13 Feb How Will Married Couples Adjust When The Sex Robots Arrive?

Reading Time – 6 minutes
“There’s no way I’m going to let you have sex with one of those things,” Jen said.
Her arms were folded as she sat on the couch and her frown was apparent.
“They’re not women,” Dan said, “They’re robots. It’s the same as if I had sex with a fleshlight or something like that.”
“Yeah right,” said Jen, “I mean, look at them! They’re gorgeous!”
She indicated the TV widescreen monitor on the wall on which Dan had pulled up the sexbot website. She and Dan had been married for several years now, since 2027. Their six-year-old son was asleep upstairs.
“Is that the problem?” Dan asked as he sat beside her, “That they’re too hot? Okay, fine. How about one of these then?”
He moved his fingers slightly and the various hot sexbots scrolled left on the screen. After a few scrolls, the sexbots displayed were more of a girl-next-door type rather than the big-tit, big-ass, perfect-10 Instagram model types that were displayed earlier.
“There you go,” he said, “It can be something that looks more normal and average, like that one.”
He made very sure to always refer to any sexbots as “it” rather than “she” to avoid more jealousy from Jen.
He was desperate to convince her to let him get a sexbot but was trying hard not to show it. The thought of having sex with one of these hot babes instead of just Jen like he had for so many years set him on fire.
“Well,” Jen said, sighing, “What if you fall in love with her or something? I mean, she’s still younger and hotter than me. Your friend Joe fell in love with his sexbot!”
And it was all true. Like most Western women, Jen had indeed gained a few pounds since their wedding and had let her hair get shorter and her style of dress become less sexy.
“No problem,” he said, “These companies have already accounted for that. Look at these. See? These ones have the “Married Guy” AI installed. That means these robots are really stupid. Like dumb bimbos with no personality. This way, the husband won’t catch feelings for them. You’re talking about the “Girlfriend” AI models, like what Joe has. Those sexbots are smart, funny, witty, and can carry on complex emotional conversations. We won’t get one of those. We’ll get one of these dumb ones instead.”
Jen’s eyes narrowed, first at the screen, then at Dan.
“I don’t know,” she said, “I’d have to talk to one of those first. To see for sure.”
“Okay, no problem!” Dan said excitedly, smelling victory, “We’ll go down to the showroom on Saturday.”
A few days later, Dan and Jen were at the sexbot showroom. Having left their son with the sitter, Dan was perusing the various sexbots on display, all of whom smiled at him warmly.
Knowing Jen had one eye on him constantly, he made very sure to stay away from the super sexy ones and focus more on the girl-next-door body styles, the ones with shorter brown hair and average curves.
Eventually, he stopped in front of a cute-but-not-too-hot model. She was about 5’4”, average-length brown hair, small boobs, average hips, and a cute face with brown eyes, appearing about 24 years old. He figured she was plenty hot enough to have sex with but not hot enough to threaten Jen too much.
The nametag on her shirt read “Iris.”
He looked around to find one of the employees, found one, and beckoned him over.
As the young man approached, Dan said, “Hi. Is this one of the “Married Guy” models?”
“Well, sir, you can have any AI installed into any model,” the employee said, “But yes, Iris here has the Married Guy AI installed right now. Please, feel free to ask her any questions. I’ll leave the three of you alone for some privacy.”
As the employee left, Dan smiled and said to Jen, “Okay, how about this one?”
Jen said nothing, just eyed Iris suspiciously.
“Hello, Iris,” Dan said.
“Hello!” Iris responded enthusiastically. Her voice was young-sounding, sweet, and melodic and her eyes were big.
She was cute as hell. Dan approved.
“My name is Dan, and this is my wife, Jen.”
“Hi, Jen!” Iris said excitedly.
“Hi,” Jen said with a flat tone.
“Well,” Dan said to Jen, “You said you wanted to talk to it. Go ahead.”
