27 Dec Not Losing Your Edge As You Age

Today’s article is for you older guys going after the much younger women, though obviously you younger guys should pay very close attention since this will be you much sooner than you think.
In about three years I will turn 50. Since turning 40, I have paid close attention to men who are over 50 and over 60 who are still healthy, strong, excited, vibrant, and getting laid with attractive women so I can model and copy these men. I have read numerous books on longevity and aging and followed almost all of their advice, most of which has worked (at least so far)
-By Caleb Jones
Staying “young,” vibrant, and maintaining a masculine, Alpha Male edge as you get older is a big topic, but today I will summarize what I view as the key points. You older Alphas are also welcome to add your advice in the comments, particularly you guys who are older than me.
They are listed in no particular order, since I consider all of them mandatory if you want to not only maintain a high level of energy as you get older, but also want to keep having sex with hot younger women.
1. Maintain your physical appearance no matter how old you get, regardless of how much work or money it takes.
My goodness, I have seen so many men, including both men in my own life and celebrities, who looked fantastic in their twenties and thirties, only to let their entire appearance go to absolute shit in their forties or fifties. It’s usually because of pure laziness and complacency, usually brought on by getting traditionally monogamously married (of course), though drug and alcohol abuse is another common reason.
For fuck’s sake, please don’t do this. I happen to look better today at age 46 than I did when I was 30 year-old monogamous beta male. Stallone is in his seventies and he looks pretty damn good. So does Liam Neeson who’s in his mid-60s. Richard Gere is 70 and just fathered a baby. I personally know two guys, one in his 60s and one in his early 70s, who are ripped as shit, have full heads of hair, and look great.
Once you hit age 35, it’s downhill from there… unless you CHOOSE to maintain your looks as you age. It’s a CHOICE you make. By the way, I said the exact same thing to women here.
Make the decision to look as good as you can for as long as you can. If you don’t do this, the Western lifestyle, particularly the American lifestyle, will ENSURE that you will look like shit by the time you hit your fifties… at the latest!
2. If you’re over 40, get on testosterone replacement therapy and stay on it for the rest of your life.
Yep, I’m still on TRT after starting four years ago and it’s still awesome. It was one of the best decisions of my life, and with no side effects. I talk about my entire TRT journey here. I now consider TRT mandatory for all Alpha Male 2.0s age 40 or higher (unless you’re a genetic freak and your total testosterone is naturally over 700-800 even post-40 with no external help).Going on TRT increased my income by 80%, improved my focus, improved my sleep, improved my sexual performance, improved my muscle gains and retention, and made me an overall happier guy, and I was happy as hell to begin with. I can’t recommend it enough.
As a man over 40, you should always know exactly what your total testosterone level is (mine is 907) and if you don’t, you need to get it tested right now and work with a doctor to take care of it.
3. Exercise at least once every 48 hours.
I’ve already talked about this in my main book so I’m not going to repeat that here. I’m also not getting into a bullshit conversation about cardio vs. weights and how much you need to do of each. I’m just saying if you don’t exercise regularly, your body will start to atrophy around age 35. I’m overweight and even I have much more energy and physical endurance than many men I know my age or even a little younger, because these guys don’t ever exercise.
Over the Christmas holiday I walked up a steep hill with two people. Both of them were skinnier than me and younger than me (they were in their late 30s, I’m 46), and both of these people were trashed, huffing and puffing like dogs, by the time we reached the top, and I was just fine, ready to keep going.
Yes, exercising is a pain in the ass from a time management viewpoint. Trust me, I know. Doesn’t matter. Stop making excuses, figure it out, and just do it.
4. Maintain a daily skin regimen.
I have maintained daily skin regimen since I was 35 years old, and today my skin looks awesome. Actually it is objectively awesome because I’ve had dermatologists evaluate it and they all tell me how amazing my skin is for A) a man and B) a man my age.
Read chapter six of The Ultimate Younger Woman Manual where I lay out exactly what you need to do every morning and night with your face to make sure you keep your skin looking bright, tight, and as wrinkle-free as possible for the rest of your life. It only takes a few minutes per day.
Again, doing this is mandatory in my opinion.
5. Always, always, always be working on a goal or a project you feel strongly about. Remember your Mission!
One of the biggest reasons older men turn to shit is that they think (incorrectly) that they’re “done.” I’ve got my wife, I’ve made my money, I had my kids, I’ve paid off all my debts, I’ve worked for 30 years, so okay, I’m “done now.”
No, you idiot. You’re not done. If you really think you’re done, you’re going to start looking and feeling like shit. You may even die. There’s an old statistic that said that the average life expectancy of the typical retired IBM executive was four years. They retire, and then in four years they die, because these morons have nothing to do.We are men. Men are goal-seeking organisms. Men always need a goal, a project, something that needs to get done. The moment you lose that is the moment you lose your manhood.
Read The Unchained Man, find your Mission, and stick with it. As soon as you accomplish a big goal, immediately set a new one based on your Mission, and get back to work. I’m not saying you need to bust your ass in your sixties or seventies the way you did in your thirties. If you want to back off on your work hours, that’s fine, you’ve probably earned it. But don’t back off your work to near zero.
My biggest mentors these days are all men in their seventies who have all the money in the world but still work hard on their Missions, goals, and projects every day because they love it. Brian Tracy. Jim Rogers. Sylvester Stallone. Doug Casey. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Alan Weiss. Ron Paul. Robert Kiyosaki. I love these guys.
I love my work, love my life, love my Mission, and love my long-term goals. I fully plan on working for the rest of my life regardless of how much money I end up with, because working on goals so much god damn fun. I will never lose that edge (unless I get stricken by some debilitating and unpreventable disease, but maybe even then I’ll find a way to do it; Kirk Douglas has done just fine).
6. Get cosmetic procedures done.
Yep, as you get older, you’re going to need some of these. Not a lot, but some. Yeah, they cost money, but as an older man, that shouldn’t be an issue for you.
thinning hair with a procedure many years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
I started getting annoyed with my wrinkles this year so I bit the bullet and tried Botox shots for the first time just to see if it made a difference. HOLY SHIT! What a difference! A few hundred bucks once every three months and I look ten years younger. I’m sold. I will now be doing this (or its future equivalent) for the rest of my life, just like my TRT.
