Female Body Types Men Prefer
Last week many of you gentlemen participated in a poll regarding the female body type you found most sexually attractive. An overview of the seven body types is pictured above and you can click the image to zoom it. If you want more detail on the specific descriptions, please refer to that post.
After several thousand votes, here is what you guys said are the most sexually attractive body types:
Very interesting. Not what I expected at all. I’m actually very pleased with the results. It reinforces a theory I’ve had for a long time that I’m about to describe in a minute.
As you can see, Hourglass absolutely destroyed every other category. No other category even came close. Second place was Curvy, almost tied with Proportional which did surprisingly well. Skinny and Athletic showed some measly numbers, and virtually none of you like Pear or Upside Down Pear.
If you combine the curvy categories, which means Hourglass, Curvy, and at least Pear, that’s 61.8% of the entire vote. This means that pretty much two-thirds of you guys like the more curvy look.
Wow! Think about that for a minute. That’s huge.
My guess was that the results would show a more or less equal distribution between the curvy categories, the proportional categories, and the skinny categories, around a third each, barring some weird outliers. Boy, was I wrong! The majority of you are like me; you like big tits, big hips, and big asses. Only about a third of you like these things to be medium-sized or small, and even then, the vast majority of that third still like some these things to be at least medium-sized (represented by Proportional’s strong showing).
So curvy-types dominated, and Proportional received more votes than Skinny and Athletic combined. Interesting!
For some reason you guys really hate Pear. My guess is that a top-light, bottom-heavy body type implies an overweight (and thus biologically unattractive) woman, even if the woman in question is reasonably trim.
You guys also dislike Upside Down Pear, but the reason for that is easy. Small or no hips = not good baby maker = less sexual biological attraction, even if the tits are huge.
My personal favorite by far is Curvy, followed by Hourglass, then Upside Down Pear, then Pear. I don’t really like Proportional or Athletic but will settle for them as compromises if the woman is amazing in other ways. I will not have sex with a Skinny unless the circumstances are unusual, and even then she’s going to keep her shirt on during sex because tiny boobs are a huge turnoff for me, even if the rest of the woman is a 10.
Amazingly, and I really am surprised about this, most of you match pretty close to what I just said, at least to some degree. Incredible. I thought I was an outlier. I guess not. Happy day.
Now here’s the big question: If more curvyish is what you guys really like, why are so many men, particularly high-profile men, going after those Skinnies?
The Difference Between What Men Really Want and What Society Wants For Men
Here’s where things get interesting. In the poll post, our very insightful Kryptokate said this:
One thing is certain: if you look at who the most visibly high status men choose as their public mates, it is almost across the board skinny women. The only exceptions I can think of are Kanye West and Ice T. But anyone else…Leo Dicaprio, Donald Trump, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tom Brady, and most pro athletes, movie stars, and politicans have skinny wives/girlfriends. Go to any country club full of CEOs and other rich guys and you’ll find the same. So all arguments about individual and cultural differences aside, the dudes who have the luxury of choosing any type of woman they want almost universally go for what BD describes as skinny.
Guess what? Kryptokate is exactly right. When men are in the public eye, and know that many other people will be paying close attention to the mate or girlfriend they choose, they tend to go for the Skinny body type most of the time.
But wait…doesn’t that fly in the face of the poll we just did? Are the readers of this blog just a bunch of oddball outliers, or is there something more complicated going on here? Could it be that men are going after what they actually don’t want? Again, why are men pursing those Skinnies?
Well, over the last 25 years or so, what body type has Hollywood and the fashion industry shoved down our throats as “pretty” and “sexy?” Skinny of course. (Click these names to see their bodies; some of them are not safe for work.) Do most leading ladies in most movies and TV shows tend to look like Kathy Ferreiro and Christina Hendricks, or do they usually tend to look more like Gwyneth Paltrow and Keria Knightley?
Paltrow and Knightley, both of whom I find disgusting, became superstars. Ferreiro and Hendricks, because of how their bodies look, will never be superstars…not even close. Yet most men would rather have sex with them over the first two.
For whatever twisted and bizarre reason, several decades ago society decided that Skinny was hot and sexy and Curvy and Hourglass were trashy and “fat.” So women wanting to get famous try to get as Skinny as possible, and men who want social validation go for girlfriends and wives as Skinny as possible.
So strong is this Societal Programming that I am very embarrassed and saddened to say this has even affected me at one point. Over the last two years or so, when I’ve been thinking about an OLTR in the future, I’ve had the thought that once a woman like that enters my life, there will eventually be plenty of public pictures of her and I circling around. Knowing this, I’ve encountered a very strange, SP-induced feeling…that I want that woman to be more Skinny, to get more social status approval from the public.
WHAT?!? YUCK! NO! Wait a minute! I hate skinny! Must…fight…SP…! Arrrrgghhh! Why the hell would I want a Skinny girlfriend? Gross! NO! When this thought enters my mind, I have to immediately shake it off as I identify it as false SP, and get back to my normal, outcome independent self. My future OLTR (if there ever is one, and there doesn’t need to be) will hopefully be as Curvy as possible, with boobs and hips and butt that stick out from her a mile long, and if other people call her “fat” because of this, fine with me. It’s what I like, nay, LOVE.
(See? Sometimes SP can sneak into your mind even when you’re well aware of it and write books about how to avoid it! You must be ever vigilant.)