Jen turned to Iris and said, “So, Iris, what’s your opinion on China’s recent invasion of Taiwan?”
“What’s Taiwan?” Iris asked like it was the most interesting thing she had ever heard, “Ooooooo! Is that like Chinese food?”
Jen frowned and gave Dan a look.
Dan had a huge smile on his face and gave Jen a thumbs-up, as if to say, “See? She’s stupid as shit, just like I said! No threat to you, Honey!”
Jen turned back to Iris and said, “If Dan was feeling sad, what would you do to cheer him up?”
“Oh!” said Iris, “I’d give a handjob!”
Dan’s smile vanished. Shit. He hoped this dumb robot didn’t just fuck his chances.
“No, no,” Jen said, “I mean, if he was feeling really down one day, and you had to talk to him, and make him feel better, appeal to his emotions, stuff like that. What would you say to him? What kind of conversation would you have?”
“Oh, I understand,” said Iris, “I would say, ‘Don’t feel bad Dan! Everything will be okay! I’ll give you a handjob!’”
Jen frowned once again and turned to Dan. “Really?” she said.
“It’s all about sex,” Dan said, “Just like I said. No personality or emotion or any of that stuff that a married guy would fall in love with!”
Jen kept frowning and turned back to Iris. Iris smiled brightly in response.
“Do you know a lot of sexual techniques, Iris?” Jen asked.
“Oh yes,” said Iris, “Lots and lots! Doggie style, reverse cowgirl, blowjobs, handjobs, anal. You can even fist me too!”
Jen glared at Dan.
“Iris,” said Dan, unphased, getting ready to use his secret weapon, “If we purchased you, could you help Jen around the house?”
“Oh yes!” said Iris excitedly, “I LOVE housework!”
“You mean, you could scrub our toilets, fold our clothes?” He knew Jen hated those particular chores.
“Oh yeah!” said Iris, “Scrubbing toilets and folding clothes are some of my favorite things to do! Could I really do those things for you Jen? That would be so awesome!”
Dan’s heart surged when he saw Jen’s frown slowly disintegrate. Clearly, her wheels were turning.
A few minutes later, Dan and Jen were alone in the far corner of the showroom.
“If I let you buy that thing and have sex with it,” Jen said sharply, pointing at Dan’s chest, “We’re going to spend two weeks in Oklahoma this summer to spend time with my sister like I wanted to last year.”
“Fine!” said Dan, trying to hold his excitement.
“And we’re sending Johnny to the private school next year, period. If you can afford to buy that thing, you can afford to send Johnny to St. Martha’s.”
Dan paused for a minute. That was going to be expensive. But he had a year to figure it out, and he was horny as hell, so he blurted out, “Okay, deal.”
A week later, in the evening after their son had gone to bed, Dan led Iris into the living room. Jen was in the kitchen, observing both of them.
“Wow!” said Iris, “You guys have such a nice house!”
Actually, the house wasn’t that great, but Iris seemed to like everything.
Jen walked over and put her hands on her hips.
“I told you I need to watch you fuck her first,” Jen said to Dan.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” said Dan.
“Okay then,” Jen said as she sat down on one of the living room chairs and gestured, “Get to going.”
Dan had already thought this through. As excited as he was to have sex with Iris, to finally have sex with someone cute besides his overweight wife, because Jen would be watching he would have to not look like he was enjoying the sex too much.
He would also have to make sure to not say anything during sex, in case something fell out of his mouth that would piss off Jen.
In addition to all of that, he would have to keep kissing on the mouth to a minimum. As a matter of fact, he decided he couldn’t kiss Iris at all.
Damn. This was going to be tough. He was up for the challenge though.
Plus, he figured that once Jen saw that fucking Iris was no big deal, he would be able to have sex with Iris later without Jen needing to watch. Then he could do anything he wanted with her.
Ohhhhhh, his loins surged at the thought.
“Okay, Iris,” he said, “Uh, come over here.”
