07 Feb How Would An Alpha Male 2.0 Respond?

Here are several random scenarios in normal, day-to-day life, and how an Alpha Male 2.0 would react as opposed to a beta male or Alpha Male 1.0. I’ve included an equal mix of positive and negative situations.Immediately fuck her and give yourself an ego-boosting high-five. Do so over and over again, eventually get caught, then have massive drama with her, whomever you’re dating or married to (since you’re probably cheating), and her husband, damaging some relationships and friendships forever.Alpha Male 2.0: Come to a complete stop and make a quick, strategic evaluation before you act. If you don’t know her husband at all and know for sure you’ll never run into him, start having sex with her as a distant FB, and immediately soft or hard next her if she ever implies she wants more.
-By Caleb Jones
1. You’re at a bar with some friends and some drunk guy gets in your face and starts yelling at you.Beta male: Get very uncomfortable, cower, and try to reason and appease the guy, doing your best to defuse the situation, clearly showing weakness and thus possibly inviting him to bully you further.Alpha Male 1.0: Get pissed off, get right back in his face and scream at him. Likely get into a physical altercation and possibly even spend the night in jail.Alpha Male 2.0: Laugh, smile, and joke with the guy (not at the guy) until he leaves.
2. One of your cute female co-workers compliments you, saying, “Wow. You look really good today!”Beta male: Get nervous and not know what to say. Sputter something stupid.Alpha Male 1.0: Immediately approach the woman, flirt her up, and try to get her phone number, totally disregarding possible issues with her, your job, or the HR department that may arise.Alpha Male 2.0: Smile, confidently say “Thanks,” and then turn around and leave. (Don’t fuck women at work, but you can hit her up after you leave that job…)
3. One of your customers is upset and threatens to not buy any more of your products/services.Beta male: Kiss the guy’s ass and do whatever he demands, terrified of losing his business.Alpha Male 1.0: Get angry at the guy and start telling him off, causing an argument.Alpha Male 2.0: Smile, say, “I completely understand. It was nice doing business with you and I wish you the best,” then end the conversation, never take his money for anything ever again, and consider it a win that he’s gone.
4. A woman you’re dating non-seriously says she loves you.
Beta male: Immediately say “I love you” back even if you don’t mean it because you don’t want to hurt her feelings or lose her.Alpha Male 1.0: Avoid saying “I love you back” back, but then get into a big, over-verbalized talk about the relationship, likely resulting in drama.Alpha Male 2.0: Look deep into her eyes, say something like, “C’mere,” and give her a big hug and a kiss. Don’t have any conversation about it and talk about something else. (If she persists, tell her you don’t want to talk about it. If she still persists, soft next.)
5. Your dad starts raising his voice at you while lecturing you about something.Beta male: Extreme terror. Cower, appease, and take his abuse.Alpha Male 1.0: Get into a screaming match with your dad that lasts 20 minutes. (Or, in some cases, cower like a beta male; many Alpha 1.0s are total pussies in front of their dads.)Alpha Male 2.0: Immediately cut him off and sternly say something like, “Hey, don’t ever raise your voice at me like that ever again. If you want to have a conversation, talk to me alike an adult. Otherwise we’re done here.” Continue the conversation if he calms down (which he probably will). If he doesn’t, immediately leave, and don’t talk to him again for at least six months (or longer if necessary).
6. You close the biggest business deal of your entire life so far, getting a huge windfall of cash.Beta male: Be excited but very uncomfortable about all that money. Immediately start asking your friends and family members about what to do and how to handle it.Alpha Male 1.0: Blow much or most (or all) of the money on something big, fun, and stupid like a kickass party, a new boat, or a new truck, which you hope will impress the chicks and/or your social circle and/or your parents.Alpha Male 2.0: Get really excited, spend about 10-20% of the money on fun stuff, and strategically place the other 80-90% exactly where it needs to go based on your long-term plan, usually comprising re-investment in your business, savings, long-term investing, or paying off debts.
7. One of your kids comes home with a D on his report card.Beta male: Have a nerdy conversation with your son chocked-full of Societal Programming about how important grades are.Alpha Male 1.0: Immediate rage. Your son is clearly disrespecting you and no son of yours is going to get fucking Ds. Give your son a long, loud, angry rant about how pissed off you are and how his grades WILL improve. Issue several punishments with a promise of more punishments to come.Alpha Male 2.0: Let the wife handle it. Child-rearing is her responsibly per the agreement you had when you first moved in together. You’re too busy working on your Mission, traveling, and banging FBs. If, for some reason, she handles it incorrectly or asks for help, spend a grand total of about 25 seconds telling your son in a neutral, don’t-give-a-shit tone that if the next report card has a D on it, you will issue a specific punishment at that time. Also offer a small reward if he turns that D into an A. Then tell him he’s now free to make any decision he wants
8. A married woman in your social circle hints strongly that she wants to have sex with you.Beta male: Try to have sex with her, if you can. If you succeed, do so once or twice before she gets bored with you and stops, then get oneitis for her and try to get her back, causing an uncomfortable situation for all involved.Alpha Male 1.0: If you know her husband or the odds are good you’ll run into him someday, refuse to have sex with her no matter how hot she is and stop hanging out with her if she ever persists (unless she divorces him of course… then all bets are off).
9. Your next-door neighbor bitches at you on your doorstep about how your dog shit on their lawn.Beta male: Get defensive and start blaming other people. “Hey man it’s not my fault my wife/roommate/kids…Alpha Male 1.0: Get into a heated argument with this person who is clearly a total asshole. Who the fuck is he to come over here and start bitching at you on your property?!?Alpha Male 2.0: Apologize and tell him (sincerely) that you’ll do your best to prevent it from happening in the future, but don’t promise anything. If the dog is your GF/wife’s or kid’s have them go clean up the poop if it happens again.
