But Won’t She Sleep With Other Guys??? – An Exact Formula To Determine If She Will Or Won’t

Reading Time – 9 minutes

15 years ago when I first started discussing the reality that long-term sexual monogamy doesn’t work, this was a very controversial thing at the time and I got a lot of pushback, including from people I thought should have known better (like pick-up artists).

I heard, what was back then, all the usual excuses.

Long-term monogamy works great as long as you find the right person.

You’re oversimplifying things.

Long-term monogamy works great as long as you’re “Alpha” and you constantly “game your wife.”

Just because this statistic says X doesn’t mean it’s true.

Long-term monogamy works great as long as she’s a Christian.

You’re just mad you got divorced.

Long-term monogamy works great as long as you have kids together.

Blah, blah, blah so forth and so on.

Today, I don’t get any of these excuses anymore. Today, just as I predicted years ago, monogamy has gotten so bad, so many people are breaking up, getting divorced, and/or cheating on each other that anyone making the above excuses now looks stupid, so they don’t say them.

But there is one excuse remaining, the granddaddy of them all, which people still throw out:

Well, monogamy may or may not work, whatever, but WTF, I would NEVER let my wife/girlfriend fuck other guys!!! WHAT THE FUCK BRO?!?!?

I’ve addressed this argument many times before in articles and videos. Still, today I will give you a very detailed, statistical formula you can use to determine if she will or if she won’t.

You’ll quickly see why this is not a problem you should worry about in the vast majority of cases where it matters.

I have been living a 100% non-monogamous lifestyle for 17 years straight, with no monogamy or dry spells whatsoever during that entire time frame.

I am one of the few men on planet Earth who can say this.

This is because not only do most men not even try non-monogamy, but those that do usually do it for a few years until they grow lazy and complacent and then get oneitis for one girl who is Not Like The Rest™ who stamps her little foot, then they surrender to monogamy and suffer all of its usual problems (drama, lack of sex, breakups, divorces, etc).

I have also spoken to literally thousands of men over the past 17 years regarding their experiences with non-monogamy under the Alpha Male 2.0 framework of FBs, MLTRs, and OLTRs.

This all means that I have lots of statistical data not only from my life but the lives of many other people. In this article, I will show you, with pretty accurate detail, when and if women will have sex with other men under these non-monogamous models.

They Don’t All Do It

The first thing to make clear is that the problem with the “I would never let my GF/wife fuck another guy!!!” excuse is that it assumes that 100% of women in a non-monogamous relationships or marriages WILL fuck other guys.

They won’t. And they don’t.

As I talk about in my books, women are not like men. Just because a relationship is open/poly/non-mono doesn’t mean the woman in your life will run right out and bang other dudes. Yeah, YOU will go out and have sex with women if you’re allowed, but you’re a man, and she’s not.

Imagine a normal monogamous husband and wife couple. One day the wife goes to the husband and says, “Honey, I’ve been thinking about this, and I’ve decided that it’s okay if you want to go have sex with other women. So if you want to do that, go ahead, do it all you want, and I won’t get mad.”

Once the husband realized the wife was telling the truth and not lying or exaggerating, what would he do? You know exactly what he would do. He’d be on Tinder and Bumble in about 20 seconds. He’d be texting his ex-girlfriend about 40 seconds after that. The very next day at work he’d be making the moves on that cute receptionist in the office he’s always had his eye on.

This is all normal because he’s a man.

Now take the same scenario and reverse it. This time it’s the husband telling the wife that she can go out and fuck all the other men she wants, right now, and he’s 100% cool with it. Go ahead, Honey.

What would the wife do? Assuming the marriage was a good one, she would look at him strangely and say, “Fuck other guys? I don’t want to fuck other guys. You’re weird.” And then she’d go right back to what she’s doing and that would be the end of it.