Responding to Kryptokate, POB made the following comment:
And most guys I know who date(d) skinny/tall gorgeous girls are more like “look at me, I have really a high profile ’cause I’m dating a supermodel type”…but at the end of the day these same guys go crazy about any thick big butted chick that crosses their path.
Exactly. To show off, men go for Skinny. But what really, truly, and deeply turns them on isn’t Skinny at all. It’s something with big hips, big tits, and/or a big ass. They don’t want a fat woman of course; they want Hourglass or similar.
One of the fundamental rules of the universe is that no matter how strong Societal Programming is, it cannot ever trump core human biology. That’s why even though most people still get into monogamous relationships or legal marriages (SP) most people cheat if the relationsihp lasts long enough (biology). That’s why people excitedly vote for Democrats and Republicans (SP) and then spend the rest of their time furious at what those same Democrats and Republicans are doing once in office (biology). And that’s why high-profile men go for Skinny (SP) but are still really horny for, and often still having sex with, Hourglass or Curvy (biology).
We’re men. At a core biological level, we love big hips and big boobs. Both of these things are genetic indicators of a woman who will best bare our children. Even if we don’t want any children, hell, even if we have vasectomies, we still are biologically attracted to that no matter how many bony supermodels are shoved down or throats by SP.
True, a smaller group of men really are attracted to the more Skinny or Athletic look (I think Leonardo DiCaprio is one of these guys), but those men are the exceptions to the rule. This poll, as unscientific as it is, clearly shows as strong indication for this.
Very, very interesting.
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There is a reason for picking skinny girls, they tend to stay thinner and the worst case scenario for them is if they do gain a bit of weight they still look good. All the rest just get fat.
I don’t think it’s the media’s fault for creating this “skinny women are tops” thing. The media doesn’t push a certain idea unless they have a good reason to, they usually just reflect back whatever people already want.
My guess is that it started in the fashion industry, where models need to be skinny because they’re basically living coat hangers. However, once the idea that models are thin took hold, everybody started to think “to look like a model you have to be thin”, and everything else snowballed from there.
Skinny fan here! — because it passes the boner test for me. Had a fem-bigot church minister once tell me she thought such a preference was because “the males” think it easier to “dominate” a thin woman. (And she was not, btw.) The above references to media/politics may have some validity but it’s nowhere near the complete story. The gene pool makes all types, including the skinny ones, for a reason. And that reason is *my* boner. Wanna argue that? You’ll have to argue with my boner. heh To each his bone …uh, own. heh
(And I’ll add, that while Skinny is my preference, I note that it still means .7 waist/hip ratio — not a female Wile E. Coyote.)
Christina Hendricks is gorgeous , definitely my type
Skinny is the safe choice. No one will put you down for choosing a thin chick.
I know a lot of big breasted/booty women who got accused of being sluts because of the way they look. Some of them started getting teased at age 12 when they haven’t even kissed a boy. I think that’s the main fear about being in a relationship with a sexy woman.
Other men will see your woman, want her, seek signs that she is sexually available, jump to conclusions that she is easy and think low of you to date such a woman.
Other women notice other men looking at her, get jealous, think she is being sexually available to get the attention, jump to conclusions that she is easy and think low of you to date such a woman.
People can’t separate the high sex appeal of these women and the actual amount sex they have with different men.
I like tall, thinner, athletic women, my counter part physically so when we fuck, our anatomy lines up for more max contact points- kissing, chests, pelvic, toes. There are a lot of tall women that tend to like tallguys and who shorter guys are intimidated by, I have the market more to myself.
Key …… , skinnier gals are more pleased by me, I can penetrate deeper, no fat ass cheeks or thighs to work around, they get my full X inches. More pelvic and clit interactions, no mater how you cut it, clit orgasms rule statistically, skinny gals can get more clit contact, also a huge turn off to me is a fatty female pubic area .
My points presented, b
I had some nit picking with the categories, particularly curvy and hourglass seem interchangeable to me.
For me on pure physical attraction nothing but nothing revs my engine like big tits, hips and ass on a tall athletic frame. If you were playing some 3.5 and that carnal wow factor is max one hit physical damage output, then the curvy would be your barbarian.
I have dated a few tall skinny model types, and there absolutely is a feeling of “Winning” with one by your side, even vis-a-vis a curvy head turner. I have precious little use for social standing at this point in my life but it is a nice, unique perk.
Having curves would be great if it didn’t mean saggy (or fake) boobs or cellulite ass. Sure, that would be great. But as it is those are too big turnoffs for me to compromise (we’re talking ideal here, not what I’m able to pull). Also, I find short sexier and more practical.
And really, I don’t give a crap about society’s approval of my mate, in fact the best case would be to have a personal 10 that’s a warpig to society 🙂
I also wonder about these preferences by age and physical condition. I would expect Blackdragon to be more tolerant of fat considering he has struggled with his weight for much of his life.
Can it be that often “hourglass” is considered/labeled “skinny” in the media?
While “curvy” is often understood as this: https://amadiex.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/e5b96b290751e869eb32dc5c1d9304f6.jpg
(click this link at your own risk, you may get ED from just looking at it – you have been warned!)
Readers of this blog, much less readers that chose to respond to the poll, are hardly a scientific sampling of all men.
It’s obvious by the hum-drum example you picked for the skinny image, and the frankly disgusting picture chosen for the ‘athletic’ image, what your preferences were coming into the poll. Just my opinion.