10. Your brother wins $27 million in the lottery.Beta male: Call to congratulate him, and then start meekly telling him about all the problems you’ve been having lately, hoping he’ll help you out financially.Alpha Male 1.0: Bluntly ask him to give you or loan you a bunch of money to help out with some debt you’ve got (and get really pissed off and offended if he says no).Alpha Male 2.0: Brainstorm several ways in which you can get your new rich brother as a client or customer for at least one of your Alpha 2.0 businesses, or even perhaps a new company you can start. Present your plan with to him, with some specific numbers and benchmarks, as a win/win for the both of you. (Shrug it off if he says no, don’t take it personally, and continue with your Mission and happy life.) I can tell from some of the comments that some readers are interpreting the above parenting example out of context from my overall parenting advice. If that’s you, please read this excerpt from my book (which has two chapters on parenting) for some context (emphasis mine):
As we briefly covered back in Chapter 1, the Alpha 2.0 father has two options:
– Not living full-time with his children.
– Living full-time with a woman who has agreed to cover 90% of the regular grunt work needed in raising a child.My situation is option one. My kids live with their mother most of the time, and go to school in her town. They live about 40 minutes away from me, and I have my daughter most weekends, during which time I don’t see any women. I also have her much of the summer in addition to most holidays. My son is grown, out of the home, and has been for several years now.
This way, I spend a large amount of time with my daughter and get plenty of dad time, yet I still have a huge amount of time away from my kids to pursue my Mission, get my strong sexual needs fulfilled, enjoy my life, travel, and work very hard. It’s the best of both worlds in many
The other way to do this is the method recommended by Kevin O’Leary and many other Alphas, and that is to only have kids with a woman who agrees beforehand that she will be responsible for about 90% of the grunt work required to raise the kids, especially when the children are smaller. I’m not saying their mother spends 90% of the TIME spent with the kids. You can spend as much time with the kids as her, if not more. I’m only talking about the grunt work. You know what grunt work means: cooking for them, cleaning after them, helping with homework, driving back and forth to soccer practice, changing diapers, folding clothes, and other oh-so-fun parental drudgery that women sign up for when they decide to have kids (unless they are wealthy and can afford full-time nannies, in which case this entire conversation is irrelevant).
The modern-day SP method of men raising kids involves a 50/50 split of this grunt workload with the mother. It’s a system where, when the baby starts crying at 3am in the morning, your wife elbows you and commands, “Your turn! Get up!”
That kind of arrangement is perfectly fine for betas. It might also satisfy all kinds of politically correct SP in people living in The Prison, as well as make for some funny Hollywood moments in TV shows and movies, it’s not going to cut it for the Alpha 2.0.
You must take 100% full logistical responsibility (within the parameters of rule number six we just discussed above), emotional responsibility, and financial responsibility for any and all children you bring into this world until that child is at least 18 years old. Alpha 2.0s do not go around creating babies they can’t afford to pawn off onto society and unprepared women to take care of This means:
– Paying child support and/or other necessary finances to support the child for their first 18 years of the life, whether or not you are still with the mother, like the mother, or are even in contact with the mother.
– Being there to support the child whenever you are needed (within reason).
– Being a resource to the child, a support system for the child, and a source of guidance, advice, and moral support.
– Spending lots of time, regularly, with the child to nurture growth.
I’m coming to a town near you in 2019 to do the least expensive Alpha Male 2.0 seminar I’ve ever done. I’ll be in 18 different cities in the USA, Australia, Canada, and Europe. If you want to come to a low-cost seminar to learn how to improve your financial and woman life, click HERE and get your tickets! The next cities coming up are Brisbane, Los Angeles, and San Francisco!Alpha Male 2.0 World Tour 2019 Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
tester of paternity
Posted at 05:34 am, 7th February 2019This is pretty good, except for the child case. I’m disappointed in the way you approach fatherhood. I think a father should be more involved with the child even in earlier years, to the benefit of the child. Otherwise don’t have children, simple
Fathers presence in early years is underrated
Posted at 05:40 am, 7th February 2019Great Article.
I had to laugh so hard at #8 because it reminded me of an episode of “Suits” (S01E02). A married woman wants to sleep with Harvey and he sends her home. Later she tells her husband (probably in some stupid argument to make him jealous) that she did in fact sleep with Harvey. Turns out the Hubby is a Judge and now presides over one of Harvey’s Cases. So Harvey Confronts the Wife (abbreviated):
Harvey: “Why did you lie to him? You know perfectly well that i was the perfect Gentleman and send you home in a cap.”
Wife: “Exactly. I fall all over my self making a pass at you and you ‘do the right thing’ and send me home.”
Harvey: “I am sorry you felt humiliated but I told you I don’t sleep with married women”
Wife: “Right. The moral code.”
Harvey: “No! It’s too much of a pain in the ass, as evidenced by what happened in court this morning!”
(That is not to say that Harvey Specter is the perfect Alpha 2.0. He is pretty cool but he also has some deep emotional issues and FSP that he hasn’t confronted.)
Kirth Gersen
Posted at 05:54 am, 7th February 2019Number 1 is totally the correct answer. Really takes the wind out of their sails. I have had guys like this buy drinks for me and everyone I was with just two minutes after trying to start a fight with me.
Posted at 06:26 am, 7th February 2019Can’t say the father-son advice is great for a child under 14. Over that, then this is likely good advice—they know the score by then. Leaving a young son to the “feels-based” reasoning of a woman for all matters of discipline is a sure-fire way to create beta-male behavior. You can be authoritative and give some advice without being a nerdy beta or an authoritarian alpha.
