first date advice, first online date, online dating advice, meaning of an open relationship, alpha male traits

Get ready to puke up your lunch. We’ve got a Dominant writing a cute little article about how great it is to date a woman like her. She’s going to teach us the important selling points of dating an Alpha Bitch.

Some men like their women submissive, sweet, feminine, and nurturing – and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But that woman is certainly not an Alpha Female.

Now, for my Alpha Females out there, you badass bitches know who you are, it takes a very particular man to be able to handle you. Yes, you might as well admit it now: you are a handful.

This is the sort of black-and-white thinking embraced by Americans in particular (because of our insane two party political system).

Look at what the implication is. As a man, you have only two options: a submissive wimp woman or a high drama badass bitch.

How about a woman with a high self-esteem and very low drama?

Or how about a more submissive woman who is also very smart and successful in her career?

Or a truly Independent woman who is very easy to be with because she doesn’t care about your opinions of her opinions?

But, no. According to this gal, we have only two radical options. This is a common tactic: strawman one other option than the one you are proposing, then define it as something horrible and extreme.

1. She will challenge you.

Not only will she challenge you, but she probably won’t forfeit too easily; she will be persistent and insistent. She will debate with you over anything from de Blasio’s new policy, to the actual color of a tennis ball (green? or yellow?), and she expects to win.

Woman translation to English: I’m a high drama bitch. I’m loud and argumentative.

Some advice: challenge her back.

Woman translation to English: As a woman, I love drama. GIVE IT TO ME! Later, I’ll lie to my girlfriends about how much I “hate drama,” but I’ll be full of shit. I drink that shit up!

2. She don’t need a man to make it happen.

That’s right! I don’t need a man. I just need child support, alimony, food stamps, welfare, subsidized housing, goverment healthcare, affirmative action laws, sugar daddy arrangements, men to pay for dates, and live-in boyfriend or husband to pay most of my bills.

All of these things are mostly paid for by men, but I don’t need a man!

If you’re the kind of guy who loves to feel needed all the time, this gal just isn’t for you. She is fiercely independent and prides herself on being self-reliant and self-sufficient: Miss Outta My Way.

I’ve already explained what women mean when they use the word “independent.” Read it right here, and be sure to read the comments made by women there as well.

The great thing about being with an Alpha is that you won’t feel tied down

Yes, you will, because she’s a Dominant who will run your life.

 because she doesn’t need you, she wants you.

…to help pay her bills.

3. She will be straight-up with you.

If your Alpha has a problem, you will most likely know about it.

This is fine. If a woman has a legitimate problem and she’s an MLTR or OLTR, I would like to hear about it so that it doesn’t fester and become a drama explosion later.

If all she said was this and then moved on, I would have no problem with it and agree 100%. But she does go on, to demonstrate exactly the one thing I dislike most about women:

You can’t expect her to be too gentle with her words, so hopefully you’ll understand that she isn’t trying to be mean – this is just the way she is.

I have had women complain to me about the technique of soft nexting. These women say things like, “Oh, so a woman isn’t allowed to bring any problems in the relationship to your attention? Nice, BD!” or “You’re going to temporarily kick a woman out of your life just for expressing her emotions?!?”


As I’ve explained many times before, any woman in a relationship with me is more than welcome to bring a problem to me, provided she’s being a calm, rational adult using a normal tone of voice and not throwing around insults (including veiled ones). I’ve never had a problem with that and never will. Moreover, since my goal is always long-term relationships, I want her to want her to bring such a problem to my attention so we can resolve it together.

The challenge comes when a woman comes to me with a problem while, as this woman says it, “not being too gentle with her words.” If a woman comes to me with a problem while being a hysterical, insulting bitch, then that’s unacceptable Sweetheart, and you’re goddamn right you’re going to get soft nexted (if not hard nexted). And you fuckin’ deserve it.

At no point in the last ten years or so have I ever, ever raised my voice to a woman in anger or insulted her personally, including when I’m bringing a problem in the relationship to her attention. I expect the same consideration.

