31 Dec The Story of My History with Women – Part 14 – Success Achieved

This is the next installment of the book I never published regarding my history with women and the lessons I learned from it. If you haven’t yet, you should read parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, and 13 before you read the article below, so you can be up to speed on where the story picks up. Everything below is all 100% true to the best of my memory, journals, and spreadsheet records, though all the names of the people described have been changed.
-By Caleb Jones
We last left off about ten years ago, in January 2009, the beginning of my craziest year yet…
With Selina and all of her insanity and crazy friends gone (at least for now), I started 2009 with a clean slate. I had learned so much over the past two years, both about dating and meeting new women and about maintaining ongoing relationships. For the first time ever, I felt in my bones that I actually had a full-on system for both of these things (meeting new women, and maintaining nonmonogamous relationships).
I was very excited.
I started breaking out my first dates into groups of ten. I knew that my most important number was the number of new women I had sex with per ten first dates. I tracked other numbers (response rates, date rates, and so on) but I know that the sex-per-10-dates number was the key to everything. The better this number was, the less dates I would need. Less dates meant less time spent since, while sending out openers took very little time, going on first and second dates that went nowhere did take my time. Getting that number as high as possible was my number one, all consuming goal.
As soon as January 2nd, 2009 came, I hit the dating sites hard. I mean hard. The hardest I had ever hit them. With photos I knew worked, profiles I knew worked, openers I knew worked, date pitches I knew worked, and first date systems that I knew worked, my confidence was at an all-time high. I knew that all I needed to do now was to put in the numbers, and I have no problem with a little hard work if it means I’ll get what I want.
In a decision that would later come back to bite me in the ass, I drastically cut back on all of my work hours, stopped exercising, stopped doing pretty much everything (except seeing my kids on weekends), and focused damn near 100% on my woman life.
With my now somewhat-proven systems, I blasted out hundreds of openers and did scores of follow-ups, hitting multiple dating sites every damn day, including Match.com, Zoosk, Plenty of Fish, Yahoo Personals, and a relatively new site I started using called OKCupid. Within three weeks, I had done my first block of ten first dates.
Results from these ten dates: I had sex with three new women by January 21st, two by the second date and one by the third. All three women cost me less than $21 each to get from zero to sex. I also got very sexual with two more women but couldn’t get all the way to sex.
Sex with three new women in exactly 20 days. It was, at the time, a huge record-breaker and game-changer for me. I then knew, finally, that for the rest of my life, I would never need to go without sex. I could simply press a few buttons, follow my system, and get laid. I had finally accomplished my goal of getting my sex life “handled.” What a wonderful, amazing feeling. Damn, that was such an emotionally satisfying month. It was 10 years ago and I still remember it well.
The first woman was a 19 year-old college student who, while young and fun in bed, wasn’t very attractive to me. We had sex three times and we both sort of floated away from each other, which was a good thing.
The second of these women is someone I’ll call Emma. She was 25 years old, super hot, very physically fit (she ran regular marathons), nice as could be, dark red-brown hair (the best non-blonde hair I had ever seen), and we hit it off immediately. Little did I know she would become one of the longest-term and most interesting relationships in my life. She also had an IUD which immediately increased my attraction, as it always does. (If I can’t get you pregnant, I automatically like you more.)
We had sex on the third date only because I didn’t have enough time on the second date, which was my fault for improper planning.
Lesson Twenty-Four
Bad logistics are always YOUR FAULT. On any meetup with any woman where you expect sex to occur, you must plan out ALL logistics to ensure a smooth transition to sex. Failure to do this is always your fault, since she will never do this for you.
On the third “date” back at my place, we had sex three times in the same evening. Like I said, we really got along. She became an instant MLTR, and went on to become one of the longest and lowest-maintenance MLTRs I’ve ever had, though there would be an interesting hiccup later. More on that in future installments.
The third woman is someone I’ll call Darci. She was a cute, perky blonde 24 year-old college student with the kind of big boobs and big ass that I like. We had sex in her college apartment on the second date, marking one of the very rare times I’ve had first-time sex at the woman’s place instead of mine. (We were already downtown right by her place so it was just easier.) She was a Type Two VYW who preferred older men, and she was one of those women who had oral fetishes and loved giving blowjobs. Good times.
