30 Oct What To Do When She Tells You She’s Pregnant

It is perhaps the greatest fear men in the dating world have, particularly those in the US or Canada where child support laws are ridiculously unfair and oppressive towards men. She tells you she’s pregnant, or at least thinks she is. Regardless of if she’s just a FB or your serious girlfriend, you freak out. It’s actually worse if she’s just a FB, but regardless, it’s not a fun day.I have written extensively on this blog and in my relationships book on how to take all the precautions necessary to ensure you never get a woman pregnant by accident.
-By Caleb Jones
They’re not difficult if you just take a little time to prepare and control yourself. I’m an example of this. Despite having sex with a huge number of women over the last ten years, both with and without condoms, and despite having an extreme amount of sex as compared to the average man (on average 3 times a week for the past 10 years straight with no dry spells), I have never gotten a woman pregnant by accident.
I just want to reiterate that being a little organized in your sex life so as to have lots of sex without getting an STD or getting anyone pregnant is not difficult. If you ever have a serious scare where a woman is legitimately possibly pregnant from you, that means you were stupid and it’s all your fault.
So don’t be a dumbass. In a world with 11 forms of birth control, plus condoms, plus ovulation tracking apps, plus TRT, plus being able to control your own cock and pull out, plus vasectomy, there really is no excuse if you get a woman preggo by accident or seriously think you have. You were just stupid. So don’t be stupid.
I’m not going to rehash all the pregnancy prevention techniques here; today is about what to do after all of that, and you have a woman you’re seeing sexually telling you that she’s either pregnant or strongly suspects she is.I have some experience here, in that twice in my life a FB or MLTR came to me saying she thought she was pregnant, or late on her period, or whatever. Two other times, an ex-MLTR or ex-FB had a baby that she suspected was mine. In all four cases, there was no baby or the baby wasn’t mine (because I’m not stupid) and I handled the situation calmly and cleanly, as I’m going to show you how to do now.
I’ll cover all three scenarios, 1) when she really isn’t pregnant at all, 2) when she’s pregnant, but it’s not your baby, and 3) she’s pregnant and it is your baby (i.e. you were stupid).
Whenever a woman tells you she’s pregnant, or strongly suspects she’s pregnant, here’s what you do.
1. Calm the fuck down.
The odds are very high, as in well beyond 50%, that either she’s not pregnant at all and she’s just dumb, or doesn’t understand her own body, or is trying to manipulate you in some way. Even if she is pregnant, the odds are quite good the baby isn’t yours, and the younger she is, the more likely this is true.
So calm the fuck down. I have seen guys on blogs, forums, and in real life go absolutely apeshit and turn into freaked-out spazoids when some girl comes to them and tells them they’re pregnant. Take a deep breath, relax, and turn on your brain. The odds are on your side. Don’t assume anything. Don’t admit anything. Women, particularly younger women, “think they’re pregnant” all the damn time. Women also try to manipulate men by lying about pregnancy all the time. Don’t freak out, don’t fall for it, and relax. Proceed with calmness and rationality… good advice for any surprising situation, by the way.
2. Figure out the dates.
Once you calm down, pull up a calendar and determine the last time (or times) you had sex with her. From this, you can quickly extrapolate if it’s even possible the baby (if there is one) is yours at all.
Years ago, with one of the women who thought her baby was mine, I determined the date of birth of the baby, then deduced nine months and came up with a conception date of on or around December 15th. Just one problem. The last time her and I had sex was November 13th, a good 32 days prior. (I knew the exact date because I track everything on spreadsheets, as always.) Could the baby have been mine? Not really. With a week or two of variance, possibly, but an entire month? Nope. A later paternity test showed that, of course, the baby was not mine. It belonged to some other dumbass she had sex with shortly after me.
I’m not saying you need to meticulously track your sex life on spreadsheets like I do, since you probably don’t write blogs and books about dating and relationship management like me. Yet, you should still have a pretty clear idea of the time frame in which you last had sex with her. It’s possible by just figuring out the dates you can rule yourself out as a father.
3. Mentally review the last time.
Let’s say the dates do fall into a zone where she could be pregnant from you. Now you need to examine exactly what happened the last time (or times) you had sex. Did you wear a condom? Did you wear a condom the entire time? Did you not wear a condom? Was it your condom or one of hers? Did you cum inside her? Were you drunk while having sex and don’t really remember? And so on.
If you’re confident you were lucid and wore a condom that was good and snug the entire time, and the condom was one of yours and not hers, then you’re probably in the clear. The odds are astronomically small you impregnated her under these conditions.If you did not wear a condom, particularly if you came inside her, then unfortunately your odds have gone up, but you’re not done yet.
4. Give her a pregnancy test ASAP.
The next step is to administer a pregnancy test to her ASAP, ideally right then and there if you can. I always have two pregnancy tests of different brands in my bathroom, ready to go, for just such an occasion. I’ve had to use them only twice in ten years, but in both cases they gave me a huge sigh of relief.
Every man reading these words needs to have two pregnancy tests in his bathroom along with some tiny plastic cups. Note that pregnancy tests have expiration dates, so replace them as needed.
Immediately walk her into your bathroom, hand her a plastic cup, and tell her to pee in it. Once she’s done, administer the pregnancy test yourself (do not let her do it). It is usually a small brush that you dip in the pee for a few seconds, then you wait about two minutes to see if it comes up pregnant or not. Do this with both tests (two different brands) just to be sure.
Home pregnancy kits are not very accurate until after she has already missed a period, so be aware of this. Frankly, most women aren’t going to think they’re pregnant until they’re late anyway, so this shouldn’t be a big deal.
What if she tells you she’s pregnant over the phone or social media and she’s not actually standing in front of you? Be super nice, super sweet, don’t act angry or nervous, and tell her to come over to your place immediately, today if possible. Even offer to go over to her place if necessary… and bring your plastic cups and pregnancy tests (or get them on the way over), again, the same day if possible. Cancel appointments or work if you have to. Get over there (or her over to your place) as fast as you can. Do not tell her you’re going to pregnancy test her. Just see her, talk to her, and walk her right into the bathroom to get the test done. Obviously you can’t force her to do anything, but do your best.
If the pregnancy test comes up negative on both tests and it’s after the point where she would have normally had a period, then congratulations, you’re in the clear. She’s not pregnant. If it appears as if she was trying to manipulate you, hard next the bitch immediately. You don’t need someone like that in your life. If instead it appears that she was legitimately concerned about this and just had a late period or didn’t understand her own body (common with some younger women or less sexually experienced women), then give her a big hug and tell her no worries.
If she tells you she’s pregnant via the phone and she refuses to see you so you can test her, then clearly you’re at a disadvantage, but that might be a good sign. She may be lying, and may think you might try to administer a pregnancy test to discover her deception.