Calming down and thinking before you speak is not that difficult. If you can’t do that, get the fuck away from me and come back when you’ve taken a few anger management classes and have learned to behave like the adult you want to be treated as. Justify your childish behavior all you like; I’ll be busy having sex with some younger and/or hotter women until you shape up.

4. She’s a do-er, not a talk-er.

Alpha’s take action, so if she says she’s gonna do something – you bet your ass, she’s gonna do it. She probably expects the same in return: if you say you’re gonna do something, you sure as hell better follow through. And if ya don’t, she will…so don’t miss the boat, Mister. Hop on!

That’s good. I always do what I promise. This is why I’m extremely careful about what I promise, both in my personal life and in my business life. I learned a very long time ago that long-term happiness comes to the man who doesn’t promise very much.

However, I view that as common decency, not as something you should be bragging about. Being a person of your word should apply equally to everyone, of both sexes, not just an Alpha Bitch.

5. She doesn’t wear her Alpha on her sleeve.

Then what is this entire fucking article?

Chocolates? Flowers? One of those Hallmark cards that have a cute pun about how much you love her? Yeah, these things will probably make her vom a little in her mouth before it makes her heart melt.

I won’t be getting you that crap anyway, so no problem.

Not that she’s a total cynic, but she’s used to the doting – the lovey dovey crap that every girl wants – and in order to get her attention, you’ll need to come up with something a little more original.

As long as it doesn’t cost me any money, sure.

Wait, what? You don’t like that, Sweetie?

But I thought you “don’t need a man?”

6. She’s not easy.

If you think loving an Alpha Female is easy, you’re wrong.

Sounds GREAT. A difficult woman? Yay! Sign me up!

She’s difficult, competitive, and probably complicated.

OMG this sounds wonderful! The perfect woman to be with! I’m cumming in my pants!

She gets off from being free, being in power, and will step on any man who gets in her way. She is, in fact, ab. So. Lute. Ly. Impossible.

Wow! She wants to be in power? She steps on men? She’s impossible?

Woman. Of. My. Dreams.

You should put that shit on your online dating profile, Kitten. You will be mobbed by the highest-quality men you’ve ever seen. Seriously, do it.

7. But she’s definitely worth it.

Oh yeah!

Her my-way-or-the-highway attitude and complete self-competence will, at times, make you feel small.

I’m falling in love! I’ve always wanted a woman to make me feel small! Doesn’t that sound great, guys?

Instead, let it empower you.

Yes! Let a dominant, high drama bitch from hell empower you, guys!

Why the hell would you want a nice girl? Fuck no! Give me one of these Alpha Bitches! I’m still trying to talk down my raging boner!

Let it strengthen your weaknesses, and let it feed your drive to success. She will help you learn about yourself; she will push you; she will change you; she will impact you. Overall, she will make you a better man.

Yes! Yes! A woman who is difficult, competitive, loves drama, who is yelling at me, complaining often and stepping on me will make me a better man! I’ll look better, feel better about myself, be a happier man, and make more money in my career!

This chick has totally turned me around! What the fuck have I been doing all these years dating happy, low-drama women? What a fool I’ve been! I need one of these Alpha Bitches to step on me and make me feel small!

Future dream woman, here I come!

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39 Comments on “Dominant Bitchy Women Are Good to Date? Uh…No

  1. It’s fun to read the whole thing over substituting ‘he’ for ‘she’ or replacing ‘woman’ with ‘man’ and seeing that this is just her describing herself as the man that she really wants.

    Try it;

    (she writes)

    Some men like their women submissive, sweet, feminine, and nurturing – and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But that woman is certainly not an Alpha Female.

    Now, for my Alpha Females out there, you badass bitches know who you are, it takes a very particular man to be able to handle you. Yes, you might as well admit it now: you are a handful.


    But now it’s


    Some women like their men submissive, sweet, effeminate, and nurturing – and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But that man is certainly not an Alpha male.

