08 Mar Where Are The Disney Princesses Now?

The Three Queens sat arrayed around the triangular table within the highest tier of the palace. Queen Aurora, Sleeping Beauty herself, tossed her hair, downed her fifth glass of wine, and hurled the empty crystal goblet over her shoulder. It shattered into a thousand tiny pieces against the muraled wall, a nearby guard ducking out of the way at the last minute.
“Did I hit him?” Aurora asked, her words clearly slurred, as she clumsily wiped her mouth with the cuffed lace of her gown.
-By Caleb Jones
Queen Snow White, the Fairest of Them All (though not these days, with ever-new wrinkles appearing on her once flawless, alabaster skin), laughed her melodic, tittering laugh, and said, “No dear, you missed him again.” The three small blue songbirds that circled her head also laughed, in their chirping, avian way.
“Dammit,” muttered Aurora, and poured herself a fresh glass.
At the head of the table, closest to the window, sat the Grand Queen, the Queen of Queens, Queen Cinderella, her golden hair sparkling in the fading sunlight. She waved a majestic hand and said, “Guard, summon my husband. I just remembered something I need to tell him.”
As one of the many guards nodded and moved to exit the vast room, Snow White added, “Oh yes, summon mine as well!”
The guard nodded again, but continued to move towards the door, knowing full well the consequences if he did not obey the orders of the Queen of Queens with alacrity.
“What about you, dear?” Cinderella said to Aurora, “Should we also summon your husband as well? Your King Phillip?”
“Fuck him,” Aurora snorted, summoning yet another bout of tittering laughter from Snow White and her songbirds.
“Such a foul mood, my dear,” Cinderella sang, “Surely the good king is not all that bad?”
“Yeah. You try fucking him,” Aurora spat, and took another swig.
“Oh my!” Snow White said, her hand on her chest, “You are a hoot, Aurora! We should do this more often, ladies.”
At that, the double doors swung open, and in marched Cinderella’s husband, King Charming, dressed in all white, trailed by Snow White’s husband, King Prince, dressed in regal red, with a golden eye patch covering his right eye.
“My love,” Snow White said to her husband, “I wish for the four gowns I desired to be sent up here forthwith. I wish to show them to my friends.”
“Erm… all four?” King Prince asked.
“Yes, I believe I just said all four,” Snow White answered, a little annoyed.
“Well, my love,” the King said, “If you recall, the gown made of the golden lace was not going to be ready until this Friday, so…” His voice trailed off when he saw Snow White glare at him. Her three songbirds, who had since landed on her shoulders, also angrily glared in his direction.
“You will have all four gowns brought up to me within the hour,” Snow White commanded, still glaring, “Or would you like to lose your other eye? My friends so enjoyed your first one.” She glanced down at the pretty birds on her shoulders who still stared at King Prince with a hungry gaze.
King Prince shuddered and backed up two steps. “At once, my love, at once,” he said, then turned on his heels and left.
“What an asshole,” Aurora muttered.
“And you, my husband,” Queen Cinderella spoke with her perfect voice, “Come forward, I wish to share something with you.”
King Charming hesitated a little, quickly glancing at the guards, who were of no assistance. He took a deep breath and strode towards the table.
“Look to the royal gardens, my love,” Cinderella sang, “Out the window. Do you see?”
King Charming slowly and carefully looked out the window to see the landscape of the kingdoms spread out before him in the dying sunlight. “Yes,” he said finally, “I see our gardens. They are beautiful. Do you not agree?”
“Indeed,” said Cinderella, “They are beautiful. Though, look to the raspberry bushes yonder. Do you see?”
“I do.”
“Do you not recall I ordered cherry trees there? Not raspberry bushes, but cherry trees, my love.”
“No, my Queen. You very clearly said you wanted raspberry bushes. If you had wanted cherry trees, I would have made it so.”
“Is that right?” Cinderella asked, smiling her perfect smile. Before the King could answer, she made an ever-so-slight movement of her hand, and suddenly the King found it difficult to breathe. He moved his hands to his throat, trying to pull air into his lungs, failing.
“That sounded like you disagreeing with me, my love,” Cinderella continued in her sweet, charming voice, “You know how I feel about that.”
King Charming was now on the floor, gasping and wheezing for air. Since her Fairy Godmother had died (some say murdered) several years ago, Cinderella had inherited much of her magic, and had learned to employ it to good use.
“Did I say cherry trees, or raspberry bushes?”
King, as best he might, pushed out the words, “cherry trees” as a barely audible whisper.