Posted at 06:40 am, 7th February 2019how would an Alpha Male 2.0 deal with lack of drive?
I feel like Im an AM 1.0, but with Do Not Give A Fuck attitude. This works great to fend off hairy situations, but how do I “turn off” DGAF and actually GAF about my Mission?
Or put it another way, how would an AM 2.0 climb out of the trap of a comfortable “good enough” life and pursue actually GOOD life? Of course, I mean how to do that without falling back into too GAF too much, and outcome dependence.
Posted at 07:03 am, 7th February 2019Well this was a bit black and white but I guess it illustrates the point… 😐
Posted at 07:04 am, 7th February 2019I agree with your sentiment somewhat. Especially if you have daughters, studies show that daughters are more responsible, successful, and less whorish if they have a loving father constantly involved in their life. A father doesn’t wish to see his daughter unsuccessful or a whore, and so I would suggest being more involved.
In my case I have 50/50 custody and must take on my half of the parenting, so my response to BD’s scenario would be (and I’ve done this) to first go through and congratulate and even offer a slight reward for the A’s on the report card, then say something like, “Not doing too good in _______, why’s that?” (Listen to explanation) Explain how everything that happens in her life is more or less her own doing and that her explanation is basically an excuse. Ask her what she can do to bring the grade up, get a satisfactory answer, then heap some praise later on when the grade comes up.
Now had I been Alpha 2.0 from the very start of adulthood I still believe my parental agreement would have mandated 50/50 custody as that actually keeps a father from financial hardship/child support, so I still believe my response is more correct, at least, for the type of person I am. But I think my response is also an Alpha 2.0 type of response.
El Barto
Posted at 07:06 am, 7th February 2019Great article!
Have some experience with the ‘drunk idiot in bar’ situation. Last year when I just walked into one of my favorite bars a guy who had some difficulty standing upright almost bumped into me and looked at me like he wanted to rip my head of. On instinct I asked him ‘Hey! How are the girls tonight?’
His whole demeanor changed and he answered:’ah, some nice looking, but most are behaving like bitches (well, no surprise there). Good luck though!’
If the’re not a physical threat to you or your friends indeed BD’s advice to stay cool and friendly is the best way.
Not dating at work, I knew that from experience even before I started following this blog. If you get into a fight at home, you still have to deal with her the rest of the day.
What I wanted to ask you, BD, how do you deal as a Alpha 2.0 with personal tradegy? A couple of years back I lost my best friend and my mother within 4 months. He was a motorcycle cop who slipped and fell in a sharp turn while going a 100 miles an hour. She was ill with cancer. It took me a while to get my life together after that. With the help of a therapist who specializes in grieve counseling and later on your Alpha 2.0 book.
In short, it made me realize that it doesn’t help anybody to stay miserable and sad all the time. I’m still sad at short moments, but I’ve learned to enjoy myself more, to focus on building my own future. And also not to worry about petty bullshit anymore.
Posted at 07:36 am, 7th February 2019Interesting post.
BD, I know you have much more experience with kids (I have none yet), but, like previous posters, I disagree with your advice on that topic. Were you really that little involved in raising your kids?
Also, regarding point 1… BD, have you ever been in a fight? I mean, like, an actual fist fight?
Posted at 07:51 am, 7th February 2019@Freevoulous
Just my 2 cents: That doesn’t sound like the “positive outcome independent IDGAF”-Attitude you seem to think it is. As BD said many times Outcome Independence doen’t mean you don’t care about results. It just means you don’t care about the outcome of any one specific situation.
I have the same problem as you, but it’s not because I have a IDGAF-Attitude. It’s because I have real problems finding my “mission” after I lost what I thought i was supposed to do in life.
I’d argue if you actually had found your mission, you wouldn’t have a motivation problem. I sure as shit didn’t have that problem when i thought i knew what to do with my life and that i could still achieve it. Maybe meditate some more on that and operate from the premise that you may not actually have found your mission yet. See where that gets you.
Good Luck.
@El Barto
WoW. Snuck some heavy social programming in there, pal. Fucking someone doesn’t mean dating, and dating doesn’t mean moving in together. 😛
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:30 am, 7th February 2019To those of you complaining about the fatherhood example, read this excerpt from my book (which has two chapters on parenting) for context (emphasis mine):
As we briefly covered back in Chapter 1, the Alpha 2.0 father has two options:
– Not living full-time with his children.
– Living full-time with a woman who has agreed to cover 90% of the regular grunt work needed in raising a child.
My situation is option one. My kids live with their mother most of the time, and go to school in her town. They live about 40 minutes away from me, and I have my daughter most weekends, during which time I don’t see any women. I also have her much of the summer in addition to most holidays. My son is grown, out of the home, and has been for several years now.
This way, I spend a large amount of time with my daughter and get plenty of dad time, yet I still have a huge amount of time away from my kids to pursue my Mission, get my strong sexual needs fulfilled, enjoy my life, travel, and work very hard. It’s the best of both worlds in many
The other way to do this is the method recommended by Kevin O’Leary and many other Alphas, and that is to only have kids with a woman who agrees beforehand that she will be responsible for about 90% of the grunt work required to raise the kids, especially when the children are smaller. I’m not saying their mother spends 90% of the TIME spent with the kids. You can spend as much time with the kids as her, if not more. I’m only talking about the grunt work. You know what grunt work means: cooking for them, cleaning after them, helping with homework, driving back and forth to soccer practice, changing diapers, folding clothes, and other oh-so-fun parental drudgery that women sign up for when they decide to have kids (unless they are wealthy and can afford full-time nannies, in which case this entire conversation is irrelevant).