If this is the case, tell her you’re going to refuse to communicate with her any more until you two can see each other in person (at her place or your place) so you can “discuss it.” (Women love “discussing” things.) Again, do not tell her you’re going to pregnancy test her. This removal of attention may push her over the edge to agree to see you.
5. Get an abortion, if possible.
What if the pregnancy tests come up positive?
I am not going to argue the moral or ethical aspects of abortion, since I already did that here. I’m only here to talk about how to best handle this scenario for minimal long-term damage to both you and her. The “and her” part is important, because if a woman has a baby outside of a financially stable and committed relationship, the odds of her and the child suffering lifetime poverty increase around 87% the last time I looked at the figures. Being a single mother is horrible, horrible, horrible, and you want to save her from this nightmare, as well as your own.
Tell her that you care about her, and care about her future, and want the best for her (hopefully this is true), but that you know that neither her nor you are ready for all the financial costs and stress of a child yet. Tell her you’ll make an appointment for an abortion right then and there, and that you will pay for the entire thing, and that you will take her in personally and hold her hand throughout the entire process, as well as the rest of the day and perhaps even the day after that.
If she agrees, do it. It will be the best money you’ve ever spent. Really do take care of her that day and perhaps the day after. Cancel work if necessary; it’s that important. Be very nice and caring, since getting an abortion can be emotionally difficult for some women (but it’s not nearly as emotionally difficult as raising a child as a single mother for 20 years… remember that!). Do whatever is necessary to make her comfortable during the process, but do everything you can to get that abortion. No, you can’t force her, but you can lean on her as hard as you can, and should. Again, this is what is best for her as well.
6. Establish paternity.
What if she refuses the abortion? Or, what if she refuses to see you at all for a pregnancy test, yet you know for sure she’s pregnant?
This is when things get more difficult, but you’re still not stuck yet.
Either nicely ask (if you’re on good terms with her) or demand (if you’re not) that you need to get a prenatal paternity test done. This is called a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity or NIPP. All she needs to do is get a blood test, and you don’t even have to be there. Then you get a blood test and they verify paternity of the baby that way. Offer to pay for the entire thing if there’s a cost associated with it. It’s 99.9% accurate. It can be done any time after the woman is eight weeks pregnant (which means that, unfortunately, you’ll have to wait if she’s less than eight weeks).
If she refuses to get this done, it’s time to play hardball. Get some balls and tell her that you will never communicate with her ever again. If that doesn’t convince her, then cut off all contact and completely ignore any contact she sends your way, forever, unless it’s to get the NIPP done. During this time, you’re just going to have to wait and see if the baby is yours after the baby is born. There’s not much else you can do; the laws are on her side at this point.
If a paternity test shows you are the father…
Then congrats, dumbass. You just heavily damaged your financial life for the next 18 years. Good job.
Make the decision of how much of this child you want in your life. Account for the fact that you’ll need to go through her to do it, for the next 18 years. If you want to be a hands-on father and you more or less get along with the mother, sit down with her and write up a parenting plan and file it with your local courthouse. This will determine visitation.
If you don’t want the child in your life, just be nice and let her know that. You’ll still have to pay child support though (unless you break the law, get paid under the table for the next 18 years, flee the country, or something extreme like that).
Regardless of whether you want to be involved with the child or not, contact a family attorney or your local state / province government to see how much child support the government will force you at gunpoint to pay her for the next 18 years. Put that amount in your monthly budget (it’s not tax deducible, so you’re fucked), and increase your income so that it doesn’t put a hamper on your long-term financial goals.
If you start having lots of problems with the mother, follow the advice I give in this article. Going to war with her is not the answer. You have better things to do.
Whatever you decide to do, for fuck’s sake, be more careful in the future with your sex! This was your fault!
If a paternity test shows you are not the father…
Give yourself a high-five. I have been “not the father” twice now, and man, it’s a good feeling. Mentally laugh at the other dumbass who now has to pay her child support for 18 years while you go on with your wonderful, Alpha 2.0 life, and while you keep right on having sex with her (if you want).Should you keep having sex with a woman who has a baby which is not yours? Of course! Why the hell not? I have many times. Obviously, if you feel she tried to lie or manipulate you, then you should hard next her and move on. But if that’s not the case (and usually it isn’t), keep right on having sex with the mother (ideally as a FB; a MLTR relationship might be complicated) as she goes into her child custody battle with the moron who impregnated her. Again, I’ve done this with many FB’s and MLTR’s over the years who were dumb enough to have babies with other guys. Doesn’t bother me a bit. Outcome independence!
If a paternity test is not possible because she absolutely won’t agree to one or to see you…
Wait a few months, then do some detective work to see if she really is pregnant. Check her out on social media, hit up her family or mutual friends, and do whatever you need to do to find out.
If five months later she’s clearly not pregnant, then no worries, you win.
If instead it’s obvious that she’s pregnant (her belly is super fat, she’s posting ultrasound pics on her Facebook page, etc), and you’ve checked the dates and sexual scenario to the point where you think the baby really could be yours, then you can’t let this slide. She can literally put your name down as the father, then wait several years and throw the government on you to collect all of your past child support whenever she wants your cash, and the government will do her bidding and go after you even if you prove you’re not the biological father.
Isn’t that nice?
The slight good news is that this applies to other men in her life as well. If you see that she’s getting married to another guy, you’re in the clear. Even if the baby is biologically yours, he will be stuck with the child support for the kid when she divorces his ass.
But if it looks like she’s still more or less single (or has a casual boyfriend but not someone she’s engaged to), then you need to address this at some point. It could be while she’s pregnant, it could be after the baby is born, but at some point, to calm your nerves and to protect yourself legally, you need to get some kind of paternity test done, unless she does one herself and it indicates another guy.
You’ll have to make the decision as to when to do this and how to approach her for this, but I’m just saying it needs to get done. Don’t let it slide for years, only to get some kind of government summons saying you owe thousands of dollars in child support. Even if a paternity test at that time shows you aren’t the father, it likely won’t help at all. As usual, the government will more than likely be on her side, not yours.
(That applies to countries like the US, Canada, and possibly Australia. More overtly socialist countries, like many in Europe, won’t really care or enforce these things. They’ll just force your neighbor at gunpoint to clean up your mess (ah, socialism). As always, check with your local laws.)
And again, don’t be a dumbass. Only have babies that you pre-plan. It’s not that hard.
If you’re in Europe, India, or the Middle East, I’m doing a Alpha 2.0 business seminar in Dubai in November. Check it out here for more details.
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Posted at 05:17 am, 30th October 2017Hey BD, I’m in a similar predicament except I live in the Philippines. Just to be clear, this woman is just a FB and I have stopped seeing her but she contacted me 2 months later saying she’s pregnant. I have no intention of being a father yet made the mistake of not wearing a condom before fucking her. Just to be clear, I always pull out and did not cum inside her. Of course initially I wanted to get a pregnancy test but she’s being dodgy which leads me to suspect she’s not really pregnant. Anyhow, the laws here regarding child support arent strict compared to other western countries and I feel like hard nexting her is the best option after learning of her refusal to get an abortion. (we talked about this in social media) Any thoughts on the situation?