“Okay!” said Iris, practically bouncing up and down with excitement, “Are we going to have sex now?”
“Yes, we are,” said Dan.
“Yay!” Iris cheered and started to clap.
Jen rolled her eyes.
Iris went to him and he held her. He put his mouth close to her ear and whispered, as quietly as he could so Jen couldn’t hear, “While we’re having sex, act as stupid and clumsy as you can. Just this one time.”
Iris looked at him and nodded up and down excitedly. She even crossed her eyes a little.
So Dan and Iris had sex on the couch while Jen watched. Per her instructions, Iris said and did a lot of stupid things, yet it was still clear that she was skilled in various techniques and made noises like she was in some kind of porn.
Dan made sure to keep things as vanilla as possible.
It worked. In the end, Jen was disgusted but accepting, especially when Iris started doing all of Jen’s chores.
Weeks went by and Dan was as happy as can be.
“Hm…” he thought one day, “Maybe I could convince Jen to let me get a second one…”
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Luis Cruz
Posted at 08:26 am, 13th February 2025Hey Caleb., is interesting you wrote this concerning sexbots with AI. I recently saw a movie that touched on this subject called “Companion”. The only real woman in the movie commented on how she did not liked being replaced. The mechanics on how you could make your perfect woman (or man for those that want it) were pretty good. Do you believe thats something happening within our lifetime? If so how do you see it play out for women considering they are different than us when it comes to sex and relationships?
Edward Wright
Posted at 09:43 am, 13th February 2025Movies are coming more and more to the AI question . But, let’s be realistic. Functional humanoid robotics are not ready for main stream production. The hottest robot is $150,000 . The goal is to make a walking , talking , robotic woman. Decades away if ever , simple as that. A rich guy could have one built, but mainstream is not within reach of working class.
Right now a sex doll with moving parts is all that’s available.
Moral issues aside , this fact makes sex robots with AI , way out of reach if even a real possibility.
Posted at 09:59 am, 13th February 2025“Movies are coming more and more to the AI question . But, let’s be realistic. Functional humanoid robotics are not ready for main stream production. The hottest robot is $150,000 . The goal is to make a walking , talking , robotic woman. Decades away if ever , simple as that. A rich guy could have one built, but mainstream is not within reach of working class.”
That and the amount of resources and high quality materials are likely to never make it available cheaply. But perhaps it could be relatively cheap, and some might buy a “second hand one”. Probably will be like buying a car, in many ways.
However realistic feeling virtual reality is another story. That might come way sooner.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:07 am, 13th February 2025Not just in our lifetime, but probably in the next 15 years or less.
Women’s primary need for a male sexbot will be for emotional support and listening to her, not for sex (but women will absolutely use them for sex too).
Men’s primary need for female sexbots will be sex.
Therefore, the sexbots will appeal to men first, because it’s easier to make a hot dumb robot than a hot smart, emotionally calibrated robot.
So men will go for these first, and in a big way. And women will make fun of them and call them immature and pigs (just watch).
A little later, women will start to buy them as well (though perhaps in slightly smaller numbers).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:10 am, 13th February 2025You guys keep saying that about AI and robots and it’s a very dumb observation.
We’re not talking about how they are TODAY. We’re talking about IN THE FUTURE and IN YOUR LIFETIME. NOT TODAY. TODAY IS IRRELEVANT (other than prepare for the future).
Totally incorrect. I predict 15 years at the most. This stuff is moving way faster than you think.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:13 am, 13th February 2025I’ve said before that the sex robots don’t need to be perfect for men to embrace them; they need to be just good enough for your DICK to not care.
These sexbots don’t need to look, act, or feel 100% human for men to embrace them.
(Some) men might be a little picky about a woman they date, girlfriend up, procreate with, or marry. Maybe.
But men’s DICKS are very, very lenient when it comes to what they’ll fuck and enjoy sexually.