I’m sure I will do other procedures here and there as I age, and that’s fine. You should too. You want those younger women to be attracted to you, don’t you? Even if you plan on just paying for sex when you get older, do you really want these younger women to close their eyes and think about something else while you’re fucking them because you’re so old looking? Really? I don’t think you’d like that.
Speaking of which…
7. Keep having sex with attractive, younger women. Don’t stop!
I’ve talked before about the scientific studies that show that testosterone boosts when an older man A) has lots of sex and B) has lots of sex with younger, more attractive women.
If you’re like most men and start having less sex as you age, or if you settle for only having sex with your overweight / ugly / average-looking monogamous girlfriend or wife, you’re asking for a downward slide into Shitsville.
Learn how to have sex with attractive, younger women. (Get this book if you haven’t yet.) Then do it. Then don’t ever stop.
And please don’t get hung up on what “younger” means. I’m not saying you need to bang 18 year-olds when you’re 71. But when you’re 71, there’s no reason you can’t have sex with a hot, physically fit 42 year-old woman who looks amazing. Do you seriously think a man who looks like the 90s version of Sean Connery (when he was in his late sixties!) would have any problem doing that? C’mon. Don’t be silly about this and don’t get hung up with dumb excuses.
Just remember, maintaining your looks and edge as you age is up to you. It’s a choice. You can get older and look like shit, or you can get older and look okay. The choice is yours.
I’m coming to a town near you in 2019 to do the least expensive Alpha Male 2.0 seminar I’ve ever done. I’ll be in 18 different cities in the USA, Australia, Canada, and Europe. If you want to come to a low-cost seminar to learn how to improve your financial and woman life, click HERE and get your tickets! The next cities coming up are Dallas, Houston, and Brisbane!
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:18 am, 27th December 2018BD
What are the books on ageing you read ?
Posted at 05:31 am, 27th December 2018Also don’t forget about proper supplementation, vitamins and nutrition. I spend $200 a month on supplements. Necessary from an anti-aging standpoint.
Posted at 05:32 am, 27th December 2018Strangely, I was just having a related conversation with some co-workers about a guy we know who just broke up with his hot g/f.
They were saying stuff like ‘it had run it’s course’ or ‘she was after a younger guy’ but to be honest the guy basically stopped improving his SMV once he started dating her.
So many guys adopt this mind-set and think “Oh wow, she such a hottie! That’s it, I’m off the market!” and then a few months later after she leaves him and the guy’s thinking that it couldn’t have been anything he did as he never looked at another girl while they were out (jealously thread out the window, then!?) and just ate and watched tv (overweight and dull).
As you mention guys should NEVER stop trying to improve themselves, even if they (mistakenly) think the girl their dating, is ‘The One’.
As a 52 year old guy, I’m in better shape than I was in my twenties, as is my fashion and grooming. I always want to have some projects to motivate me, even small ones and I’m starting a blog soon on how Older guys can maximise their daygame sessions, to date younger girls!
Roll on 2019 and a Happy New Year to all!
Posted at 06:33 am, 27th December 2018Having been very overweight, now fit in my late 30’s, I can tell you that your weight is going to be one of the biggest factors in your success with women if you are not in shape. Even still, when I’m working out and I’m down 15 lbs, women become more plentiful as in they are hitting me up without me doing anything. I will notice this taper off if I gain 15 lbs and stop working out for a month. Not saying the women stop coming, but I notice that I seem to be slightly less desirable to the hotter women with something as subtle as a 15 lb gain. I will look at my pictures and while you don’t notice much difference, a gain or loss of 15 lbs will show up in your face. Anyway get your weight under control and keep it that way.
Posted at 08:10 am, 27th December 2018I really enjoy these article since I’m a little on the older side (41) and am always looking for more ways to maintain my health and appearance. I already do much of what you stated and I’m in better shape now than I ever was when I was younger. I do much better with women than I ever did as well and I haven’t even tried online dating/apps yet! I see so many of my peers at my age really looking bad already, gaining weight, losing hair, etc… And I’m sure you’ll be shocked to hear these are typically all TMM guys!!! I can’t help but laugh now when they still try to convince me it’s the way to go. Although some are starting to secretly tell me I made the right move in avoiding TMM.
I haven’t checked my T levels so that’s top priority right now. I lift weights and eat well so I assume that helps but I know it naturally just starts dropping no matter what past 40.
Also, I think it’s awesome that you share this kind of info so the younger guys can get ahead of the game now. It took guys like us a little longer to figure it out through trial and error so I hope it helps at least some percentage of guys coming up.
Best to you and PF in the new year!
Posted at 08:16 am, 27th December 2018The only thing that worries me is that TRT has been linked to a higher risk of prostate cancer which already runs in my family. It might be below the 2% rule but it’s still worrying.
Squats and deadlifts might have to be good enough for me.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:43 am, 27th December 2018Start with Transcend by Kurzweil.
Very true! Good point! I forgot about that!
1. Get PSA blood tests every six months and DREs (rectal exams) every year once you start TRT, in coordination with your doctor. If anything strange starts happening, you can instantly address it (reduce your dosage or go off TRT completely).
2. I’m no doctor, but as far as I know, prostate cancer “runs” in almost every family. As man you’re almost guaranteed to get it as you age eventually (unless you die first). My dad just had it 2 years ago in his late 70s. It’s one of those things you just need to accept (and by the time you and I hit age 70 several decades down the road they may have already invented a cure or prevention for it.)
Violating the 2% Rule because of irrational emotions always brings unhappiness.
Posted at 08:50 am, 27th December 2018I’m a proponent of the Warlord Theory of Older Male Attractiveness (WTOMA? lol). Older guys in great shape have obviously have fought many fights and lived to tell the tale….even if we were just fat betas in our 20’s and 30’s. The lizard brain of the woman checking us out doesn’t know that, they just see age plus a nice v-taper and a certain confident ease of movement. There have been societies that didn’t allow marriage until compulsory military service was completed, and you can bet that the highest ranks had the best choices.
Even if this theory is wrong, it’s still useful….I don’t think it’s wrong, at all levels men compete against each other to prove their merit. “Women don’t care about the struggle, they hang out at the finish line and fuck the winners.” Not perfectly true, women love drama so they care about the struggle, but that doesn’t mean they don’t fuck the winners. Being an older guy with his shit way together is so much win.
On t-levels, I had to push my doc to check them….going for the blood test in the morning. I had to present it as almost anthropological. I can nearly squat my bodyweight and I’m skinny so how could I have low t-levels? That said, I’ve been on a long bender, so I won’t trust the reading until the alcohol has left my system.