Posted at 07:22 am, 30th October 2017So you advise to wait 8 weeks after conception for the NIPP paternity test, yet in your other post on abortion you say you’re anti-abortion after 8-10 weeks since the embryo is developing organs.
So you would encourage abortion (if FB/MLTR) without getting the paternity test first?
Are there any other options to establish paternity earlier than 8 weeks after conception?
Posted at 07:54 am, 30th October 2017If you live in a country where abortion is illegal, and you don’t know what to do, get in contact with local feminist groups, they will refer you to a trustworthy contact that can provide Mifepristone and Misoprostol doses. Abortion by pills in these cases are the safest according to the World Health Organization. You could probably start looking here https://womenhelp.org/en/page/regional-resources. If you cant find anyone who you trust, then you have https://www.womenonweb.org/ , they’ll ships abortion pills to you.
Yes, feminist saved my ass
Posted at 08:11 am, 30th October 2017Well, she’s contacting you because either you’re the father or she doesn’t know who is. And let’s assume the pregnancy is unplanned and you’re not ready to have a child with that woman. Given this, an abortion is in her best interests regardless of what the paternity test might show.
Posted at 08:54 am, 30th October 2017I have a friend who’s an obstetrician (save that information).
He’s Alpha (1.0) and loves to fuck since he was a teen. Anyway, he got divorced not that long ago and started to date again. Last time I saw him he was dating a cute nurse who looked like the twin sister of his ex-wife LOL. From that point on, here’s what he did:
1) got sex with heaps of women without using a condom or any kind of birth control;
2) had sex with this one chick who got pregnant…the chick pushed hard and threatened him saying she was sure he was the father (remember, he’s a successful doctor so he has social status plus a lot of money);
3) he demanded a paternity test, his doctor friends did it and it came out negative;
4) after her baby was born, he had sex with her again (I know) without using a condom (I know) or any other kind of birth control (I know);
5) She got pregnant again. She pushed him (again), they did a paternity test (again) and this time he was the father (YEY!);
In other words, a guy who studied his whole life how human reproduction works had sex without condom or birth control with a chick who already had tried to con a kid into his life.
Wish I could write fiction like that, but my imagination does not go that far.
Posted at 09:33 am, 30th October 2017@POB
Thanks for Hearing, that stort was englihtening (and hillarious).
I have a friend who got a hot but mentally unstable 18 year old pregnant, and even though he completely dodged a bullet since she got an abortion, he still goes bare-dicked into any sexual encounter (regardless of whether she is on birth control or not). I’ll be laughing at him in a few years.
As for the article: you are spot on about the child support in the more socialist countries. I know a woman who got into a relationship with a pretty decent head chef in a rush, and they made a baby in the first year.
As you already predicted, the NRE wore off after three years and they split.
Rather than him paying child support, she started going to school again (she was already a hairdresser) and received thousands from the government each month. She had more money each month than she ever would have gotten as a full-time hairdresser. And he doesn’t pay a dime.
Then I can pay 41% income tax so he doesn’t have to pay for his kids.
Of course this story is nothing compared to the cultural enriched who make 5 kids and has the government pay for themselves, their kids, their house and everything else, but that’s a debate for another day.
Posted at 10:16 am, 30th October 2017The first time I had sex at 17 the condom broke.. So I went through this event right at the start LOL
IT is a very scary reality to have to face until you get the text that she gets her “Period”.
Even if she made it up for attention.. I didn’t Hard Next her though being she was 16 at the time, I’m not going to hold any of that drama against her being we were kids.
Posted at 10:26 am, 30th October 2017I can’t wait until some good technological way to make yourself temporary infertile is invented. The this whole “pregnancy scare” crap will be a thing of the past.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:48 am, 30th October 2017Another Test
Gil Galad
Posted at 11:27 am, 30th October 2017Vasectomy reversal is improving, and I intend to keep an eye on those improvements. There’s also sperm retrieval for men with a vasectomy.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:41 am, 30th October 2017Just follow the step by step instructions above. She likely isn’t pregnant. And yes, I don’t think your government is anywhere near as strict as Western ones (Phillipines is near-thrird-world), so you don’t have the concern men in my world would in the same situation.
More or less, yes. (You misstated the reasoning behind my opinion on abortion, but I understand what you’re saying.)
Absolutely! WTF? Don’t wait for a paternity test! Are you crazy? If she’s pregnant and you might be the father get the abortion done ASAP.
That was a very dumb question.
Not that I know of, but again, if she’s pregnant and you might be the father, it isn’t relevant at all.
Men can be so fucking stupid.
I’ve seen guys do this too.
Yep. Are you going to move out of Scandinavia yet, or to continue to sit there and make more excuses?
There will be in a few years, but it will be a while. Read this.
Posted at 12:45 pm, 30th October 2017What if you are proactive during the pregnancy, but she refuses the paternity test, stops communicating, and when the baby is born puts your name down as the father (without knowing 100% if it is or is not yours)? Would you still be on the hook? Do you have any legal rights or rectification to prove if the baby is or is not yours? Seems very unjust that a woman can put any man’s name down as the father without the possible father having the opportunity to prove this.
Posted at 01:03 pm, 30th October 2017I can’t wait til the Bimek SLV gets launched. Then I’m going to become a cyborg!
Posted at 01:06 pm, 30th October 2017Hey BD, for some reason my comment doesn’t get published.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:06 pm, 30th October 2017In the US or Canada, yes. That is my point.
That depends on the state/province, but generally speaking the answer is “very little.” I can’t give more specifics because it’s so location dependent. However when Jack sees this I’m sure he’ll write a screaming, ranting, six-page comment about this and he may be able to provide more info.
Yes. The entire US/Canadian family court system is unjust against men in the extreme. That’s why you can’t get any women pregnant by accident. Literally no one will be on your side.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:11 pm, 30th October 2017Read the last two paragraphs here.
Posted at 02:41 pm, 30th October 2017>In the US or Canada, yes. That is my point.
That seems…very wrong. Why even have sex with the dude first? Just get pregnant from some random guy and put ‘Bill Gates’ as the father. Then go after him in 5 years for back child support…no, he wasn’t notified, no he couldn’t do anything to prevent it.
Of course that’s an extreme example, but how does saying ‘there’s no chance I’m the father because we last had sex 1 year before the pregnancy’ help anything? She says ‘no, We ran into each other at a party and had sex in the bathroom which got me pregnant’ after the kid is 3. There has to be more to it than that…
(I get its peace of mind for yourself, but if she wants to put your name down and does, and refuses to let you do a paternity test…even if you had no chance of being the father…)
Mike Hunter
Posted at 03:00 pm, 30th October 2017Black Dragon: Have you ever gone though the whole abortion process with a woman? I live in Florida and they make the woman make two trips, as well as view an ultrasound of the fetus. They also see the woman separately and ask them ‘if anyone including their partner is coercing them into having an abortion’. It seems like these steps which are legally required by the Christian Taliban would make it a lot harder to get the abortion done if the woman is on the fence.