Darci went on to become a really fun, long-term FB, though she would often LSNFTE me for occasional boyfriends, which was fine. Again, more on her later.
So not only did I have sex with three new women in 20 days, but two out of the three became ongoing relationships, which was always my goal. Such a great way to start the year! And I was just getting started.
Keeping in mind the mistake I had made in the past of getting complacent once I had one or two women on rotation and then stopping all new dating efforts, I resolved to never make that mistake again. So, I kept on hitting the dating sites hard even after my successful January with Emma and Darci, with zero drop in new dating activity. I now knew that two women would not be enough for me. (As I’ve said before that two women is almost monogamy. What happens when one of them leaves? Congratulations! You’re monogamous!)
Into February and March, the new women kept on coming. Some of the more notable examples were:
– The wild 38 year-old blonde who showed up to our first date with one of her girlfriends. Nope! Next!
– The beautiful, amazing, mature, intelligent 23 year-old who had already graduated college and was already head of human resources for a major corporation. Damn. She was breathtaking in every way. Alas, I never saw her again after the first date. I was not her type.
– The short 45 year-old who squirted when she came. This was the first time I had encountered this, I had to really prepare the towels whenever we had sex, which I felt was a hassle. I know some guys are really into squirters, but not me. She didn’t last very long (and it was mutual parting).
I also dated four, yes four different Russian women during this time. I wasn’t sure why I was ending up with so many. Ether there was a lot of Russian women in my city, or I was attracting them. They were:
– Svetlana, a very cute and sweet 27 year-old who looked like she was 16. Didn’t get very far with her. She seemed very nervous dating a non-Russian man.
– Valentina, a very traditionally-minded 29 year-old who was looking for her next husband who would take care of her (and her young son) for the rest of her life in marital bliss. Strange how all the traditional stuff went out the window when she was grinding her ass into my crotch after a drink on our second date.
– Irina, a serious bitch. She kept me waiting in the parking lot of her apartment for what seemed like forever, only to complain about everything under the sun for an hour. Next! (But she did introduce me to the squirter woman above, so at least something good came of it. Always make the best out of a bad situation.)
– Tatyana. Gorgeous, blonde, big perfect boobs, beautiful face and body. Smart and funny and very feminine. She worked at a spa and moonlighted as a mobile manicurist. She even gave me my first manicure (which I don’t recommend to men; they’re a waste of time). We went on a few dates, did a few sexual things, but I could never have sex with her. She really liked me and was attracted to me but was just too nervous about it all, likely because her last relationship was a physically abusive one (ah, Russians).
Some of these Russian women I discussed here. I had problems with all of them, but hadn’t yet figured out the Russian correlation. (Sometimes I’m a slow learner.)
Regardless, after going on so many dates and dating so many women, very clear patterns were emerging based on my meticulous spreadsheet tracking. There were many, but the ones that were interesting were:
– The younger the woman, the more likely she liked me. 18 year-olds and 25 year-olds, for example, loved me. But 40+ year-olds, not so much. I had much better sexual success with younger women (sometimes much younger women) than with older women, almost across the board.
– Asian women really liked me.
– Russian women really liked me (at least enough to really want to go out on dates with me, not necessarily enough to have sex with me quickly).
– Women with corporate jobs really liked me. I had unusually high success rates with them for some reason.
These were my target markets. With this information, I made the following changes in my dating system:
1. I started focusing on younger women, at least slightly. I didn’t boycott the over-33 women yet because I hadn’t yet figured out that was the key age for all this stuff. Regardless, by this time it seemed very clear to me that I could get to sex much faster the younger the woman was, even if there was an unusual age difference. I tried to focus on women under 30, ideally younger than 24, though I continued to still meet up with women over 30 and over 40; just not as many as before.
2. I gave preference to the type of women I liked. Which meant curvy, busty blondes and petite but curvy Asians (what few there were; Asian women are not curvy).
3. I also gave preference to the type of women who liked me, which meant young women, Asian women, Russian women, and women who worked in corporate jobs.