I think there are plenty of examples of skinny and athletic women that look really damn good. I have nothing against ‘curvy’ women whatosever, so long as they are not overweight (what that usually means online).
Comparing Kiera Knightley, definitely the “extreme” of skinny with zero tits or ass, against Christina Hendricks, is stacking the deck in your favor.
How about Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Emma Watson, Carey Mulligan, Blake Lively — these are “skinny” people who are definitely not disgusting.
But I guess preferences are subjective — maybe I’m in the minority. Ultimately I think body type is secondary to facial attractiveness, waist/ hip ratio, and if the person is 20+ pounds overweight or not.
Not sure about that BD, I think a lot of the people that went with Curvy would probably have chosen Pear if Curvy was not an option.
IMO this is missing the point. First of all the pics you select for each category bias things big time. But regardless, we are biologically attracted to a very precise hip to waist ratio. It is an excellent indicator of health, parity, fertility and age. The ideal is between 0.68 and 0.72. An insanely high percentage of female celebrities have this exact ratio. And regardless of what culture you are in that ratio generally holds.
What this means is that men can be attracted to very different women so long as that ratio holds.
Don’t believe me, here’s a link to a book describing what I am talking about with a ton of studies referenced.
Look at your average Playboy centerfold. She is in her mid 20s, medium to large natural breasts for her size/weight, smaller waist, bigger hips and no excessive body fat.
Just to test the theory I took the Playmate data just for the last full year…2014.
Average waist to hip ratio was .705. Eight of the 12 Playmates had a ratio in the target range and only 1 was outside of the range but anything but a tiny amount and her ratio was .78
We are biologically programmed to be attracted to a very specific waist to hip ratio…and that maps to several different body types…not just one.
Good point; didn’t think of that. However I don’t think most men who go for Skinnies are thinking that logically about it.
I don’t agree at all. I thought the Athletic pic was very sexy and that’s not even my type. Of course I hate the Skinny pic but I hate all pics with Skinny women in them.
Regarding your examples:
Natalie Portman, from the neck down, is absolutely disgusting (in my opinion of course) and has just as small boobs as Kiera Knightly. I’ve talked before about how disgusting Natalie Portman is. You’re proving my point here.
Unlike Portman and Knightly, Mila Kunis actually has some boobage, though still small, though she still has no hips. She’s more of the Victoria Secret type of Skinny that Krytpokate was describing. I have admitted that a Skinny is not quite as gross if they have at least some boobs like this. I’ve had sex with a few of these women but still didn’t get very excited about it.
Here’s the problem guys don’t think about. If you had sex with Mila Kunis, as soon as she took her bra off and laid down on her back, her boobs would completely vanish, and you’ve got that flat chest again. Yuck. Instant boner-killer (again, for me and guys like me.).
Gross. Just Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, from the neck down, is absolutely disgusting (in my opinion of course) and has just as small boobs as Kiera Knightly. Again you help me prove my point. The only slight difference is that she has a little hip, but not much.
Don’t know who this is. I Googled “Carey Mulligan body” and she looks just like Emma Watson from the neck down. Absolutely Gross. And she’s not even hot either. Double gross.
Super hot face of course, like many Skinnies. But just like Mila: small boobs, virtually no hips. Skinny. Pretty, but not sexually attractive (at least to me).
I read your old post the other day about how all the women in your life have gained weight and I’d guess part of that has to do with the type you like. Curvy and Hourglass girls put on weight easier. I think we might put some weight (no pun intended) on this when evaluating long term partners vs short term flings. That said I’m one of the outliers that is into skinny. It’s behind proportional and hourglass but not by much.
That’s a very good point and I think you’re right. But again, I don’t think this has anything to do with the boner test when a man looks at a woman’s body and instantly gets “yes!” or “gross!” or “eh” as sexual responses.
Agreed. BTW, good blog, glad I found it. Not sure who linked me here. Probably Forney.
Correct, however that doesn’t tell the entire story.
You can have three women standing in front of you, all three with identical faces and heights, but one Curvy, one Hourglass, and one Proportional, all with exactly the same waist to hip ratio. And you’ll STILL be clearly attracted to one of those three over the others.
So hip/waist ratio is a key factor, no question about that. But it’s not the whole story.
All those “curvy” types tend to get fat later in life, or have a hard time not being outright fat unless they really work at it, which they don’t actually like doing. (Kim Kardashian has complained about the hard time she’s had losing baby weight.) Also big boobs look good when the woman is younger but they just sag and look gross in older age (unless they’re fake). So even though men may prefer “curvy” women just for fucking, maybe that’s why they prefer skinnier ones for long-term or marriage. What do you think of that, BD?
Just thought of this one…I haven’t met a girl who is very intelligent or educated and also “curvy” (I know ones that are at least kind of fat but they’re not the sexy kind). Men don’t care how smart a girl is for fucking but many care more when it comes to a long-term relationship. So maybe being skinny is correlated with other desirable qualities.
Skinny all the way for me. Love a tight ass, an A or B cup and slender arms and legs. That Kathy Ferreiro picture linked above, I find her body gross especially her ass. I really don’t understand the recent societal praising of ‘booty’ asses, I find them utterly disgusting. And as others have said big asses, like big boobs, start to go south very quickly once a woman hits the late 20’s.
