we could be together “forever.”
Paraguay is a dating marketplace, like many lower-end countries, where the really, really hot girls eventually move to better countries, so this was definitely on her agenda from day one, probably even before she met me.
This was all back when I was still emotionally exclusive to Pink Firefly under my OLTR marriage.
Sofia, as all women always are, was clearly aware that I was married to a very pretty American woman back in the USA, that I was allowed to see other women and have sex with them, but that I wasn’t allowed to love anyone else.
She said she didn’t care. She understood I had a wife, but like many Latina women living in the Latin world, the concept of monogamy isn’t exactly what Westerners expect.
“Wife” in her world wasn’t someone you’re super attracted to. Plus, PF was in her 40s and Sofia was in her early 20s, and she knew it.
And Sofia was also very hot, and she knew that too.
She was perfectly fine being my girlfriend or being my wife even though I already had a wife. How exactly she wanted that to work, well, your guess is as good as mine.
Of course said no because I do what I promise.
But the bigger reason I said no, even though Sofia and I were very attracted to each other and had a lot of chemistry, was she had a lot of drama and chaos in her life.
She would get a really good job, enjoy it for a while, then start complaining about it, then quit or get fired, usually with a lot of drama and bad blood.
She would have massive drama with her mom or dad, get kicked out of her house, and then reconcile and move back in.
She would often text me and ask me for money, even for really dumb reasons, like “I need food.”
When I reminded her she had a job and lived at home and had no bills, that just went in one ear and out the other.
At one point she even insulted me over texts because I wouldn’t send her money for something stupid like this. To be clear, she never gave me drama in person, not even one time. Whenever she was with me, she was as sweet as pie.
But over texts, if she was having a bad day (which was common) or was having drama with someone in her life (which was also common), she was a different person, and a little bitch would come out over my Whatsapp.
Of course, I don’t do drama, so I instantly soft nexted her ass and didn’t see her or talk to her for several months, enjoying my other FBs in Paraguay who never gave me drama (over texts or in person) and never asked me for money, and I mean that literally. (One of these women became my official Paraguay wife/PDM in 2024, but that’s a story I’ll tell some other time.)
A few months later she started texting me again, like nothing happened, telling me she missed me and loved me and wanted to see me. I responded but I didn’t see her.
Then she got drunk with some of her girlfriends, and according to her, she crossed a street and a car hit her.
She was thrown several feet, landed hard on the pavement, fucked up her hip, had one of her teeth knocked out, and really fucked up her face.
She texted me from the hospital, showing me pictures. I was friendly and emphatic. She’s a very nice person. Just a little crazy.
“Why do these big problems always happen to me, Amor?” she asked me in her very accented English.
Well, maybe because you’re hot mess who keeps doing dumb shit, sweetheart.
A few days later she asked me for hunk of money to get a new cosmetic fake tooth to replace the one she left. I told her that I’m not her boyfriend and it’s not my job to give her money every time she has a problem.
She insulted me again. Not smart. I stopped responding to her texts for about a year or so.
Sometime later, when she found out that I was now non-emotionally-exclusive and was looking for a real girlfriend/wife in Paraguay (PDM) she got very excited and was determined that she would be the lucky Paraguayan girl to be my new wife.
On my last visit to Paraguay last summer, months after all of this, she begged and pleaded to see me. She apologized for the insults and said she was working on herself and that she had turned over a new leaf and would never do that drama stuff ever again.
She had a new job as a reporter for Congress and a very high (for Paraguay) salary, which was impressive.
She had also moved out of her home and got her own apartment, also a huge achievement for someone in Paraguay, especially a woman.
Letting my dick do most of my thinking, which is never a great idea, I agreed to see her. We saw each other several times and she was great every time. By then I was already set as my now PDM wife in Paraguay but I certainly enjoyed Sofia’s company.
After a few months, she gave me drama over texts again. I don’t remember what it was about; something very little and stupid.
I decided to dump her permanently. I’ve been actively working on reducing the number of women in my life anyway so this worked out at just the right time, so she sort of did me a favor.
On top of that, I was now seeing her best friend, a famous (in Paraguay) professional singer, who has a very different look but who is also pretty much as hot as Sofia (referral game is so awesome). She doesn’t speak English but I never let that stop me; she and I text regularly even though it’s been months since I was last in Paraguay, and she initiates the conversations 95% of the time.
Anyway, a few weeks later Sofia texted me yet again.
She explained that she still loved me and loved me more than any other man, but she accepted that I didn’t want to see her anymore. She had found a new Western boyfriend (from Europe or the USA; I’m not quite clear which) and he was going to get her a visa to move to the US with him.