The modern-day SP method of men raising kids involves a 50/50 split of this grunt workload with the mother. It’s a system where, when the baby starts crying at 3am in the morning, your wife elbows you and commands, “Your turn! Get up!”
That kind of arrangement is perfectly fine for betas. It might also satisfy all kinds of politically correct SP in people living in The Prison, as well as make for some funny Hollywood moments in TV shows and movies, it’s not going to cut it for the Alpha 2.0.
You must take 100% full logistical responsibility (within the parameters of rule number six we just discussed above), emotional responsibility, and financial responsibility for any and all children you bring into this world until that child is at least 18 years old. Alpha 2.0s do not go around creating babies they can’t afford to pawn off onto society and unprepared women to take care of.
This means:
– Paying child support and/or other necessary finances to support the child for their first 18 years of the life, whether or not you are still with the mother, like the mother, or are even in contact with the mother.
– Being there to support the child whenever you are needed (within reason).
– Being a resource to the child, a support system for the child, and a source of guidance, advice, and moral support.
– Spending lots of time, regularly, with the child to nurture growth.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:39 am, 7th February 2019The best way is to join the SMIC program because I have a lot of content about solving that exact problem.
Next best way is to set some exciting goals, review / visualize them daily, and remind yourself of the pain you will feel if you never accomplish them.
Not radically different than anyone else, except that he doesn’t cling to the tragedy years later like many betas (and women) do. He feels the pain, and then gets over it and back to his life, eventually.
Many times. As I talk about in my book, did full-contact Karate when I was younger and have partial cauliflower ears today to show for it. If you’re asking about outside of a controlled environment, yes, two quick altercations with bullies in high school.
Posted at 08:50 am, 7th February 2019I’d say I agree with all of this! All in spirit of Freedom and Low/No Drama.
Situation #1
I’d say you can also COMPLETELY IGNORE and not engage or just say in plain English “I’m not getting into this” have a good day/night dude.
Because I’ve seen how many times taking the joking quickly escalated into a physical altercation or just more other stupid drama (not caused by you). Where I grew up at least.
Parenting Wise I’d say I’d want some more involvement to make sure my kid goes in the right direction so I Might be more involved with homework or Sports, but that’s just me.
But I also have a Vasectomy and banked sperm so I have total control over this arrangements beforehand.
As far as Parents yelling: I’d say the only time you should tolerate is if you’re legitimately in the wrong for something that effected them than that shit is on you. Otherwise fuck that noise!
Posted at 09:07 am, 7th February 2019What I like about this is the philosophy behind it. This is not the stoicism so pumped up in the Manosphere. It seems to be to be driven from some level of mindfulness….or straight up game theory. For instance, I could see a big, tough Alpha 1.0 type not even considering that laughing off an aggressor was even included in the range of responses (that, or he didn’t value a laughing off response correctly).
One of the major tells of the anti-manosphere/anti-PUA scene is a denial of the mere existence of a SMP. Most reasonable people would agree, though, that there is such thing as a sexual market place and there are a variety of strategies available for interacting with it.
An Alpha 2.0 knows this. Arguably, this is the germ that sometimes grows into a more robust Alpha 2.0 lifestyle, helping lead to the responses above. I particularly love the one regarding “I love you” that’s just perfect.
I hope BD responds, but this is kind of my wheelhouse. I think it is really important to let current/recent tragedy guide your future actions. I’m in my mid 40’s and have buried quite a few, so by now many people I love have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. There is nothing unsaid between us, based on past experience of loss. Also, I think it’s fine to allow flights of memory, as long as they do not consume you, but occasional flights of memory, including journaling, may help. Your cop friend died doing what he loved, I have a cop friend doing what he loves and worry about him but it’s his choice. I was just hating on stoicism, but “the glass is already broken” is a fabulous way of looking at life. We’re all already dead. Every woman you fuck, you’ll fuck one last time…..every meal you eat, you’ll eat one last time…..every laugh with a friend, you’ll share one last time. There’s nothing you can do about it so enjoy it. Oh yeah, and lift like your life depends on it. Hopefully this is helpful.
Posted at 09:07 am, 7th February 2019@BD
Option B (“Living full-time with a woman who has agreed to cover 90% of the regular grunt work needed in raising a child.”) sound like an EXTREMELY hard scenario to pull off correctly.
You are making a contract with someone, who is notoriously unreliable (Women aren’t exactly known for feeling the same tomorrow as they feel today AND base a lot of their decisions and justifications on said feelings), maybe even untrustworthy (a Woman, whose biological clock ticks so loudly that she is willing to agree to something like that in the first place) with the added factor of automatically(!) giving them tremendous leverage over you (in this case your children), that cannot be curbed by said contract and then expect them to still follow said contract for the next 18 years (Even in a best case scenario her NRE will run out in 5 years and then she has no intrinsic reason to not treat you as a hostile).
Not saying it’s impossible but you are placing a lot of trust into someone who you basically know you can’t rely on.
Option A seems like a much better Idea, no wonder you chose it. (Or ended up with it after your marriage fell through)
Posted at 09:16 am, 7th February 2019My response to the situations you described as the Alpha 1.0 response is exactly what my responses have always been. I’ve been in 100’s of physical and verbal confrontations throughout my life. Getting women to sex in real life face to face situations is like taking candy from a baby. But with that comes a lot of drama and pain. No question. really fucks your life up since all your actions are primal. Since I’ve adopted a lot of your ideas my happiness level has gone through the roof. I still have confrontations and sex with women I shouldn’t but much much less.