Any thoughts about ordering Mifepristone over the internet and trying to get her to take the pill right there to induce an abortion instead?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:47 pm, 30th October 2017Yes, it’s very wrong.
(I’m surprised so many of you are this surprised to hear this.)
If she said Bill Gates it probably wouldn’t fly in court if she tried to go after him because they would be too many inconsistencies (Was she in Seattle when the baby was conceived? Is there any evidence she knew the famous and powerful Bill Gates? etc).
But! If she picked a normal, random guy who she knew, in her social circle who made decent money, yes, she could put him down as father and go after him for child support years later and likely he’d have to pay unless he was lucky. This has happened many, many times, folks. Again, I’m sure Jack will chime in with numerous horror stories.
Not in person but I’ve had many people describe it to me.
Yes, many states require this bullshit, sadly.
I’ve said many times that every man should have one or two Plan B pills in his bathroom ready to go at a moment’s notice. I have, I do, and I’ve used them (given them to women a day or two after sex if they were nervous they “got pregnant”).
However this article is when the time for that has passed and now she’s “fully pregnant” and Plan B may not work because it’s too late in the pregnancy. I can’t comment on using Plan B past about 1-5 days after you have sex.
Posted at 03:59 pm, 30th October 2017>I’m surprised so many of you are this surprised to hear this.
I’m not surprised that guys are screwed when it comes to pregnancies but I thought there was slightly more protection than ‘prove you aren’t the father’ 3 years after the baby that she didn’t even tell you about was born that isn’t yours because you didn’t have sex with the chick. How do you even protect yourself from that? I can see it if you don’t ask for a paternity test, but if you do and she refuses and you had no contact with her with-child(or you did and she told you one thing and the hospital another because you have $ and the real father doesn’t)…what’s the defense?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:04 pm, 30th October 2017I don’t have a definite answer because I’m not an attorney. My only answer is: Spend thousands and thousands of dollars on attorneys, hope you live in a state/province where the laws aren’t quite as horrible as others, and hope you win.
I have one funny story about one guy who got out of it in a very creative way, but it’s something most men won’t be able to duplicate. (Maybe I’ll write about it in a future post.)
Posted at 04:46 pm, 30th October 2017Ha ha,
Public Service Announcement for the naive youngsters here who’ve never encountered a chick with a serious case of baby rabies.
I’ve been with a few chicks who wanted to have a baby with me (and I’ve turned them down) but fortunately I’ve never been with a crazy one who would try something like perforating your condom, or picking it out of the trash and doing the turkey baster thing later on.
Don’t know anyone personally who’s had a condom-snatching done to them, but I do have one friend who caught a chick red-handed with a pin poking a hole in his condom. He nexted her on the spot.
I actually think the probability of a hole made by a pin letting enough sperms through to impregnate a girl is pretty low. But still, it’s the principle of the thing.
Posted at 05:35 pm, 30th October 2017“(I’m surprised so many of you are this surprised to hear this.)”
It’s Halloween and you want to give a scare to your beloved readers. You definitely achieved that.
It defies logic if she refuses the paternity test, the timelines don’t match up, condom was used, etc. The court will still assume I’m the father? Wtf!? And it’s not even twisting of words, it’s just straight up lying.
Toronto Alpha
Posted at 11:17 pm, 30th October 2017“(“(I’m surprised so many of you are this surprised to hear this.)”
It’s Halloween and you want to give a scare to your beloved readers. You definitely achieved that.)”
Yo man…
Plus shockingly freaked about Kevin Spacey coming out. ???
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:33 pm, 30th October 2017No. Halloween is tomorrow (October 31st). Sheesh!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:44 pm, 30th October 2017Not sure why. I always knew that guy was gay.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Posted at 11:59 pm, 30th October 2017I rarely use a condom, and I ejaculate into them all the time. Still in the clear after 100+ lays. Stupid, but I think I’m infertile. Good for me.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:44 am, 31st October 2017Ah screw it, why wait? There’s an error you made BD that I’ve been dying to correct:
Incorrect. There are several states in which it isn’t uncommon for a woman to be receiving two separate child support checks from two separate men for the same one child!
One of these men is the biological father and the other is the legal father (husband). Family Court may sometimes (depending on state laws) go after both men and split the payments between them for one and the same child.
Note: The legal father – who is forced to pay child support for the same child that the biological father is already paying for – doesn’t have to be the husband in the legal sense. He may be:
1. Her legal husband
2. Her legal civil union partner
3. Her common law husband
4. Her live in boyfriend (if Family Court decides that this is a “relationship akin to marriage”)
5. Her non-live in boyfriend (if Family Court decides that the child in question has grown “emotionally attached to him.”
In any of the above 5 cases, the man may be declared the legal father and forced to pay 50 percent of the child support, while the biological father pays the other 50%.
Also, in California, parents of underage teenagers may be held liable for child support paid to their children’s female teachers who statutorily raped them. Then when the teenager turns 18, his parents are off the hook but he may still need to pay. Isn’t that nice?
Posted at 01:50 am, 31st October 2017Wouldn’t it be a lot easier for us all if we just decided to fuck their assholes instead?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:58 am, 31st October 2017Because you may be forced to pay child support even if you aren’t the bio dad if Family Court declares you to be the legal father due to the child’s “emotional attachment” to you. This is regardless of whether the bio dad is already paying or not. If the bio dad is poor, he may petition the court in some cases to split the check between you and him.
Solution: Make sure every woman you’re screwing who already has children is a fuck buddy only, or a friend with benefits at most! No MLTRs or OLTRs with women who have children. Never!
And most importantly – Make sure you have no contact with the child whatsoever. No bonding or playing with the kid of any kind. No buying the kid ice cream, no walks in the park, no nothing!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:01 am, 31st October 2017Nah, the pussy is too good. Just be responsible and follow all of BD’s rules.
HAHA! I didn’t even get a chance to talk about being forced by court order to pay child support 15 years after donating your sperm to a sperm bank and forgetting about it.
Solution: Never go to sperm banks.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:17 am, 31st October 2017If the woman puts your name on the birth certificate and officially declares you to be the biological father, you have a limited amount of time to legally contest that. In my home state, it’s one year. If you can’t prove that you are, in fact, not the biological father in one year, you will be forced to pay child support for the next 18 years regardless of whether you are the biological father or not.
Furthermore, if the bio dad is later found and forced to pay, you are still NOT off the hook, because you’re the legal dad, according to the birth certificate, and the child has already grown attached to you, because it’s been over a year and “the best interests of the child” dictate that change would be “traumatic.”