I was happy for her and I told her so. It also took the pressure off me to spend more time with the singer, who I’ve since designated as my backup FB to my Paraguay PDM.
Talking to the singer around this time, she said that she was concerned. This new boyfriend, she said, was kind of an asshole and she was really worried about Sofia. She was concerned that Sofia was getting into a “bad situation again” and she was sad that Sofia was “always all about money all the time.”
Yeah, no kidding.
But we both agreed that Sofia was an adult and had to make her own choices, and we just hoped for the best for her.
I heard nothing from Sofia for several months.
Then, last weekend, I received a flurry of texts from her, including photos. She was in Paris, she loves me and misses me, and wanted me to buy her a ticket and fly her to Dubai. I of course said no and strongly considered blocking her number.
Two days after that, I get another flurry of texts. Her new boyfriend with whom she was on a trip with in Paris had physically assaulted her. She was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. One of her legs was gushing blood. She showed pics.
I didn’t respond.
Later that day she begged me to get her a ticket to Dubai. She didn’t want to go back to him because “he might kill me.”
I asked her why she bothered to date a physically violent boyfriend, a using-logic-on-women move that never works, but I didn’t care since I’m not seeing Sofia anymore.
She ignored the question and kept begging.
I told her to just ask her mom to get her a plane ticket back to Paraguay. She said she and her mom weren’t on speaking terms anymore.
Yeah, big shock.
I felt sorry for her. She’s still a good person. But all of this crap is 100% her fault.
I told her that she’s completely alienated literally everyone in her life except me and her best friend and she was on the verge of doing so with me. I also said it was not my job to throw money at her every time she got herself into a huge, dumb problem that was always 100% her fault.
Again, let me remind you that I’m not seeing this person anymore… don’t ever do something like this if you’re in a relationship with a woman because using logic on women doesn’t work, as I’ve explained many times.
That was my last message to her. She responded with a photo of her sad face and another one of the doctor stitching up her leg. I didn’t respond.
Sometimes in your Alpha Male 2.0 journey, you’re going to come across women to whom you are extremely attracted. They’ll be your exact type physically and with their personality.
You’ll think they’re amazing. You’ll think about them often. You’ll be excited to see them. You’ll treasure your time with them. And if you’re not careful, you’ll get oneitis (shit, then you’re really fucked).
But the problem is that she’ll have one major, fatal flaw.
Maybe she’ll be a hardcore drug addict.
Maybe she’ll be a huge drama queen.
Maybe she’ll come from a violent past and suffer from PTSD.
Maybe she’ll live an insanely chaotic life.
Maybe, like Sofia, she’ll be perfect in person but a nightmare over texts.
This is one of those times where you need to make sure your brain is doing your thinking instead of your heart or your dick.
If your heart does the thinking, you’ll get oneitis and start getting more serious with her. At a minimum, you’ll feel sorry for her and want to help her out.
Either way, her chaos will invade your life. It will cost you energy, time, and most importantly, money. It will fuck everything up, and it will be 100% your fault.
If your dick does the thinking (and I’ve been guilty of this; most of us have), you’re going to start make bullshit internal excuses so you can pound her pussy again.
“Well, maybe if she won’t be a bitch this time.”
“Well, she did say she was working on herself.”
“Well, she’s just an FB, so it’s okay.”
Instead, you need to let your brain do the thinking, which means you’ll follow the correct Alpha Male 2.0 models and soft next her ass and even hard next her if it’s needed. You’ll remember that you’ve got plenty of other cute girls who are much nicer/hotter/better than her so it’s no loss.
This is one of the tests of the true Alpha Male 2.0: do you have the rationality and self-control to soft next or hard next a problematic woman in your life who is ultra-hot, fantastic in bed, and usually nice to you?
About 98% of men can’t do this.
Can you?
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 08:56 am, 16th January 2025Whoa dude. This post is talking to me specifically. My ex gf is not as terrible as that, just 70% as terrible and she’s self conscious. So I always thought, maybe she’ll get better later, fix up her life, she’s trying… But there was always another issue and the tendency for her to depend on me is way too strong.
Posted at 08:57 am, 16th January 2025You are not married to Pink anymore?
Posted at 09:50 am, 16th January 2025I’d observed something similar with an fb where a problem woman will often destroy or sabotage all her close friendships or close relationships. Its scary to see it’s a cluster b woman thing
Makes sense to cut a girl off like that I sold even get stressed out from getting the texts like that
The fb girl I haff bed r like that I may cut off completely or just see once or twice a year idk lol but it can be stressful sometimes the pussy is not worth that stress
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:03 am, 16th January 2025Of course I am, but I’ve changed things. Watch this:
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:04 am, 16th January 2025NO pussy is worth chronic stress.