“Ah,” said Cinderella with a smile, and instantly the King could breathe again, air returning to desperate lungs, as he rose from the floor. The guards, as usual, tried not to look.
“We shall see cherry trees planted in the royal garden by Friday,” said Cinderella, “Yes?”
“Yes,” rasped the King, coughing, “Yes, my love. By Friday.”
“Ah,” said Cinderella, “How I love you so! You are the most wonderful husband in all the lands!”
“And you are the most wonderful wife,” the King said hoarsely, trying to loosen his collar.
“You may go now,” Cinderella commanded.
“And bring more wine,” Aurora added, hurling an empty wine bottle at the floor, shattering it by a nearby guard’s feet.
“It shall be done,” said the King, as he practically ran from the room.
Snow White clapped a dainty clap. “Cherry trees!” she explained, “How marvelous! I shall do the same in my royal garden! You should as well, Aurora!”
In answer, Aurora waved her hand in the air and made a “pffft” sound.
“You know, Snow White,” Cinderella said, “This is fun indeed! We should start doing this more often.”
“Yes, yes,” Snow White agreed, “A girl needs refuge from her husband, after all.”
“Indeed she does,” said Cinderella.
And so it was that the Three Queens made a pact that they would meet, as today, on a regular basis. And for a time, they were… less unhappy.
The End.
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C Lo
Posted at 07:47 am, 8th March 2018ouch. Accurate. ouch.
Posted at 08:03 am, 8th March 2018Caleb, if you ever publish a book with a red pill retelling of the ferry tales, I’ll but it.
Posted at 08:17 am, 8th March 2018Hahaha!! This is great!
I especially liked the part where Cinderella used the “Force Choke” on the King. She seems to have found the lack of cherry trees….disturbing.
I look forward to more entries in this series.
Posted at 09:20 am, 8th March 2018Would have been golden if instead of the throat choke Cinderella force choked his balls. 😀
Great writing, though!
Joe Leone
Posted at 10:08 am, 8th March 2018Thanks for the story. Even kings need game these days!
C Lo
Posted at 12:23 pm, 8th March 2018Game wont save you from the bitchiness, the gaslighting, the entitlement, or the punishment you are going to endure during the divorce because -clearly- it’s your fault and you are an asshole.
This is mostly eliminated if you don’t legally marry her and dont move in.
Posted at 12:29 pm, 8th March 2018I read this between Stronglifts sets…..since this is why I do Stronglifts sets!
Posted at 01:10 pm, 8th March 2018Every so often I meet a guy who is cowed by his wife. Examples are a guy who is aggressively berated in public or in front of family or friends. Other times the dude is simply bending over backwards working and earning to keep his princess in the lap of luxury.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:54 pm, 8th March 2018Fantasy fiction, yes (and coming sooner than you think). Red pill fairy tales, no, other than occasional posts on this blog. Red pill and extreme blue pill (dark) versions of the Disney characters has always fascinated me though.
I’m honestly not sure if I’ll do more of these. Depends on the response.
Some readers get upset when I do things like this, others really like it.
Part of the moral of this story is that the kings had game, back when they were unmarried princes. But being married and monogamous to a woman for years on end slowly transforms you into a different kind of man…
Posted at 09:37 pm, 8th March 2018….less unhappy
crushing it!!,
BD for a follow up would you write about MISSION
and how it can keep you away from beta hell?
ooops britney
Posted at 07:22 am, 9th March 2018There’s a very good paper about this, I think the title is Rotating Polyandry and Its Enforcers by Roger Devlin.
Woe to the man, when the “dark part” of her Love Cycle begins.
I’d say it is high time we stop being acquiescent tools; sadly, females will continue to enjoy an endless offer of acquiescent tools on the mating market. Pulling away doesn’t change it.
Why, those “charming” and “prince” put one after another that way gifted me 5-10 seconds of baby-genuine laughter.
This “tale” is the right read for anybody feeling downhearted owing to females, and their violent practices — which, being not physical and lending themselves to rationalization and dissimulation, are, unfortunately, a long way from becoming shamed blamed and become the cause of social penalty, unlike their male counterparts.
I think societies and cultures agree that something is “violence” when not enough people want to practice that particular kind of violence any more.
The rest of the violence gets even more — they get even more specialized in the allowed forms of violence, but no-one who is wise would call it “violence”, and is rationalized as reasonable and fair behaviour.
In the female-male battle of the sexes, things are never been so favourable to females.
For all the blows and strikes and weapons and warfare they are programmed by their evolution to adopt with superior prowess are the sole one allowed (and actually: praised and encouraged).
It’s not good for the stomach to see these beings getting more violent by the day, while what they are conscious of is that they “hate violence”.
And then, laughing over it helps the stomach.
So, thanks, this was a very good one.
Posted at 08:02 am, 9th March 2018@BD
“But being married and monogamous to a woman for years on end slowly transforms you into a different kind of man…”
I see both ends of this spectrum in my life right now. I see a bunch of recently married friends, mainly men who waited till about 40. I also see people that have been married past the 3+ year mark, mainly the women.
Newlyweds are some of the most smug fuckers alive, 2nd only to newly engaged people. They really think they are somehow better for this great achievement of convincing someone to handcuff themselves for life. Oh and of course my Alpha 2.0 way of thinking is just crazy and can’t possibly work long term, oh and don’t worry you’ll find a special gal and renounce these silly ideas.
The longer marrieds paint a much different picture of boredom, complacency, little to no sex and the like. Also there’s been affairs and just general discontent.
It’s fascinating to see 2 ends of the spectrum like this-needless to say I get along better with the longer more realistic marrieds who now start to see the wisdom in concepts you talk about on this blog.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:46 am, 9th March 2018I’ve got one similar to this already on the topics list.
And “beta hell” is a good way of saying it.
Yeah. NRE. They’re temporarily insane in a way they don’t recognize.
When I say long-term monogamy doesn’t work, most single men generally agree with me (or at least don’t disagree). Also, most long-term married men also agree with me (or at least don’t disagree). But guys with relatively new girlfriends or wives lose their shit and start screaming about how wrong I am. I wonder why that is?
Posted at 10:47 am, 9th March 2018“Game” actually CAUSES these things. The PUA movement has allowed Omega males to step outside their boundaries. There was going to be some sort of secondary effect. Being a decent human being with the ability to approach, invite, flirt, and escalate naturally, without “game” (which I define as gimmicky routines and other nonsense) is what can possibly save you from all of that. Unless you get with an asshole woman who is hell bent on doing that stuff anyways, which, fortunately, are not really attracted to alpha 2 types.
I agree, there is no reason for any man to get married in the west period. None.
C Lo
Posted at 12:50 pm, 9th March 2018https://www.counter-currents.com/2011/06/rotating-polyandry-and-its-enforcers-part-1/
That article really resonates with BDs post, and mirrors my experience in a way that is so frightening I’m having a difficult time articulating it. Thanks for sharing it.
I want to point out if someone were to flip the script in BDs fantasy, the cops would have been called on those abusive asshole men that were throwing glasses and bottles.
And yet….
C Lo
Posted at 01:12 pm, 9th March 2018I think thats the point BD is driving at (in an earlier response that my phone won’t let me quote), and I really don’t think it’s true.
You don’t have to be a betaized pussy to have some woman give you a hard time. Work around a couple of them in supervisor positions, and you will see that article coming to life. It’s biology and not a choice. All you can do is get ready.
thats the worst part of sphere writers like Rollo (who occasionally posts here for some reason). They prey on the men in the anger phase, and sell the false pretenses that they somehow could have kept her if they had gotten yoked at the gym and been more alpha.
The only way that works is is your actions prevented the biological changes in your chick as she ages. Good luck with that!
C Lo
Posted at 01:35 pm, 9th March 2018http://people.com/movies/colin-firths-wife-admits-affair-alleged-stalker/
Public damage control w/ a side of blame shifting for $100, Alex?
Posted at 01:57 pm, 9th March 2018?
“Oh! And Alladin … Gosh! He’s soooooo hot!”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:25 pm, 9th March 2018Of course that’s true. Many Alpha Male 1.0’s have shitloads of drama from their women.
Not relevant to this discussion. I’m only talking about voluntary romantic/sexual relationships here. Workplace and family relationships are in a completely different category.
C Lo
Posted at 03:13 pm, 9th March 2018This is BDs blog so I submit he’s correct and I am sidebaring this. However:
Like Hell its not. People are not radically two faced. If she’s (or he) is shitty at work you can bet the farm she’s insufferable at home.
People change. Hormones do things to you that you rationalize you can control, but for almost everyone, they do not.
Many years ago BD shared an example of a woman who blew out at work and locked herself in her office for an afternoon, refusing to do her job duties. Do you suspect she’s anything different at home?
IMO it’s a difference without distinction. But when it comes down to it, we are arguing about Zone of Concern issues bleeding into Zone of Control, and “control is an illusion”.
tl,dr: chicks, lol
Posted at 04:52 pm, 9th March 2018Wat?