She has no desire whatsoever to get on a dating app and go on a bunch of first dates with a bunch of random guys, or run down to the local bar to pick up dudes. She hates that stuff (particularly if she’s over 30, but even if she’s under 30 too) and she doesn’t even want it.

That’s because she’s a woman, and women are not like men.

You could argue that if the marriage was bad and she wasn’t getting her needs met, then she might go outside of the marriage, but that wouldn’t be because of non-monogamy; that would be because the marriage is bad. Women in bad monogamous marriages cheat all the time, up to 77% of the time in longer-term marriages according to most of the studies I’ve seen (again, long-term monogamy doesn’t work).

If you’re terrified that the woman in your life will instantly run out and have sex with other men besides you just because the relationship is stated non-monogamous, you’re being irrational and factually incorrect, and you need to take a deep breath, calm down, and turn on your brain.

When They Will, When They Won’t  – The Formula

So when will women hook up with other men in a non-monogamous relationship?

The probability of her doing this is based solely on five factors:

1. Her age. Younger: much more likely. Older: much less likely. This mostly a function of ASD, which rises as a woman ages.

2. How extroverted she is. Very extroverted: a little more likely. Very introverted: a little less likely. Not a huge factor but it’s in the mix.

3. How serious and committed the non-monogamous relationship is. Less serious: a little less likely. More serious: much less likely.

4. How well you as the man are managing the relationship. If you are managing it poorly: much more likely. If you are managing it well: much less likely.

5. The amount of life infrastructure you both share. “Life infrastructure” are things like: Do you support her financially? Do you have children together? Do you live together? Are you acquainted well with each other’s families? Do you both spend a lot of time with the same group of friends? Stuff like that. Less shared life infrastructure: a little more likely. More shared life infrastructure: much less likely.

With these above five factors, you can pretty accurately assess the odds of whether she will hook up with other men or not.

Here are a few examples.

Example #1: You’ve got a very cute, very extroverted 19-year-old as an FB.

Probability: Extremely likely, around 85-95%. The odds are high that she’s fucking at least one other guy besides you, possibly more. As a matter of fact, I’d be surprised if she wasn’t. She’s young, extroverted, you’re not serious with her at all, and you have no shared life infrastructure.

Now here’s the important question: Do you care? Should you care? If this woman was your WIFE then I agree you should probably care… but if she’s some teenage FB on the side? Who gives a shit if she plays around? (And if you still do, you really need to work on your outcome independence and jealousy because you’ve got issues there. You should not give a rat fuck what some teenage FB does when you’re not around. Jesus.)

Example #2: You’ve got a somewhat introverted 29-year-old MLTR. She’s an MLTR so she’s not your girlfriend, but you’re dating, you really like each other, and you’re starting to get serious. You’ve met a few of her friends and they like you. You’ve had one or two little conversations about how you’re really starting to like each other. You know the OLTR Talk is coming soon.

Probability: Reasonably unlikely, around 20-25%. She might be playing around with one guy on the side occasionally, usually an ex-hook-up, but the odds are against it. She’s old enough where her ASD is starting to spike and she’s got high hopes for the two of you getting serious, thus would find it inappropriate and risky if she had sex with other men even if she knows you’re hooking up with other women (who she likely considers beneath her anyway).

Example #3: You’ve got a shy 44-year-old OLTR Wife you’ve been married to for almost 10 years. You don’t have any kids together, but you live together full time (unless you’re traveling), she loves you to death, you’re managing the relationship extremely well, and she benefits greatly financially by being with you.

Probably: Pretty much zero percent. Her ASD is in the stratosphere and you have massive and ingrained shared life infrastructure. She’s not fucking anyone except you, even if you’re fucking other women all the time and she knows it. She has no interest whatsoever and thinks that having sex with another man would be “inappropriate” and “gross.”

FYI this is pretty much what I have with Pink Firefly.

Example #4: You’ve got a 26-year-old somewhat extroverted OLTR girlfriend you don’t live with. You’ve been dating for about three years, and you’re managing the relationship reasonably well but you’ve definitely made several big mistakes with her in the past.