AS far as kids. Yes I agree and I think men have to understand where BD is coming from. Women are much more suited to raise young kids. Men really have no business doing it unless they have to. Only reason why men are doing it more is that they’ve become more motherly and maternal. Also they don’t want to hand that money over. I raise my 14 year old but I unfortunately don’t have a choice. I also think that as they get older it doesn’t matter as much. My 14 year old is off doing his own thing now. He hides in his room when I’m home most of the time. So not an issue.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:54 am, 7th February 2019I already did right above your comment.
I directly addressed that in great detail in the book.
Specifics regarding parenting styles are beyond the scope of this article, so this will be my last comment on it, especially considering my book addresses literally every point brought up in the comments so far. Just get it (the ebook version is only $7, so c’mon) and read chapters 13, 18, 23, and 24 which will answer all of your objections and concerns.
When guys disagree with my parenting style, my thought is always “Oh really? How many successful, happy kids have you raised to adulthood?”, because I’ve raised two. My son is a happy guy who regularly makes five figures a month at age 27 and my daughter is an impressive artistic genius, so there might be some merit in what I’m saying.
But I’m off that topic now.
Posted at 10:54 am, 7th February 2019You soft next on the spot?Like, take your jacket i will get you home?
I soft nexted a lot of girls for drama,but to soft next for this seems cruel,dont you think using “guy-logic” is less harsh than soft next for this situation?
How would an alpha 2.0 react:
i)If someone hits on your Oltr,in front of you?Do you use the “Amog destroyer”?If she is flirty with him,do you consider that “disrespectful” and you soft next her?
i)Your oltr gets genital herpes,even though she said she used condoms?
i)A Male fb of your oltr ,sends you a facebook message like ,I stretched your gf hole.
Posted at 11:34 am, 7th February 2019That you did.
I wonder if this nothingburger deserves its own post, separate from discussions about much more serious (and more treatable, for the most part) sexually transmitted infections.
Posted at 11:39 am, 7th February 20191, 2, and 3 are probably most common.
Dealing with aholes, basic women interaction, and common business challenges
I predicted the answers on all 3 and was correct, but I do read your books and blog so maybe that’s expected.
I agree with 1 and 2 greatly. Although with 1, I’d say — look sometimes drunk a-holes in a big city CAN be potentially dangerous (usually not) — but a small dose of adrenaline doesn’t hurt. There are cases where you have to defend yourself or quickly escape even if you are de-escalating the situation. There are nuts out there. No need to get ego involved, and generally (particularly if it’s just some frat bro, not some marine/ angry weirdo / criminal) — the laugh along and smile at his ridiculousness plays fine. Alpha 2.0 should avoid loser-dumpster bars in general but some cases like this are unavoidable, the archetypal ‘ahole encounter.’
With 3, the angry customer who wants a refund or wants you to jump or is a critic. I would disagree. I wouldn’t cave in, nor would I scream back, but nor would I say ‘arrividerci, ya nut!’
It depends on how actually insulated you are from your customers. If its you’re personal email and they’re a massive headache, sure, cut em loose.
If you’re a big operation and all complains get directed to a CS department offshore or that is answered by an AI robot or cheap labor, just send them back a boiler plate response designed to extract maximal revenue/ buyback. No ego is involved here, no vengeance. Just business. “We’re sorry you were dissatisfied with this service. Please enjoy a 5% discount for renewal. (optional obviously this has potential for abuse) Your business matters. End transmission.”
Your answer still has your ego involved, I can see it plain as day.
I got a similar answer recently from some Southwest Airlines fan boys when I was muttering about some of their goofy service online. Their founder (now dead) famously quipped “well you won’t be missed” or something of that nature. Sounds like he’s butt-hurt and hates criticism, even if is indeed from some “unpleasable nut.” And Southwest Airlines does have noticiable crap on their record, by the way. Hell a lady got sucked out their window within the last 12 months. Ego-based business decisions are often not wise ones. UNLESS the customer is truly a drain on the business (constantly contacting support, diverting your attention). If you’re insulated, give ’em the ole boiler plate response.
Posted at 11:44 am, 7th February 20191. lol
2. Who cares. Holes unstretch.
3. You read Facebook messages from random stangers?
Posted at 01:48 pm, 7th February 2019Just for fun, I’d like to add the Omega male responses. I’ll put my responses too.
1. You’re at a bar with some friends and some drunk guy gets in your face and starts yelling at you.
Omega male: Run away instantly. But then follow him around to see if you can slash his tires or something.
Me: Face him, wait patiently for him to finish shouting, Go “…Kay.” And turn away from him, focusing on my crew. If he throws hands, out comes the 9mm (if the place lets me take weapons) or the brass knuckles (if the bar doesn’t). Most grown ass men pee their pants when weapons get pulled on them.
2. One of your cute female co-workers compliments you, saying, “Wow. You look really good today!”
Omega male: Say “right, whatever” and walk away, knowing that if you start a conversation with her you WILL get a harassment charge.
Me: Say “I always look good.” Then playfully say: “Whacha want?” But like Alpha 2, don’t come on to her or anything.
3. One of your customers is upset and threatens to not buy any more of your products/services.
Omega male: Immediately close the business/stop updating the stuff you sell then spend the next 6 months on message boards saying that starting your own business is a “scam.”
Me: Same as the Alpha 2 response.
4. A woman you’re dating non-seriously says she loves you.
Omega male: Propose immediately, but then when she says no, accuse her of “using you.”
Me: Say “luv ya too.” Then make a move.
5. Your dad starts raising his voice at you while lecturing you about something.
Omega male: Threaten to kill yourself and tell him “my blood will be on your hands.” (yes, this was MY response in my Omega days; having suicidal thoughts sucks, kids)
Me: Same as alpha 2 response, although at my age now I pretty much wouldn’t tolerate that at all. If I had my way I’d burn the bridge and never look back. The only people who deserve to lecture me are people who are much more successful than me, not burnt out Alpha 1s.
6. You close the biggest business deal of your entire life so far, getting a huge windfall of cash.
Omega male: Spend all the money, then after going broke, blame it on the person who you sold the thing to.
Me: Time to contact Grant Cardone and make my money work for me!
7. One of your kids comes home with a D on his report card.
Omega male: Get mad, but then realize that just like with you back in the day, this HAS to be some kind of conspiracy by the school. Go on message boards complaining endlessly about the teacher and the school and how they “abuse kids.”
Me: If the kid was under 16, ask if they actually learned anything in the class despite the shitty grade. If they were in high school, I’d tell them to drop out and study to get a GED and not waste time in high school. Either way the “wife” has no say at all but would probably agree anyways lol
8. A married woman in your social circle hints strongly that she wants to have sex with you.
Omega male: Run away immediately. This is a rape charge waiting to happen.
Me: Depends on how attractive and if I know the husband (or wife if she’s bi). Either way I’d just joke about it and not get all excited.
9. Your next-door neighbor bitches at you on your doorstep about how your dog shit on their lawn.
Omega: Clean up the dog shit, but put it in a bag, then when they leave, light it on fire on their doorstep. Then slash their tires. This neighbor’s life is going to be a living hell.
Me: Just shrug and go “sorry.” But then ignore everything else they say. I didn’t break any laws.
10. Your brother wins $27 million in the lottery.
Omega: Same as Alpha 1 response. And when they say no, tell them he’s not your brother anymore.
Me: Congratulate him, maybe ask for like 100k if he wants to give it to me if I want to take some time off life and have fun, but that’s about it. I don’t deal with people who are degenerate enough to play the lottery.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:53 pm, 7th February 2019Yep.
If she wants to talk about it? Yes, it’s too harsh.
If she persists over and over again after numerous times you’ve told her you don’t want to talk about it and she still pushing? No, it’s not harsh at all. Soft next her ass right now.
Depends on how aggressive it is. If a guy just says, “Damn, you’re hot!” then just agree with him (“Yes, she is! I love fucking her! It’s awesome!”). But if he’s super aggressive and in her face trying to get her phone number, you’re going to have to get a little tough, intervene, and move her to another part of the room.
No. That’s Alpha Male 1.0 shit. You shouldn’t care. If she flirts him up just smile and go over to a girl who is hotter and younger than her and flirt her up.
And yes, I have done this. More than once.
Be nice and take care of her then nicely downgrade her to FB. OLTRs must be sexually responsible and have no right to threaten your health.
Agree with him and freak him the fuck out. “Hey man that’s awesome. Me and her were looking for a guy to do a MMF threesome and you sound like a perfect candidate. This is so great! Please send over a picture of your cock immediately. It better be bigger than mine, though. Thanks!”
Posted at 06:02 pm, 7th February 2019LMAO that’s awesome! I need to remember this phrase in case something like this comes up.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 01:20 am, 8th February 2019A friend of mine, a cool, laid back GM of Jakarta’s premier five star hotel, tells me if he ever gets a difficult, complaining customer, he sends a conciliatory note with a complimentary bottle of wine, even if he thinks the guy is just being an asshole. It’s cheaper than a bad review on Trip Advisor, he says, and it works most of the time. He’s got his eye on the end result, he couldn’t care less if the guy thinks he pulled one over on him. That makes sense to me.
Posted at 01:38 am, 8th February 2019Does this make you happy? I have had a situation like this occur to me once and I must say it was one of the most disrespectful things I’ve experienced and was the most toxic relationship I’ve ever had. To me it sounds as good of a reason for soft next as drama, if not more so.
Posted at 03:29 am, 8th February 2019BD: Since you think that college is a waste of time, why would you even care about your kid’s bad grades?
Posted at 04:20 am, 8th February 2019Not my thing, and besides you wouldn’t expect another hotter girl to always be there, or to always respond positively, etc. I can deal with my GF fucking other guys as an OLTR arrangement, as long as I don’t hear about it – just like I’m not gonna rub my own sex life in her face – but not with her flirting with guys right in front of me. Sounds like a specific way of being A2.0 rather than a requirement for it.
Yep. It wouldn’t make me long term happy to be in such a relationship.
Posted at 05:55 am, 8th February 2019That’s a game they’re playing.. For me women who do that (obviously fbs don’t care) get an instant next.
Posted at 06:18 am, 8th February 2019He might be a alpha but not all alpha’s cheat or break the law. Most guys in the marines are alpha’s, take orders, and don’t break the law. Also many are bad with women.. He’s just a childish douche who happens to be an alpha male.
Posted at 07:33 am, 8th February 2019Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but Alpha 2.0 doesn’t give a shit if your mltr or oltr is flirting with someone. Maybe I’m different but my fav mltr does this dumb shit all the time right in front of me but always goes home with me. Women love attention and this one craves it harder than most. She loves to get guys drooling all over her but ultimately she’s just trying to gain orbiters. I don’t give a shit, I think it makes her hornier after all that attention and me not giving a shit just makes her want me that much more.
Posted at 08:18 am, 8th February 2019It’s funny as we read more and more..
And I’ve said this on other Blog posts.
Many (if not most Alpha 1.0) aren’t even Alpha’s at all, they’re really just Beta’s with tantrums. Why are we even calling them Alpha when many Beta’s are just as high of achievers.
I’ve give the supposed Cool Beta’s much more credit.
Posted at 09:47 am, 8th February 2019This is why I’ve always thought the whole “alpha” vs “beta” labeling was comical at best.