Posted at 11:34 am, 16th January 2025Been there multiple times. I like what you said at the end of your article and I think that in tandem with the ultimate goal you had for men who are living the AM 2.0 in concern to women is fantastic – “Do you have the emotional control and rationality to soft and hard next a woman you’re deeply attracted to” & “The ultimate goal of an AM 2.0 in regards to women is to have the ability to love a woman deeply without losing objectivity about the relationship” is so powerful because I would wager less than 0.1% of men can actually do this.
I’ve seen men of all success levels fall to oneitis. Will Smith, who was my inspiration growing up, is a perfect example of what happens when you keep a goofy woman in your life who hates you.
Posted at 08:11 pm, 17th January 2025Great article Caleb, thanks.
I’m setting up a base in Asuncion this year – what is better in your opinion in ASU, Tinder or Bumble?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:35 am, 18th January 2025Awesome.
They’re both about the same, as in equally bad. ASU is a small city so there aren’t a lot of numbers with online dating (but it’s still worth doing).
Posted at 11:31 am, 18th January 2025“Of course, I don’t do drama, so I instantly soft nexted her ass and didn’t see her or talk to her for several months,”
You soft-nexted her for several months? How come? By your definition, a soft next is never that long. In your glossary, it’s only 3-7 days, maybe a bit longer depending on the situation. But several months?
Can you write more about long-duration soft nexts?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:27 am, 19th January 2025Because I’m only in her country 4-5 months a year. International lifestyle considerations change the rules a little.
Posted at 01:49 pm, 19th January 2025> Because I’m only in her country 4-5 months a year. International lifestyle considerations change the rules a little.
But in your article you say “didn’t see her or talk to her for several months, enjoying my other FBs in Paraguay who never gave me drama ” which means you were still in Paraguay during the time of the soft next. I thought a longer soft next would only be applied if you’re outside the country for a few months. But while you’re in the same country, the normal soft next rules should apply, no?
Posted at 09:57 pm, 19th January 2025Reminds me of the law of attraction. The woman clearly attracts for what she is (violent, dramas and misery).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:02 am, 20th January 2025During some of it, yes. It’s still not relevant because she is already accustomed to not seeing me for 7 months at a time, every year, while I’m in Dubai. This doesn’t apply to a woman who lives in the same city as you 12 months a year.
Rick Anders
Posted at 07:43 am, 23rd January 2025I’m back in Asuncion in a few months. Tinder and bumble were ok, but not great (as a 45 year old). Is social circle a better option to get things rolling you think? (I don’t speak Spanish yet). And after that referral game would become possible. Thoughts?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:21 am, 28th January 2025Normal online dating doesn’t work well in Paraguay because the population is too low and the popularity of these things is also too low. So yes, you’re going to have to do night game, daygame, social circle game, or sugar daddy game down there to build your base.
Posted at 09:16 pm, 31st January 2025@Caleb If normal online dating doesn’t work, did you just do daygame and sugar daddy game to build your roster there before you could fully rely on referral game?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:57 am, 1st February 2025I assume you’re referring to Paraguay. I started right off the bat with sugar daddy/daygame and referral game as fast as I could; I was doing referral game there during literally my first extended visit (via sugar daddy game).
Posted at 10:08 pm, 2nd February 2025Off-topic but would really appreciate your answer:
Very often, in the first months of a fb/mltr relationship, instead of having to dodge questions regarding exclusivity, the complaints are about frequency of meetings, frecuency of communication and “you are not letting me become a part of your life” type of stuff. Often, with mltrs, it comes to the point that it absolutely has to be addressed with some kind of talk (maybe around the time that The Talk would occur normally). Is this normal? How do I deal with it?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:16 am, 3rd February 2025It’s normal if women are over age 30-33, or very religious, or very man-inexperienced. Outside of that, it’s not normal other than the occasional complaint.
Yes, if it’s a constant complaint, address it with her directly, and if she gives you drama about (or threads or demands), next her ass.
And remember that most women over age 33 are difficult in MLTRs no matter what you do (they’re fine as FBs or OLTRs).
Posted at 12:13 pm, 3rd February 2025Ok, should I structure this conversation similarly to the talk? Also what is a nice way to tell them that at the moment (and maybe forever) im not interested in something more serious than a mid to low end mltr with them?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:56 am, 4th February 2025I’ll entertain one quick off-topic question from you, not an ongoing off-topic conversation.
Posted at 05:22 am, 12th February 2025”
Ok, should I structure this conversation similarly to the talk? Also what is a nice way to tell them that at the moment (and maybe forever) im not interested in something more serious than a mid to low end mltr with them?
You dont. Dont ever tell a woman what you are not interested in. Unless you deliberately mislead her she will pick up on it anyway.