Sorry if this is O/T but @DawsonStone: what happened your blog?
It reminds me to an old story. One of my buddies in high school got in a relationship with a skinny girl. About a year later we were in math class, sitting in the front line, and a girl with huuuge boobs solving math problems on the board. A couple of times she turned to our table, leaned in, to look up something in the math book, and we could see a big part of her breasts. It was really nice… but my buddy couldn’t look away! Wide eyes, he was looking like it was Jesus coming down from heaven….. Now, many years later they are married with the skinny chick, but don’t have a kid…..
Anyway, this article really got me thinking. I tend to open in DG/NG much more skinny chicks, but what I really like is hourglass. I love variety too, like after a big ass I crave girls with smaller, and more firm asses. But! I still love love love big boobs, just as I did since I was 13. I know what I have to do now: have sex with as much hourglass and curvy chicks as I can, and finally I’ll be fed up with them. Then I’ll have skinny girlfriends, so society will accept me. Win win win win 🙂
Here’s my perfect 10. Where does she fit among the types you listed? Where is she on your scale?
Well, I see many have come out to defend the “skinny” and “atheletic” category, so I am here to defend “curvy”. By the way, I just thought it was worth noting that I do like “pear” and can’t quite fathom why it is so unpopular, but I did have a hard choice between that and curvy, which I finally did pick.
BD already addressed this above, but it was such a good point that I feel it deserves to be emphasized. Many people were defending the skinny and atheletic choices based on a future hypothetical situation, but the survey was not asking about the best future choice, but rather the one that turns you on tight now.
Also, I don’t know how many of you have slept with lean and curvy body types as opposed to just comparing them visually, but I can say that I have tried different types, and from experience I find that curvy types feel better when pressed up against me, where as skinny and atheletic feel like… well.. I don’t know… nothing exceptional. I mean, it’s not bad, it’s just sort of average in comparison for lack of a better word. And you can do most of the same positions as well if that’s a big deal. Granted there are some things that work easier with a leaner body type, but IMO it is not enough to push the advantage over to skinny/atheletic.
I’m very surprised to see that the Pear shape fared poorly! I had assumed that’s what guys would find most attractive, but I guess I was wrong. That assumption was probably due to the media – huge butts have been highly publicized over the last few years (with a big increase in plastic surgery to achieve this – some women even going so far as to get back-alley injections of industrial-grade silicone, mineral oil and God knows what else into their butts … scary). Needless to say, I’m happy to see my own body type of hourglass/proportional (I think I’m right in between) is still seen as attractive, since my bottom will never be enormous! 🙂
I also think the dieting industry has played a role in promoting the Skinny body type. Women who are already pretty thin, and just want to lose a few pounds to achieve that willowy figure they believe is the most beautiful, are some of the biggest consumers of diet plans and other weight-reduction strategies. If a curvier body type were more heavily marketed, already-skinny women might not be so eager to buy diet products. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard women with hourglass, curvy or proportional figures complain that their hips are too big, and every time a woman does this, it reinforces the ideal that Skinny is what should be strived for.
All the best BD!
Of course it doesn’t tell the whole story. There are always preferences. Some cultural. Some perhaps a genetic predisposition (I argue that anyone that is attracted to overweight — VERY overweight — women is a Darwinian defect) for some feature or other. The point I was making was hip to waist ratio is the key driver and your body type preference selects from there. In your example I totally agree. I like bigger boobs so with three women with different body types but identical hip to waist ratios I would pick the one with bigger boobs.
My point is the reverse. You have three women of different body types but one has the ideal hip to waist ratio and the other two are well out of it…regardless of your normal preference you will usually be most attracted to the one with the ideal ratio.
And also let’s not forget:
– Hair extensions
– Fake eyelashes
– Extensive make up
– Fake nails
– Bra technology / fake boobs
– High heels
And while I definitely have a type I have a mild preference for, I have found that variety is the spice of life. Having a super fit chick to workout with and a more hourglass one making you dinner, etc is the way to go.
I know I am preaching to the choir but don’t be monogamous and no need to pick. 🙂
Not to go too far off topic, but this was exactly my point in the ‘friends with attractive chicks’ thread. The skinny chicks are *not* attractive to you, but you can easily recognize that SP/society in general says they should be. Do you have some biological desire to stick your dick in K. Knightly, even though you find her unattractive? Would you say it makes you ‘less alpha’ to be friends with a chick that looked like that, given your sexual desires? My answer to both of those is ‘no’, as long as you’re actually being honest about it. (Not rationalizing ‘lets just be friends’ as ‘I never wanted her in the first place’)
IMO there is no such thing as a perfect 10 but I agree with you..she is about as close to perfect as I can imagine. She is none of those body types IMO. Kind of a cross between athletic and hourglass.
I generally agree that many men will think that way, yes. SP is very powerful.
Emily Ratajkowksi is a quintessential Proportional, maybe with slightly bigger tits. And yeah, she’s many men’s idea of a perfect 10.
Another commenter nailed it above. I think tons of guys love Pear, but in a choice between Pear and Hourglass/Curvy, they’ll take the bigger tits.
I bet Pear was a lot of guys’ 2nd favorite.
Exactly, and many commenters here are getting confused about this.
I knew in advance this would be an issue. That’s why in the survey post, I was very clear to say, and I quote:
“To be clear, we’re just talking about physical attraction today only; that body type that gets you the most sexually turned on; the one you would want to have sex with the most. We are not talking about the one you would most likely marry or boyfriend-up or have a long conversation with.”