It’s useful for wrapping my mind around the concept of how individual behaviors, attitudes, and choices may or may not be attractive and/or advance my personal agenda…other than that it all seems very contextual at best.
Take an alpha CEO and put him in a Mexican prison, and he’s no longer alpha (and vice versa)
So…useful for conceptualization and turning the very nuanced variances in human social behavior into a more understandable “black and white” linear narrative, but it really is inaccurate on the whole.
More like behavior that is/is not attractive to women, and behavior that does/does not maintain social standing among men. We all fall on a spectrum that changes based on context.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:48 am, 8th February 2019No, but it doesn’t make me unhappy.
Yeah. Because you were monogamous.
After about the six grade, school, at least to me, isn’t about teaching important things (because it doesn’t). It’s about learning basic work skills and a work ethic needed in the real world as an adult. A kid getting Ds and Fs usually aren’t learning these skills. (Yes, there are exceptions for really smart kids; that’s a different conversation.)
Pattern of behavior vs a one-time thing. Sure, if you and an OLTR (not an MLTR) who was constantly flirting with other men in front of you all the fucking time, you have every right to downgrade or next her. But if she does it once or twice? Who cares? I don’t.
If an MLTR is doing it, you shouldn’t care at all, period.
If an OLTR is doing it, it depends on the context. Like how often she’s doing it (as I said above), why she’s doing it (if she’s trying to get back at you vs if she’s just socially uncalibrated, etc).
But physiologically, yes, you shouldn’t care she’s doing it just like ideally you shouldn’t care if your OLTR fucks one of her needy beta male FBs.
The Alpha 2.0 has more important things to care about.
Some of them, sure. Neil Strauss and Mystery were both examples of this; betas that took on Alpha traits and achieved things from them, but were still betas at the core.
Nothing wrong with that as long as you’re self-aware about it.
Posted at 10:16 am, 8th February 2019Blackdragon, how would you respond if a woman you’re seeing, either a FB, MLTR or OLTR hits you angrily while talking about something she’s upset with?
Posted at 01:57 pm, 8th February 2019@Ty: I would personally just tell her that she can’t physically attack me, ever, though she’s welcome to try that on people who’ll put up with it.
Soft next 2 or more weeks if she does it again, hard next on second strike.
And tbh, I’d follow similar steps for yelling, though with slower soft nexting escalation.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:06 pm, 8th February 2019If you live in the Western world, instant hard next. Since we live in an anti-man legal system, you must have a zero tolerance policy towards all physical violence from women, otherwise you risk jail time (for defending yourself). This is exactly why I left my first wife.
You’ll also need to ask yourself why you were stupid enough to date a woman who is mentally unstable to the point where she’s actually physically violent against you. I have never had an FB, MLTR, OLTR hit me in anger, ever. Not even one quick slap. And that’s dating scores of women over a 12 year period. I haven’t even come close to that.
So if you ever have that problem, time to look in the mirror for some of the reasons.
Married pua
Posted at 03:13 pm, 8th February 2019Have you taught your son the “Game” and red pill concepts like hypergamy?If you were to have another son,at which age do you think its appropriate to teach him the red pill and to make him learn street game and to keep frame?Can you raise a child to become an alpha 2.0,or he can become an alpha 2.0 only by his own will,meaning that you have no influence over this?
You could write a book :”How to raise an Alpha male”.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:22 pm, 8th February 2019Not really, at least not when he was young. I was a married monogamous beta male during most of his upbringing. However he’s familiar with these concepts today. (As is my daughter.)
The very basic overall frame concepts at age 11. The real stuff starting at age 14. The hardcore stuff at 17.
You have some influence, perhaps 40% or so, depending on many factors. The other ~60% will be all the negative and/or feminine influences, like his mother, Societal Programming, and the natural oneitis tendencies all young men experience.
I’ve considered it. That would be something I would write down the road, when I’m post age 50 or so. I’ve got lots of other things to write first.
Posted at 07:15 pm, 8th February 2019lol that’s true. A lot of Alpha 1s turn into complete pussies if someone bigger or badder comes around. Or if the person they are bullying leaves, they’ll cry, grab their leg, and beg them to stay. I’ve had both my dad AND my stepdad do this to me.
Ehh, memorizing a bunch of stuff for quizzes and exams doesn’t really count as “work ethic” to me. And the fixed structure of school doesn’t teach ANY discipline.
I got 75s and 85s in my sleep in high school…literally. Didn’t really grant me the best work ethic. Nor did it really teach me about making and keeping money.
If I had a kid I’d either pull him or her out of school sometime during junior high if they didn’t like it, and if they did like it I’d have them work for me as an after school job and be like “do whatever you want in school as long as you aren’t beating anyone up (unless its in self defense), but make sure you’re in top form when you come into work after school.”
Posted at 12:53 am, 9th February 2019The “don’t fuck women at work” is a stupid rule.
Look at it this way – when you are on your deathbed at 80 what do you want to be thinking: “Oh, thank goodness I did not fuck Susy at work.” or “Hah, that one time I fucked my coworker on the bosses table was hilarious, well lived!”
Take risks, don’t give shits, live a life you won’t regret when dying.
Caution is for the weak.
Trump just grabs them by the pussy, why can’t you?
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 01:17 am, 9th February 2019Trouble is, when you fuck women at work, you don’t usually have to wait until you’re dying for the regrets to kick in.
Posted at 03:33 am, 9th February 2019while you’re at it don’t pay your bills, bounce checks, and ignore the radius on your ankle bracelet.. shit don’t be a pussy.. fuck that shit.. Cocaines a helluva drug..
seriously… I’ve fucked women at work when I was younger and you could get away with it then but as you get older, realize work drama makes you very unhappy, and move up the ranks it’s a very stupid.. an unessecary.. You should be able to get laid consistently outside of work.