When I started doing this, my success rates shot upwards. I could schedule ten first dates whenever I wanted and reliably have sex with at least two women, usually three. A 3 out of 10 first-date-to-sex ratio! Far beyond the 1 out of 10 ratio I had in 2007 and most of 2008. I had tripled my results!
And it was only the first few months of 2009. I had a lot more successes to go…
Next installment coming soon.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:22 am, 31st December 2018Question for you concerning ASD. At what age does an older woman lower her tendency to kick on her ASD? I definitely understand the lack of ASD for woman under 33, and the use of ASD for women over 33, I’ve seen it, but with men older than let’s say 50+ it’s equally important to have an understanding of ASD in older women.
Posted at 05:30 am, 31st December 2018Hi BD, always great reading your stuff. It has really helped me recently.
I would like to know when you will be able to show us Pink Firefly photos. You promised you would by the end of the year.
Posted at 06:11 am, 31st December 20181.What did you do differently in order to increase that ratio from 1/10 to 3/10?
2.What mistakes have you done in the past when you had 10 dates,that now you dont do?
3.What do you think are the things that increases your ratio from 3/10 to the ratio that you have now?
4.Your present ratio,you said is as high as 8 out of 10 in a recent post.Is that high because you go to dates with your target market?
I mean you have 10 dates with 10 Asian Chicks ,which you said are in your target market(and fuck 8).If you had 10 dates with 10 Brunettes,or any type of girl which is not in your target market,that ratio (girls fucked per 10 dates)will go down,or will remain the same as with Asian Chicks or blondes?
5.In the eyes of your Oltr ,or girls you have been serious in the past,do you think you lose “points”,because you are not a natural,you are a Pua,like some sort of “scam”?I know you dont care about the opinions of others,and neither I,but do you think you are perceived lower ,because you had to “train” in order to get good with women?
Posted at 07:26 am, 31st December 2018Absolutely inspiring, 2 days from Go Time. Thanks for this!
Posted at 08:49 am, 31st December 2018How did she do the introduction and how did you transform it into sex? This kind of referral/social game is not something you explained but it’s not the first time you talk about something similar happened to you.
I know a few women who I stopped seeing because it was going nowhere sexual after 2 or 3 dates but I think I could contact them again and meet them in a social context where they would introduce other women. I could use this opportunity to see if they introduce some hot friends and bang them.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:40 am, 31st December 201850s.
Yes. While I’m no expert in women in their 50s (though I have had sex with one), I have noticed that when lots of women hit their early 50s, ASD drops and they experience almost a kind of sexual resurgence. I’m not sure why this is (though I have some theories). It’s also interesting to note that the divorce rate for women in their 50s spikes upwards, as I’ve analyzed in the past.
So for you older guys, going after still-trim, still reasonably attractive women in their early to mid 50s (and there are more and more of these women every year as mankind becomes younger and as cosmetic procedures become more commonplace) is a damn good idea. You avoid a lot of the ASD with those women in their 30s and 40s.
You’re very welcome.
Answered that here.
I mentioned two important things in the article. There were other tweaks but I don’t specifically remember. I just kept on going on dates and getting better and better though practice.
Oh man, so many…
– Didn’t manage logistics well.
– Waited too long to escalate to sex.
– Took women out when I didn’t need to (like on 2nd dates).
– Etc.
You’ll have to wait for future articles in this series… (Or just buy my books.)
It’s because of many reasons. Target market is one. I do everything correctly, exactly as I describe in my books. My confidence and outcome independence are also sky-high.
It will go down, at least somewhat, though I’ve never actually tested it the exact way in which you describe. (I would never go on 10 dates with 10 Asians in a row; how boring.)
When you deposit money in the bank, do they ask you where you got the money? Do they refuse to take your money based on how you got it? Do they care at all, in any way whatsoever, once you have the money in your hands?
It’s the same with women and your dating skill / Alpha status.
This actually wasn’t referral game as I describe it. This was something else, and more luck than anything. I don’t remember how I got the Russian to introduce me to her friend, but somehow I got the contact info from her, and hit her up myself, and put her through the normal process. It’s somewhat rare I do this.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 10:26 am, 31st December 2018perfect timing for go time
Posted at 10:34 am, 31st December 2018My guess would be, they just got away from their boring beta hubby, and want to live it up one last time before becoming an old cat lady. Also, they don’t need to lock down a provider because they are done having kids… they’re just in it for the fun.