Probability: Definitely under 50%, probably around 25-35% or so, but nowhere near zero. Even if she is playing around on the side a little, if the relationship lasts long enough and you wait a while, she’s going to permanently off all of the side guys by the time she’s about 28-30, if not sooner.

Example #5: You’ve got a 23-year-old MLTR you’ve been seeing for about two months. She’s not super extroverted but she’s hot and she knows it. She’s reasonably new so you haven’t had The Talk yet. You’re somewhat new at managing MLTR relationships.

Probability: About 70%, at least 60%. She’s young, hot, no shared infrastructure, you’re new at this, and you’re not very serious with her at all. Yeah, MLTRs are more serious than FBs but not much if it’s only been two months.

Example #6 You’ve got a long-term sugar daddy FB who is 27 years old and moderately introverted. She’s only an FB (since that’s what a sugar baby should be) but you’ve been seeing her for four years, the two of you get along well, she trusts you, and you pay her entire rent every month. You’re very experienced in these kinds of relationships so you’re managing it perfectly.

Probability: Less than 20%. Even though you’re not serious and she’s just an FB, you have some hardcore shared infrastructure and she relies on you. She’s also entering into the age range where her ASD is starting to spike and she’s starting to view men and dating as tedious.

To be clear, this won’t last forever; eventually, in a few short years, her ASD will overwhelm her, she’ll become a provider hunter, and she’ll want a real boyfriend or husband. She’ll quickly dump you like a hot potato when she finds this guy (and if you’re like most men, you’ll be shocked and dismayed and had no idea this was coming). But for now, she’s going to likely be sexually exclusive to you even if you’re having sex with lots of other women.

So there you go; now I’ve given you a pretty precise formula for how to determine the answer to this final excuse to not use non-monogamy in your life.

So now you can relax.

To have your question featured here where I will write an entire article addressing it, click here. You will always remain anonymous.

Question of the Week

Sex on the First Date

E.D. Writes:

I usually go for sex on the second date as you instruct, but I recently hooked up on the first date and now I’m wondering if I’ve been missing out by waiting with other girls. I know you’ll probably say that most women wouldn’t go for it on the first date anyway, and I get your arguments about that.

You’ve said before that you’ve had first-date sex with some non-sugar-daddy women, even though it’s rare. Can you give the precise techniques you use to figure out if a woman is down for first-date sex?

I really want to know how to spot those exceptions and I know you probably don’t talk about how to do this because you advocate a two-date system.

Sure. To clear, a lot of this is something that I can “feel” after being on literally hundreds of first dates, so some of this is art rather than science. But in terms of the science part, I can answer that.

Here are the parameters I use to determine if a woman is down to have sex with me on the first date. Let’s assume this is non-sugar-daddy and “normal” dating to not muddy the conversation.

1. She must be under the age of 24. That’s when ASD is lowest, and 100% of the women I’ve had sex with on the first date who were strangers to me before that first meet were indeed under age 24. If she’s over age 24 I wouldn’t even try it; she’ll just get insulted.

2. She’s giving me crazy “fuck me signals.” Examples: she’s leaning forward at me, eyes wide, touching me before I touch her, talking about sex even when I’m not, telling me how cute or hot or good-looking I am, complimenting the shit out of me, and so on.

3. She literally asks to go back to my place with me right now. This is very rare but I’ve had this happen. (And when this happens, you say YES and get right up; you don’t hesitate with a bunch of “male ASD” and start looking for hidden cameras or something else like a terrified low-T pussy.)

4. She holds long eye contact, longer than most women on a first date.

That’s about it. In other words, as I’ve said in my materials, it’s blatantly obvious she’s down to have sex with you right now. It’s NOT a matter of “I think she likes me.” No. It’s super fucking obvious.