I don’t give a shit what body type you’d most like to marry or show off to your social circle, because I know that decision isn’t going to be 100% based on your boner. It’s going to be a more “false” choice. In this analysis, all I care about is that which turns you on the most; your boner test.
I know exactly what you’re talking about and I agree completely.
Thank you!!! I turn 43 today!!!
Yeah, I think I agree with that. Hip/waist ratio is big. But its one of several other “big” factors.
https://youtu.be/VUQfeQhJzRc. Happy birthday
My personal preference was like many others, the Hourglass. However, I also have noticed that I’m becoming more and more attracted to a more Athletic/Proportional type and I wonder if this is due to more SP.
I say this in light of the fact that it seems like there are more and more advertisements featuring women engaging in things like Crossfit, weight training, even combat sports like boxing. And I’m sure the influence of female celebrities who use these types of training to get in shape will also impact how the average woman will try to look. Obviously, most of us want healthy mates, so a woman who engages in regular physical activity is going to fit that bill and may have more Athletic features.
I actually wouldn’t mind sort of a combo of the two, a look like Caitlin Rice (http://i.imgur.com/AyI2ick.jpg) or Paige Hathaway ), although, she might be more technically Proportional with lower body fat. I also like this type of look because I’ve turned into a bit of a gym rat these past couple of years and I see more women like this, so I’m sure that influences my preferences.
Belated Happy Birthday man!
I almost forgot…facial symmetry. Key biological indication of health and genetic fitness.
I know we were talking only about bodies but faces are the same thing. We don’t even realize why we like one woman over another. We think it is because we like blondes and yet this brunette just keeps catching our eye…
I voted hourglass. My wife is hourglass.
I know a fair few people in the international fashion game. It’s a running joke that women’s clothes are designed by predominately gay men who choose models who look like boys with breasts. These are the figures that strut up and down the catwalk, but they bare no resemblance to what women look like in real life. And yet women devour magazines filled with these photos and think that is what men want.
It’s not. It’s what gay men want.
It’s the skinny ones for me. Closely followed by proportional and athletic. They make my frontal lobes shut down.
The other types can be attractive and I’ll go for them if they are DTF and in to me.
don’t gross him out :))
@ BD, Happy Birthday!
We could ask ‘How did you celebrate?’ but maybe we can guess the answer, ha ha.
@ Dawson Stone, nice to know you’re still alive and kicking.
As for your blog, is it dead or just comatose?
P.S. BD, when I tried to format my sentences better in the space, they got printed with screwy gaps on your blog, so I had to change it back to ‘not the way I want them’. Any chance these tech options will change?
Thank you Cheryl, Gaurav, and Lazy Guy. Yes, I celebrated. And yes, you can guess how I did it. It was wonderful wonderful wonderful. Better than I expected.
Great quote. I’m going to steal that from you and use it somewhere. Of course you’re exactly right. The female fashion industry is a one massive joke played on women.
A very fit Curvy.
Proportional. (Though bordering on athletic.)
Along with Ratajkowksi she’s a great example of how sexy Proportionals can be if they present well.
Possible. Not sure. It’s also possible you’ve just evolved your preferences as you”ve aged. When a man is 45, he’s not the same as when he was 22.
For example, as an older guy these days I’m much more of a boob man, but when I was in my early twenties I was all about the ass. One theory a woman gave me about this is it’s because I had children. Something about men with children wanting women with bigger or more shapely boobs because of the subconscious tie-in to mother’s milk. Or something. Your guess is as good as mine, but my point is our desires change as we age for all kinds of possible reasons, not just SP.
All of these changes are a work in progress. All kinds of weird shit will be happening here over the next few weeks as we test various things and see what I like, what works, and what doesn’t. For example, some of the fonts are a little screwy.
Give it time; soon everything here will be perfect.
@Greg. :p
naw naw, im sorry i cant get behind your reasoning.
for one thing the images you chose are not at all representative. especially not for pear.
to compare hourglass with pear is ridiculous.
the average guy doesnt like fat ass women, thats actually a recent adaptation to how fat women have gotten.
in other words- when u live in china, you learn to love rice, even if you were a potatoes man before.
curvy NEVER meant overweight, it mean have softer lines, but STILL closer to hourglass. only fat apologists have started calling meaty chicks “curvy.
hendricks have a pretty face, but shes way too bottom heavy- shes a fatass, and the only good photos she takes is when shes posed and lit properly.
she has no long term appeal.
I was once with a fashion designer and I asked her: “How come all the designers uses those rachitic types who look like they´re going to die of hunger right there on the catwalk even though no one really likes them?”
“That´s really simple and very logical. The girls are walking coat hangers. I want everybody to look at the collection I made and am trying to sell. If you give them a big titted girl, everybody will stare at the tits, not the clothes. We can´t have that, can we? So we hang the clothes on something that doesn´t show any sexual signals and have spectators look at the the jackets and pants instead of asses and tits.”
It explains why the models are what they are but how the society made a link between fashion industry and beauty eludes me.
As for the poll, I think your results might be distorted a bit. As much as you would like the people to concentrate on the “concept” of the type, most will just look at the pictures and your type competition becomes a competition of actual women in actual pictures.