    Now, for my Alpha males out there, you badass dudes know who you are, it takes a very particular woman to be able to handle you. Yes, you might as well admit it now: you are a handful.



    (she writes)

    If you’re the kind of guy who loves to feel needed all the time, this gal just isn’t for you. She is fiercely independent and prides herself on being self-reliant and self-sufficient: Miss Outta My Way.

    Change to;

    If you’re the kind of gal who loves to feel needed all the time, this guy just isn’t for you. He is fiercely independent and prides himself on being self-reliant and self-sufficient: Mister Outta My Way.


    She knows what she likes (ruthless alpha males) and she thinks subconsciously that she is attractive because she has these traits but she’d be better off squatting and pressing three times a week and going on a few long hikes.

    Genders always project. Both men and women will always mistake the traits that they want in a mate for the traits that they need to be attractive;

    Guys like boobs so there they are trying to build up their own pecs in the gym. Paying incredible amounts of attention to every little detail of their sculpted abs. Guys think “I need to be attractive. Gotta hit the gym.”  When that’s really what girls should be doing.

    Girls like confidence and achievement in men so here they come with Grrrll Power and all of their degrees thinking men will like it. They should just go to the gym.


    To this writer, I say “Just shut up and squat”.  She could have easily knocked out 5×5 on the squat rack in the time she spent writing her hackneyed superwoman screed.




  2. 1st date with a girl, getting coffee – we sit and are waiting for our order, the girl says to me:


    “When the coffee, gets here, YOU get up to get it, and I want cream!”


    First and last date.

  3. Good god, Did anyone look thru her other posts? There is one to her future husband with a list of me, me, me demands and then all the comments are guys just ripping her.  Made my morning that someone is at least telling her this.


    I predict a very lonely life for this one.

  4. Thankfully, these kinds of women have a distinct energy signature and are easy to spot. I love going out alone since it makes it very obvious who the women who are willing to meet you half way are. They will do the female hover-dance, or whatever similar, as exemplified by Kryptokate two articles ago. And then all I have to do is “walk over two steps” and say “Hi,” or “Hello,” it doesn’t matter, chat a bit, ask for number, talk a bit more, day2, day3. Boom! Offline dating in a nutshell. Minus the part that involves taking months and years to develop into the kind of guy these women can tell is a badass after only a split-second you enter their line-of-sight. Flakes are less likely since she’s selecting and already has in-person confirmation of what kind of guy you are, and the chances of me wanting to place effort is increased since I’ve given her the room to already demonstrate her interest. I’ve preselected this kind of woman before she even encounters me.

    And this is on top of doing online dating. I don’t go out specifically to meet women in person. It just happens.

    The “Alpha Dominant” females you speak of on the other hand, as you know need to be chased, chased, chased, chased, chased. They have “Guys are supposed to spend absorbent amount of time and money on us. How else are we supposed to know they want us?” written all over them. You can smell them from MILES away. They won’t even do anything like the hover-dance, or barely. But I’m pretty sure they can smell us too and stay away appropriately

    There’s the consideration of timid women who also need to be “chased,” but obviously that’s different. That’s like, them on genuine hard-crushing-on-you mode and not knowing what to do. It’s kinda cute. They need to take some lessons from women like Kryptokate.

  5. Is this her ..

    No, she’s not attractive. That just makes her a crazy bitch.

    At the same time,

    He admits he lost track of time, possibly staying there for about an hour.

    Park somewhere else, doofus. Especially not in front of something other people are going to use. You never know who’s a crazy bitch, so you shouldn’t be doing dumb shit. Easily avoidable. Still, bashing taillights is over the line.

    They reported that he said “he feared more for his own safety,” he was just standing there looking away as she was doing it. What the fuck? If he didn’t even care about that, I can see why she would want to bust his taillights. Reminds me of dog owners who don’t care about their dogs barking, or guys who piss all over the toilet seat and don’t flush.

  6. Gluteus Maximus .. “No, she’s not attractive. That just makes her a crazy bitch.”

    My bad, it was rhetorical question.