This does sometimes happen. When it does, you can just say, calmly and with a neutral expression on your face, “You want to go back to my place for a bit?” and then see how she reacts. If she says yes, or if she smiles and looks happy/excited but doesn’t verbally answer, you just get up and say calmly, “Let’s go,” and then gently proceed.

To reiterate what I always say, this usually does not happen, so consider this a happy bonus the rare times it does.

  • Will
    Posted at 10:19 pm, 6th June 2024

    When you say managing the relationship poorly, do you mean the 9 cardinal rules, or is there more to it?

    Speaking of relationship management, I saw one of JAL’s livestreams where he talks about his one-way monogamous relationship with his gf of 3 years (though they are legally married I believe, but he still refers to her as his gf) and he said that it was a lot of drama. The main sticking point was that she wasn’t allowed to have sex with other men even though she doesn’t want to. His gf is Brazilian too, so the whole one-way monogamy is probably a pain in the ass even when trying with a non-Western women. I think a big reason he was able to sell it to her is because he is a dating coach so it’s part of his job.

    Also, just a business idea, but would you consider creating a custom GPT duplicate of yourself to answer A2.0 non-monogamy/ dating questions? JAL is selling something like that I believe. ChatGPT is good for a lot of things, but I think it is limited when it comes to things that are not politically correct and niche, which is where your custom GPT could fill a void.

  • Will
    Posted at 10:19 pm, 6th June 2024

    When you say managing the relationship poorly, do you mean the 9 cardinal rules, or is there more to it?

    Speaking of relationship management, I saw one of JAL’s livestreams where he talks about his one-way monogamous relationship with his gf of 3 years (though they are legally married I believe, but he still refers to her as his gf) and he said that it was a lot of drama. The main sticking point was that she wasn’t allowed to have sex with other men even though she doesn’t want to. His gf is Brazilian too, so the whole one-way monogamy is probably a pain in the ass even when trying with a non-Western women. I think a big reason he was able to sell it to her is because he is a dating coach so it’s part of his job.

    Also, just a business idea, but would you consider creating a custom GPT duplicate of yourself to answer A2.0 non-monogamy/ dating questions? JAL is selling something like that I believe. ChatGPT is good for a lot of things, but I think it is limited when it comes to things that are not politically correct and niche, which is where your custom GPT could fill a void.

  • Robert
    Posted at 11:17 pm, 6th June 2024

    I’m 40. I have an extroverted MLTR (she just turned 27) who started hooking up with her coworker two weeks ago who is also in his 40s. I’ve been having sex with her since she was 25, and this is the first time she’s done this to me (she did it MANY times with her exes, they would get jealous, then she would dump them) Not gonna lie, it felt like a gut punch. I played it cool. I told her “be safe and have fun” and have since been focusing on my mission and other girls. I’m just letting it run it’s course. The other night she told me, “I kind of feel bad for fucking him”. I was smiling to myself inside because I was trusting Caleb would be right and it would solve its self if I stayed chill and non-reactive about it. This was massively tested when she brought the other guy over for a game night with friends. I stayed cool and didn’t fuss about it. After everyone left she ripped my clothes off and gave me some of the wildest sex I’ve ever had! I’m only two weeks into this dynamic, I’m just watching to see how it plays out. The other night she was out clubbing with the other guy until 2:00 AM…maybe they hooked up, maybe they didn’t… May the man who gives the least fucks win

  • Robert
    Posted at 11:17 pm, 6th June 2024

    I’m 40. I have an extroverted MLTR (she just turned 27) who started hooking up with her coworker two weeks ago who is also in his 40s. I’ve been having sex with her since she was 25, and this is the first time she’s done this to me (she did it MANY times with her exes, they would get jealous, then she would dump them) Not gonna lie, it felt like a gut punch. I played it cool. I told her “be safe and have fun” and have since been focusing on my mission and other girls. I’m just letting it run it’s course. The other night she told me, “I kind of feel bad for fucking him”. I was smiling to myself inside because I was trusting Caleb would be right and it would solve its self if I stayed chill and non-reactive about it. This was massively tested when she brought the other guy over for a game night with friends. I stayed cool and didn’t fuss about it. After everyone left she ripped my clothes off and gave me some of the wildest sex I’ve ever had! I’m only two weeks into this dynamic, I’m just watching to see how it plays out. The other night she was out clubbing with the other guy until 2:00 AM…maybe they hooked up, maybe they didn’t… May the man who gives the least fucks win