The hourglass has yellow bikini and she is first. Also she is walking towards the camera offering herself, can´t miss that one. The Proportional(yes, I did) is last and looks damn good for the type description, indeed if you look closer, what exactly is the difference between her and Hourglass? Upside down pear looks fake, Pear looks like a caricature a bit (so does the Curvy to me…), Athletic has quite good breasts for her type, so that probably favours her and Skinny looks ill because of the hair and, well, skinniness. Those are of course arguments pushed to extremes, but you get the picture. I suppose that based on a description alone I would go for Hourglass rather than Proportional.
It might be interesting to do the poll again in a few months only this time with pictures showing the types without faces and in the same position. I bet there is someone out there among the readers who will gladly draw the pictures so that you can get this experiment further.
Sorry about that…my life just got crazy and I simply didn’t have the bandwidth. Selling one company and starting/raising capital for another while moving (to be closer to my daughter).
But trust me Dawson Stone is coming back. My official move is this weekend so once that is behind me I plan on coming back strong. Thanks for the nice words.
That’s great news! 🙂
Please leave a message for us next time, I slowly began thinking you just gave up on it :/
BD, thanks for the mention in your post! And also a little late HB to you!
Of course I’m a big curvy/hourglass advocate. I don’t get why these precious babes should be ashamed of how good-looking and hot they are. To me they are the epitome of feminine to masculine lust and desire, and it’s just beautiful to see.
Although these two are my big time favorites, I’ve had sex with pretty much all the types listed on your previous post. And to my surprise, I’m definetely not turned off by skinnies…the only catch is they MUST HAVE beautiful (as close to 10) faces.
I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone, but I don’t think Keira or Gwyneth are in that cathegory. Maybe Natalie, but that’s debatable. And sure, I have good sex with them knowing I don’t think they’re that that hot (’cause I’m a guy).
Even so it’s just average fun ’cause I sure do miss to put my big hands on some booby/ass meat ;). That’s why I have to regularly date a curvy/hourglass at the same time.
Two quick questions:
1) Do you think most guys are afraid to date a curvy or very hot hourglass because they fear competition?
2) Do you think muscular/fit girls like Dana Linn Bayley will become a trend among guys someday?
I didn’t participate in the survey because I’m a girl, but I enjoyed reading! It’s weird, where I’m from, I never see girls like the ones in the Curvy or Pear pictures. Any girl I’ve ever seen with huge boobs and a huge butt like that usually have thicker waists, love handles and/or back rolls/back fat. They never have a nice shape and thin waist like the ones in the photos. I think any photo that would come from a source like the internet or a magazine is photo-shopped and airbrushed maybe? But I know girls like the ones in the photos must exist somewhere out there.
Anyways, Thank you to all the guys out there that like short, petite girls that don’t have huge or fake boobs!
For the millionth time, I know this poll was not scientific. That doesn’t mean 100% of the results are complete bullshit. They do indicate something.
Size. Proportional and Hourglass are the same (or close to the same) in ratio, but the Hourglass’s boobs, hips, and possibly butt are bigger.
Correct. The vast majority of Upside Down Pear women have fake tits, thus the pic was representative of this type. Super skinny women with zero hips but gigantic natural tits are very, very rare.
True to a degree. I think the poll results were affected by the fact that the Pear woman was black, and that the photo was in black and white when the rest were in color. (Live and learn!)
Great idea but:
A) Doing this poll again would affect its results because guys would still remember the poll from last time, and try to either “disprove” it or “affirm” it. Thus we wouldn’t be getting as accurate information.
B) I would absolutely not want drawn pictures. I would only want photos.
To really do this right, I’d have to hire seven models of the correct type, dress them in a very tight black bikini, have them all stand straight and facing the camera, and display them with their heads cropped off on a white background. Then you’d get pretty accurate results I think.
And I still think most men would go for Hourglass, Curvy and/or Proportional and the Skinny lovers would be a small percentage. The overall results wouldn’t be radically different (in my opinion).
But even then, guys would bitch about how “That model you hired for Athletic doesn’t represent Athletic!” or whatever. It’s the internet. You can’t please everyone no matter what you do.
I’ve seen plenty where I live. (Pacific Northwest.) Granted I’ve seen a lot of fat Curvys and Pears too.
No. As I’ve been saying, I don’t think men are that logical and calculating about this.
I have no idea, but I would lean towards no. In the far future (decades down the road) everyone will look young and physically fit. So these “types” won’t matter quite as much.
Would it be possible to post a similar pole for which male body type females are most attracted to? You would likely need the help of another website with predominantly women readers to vote but could then post the results here.
Great idea. But since most web sites with “predominantly women readers” aren’t going to be very friendly to a site like this one…well, you see the problem.
Plus I already know what most women would pick. “Buff but not too buff.” Think Jean Claude Van Damme shirtless in the 90s. That’s going to be the ideal body for most women.
There are some differences in culture but in most westernized countries the data is pretty straightforward. Women rate mesomorphic (muscular) men highest, ectomorphic (slim) next highest and endomorphic (heavily built) men the lowest. More specifically, the body type with a shoulder to waist ratio of 1.61 is seen as ideal (a guy with a 33″ waist measurement should have 53″ shoulder circumference). This is EXACTLY was is referred to as the golden ratio in mathematics.
The other big factor was how hairy a guy is on his chest and abdominal area. The less hairy the guy was the more attractive he was perceived.