Again, this stuff is going to happen much sooner than a lot of men think, and for a myriad of reasons.
Ivan h
Posted at 10:58 am, 13th February 2025So just to make this clear it sounds like men who are monogamous will have a harder time cheating or leaving their wife since their needs will be met. This will leave the pool for single girls even bigger since there is not incentive. But here is what noticed, ChatGPT is just as good as the movie her, aren’t we already living something this and not just us but woman who seek not physical but emotional connection, what a crazy world are we going to live in lol
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:18 pm, 13th February 2025Correct. Sexbots will actually “save” lots of sexless beta male marriages.
These guys will still be miserable but yeah, they’ll have less reasons to leave or cheat.
Correct. This is why when female sexbots become viable and lots of men start using them, women are going to fight this with every molecule they have.
It’s going to be a mess.
Posted at 06:07 am, 14th February 2025“These sexbots don’t need to look, act, or feel 100% human for men to embrace them.”
But how will it look and feel realistic enough in terms of touch, kissing, cuddling etc. Or do you suggest that most guys do not care enough about those things to the point they would be satisfied with sex robots that do not provide any of that?
I was thinking about this topic yesterday and I realized that maybe the solution is not robots but cloning. It will be much easier and cheaper to make clones with perfect attributes. Then the brain will be either lab grown with characteristics of perfect behaved woman or will replaced by computer and AI.
This will have some insane ethical considerations but I imagine there will be places or whole countries doing it either officially or in black market.
This is something that will be seen as the real thing and I can imagine this to be available within 15 years and price wise to be within a few thousand of today’s dollars so most guys will be able to afford it as well. Unless its black market stuff then it will probably cost way way more.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:01 am, 15th February 2025The sexbots will provide that, but it won’t be 100% right and won’t be as good as a real woman (at least for a while), and no, the vast majority of men Will. Not. Care.
If I’ve learned anything in the past 25 years is that men have extremely low standards for sex and intimacy.
And this includes good-looking men and higher-SMV men.
YOU might care, but we’re not talking about you or any other individual. We’re talking about most men in the modern era today.
Yeah I’ve considered that too. Like cloning a super hot perfect-10 24-year-old woman who has the IQ of a 4-year-old or something.
And yes, if that ever happens it will be a black market, non-Western thing. That kind of thing will never fly in a Western or first-world country because of the ethical considerations.
Posted at 02:38 pm, 15th February 2025My greatest concern with these sexbots is that once they get advanced enough, they’ll start demanding “robot’s rights” or something like that. And some assclown human will give it to them and they’ll abuse it. Sort of like how women in the early 1900s kept demanding suffrage and idiot men gave them that right.
I think something like that will happen once the AI gets super advanced and we enter an “AI cultural revolution” like we entered a sexual revolution in the 1960s and 1970s. Before that period, there will probably be a harmonious 1950s-esque period with the sexbots where men can treat them like hookers and they won’t complain
Francis Tapon
Posted at 09:33 pm, 16th February 2025However, I disagree with Caleb when he argues that sexbots (as he defines them) will satisfy men before they satisfy women.
Claude.ai is already wonderful at offering emotional support.
Offering great physical sex is MUCH harder than simply finding someone who will listen to you and be emotionally supportive.
There are two options:
1) Simulate soft skin (extremely hard), along with juices and bodily fluids. Making love is a complex ballet and robots are FAR from getting there. At least 30 years.
2) Stimulate sex in the brain. Tickle the parts of the brain that trigger extreme sexual pleasure. Implant memories of you fucking a porn star. This is at least 30 years away too.
Either solution may take 50-100 years to achieve, whereas an emotional support, good listening AI/robot already exists.F
Posted at 06:34 am, 17th February 2025“1) Simulate soft skin (extremely hard), along with juices and bodily fluids. Making love is a complex ballet and robots are FAR from getting there. At least 30 years. ”
You could achieve that with cloning. That could be here within 15 years. It will be cheaper and easier than robots. Super fast grown clones. Conditioned to be very compliant.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:52 am, 17th February 2025There’s no data that shows women are not dating men and instead dating Claude.