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:00 am, 7th June 2024

    May the man who gives the least fucks win

    The man who gives the least fucks WILL win. In the end, always.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:00 am, 7th June 2024

    May the man who gives the least fucks win

    The man who gives the least fucks WILL win. In the end, always.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:17 am, 7th June 2024

    When you say managing the relationship poorly, do you mean the 9 cardinal rules, or is there more to it?

    For FBs and MLTRs, that’s pretty much it. For OLTRs it’s a lot more.

    Speaking of relationship management, I saw one of JAL’s livestreams where he talks about his one-way monogamous relationship with his gf of 3 years (though they are legally married I believe, but he still refers to her as his gf) and he said that it was a lot of drama.

    Correct, that’s how those relationships work. Lots of drama and unhappiness.

    The main sticking point was that she wasn’t allowed to have sex with other men even though she doesn’t want to. His gf is Brazilian too, so the whole one-way monogamy is probably a pain in the ass even when trying with a non-Western women. I think a big reason he was able to sell it to her is because he is a dating coach so it’s part of his job.

    One-way monogamy doesn’t work at all with Western women and is usually a huge cluster-fuck with non-Western women. Correct.

    One-way monogamy is only for high-drama, angry Alpha Male 1.0s who tolerate a lot of conflict, drama, and bullshit in their lives. And it also doesn’t make for a long-term relationship, just a series of short ones.

    Also, just a business idea, but would you consider creating a custom GPT duplicate of yourself to answer A2.0 non-monogamy/ dating questions?

    I looked into it but I would only be able to charge like $15-$20/month for something like that, and it would cost me thousands of dollars to do correctly, so no. Not profitable enough.

    If I could charge $297-$497/month then I’d do it right now, but no one would by it at that price point.

    JAL is selling something like that I believe.

    Not only am I not JAL, I am literally nothing like him. Extremely different personality, lifestyle, and goals.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:17 am, 7th June 2024

    When you say managing the relationship poorly, do you mean the 9 cardinal rules, or is there more to it?

    For FBs and MLTRs, that’s pretty much it. For OLTRs it’s a lot more.

    Speaking of relationship management, I saw one of JAL’s livestreams where he talks about his one-way monogamous relationship with his gf of 3 years (though they are legally married I believe, but he still refers to her as his gf) and he said that it was a lot of drama.

    Correct, that’s how those relationships work. Lots of drama and unhappiness.

    The main sticking point was that she wasn’t allowed to have sex with other men even though she doesn’t want to. His gf is Brazilian too, so the whole one-way monogamy is probably a pain in the ass even when trying with a non-Western women. I think a big reason he was able to sell it to her is because he is a dating coach so it’s part of his job.

    One-way monogamy doesn’t work at all with Western women and is usually a huge cluster-fuck with non-Western women. Correct.

    One-way monogamy is only for high-drama, angry Alpha Male 1.0s who tolerate a lot of conflict, drama, and bullshit in their lives. And it also doesn’t make for a long-term relationship, just a series of short ones.

    Also, just a business idea, but would you consider creating a custom GPT duplicate of yourself to answer A2.0 non-monogamy/ dating questions?

    I looked into it but I would only be able to charge like $15-$20/month for something like that, and it would cost me thousands of dollars to do correctly, so no. Not profitable enough.

    If I could charge $297-$497/month then I’d do it right now, but no one would by it at that price point.

    JAL is selling something like that I believe.