  7. Kamisky nailed it, it’s classic projection of what these women want in men. I’ve met a couple of these types over the years and as Gluteus Maximus points out, they expect to be chased for a long time, giving out mixed signals, playing hard to get etc. They’re simply not worth the effort required to get them. I see a future for these women involving wine and cats.

  8. Best advice is to get good at identifying these dominants so you know when to run fast the other way.  This extreme bitch in the article probably shows her hand on date 1 so she’s easy to spot.  Some are more insidious and you have to pick up on subtle cues.

    Either way, women like this will make life very unpleasant to say the least.  They’re only happy when they’re bossing you around and making demands.  It will quite literally be a prisoner/warden type relationship for you if that’s your thing.  We all know some guys out there that like their balls busted though.

  9. The last few paragraphs you wrote, from bullet point six and on, BD….I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!

    It truly is both amusing and sad that many women will listen to this crazy bitch (and others like her doling out similar advice) and expect behaving this way to lead them to the “man of their dreams”.  But, at least it’s easy (most of the time) to recognize a succubus like this from a mile away and haul ass in the other direction.

  10. “Oh, so a woman isn’t allowed to bring any problems in the relationship to your attention? Nice, BD!” or “You’re going to temporarily kick a woman out of your life just for expressing her emotions?!?”


    I had to suppress all of my Alpha 1 manosphere trained instincts when reading this line, not gonna lie. My answer to this was originally “fucking A right!” Especially the second one, since although I am anti-drama, I know that I love to hear myself shout at others. But if others shout at me I just shout louder and then run away. Typical cowardly Alpha 1 I know. I’m working on it. But now I know that’s not cool. I was raised with a MGTOW single dad with a serious Napoleon complex for most of my teenage years, so I still have quite a bit of unwiring to do. The moment I have a disagreement with a chick, I hard next. This has prevented dozens of second dates and even lays. It sucks.

    Most of the chicks I get with aren’t this dominant type thankfully. And the ones who are, they usually get snuffed out by me and pussy out when chatting before the first date. That just happened to me, chick accused me of being a player and then decided she didn’t want to see me after all, after cancelling on three separate dates lol.

    Also I work with a chick like this and she’s like 25. And fat too. Not like T&A fat, like human ball fat. I’m gonna sound like a shallow asshole here, but with her appearance, she has no excuse to act that way. If she was 5’10” 120 maybe I’d give her a pass. Her eyes turn into a deer in headlights when I give her one word answers to stuff, its hilarious. She hates my guts and I love it.

  11. It truly is both amusing and sad that many women will listen to this crazy bitch (and others like her doling out similar advice) and expect behaving this way to lead them to the “man of their dreams”.

    Yup. It’s an SJW’s wet dream. Modern Feminism (aka Female Supremacy) manufactures the succubi, as you say. In a decade or two, they will be our only choice. Sexbots can’t arrive soon enough! lol

  12. Similar sorts of things have been going on for awhile apparently – check out “The Taming of the Shrew” to get a historical perspective haha.  Good Petruchio evidently hadn’t apparently heard of soft nexting, nor read AM 2.0, when he said:

    Say that she rail, why then I’ll tell her plain
    She sings as sweetly as a nightingale.
    Say that she frown, I’ll say that she looks as clear
    As morning roses newly washed with dew.
    Say she be mute and will not speak a word,
    Then I’ll commend her volubility
    And say she uttereth piercing eloquence.
    If she do bid me pack, I’ll give her thanks,
    As though she bid me stay by her a week.
    If she deny to wed, I’ll crave the day
    When I shall ask the banns, and when be marrièd.

    The alpha female idea never really personally hit home until I hung out at my friend’s farm.  He had adopted an alpha female wolf (about 1 year old at the time).  Full wolf not half-wolf.

    Anyways, she was an awesome and amazing creature but could be very bossy.  She was bossing around the dog, the half-ton horses and trying to boss around all the humans.  From what I understand, an alpha female wolf’s job is to take care of the (“her”) pack, which is what she was doing.  If she heard a noise, she went to protect the horses.  If someone went out for a walk at night, she went with them to make sure they were okay.