Taller men are more attractive and while there are cultural differences generally men with darker skin are perceived as more attractive as it is an indication or higher levels of testosterone.
Great news, look forward to reading it!
“1) Do you think most guys are afraid to date a curvy or very hot hourglass because they fear competition?”
men arent competing for fat women. and these days most curvy/hourglass women are actually just fatassed
Really not true!
Although we all know the Western World is becoming fat as a whole, and these two types are more fat prone than proportional or skinny for example, I still see a lot of these types who look really amazing and not chubby at all!
I don’t think there’s any great mystery as to why society decided skinny women were ideal. Skinny is by far the hardest body type for most women to achieve, so women will spend more money on beauty products, dietary supplements, etc. trying to fit that mold. The media outlets that sell the image to women stay afloat from advertising revenue from cosmetics companies, which stay afloat selling products to women that will help them look like the models in the media, which makes money… you get the idea. The money go-round never stops. This is also part of the reason men who go for for more traditionally, primally attractive women are demonized so aggressively. If you make a women doubt she needs to be rail-thin, you’re cutting into Revlon’s bottom line. Can’t have that!
I remember once reading an article on Teenvogue (when I was still in the age demographic to do so) that convinced me of the overall point of this post a few years back.
Though upon re-reading it, it is rather amusing that the two main comparison girls are the “girl hot” Lauren versus “guy hot” Heidi who are both skinnies. But I suppose I have to cut some slack considering the source.
In my opinion, though, the hourglass type is snubbed often in this article and also the broader SP influenced world is because unfortunately for many women stomach fat tends to be stubborn and women want to go skinny because they feel with their body it’s the only way to ‘purge’ it. There’s a perceived fine line between the hourglass and curvy as shown in the pictures and getting fat (especially as a woman ages, as Ronin pointed out). So, there is SP drilling going to women that they must either be typical ‘Hollywood skinny’ or Meghan Trainor. And the fact that women can be “all about that bass” while also having “treble” is perceived to be the TRUE unrealistic ideal.
Using myself as an example, upon seeing the hourglass and curvy images, emotionally (as a woman) I felt a brief flash of jealousy because the women’s fat goes where it’s wanted dammit! Even though I’m not too bad off according to guy hot standards (proportional), and I’m by no means fat, I still keep a bit of stubborn tummy fat that irritates me. And if I tone up a lot then sadly my boobs will go first.
But hooray for the modern era in which I just need to finish school, budget carefully, and just save for a tummy tuck, and whatever else is needed as I age. It’s odd how a women catered society chooses to hate on the genetically best (boobs, butt, stomach, facial features, etc) when it rose almost simultaneously with the era of the safest and easiest way of doing something about it.
Edit: And addressing other comments, I agree that skinny is probably going to be idealized also for the marketing. Given many women’s spending habits, it’s easier to get them to pay for a variety of products like slim fast and other things than for lump huge things such as cosmetic surgery. Because a wide variety of shopping decisions with discounts/coupons/groupons to market skinny are a lot more girl hot than a few, carefully chosen expensive ones.
Oh, and lest anyone think I am throwing my gender under the bus, I really believe this is a general human phenomena. For example, I’m sure there’s less poor women than poor men who have motivation to keep the SP thoughts going that rich men are evil.
I am an Asian Guy, I like Runway Model body type girls. I used to like curvy girls.
I love fashion. If you like fashion, I will argue that the runway model skinny body will look much better in the dresses than the big breast, big ass girls. Big chest and ass girls look terrible in the dresses on runway.
I am very “visual” guy, so I “optimize” the “beauty” with clothes! That is the reason why I like Russia women a lot because most of them are skinny and tall. Most big name runway models are from Russia.
I truly love runway model type of girls and it is not because of society pressure. I am quite turn off if I see big breast/ass these days since it does not look good in dresses. But if it is just for sex, I don’t have problems
Maybe it is just my genetic programmed that way. I kind of disagree you said people who like runway models because of society pressure. It could be one reasons. They may be just like me.
I said most guys. Not all.
Hi, as a 16-year-old girl I’m glad I came across this blog (I googled why high profile men choose the skinny type of women over the curvy one having into account that the “big booty” and “huge tits” type of women is being praised in social media sites like Instagram, Youtube, etc – For example) because it somehow answered some of the questions I had about men preferences.
Just for the record, I don’t really know where my body type would fit due to my age and that I don’t think I’ll be fully “developed” until I’m in my early 20’s but I couldn’t help but think “Oh shoot. If I’m curvy, that probably means that I’ll get fat as I age. Noooooo” but then again I think genetics take a good part of this. My dad was a “buff but not too buff” type of man when he was young and my mother is in between “Hourglass” and “Curvy” so, let’s see what happens with me, ha.
I apologize if my English is not very good, I live in Argentina and we only speak Spanish.
By the way, great article, sir.
Okay. Okay…. Dude. Duuude. I’ve got the answer WHY skinnies are being pushed down our throats. Took me quite a while to gather and connect all the dots, but it’s pretty obvious once you see it.