    Not only am I not JAL, I am literally nothing like him. Extremely different personality, lifestyle, and goals.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:50 am, 7th June 2024

    Hello Caleb! It’s been years! I see you’re doing well! So, since I noticed that you have a new blog, I’d just like to ask you – Am I welcome here?

    I know you banned me from your previous blog, but this seems to be a brand new era. So, I’m wondering if you can find it in your heart to forgive me for the past and allow me to post here. If you say yes, you have my word that I will not only follow the five simple rules religiously, but I will also never again insult, or even acknowledge the existence of, your wife. You have my sincere apologies for the past and I’m truly hoping that you and I can start fresh.

    If your answer is no, please forgive me for trespassing. It will not happen again. Good luck to you and your blog!

  • Alex
    Posted at 12:22 pm, 7th June 2024

    Awesome as always! Asking a woman to accept non-monogamy and minimum drama is a lot. It’s against her own nature hahaha. From a woman’s perspective, what are the main benefits for her under this non-monogamous model?

  • AlphaOmega
    Posted at 09:14 am, 10th June 2024

    The funny thing is that the kind of women who are likely to actually use the fact that that they can bang other guys are also the women who would most likely cheat on you anyway / leave you for another guy. Its very closely linked.

    The chance that a woman who would not leave you and not cheat on you actually start having sex with other guys because of the relationship being open is almost zero in most cases.

    This by far is the biggest point.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:48 am, 10th June 2024

    Am I welcome here?

    You’re welcome here until you break the Five Simple Rules again. We’ll see how well you’re able to control yourself this time. I’m not optimistic.

    And you weren’t banned for insulting my wife. You were banned for insulting many people, over and over again.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:50 am, 10th June 2024

    Awesome as always! Asking a woman to accept non-monogamy and minimum drama is a lot. It’s against her own nature hahaha. From a woman’s perspective, what are the main benefits for her under this non-monogamous model?

    1. Being with a man who lets her do whatever she wants.
    2. Being with a man who never yells at her, gives her drama, gets jealous, or tells her what to do.
    3. Being with a man who follow all of the other Alpha Male 2.0 rules, like making her cum every time she has sex, remains very attractive forever, etc.
    4. Being able to have sex with other men (if that’s what she wants).

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:59 am, 10th June 2024

    The funny thing is that the kind of women who are likely to actually use the fact that that they can bang other guys are also the women who would most likely cheat on you anyway / leave you for another guy. Its very closely linked.

    Often this is the case, yes (though not always), but the problem is when you explain this to men it doesn’t help convince them at all. They’ll just feed you back the usual dumbass excuses of “but she promised, so she won’t” or “but she’s not allowed to, so she won’t.”

    The chance that a woman who would not leave you and not cheat on you actually start having sex with other guys because of the relationship being open is almost zero in most cases.

    This by far is the biggest point.

    Not sure if it’s almost zero but I agree the odds are extremely low with those kinds of women, yes.

    The problem is, what percentage of women out there will not EVER leave you or cheat on you?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:39 am, 10th June 2024

    You’re welcome here until you break the Five Simple Rules again.

    Thank you, sir! I know this means nothing to you, due to your outcome independence, but you have my appreciation.

    I’m not optimistic.

    HAHA! Of course you’re not! You’re Caleb Jones! I missed you, man! 🙂

    In all seriousness though, my life, over the passed six years, has gone through so many cataclysmic changes that I am a radically different man today! I doubt I’ll post here as often as I did before, as my newfound responsibilities prohibit it. But it’s nice to have the option. Thanks again!

    [b]Quick housekeeping question:[/b] Are you going to give us the same abilities on this blog as on the previous one? Like, the quote feature, the bold feature, italics, underlining, and the ability to edit our posts sixty seconds after we post them? Just wondering. 🙂

  • AlphaOmega
    Posted at 05:59 pm, 10th June 2024

    “but she promised, so she won’t” or “but she’s not allowed to, so she won’t.”