Great post!!!!
Posted at 08:56 am, 27th December 2018My understanding is if you do this, you’re fucked, because your body has lost its own ability to create testosterone.
My understanding is this is correct and it often grows so slowly that men die of something else first (although holding to the spirit of this post, that might not be the case for a way older Alpha 2.0 who has been following the advice in the post).
Posted at 09:27 am, 27th December 2018Does the hair mesh keep growing?
Posted at 09:28 am, 27th December 2018Nice article. I look way better now in my early 40s than when I was in my early 30s, because I took care of myself, lost fat, gained muscle, took care of my skin, my facial hair, and learned ho to dress. As a consequence, it is way easier to seduce younger women now than when I was their age. Being older is not that bad as long as you don’t *look* old, like the typical overweight, badly dressed 40 something.
Btw, BD, I kinda disagree regarding exercising. Once every 48 hours is IMO a maximum for older men, not a minimum, and even then it’s probably a bit too much. It’s not a “the more you dot it, the better” thing, especially regarding weight lifting (for cardio, it’s a bit different). Do it too often and it becomes counterproductive, you start to get injured, and you must rest for several weeks/months. Ask me how I know. Exercising twice to three times a week (so, once every 72 hours) seems optimal for men in their late 30s or older, unless you really want to look like a bodybuilder.
Regarding fitness and time management : I workout at home, doing bodyweight exercises, twice a week, and it takes 2 hours per week, total time. No machine, no gym subscription, no need to take my car, no investment (ok, I have a pullup bar and resistance bands), and I can even do it when I’m traveling. Guys who think they can’t workout because they don’t have the time / the money, stop with excuses.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:48 am, 27th December 2018Incorrect. There are protocols to go off TRT that work fine.
No, but your real hair does (obviously).
That describes me as well. I was almost totally unable to attract women in their early 20s when I was in my early 20s. Now in my 40s it’s easy (provided I put in the numbers and so on).
I’m not qualified to address that, but once every 48 hours is 3-4 times per week, and you’d have a hard time convincing me that excising 3-4 times per week is “too often” for a guy in his late 30s. (Obviously if you’re doing something insane, like running 15 miles a day or over-training on the weights that would be different, but obviously I’m not recommending that.)
Posted at 09:49 am, 27th December 2018Completely insufficient for looking good unless you’re knocking back 3 X 20 pull ups and dips. Perhaps enough to not look bad, but not near enough for looking good.
Your words on no excuses are spot on. Your words on injury prevention are spot on. And much depends on the Game you’re playing. Being not gross is great! You’re a solid step ahead. But being visibly muscular is oh, so much better….you might be able to maintain visibly muscular on 2 hours week, but you can’t get there on 2 hours a week.
At our age, mid 40’s, you can have higher training volumes, just ramp up carefully, don’t ego lift, and be ready to deload at any time. There’s no invite to the NFL combine coming.
Posted at 11:36 am, 27th December 2018I really wish celebrities like Tom Cruise would make public what they’re doing. He looks ridiculous for 53.
The key factors for Tom Cruise seem to be:
Workout – He’s always in phenomenal shape in all of his movies. He probably works out 5-7 days per week.
Hair – He must have done something about balding, and I’m sure he regularly dyes his hair to eliminate grays and whites.
Skin – I’m sure he uses moisturizer and sunscreen every single day, and my guess is that he’s had laser skin resurfacing numerous times and maybe botox.
Diet – Apparently he rarely if ever drinks alcohol, and he never eats desert.
Testosterone – It wouldn’t surprise me at all if most of these older guys are on TRT.
If anyone knows what else these celebrities are doing, I’d love to know.
Posted at 12:00 pm, 27th December 2018You left out actualize your style…. I have seen older guys:
– in shape
– look good
– but their style is 2 decades old.
^ you actually talk about it in your book, you left it out of this article…
Posted at 12:34 pm, 27th December 2018Growth Hormone will keep 80 year olds looking like 50 year olds AND fix nagging injuries- at $250 cad (Chinese generic) every 60 days.
5 on 2 off a week @ 2iu. I was only on for a month- and this had me SOLD. For 40+ guys looking to stay young (fresh skin, less wrinkles, better hair) this is the bomb- combine with TRT or or TRT and a full cycle- you can pack lean mass on without crushingly heavy intensive (potentially damaging: squats and deadlifts) lifting and look years younger.
Posted at 12:37 pm, 27th December 2018I’m 31 — anything I should be doing?
I already work out, “try” to eat right (god help any saint that can eat clean 24/7/365), wear sunscreen.
I probably enjoy alcohol too much for my own good.
Posted at 01:12 pm, 27th December 2018You do. Read this.
A drink every week or so I suppose is fine but anything more than that and you’re begging for trouble.
Posted at 01:14 pm, 27th December 2018Alcohol is an insidiously marketed additive poison.
I look forward to what I can achieve now that I have dropped the anvil. 2018 has been good, 2019 will be great. This Naked Mind is a great book, the author’s a bit hokey but it’s good to see things from a fellow drunkard’s experience, and she’s a marketer rather than a doctor, which is refreshing, to say the least.
Remember, if you have gotten to the Joe Six Pack level, a 6 pack a day, you are drinking to recover from drinking.
Also, I had a VYW at a bar tell me straight to my face that older guys would be better if we didn’t drink so much. She said she can spot them due to the busted blood vessels in the nose. Yeah, my first nose blow of the morning over the last 2 years has been bloody. I know what I’m talking about here.
I’ve missed so many lays……..
Posted at 01:28 pm, 27th December 2018I’m almost 50 and I have women fighting over me.. Women will track me down, stalk me, and find out where I work. Shit I just had a woman send me a x-mas wishes with hearts and shit I met one time for 5 mins. I didn’t even give her my number. One girl I’m sleeping with has her co-worker begging her to let her fuck me.. I get treated like a puppy by women. They paw, pet, grope me and talk about how adorable I am. Yeah I’m not all that…I’m around average.. It’s mainly because there’s just so many fat, lazy, neutered, classless, unkempt, dad dressing, and defeated men out there in their late 40-50’s.. Anyway’s here what I do.. Everything I gathered from BD, Ironandtweed, johndoebodybuilding, and guys like GLL over the years.