But here’s the good news: You have an entire year to prove you’re not the bio dad. If she refuses a paternity test, you may petition the court to require her to allow one. Then you just have to convince the court to say yes, while her lawyers try to convince the court to say no if the request is “irrational” or would put “undue psychological strain” on the mother. Usually though, if the dates don’t match and you have a “compelling reason” to suspect you aren’t the father, the court will grant the test over the mother’s refusal. Just make sure you’re within your allotted time to contest paternity!
Posted at 02:52 am, 31st October 2017BD, I love this kind of practical posts!
Do you still think pull-out method is one of the best ways to prevent pregnancy, assuming you do it right?
This is the most fuck-up law I have ever seen so far, what does a random child’s emotion have to do with my wallet?
Posted at 04:29 am, 31st October 2017Clear Blue early detection tests can pick up HCG hormone levels 6 days before a missed period.They can also tell you on the actual test how far along she is.
Furthermore it’s unlikely a younger woman is even going to realise she is pregnant before her first missed period, unless she has had children before and is aware of her body.
Symptoms normally only kick in after 8/10 weeks AND most younger women don’t really know their bodies and period cycle anyway.
They mostly just panic every time some guys cums in them, then their friends hype them up even more …. because drama is fun and they get to sit around flailing their hands in astonishment/*insert emotion.
Also don’t bang chicks who have been on antibiotics because it can render any birth control useless.
Posted at 05:43 am, 31st October 2017I have always loved the fact I got a vasectomy years ago. It’s been very fun to be able to cum in young fuck buddies for years and years (and my current young OLTR) without a care in the world. Articles/discussions like this make me love it even more.
I know BD has written a blog on the pros and cons etc. But seriously. If your done having kids or don’t want them. Seriously think about it. Best thing I ever did I reckon. (I already have 4 kids).
PS. My last ex, who was a 40+ corporate high flyer who never had kids fell pregnant to the first guy she got involved with less than 2 months after we broke up. He had just broken up with his ex-wife a month or so before and already had 3 kids. Don’t think kids with her was in his plan.
Posted at 06:03 am, 31st October 2017We constantly call out our governments and women on their irrational behaviors.
But if you’re a guy who likes to fuck and is putting up the numbers, having sex without a condom – or birth control – in 2017 is the most irrational thing you can do! I’ll rephrase it: it’s flat out dumb.
It made me laugh and cringe at the same time! Don’t know why, but I have some friends who seem to be battling each other for the most dumb and outrageous “it happened” history. By the way, they’re all over 35 and already have kids.
This specific dude is a doctor who specialized in human fertilization. He makes a living helping women conceive!!! What the fuck happened for him to be that stupid? (I know the answer).
C Lo
Posted at 06:12 am, 31st October 2017Of all the things in your control, this is one.
Never wanted any kids, had a vasectomy 13 years ago, and I can nail whatever I want and NEVER worry about this crap.
If you had a vasectomy, go get it “rechecked” sometime in the future. Sometimes they screw up. The only time they revert is if they got it wrong the first time and nobody ever goes back for the initial recheck, much less one six months later or so.
Of the 2% stuff I think would be a problem (all this false paternity stuff is 2%) this catching pregnant shit should never be. The NBA sends new players through an primer class because it was such a problem a decade ago. Use your own quality condom every time and flush it after, or get a vasectomy.
Posted at 06:31 am, 31st October 2017I’m 26 and seriously thinking of a vasectomy, possibly also banking some sperm before that.
I don’t want to sound weak-willed, but I find it takes a serious amount of will-power.
That’s just not going to happen, is it?
Mike Hunter
Posted at 06:43 am, 31st October 2017Mifepristone isn’t Plan B. Plan B stops conception from taking place. Mifepristone is the abortifacient planned parenthood gives women when they want to have a “medical abortion” (take two pills instead of having minor surgery).
Unfortunately I have. I was young, dumb, and full of cum. I was only using the pullout method on a recently divorced chick who said she was infertile. Then she pulled the “black widow” on me. She waited until I was about to cum; then wrapped her legs around me so I couldn’t pull out. Nine months later my first and only son was born. I suppose that I was technically raped. But good luck proving that in court. Especially to an old white judge in the south.
Now I use condoms with everyone. The only exception is if I know a chick is seriously down with abortion, I feed her a Plan B pill in front of me before we have sex, and I still pull out. But I’ve only done that 2 times in an entire decade.
Posted at 06:53 am, 31st October 2017Ouch! That’s like the reverse of the situation where she waits until you’re about to cum and even at that point of no return and then she announces that she’s changed her mind and you have to stop. Hasn’t happened to me but has to someone I know. That has been thrown out of court (in the UK at least) when he has been accused of rape, but as you say I doubt you’d ever get a court to say that you had been raped in the circumstance you’ve described, or that the situation means that you are not responsible for the child.
Chris Stevenson
Posted at 07:28 am, 31st October 2017For those of us considering vasectomy, here is some advice. do not get a second or third rate job. you will virtually eliminate all problems if you are willing to spend more and be a little inconvenienced. you do not want any of those clinic places or “no scalpel” procedures. face it, you will spend the money for a vacation or some other personal item; do not screw up your equipment. several of my clients give me first hand knowledge and they are very happy following what is recommended here. there is a center in Australia that perfected the technique. yes, travel there for the procedure. they can even clean up other doctor’s screw ups and reverse procedures. Here is their link: https://www.metrocentre.com.au/ They will do mine; i have no concerns. and no affiliation.
regarding the whole child support for a something that is not yours years later. firstly, every time that i see this happen to some guy, it is some combination of first date lays, low-grade (as in looks) females, drunk or drugged sex, sleepovers with non MLTR’s.
BD and i share a commitment to not lie. however, something said to me by both a lawyer and a detective also applies to the false paternity claims as well as criminal accusations. DENY, DENY, DENY, never concede a point. even if you and definitely i do not ever expect a years later child support claim, you should at that point deny ever having sex with the female regardless of truth. the detective once told me that even if there is a picture of you doing something, deny it as if it is a fabrication. most people according to him actually admit over time to more and more details of the act which yields evidence and leads that lead to legal proof and often even confessions. you have to straight, in their face lie like a cheap rug. lie under oath if you can or at least refuse to answer. the key is to deny everything that is offered to you in either case, criminal or here paternity. it might even make sense to deny even knowing the female; just never say that you do not remember. say it cannot be her; you would remember someone that you slept with.
once again, this does go against what some of us consider a code. however another detective, in another case vice, once said that it is a bluff with charging John’s. the guy simply has to deny that he had sex ever with the prostitute. if he is unmarried or some sort of open relationship where they do not have that leverage which is what they really use, they have nothing on you. the law requires proof of a sex act, not paying for time to talk or company. remember, “I did not have sex . . .”
getting back to paternity, by fighting with strong denial and never conceding any physical let alone sexual contact, you force the paternity test issue. not 100%, but it makes the family court more open to your approach. it also helps to immediately counter sue for defamation or fraud if the female put your name on the birth certificate and you can legally do so. my clients are experienced with this type of thing. you would be surprised at the stupid things that wealthy individuals do personally.
or you can just not have sex with nutcases.