It’s like saying rocket science has allowed humans to step outside their boundaries, and now all they need is to be decent human beings with the ability to breathe naturally in space. Or maybe now you do have to turn to spaceship science and prepare a good supply of oxygen?
There’s pickup game and relationship game, and unfortunately being a decent human being is often at odds with both.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:02 pm, 9th March 2018You don’t have to submit just because its my blog. If you really think I’m wrong, tell me so, but you’d better have facts to back up your case instead of just feelings.
I didn’t say otherwise. I just said that how women behave with you at work is not the issue here. You might have to work with the women at your job, but you don’t have to date them, nor should you. Therefore, irrelevant to this discussion.
Posted at 12:38 am, 10th March 2018Queen Jasmin isnt featured because she was stoned to death by here husband for adultery in Arabia.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:50 am, 10th March 2018Complete nonsense.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:06 am, 10th March 2018The problem is that that article was written by a tradcon who has made it his mission in life to abolish sex-positivism and sexual liberation. He actually thinks (and even states in the full article) that going back to the 1950s is the only way for men to regain control of women. Fuck that!
I get queasy when something other than physical force is described as “violence.” That’s a slippery slope to abolishing Free Speech by defining it as “violence” and justifying physical violence against those with dissenting opinions in “self-defense” against those opinions.
Psychological tactics (even manipulation) should never be designated as “violence,” lest they become criminal, in which case, the government (which should confine itself to the physical realm) has crossed over into the spiritual (and therefore, subjective), thus abandoning objective justice and equality under the law (because we’re all different and unequal psychologically).
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:14 am, 10th March 2018But it’s true though! Game does matter. It may not cure or help everything, but it does cure, or at least mitigate, many things. A woman’s biology will respond to you in different ways, depending on your behavior, alpha qualities, and the like.
I agree that game, seduction, charm, and alpha behaviors do have their limits, but they are not as irrelevant as you’re stating.
Here is a video from the Young Turks (before they went PC) advocating game and polyamory to solve (or at least mitigate) the problems that you’re saying are unsolvable. Game works:
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:57 am, 10th March 2018The PUA movement is concerned with turning omegas and betas into alphas, thus expanding their boundaries. That’s what self-improvement is all about. That’s what this blog is all about.
That’s an absurd definition of game that is stuck in 2005.
Exactly! But that’s what game is.
“Game” is “applied charisma.” Inner game is the process of turning a non-alpha into an alpha. Outer game is applying your new alpha personality to the goal of persuading women to have sex with you.
I agree that the old fashioned gimmicky routines made things worse, because they essentially made omegas and betas act like clownish parodies of alphas, thus causing them to get rejected way worse than they would otherwise if they would have approached women without all that crap (even to the point of false rape charges), but again, that’s not what the seduction community is anymore.
Although BD doesn’t consider himself a member, I would characterize this blog as probably the best and newest version of PUA. Just think self-improvement and applied charisma.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:00 am, 10th March 2018HAHA!
I say Aladdin threw acid in her face for refusing to cover it up in public. This left her horribly scarred, so she killed herself.
C Lo
Posted at 07:26 am, 10th March 2018I’d argue that if you find yourself in a monogamous relationship that devolved into what was cited in the young Turks video, running dread and open flirting with and securing another chick has a high likelyhood of failure, with extra drama as a certainty. I’m not seeing how cheating makes it better.
when thinking about spots like this, i find it useful flip the script and see if it works. In this case, you’d have an abusive asshole of a man and his physically threatened wife. The solution is not to go pick up on some random, or therapy, but to divorce and find a better partner! The one you have sucks and deserves to lose the gift of your presence.
And use the soft nexts early and often next time. Also, avoid legal marriage at all costs.
C Lo
Posted at 07:39 am, 10th March 2018I agree. Who’d want to live like that again?
But just because his solution is unworkable doesn’t mean his analysis is wrong.
Still, there are a shit ton of mono married couples the follow this script the author describes to a T. The man is shell shocked to discover what his princess has morphed into (the mean old queen).
A better model is what BD proposes. If that’s not something you can do because of SP you don’t want to for some reason, not marrying them and not moving in is far superior to what the Trads and Disney types do. If she starts in with the drama soft next her and consider what you did to allow the situation to come into existence to begin with. Stop doing that.
We are making this way too complex.
C Lo
Posted at 07:43 am, 10th March 2018I am in the middle of a move right now and my posting/editing is absolute shit. Hopefully I will get it solved in a day or two.
sorry for the poor writing.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:45 am, 10th March 2018Heh. That’s pretty good.