Posted at 10:37 am, 31st December 2018What I keep hearing about OLD is that most 20-something women automatically filter out guys over 40. (And 30-something women exclude over-50 men.) I assume your system gets around this problem somehow?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:51 pm, 31st December 2018Yes.
Posted at 08:48 pm, 31st December 2018i’ve had some many past misses where i spend more than 2 hours and no good logistics i couldn’t pull public sex because it triggers ASD
Posted at 05:26 am, 1st January 2019…Blackdragon, you said you started January 2009 with brand new pictures/profiles that you knew worked, but how did you know for sure they worked if they were brand new? Which leads to my second question, how often or when would you say to for a guy to change his pics/and or profile on dating sites if he’s not getting any responses/success? I’ve noticed that there are some sites that I just haven’t been able to get anything on no matter what I do. Thanks
Posted at 07:52 am, 1st January 2019Do you know couples ,who have been many years togheter in Oltr marriage(like more than 10 years),and they are still happy(your definition of happiness)?
You also said in a blog post ,that when you were married in TMM,in your neighbourhood there was a couple who had a discrete Oltr marriage and had kids.Did they relationship lasted?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:07 am, 1st January 2019I knew the photo techniques that worked and made sure to do all of them in all of my photos.
If he’s not getting any responses, immediately.
Yes. Several. Including with kids. Though not all of them follow every aspect of OLTR marriage that I talk about. They’re just nonmonogamous in some way.
Yup! I would have saved myself a lot of trouble had they just sat down and explained to me what they were doing before I got married.
I lost track of them a good 20 years ago so I have no idea.
Posted at 10:13 am, 1st January 2019BD, I think you may be drawing a somewhat wrong conclusion here. I think the MORE important factor in that is the post divorce. In this past year I hooked up with 2 women in their 40s (i’m mid 30s) that didn’t even require dates, just came straight over for sex. I’ve also had additional women in that same age range 30-40, get extremely sexual right out of the gate.The common thread being… in the process of going through a divorce, or very recently divorced. Think about it…. They’ve been TMM for 5-10+ years, and all of a sudden they don’t have that hanging over them anymore. Women don’t stop being horny when they’re married, they stop being horny for their husband. Although women DO cheat (just like men, they still have that SP that tells them it’s wrong… One of the women said to me in bed “I’m such a terrible person, I’m still fucking married”).
Now never married, or more then a year or 2 out from divorce (basically enough time to have a wild phase, and settle down again)… absolutely agree with you about the ASD.
On a different note, I can’t remember if you said it’s in your younger woman book , or if it was another book idea that you had. I was potentially looking to dip into sugar baby game.
Shawn, I think it’s just straight up harder now than it was in the past. My amount of dates dropped dramatically when OKC started doing their stupid bullshit with message filtering. POF became the defacto spam site since CL dating got taken down (seems about 7/10 new profiles are fake).I’m currently reworking my stuff, and may try some of the other sites BD mentioned (match, zoosk,etc).
Posted at 01:56 pm, 1st January 2019@Heh
Are you talking about online dating or just in general? I don’t understand why guys want to do online dating, when women have just way too many options online, especiall if you go for women between 18 and 28.
Dexter Daygame
Posted at 02:44 pm, 1st January 2019I’m still extremely skeptical of using online dating as a method to pull stunners.
It’s not a coincidence that there hasn’t been a single PUA/redpill guy who has provided evidence of himself using online dating to *consistently* have sex with women who are both *younger* and *hotter* *without throwing money* around.
In comparison to real life interactions online dating severely limits the tools from the seduction/pickup toolkit that can be used. Body language, voice tone, facial expressions, charisma, presence etc. All of those can be delivered by men using social circle game, night game and day game. They can’t be delivered through a computer screen.
Joe Hendylot
Posted at 03:27 pm, 1st January 2019I’ve read most your writing about LSNFTE, but there is one thing I have not gotten your opinion on: When an ex-MLTR returns, do they usually come back as MLTRs or do you keep them as FB from there on?