Posted at 06:58 am, 9th February 2019Haha, this applies to women also. I had women who thought they can control/manipulate me or just in general get me to change and do what they say by being strict and giving ultimatums when everything else they tried failed and try it in a very tough tone and when they saw I was like “ok, then leave” they started to cry.
Posted at 07:26 am, 9th February 2019This only happened to me once but I’m still curious about the alpha 2 response.
Take girl home for the first time, proceed to escalate. She immediately says “Just want you to know I’m not taking off my pants and we’re not having sex”
Shrug sure no problem.
Soon she’s giving me a blowjob and I ask “do you want me to fuck you?” she responds by taking off her pants.
Next day: “I thought about it a lot and I don’t want to see you again. The sex was great but you disrespected the boundaries I had set by asking me to have sex with you after I said I wasn’t going to.”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:52 am, 9th February 2019Judging by your comment you’re probably just a random troll, but regarding that one point since I’ve seen others make similar ones…
The law doesn’t apply to Trump (and people like him) the way it applies to you and me. Trump is an ultra-wealthy, powerful, world-famous member of the elites. Are you?
“I completely understand. I’m really sorry to see you go. If you ever change your mind, I’ll be here.”
Then forget about it, delete her out of your brain, and text your 2-3 other girls.
Posted at 11:05 am, 9th February 2019AlphaOmega
Posted at 11:56 am, 9th February 2019And consider it a good thing that she left, sounds like she has serious issues.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 05:51 pm, 9th February 2019Ha. Just sounds like belated ASD and a mild case of buyer’s remorse. She may or may not be back.
Posted at 04:29 am, 10th February 2019Like I said, serious issues. I had some experience with similar girls and usually they turned out to be mental / having some serious traumas / very confused etc.
Same reason why I dont usually meet anymore women who refuse to come to my house for a second date – pretty much every girl comes to my house for a second date including very innocent girls and the only ones who don’t or argue about it always turn out to have issues. It’s been like that 100% so far for me.
Also, saying upfront what is or isn’t going to happen so strictly like she did is already quite bad.
Posted at 04:47 am, 10th February 2019A rule in my code captures this mindset perfectly:
“I will never complain, or explain. I will let my actions do all the talking.”
Hit and miss. I notice more satisfaction and less negativity when I apply this rule.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:07 am, 10th February 2019I’ve been told that a lot. Yeah, I work hard at it (weight notwithstanding).
Posted at 04:13 am, 11th February 2019BD and the community,
How would an AM2.0 push for doing a threesome? I guess it’s somewhat contradictory, because we don’t push for anything specific in a relationship, but you have to persist in a way. Expecting a threesome to just fall from the sky is wishful thinking in my opinion.
Posted at 02:35 pm, 11th February 2019It’s crazy what some women think they can get away. And obviously what a lot of men must put with, that we refuse to.
This may seem like common sense to you, but I’m sure some guys can’t really see the signs. They most likely need to learn through the experience of pain and misery. Others may actually enjoy the thrill of dating crazy and dramatic women.
In any event, I’m wondering if writing an article on this would be helpful to some guys. Something like the top x signs of a women being mentally or emotionally unstable. I thing most of it has to with EFA or frame in general. Once she sees what type of man you are, she knows how to proceed, whether it be trying to hide or minimize the crazy or not giving a fuck.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:29 pm, 11th February 2019https://alphamale20.com/2016/11/28/how-to-have-a-threesome/
Those are the exactly guys who need to look in the mirror.
Very true. I’ve spoken with some of these guys. However, these aren’t usually the guys complaining about it (though sometimes it is, hilariously) and men like this aren’t going to read much of my content since it won’t resonate with them.
The problem with that, and the reason I have never written an article about this, is that heavily implies a monogamy and/or scarcity mindset and/or screening model. “I can only date women who are completely stable” is Societal Programming from the monogamy world that doesn’t apply to the Alpha 2.0. I’ve dated tons of unstable, problematic women and they were all fantastic… I’ve just kept them as FBs so they never gave me problems.
So instead of screening and trying to avoid unstable women, a better skill (and more Alpha 2.0) is to learn how to correctly categorize women and a not make the problematic ones more than an FB. And that I’ve talked about a great deal.
Posted at 05:21 am, 12th February 2019How about when it’s your property the dog shits on? I guess you can always say, you don’t care, but how about when your yard is so full of shit that you actually need to be careful on the way to your front door.
How about a guy pissing onto your house? Like you exit your home and the guy almost pisses on you? How do you react? Simply ignore him?
Something similar happened to me the other day, and I guess I did the Alpha 1.0 thing, got mad and yelled at the guy. But, of course, that didn’t help, the guy just turned in my direction, while still pissing. I don’t think he was actually trying to hit me, as he was too far away, he was just trying to piss me off even more.
What can you do in that situation? Hit him? Get arrested. Call the police? Guy will be long gone. Simply ignore him? Seems kind of weak.
Posted at 09:03 am, 12th February 2019@Martin: well you could hit him and make sure there are no bruises, and that may be low risk for the same reason that it’s low risk for the guy to piss on you even if you called the police 😛
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:33 pm, 12th February 2019You shouldn’t care about a biodegradable turd on your lawn that’s good for your grass.
“What of aliens land in your back yard and rape your wife? How would an Alpha 2.0 handle that???”
2% Rule, dude.
In a calm but serious tone of voice, “Don’t ever piss on my house ever again. Do it again and I’m taking your picture and calling the police.”
Then move to a better neighborhood.
Posted at 09:43 pm, 24th February 2019Blackdragon,
Doesn’t the “rich brother” case go against your advice not to mix family and business?