NOW. Skinnies are pushed down our throats through the media for one single reason: glabalists (I’d point George Soros and the rest of the global uber-elite) are doing what they can to lessen fertility and slow down populational growth. I believe they see themselves as “do-gooders” and are trying to “correct” our desire to procreate intensely – you know the threat of overpopulation. But that is obviously against our every instinct. We wanna fuck FERTILE women. Women wanna fuck FERTILE men. But they push us low-fertility and homosexuality, and punish our every natural desire through social and political pressure. Can you see how “tender, sensitive men”, “strong, independent women” and “overprotected, proud homossexuals” are the (UCKKkk….) desirable gender norms now? That’s been designed as a solution for the overpopulation problem. And while it’s confusing, alienating and frustrating everyone to unbearable ponts, it’s worked. Make people assexual is softened blow. It sucks amazingly, but it’s infinitely more humane than killing people through war, we gotta accept.
I searched for this post for ONE SINGLE REASON. I’ve been struggling with EXACTLY what the blogger described.
I’m a single guy in OLTR who basically gets any girls he (I) so choses and have been studying Human Behavior (with strong emphasis in Seduction and Powerplay) and Politics HEAVILY, OBSESSIVELY over the last 10 years (I’m a Master NLPer/Hypnotherapist). Please, don’t be a hater – love me, instead. (Cute.) I’m not even close to infallible with women, but I’ve finally found satisfying(-ish!) levels of competence in this area, thank the universe and everything else, my burning obsession with women included.
Had model gfs all my life but deep down inside always desired the curviest hot bitches that are waspy on their waist and PLUMP ROUND HOES on ass and tits – them PHAT ass and PHAT titties. Never had them consistently until I became an openly domineering asshole close to my 30’s and aggressively started going after what I want. Back in my teens I’d shit my pants when dealing with an obvious OMG-I-WANNA-FUCK hot sexual goddess, got them, made them love me and trained them as my little pets, and then finished with them, as I started feeling they weren’t so hip when my ballsack was empty and I thought monogamy was the only option – so “serial monogamy” was my option.)
Thing is, I’ve always gotten SO MUCH free social dominance and envy for being with skinny models that I got used to it. Now that I’m going for what I REALLY FUCKING WANT I basically don’t feel the desire to publicize and let the world know I’m fucking these delicious women. It’s so counter-intuitive. BUT I’M SO MUCH MORE SATISFIED. Also, they don’t seem so amazing with their clothes on – they seem almost “fat”. I’ve never been so satisfied in my urges as I’ve been since my transition from the “model type” to “natural porn goddesses”. My current OLTR would obviously be a natural porn wonder. BUT I DON’T WANT HER ON MY FACEBOOK AND STILL KEEP MY LAST PERFECT 10 SKINNY MODEL (WHO’S PUT FAKE BREATS JUST FOR ME) PICS THERE. I’ve been contemplating getting her back too at least as a FB, and she and I, we’ve been going back and forth some steps to making this happen. I know I don’t enjoy her nerly as much – not even close. I feel very bad about not desiring her this way, she’s so awesome, but it’s true.
I think someone’s been watching too much Alex Jones.
Can you do a male equivalent of this? I looked online and didn’t find really anything like this. I only found the three body types thing(ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) I think it lacks the nuance of this classification. It only covers how much fat the body has overall and doesn’t take in consideration if a man has naturally thin limbs, but protruding chest vs. a man with thin limbs and is flat chested, as an example. I think this would help guys find aspects of their natural identity and its good for men to build confidence(game) in themselves as not everyone can have a bodybuilding physique due to genetics (I understand that people sometimes use this as a rationalization to not improve themselves, but it’s true in caveats). What patterns do you think we will expect? Due to hypergamy, I’m expecting one body type gets 60%-70% percent and the rest only get… probably 30%. Skinny or Flat will probably get only 1-2%.
@anonymous guy: bottom line, men want to look like The Rock and often imagine that’s what women like, but women actually prefer the Ryan Reynolds body. If you *can* look like The Rock many chicks will still dig that, but it should be mostly for you because as far as the chicks are concerned you don’t need more mass than RR. And don’t skip leg day, women are repulsed by men who are top heavy with puny legs and a nonexistent ass.
If you want more details, there’s a ton of experiments that have been done on this. Google.
This type of poll inevitably ends up just asking, at least to a certain extent, which of these pictures of women is the hottest. The chosen picture of a skinny chick is quite off-putting, with legs that appeared to be shriveled and wrinkled, while the chosen picture of a curvy chick is quite attractive, with form fitting feminine clothing and attractive hair. The skinny model is probably in her 50s. That’s just one example.
I don’t really believe that skinny chicks are that low. Just that particular skinny chick is that low.
That said, I really don’t understand the appeal of Knightly or Paltrow. No tits or ass.
I think thin women are preferred because we store better. Most curvy girls I knew in high school have become fat later in life whereas I still wear the same clothing size at 40. Your survey is missing skinny with curves type and the hourglass woman is way too chunky and is not hourglass. Just my 2 cents
He BD,
The way to understand powerful & wealthy men, and their skinny wives is that wives and mistresses perform 2 different functions.
The wife is for social signalling. She should have an extremely photogenic face and a fashion model’s body. The kind of woman you will like appearing in the press or at a social function with you (thinking of Donald & Melania Trump or John & Jacqueline Kennedy.) Or she should be useful to your goals (thinking of Bill & Hillary Clinton here.)
The mistress should be the kind of woman who actually turns you on (think, Stormy Daniels, Marylin Monroe or Monica Lewinsky.)
Here’s what Melania Trump’s body looks like (NSFW, for you dweebs who might be reading this at work)
and here’s what Stormy Daniel’s body looks like: