We’ve had a lot of serious topics lately, so today I’m in the mood for something frivolous and entertaining. Six years ago I posted a list of who I thought, back then, were the hottest female celebrities. Since then, many of these women have either changed their appearance, not aged well, or in most cases, gained weight and are now fat (or close to it). Thus, that list is a little outdated.

One day, on a whim, I pulled out my phone and did some internet searches for female celebrities that I considered very attractive, both in the face and body, not just one or the other (which is what a lot of men tend to do). As long time readers know, I tend to prefer women who are trim but curvy, with big boobs, hips, and butts. Based on a recent survey we did at this very blog, most of you agree with me, which surprised me at the time, since Societal Programming tends to push men towards extremely skinny women.

To my surprise and chagrin, I wasn’t able to find ten mainstream celebrities that I considered really hot for a “top ten” list. There are more non-famous or less famous women I think are super hot, and I’ll talk about them at the end of the article. But in terms of mainstream celebrities that most of you would know, I was shit out of luck.

It seems like most famous women these days fall into one of two categories, both of which are thoroughly unattractive to me:

1. Stick-skinny women who look like little girls from the neck up, and little boys from the neck down. Examples would be Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Selina Gomez, and many others.

2. Very physically fit, hot-for-their age women with super-fit bodies, average faces, and average-sized curves (boobs, butt, hips). Examples would be Amber Heard, Jennifer Anniston, Sandra Bullock, and many others.

If you absolutely love women in either of those two categories, and think Ariana Grande or Sandra Bullock is just hot as balls, then that’s wonderful and I’m happy for you. I personally think 98% of the women in both of those categories are significantly less attractive than the women I have sex with on a regular basis. If I had an online first date with a woman who looked like that, in most cases I would probably pass (at least these days anyway; ten years ago I probably would have taken it). I’m serious.

So I couldn’t find ten women I thought were really hot. I couldn’t even find half that. Seriously. I had trouble finding five or six mainstream celebrity women I considered super hot.

I enlisted Pink Firefly’s help, since she’s more up on the celebrity thing than I am, and we spent about 20 minutes looking on our phones for various female celebrities that I might consider super hot.

I was able to find nine, and nine was pushing it, since even many of these nine I don’t consider “super” hot, but “very” hot. I’ll go through the list of nine right here, in no particular order, then I’ll cover the lesser-known women who I do consider “super” hot.

Elsa Pataky

If you don’t recognize her, she’s been in the last several Fast and Furious movies (she was that Brazilian cop working with Dwayne Johnson). She’s also Chris Hemsworth’s wife. Her body is acceptable, nothing amazing, but her face is ultra-gorgeous. The first time I saw her I was very impressed, which is rare for me, since I don’t consider mainstream actresses very attractive. Elsa resembles Pink Firefly the most out of these women, because they share similar cheekbones. Very nice.

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Scarlett Johansson

She’s still got it; one of the few women who carried over from my original list. Perfect face, big lips, perfect, curvy body. I prefer brown eyes and hers are green, but I’ll let that slide. She’s one of my favorites on this list, probably in the top two.

scarlett1 scarlett3 scarlett2

Sofia Vergra

Six years ago I said she was the hottest female mainstream celebrity in the world. Now at 44 years old (she’s my age!), she’s still either number one or a close number two under Scarlett Johansson. Ridiculous and amazing. All the pictures shown here are from 2016, just to show you how well some women can age. It’s almost hard to believe.

As I’ve said many times before, expect more and more women to look this good well into their 40’s (and even 50’s) as we continue to move into the future.

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Emily Ratajkowski

This is one of those too-skinny celebrity women, but she breaks away from the pack because she’s blessed with big tits despite her ultra-low body fat, as well as big lips. I actually find her more attractive when I see her in movies or videos rather than in photos, since I don’t think she’s very photogenic. (She was smokin’ hot in Gone Girl.) I’m not a big fan of her hair (she should be blonde), but I’ll let it slide.

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Elizabeth Olsen

Before you say it, yeah, she barely qualifies for this list. And I mean barely. She’s too similar to the typical Hollywood skinny crowd. She’s actually somewhat plain-looking and her curves are average sized at best. However, Elizabeth Olsen has the best smile in the entire world. Seriously. Just look at this smiling face and tell me otherwise. When she smiles, I melt. So okay, she’s hot now. She just needs to keep smiling.


Salma Hayek

This is another woman who barely qualifies for this list, but she was able to squeak in. At 50 friggin’ years old, she’s another miracle of ageing. (Non-white women always age better than the white girls.) Her entire body is pretty much perfect. I actually think her body is better now than when she was younger. The one issue I have is that she has a bit of a manjaw. I don’t like that term, and I think it’s overused, but in her case I think it’s accurate. Regardless, I’m not sure when her age will really start to show, but so far, she’s still amazing.

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Emilia Clarke

The best thing about the last Terminator movie was Emilia Clarke was in it (even though she was horribly miscast; she’s way too short to be Sarah Connor). God damn, she is so beautiful. Beautiful and hot, at the same time, which is hard to pull off. She also has an extremely feminine, cheerful personality whenever I see her in interviews, which is tremendously attractive. She’s my third favorite on this list behind Scarlett and Sofia.

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Kate Upton

She’s more body than face. Her face is good but not great, and she needs a little more hips, but her boobs and everything else is amazing enough to get her in this list. She’s pretty much the modern-day version of Pamela Anderson in the 1990’s (though, unlike Pam, I think Kate’s boobs are real).

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Kat Dennings

Another one who barely made it. Many would consider her face unattractive. I think it’s okay, but her body is yummy in the tum tum. And big lips are always a big plus for me.

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Lesser Known Women Who I Think ARE Super Hot

Alright, that covers the “known” celebrities, women I consider attractive but not the best. Now I’ll show you some women I consider the best. Since modern-day Societal Programming and Hollywood consider most women with big boobs and/or big butts as “fat,” even if they have fit, trim, healthy bodies, none of these women are traditionally famous, and never could be in today’s society. I’m sure many of you will consider these women disgusting. Your problem. I think they represent the feminine ideal, at least for me. Just remember there is no such thing as an objective 10; every man will have a different opinion of what a “10” looks like.

Here’s three of them, in no particular order.

Denise Milani

Just an internet pin-up girl who’s been around for a while. She’s the hottest woman on planet Earth who is not blonde.

denise1 denise2

Kathy Fierro

She’s a Cuban model, and yes, she looks like a mutant. I don’t care. Looking at her is like someone reached into the dark recesses of my depraved mind and drew a comic book caricature of hottest, curviest-yet-trim woman of my twisted dreams. Weird. But hot.

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Julie Tawney

I’m cheating a little bit here, because she’s from the early 2000’s, but honestly, that’s how hard I have to look for even semi-famous women who I consider super hot. Perfect face, perfect boobs, and she’s actually blonde! Yay!

julie1 julie2

That’s it. Feel free to post links to women you consider your ideal, or modern-day women I didn’t list here who you think I would consider super hot. Have fun!

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86 Comments on “My Opinion of the Hottest Female Celebrities… Sort Of

  1. Maybe it’s just because I’m not young anymore, but I rarely find mainstream celebrities hot these days, or at least not in the way that I used to. The majority are straight-bodied, thin gals (i.e. devoid of curves). BD said they look like boys from the neck down, and I’m in complete agreement. To be clear, there’s nothing “wrong” with these gals; some of them are very beautiful. It’s just that they’re nothing terribly out of the ordinary. Speaking of ordinary, I’ve found that there are plenty of beautiful and sexy real-life women to be found offscreen. They may not have the facial beauty of some of the celebs (owed, in some cases, to the fact that they don’t have the services of a highly-skilled makeup artist), but their faces are pretty nonetheless, and they often have way better bodies.

    I’m an ass/hips/legs man. The percentage of women gifted with a naturally great ass is low, maybe 8-10%, and only a fraction of those ladies manage to stay fit for a good length of time. The silver living is that a smaller, less curvy ass – which the majority of thin women seem to have – can be cultivated into a great ass through lifting (Crossfit or traditional). Yoga or pilates can refine the package even further. Celebrity women don’t appear to have an appetite for lifting, or at least not enough of one to achieve the kind of results that one need only wander into a local lululemon store to observe. Perhaps Hollywood decision-makers prefer a waifish look, and to add toned muscle would compromise actresses’ livelihoods. Seems dumb to me, but whatever.

    Breasts are obviously a different story, as you’re stuck with the ones you’ve got unless you’re willing to go under the knife. As I’m sure everyone knows, there are more to breasts than size. I’ve been with B-cups who had fantastic shape and fullness and with DD-cups who sagged and looked generally horrible once the bra came off (to be fair, 99% of breasts start to sag noticeably by age 30 — and some much sooner — without the intervention of a plastic surgeon). I’ve also noticed that girls with a natural D-cup or higher tend to have very little in the way of hips, sometimes to the point of having a manly-looking ass.

  2. I’ve heard that there are three types of men in terms to what they like in girls besides pretty face: boobs, legs, ass. It seems you’re a “boobs guy”. I’m a “leg guy” and as such I like athletic girls with slim legs as well as those tall with long legs and there’s always a special place for those petite (I’d guess Ariana Grande falls into that category, save for the bitch face).

    I wonder if our various preferences can really boil down to boobs vs. legs vs. ass.

  3. All beautiful women. In my heterosexual opinion as a woman, I have always thought Mila Kunis was so pretty.

    Btw, what did you think of Gone Girl?

  4. Some names:
    a) arouse my brain (if pressed to choose/having to choose for a long term thing, I’d go for them):
    Amelie Claudel, Naomi Watts, Irene Jacob (but not later than 10 years ago), Lauren Koslow.
    b) arouse another part of me: Candace Smith, Mercedes Terrell, Sofia Coppola. About 25% of 18-32 women I’d see walking around in most South America countries. Before she looked old, I (I mean: my ****) was crazy for Ms. Naomi Campbell.
    My fav. of all thou is 25-40 year old Linda Gottfredson. Romance with a professor, talking of general intelligence g before intercourse… too bad she was 25-40 years old in 1972-1987, not now.
    I really believe she is one of those blessed cases in which what we know about the female brain applies poorly if at all. Maybe wanting to have beside you somebody you admire is a feminine trait; if so I have a feminine trait: admiration arouses me, and as for the dominance-submission dynamic, I am much more tolerant of being in the dominant (possible for me, but I see it as a boring work) than the submissive role (impossible for me). I guess she is an Independent.

    (I am joking, but also I am not joking. The purpose of long term relationships is to be not alone. You fuck on the side, no point in trying to share life with the one(s) you best like to fuck.
    <blockquote>I prefer brown eyes and hers are green, but I’ll let that slide.</blockquote>
    Never heard of anyone who prefers any other eye colour above green/light blue, this is a first.
    You seem to love boobs no matter if they are fake (all the women with huge boobs you posted have fake boobs). Those things behave like plastic when touched or pressed, and since touching and pressing has priority over looking, I am a fake boobs’ enemy.

  5. Way to pull Julie Tawney out of the bag!   One of my old favorites along with a lady named Amber Evans.

    I think out of current Hollywood types I would go with Gal Gadot, the lady playing Wonder Woman.

    Seems physically perfect and mentally strong, in character and out.

    If you like a little more “woman”, I would go for in prime Christina Hendricks.

  6. @tddaygame

    Completely agree – I’m the same as you (legs and ass).

    So I do find the skinnier hollywood type attractive. I wonder how much of that is societal programming vs genetic?

    I still find big boobs attractive of course, but they don’t push my buttons quite as hard haha!

  7. I agree about Elsa Pataky and Elizabeth Olsen. I almost cried when Pataky cut her hair short in Furious 7; big mistake.
    I can’t be objective about Scarlett and Ratajkowski because their faces really aren’t my type.
    Also, Ratajkowski and Kate Upton have this “sex toy” body type that I don’t like much, ie when tit size coupled with extreme body thinness create a weird dissonance. I prefer somewhat thicker women: as long as your waist is lean and your hips are obviously bigger, it doesn’t matter that your waist isn’t super thin.
    I have mixed feeling about Emilia Clarke. I found her stunning in her very first scene in Game Of Thrones, blonde and super young ( https://typeset-beta.imgix.net/rehost%2F2016%2F9%2F13%2F3803026e-f7b8-4cc6-9f51-9eaf625c0708.jpg ), but outside of that, I don’t like her that much.
    I agree about Kat Dennings, she’s like a prettier Kate Winslet to me.

    About Hollywood being invaded by the skinny-and-fit type of women and giving no chance to curvier types (exceptions like Christina Hendricks notwithstanding): you want curves, leave Hollywood and look at the Instagram stars. Off the top of my head, Lindsey Pelas, Amanda Cerny (and her Hollywood lookalike, Cobie Smulders, who has a so-so body but a great face), Abby Ampollo and, one of my favourites, Courtney Taylor (the young blonde fitness girl).

    And I almost forgot: Alexandra Daddario is the shit. She’s not always photogenic, but when the planets align she’s damn near a perfect ten to me. Perhaps her only perfectible body part is her legs, which I’d prefer with a bit more muscle (I love calves and hammies on women).

    Honorable mention: Diane Kruger 10-15 years ago, especially in Troy when she wasn’t too skinny.

  8. Forgot to mention Iskra before she gained weight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_krAThnRznk

    Of course the last resort would be to start naming porn stars. Based on his description of his “type”, I suspect that BD would fall off his chair if he saw a pic of Faith Nelson, assuming he doesn’t know her yet. http://thumbs-cdn.redtube.com//m=eamdaSjWh/_thumbs/gallery/000/000/596/i_1427751_25235_596793_3026991.jpg

  9. This is going to be a popular blog post!

    I’m guessing you’d enjoy Page 3 girls here in the UK, although I think it’s been banned now (nothing like feminists telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies).

    Off the top of my head my favourite celebs would include women like Jessica Alba, Shakira and prime Britney, but they probably aren’t to your taste.

  10. I am a fake boobs’ enemy.

    BD had a post about how most guys say they dislike makeup when what they really mean is that they dislike it when a girl applies too much makeup or in a way that otherwise demonstrates a lack of skill in the application. I think a similar principle applies here. There are a lot of women out there who have fake boobs that look fantastic, and, without close observation, you’d have a hard time determining that they’re fake. When a man says that he dislikes fake boobs, I think that man really means that he dislikes fake boobs that were either poorly done or are incongruously large (though BD doesn’t appear to have any problem with the latter so long as the rest of the package is up to snuff).

  11. I like Emilia Clarke best when she’s naked watching dragon eggs hatch:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHfrWfzEtJU&feature=youtu.be&t=2m58s

  12. Sorry in adavance guys. I’m not trying to scold anyone but I’m just making an observation after reading what is here so far.  Plus I know some girls are guilty of doing this as well.  I don’t know, but wow, some of the remarks here.  These girls are all perfect specimens, but then to read guys saying they can still find flaws; stuff like, ‘she doesn’t have this or that, but I’ll let that slide’ or ‘her face is good but not great’ or ‘she has a so-so body but great face’ or ‘body is acceptable’ (Ummmm, Ok?) ……..and these are supposed to be hottest and most desirable women in the world or whatever.  Well, you could search online for pictures of them on their days off where they got caught off-guard without any makeup; most of them look pretty rough sometimes.

    And of course (almost) all of the pictures posted here are professional or red carpet shots where they spent about 3 hours getting their hair styled and makeup done: foundation, highlighter, concealer under their eyes, eyebrows penciled in, eye shadow, eyeliner, fake eyelashes with mascara, plus more stuff that doesn’t come to my mind; photographs are meticulously airbrushed/retouched from head to toe…….and that still isn’t 100% satisfactory or good enough for some of you guys, lol!!!

    This kind of reminds me of a comment KryptoKate made once awhile back where she said she couldn’t believe that a group of guys she used to work with would just pick apart the hottest celebrities and point out their flaws.  I know this isn’t the exact same thing, but it just seems kind of similar.