1. testosterone – I was at 500 and went on it to double it 1000. Makes you a literal animal. Sex for days. Makes you aggressive with women. Women can smell it all over. I’m telling you they can smell the beast all over you. You ooze sex…
2. Skin – You need Tertronin. I get it from India without a RX. Kills acne from Testosterone and peels your face off. Only clinically proven RX to repair sun damage and lesson fine lines. Good lotion with sun block, coupled with a mild self facial tanner. I put the Tetronin on last
3. Workout – 5 days a week. Lift fucking weights for christ’s sake. Nothing is more alpha.
4. Dress – Dress like a man with fucking class. Buy kick ass shoes, boots, and stylish clothes. be different. Don’t go buying shit everyone else is wearing. Be an alpha. Be fucking different
5. Diet – Keep your weight down so you don’t stretch and loosen your face out with fat creating a asymmetrical unattractive look.. Also it’s a must if you want your clothes to fit tight and cleanly.
6. Improve – If you’re not working to improve in every area you’re dying.
7. Teeth – Fix your fucking teeth. Old people have brown nasty crooked teeth. Get fucking braces, or smile club (Super cheap) and whiten.
8. Hair – Shave that shit if it sucks. Be careful with color. No one likes a fucking solid black glossy helmet dye job. Makes you look older. Need variance in color even if its a little bit grey.
9. Smell – Polo, spice bomb, and shit..
10. Get rid of that body hair, nose hair, and trim your balls up
11. Have some pride and don’t take shit – Be able to defend your self. Women love men who can defend themselves verbally and physically if need be. Not old men who fall apart if someone yells at them. Yep I beat a fuckers ass this summer. Right in front of a woman who he was coming after in a road rage incident. He had 50lbs on me and I rag dolled him. She fucked the shit out of me. Have class but if you have no other escape be able to defend yourself like younger man.
Harry Flashman
Posted at 01:31 pm, 27th December 2018I’m nearing 50 and can relate to much in the article. Excellent advice. I was married young and began dating again in my late 30s. In my early 30s, I was an overweight, dorky beta with big glasses and zero game, being TMM. Ironically, I worked in an environment where I was surrounded by hordes of smoking hot VYM’s. I wanted to bang them all but yet, was married, a dork and had no clue how to do so, and because of mountains of religious programming, felt guilty even thinking of it. After a huge transformation, I was dating and sleeping with women in my mid-40s I could never have dreamed of doing when I was younger. I got a mission, travelled the world, lost weight, learned to dress, bought fucking contacts, bought a decent car. BD, you are sure right about having sex with younger women. It’s amazing the health benefits. I feel fantastic. To top it off, I ran into a colleague from my old office during a visit home when I was traveling. She was the 25 yo, smoking hot, ultra religious girl in the office. We had sex that night and she revealed after that she had been a virgin. Wow. Didn’t expect any of that. Needless to say, I would never wish to return to my old life. What BD is saying works. I only with I was reading him 15 years earlier!
Posted at 01:56 pm, 27th December 2018I wouldn’t settle for what they classify as “low”. At 500 the difference just going to 1000 was night and day. may have to go to a clinic that specializes on it if your numbers come back in range. Before I fucked my shoulder I was benching 240 at 167lbs. I would roll Jiu-jitsu with my kid when he was doing tournaments. Double legs, single legs, and then jump and touch my ceiling fan on my 10 foot ceiling at 49 and 5′ 10″, barefoot. It’s the fountain of youth for working out, strength, and sex of course as long as you take advantage of it and workout like you already do.. You would be even more of a beast.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:10 pm, 27th December 2018Yep. That’s next on my agenda. 🙂
I get these offers regularly. Due to problems I’ve had in the past with people who have offered to translate my stuff, I will not accept any translation work unless you can show me a clear track record of successful translation work with multiple happy, satisfied clients.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 07:21 pm, 27th December 2018I just had a free and total testosterone test. The results were total 515.90 ng/dL and free 9.3 pg/ml. I’m 55.
It seems like those numbers might be considered “normal for your age.” But not optimal.
Posted at 08:39 pm, 27th December 2018“I’m down 15 lbs, women become more plentiful”
Yeah, we may not realize, but our chiseled facial features are the first things to go, for some guys. If I gain even 5-10 pounds over a winter bulk, I notice much less eye contact from chicks. A beard helps disguise this a bit though.
Also, I’ve been hanging with my dad and his friends for the holidays and noticed: If you have an injury, go to physical therapy asap and do the hard work to fix it NOW before it debilitates you. My dad and his buddies are all fat and limping from bad knees, backs, and haven’t exercised in decades. Also, take care of your teeth. I swear I healed a cavity with liquid cod liver oil. It makes teeth, hair, and nails grow better. You’ll notice the hair and nails. Weight loss is the big one though. Being overweight for a couple decades increases the chances of blood pressure problems and pre-diabetes. The medication they give you for that will harm the liver and kidneys over years, which requires even more medication. The more medication youre on, the quicker alzheimer’s sets in, then youre dead.
I’m a little concerned about TRT. I tried steroids when I was in highschool and I was an angry monster all day. I assume it’s a much lower dose though. BTW A nice natural boost in testosterone is LEG DAY lol. When I started doing squats, leg press, dead lifts, and leg extensions twice a week (divided), man suddenly I saw my arms and back growing, plus a very annoying sex drive that reminded me of highschool.
Posted at 09:08 pm, 27th December 2018Dose is much lower.. 120mg-200mg versus 500-1000mg.. huge difference.. most negative side affects can be managed by smaller more frequent injections like 2 injections a week ( I use tiny needle and inject in thigh) versus 1 every other week which helps in managing your estradiol to testosterone levels.. you will for sure be more aggressive and amped but in a good alpha male controllable type way.. anger is much less of a problem for me since I started TRT as have other mood issues.. I’m in a good mood the vast majority of the time now…
Posted at 09:42 pm, 27th December 2018Hell I know people like that in their 20s and 30s! lol
Posted at 09:44 pm, 27th December 2018No. It doesn’t have that effect. After I went on TRT, I became calmer as well as less depressed and less anxious.
Posted at 09:55 pm, 27th December 2018I am over 50.
1. Maintain appearance – agree, doing it.
2. Go on TRT – agree, doing it. T level went from 200-ish to over 1,200. Night and day difference. I believe the idea that TRT increases the risk of prostate cancer has been debunked.
3. Exercise – agree, doing it, I lift four times a week. I am stronger now than when I was in my 20s and 30s. TRT gives abundant energy for this.
4. Daily skin regimen – agree, but not doing it yet. Hadn’t thought about it. Need advice on that front.
5. Focus on your mission – agree, doing it. A good friend of mine is over 70 and he refuses to retire. Several of his colleagues retired and promptly dropped dead. And these were academics, not high-powered executives!
6. Cosmetic procedures – agree… haven’t done it yet.
7. Lots of sex – great idea… that is on the agenda for next year, post-divorce. Need to up my style and learn game, though. Haven’t tried to cozen a new woman into bed for too many years.
I supplement with whey protein, vitamin D, vitamin K2, creatine, and low-dose aspirin.
I was going bald on top and gray on the sides, so I shaved my head. Also a lot of work to keep ear and nose hairs in check.
I am interested in HGH but have heard it is very expensive.
Style-wise, not sure what to do. I don’t want to dress like an old guy, but I don’t want to dress like an old guy who is trying to look like he’s 20, either. Advice?
Posted at 01:35 am, 28th December 2018X
Posted at 01:40 am, 28th December 2018@JP good shoes, style jeans and button down fitter dress shirt never go out of fashion.
Posted at 01:55 am, 28th December 2018Look at guys your age, who’s style you like and copy it. People like Cruise and Daniel Craig are good starters..
A good suit always looks good on an older guy, but make sure it fits well. Buy off the peg and then take it to a tailors to get it fitted to you (too many older guys wear ill-fitting suits). Casual wear should be blacks and greys. Go to places like “Zara” for stylish clothes. Avoid the GAP like the plague as you don’t want to look like the ‘New Balance, chino, checked shirt’-type over 40 guys you see all over the western world!
Posted at 02:16 am, 28th December 2018I’ve listened to a number of podcasts with experts on TRT. Almost all of them them have mentioned that the main research that showed an increased prostrate cancer risk with TRT that modern medicine relies on was done on guys in the 60’s and 70’s. They didn’t allow for any other factors like diet, exercise, general health etc. There was something else about it that was flawed as well but I can’t remember.
Their main point was that it was pretty crappy research and didn’t at all focus on TRT in a setting like you are talking about where the guys eat well, exercise and live a balanced life in other areas etc.
Prostrate cancer is almost guaranteed for all men if you live long enough. But obviously other health factors play a major part in slowing it down like all cancer.
Grigori Perelman
Posted at 02:20 am, 28th December 2018Your blog on “How To Cure Hair Loss” was very informative. Thanks. However, it seems to be 6 years old and hair replacements have improved (at least in popularity).
Can you please give an update blog on every day usage, what brand you use etc? These systems seem too good to be true: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrzsDvdBzIk Many people report that these things wear off quickly, look only really good the first day, glue that goes off etc. Any bad experiences on your side?
What is your opinion on lasik? I hate looking like Harry Potter, but an eye surgery for cosmetic reasons is a tough one.
Posted at 04:07 am, 28th December 2018Are there supplements that raise testosterone levels?
Due to more gym and work, I always feel tired, even though I sleep more then 8 hours. I try not to drink coffee because that is kind of an endless loop….
What kind of supplements are necessary, what should we focus on? For me preferably supplements that give an energy boost.
Posted at 06:39 am, 28th December 2018Stan: Not really, I’ve had plenty of guys I work with talk about “t boosters” they got off of Amazon… It’s complete bullshit. You need an RX for anything messing with your T level.
Supplements are one of those things you really need to do some research on, there’s a lot of pure garbage out there. Granted there’s always the placebo effect.
I primarily take fish oil, a multivitamin, and magnesium. I also use lite salt (it’s K and NaCL to keep my blood pressure UP). The electrolytes are mostly cause I eat keto. Most people can’t go wrong with starting on a quality multivitamin and fish oil.
Posted at 07:13 am, 28th December 2018Tom Cruise is 56, not 53. Obviously he’s way better good looking than most guys his age, but it’d be easier to look that good when you have your own home gym, personal trainer, chef to cook your meals, a nutritionist and use of a cosmetic dentist.
It’s expensive, but since I find waxing is totally useless in comparison, every 6 weeks, I get nose, ear, arm, back and chest hair lasered, as I don’t like being hairy.
No offence, but I’d never do TRT, as I prefer staying all natural and use herbs, diet/nutrition, health/fitness. Look up The Testosterone Truth group on Facebook and Doc Testosterone on YouTube – a PhD neuroscientist whose testosterone is now at superman level and he did it totally naturally over 3 years, with no use of TRT.
The herbs you should be regularly taking are Tongkat Ali, Schisandra, Fo:Ti, Nettle Root, Fenugreek, Tribulus Terrestis, L-Arginine Ethyl Ester (not a herb I know), Cistanche, Dodder Seed, Mucuna Pruriens (40% L-dopa), Maca, Epimedium, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola Rosea. Plus regularly take liquid vitamin D drops like Athletic Greens, or Thorne and I take Longevinex resveratrol capsules.
You don’t necessarily need to go to a gym, but staying fit is a much easier process if you do.
Invest in cosmetic dentistry, if you can afford it. If you think it’s way too expensive in the US, which it definitely is, go to Thailand or the Philippines, where it’s so much cheaper and the dentists there are just as professional as any Western ones are, who charge through the nose.
Posted at 08:40 am, 28th December 2018Good article… even though you have all these tools and techniques to maintain a peak state… do you ever find yourself get in a rut where said tools and techniques don’t work too well? What then?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:45 am, 28th December 2018As others have already said, TRT and steroids are two completely different things. I would never, ever recommend steroid use to anyone. That’s just stupid.
Sure. Good idea.
It’s not too good to be true. That video is pretty close to what I do.
But it’s not too good to be true because it’s expensive. 🙂
I have experienced none of those things.
There is a broad range of quality with these systems, and my guess is that the people complaining are getting the cheaper versions, but that’s only a guess.
You can also do it yourself (which is very complicated) or have an expert do it for you (which is what I do). It’s possible those complaining are do-it-yourselfers who are doing this half-assed. (Again, I’m just guessing.)
Zero. The worst problem I’ve ever had is that it itches a little sometimes. That’s it!
It’s awesome. Get it. Cheap and effective. I know several people who did it (including my ex-wife when I was married to her). It’s a quick, in-and-out procedure, and surprisingly inexpensive for the benefits.
I don’t understand the question. How can lifting weights or having a skin regimen “not work too well” because you’re in a “rut?”
Dexter Daygame
Posted at 09:47 am, 28th December 2018Regarding the hair procedures.
Isn’t it simpler to shave your head and put on muscle ?
The look isn’t just for black dudes. Vin Diesel and Joe Rogan are in their early fifties and they still got plenty of sex appeal.
Posted at 10:12 am, 28th December 2018What research are you using to back the efficacy of your “anti-aging” supplement stack? My knowledge on supplementation for weightlifting is pretty up-to-date and the more I learn, the more I get to know how minimally effective they are. Most being borderline useless. I’m very skeptical that “anti-aging” supplements are going to be any different.
This is an extremely hyperbolic statement. HGH will not nullify 30 years of aging.
Have you guys seen this video? It’s a 57 y/o woman swiping on 45+ men on bumble. It’s brutal.
Andy L.
Posted at 10:21 am, 28th December 2018All the advice works and not just on the purely physical level, either. Most important for me is how the small, regular physical improvements translate into massive ego-boosting.
In the past two years I’ve lost: 160 lbs of fat, my wife of 26 yrs, my aimlessness.
Although I am still 300 lbs, 49 years old, and not well off financially, my mental outlook is light years ahead of where I was in 2016. I get female attention like I never have before, without even trying.
The improvement in mental health due to having a plan, working the plan, and seeing results cannot be overstated. I know I am fat; but I feel awesome! I know I am in a shitty job; but I am working my plan to improve that area, too.
Taking control of your life, even in middle age, brings a wealth of confidence. Women, (and men) sense it. I stand taller, feel proud of myself, take charge of situations, and act with purpose each day.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 11:27 am, 28th December 2018some good nuggets here. I’m seeing a connection between doing squats, testosterone, and improved income. 80% increase from trt is crazy. I’ll become an absolute nerd on this and blast out my legs harder. I noticed my voice went crazy deep and people listened to me at work when I worked my legs so good I was walking like a penguin.
showww meeee the moneyyyy
Posted at 11:45 am, 28th December 2018With TRT you are simply injecting the hormone your body produces naturally (but in inadequate amounts) so there is nothing “unnatural” about it.
Posted at 12:11 pm, 28th December 2018All heavy resistance exercises “boost” testosterone. Shit sex will also but its marginal and temporary. Testosterone isn’t a linear number. It starts out higher in the morning and drops thru-out the day. Various things can “boost” or lower your T levels temporarily thru out the day. The difference is marginal.
Posted at 12:21 pm, 28th December 2018This really is an interesting question. It is also “unnatural” for human males to not be able to run a few miles or deadlift their body weight (just consider going hunting with a spear and dragging the carcass back to camp). Those of us who can, and are horny, arguably, have an adequate amount regardless of the number on the test.
It is unnatural to have a bodyfat percentage of 25% or 35% which will absolutely crater testosterone levels, and that’s where it gets interesting. A great way of repairing one’s level is to drop below 15% bodyfat, but….it sure seems like that would be easier if one was on TRT! I’m guessing studies have been done on the issue….2 groups of overweight guys, one set on TRT the control set not, lift for 6 months and check the difference.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:56 pm, 28th December 2018Yes and I’ve said that numerous times. If you can shave your head and still look good, do it. Much easier and cheaper.
It depends on the man; skin tone, facial structure, body fat, and so on. Not every man looks like Vin Diesel or Joe Rogan. They have tan skin and chiseled faces, so they look good with shaved heads. I, on the other hand, would look like a fucking cancer patient if I shaved my head. So would a lot of other white guys.
Correct. The only time TRT becomes unnatural is if you overdo it and jack your testosterone to superhuman levels, as in well above 1200. That’s steroids territory.
As long as you stay below 1100-1000, then yes, all you’re doing is replacing the testosterone your body was naturally creating just few years prior. This the word “replacement” in Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 01:24 pm, 28th December 2018have you looked i to the stem cell treatments transcend recommends in parts of the book? just curious in regards to skin aging and hair loss it made it seem like that’s another option that seems appealing.
Posted at 05:13 pm, 28th December 2018“Growth Hormone will keep 80 year olds looking like 50 year olds AND fix nagging injuries- at $250 cad (Chinese generic) every 60 days.”
“Yep. That’s next on my agenda.”
You said in another article never want to do:
“(Note: This is HCG, not HGH, which is human growth hormone, which is a completely different thing I will not be doing.)”
What made you change your mind?
Did you also change your position on the fact that you now want to be younger than your age?
Posted at 05:42 pm, 28th December 2018That’s just kind of sad. A washed up hippie hooker that thinks her pussy is still made of gold. That is unfortunately the future of many western women (or a complete troll).
At least she’ll have her cats!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:52 pm, 28th December 2018I didn’t. I didn’t want to take HGH when I was 42 (too young). but I will want to look at options for it when I turn 47 in a few months.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:07 pm, 28th December 2018Yes. I plan on harvesting my stem cells next year. In terms of taking stem cells, I only plan on doing that in order to recover from an injury, but over time there will be other applications I’d be wiling to use.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:18 pm, 28th December 2018You wanna give a woman a fun few hours? Tell her you’ll take her to a shop and let her pick some clothes for you. It’s great if you got an FB and you can tell them exactly what you want – to look better for women. Obviously pick a woman with a good sense of style. If you’re secure with it and don’t mind a few snide jokes, a gay male friend may do the trick, if you pick carefully.
I still remember a bunch of fag hag and gays friends taking unseemly delight in advising me on hair cut and clothes in the months after I got divorced. They made it a project. I’m glad someone enjoyed it all.
Zara is a great shop. I do most of my clothes shopping there. Not outrageously priced and always stylish.
Posted at 06:28 pm, 28th December 2018That was a compete trip watching that video. I know its bad out there with entitlement from chicks, but that was some next level shit! She’s a not so attractive 57 yo hooker but she wants a good looking successful professional guy. Most guys I know wouldn’t date a hooker or ex-hooker full stop regardless of how hot they were. That blows my mind!
Posted at 07:23 pm, 28th December 2018I have found testosterone to be extremely variable… I am 41 and I tested at 700 in october. Then for two months I worked out hard, ate at a caloric deficit, worked a lot, and didn’t get enough sleep and it dipped to 200 lol. Sleep is more of a focus now!
comp eliminator
Posted at 10:28 pm, 28th December 2018im 55 and have been on trp allmost 8 years. i workout and am in very good shape. other than my estradiol levels are a little high everything else is good. 600 plus testosterone levels after a week. 100 test cyp a week. even had all my thyroid levels checked. my problem is little to no sex drive. ive read and tried everything i can think of. ive tried an anti aramatose inhibitor but no luck. i would appreciate any thoughts
Posted at 11:31 pm, 28th December 2018Marty
that gal has a book out and a blog where she gives dating advice
she says she will not date a fifty year old guy who goes to burning man
she thinks she can be that picky because she is so hot.
most guys would date hookers
…add in college girls doing porn web cam and sugar daddy game
that is a lot of women who can find any number of guys to date
Posted at 02:29 am, 29th December 2018God help us….:/
Most?? Are you sure? I always hear heaps and heaps of guys saying they won’t ever fuck a hooker let alone date one. Casual sex or fuck buddies I could imagine if guys are just looking for someone to fuck. But I don’t reckon many guys would be cool with dating and getting into a serious relationship with a hooker.
Imagine being a successful professional working in big company or professional industry like Law or Accounting/Business Consulting like she is talking about finding with a wife who used to be a hooker.
Same with anyone doing porn. Sugar daddy is a bit different depending on how deep they went with it. Some girls play around the edges and others are straight out hookers so it would depend. The ones who played around with it wouldn’t cause too many issues I wouldn’t think.
I’ve seen a lot of hookers in my life and I have nothing against them at all. I enjoy them a lot. I’d happily be friends with them or even maybe a fuck buddy. But there is no way I would date one or get into a serious relationship.
Posted at 06:07 am, 29th December 2018Calorie deficit caused the shutdown. When you reduce calories your body has to choose what to cut back on. Hormones are one of those things. But you are correct in that sleep has an effect but nowhere near as much as a prolonged diet. It’s well known that if you want to tank to tank a T test reduce calories for a couples weeks, get drunk the night before, smoke some weed, and don’t sleep.
Posted at 06:49 am, 29th December 2018You need to check your free T levels. That’s the only number that really matters. Personally on the daily I go off the morning wood test. If you aren’t waking up with morning wood you’re possibly not getting enough. 140mgs works for me. Some guys, like the dude over ironandteweed.com needs 200mgs a week. It’s highly variable and you might need HCG or a daily 5mgs a day of Cialis. I have a 20 something bodybuilder buddy who takes Cialis daily and he swears by it for his workouts. He says it really gets the blood flowing.. It helps a little with high blood pressure also. It’s a very safe drug and a lot of guys are taking it daily for their overall health in addition for it’s intended use.
In the end I would think about finding a clinic that specializes in TRT if you haven’t already.
Posted at 07:37 am, 29th December 2018Yeah i’d fuck some of the guys she left swiped before I fucked her. That’s a lot of women over 33+ these days unfortunately. Delusional. They get told on FB how beautiful they are and let it get to their heads.. Then they’re making videos on youtube.. she’s unfuckable in my book
Posted at 09:43 am, 29th December 2018I’ve done that route too, when I first needed to get new clothes cause I’d dropped several sizes from losing weight. She wasn’t an FB, but a coworker’s girlfriend that was about 22-23 years old. I think she did a good job with it.
I really like RMRS on youtube (Real Men Real Style). Just be careful about some of the shit he’s hawking in the videos, but besides that I think he has a lot of good advice. He’s more on the “classy” side with what he does, but that’s the look I’m trying to go with.
Got a $30 sport coat on clearance (that actually fits well), button up, and some dark jeans, and decided to dress up one night when I went out (the outfit in total was like $120, but all of the pieces can be used independently). Sent a selfie to one of my ladies that occasionally gives me style/fashion advice and her reaction was something along the lines of “damn you look good in that”.
The weird thing is… I was out playing poker at the casino,but even had other guys generally commenting on how well dressed I was (never had that happen to me ever). It was almost like peacocking, without having to peacock. In any case I think it was kind of an individual exercise for me in a couple different areas. It takes a decent level of OI to dress against the grain of what most guys would be wearing. But it was also firsthand experience is how much more confident I felt in an outfit that: looked good, fit well,etc.
Posted at 09:58 am, 29th December 2018Meh, it was funny but that’s about it.
Also, what is she expecting going after dudes her own age? Dudes her age are broken down like crazy. Pretty much all of the dudes she was cycling through looked like they gave up on life in their 20s lol.
Posted at 03:01 pm, 29th December 2018Interested in your opinion (and that of your readers) on something. The most basic cosmetic procedure is hair dye. As I am getting older I am getting more gray hair. I go back and forth on this. It is easy enough to get rid of it for a few dollars a month (for gawd sake get a professional to do it), but there is a case to be made that women are attracted to a little “salt and pepper.”
Also, it isn’t just on your head, but on your face and other parts of your body. Should I go for an “all over” dye treatment?
Any thoughts on this?
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 05:47 pm, 29th December 2018https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2699641/
Someone mentioned tretinoin. It’s a no brainer. Here’s a good summary of the scientific evidence.
Posted at 08:02 pm, 29th December 2018Anybody try or think about nosejobs? I broke my nose in wrestling decades ago. At 35, so far the crooked nose hasnt hindered my game, but in my 40s and 50s, it might. I plan to start more public speaking and video appearances for work too. Im nervous theyll fuck up my face honestly.
Also to the lazer hair removal comment, do they laser off even the sensitive areas? Does it eventually stop growing?
Posted at 10:56 pm, 29th December 2018With laser, I’ve had it done for 5 years and while most of it has stopped growing, it still grows back, especially chest hair. I get it done every 6 weeks. It depends on how hairy a guy is and what his hormones are like, as they’re much stronger on the chest, than on the back. I find it’s way better than waxing, which is a waste of time and money.
If you can afford it, I’d definitely get a nose job, but go to Asia to get it, to save money, compared to what you’d pay in the US. I don’t suggest a face lift though.
Posted at 07:26 am, 30th December 2018I dyed mine and it looked stupid. My face looks my age, good for my age, but I don’t look like a young man and having my hair dyed, by a professional who did a good job….let’s say it was one of the judo kids who did me a favor and teased me about it. “You’re 10 years younger bro, wow!” yeah I had that coming.
In terms of facial hair, I agree with BD that VYW will be put off by gray facial hair, so I think dying that shit is somewhat different. I still think that for those of us with decent jawlines and one chin, zero facial hair is best. Everybody knows some guys grow great beards and they are manly as fuck, but many more guys grow goatees and beards to cover things up.
At this point, I’m gonna grow a wild ass gray mane. In college as a nontraditional student I made friends with a VYW I never made a pass at. I’ve survived her Facebook purges and she comments on my posts 6 years later, so in retrospect I guess I made an impression (not necessarily sexual). Anyway, she put up a pic of her when she was a child, being held by her long-haired father, wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt…..holy fuck, that kid certainly would have been part of our crew.
It’s funny…..this is not “just be yourself” not by a long shot, but we all have different looks we can pull off. I mean, yeah, I’m going for an aging rock star/warlord look, but if I wasn’t a fairly small dude with a very full head of hair, it wouldn’t work so well….plenty of guys waaaay stronger than I am don’t show it as well. That said, when I go serious professional, I look way too serious. Other guys can pull that look off way better than I can. I’m not too worried about long gray hair in the professional world, as long as I’m healthy, professionally dressed and well muscled.
I thing aiming for that professional with his shit together but cool about it look is the happy spot for most guys. Fashion and grooming strategies vary, but I think the bottom line is you want to show (and really be) the guy who can adult with the best of them. VYW (2’s especially) will dig it because that’s why they like you…..over 33’s, well, I’m not sure yet but it sure seems like running a tight ship helps more than hurts. After all, “domestic incompetence” is a seduction strategy….beta as fuck, “Come save me woman!” but it works.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:15 am, 30th December 2018Here’s the standard rule: It depends on the age of the women you’re going after.
If you’re largely targeting women over 30, then yes, many of them love the salt-and-pepper and some grey will actually help you get laid in many cases (strange as that sounds; it surprised me too).
If you’re going after younger women under the age of 23, having any grey whatsoever can often harm your odds, even if just a little bit, even with the Type Twos. So you don’t want any grey in your hair if that’s the case.
Women between 23 and 29 is a grey area, pun intended.
Also, NEVER have ANY grey hair in your facial hair (unless you looked like a ripped, gorgeous male model).
(FYI I dye my hair and plan to until at least age 60. Looking at Tom Cruise convinced me to do this.)
Posted at 12:18 pm, 30th December 2018This sure isn’t the case for women. The ones who give up and don’t dye their gray hair look waaaaaay older than women of the same age who do dye.
I have noticed that for men, facial hair seems to go gray before head hair. That’s why no beard for me.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 12:56 pm, 30th December 2018anyone tried Phosphatidylcholine in their supplement regiment?
Posted at 02:13 pm, 30th December 2018OK, but is that “the answer”? Every woman has a cabinet full of expensive skin creams and lotions – why don’t they all just use tretinoin?
Posted at 05:51 pm, 30th December 2018Ever heard of Retinol? It’s the same thing… women have their cabinets full of it in non-rx form. tetronin is much much stronger and requires a rx.. if your insurance company doesn’t pay for it it’s as much as $200.. I know about it because my ex worked at a dermo office and those old rich women bought plenty of it.. I get it overseas for $10. The younger you are when you start using the better..
Posted at 07:18 am, 31st December 2018I told an older female friend of mine, a really remarkable lady, thoughtful, educated, and successful, about my Warlord Theory of Older Male Aging. She thought there was something to it, and wondered was the analogy is for women. I said “Nothing….hold on to youth with all your holding” to which she responded with a grim #truth.
BD has vastly more experience with this stuff, has experimented way more and spoken to more men. On this I’d take his word over mine, he also writes for a wide audience. I have a cute young hairdresser who’s been trying to talk me into long hair, and she emphasizes the visibly muscular part….she dyed my hair a while ago but totally thinks I look way better without it dyed.
If I get too regularly blown out I’ll change tack. It might ruin things with women under 23, but I’m guessing I’ll be able to get to sex plenty fast (now that I’m no longer destroying my libido with a nightly 12 pack of beer).
Posted at 09:49 am, 31st December 2018@WellBuiltStyle on Twitter is good for style ideas. Just pay attention to the guys in your age range.
Posted at 07:43 pm, 24th January 2019How about the crazy 73 yr old Alpha male Dan Pena?
comp eliminator
Posted at 12:07 am, 25th January 2019im 55 and ive been on trt for allmost 10 yrs. except for very infrequently my sex drive is low ,erection problems and when i do have sex im cumming to quickly. all problems i didnt use to have. all my levels look good except my estradiol level is around 40. thats allmost a week after my shot. i take a 100 mg test shot every week. i tried taking anistrazole years ago but it didnt help but i think the dosage he prescribed was to high. ive asked numerous times to try it again but he absolutely refuses. ive also had a thyroid panel done. my tsh is 4 to 4.5 which is way high and i had low vit D which i started taking. im lifting in good shape and otherwise healthy. sorry for the long post but i would sure appreciate any advice i could get.
John H.
Posted at 09:11 am, 21st February 2020MAINTAIN single-digit body fat, ALL the time.’
This is probably the biggest factor. When you drop into that 7-9% range, your face looks very different. Jawline become more prominent, cheekbones as well, facial proportions change for the better overall. The rare exception is some guys who just don’t hold fat on their face and have very angular features, you can skip this, you got a good draw of the genetic cards, but this is largely the exception.
Tan. This one, use your best judgement. If you are pale and burn or have signs of wrinkles in your early 40’s, I wouldn’t do it. If you have olive skin, no history of cancer in the family, older siblings aren’t showing wrinkles, it may be worth it, most people will look better tan, especially when combined with the single-digit body fat.
Enhanced TRT. This one is purely hypothetical, for legal reasons. There are test-subjects that cut their testosterone dose in half, and replace the other half with a DHT such as Masteron or Proviron. Good for those who are estrogen sensitive; less bloating, thinner skin, higher DHT levels, higher free testosterone…. again, this with the above two is mainly aimed at making your face look as best as possible. Some of these may not be legal depending on where you live and you will need a really progressive doctor, not some lame GP, even if they are. HGH may have a bloating effect on some, 1-2iu would be highly recommended after 40 though. Cialis, low-dose every night, even with an optimal diet, arteries and vessels stiffen over time, this keeps them more pliable, no visual benefit here but other obvious benefits.