Posted at 04:21 pm, 1st January 2019“profiles I new worked, openers I new worked, date pitches I new worked”
I am sure you meant “knew”, love this series BD!
I do have a question however, when do you consider your roster full? Do you continually rotate new women in or do you have enough returning FB’s and ex MLTR’s that you shut down new contacts totally at some point?
Posted at 06:00 pm, 1st January 2019Yes, I fully agree with Mr. Dexter. If you’re using online dating and online apps as the only way you meet women, sure you’ll clean up as a guy if you’re very good looking (like you’re at least an 8 out of 10), but if you’re not, you aren’t likely to get women, who are at least a 9 and higher to meet you, unless you’re paying them and/or they’re a gold digger type. I’m definitely sure there’s some around though online.
You’re also going to go backwards as a person socially, if you don’t make any effort to regularly cold approach, whether it’s in day or night game. Use online dating and dating apps, but only as a side thing to regularly getting off the computer.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:15 pm, 1st January 2019That’s entirely possible. I’m just not going to spend the time screening for over-30 women who are currently getting divorced when I can get to sex quickly with any woman under 33 regardless of divorced status.
I was pretty clear about that in the article. Only one of the three women I had sex with was a “stunner.” The rest were just cute.
I have had sex with numerous women who were both younger and hotter, and did it consistently for years, using 85% online dating (10% social circle and 5% daygame). (Today I use sugar daddy game so there is money involved.)
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I have pictures, emails, texts, and journal entries regarding just about every woman I’ve ever had sex with in my entire life. I would be more than happy to publicly show evidence of all of this IF you can provide me of way of doing so without me risking lawsuits, deplatforming, and similar problems. I’m being 100% serious about this. If you can’t show me a way to do this, then you can’t blame me for not providing this evidence.
Correct and I’ve said that many times. That’s why your “first date game” needs to be very solid if you’re going to use online dating as your primary method of getting laid. You need both online dating skills and real-life dating skills if you want to get any results via online.
Either / or. It depends on the woman and the situation. I’ve done it every possible way.
When I can go for at least 12 months with at least three women on rotation at all times without having to go after any new women.
Depends on what you man by “totally.” Today I only need to go onto the dating sites to get new women about once every year and a half or so, if that (international traveling sex excluded).
I’ve been doing online dating for 12 years with zero night game and only a tiny pinch of daygame (haven’t done any daygame whatsoever in years), and my social skills have improved during that time, not gotten worse.
The reason you think this is because you’re a Thrill of the Hunt guy, which is perfectly fine. TH guys hate online game the same way Pleasure of Sex guys hate night game. There is no right or wrong (as long as you’re getting laid!), just a difference in preference.
Posted at 10:42 pm, 1st January 2019This guy seems to do it. Just claimed 26 girls for the year on the bodybuilding tinder thread while being married and hes just posted photos of some https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=174196551&p=1570076991&viewfull=1#post1570076991
Some of them are stunning to me and look young and he’s mid 30s and previously said he was a 7/10 on there
He used to comment here with the name wolf of wall street and was how I found that tinder thread. On page 152 he posted an entire chat from the opener on Instagram to the first date with a model. Seems to brag to girls alot but must work for him.
Posted at 11:34 pm, 1st January 2019What I’m noticing on Tinder/Bumble more so at least. You’re essentially not just advertising the way you look, but also your LIFESTYLE. It’s almost exactly like SOCIAL MEDIA GAME and being the LIFE OF THE PARTY GUY. So if you’re doing it big with Traveling, Partying (possibly drugs), Festivals, Concerts, Toys like Boats, Planes, Havasu Trips, Vegas, ETC. So the girls are essentially investing in a guy to do events with and fuck.. so you may have to establish a big FUN CLUB as Alan Roger Currie would say, or LIFE OF THE PARTY as I’ve heard said on this blog. And this will get you laid, but it can take time, effort and A LOT of money. It can build up a lot of sluts on your roster but is dependent on you maintaining it.So it may also ruin your OUTCOME INDEPENDANCE (Non Neediness) if you do take this route. Plus there are only superficial connections 9/10 times if that. This just my observation/opinion.