    … LOL

  • AlphaOmega
    Posted at 06:02 pm, 10th June 2024

    “The problem is, what percentage of women out there will not EVER leave you or cheat on you?”

    Yes but many guys know this but they prefer to go the traditional route where everyone cheats but acts like its monogamous. Many of them dont admit they are doing this but they are. Your reasoning usually does not go through to them.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:34 am, 12th June 2024

    Are you going to give us the same abilities on this blog as on the previous one? Like, the quote feature, the bold feature, italics, underlining, and the ability to edit our posts sixty seconds after we post them?

    You can quote using /blockquote. For the rest, I don’t know; probably not but perhaps down the road. I don’t do anything these days unless it directly makes me money.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:34 am, 12th June 2024

    Your reasoning usually does not go through to them.

    Correct, but neither will yours.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 06:57 am, 13th June 2024

    Alright, so one more little matter, and then I’ll shut the fuck up:

    Do you seriously have to manually approve every single comment before it gets published? I’m asking because this will make debates and/or conversations completely unfeasible here. If everyone has to wait two or three days before their comments show up, it will take about a week for two people here to have EVEN ONE message exchange. Was this by choice on your part? Or is this a new feature that you can’t control? If it’s the former, was it in response to people like me?

    I agree that it will stop the trolls, psychos, and assholes like me from stirring shit up, but it also makes convos impractical if one message exchange between two people takes a week.. Also, I guess if this is how it’s going to be, you don’t really have to ban anyone if every individual comment has to be manually published by you. You can just delete the stupid/unacceptable ones.

    Obviously, this is your house. I’m just wondering if this is a permanent feature. Because, if so, I doubt all of us can ever have the cool debates we used to. But it’s up to you (obviously)

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:41 am, 13th June 2024

    Do you seriously have to manually approve every single comment before it gets published?

    No. That’s an error that will be fixed shortly. This is a new blog so we’re still working out all of the bugs.

    And the fact you wrote 3 paragraphs about this indicates to me you haven’t changed much in terms of your emotional control.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:50 am, 13th June 2024

    And the fact you wrote 3 paragraphs about this indicates to me you haven’t changed much in terms of your emotional control.

    The reason I wrote three paragraphs about it is because I wanted to fully flesh out my motivations for asking the question, instead of just giving you the impression that I’m ungrateful and simply nagging! I wanted you to fully understand me and not get the wrong idea in terms of my vibe. But, apparently, I failed miserably. Sorry.

  • Karl
    Posted at 11:02 am, 22nd June 2024

    Some questions here…
    You’re saying very strongly that one way monogamy does not work, You’re referring to just the deal, right? Not about what actually happens. This is confusing because you also imply that one way monogamy is what you should strive for in an OLTR, You should allow her to be with other guys but manage the relationship and choose the partner in a way that she won’t. So you should allow it but try to stop her from doing it.. without caring.
    So how much do you care if she goes with other guys? How much should you care? Where is the limit in a OLTR?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:19 pm, 22nd June 2024

    This is confusing because you also imply that one way monogamy is what you should strive for in an OLTR,

    Nowhere has he ever said or implied this.

    You should allow her to be with other guys but manage the relationship and choose the partner in a way that she won’t.

    That’s only for insecure guys who can’t handle their woman sleeping with other guys, even as they themselves sleep with other girls. If you pick a hyper-feminine woman, she won’t want to sleep with other guys, because, as a hyper-feminine woman, she’ll think that’s gross. But she’s technically allowed to, even though she won’t because her strong psychological femininity won’t let her. So, if you’re the type of guy who can’t handle your woman sleeping with other dudes, you should probably pick a hyper-feminine, or low sex drive, woman.

    So you should allow it but try to stop her from doing it.. without caring.