  13. @Bulma78

    I do agree with you, it can seem a little degrading that men can pick apart a women’s body, stating what they like and don’t like on woman. Obviously, women are people, not just body parts which this article does not express; however, men are physical creatures who often look at appearance first before anything else. I don’t think they understand or even care that a woman might have spent 2 or 3 hours getting ready to look beautiful, they just see what the end result is and decide whether they like or don’t like it. So, it’s not surprising that they would pick out their preferences on a woman, hey; even I picked out my preferences in an earlier comment. Women are beautiful inside and out and though this article does not discuss this, it does explain what a man likes physically. Also, this is a blog for men so I can’t see men discussing  how long a women might of spend getting ready or whether or not she has foundation or concealer on her face.


  14. @Bulma78

    I understand how you feel, but you need to understand two things.

    First, when men do this, we are discussing our abstract ideals, which is why we are so picky about details.  In practice, men are much easier on real women in our lives, who generally “work” for us or don’t irrespective of the fine details. But if you are mentally building your dream girl…

    Second, women actually hold real men to FAR more rigid criteria, physical or otherwise. The tiniest thing will immediately disqualify a man. As someone who practices BD’s online method, I have had some shockingly petty and rude messages  (especially from older women) because they didn’t like how I worded a perfectly benign conversation opening question, or that I didn’t look quite enough like some celebrity they liked and were holding out for a copy of. (“Where have all the good men gone?…”)  Just another day in the dating mines for a man…


  15. Speaking of Emily Ratajkowsky, here’s her VK account that was recently hacked

    As a matter of principle, I never view nude pics of anyone that were leaked to the public without their permission, but thanks anyway.

    The majority are straight-bodied, thin gals (i.e. devoid of curves). BD said they look like boys from the neck down, and I’m in complete agreement.

    Jenny McCarthy tells a great story about how, in her prime, Hollywood casting agents never wanted her because they said she was “too fat,” which meant her boobs and hips were too big. Insane.

    what do u think?

    Jessica Burciaga

    Boobs not great, face not great. The rest of her is fantastic.

    I’ve heard that there are three types of men in terms to what they like in girls besides pretty face: boobs, legs, ass.

    I think that’s more or less accurate, yeah.

    It seems you’re a “boobs guy”.

    Kinda, yeah. I used to be an ass guy, though later in life I got a little more excited about boobs. One of my ex-MLTRs said this was because I had kids, and there is some weird biological wiring in men that gets them more attracted to boobs after they father children. Something about mother’s milk or something. Who knows, but it almost exactly matches what happened to me.

    I have always thought Mila Kunis was so pretty.

    She’s gross. Way too skinny, eyes too big, she looks like an 11 year-old alien.

    Mila Kunis is the perfect example of what Hollywood likes and what women seem to like, but not what I (and many other men) like. (Of course there are lots of guys who think Mila Kunis is very hot too.)

    Btw, what did you think of Gone Girl?

    I liked it. Few movies have the balls to go anti-marriage or anti-monogamy like that.

    One of these days I should do a blog post compiling all the anti-monogamy movies (what few there are; even movies like Wedding Crashers and Trainwreck celebrate and encourage Disney/monogamy).

    too bad she was 25-40 years old in 1972-1987, not now.

    There are a shitload of super hot celebrity women from years past I could list here, but I wanted to keep my list to current, 2017 celebs.

    Never heard of anyone who prefers any other eye colour above green/light blue, this is a first.

    The desire to be attracted to green or blue eyes is is a result of MASSIVE, world-wide Societal Programming. Fuck SP! Give me blonde hair with DARK BROWN EYES. Soooooo hot…

    You seem to love boobs no matter if they are fake

    Yup. Yummy. Fake or real, I don’t give a shit. There are pros and cons to both. As long as they’re big, hand ’em over.

    (all the women with huge boobs you posted have fake boobs)

    Somewhat incorrect. Kate Upton has real boobs as far as I know. Many others started with real tits when they were younger (but still famous and still had big tits) and had them “augmented” later in life (Vergra, Hayek), but only to keep them from sagging.

    Those things behave like plastic when touched or pressed, and since touching and pressing has priority over looking, I am a fake boobs’ enemy.

    Then you’ve never touched the gummy-bear fake tits. Those look perfect and feel amazing; actually better than real boobs. Though granted, these types of fake tits are expensive, rare, and don’t always come out right. (I’ve only been with two women in my entire life who had that specific type.)

    Way to pull Julie Tawney out of the bag!

    Fuck yeah dude. There are still videos (non-nude) of her on YouTube. The first time I saw her I couldn’t believe it. (There’s porn of her too, but it’s pretty terrible, like most porn.)

    I think out of current Hollywood types I would go with Gal Gadot, the lady playing Wonder Woman.

    She’s gross. Way too skinny, way too tall, no hips whatsoever. The first time I saw her wearing the bikini in Fast and Furious 5, I fucking threw up. Seriously, I was grossed out. I wouldn’t touch her with a 10 foot pole.

    Now if she got some really big fake tits (her body is big enough where she could handle the proportions), then she’d be pretty good.

    If you like a little more “woman”, I would go for in prime Christina Hendricks.

    In her prime, fuck yes. She was amazing. Now, sadly, she seems to have really gained weight. Sad.

    Irina Shayk

    I dislike the supermodel look, as I’ve said before. Too skinny, too tall, not enough curves, etc. Irina Shayk also talks like she’s always auditioning for a 1940’s romance movie. Funny.

    Ratajkowski and Kate Upton have this “sex toy” body type that I don’t like much

    Exactly. I love it!

    ie when tit size coupled with extreme body thinness create a weird dissonance.

    OMG not for me. It gives me an insta-boner. Give me a teeny, tiny body with giant boobs. Mmmmm….

    you want curves, leave Hollywood and look at the Instagram stars

    Exactly. If you want women who look like women and not little boys, you have to leave Hollywood behind.

    Alexandra Daddario is the shit.

    She’s hot. Not amazing, but very hot. She’s got the porn star body with the girl-next-door face. I agree. Good choice.

    Diane Kruger 10-15 years ago, especially in Troy when she wasn’t too skinny.

    Yuck. Way to skinny, even in Troy.

    Of course the last resort would be to start naming porn stars.

    As long as they don’t have tats and piercings all over their bodies. That’s the problem with porn stars today. It’s almost as if they’re trying to look like tramps.

    Back in my day (old man grandpa BD talking now) in the 90’s and 80’s, porn stars had big tits/hips/ass AND actually looked beautiful. But I already talked about that here.

    I suspect that BD would fall off his chair if he saw a pic of Faith Nelson

    No. Her face is very plain. The body is great though.

    Denise Milani in my article above is a great example that shows that you can have big boobs AND a perfect-10 face. Too many guys seem to think that big boobs must equal an average face. Not at all (more bullshit SP).

    nothing like feminists telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies

    And it’s going to get worse in the media. The world is moving left, as always.

    Off the top of my head my favourite celebs would include women like Jessica Alba, Shakira and prime Britney, but they probably aren’t to your taste.

    Jessica Abla – Not exactly my type but she’s very hot, yes.

    Shakira – No, not sure why, but she’s never done it for me.

    Britney – 15 years ago, yes. Now, she’s a used up, empty shell with creepy, dead eyes. She’s like a semi-hot zombie; still walking around but dead inside. Sad.

    My all-time favorite though is Marisa Miller.

    Yeah, she’s hot. She’s one of those “if you catch her at the right angle” women for me. Otherwise she’s just eh.

    Extremely predictable list full of bog standard vapid barbies

    Yeah, these are Hollywood celebrities. Of course they’re going to be vapid barbies. Great for FBs!

    These girls are all perfect specimens, but then to read guys saying they can still find flaws; stuff like, ‘she doesn’t have this or that, but I’ll let that slide’ or ‘her face is good but not great’ or ‘she has a so-so body but great face’ or ‘body is acceptable’ (Ummmm, Ok?

    Women do this to men all the time. Sit a woman down and watch her go through men’s profiles on a dating site. You’d be shocked at how much worse women are about this than us men.

    And of course (almost) all of the pictures posted here are professional or red carpet shots where they spent about 3 hours getting their hair styled and makeup done: foundation, highlighter, concealer under their eyes, eyebrows penciled in, eye shadow, eyeliner, fake eyelashes with mascara, plus more stuff that doesn’t come to my mind; photographs are meticulously airbrushed/retouched from head to toe…….and that still isn’t 100% satisfactory or good enough for some of you guys, lol!!!