My suggestion is if you want to advertise a LIFESTYLE. Do it with Health, Fitness, Martial Arts, BJJ, maybe you in a suit.. This way you don’t spend a fortune on bullshit just for social media game. And you look like a mature dude if you’re over 25. Maybe show off a few of your hobbies.
Even then I’m noticing that it’s not even being good looking that gets em. It’s being FLASHY. Like almost bougie shit that gets LIKES on Instagram. Say like Tattoos for example may get you more SWIPE RIGHTS.. well if tattoos are your thing then that’s PERFECT, but if it’s not next thing you know there’s dumbasses covering themselves in tattoos (when they don’t want them that is), taking steroids to get jacked, buying stupid shit, acting like jackasses JUST TO GET ATTENTION/SWIPES.
This is just an observation from me. Y’all may not agree. Keep in mind I’m in SO CAL.
Posted at 01:42 am, 2nd January 2019The Aus guy who posted that, mentioned in previous forum threads he was a millionaire, which if he really is, would make meeting 9s & 10s a lot easier, plus he had also said:
– I mentioned recently, that despite matching hundreds of beautiful women in Sydney, a very good looking male model couldn’t get a single date with a 7+. You’ll find similar results in various other cities around the world. In fact, places where Tinder is good, are the exceptions, rather than the rule.
Posted at 05:26 am, 2nd January 2019I think I recall him saying that its mostly moved to Instagram.
Dexter Daygame
Posted at 07:32 am, 2nd January 2019^^^
You don’t need to post x rated pics/videos or confidential correspondence. Just pics or videos of you casually hanging out with your cute former MLTRs would be fine. Choose photos taken in a public place like a cafe, park, restaurant etc if you want to be extra cautious legally.
I don’t see how anyone could be sued or deplatformed for something so vanilla.
Posted at 09:24 am, 2nd January 2019Dexter
Let’s say you had something to sell. Would you pop down to your local mall and ask everyone who you think may be interested to buy?
Or would you fire it on Ebay, with a brief description and photo?
In my opinion, daygame and nightgame are for guys who have a lot of time on their hands, not for me where time is my most precious resource.
Dexter Daygame
Posted at 12:02 pm, 2nd January 2019^ Agreed. I never claimed daygame and nightgame were the most time efficient. I full agree they are inefficient and are for a small minority of guys (Thrill of the Hunt) for whom picking up women is a passion in and of itself.
My point was real life approaching is better than online game if what you want is the best looking girls out there.
If your goal is time efficiency then sure online game is your best bet.
Posted at 02:25 pm, 2nd January 2019Really? Why would you do that? Isn’t that the same as getting hookers? I mean from a challenge point of view I don’t get men who run suggar daddy game. It would be too depressing for my ego.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:29 pm, 2nd January 20191. I have very few pics like that. Some, but not many. (I hate taking pics of myself.)
2. Those pics would indicate absolutely nothing. “So he got a cute girl to meet up with him at a Starbucks! So what??? He probably hired her!” And so on. What you want to see are pics + texts and emails, with real names attached, and similar. I have all that.
Deplatformed, I agree. But sued? Really? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? Are you willing to pay my legal bills if I am sued if I post pics of me and women I’ve fucked on a famous seduction blog without their permission? In today’s #MeToo internet environment?
If your answer is no (and my answer would be no) then that right there tells you why I am reluctant to do such a thing.
Trust me, I’d love do to something like that. LOVE IT! It would be fantastic for my branding and word of mouth and I’d make some serious cash. (I’ve often shown pics of many of my women when I do private seminars.) But I don’t want any legal hassles, and your advice of “oh I’m sure it will be fine” isn’t enough.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:34 pm, 2nd January 2019https://alphamale20.com/2017/02/09/okay-pay-sex/
Posted at 02:50 pm, 2nd January 2019@BD:
Any chance of a short Blackdragon Guide To Sugar Daddy Dating?? I tried it, but got zero results. Pretty sure my “calibration” was off.
In the end, I mostly got the run-around, like the worst of both traditional dating sites and professional escorts (I admit I’ve never used the latter). Or maybe I’m just to thrifty for SDD!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:23 pm, 2nd January 2019Short? No, other than the chapters I have on it in this book and this book.