    About every hour or so, my buddy had to assert his dominance over/maintain strong boundaries with the wolf cub.  We had to as well. She was always testing who was in charge.  It wasn’t subtle like it is with humans sometimes. Definitely a sweet creature and not a shrew, but very bossy and alpha if you didn’t display dominance.

    Here’s a famous quote that isn’t so on topic, but is funny:

    Petruchio: Come, come, you wasp; i’ faith, you are too angry.
    Katherine: If I be waspish, best beware my sting.
    Petruchio: My remedy is then, to pluck it out.
    Katherine: Ay, if the fool could find where it lies.
    Petruchio: Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? In his tail.
    Katherine: In his tongue.
    Petruchio: Whose tongue?
    Katherine: Yours, if you talk of tails: and so farewell.
    Petruchio: What, with my tongue in your tail? Nay, come again, Good Kate; I am a gentleman.

  13. this is just her describing herself as the man that she really wants

    Bingo.  Once you realize this, these girls become just as easy to bang as any other girl.  You just need strong frame.

    They’re fun in the sack, too; they have that same “starving-for-dominant-cock” attitude that over-33 women do.

    But for the love of god, don’t ever enter a relationship with a woman like this.  Your only two choices will be to either go Alpha 1.0, or go full Beta.  And we all know the drawbacks to those approaches.

  14. It’s extremely difficult to take anything she wrote there seriously.

    In the world I live in, what she is doing is called putting up a false front. A simple test will conclude that this is in fact a false front. I’ve done it several times.

    You simply let them know in a commanding way that you don’t tolerate that BS and that there will be serious consequences for any continued behavior of that nature.

    I’d never elevate any woman who I’ve had to do this to beyond a FB (on principle) but the cooperation level is night and day after they know you won’t tolerate this.

    They either chill out with the Alpha-bitch crap, or they take it elsewhere

  15. This is some lul shit, i stalked a bit and saw her picture and she looks like the most submissive cute girl you will ever see, like someone else said she probably just wants to be like that or be fucked by some alpha male dud. I just recently had sex with a girl like what she discribes, holy shit she was annoying, like trying to push me around and shit, i had moments when i wanted to punch her/slap her in the face, good thing im a nice dude so i dont do that shit. Why would anyone want a girl like that except for one night stand ?

  16. saw her picture and she looks like the most submissive cute girl you will ever see

    Just went to look her up (lmao that I didn’t earlier) and lmfao dude she’s like a fucking 2-4. that’s not cute bro xD

    what she is doing is called putting up a false front.

    Hell yeah! This girl is a WANNABE alpha dominant. ROFLMAO LOOK AT HER. ( gotta click on her author name on the article on your phone, otherwise the page itself doesn’t show her profile pic via phone browser. and then check her instagram )

    LMAO ESPECIALLY @ the fact she posted a banner photo with two girls who are actually attractive.

    LMAO this girl is straight trippin’.


  17. Just went to look her up (lmao that I didn’t earlier) and lmfao dude she’s like a fucking 2-4. that’s not cute bro xD

    In that case, looks don’t matter. She could be a perfect 10 and I’d still pass. ONS (on a very drunk night), that’s the most she could get from me with that shitty attitude.

    What she’s saying is this: guys, do the exact opposite of what I’m saying and I’ll feel extremely horny towards you (but still gonna give you piles of drama). No, thx.

  18. You simply let them know in a commanding way that you don’t tolerate that BS and that there will be serious consequences for any continued behavior of that nature.

    Or you can just diss her, walk away and let her deal with being butthurt. Although you do have to watch out for white knight orbiters if you do this during night game. But if its on a date or something, just leave. I’ve had to do this a couple of times, I have literally no time for divas.

  19. Middle of the road is best. Don’t be a doormat but don’t be a insufferable bitch.

    Although there are many submissive men who like that type of woman, I just don’t suggest it for the sake of everyone else that will encounter her.