Posted at 07:56 am, 31st October 2017Why have you put in instructions on what a man should do if he doesn’t want the kid in his life, even if it’s biologically his? Isn’t that one of the most immoral things a person can do, create a human being, abandon it, and do nothing to parent it or protect it other than pay? As well, you yourself said single mothers and their children have a ridiculously high poverty rate.
Posted at 08:07 am, 31st October 2017So does the aforementioned method of putting Bill Gates there and going after his money 367 days later work?
Mike Hunter
Posted at 08:31 am, 31st October 2017Men don’t “create: children. We don’t have a uterus.
Which is why a woman who becomes pregnant outside of a stable relationship with a willing father who has sufficient income or wealth to raise the child should get an abortion.
Posted at 09:10 am, 31st October 2017Are you serious? Going naked on a random chick? You should only use the pullout method with MLTRs that you trust, if she accidently makes you cum inside, just give her a plan B, no problem. It should be rare anyway.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 09:22 am, 31st October 2017Like I said I was young, dumb, and full of cum! When it happened you still needed to go to a doctor and get a prescription to get plan B. It wasn’t available over the counter. Not that it anyway because it wasn’t accidental. It was premeditated and intentional on her part.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:30 am, 31st October 2017There are always exceptions to every rule in “several states,” as I clearly stated above. That doesn’t make me incorrect.
That’s exactly why I said such as woman should be a FB, not a MLTR. There would be zero contact with the child if this were the case.
You really need to read me more completely before you comment on what I say.
Huh? I have never said the pull-out method was one of the “best ways.” I’ve said the opposite, that’s it’s pretty risky for a lot of men.
Very true.
Hm; not sure if that’s accurate but I haven’t done that level of research on it. If so, then it’s confusing, because Plan B is often identified as Mifepristone (or perhaps a derivative?).
I have no problem denying if a woman claims paternity without evidence. That’s not lying. It’s up to her to prove a positive, not for me to prove a negative.
Not if the child was created purely by accident and against a man’s will. That’s one of the most immoral things a woman can do to a man, particularly in a society like ours where men have no reproductive rights and are forced at gunpoint to pay child support for a child he never wanted to have in the first place.
On the other hand, if a man really wants to create a baby, does so purposely with a woman with the idea he will help her raise it, she has the baby, and then he abandons her, now I agree with you 100%; that’s highly immoral.
Then single mothers not in a committed relationship should get abortions, shouldn’t they?
Posted at 11:55 am, 31st October 2017Now Bill Gates is so famous and immediately assumed to not be player that no one would take it seriously. But for you and I? A different story.
As I understand it, (and I may be wrong) it most (many) states if you can prove there never was any notification whatsoever at birth, legally the clock starts ticking at the time of notification for the purpose of contesting paternity.
So if you get any sort of word that you have been listed as the father on a birth certificate, get yourself to an attorney IMMEDIATELY, and go after it hard. Don’t try and navigate the legal aspects yourself. This is one area where paying a pro is absolutely worth it. It gets murky if the mother gave the state a bogus address, etc and you first find out via garnishment, etc, but the same rule applies – get the best lawyer you can, admit and acknowledge NOTHING, and don’t try and deal with the government agencies yourself – they’ll have no problem saying “Sure, it’s not yours and we’ll take care of it” just to humor you while the time limits runs out.
If BD doesn’t mind, I’d like to promote another website that’s required reading: http://www.realworlddivorce.com/ – A great academic study that has interviewed divorce attorneys in all 50 states.
Something the site documents that all guys should know is that child support doesn’t end automatically end at 18 everywhere. In Massachusetts, for example, it’s possible for child support to be extracted by force until the “kid’ is 26… Here’s a another great quote from that state’s page sure to give guys happy dreams:
(I personally think that study should be required reading by all boys before they graduate high school)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:02 pm, 31st October 2017Correct. In my home state of Oregon, child support ends at 21, not 18, if the child goes to college.
Child support ending at age 18 is actually the best-case scenario.
Correct! A woman can literally wait until 17.99 years old before going after you for child support, and you’re fucked. As always, the family court system is always on the woman’s side.
Posted at 12:21 pm, 31st October 2017guys,
The next time you think about going bare back on a girl, remember this article. Horrible stats. Can’t believe how untrustworthy some women can be :
50% of women in UK would lie about who was the real dad
42% of women in UK would lie about being on birth control to try and get pregnant !!!
5000 women surveyed !!!
Posted at 12:23 pm, 31st October 2017this is more than the “2% rule ” !!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:27 pm, 31st October 2017Way more than 2%, yes.
Posted at 02:59 pm, 31st October 2017BD, I see you are indeed a man of your word, in regard to putting an article up on this topic. Excellent article. Well done!
Mike Hunter
Posted at 03:05 pm, 31st October 2017The ‘morning after pill’ also known as ‘plan B’ contains levonorgestrel, a synthetic version of the hormone progestin. Levonorgestrel has been used in birth control pills for over 35 years. Plan B One-Step contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than that in regular birth control pills. Plan B acts primarily by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It may prevent a sperm from fertilizing the egg. If fertilization does occur, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb.
Mifepristone on the other hand is an abortifacient. It causes the woman to have a medically induced miscarriage by starting contractions causing her to expel the fetus.
In other words Plan B (progestin) stops a pregnancy from occurring. While mifepristone induces an abortion/miscarriage. It’s not uncommon for people to be confused about the difference between the two. The religious Taliban consistently claims that they are the same thing in an attempt to ban, or at least reduce the availability of Plan B.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 03:22 pm, 31st October 2017* ‘The Christian Taliban’. Sorry it’s been a long day.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:36 pm, 31st October 2017Mike – Thanks for the explanation.
I always do what I promise.
That is why I promise so little.
Posted at 04:17 pm, 31st October 2017Ok, I see how that’s an awful thing to do to a man, to create a child with his DNA against his will. Still, doesn’t the biological connection to the kid create the obligation to make sure it’s happy and protected from the horrible stuff in this world, since you helped create this human being? I realize that if you didn’t want the kid that creates horrible, weird ambiguities, but shouldn’t one raise the kid anyway, though screw the woman who forced you to do this.
As well, with your advice, couldn’t that easily be used by guys who just want to abandon a kid they had full consent in making? Doesn’t that worry you? In another one of your blog posts, you point out that there are huge problems with this upcoming generation that was raised by single mothers, so why would you put instructions for men who want to CREATE more single mothers?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:33 pm, 31st October 2017No. That belief is Societal Programming.
I admit I would feel a little emotional pressure to do something for an accidental kid, but emotions are not facts and are usually wrong, and moreover, and I would feel zero “obligation” to do so.
You’re not understanding that because of today insane laws, it would literally be impossible to raise the kid without the woman being intimately involved in your life for at least 18 years (unless she was literally a murderer or extreme drug addict or something like that).
The kid and the mom, or neither. Those are your only two choices.
No, because that’s t he opposite of what I just said to you above. Abandoning a child you chose to create is wrong, period. Paying child support but refusing to raise a kid you were forced to create against your will is not wrong and perfectly understandable (though a sad situation to be sure). If people can’t distinguish between those two very clear statements, they are idiots and I don’t care.
Nothing my readers do worry me. I’m outcome dependent.
Youv’e got to be fucking kidding me, pal. I have written numerous posts, comments, articles and books, for literally years on end, screaming at men at the top of my lungs to NOT impregnate women.
This article, as I clearly said in the article numerous times, is for when a man was stupid and didn’t listen to my advice.
You either don’t know how to read, or you’ve lost your mind. In either case, this is my last comment to you in this thread. Best of luck to you.
Posted at 10:04 pm, 31st October 2017Here’s the information about “Medical Abortion” (mifepristone and misoprostol) in case anyone needs it.
Its not the same as a “Plan B” pill,but every man should keep some for just in case. My parents were originally going to have more kids in addition to me and my sister but after serious discussion,they chose to abort via these pills. (which is a good decision I don’t blame them for,they most definitely wouldn’t have been able to afford more and all of us would have ended up suffering if we kept the baby)
Moving on,there’s something I really got to ask you BD (its off topic,but I believe you’ve said that you’re OK with this. I’m really hoping for your response)
Are there any useful video games/simulators you could recommend that could teach a man about how to run a business and/or become financially successful?
Cashflow the e-game by Robert Kiyosaki (the author of rich dad poor dad)is the only game that I know of that does this.
Posted at 10:57 pm, 31st October 2017You said something about it here: https://alphamale20.com/2012/05/27/the-medical-community/
So I thought it’s one of your favorite methods for pregnancy prevention, before TRT.
Posted at 04:12 am, 1st November 2017Can I ask, BD or anyone, what are the risks of legal action against you if she claims that you coerced her into an abortion? Ultimately it’s likely to be a case of “he said, she said” and therefore difficult to prove one way or the other, especially some time after the event. In the case of a procedural termination this is not really an issue because she will have consented medically to the procedure. But the case of a pharmacological termination, where you might even have given her the medication, might be different altogether.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 06:54 am, 1st November 2017I’m not a lawyer, but I’d be more worried that they’d try to get you on a charge of “practicing medicine without a license“. That’s what most of these religious nuts use to go after people who order mifepristone to give to their girlfriend/daughter/whoever. That being said I’d gladly serve 6-9 months in jail rather then being financially raped by the state for 18 years, and chained to an irresponsible woman. The criminal record would be a problem with employment, but after a couple of years you can get that expunged with a good lawyer. Also the charge would be difficult to be convicted of in the first place.
What’s more scary are “fetal homicide” laws. If you trick a woman into taking an abortion pill they can send you away for LIFE in some states. Of course if she willingly takes the exact same pill at a planned parenthood clinic it’s completely legal. The hypocrisy is mind blowing! If the man trick’s the woman into inducing an abortion then the fetus is a person; and the man is a murderer! But if the same woman voluntarily induces an abortion using the exact same drugs the fetus is just ‘a clump of cells’ and the act is perfectly legal!
Posted at 08:53 am, 1st November 2017Thanks, Mike. Food for thought. I must say I wasn’t really meaning a situation in which you really do “trick” a woman into taking a pill, more a situation where she agrees but later says that you talked her into it – or I suppose “tricked” her if you like. I must say I’ve never read about or heard of such a case, but then I’m not a lawyer either.
I’m in the UK and Australia mostly, so the legal position will not be identical to that in the US, but it will be similar since all three countries have similar sociological driving factors in this sort of area (and all three have common-law-based legal systems).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:18 am, 1st November 2017https://alphamale20.com/off-topic
I never said it was one of my favorite methods. My favorite method for pregnancy prevention is a woman on a verifiable form of birth control like a Merina IUD. Followed by condoms. Pull out method is way down the list, and only done with women who are at least likely to be on birth control.
Every country is different, and I am not qualified to answer that, other than saying you’re looking at the 2% Rule there, whereas if she has the baby and it’s yours, you’re much worse off than any risk of her complaining you coerced her into an abortion.
Posted at 01:13 pm, 1st November 2017They have a name for guys who use thecoitus interruptus (pullout) method: “daddy”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:09 pm, 1st November 2017The pull out method is fine only if combined with other systems, such as her being on verified birth control, and/or you carefully tracking her periods for longer than 90 days, etc.
Using the pull out method with women whom you don’t have a very clear picture of when their periods are or whether or not they’re on birth control is FUCKING INSANE. Don’t do it, or you’re an idiot.
Posted at 02:07 pm, 2nd November 2017Isn’t the single word “jungle” a thorough commentary on the whole thing?
I mean, it’s an out-and-out female-male war, with only one of the two teams playing (or playing to win).
From my idealistic viewpoint I wonder…
what sense has it?
Why fight it? (I am not talking of defending yourself. I am talking of going on the offensive, for a woman. I mean, come on. With what conscience do you cash in money from someone you don’t want to see any more, what’s more for 18 years!
Whew. No-one should agree to having intercourse with such people.
Duh, humans, what a odd species.
Gil Galad
Posted at 02:48 pm, 2nd November 2017Part of why I’m still struggling with the question “are women really just more immoral than men on matters other than physical violence?”. I really don’t wan’t to think that; being a true blue misogynist even by the non-insane definitions of some decades ago doesn’t appeal to me and seems more fit to the Roosh crowd. But then, if I also think men OTOH are worse in other matters – which I tend to – , I guess it kinda balances it out. “Men and women are equally shitty, just not accross the board but in a B-cancels-out-A manner”, that sort of thing. I just can’t simply turn a blind eye to all the examples I see of women showing waaaay fewer scrupules than men about doing a given thing.
On a purely scientific level, all those behaviors do make sense from an evopsych perspective, but it’s disturbing to contemplate that men and women might be so different that even their evolved mechanisms for overall “righteousness” have completely different focuses.
An alternative is to follow the image BD used in his article “The Wolf”: you can pet the wolf, but don’t get your hands near its mouth because it’ll bite. But it hardly resolves the issue because it’s a solution that requires you to view women as a-moral agents like we consider wolves to be.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:30 pm, 2nd November 2017Men lie more, but women tell the biggest lies. – Chris Rock
Posted at 08:39 pm, 2nd November 2017I’m one of those guys who had NO IDEA that a court could or would force a man to pay child support for a child that’s not biologically his. To me this seems completely insane and unjust/unfair. How is this even possible? Is it only when the man is legally involved with the woman? And even then, say a man is married to a woman, and she fucks another dude, gets pregnant and has his baby, how the fuck is the husband legally responsible for that?!? I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised, but I really am…
Gil Galad
Posted at 06:39 am, 3rd November 2017I think the spin they’re putting on it is that we must divorce ourselves from biology and focus more on “cultural parenthood”. (Hey this reminds me: anyone here should enjoy watching the long video with Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia) Unsurprisingly this jibes perfectly with the alpha fucks/beta bucks female agenda, except that in the past you could only try to get the alpha’s genes and the beta’s resources; now you can enforce it by law.