    No, you shouldn’t stop her from doing it, except in the sense that you should pick a psychologically feminine, or low sex drive, woman who won’t want to because she doesn’t have a masculine orientation towards sex. And even that type of “stopping” only applies to guys who can’t handle women who sleep with other men, even as those same men sleep with other woman. That’s the exact opposite of me, but if that’s you, then yeah, pick a woman with a feminine orientation towards sex. That way, she’ll think that sleeping with other men is sick, even though she’s technically allowed to, and you can sleep with other women.

    So how much do you care if she goes with other guys? How much should you care? Where is the limit in a OLTR?

    Caleb will say that you shouldn’t care at all, because you should be focused on your mission. I say, however, that if you are dating a hyper-feminine woman, she can’t sleep with other men because she will instantly violate the open relationship rules of emotional exclusivity by falling in love with the first man she sleeps with other than you. That’s because that is how psychologically feminine people (both male and female) are wired. So, only masculine people (both male and female) can handle casual sex, because only they can mentally separate sex from love. Feminine people (whether male or female) can’t.

    Thus, a feminine person sleeping with someone other than his or her serious partner will fall in love with that other person,, and therefore, fall out of love with their serious partner and leave them This lifestyle is only for masculine men and women. But the good news for you guys who like psychologically feminine good girls is that those good girls won’t want to sleep with, and therefore, fall in love with, someone else, because the feminine orientation towards sex dictates that casual sex is disgusting because sex immediately leads to falling in love with the sex partner. So if your feminine woman sleeps with another man, that means she’s falling in love with him and your relationship with her is over, or she, as a feminine woman, would never do such a thing, because casual sex is not in the nature of the feminine.

    I’m so glad I’m a psychologically masculine man who only wants to be with psychologically masculine women. This is the source of my gladness! This way, my hypothetical girlfriend can fuck all the men she wants while I can fuck all the women I want, and the two of us get to be emotionally monogamous with each other as equals. This is because, as masculine people, we can both separate sex from love and have equally high sex drives. I had this before and will again No offense to you.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:27 pm, 22nd June 2024

    Note: Nothing I said above is meant to imply that Caleb is insecure or weak because he chose a hyper-feminine woman who thinks casual sex with other men is gross. Rather, Caleb chose her from a position of strength because he is turned on by hyper-feminine women. Didn’t mean to insult him by implying that he can’t handle his girlfriend or wife fucking other men if she would want to, or if she were psychologically masculine.

    Just wanted to clarify that I wasn’t disparaging Caleb or his choices in a girlfriend/wife.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:23 pm, 22nd June 2024

    You’re saying very strongly that one way monogamy does not work

    Long-term, correct. Short-term it can.

    You’re referring to just the deal, right? Not about what actually happens.

    No, I’m referring to what actually happens.

    This is confusing because you also imply that one way monogamy is what you should strive for in an OLTR, You should allow her to be with other guys but manage the relationship and choose the partner in a way that she won’t.

    I have never implied this.

    I have said this is what a lot of men would want, which I think is beta. I’m just acknowledging what most men will probably want, not what’s ideal.

    So how much do you care if she goes with other guys?

    I don’t care at all as long as the other guys are just FBs, there aren’t too many of them (1-2), and condoms are used.

    I would only start to care if one of those above weren’t true.

    How much should you care?

    Zero is ideal and most conducive to long-term happiness.

    Where is the limit in a OLTR?

    I don’t understand the question.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 09:19 pm, 22nd June 2024

    I don’t care at all as long as the other guys are just FBs, there aren’t too many of them (1-2), and condoms are used.

    I would only start to care if one of those above weren’t true.

    Why do you care how many FBs your woman has? I don’t remember you ever placing a numerical limit before.

  • Lina
    Posted at 12:32 am, 12th September 2024

    I am surprised that her sex drive is not a big factor. Can you go into why not?

    I just turned 40, I am extroverted, high sex drive and like connection, kink and new experiences. The sex drive plays a major role in why I do have several guys. My OLTR can rarely keep up and both OLTRs I had are less dirty than I am.

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