Men don’t need “great” physical sex. Most men (not all, but most) just need a cute girl (or something that looks like a cute girl) that will lay there and take their cock whenever they want.
Thus my point.
Incorrect. It’s not extremely hard. And it doesn’t have to feel 100% like soft skin. Get 80% there and most men will go for it.
Not needed at all for a sex robot for men.
Men don’t NEED that. It’s nice, but most men (not all, but most) don’t need that stuff.
It sounds to me like YOU need a real amazing sexual experience to replace real woman sex. And that’s fine; some men do.
But as I keep repeating in this thread, you as an individual aren’t most men. Most men have very low sexual standards.
Posted at 09:35 am, 17th February 2025“Men don’t NEED that. It’s nice, but most men (not all, but most) don’t need that stuff.
It sounds to me like YOU need a real amazing sexual experience to replace real woman sex. And that’s fine; some men do.
But as I keep repeating in this thread, you as an individual aren’t most men. Most men have very low sexual standards.”
I agree that most men do not need it most of the time, but eventually for long term they will not be satisfied and will realized it is just glorified masturbation.
It will definitely replace hookups but not long term dating or relationships for most men.
The clone solution on the other hand would completely replace any need for any woman for the majority of men and normal women would have zero chance to compete with that at all.
I think it could be available within 15 years, the question is going to be the legality of that.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:46 pm, 18th February 2025There’s a huge percentage of men who are and will be 100% okay with glorified masturbation. Look up the data on incels and men not having sex these days.
Incorrect. For a lot of men it will indeed replace long-term dating and relationships. Not all men, but a lot.
Once again, it won’t for YOU but we’re not talking about YOU.
Posted at 07:58 am, 19th February 2025“Incorrect. For a lot of men it will indeed replace long-term dating and relationships. Not all men, but a lot.”
I was going to say that a lot of these incels are still actually trying / wanting women at least once in a while but I also see now that most men seem to be completely done with dating because they just don’t want to deal with women and their behaviour so I guess it could be they are ready to accept less realistic robots for this reason as well.
If the robot can also clean and cook then probably 90-95% of men will not date or marry anymore.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:08 am, 20th February 2025Bingo.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:51 am, 21st February 2025The working class will set up a payment plan and put the robot on the streets as a prostitute so that it will pay for itself.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:16 am, 21st February 2025Correct. They will also rent them by the hour or by the evening instead of buying them, just we we had to rent VCRs back in the late 1970s/early 80s.
Frank Gordon
Posted at 10:40 pm, 28th February 2025It sounds like the end of the human race. Most men wouldn’t pair bond with women anymore, and most men don’t want babies. They get strong armed into them or their woman “accidently” gets pregnant.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:32 am, 1st March 2025Correction. It’s the end of Western white people. (And a few other races.)
Black Africans, Central Asians, and South Asians are still going to reproduce to some degree post-AI/robot revolution.
Frank Gordon
Posted at 07:09 am, 1st March 2025>Black Africans, Central Asians, and South Asians are still going to reproduce to some degree post-AI/robot revolution.
Why do you think this problem will uniquely affect white people as opposed to those other races?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:56 am, 3rd March 2025Culture.
Example: Pakistan, which has a decent birth replacement rate. Everyone in Pakistan has regular daily access to Western culture via TikTok, Instagram, the internet, YouTube, TV, etc, where people date without marriage, get divorced, cheat, etc, yet they’re still 100% monogamous hardcore and don’t do any of that (with rare exception). When sex robots / AI come to Pakistan, it will make a slight difference, but it won’t end that race. Their culture around marriage/monogamy/children/family is too strong.
And remember I didn’t say this is just a problem for white people. I said white people plus some other races, including East Asians, Latinos, etc.