    You’re forgetting about the BODY, which as a woman, is expected, since women pay more attention to faces.

    You can put all the perfect makeup on a flat chested woman with no hips, and I’m still not going to touch her. Gross.

    But, take that same cute woman, give her some fake boobs, have her gain just a little weight in the hips/ass, and now she’s hot even without any makeup on her face.

    Also, this is a blog for men so I can’t see men discussing  how long a women might of spend getting ready or whether or not she has foundation or concealer on her face.

    Exactly. These kinds of things are not what men think about. We’re too busy looking at your boobs.

    women actually hold real men to FAR more rigid criteria, physical or otherwise. The tiniest thing will immediately disqualify a man. As someone who practices BD’s online method, I have had some shockingly petty and rude messages  (especially from older women) because they didn’t like how I worded a perfectly benign conversation opening question, or that I didn’t look quite enough like some celebrity they liked and were holding out for a copy of.


    Women are 10 times more picky than men. It’s not even close.

  16. My original question was going to be about fake versus real but you pretty much answered that already. So now I’d like to know for how long is visual stimulation enough for amazing, wild, passionate, spiritual sex to last or happen? So she’s a 9 or 10 in your eyes and the sex is amazing for a while but how long does it take for a man to get bored without any substance in her character or personality?

  17. I mostly agree. I find these women’s faces more attractive than BD does, but there is one big anomaly in the lot: I find Kathy Fierro unfuckable, even drunk. I am stunned that some may find this kind of figure attractive. Gwyneth (uggh!) 100 times before her.
    She has the same kind of figure as Kim Kardashian. Can’t. Impossible. Ass like a cartoon character or a caricature. Especially in the gym gear pictures….I love hourglass, curvy and reverse pear in that order….but that… I can’t! It’s like she’s a different species altogether. I would push for cosmetic surgery if my daughter turned out like this at puberty. Anyone else?

  18. @ Andrea: if a woman I’m in a relationship with keeps herself reasonably close to what she looked like when I met her and her behavior and attitude towards me does not change, I will never tire of her. Never.

  19. Heya BD,

    From your post, it’s safe to coin your type as:

    White (blonde) girls with black girl bottoms + big titts.

    What do you think of this one?



  20. So now I’d like to know for how long is visual stimulation enough for amazing, wild, passionate, spiritual sex to last or happen? So she’s a 9 or 10 in your eyes and the sex is amazing for a while but how long does it take for a man to get bored without any substance in her character or personality?

    Every man will have a different answer to that question, because it’s 100% personality-based.

    I’m one extreme, in that I literally never get sexually bored with a woman unless she gets fat (not gains a little weight; that’s usually okay; I mean she gets fat).

    The other extreme are those guys I see on this blog occasionally, and on PUA forums who get bored with a woman as soon as they have sex with her four times. Four times, and they start getting bored and start immediately looking around for new blood, even if the woman they’re fucking is their personal 10.

    Most men fall in-between those two extremes.

    From your post, it’s safe to coin your type as:

    White (blonde) girls with black girl bottoms + big titts.


    What do you think of this one?

    She’s hot. I can’t really get a good look at her face or her boobs in that video though, but yeah.

    Top notch choices but Kelly Brook is hotter than all of them

    Kelly Brook five years ago, hell yes. She was on my original 2011 list.

    Kelly Brook today, no. She’s gained some weird weight (or something) and her body looks like a rectangle now. Google Kelly Brook 2016 and you’ll see what I mean.

    Still fuckable, but not good enough for a top 10 list like this.

  21. What do you think of this one?

    This Anna NystrĂśm looks weirdly similar to Courtney Taylor, face, hair and build, even ass shape. Both borderline tens in my book, but Courtney might have a prettier face.

    The video reminded me of a quote by fitness coach Dan John “a woman who can do three pull-ups tends to have this level of leanness I call ‘rock star hot’.” Just lean enough to look awesome but clearly far from the ugly bodybuilder type.

  22. So you’re saying that you have extraordinary sex regardless of a woman’s personality? As long as she doesn’t give you any drama and she’s hot you’re good to go? Are most men like this? I guess now I remember your post about if BD was a woman and the most important thing was to work on looks, not wisdom or personality.

  23. Hey BD, I heard you mentioning that you have other podcasts but they need to be paid for? I am interesting in paying but I can’t find where they are!

  24. Guys are so different/diverse in what they find hot its impossible to make a uniform hot list.

    I was in a strip club last night with guys on a work conference. There were quite a few stunners as far as I was concerned (probably only 8/10’s though). But guys were handing over hard earned cash to get dances with girls I wouldn’t touch if they paid me. Then they would come back and rave about how hot they were. I’m talking fat ugly girls (in my eyes). Most of the girls I thought were hot they agreed were hot. But then they would vote with their cash on girls that were 5/10 max. Crazy!

    BD what do you think of Scott Adams GF? To me she is at least as hot if not hotter than any of the celebrities in your list.


  25. @Andrea: Wisdom is something you develop for yourself, not for men. Believe me, I had my fair share of frustration as a teenager from seeing how hot girls were only marginally interested in how “intellectual” I was. I eventually realized that your soul is yours to cultivate, for you. If someone of the opposite sex tells you you have an awesome soul (it happened to me, but it was just one woman and a massive outlier imo), then congrats, but don’t rely on that. Be hot, sweet and low drama; the rest is part of your own self-development.
    If by personality you mean you have morals, stand up for yourself and aren’t a total asshole, then yeah it plays some role. A blogger somewhere wrote, “I don’t know about ‘inner beauty’, but I know more than one hot woman whose inner ugliness made me immune to her looks.” So there’s that.

    @Lazy guy: I’m giving an 8.5 to Sarah Shahi and a 9 to Angie Varona. Both definitely hot.

  26. So you’re saying that you have extraordinary sex regardless of a woman’s personality?

    No, but I’m saying I thoroughly enjoy sex with a super hot woman even if her personality sucked. (I’ve done that before.)

    Most men would say the same (though not all).

    As long as she doesn’t give you any drama and she’s hot you’re good to go?

    Drama has nothing to do with sex; that’s a relationship issue, not a sexual one.

    Are most men like this?

    With the sex thing I described above, yes. With the drama thing, no. Most men put up with massive shitloads of drama from hot women. I soft next their asses within 30 seconds and then go fuck someone else. (Alpha Male 2.0, baby)

    I guess now I remember your post about if BD was a woman and the most important thing was to work on looks, not wisdom or personality.

    Correct. A woman’s most valuable asset in terms of her attractiveness is her physical appearance. Everything else is secondary.

    Hey BD, I heard you mentioning that you have other podcasts but they need to be paid for? I am interesting in paying but I can’t find where they are!



    I’ve just put that link on my Podcasts page here too, just in case guys aren’t finding it.

    Sarah Shahi

    Nice boobs but that’s about it.

    Angie Varona

    Fuck yes. Super hot. But, I’ll give you an even better version (same big tits and body but better face):


    Ida Ljungqvist

    Not my type.

    Kate Upton absolute 10

    BD: Cannot see why you think she is not pretty, 99% of men would drink her bathwater

    Wrong. A decent percentage of men would find her unattractive, far more than 1%. (“Her boobs are too big! They probably sag! Her face looks like shit!” Etc).

    And I didn’t say she wasn’t pretty. She is. I said her asset is not her face.

  27. Guys are so different/diverse in what they find hot its impossible to make a uniform hot list.

    Correct. That’s why I’ve said many times there is no such thing as an objective 10. There are only personal 10’s, which will vary wildly from man to man. You could almost say the same thing about 9’s, and possibly even 8’s.

    In the PUA world I’m still seeing guys talk about “objective tens.” So fucking stupid.

    BD what do you think of Scott Adams GF? To me she is at least as hot if not hotter than any of the celebrities in your list.

    Very hot, but a little too tall in my book to be in any top 10 list. But hey, she’s certainly cashed in on his fame. Well done, Kristina! Talk about SMV! Haha!

  28. 1. Stick-skinny women who look like little girls from the neck up, and little boys from the neck down. Examples would be Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Selina Gomez, and many others.

    Fuck me. I was going to say “you’re wrong about Selena Gomez” and post this

    But she fucking got super skinny this year! Looks horrible. Now she looks like any other carbon-copy skinny instagram bitch.

  29. The other extreme are those guys I see on this blog occasionally, and on PUA forums who get bored with a woman as soon as they have sex with her four times. Four times, and they start getting bored and start immediately looking around for new blood, even if the woman they’re fucking is their personal 10.

    Yeah, I’m like that.

    I have enough experience now that I can almost feel the sexual boredom progressively creeping in as the number of fucks increases. I have to take “extreme” measures, like after fucking a woman a few times, stop seeing her for a while so that my attraction to her “resets” and it feels like fucking her for the first time. Annoying!

    What is also annoying is that I’ll get way more turned on by fucking a new girl who is a 6 than a long term FB or mLTR who is 9. Most of my buddies cannot comprehend this…

    I really wish I was wired differently 🙁 I cannot count all the super hot (objectively), cool and funny chick that stopped interesting me sexually. I end up “friendzoning” most of them, because I like their company and we are compatible personality-wise, but I don’t respond to them much sexually anymore.

    I remember that when I was younger I could be turned on by the same girl for way more time than now. I really think I kinda messed my internal wiring up by sleeping with so many chicks so easily (thanks online dating), and now it’s a pattern in my sexuality. The emotional rush of having sex with 1 or 2 new girls every week for years makes regular “dating” pale in comparison, just like a guy doing wingsuit flights is gonna have a hard time being interested in golf.

    What bothers me is that I fear that having sex with that many new girls as I get older is not really sustainable.


  30. Still no love for:

    – Nathalie Emmanuel (way hotter than Emilia)

    – Gemma Arteton (not really my type, but guys seem to like her)

    – Rosamund Pike (think you’ve mentioned her before, I just have a thing for her)

    – Olivia Munn (who doesn’t want to screw Psylocke?)

    And maybe you’d like to check this:

    http://f.i.uol.com.br/fotografia/2015/05/17/512593-970×600-1.jpeg (Aline Riscado)

    You should also take a look at Scarlett in Under the Skin:


    Not the bombshell we’re used to.




  31. Good list. I don’t get too excited about the start from ‘Two Broke Girls’ but the body is nice. Loud makeup is not my thing. A nice natural look even if not perfect will do it for me every time. Ann Nicole and Pamela Anderson were never really that great looking especially without makeup.

    In the early 90’s, I used to love Jane Seymour in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. Her and Lynda Carter from Wonder Woman have aged pretty well.

  32. Hello everyone, Well I did mention up front that a lot of women are picky too so I didn’t intend to single anyone out……but what I meant was in real life.  In real life you will pick people apart; normal people who you actually see in person.  I understand that 100%.  I know that guys are picky too and find physical flaws in women, but I figured they only did that to real life, normal women.

    I was just surprised that guys could still find flaws in women who they’ve only ever seen in online or magazine pictures; at just the right angle; in professional, re-touched photos, where a team of people has spent hours making them look perfect.  I could see men finding flaws if they saw them in real life on an off day.

    Not the bombshell we’re used to

    Eww! yes, bashing in this case is totally justifiable!  I’ve always liked Scarlett, but we all know she has the ability to look way better than that.


  33. Sofia Vergra is straight up hideous. I’m sure the voice she uses in Modern Family is not how she always talks, but I cannot fucking stand that woman (since I don’t know her, she is her Modern Family character to me).

  34. My ex almost-girlfriend is a fashion designer and she explained me once why the fashion models have to be skinny: “They´re walking coat hangers, they must be the least sex-inspiring possible. If you let a woman with a beautiful body show your clothes, everybody will stare at her tits (men lecherously, women jealously) and noone will remember the rags you designed. We can´t have that, can we?”
    That explains a lot, but I still can´t figure how the mainstream media ended up confusing coathangerlikeness with desirability.




    This isn’t an “ABC Afterschool Special” and none of us are going to “learn a valuable lesson” at the end.  Men enjoy looking at beautiful women, and sometimes we compare notes. We all know how photoshop works.  Stop being a buzzkill.  Nobody cares.


    The other reason that fashion models resemble skinny 14 y.o. boys is that fashion is run by gay guys and “ladies of a certain age”.  If straight guys ran fashion, there would be a lot more Booty On Duty and Titty On The Committee.  There would also be more use of primary colors, fewer patterns, and more skin showing.

  36. This isn’t an “ABC Afterschool Special” and none of us are going to “learn a valuable lesson” at the end. Men enjoy looking at beautiful women, and sometimes we compare notes. We all know how photoshop works. Stop being a buzzkill. Nobody cares.

    Mistral!  That wasn’t my point.  I’m not saying that these girls aren’t hot and that they are all just photo-shopped to appear hot.  What I’m saying is that they all look super hot and so I’m surprised that there is any criticism at all.

  37. You’re lumping entertainers into a single category without any understanding that different facial features and body types serve different purposes and appeal to different consumer types.

    You’re also assuming that these celebrated women are being are being selected to appeal to men on a merely sexual level. They aren’t.

    The teen look is an archetype of female attractiveness meant to appeal to young consumers of media, female and men. Many of consumers this archetype is used target are prepubescent themselves.

    Older entertainers are non-threatening archetypes of beauty designed to appeal to consumers of magazine and television: older women, not iPhone-clinging teenagers.

    Runway models have exaggerated height and slimness because those two attributes are associated with the upper class. They’re deployed because their presence is consistent with the wealthy consumer’s fantasy that buying high fashion items can make one high class.

    The final large-breasted woman you posted is an example of a adult entertainment. Consumers of her image are mostly men who are appreciating her mainly for her sexuality. This woman can’t be used to sell music to you teenager daughter; that’s why record companies hire Selena Gomez. Neither can this woman conjure up fantasies of class and good taste that would be needed in a runway show for Balenciaga or Balmsin to sell inventory to the wealthy.

    There is a myth that the media is pushing a new set of female archetypes down men’s throats, when the reality of it is new forms of female beauty have appeared in commercial media mainly to attract different demographic groups of consumers.

  38. @mistral your comment reveals your ignorance about woman’s fashion.

    We live in a free market society. The gay men you vilify would cast porn stars on the runway if that’s what sold inventory. But it doesn’t.

    The consumers of high fashion are wealthy, educated women. You personally may prefer more voluptuous figures walking down the catwalk, but it seems as though you are not the primary consumer of woman’s haute couture.

    The fashion houses go with what makes them money. Tall and skinny = high class. It’s not about sex.

  39. I’ve always liked Scarlett, but we all know she has the ability to look way better than that.

    I like her and would obviously have sex with her but to me she’s not the “perfect 10” most guys think. She has an ok body with a very sexy face and that’s it.

  40. Sofia Vergra is straight up hideous. I’m sure the voice she uses in Modern Family is not how she always talks, but I cannot fucking stand that woman

    I separate how a woman acts/talks from her physical appearance.

    Yes, just like Kim Kardashian, I could never date Sofia Vergara. Her voice would drive me insane by the end of the first date. Even back when I thought Kim Kardashain was super hot, I would always have to mute the TV so I wouldn’t have to hear her grating, annoying voice… but she was still super hot and I’d still hit that.

    You’re lumping entertainers into a single category without any understanding that different facial features and body types serve different purposes and appeal to different consumer types.

    You’re also assuming that these celebrated women are being are being selected to appeal to men on a merely sexual level. They aren’t.

    The teen look is an archetype of female attractiveness meant to appeal to young consumers of media, female and men. Many of consumers this archetype is used target are prepubescent themselves.

    That’s a valid point, and you’re correct, but it doesn’t refute what I’m saying about how Hollywood shoves way-too-skinny women down men’s throats. Men’s throats, not women’s throats or children’s throats. Here’s my proof:

    If a feel-good chick-flick romantic comedy stars a skinny, hipless, tiny breasted woman, that’s fine. I understand the market they’re trying to appeal to. But it goes far beyond that. Just about every action movie in the last 25 years, that is ostensibly geared towards men, features a prominent female who has a skinny body and small boobs, if any. Over and over again, I see that same scene in a movie: a woman in a tiny bikini sensually rises from a pool in slow motion, in a way to appeal sexually to men, and the god damn woman has no hips, no butt, and tiny breasts. It’s gross.

    My point stands. Tiny skinny women are being shoved down men’s throats by Hollywood. It’s bullshit.

  41. To the women who were upset by the comment thread: it seems to me many of you are assuming we’d rate any non-famous woman we meet automatically lower than the ones being “picked apart” here. This is incorrect. Many of us do not consider celebrity or being a model as a direct ticket to being a 9 or 10 on our personal scale, and conversely, many of us can definitely rate a random girl we just met higher than a celebrity other men consider as a 10. I know quite a few normal girls whom I’d be more willing to fuck than Kate Upton or Scarlett, celebrity be damned. The reasoning “if they can find flaws with those perfect female celebrities, then what of us mere mortals ?” is void. But it is true that we get extremely picky when the point is to spot a real, personal 10.

  42. Agree with Rezzy, these images are all market tested to appeal to precisely their market and if they could make more money with something else, that’s what they’d show. Fashion models are tall thin and bitchy looking bc it portrays high class and superiority and who millionaires marry, not who Bubba Joe at the corner pub wants to take for a roll in the hay. Pop stars are pretty in a non threatening manner. Movie stars portray the popularity contest winner in certain niches. Porn stars either look like they’re 15 or look like charicatures with overblown fake cartoonish sexual attributes as if the man viewing is semi blind and can’t see unless the tits/ass/lips are 5 times the normal size.

    To me, boobs (or actually anything resembling two bouncy circles such as two water balloons) is to men precisely what a wiggling string is to my cat…immediately captures its attention and dilates its pupils and makes its behavior uncontrolled regardless of whether it is a nonedible, fake toy or real prey.

    @ Bulma etc Dont worry about men’s inane need to rank and rate to the third decimal point the attractiveness of professionally attractive women . I hear guys do this all the time we even though their own wives/girlfriends/FBS are butt ugly negative fives in comparison to the gorgeous women they find flaw with in images. Of course they also give critical ratings to fancy cars and other things way beyond their reach. One becomes critical when one takes the position of rating and comparing. It’s like a bunch of out of shape guys who couldn’t run around the block sitting around critiquing and arguing about the athletic abilities of pro athletes who would trounce them in real life. Or criticizing the talents of writers, actors, and directors when they couldn’t produce a 60 second youtube video without putting people to sleep. Women don’t seem to have the same need to obsessively critique, rank, and argue about their rankings like men do. Of course I am being a bit hypocritical here bc I like arguing about top 10 best and worst lists sometimes myself.

    But the sense of smugness and entitlement and delusion in such conversations does get annoying. However, theres no point in trying to reason anyone out of it. If you want to shut someone down who is criticizing in a ridiculous manner you hit them emotionally by turning the critical lens directly on them and pointing out their own flaws (or of their loved ones). Be specific. I assure you this works extremely well and they will immediately shut up and backpedal. Examples: Maybe you should go get rid of the roll of fat hanging over your belt before you rip on others. Or. You sure have a lot of opinions about hair for someone who’s losing so much of his. Or. Funny you say that because your daughter has an even bigger nose. Or. Weird, your girlfriend is way fatter than she is so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Or, simply give them a poke in the love handle area and say “you’re one to talk”.

    Of course none of that is going to work on the Internet. But IRL it works like a charm. You gotta be bold and be willing to blatantly insult someone though. Of course I would never do something like that if someone wasn’t already being an overly critical jerk. But if you have to rein someone in it works pretty well, they will usually turn red and stammer and sometimes end up apologizing even though you just insulted them lol. No one wants their own standards turned back at them. It’s hilarious how many times I’ve heard a dude whose favorite topic is rating and ranking female appearance call a woman who discerns based on looks “shallow”.

  43. OMG YAS Kathy Fierro is a walking morph, I only know her from theperfectboobs and never expected to see her here.

    What about my personal favorite for big naturals: September Carrino?

  44. But the sense of smugness and entitlement and delusion in such conversations does get annoying […] If you want to shut someone down […] you hit them emotionally by turning the critical lens directly on them and pointing out their own flaws […] I assure you this works extremely well

    Would never work on me, and it contains a weird assumption. You’re taking it for granted that when we criticize a woman’s physique, we’re also saying that she’s “not worthy of us” or not at our level. The whole idea is flawed. A reasonable person actually CAN criticize a top athlete or writer, because a top athlete or writer’s job is to amaze you and you can give very precise feedback about how amazed (or not) you are, regardless of how *you* stack up in that respect. Our nervous systems are consumers and assessors of whatever evolution conjures up in terms of visual hacking programs. And of course a straight woman’s sexual attractiveness is whatever straight men say it is (and vice versa). You’re usually smarter than this, Kate.

  45. Blackdragon how do I pick up hot women that are of similar quality like the women you spoke about on this post.

    I do not have an issue with getting women but I do not get the women that I perfer often

  46. I see you have a thing for latinas, as do I. They are so hot, selma hayek and sofia vergara and j-lo I would fuck till i die and I’m much younger than they are. Some white women age well. For instance, Elizabeth Hurley, Cindy Crawford, and I’m too drunk to think of any more at the moment but ya, its how you take take of yourself and genetics mixed. O ya Jessica Simpson is still hot.

  47. O and what about

    Top 500

    Mädchen Amick

    from witches of east end and twin peaks. She’s a very hot white girl who ages spectacularly.

  48. It’s hilarious how many times I’ve heard a dude whose favorite topic is rating and ranking female appearance call a woman who discerns based on looks “shallow”.

    Sorry but you’re strawmaning Krypto. I bet the guys commenting here would never do that in front of a woman (unless she’s a very close friend and treated as a “Bro”).

    In my personal experience, all the chodes and jocks who actually do it in an ill way are just insecure dudes projecting their own flaws on someone else.

    Most guys that I know would simply rank chicks for fun and to “trade cards” with their friends, the same BD is doing here. They don’t really care about what you said and absolutely don’t want to harm anyone to feel better about themselves.

  49. To the women who were upset by the comment thread:

    Gil Galad, I think I was the only one :o/  but I wasn’t actually upset, just surprised there was any amount of criticism at all.  I figured all of the comments would be 100% positive.

    The reasoning “if they can find flaws with those perfect female celebrities, then what of us mere mortals?” is void. But it is true that we get extremely picky when the point is to spot a real, personal 10.

    This definitely did cross my mind at the time.  Thanks for explaining the reason behind all this.

    Of course they also give critical ratings to fancy cars and other things way beyond their reach. One becomes critical when one takes the position of rating and comparing. It’s like a bunch of out of shape guys who couldn’t run around the block sitting around critiquing and arguing about the athletic abilities of pro athletes who would trounce them in real life.

    Thanks Kate, this makes a lot of sense too.

  50. @Gil Galad
    “This is incorrect. Many of us do not consider celebrity or being a model as a direct ticket to being a 9 or 10 on our personal scale, and conversely, many of us can definitely rate a random girl we just met higher than a celebrity other men consider as a 10.”


    That’s our their mind works; nothing more than projection. An usual case of men and women not understanding the other sex doesn’t think like they do.

    “My point stands. Tiny skinny women are being shoved down men’s throats by Hollywood. It’s bullshit.”

    You could say there’s a political/sociological agenda behind the thing.
    But then, it’s not only about Hollywood. Sickly skinny women were bade the standard in the fashion world at latest 15 years ago. Same in the ad-sphere.

    You’d hear “psychologists” and other punditry argue that as models these images of women drove women, particularly very young and young women, to anorexia and other mental problems due to feelings of inadequacy.

    So I wonder why it has happened.

  51. @KryptoKate

    Thanks for proving mine and BD’s point.

    You seem to think that men talking about essentially imaginary women, the way we talk about our fantasy sports teams, requires as punishment a vicious personal attack.

    Women have empathy for babies and cute furry animals. Everyone else has better watch out if they offend in the most trivial way.

  52. @Bulma78
    While I have a very specific physical type of woman I adore, I don’t engage in this kind of specific talk (cutting a girl from a photo apart with my guy friends), believe me, I have seen and experienced far worse behavior from women in real life and online. So many girls that label guys creepy that they just don’t find physically attractive or socially awkward (think the Tom Brady SNL skit). Girls who openly admit to me some guy they are talking shit about behavior wise had nothing to do with anything that ‘he said or did’ (what is there to critique at that point)? Girls who flake no matter how well an in person interaction went – New story from the last one I told you, met two girls at a bar who talked to ME first, we ended up all going back to my place for a bottle of wine, when they left they said they had to take me out for lunch since I got their tab at the bar (just did it on a whim because it was flattering to have two girls talk to me when I showed up thinking I was going to drink alone) and took my number down. Even going out just as friends would have been fine. Never heard from them and messaged one on Facebook once. A girl from a speed dating event didn’t pick me, but we exchanged Kind words, nothing offensive, like she is gorgeous, I would be honored to take her to dinner. A few weeks later on a blog I saw and recognized her first name in an article where she not only described the event as full of unattractive, ineligible bachelors, but named me by first name. I was so offended but in a way not surprised. You will never ever see a guy flake on a girl after a positive interaction that he finds cute but the other way around is not only common, it’s expected, because for the girl, the ‘timing’ was off. Online dating openly demonstrates how much more picky and fickle women are about men, it’s men who have to come up with detailed strategies just to make sure the date happens, even after a women has said yes. Compare the number of deal breakers women have online for a reply, let alone a meetup, to men, and we know who is the pickier sex. Just being clear, women cut apart men for non merit based behavior way more than the other way around.

  53. Scarlett Johannson just announced that she thinks monogamy is “unnatural” in the new playboy march/april 2017 edition. This is taken from the Fox News website (No, that is not where I first found it):

    “I think the idea of marriage is very romantic; it’s a beautiful idea, and the practice of it can be a very beautiful thing,” said the actress. “I don’t think it’s natural to be a monogamous person. I might be skewered for that, but I think it’s work. It’s a lot of work.”
    “And the fact that it is such work for so many people — for everyone — the fact of that proves that it is not a natural thing. It’s something I have a lot of respect for and have participated in, but I think it definitely goes against some instinct to look beyond.”

    Certainly hit the nail on the head with that statement.

  54. Charlotte McKinney

    Good boobs. The rest okay.

    Sabrina Salerno

    Not my type.

    Nathalie Emmanuel

    Really not my type. She’s a “type” girl. There are certain guys who are going to really be into that, and other guys (like me) who just shrug.

    Gemma Arteton

    Gross. Always thought so. They were able to make her slightly cute in Hansel and Gretel, but even then, no.

    Rosamund Pike

    Yeah, very hot, but not good enough for a top 10 list.

    Olivia Munn

    Hot, but she doesn’t quite do it for me. Something about her face mixed with that black hair.

    Aline Riscado

    Yeah she’s pretty hot. I hate tats though.

    You should also take a look at Scarlett in Under the Skin:

    Yeah, I scanned through that movie (it was too boring and weird to actually watch) and remember thinking that she’s hotter with her clothes on than naked in this movie. I still think she’s super hot though.

    Ann Nicole and Pamela Anderson were never really that great looking especially without makeup.

    Yes, but you could say that about the vast majority of hot women, famous or not.

    In the early 90’s, I used to love Jane Seymour in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. Her and Lynda Carter from Wonder Woman have aged pretty well.

    Hell yes, I agree!

    To me, boobs (or actually anything resembling two bouncy circles such as two water balloons) is to men precisely what a wiggling string is to my cat…immediately captures its attention and dilates its pupils and makes its behavior uncontrolled regardless of whether it is a nonedible, fake toy or real prey.

    Mmmmm. Boobs.

    Women don’t seem to have the same need to obsessively critique, rank, and argue about their rankings like men do.

    That’s true, and I agree with the gist of your comment, however, this doesn’t invalidate what I said about about women being more picky than men. They are.

    Well, BD.   No ONE is going to accuse you of having bad taste.

    Every man needs a mutant like Kathy Fierro in his life. 🙂

    Blackdragon how do I pick up hot women that are of similar quality like the women you spoke about on this post.

    I do not have an issue with getting women but I do not get the women that I perfer often

    Stop hitting up women you don’t find attractive. Seriously, that’s 80% of it right there. Too many guys get into comfort zones with fucking mediocre women.

    As I’ve said many times, getting 7’s, 8’s, and often 9’s is just as easy as getting 5’s and 6’s provided you don’t compliment appearance or get too needy and ass-kissy. (Getting 10’s is indeed harder.)

    I see you have a thing for latinas, as do I.

    Actually, I don’t. I tend to avoid latinas because they’re too much drama and the almost always start getting fat once they hit age 22 or so.

    Vergara and Hayek are odd celebrity exceptions to the rule. In other words, I just happen to have two latinas on my celebrity short list, but I’m not into latinas.

    Elizabeth Hurley, Cindy Crawford

    Beautiful faces, way too skinny, even in the 90’s. I hate the model look. Yuck.

    Mädchen Amick

    Certainly ages well but she’s not hot.

    You could say there’s a political/sociological agenda behind the thing.
    But then, it’s not only about Hollywood. Sickly skinny women were bade the standard in the fashion world at latest 15 years ago. Same in the ad-sphere.

    I don’t think it’s a conspiracy. I think it’s the result of most casting people in Hollywood or decision makers in the fashion industry being either women or gay men. These people tend to like stick-skinny women, smaller breasts, boyish looks, etc.

    If the casting in these industries were instead run by typical, beer-drinking men, you’d see much more women of the kind I like portrayed in these industries. See porn and strippers, for example.

    You’d hear “psychologists” and other punditry argue that as models these images of women drove women, particularly very young and young women, to anorexia and other mental problems due to feelings of inadequacy.

    Yes, and the irony is these same models were hand-picked by other women, not men.

    As I’ve said many times, women are a far bigger threat to women than men are.

    Scarlett Johannson just announced that she thinks monogamy is “unnatural”

    Good. Now if the rest of society could snap out of it and realize this also…

  55. The way women can’t understand men’s fascination with arguing the minutiae of women’s physiques just reminded me of this, from a prehistoric saga:

    They were still talking about flint, Ayla realized. They never seemed to tire of it. The material and its potential never ceased to fascinate them. The more they learned, the more it stimulated their interest. She could appreciate flint and toolmaking […] But she had never heard the subject discussed in such exhaustive detail.

    The ironic part is that that saga (Earth’s Children, by J.M Auel) is supposed to be at least a little feministy. There are at least three general subjects where women will always be puzzled by how detail-obsessed men can be: women’s physique, muscle, and “craftsmanship” or obsession with big/complex mechanisms, probably derived from how prehistoric men must’ve been obsessed with debating big hunts and hunting equipment. Didn’t some feminazis say that “interest in the details of mechanisms is a sign of ‘testosterone poisoning'”?

  56. As I’ve said many times, getting 7’s, 8’s, and often 9’s is just as easy as getting 5’s and 6’s provided you don’t compliment appearance or get too needy and ass-kissy. (Getting 10’s is indeed harder.)

    If “objective” scales don’t exist, then it should follow that her “number” should have zero correlation to how hard it is to get her. So how do you come up with [7,8,9]s are just as easy as [5,6]s but 10s are harder? Is is because of internal reasons (psyching yourself out)?

    Also Alison Brie, one of the very few hot women on TV (most women on regular network TV are not attractive to me):



  57. If “objective” scales don’t exist, then it should follow that her “number” should have zero correlation to how hard it is to get her.

    Incorrect. The specific assignment of an objective number between 1 and 10 doesn’t exist, but the categories of ugly, average, cute, and hot do exist objectively (more or less, since lines are often blurred between cute and hot), and most women have a good idea where they fall in relation to those four categories.

    So yes, a “ten” is going to be harder to fuck than a “five.” Objectively, the “ten” is hot, the “five” is average. What I’m saying is that there will be no consensus on exactly what a “ten” or a “five” looks like.

    So how do you come up with [7,8,9]s are just as easy as [5,6]s but 10s are harder? Is is because of internal reasons (psyching yourself out)?