On the other hand, I have something huge planned for older men. I’m not sure yet if i will be a multi-day seminar, or a video course, or something else, but SD dating will be a strong component of it.
Posted at 03:49 pm, 2nd January 2019@BD
So I guess we are agreeing on this, since in your article you only mentioned a few reasons when you should pay for sex (like when you are a virgin or over 60). I didn’t find the part about suggar daddies though, but ok. I have nothing against men who pay for sex, I just don’t believe in being a sugar daddy since imo those men are the reason for teaching young women to act like gold diggers. Those men are the same guys who then bitch about women being money hungry whores.
One more thing though:
This was a response of yours about men who pay for sex permanently once they get into it. I am one of those who don’t. I have payed twice for sex in my life and the last time was in 2010. I didn’t get addicted. I get horny when I see a hooker infront of me but I don’t enjoy having sex with them for some reason. Many of my friends though use hookers even some who are married.
Posted at 06:12 pm, 2nd January 2019It is, but it also saves a lot of time. I know if I made enough money I’d pretty much “buy” all the sex I wanted. I’m intending on doing that going into my 40s. Pay off all my debt, don’t take out any new loans at all, be a digital nomad, and just hit up chicks on Seeking arrangement if I want to get my dick wet.
I really don’t care about the relationship aspect. Very few chicks truly get me. Hell, very few PEOPLE get me nowadays.
I agree with that. If you rely on chicks to make you happy, or even one ounce happier than usual, then yeah, sugar daddy game will suck.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 11:12 pm, 2nd January 2019Well, I did a LOT of hookers when I was in TNMCM (Traditional Non Monogamous Cheating Marriage). I’ve grown out of it. It worked well for discreet sex outside marriage, but it’s just not really fun.
Firstly, hard core hookers practically NEVER feel sexual pleasure, at least not with clients. She’s watching the clock, logistics, payment details. Not the right frame of mind for having fun.
Back when I was a university student, a gf started working at a parlor. Really fucked up her sexual response. She was way into it before she started working.
It’s also part of a paradigm where women have something of value and give it to men in exchange for money, protection, favors and so on. I prefer women who don’t think like that. Some sugar babies probably do enjoy sex, but they still have that mentality.
It’s also bad for your game and frame. You don’t develop skills that could get you laid.
Posted at 06:00 am, 3rd January 2019Squiters and women who love to have sex on their period. Potential Slime party (not a little bit of goo you might of been pissed on but not always, lol) and silence of the lambs. First girl I encountered who loved to fuck on a full blown period (not the “im just spotting a little” kind), after my 15 year marriage, was a trip. I go to the bathroom and I look down to my horror and it looked like my dick miscarriaged.. Then I follow the trail of blood to my brand new one sided white, on the wrong side, sherpa bed cover which now looked like a lamb that had been blood sacrificed. Thankfully oral did nothing for her.
Squiters are awesome but not in a relationship of any kind. that’s a thrill of the hunt type turn on.
Posted at 12:32 pm, 3rd January 2019Where I live dating sites dont work at all. People I know that make online dating work are always spending every single minute available on tinder and/or instagram doing way too much work, at least for me. I tried the quick approach on those apps but it doesnt really work, chicks are looking for attention rather than dates, and you need to spend a whole lot of time flirting before they agree to dates. When they agree to it fast they either flake or their pictures are too good to be true. I basically gave up.
Again, I have friends that make it work but they spend huge amounts of time working on it, I’d never do it.
Night game for me is much easier and faster. I go out, have fun, drinks with friends for a while and if I accept taking a 7 I can get a bang out of it 99% of the time (either ONS or on the following days. I do need to get several numbers to make sure no one flakes if I wait for the next day).
I guess it really depends on the person, online dating would be more practical for my work schedule, but it is so ridiculously time consuming that I cant do it. Also social circle game (IMHO the most efficient one especially for high end girls), it is simply too much work, meeting a lot of people and keeping them in your social circle is hassle for any introvert like me.
I think day game would be great to me but I’m stuck in a damn office for most of the day here at the blog so…. I know I know I’m planning to get away from it and be fully alpha 2.0!
Posted at 08:51 pm, 19th January 2019How about posting the women pictures in the private section of the Alpha 2.0 forum?