I will do everything I can to either resist the urge to have kids or somehow settle in a place where it’s easy to get a surrogate and be a voluntary single father. This has gone too insane.
Unless this whole era peaks, declines and ends in my lifetime (and isn’t followed by worse), but I’m not holding my breath.
Posted at 11:41 am, 5th November 2017Because I am TERRIFIED I have made a spreadsheet. Some figures are well-researched, some are best guesses, some I had to pull out of my ass:
My age: 42
No. of ejaculations left in my lifetime: 5700
Condom non-usage or improper usage or slips or leaks 1% chance
Condom breakage rate 0.4% chance
likelihood she is fertile (and not on contraception or already pregnant) 70% chance
morning after pill not available to us 5% chance
morning after pill not ingested properly 10% chance
morning after pill not effective 5% chance
pregnancy rate per ejaculation 2% chance
likelihood she won’t abort 95% chance
% chance of Pregnancy in my lifetime 21.17%
% chance of Pregnancy this year 0.56%
According to the 2% rule, I can’t wait longer than 4 years for Vasalgel. I need that vasectomy by then, and I am booked in to get one.
Posted at 01:49 pm, 5th November 2017You must have looked at the wrong column. 70% is the chance of getting a baby after an entire year of actively trying.
A 25 year old woman has about 25% chance of getting pregnant in any given cycle, again, if the couple is actively trying to achieve that. If at a random date sperm enters the vagina and subsequently the uterus, where it can survive for up to 5 days, then the chances it misses the egg entirely (the egg is only there for about a day) are roughly 22/28, that is, about 3 in 4, and even if fertilization occurs, the chances of it going all the way to a live birth are not that high.
Therefore, multiply 25% that you hit the ovulation window by 25% that fertilization is successful and you get about 6% rather than 70%.
In general, you appear to have rather a poor grasp of statistics, I suggest you research this hugely important area of science better.
Posted at 02:46 am, 6th November 2017@Anon:
I mean potentially fertile. i.e. not on contraception or already pregnant.
Perhaps my “pregnancy rate per ejaculation” is the 6% you’re talking about?
Feel free to improve my stats, but don’t be so quick to judge! I just used logic gates.
The only ones I Googled were:
– Condom breakage rate
– morning after pill not effective
– pregnancy rate per ejaculation
The rest are personal observations and guesses.
Posted at 08:49 am, 6th November 2017No offense meant, but your approach is inconsistent. For example, there’s no way the “pregnancy rate per ejaculation” figure is 2% while “chance of Pregnancy this year” is 0.56%.
The reason I recommended, in a possibly arrogant-sounding way for which I apologize, to learn more about stats rather than pointing out specific problems, is that the field is tricky and it’s easy to make mistakes, and when applied to such important decisions as whether to get a vasectomy, you better be 99% sure the mathematical basis is sound.
Posted at 01:30 pm, 6th November 2017@ Anon:
I happen to know about stats from science degrees. It’s a rough and tricky calculation but not that academic actually. I’d rather you gave an improvement on the stats here to help people and save us arguing back and forth.
– 2% of ejaculations that actually get through all the human barriers (condoms, pills etc.) end up in pregnancy, I have heard. Which is why it takes couples who want it months to conceive.
– If I ejaculate hundreds of times this year with a condom, there is still a 0.56% chance of disaster anyway. It would take me about 100 years to be 100% sure. Not serious but serious enough if you think I have 40 years left of fucking (hopefully!)…still a big chance. Most people don’t notice this because they want it or don’t mind it, or just suck it up. I am TOTALLY against it. Vasectomy is my best bet today.
Posted at 05:14 pm, 7th November 2017Well, given that you seem to have made a decision not to produce any offspring, ever, then vasectomy is the answer for you without needing any statistical calculations.
For anyone not so radical I think the least mathematically error-prone approach is to start with the fact that users of condoms (without other forms of birth control) have, with correct and consistent usage, 2% chance of unplanned pregnancy in any given year. This, by the way, falls right into the definition of BD’s 2% Rule. Multiply this by ratio of women not using their own birth control (among locations and ages that you’re targeting; stats should be available), by ratio of women that would not get an abortion (same; stats might be available) and likewise account for various Plan B failure modes (not sure whether this is included in the starting 2%).
The above is easier because it doesn’t calculate chances per ejaculation, only per year (so the 2% figure for condoms already accounts for most factors). The end result, I think, should be about 1% (in any given year). Or in other words, the expected value is 2 months worth of child support each year. Hmm…
Posted at 11:54 pm, 7th November 2017@ Anon:
If I understood you correctly: 2% becomes 1% when you multiply the ‘ratios of women’. And 2 months of child support x 100 = 16-18 years of child support. Good way of putting it!
Actually any voluntary surgery is radical for me too! Before going there I wanted to test if I was above BD’s 2% Rule, which I am by a factor of about 10.
Sounds like we would need an expert third party to adjudicate. But our figures are pretty close. I just wanted to run the stats on myself, breaking down the variables, knowing myself. Occasionally, shock horror, even I like going bareback. And of course after a vasectomy I could do this slightly more often, and certainly not go into a cold sweat when condoms break.
Cumming outside the body is such a poor substitute, I don’t know why people rave about it, except for the bukkake kink it gives… Despite being an anti-natalist I find the whole ‘concept’ (pardon the pun) of jizzing, impregnating, fetuses, babies, swollen bellies, childbirth and breastfeeding highly erotic. I just use my larger brain when it comes to the actual consequences.
Posted at 08:14 pm, 26th December 2017‘then congrats dumbass’
lol, awesome line man
Posted at 08:10 am, 4th February 2019Sadly, I have a woman telling me she is pregnant but refused to let me be apart of the pregancy. The timelines are pretty damn close however there was 12 days that I did not see her when we were a thing. So it could be possible that she had a side guy she saw while I was out of town. She blocked me on social media and I have not seen her since July 2018. She said she is due in April. She refused to show me a pregancy test in July and I have yet to see a fat belly. You think she really could be pregnant and I’ll have to do a paternity test? Or she fuckin me because I got nervous in July? It is a really hard situation to read because I do not have a lot of information.
Posted at 09:18 am, 12th March 2019UPDATE: She was lying. A buddy found some recent pics on Instagram. Either she had a miscarriage or lied from the start. Never go raw ! Women try to trap you these days.