    I’ll have more to say about this a little later, but the summary is that tens know they’re tens, but 8-9’s often are self conscious as hell, with shitty self-concepts about their own appearance, and think they’re 5’s, 6’s, or 7’s. So if you simply treat 8’s and 9’s like 5’s and 6’s, they’re just as easy (though there are always exceptions). When you treat an 8 or a 9 as an 8 or 9, you actually make it harder on yourself. (Again I will state is is no such thing as an objective 8 or 9, but there’s no other easy way to communicate this concept.)

    Alison Brie

    Semi-ugly face.

    See what I mean about no consensus? 🙂

  58. @Renderdefender

    Saw this today as well about Scarlett not believing in monogamy.  Very promising to see public figure admitting it.  Have to wonder if the reason she just divorced was due to her and/or him fucking around on the other.

    I’m sure if you read any comments to her statements out there you’ll see a lot of vitriol though and the usual SP statements about monogamy being the only “true” way to love and raise a family, etc…

    I’m still hopeful in the next 10-20 years that these more unconventional lifestyle become more mainstream but I’m not holding my breath either.  SP is a nasty bitch and won’t go quietly.

  59. Scarlett Johansson is the absolute hottie in my book. I like everything about her! Lips, ass, tits and overall body. I’m an ass man, so I notice that first in most cases.

    Having said that, there is not a woman on this list that anyone reading this blog would turn down should the opportunity arise. Not a one and that’s a fact!

  60. @CrabRangoon

    I’ve got a solution to escape this SP-bullshit: Let’s move to some tropical island and found a new country there. Let’s call it Blackdragonland. BD writes our constitution and is our president. He wants to move out of the US anyway. We’ll invite all the Scarlett Johanssons of the world to this island. There will be an immigration ban for anyone who believes in monogamy. Bang! Problem solved. I would be glad to share Scarlett with you in this utopia. 😉

  61. Incorrect. The specific assignment of an objective number between 1 and 10 doesn’t exist, but the categories of ugly, average, cute, and hot doexist objectively (more or less, since lines are often blurred between cute and hot), and most women have a good idea where they fall in relation to those four categories.

    OK, I understand what you mean and this basically matches up with my observations so I don’t disagree. But I still don’t see how you can claim that a “10” is always harder to pick up than a 7/8/9 in that case. Especially since the lines are blurred between cute and hot like you say.
    For example, let’s say a majority of guys think Megan Fox is a 10 and go to pick her up. According to your difficulty scale, these guys will have a very tough time picking her up. But a guy who thinks she’s “decent” and a 7 or even “hot” and a 9 will magically have no problem picking her up simply because of his own opinions. When in reality, Megan Fox will probably still reject this guy just like the rest because she thinks that she is a 10. Given these scenarios, it doesn’t make any sense to put “10s” in their own difficulty box because [7-10]s are all considered either cute or hot by the general population, [5-6]s are all considered average or “fuckable” and [1-4]s are all considered ugly. Rather than ranking the difficulty by how hot the man thinks they are, it makes more sense to rank their difficulty by their own personal perception of how hot they are (which would of course be impossible to predict a priori). A “10” difficulty would just be a girl who has enough ass-kissers in her life that she thinks she’s a 10, even if the guy approaching thinks she’s a 7.

    Semi-ugly face.

    Admittedly, she has no business trying to do the “sexy-face” and should instead just do a regular smile. Of course if you still think her face is ugly there’s obviously no convincing you.

  62. Hey BD Miley Cyrus probably bangs like a dunny door she be a mad shag Plus she can sing too Nice looking celbs come and go Its the ones with talent that stay in the limelight You don’t hear much of Paris Hilton anymore or Pamela Anderson She had a boob reduction not long ago She had back problems Did you see a TV Show Mad Men lots of women in that that had curves

  63. BD writes our constitution and is our president.

    President? No.


    That’s better.

    But I still don’t see how you can claim that a “10” is always harder to pick up than a 7/8/9 in that case.

    I never say always. There are always exceptions. But generally speaking, yes, they are harder.

    Especially since the lines are blurred between cute and hot like you say.

    I said they can be blurred, not that they are blurred. The vast majority of men see a clear difference between cute (Ellen Page) and hot (Candice Swanepoel). It’s just that sometimes these lines can be blurred depending on the two women you’re talking about.

    For example, let’s say a majority of guys think Megan Fox is a 10 and go to pick her up. According to your difficulty scale, these guys will have a very tough time picking her up.

    Not necessarily a “very tough time.” You keep exaggerating my words. I’m not Wolf who thinks these women are near-impossible. But a harder time, yes.

    But a guy who thinks she’s “decent” and a 7 or even “hot” and a 9 will magically have no problem picking her up simply because of his own opinions.

    No, but he will have a less hard time getting her than a guy who has the mental baggage of thinking she’s a perfect 10.

    When in reality, Megan Fox will probably still reject this guy just like the rest because she thinks that she is a 10.

    That is also possible, yes, since, under our hypothetical, Megan Fox is a 10 who knows she’s a 10. Correct.

    Given these scenarios, it doesn’t make any sense to put “10s” in their own difficulty box because [7-10]s are all considered either cute or hot by the general population

    Where you’re wrong is that there isn’t hordes of men who think a 10 is a 7. Most men will consider a 10 a 9 or an 8. The distance between 10 and 7 is pretty large, so it’s going to be somewhat rare to find a woman with lots of guys thinking she’s a 10 and lots of other guys thinking she’s a seven. Hot is hot, generally speaking (and there are always exceptions).

  64. Hey BD Miley Cyrus probably bangs like a dunny door she be a mad shag Plus she can sing too

    As I’ve already said twice now, I’m only talking here about physical appearance, not sexual or singing skill, or any other non-physical trait.

  65. Ever been to Sweden, BD?

    No, but it’s on my list. I’ve heard a lot about your women, both the good and the bad. 🙂

  66. Damn dude, and you are planning on re-writing your book in a Chinese version? I assume that means you’ll live here for a period of time, date a lot of women and tune your system until it works here. If these are your body types, you are gonna have a _really_ hard time finding women you’re attracted to lol…

  67. Damn dude, and you are planning on re-writing your book in a Chinese version? I assume that means you’ll live here for a period of time, date a lot of women and tune your system until it works here. If these are your body types, you are gonna have a _really_ hard time finding women you’re attracted to lol…

    No, I will have to co-write it with someone with lots of Chinese woman experience.

  68. You will never ever see a guy flake on a girl after a positive interaction that he finds cute but the other way around is not only common, it’s expected, because for the girl, the ‘timing’ was off. Online dating openly demonstrates how much more picky and fickle women are about men, it’s men who have to come up with detailed strategies just to make sure the date happens, even after a women has said yes.

    Johnny Doe, I know it should be easy, like either a simple yes or no thing, but the whole thing is very delicate apparently.  I mean, all of these social settings and girls who probably go out multiple nights of the week and meet guys in all of these places.  They are probably talking to at least one guy while continuing to meet others; they are getting high off of the attention.  Then add in the pickiness……..oh, and throw in the blogs, facebook, instagram, etc. and all of that other superficial garbage too and I can see why it is that these girls flake so often.  I don’t know why it is that guys are most likely not going to flake on a girl.  I can only see this happening if they are some player that dates tons of women.

  69. @Bulma78
    And it is fine, I agree with everything that you are saying. I am acutely aware of how many channels women have to meet people. And I am not just referring to ultra hot girls out of my league – I didnt even think the two girls I met were stunning, their insistence on meeting up again, then disappearing just surprised me. I have been on the receiving end of that many times. So have better looking and more charismatic guy friends. It goes back to our original exchange on a different article, where you told me it looks like girls are having all the fun but that is not true. Does your own reply above prove the opposite?. My bigger point was that guys go through so much scrutiny before the first meet up/date, whether the approach is in real life or online. Not for sex, just for a conversation in a safe public place. You never really see or understand what that is like because you only see the guy that you pick, not the countless others who didnt make the cut. All you need to do is say yes. I personally dont care to cut aparr womans picture in the locker room, but do really care or find it unacceptable? Not really. You are never going to see women say ‘yeah maybe its wrong to ghost on a guy who did nothing wrong, even if i have countless other guys giving me attention.’ You wont see other women denouncing it. It is what it is. Same goes for ultra scrutiny of women celebrity photos.

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