    Of course women should always be assertive so she won’t be walked on and taken advantage of, but I hate to see ones like this take it too far.

  20. If a man does everything she was saying (if we switch all the written “She” to “He”), we get someone who would commonly be call an asshole.



  21. Yeah her photo makes her seem like a sweet, beachy surfer girl, not a tough, New York alpha bitch.


  22. LMAO.

    Have known a couple of these though both were at least an 8+, tall and slim. And the sex was more than good. So one wonders why they have to spoil a good thing. Obviously hopeless for anything long term but good for practicing leaving them sitting there gobsmacked when you get up and leave. 🙂

  23. @Ash: How is a woman been taken advantage of? Are they selling the submissive ones on the street or something? Or are they paying the bills of men? Don’t bring the sex as it goes both ways.
    Women in this modern era are cry babies and say some guy fucked up their heart and then they go “dominant” and think they are hard to get for the next guys(they don’t realize that this attitude disgusts the quality men). Instead, they are sabotaging themselves and they end up being alone and blaming the guys for it. Or end up with the most faggot guy around.
    You should simply accept what you had as something good in your life and that every person is different. 99% of the men you will meet are not out there to take advantage of you. They simply want to have a good time with you. If you take this as “been taken advantage of” then be prepared for a miserable life.

  24. Straight off the bat, the alpha female is whoever the silverback prefers. What else needs to be said.

  25. @hey hey,

    I hope I didn’t come off the wrong way. By “taking advantage of,” I didn’t just mean sexually, but in other areas as well. Being a doormat isn’t good for women or men to be, and you are right that most men aren’t out to do any harm. Submissives are the easy targets for those who like to control and manipulate, and they are at the most risk for attracting them. If a woman wants to be submissive, that’s her thing, then that is cool, but her challenge is to find the right guy whose ideals for a relationship are aligned with hers, so that she is still getting what she wants and he is also getting what he wants. That’s why women need their own game, example BD’s Girls With Game blog, to ensure their own safety, well being, and happiness. Those are the types of women to take a page from, not authors like the one talked about here who are just clearly overcompensating.

  26. This is why I never refer to myself as an “alpha woman”.  THIS is the bullshit perception that a lot of people have of one.  I’m not claiming any of that because I don’t act that way, lol.  I’d rather NOT be considered “alpha” than take on those sorts of characteristics.

    It makes it hard though, when you are a woman, knowing what to strive for.  Because a lot of people will make you feel bad about being submissive to a man outside of the bedroom.  So women get this idea that they need to be “hard” and bitchy to impress people.

  27. a lot of people will make you feel bad about being submissive to a man outside of the bedroom.  So women get this idea that they need to be “hard” and bitchy to impress people.

    Modern day Societal Programming. It makes nice women into bitches.

  28. Her other posts – the titles tell a real story.

    5 Signs You are Single. As. F*ck.
    8 Things to Know Before Dating a Girl Who is Perpetually Single.

    Lol: cain’t get a man!

    6 Things Girls Without Fathers Want You to Know

    Fucked up with daddy issues.

    The Sad Truth of Being in Love With Someone Who You Have No Future With

    Slutting it up in her 20’s.

    If Losing Weight is Your Biggest Struggle, You’re Doing Pretty Well in Life
    22 Things Only Curvy Girls Will Understand

    Ah. Well, there’s your problem, then.

    23 Signs Your Life is a Sh*t Storm, but You’re Still Killin’ It

    You just keep telling yourself that, babe.


  29. Ash, submissive girls are the best in that they are natural without much SP in their head. For men again it is the best in that those women make them feel more masculine from what they really are and men love this. It is a win win scenario. The downside is that these women can be very emotional, fragile, obsessive and can bring lots of drama.
    If they can get hold of these things they are the best girls to be around.

  30. Diggy says
    May 19, 2016 at 7:18 am

    “…There is one to her future husband…”

    WHAT “future husband”?  The kind of man that this bossy, domineering crazy thinks that she “deserves” and is entitled to, would not approach her once he knows the kind of “Mistress/Slave” relationship she wants.
    And she will undoubtedly reach her thirties and forties (probably her forties, since she also undoubtedly believes that “thirty is the new twenty”), wailing the familiar cry of “where are all the Good Men?” along with the equally-familiar one of “men can’t handle a ‘Strong, Independent Woman’ “.
    Like ‘Sparks’, I see cats and wine in this female’s future…lots and lots of cats and wine. (As well as lots of whining)

  31. I am in Scandinavia, so unfortunately i had a lot of experience dealing with this behavior at least with the 30+ year ladies i have been dating recently. One of my first dates after a  about 10 year  LTR was with one of these types.  This was before i found the BD blog and similar sites, but i still remember meeting her feeling nervous, excited etc.. but after roughly 20-30 min i was thinking WTF is she bitching about, so i made some rather lame excuse and left her at the cafe. 4 month later she is still asking me for another date.

    I have actually seen this behavior a couple times since with the same result, ‘The strong Independent Woman’ often crumbles when she hears the words ‘No f**king way’ from a desirable man. The ‘Next’ is in my opinion extremely strong with this character type.


  32. And what’s wrong with that?

    Ideally, nothing. But realistically, it messes with their expectations, especially when they are enabled by feminist groups and white knights who tell them that if they have really shitty, sloppy, drunken sex and then regret it (or if they can’t turn the guy into a beta), they can just go ahead and accuse the guy of rape. This is one of many reasons I don’t do night game anymore.

    I’m not one of these weird Roosh worshippers who thinks that chicks can only have sex with men when men say so, but I dunno, the alternative isn’t looking so great.

  33. @Loverboy

    “It makes it hard though, when you are a woman, knowing what to strive for.  Because a lot of people will make you feel bad about being submissive to a man outside of the bedroom.  So women get this idea that they need to be “hard” and bitchy to impress people.”

    This sucks, and I’ve seen it firsthand many times.  I prefer easy going people, guys or girls. If a girl is nice or submissive in public, I don’t automatically form some impression about her sexually, I just think “oh she’s nice! Great.”

    I will not stick around to tolerate bitchy behavior just because a woman is beautiful.  A long time ago, a girl I hung out with through mutual friends fit that model to a T. She was moderately attractive, but really, really bitchy, and you could tell she enjoyed making guys feel small. She badmouthed me behind my back too. However, I never really cared because I knew if she’s like this just on the surface, she is definitely someone who would not be fun to be around on a everyday basis.

    Maybe there is a time and place, and context where it makes sense to be that way that I am not considering – but the fact is, if you spend alot of time with someone, whether or not you are in an exclusive relationship, would you want them to be bitchy and difficult most of the time, or just some of time.  I say some because its totally unrealistic to think you aren’t going to spend a good amount of time with someone and not have some kind of disagreement or altercation at some point.



  34. What was I dealing with??

    I was just thinking in the past and i’m trying to categorize this particular ex girlfriend..she was showing me something on her phone, (because I don’t stalk girls cell phones) i happen to intercept her ex husband sending her some beta love/flirt text. It said “I love you baby”.

    Here’s how it goes..

    Me: “how long has this been going on?”
    Her “it’s been about a year but It’s not me it’s him”
    Me: “so why did you allow this”
    Her: “I didn’t believe him”

    Also, she always kept asking me to get her a ring “no less than 1.5 carats” have a kid and marry her.

    BD, what was I dealing with? She was a good girlfriend who acted very loving, but periodically she was a bit insincere and strangely spacy at times, those times were a bit disturbing. I was surprised about the texts…A post about all the different types of disturbed women incapable of love or something like that would be a huge help..

  35. BD, what was I dealing with?

    Not enough info, but she sounds like a provider hunter who hates her ex-husband.

    A post about all the different types of disturbed women incapable of love or something like that would be a huge help.

    I think “incapable of love” is overstating it, but yeah, that’s a good idea.

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