18 Feb Drama Management for Younger Women

Women of all ages can give you drama, of course. It’s part of being a woman. The good news is that Alpha Male 2.0s living a nonmonogamous lifestyle (and managing it correctly) will encounter drama from women at a far reduced rate than normal guys in typical relationships.That all being said, the particular flavor of drama you will receive from younger women (particularly women under the age of 23) and older women (particularly women over age 32) is going to be different.
-By Caleb Jones
Drama received from younger women will, generally speaking (and there are always exceptions) have these characteristics:
-More needy
-More immature or childish
-Less rational
-More brief
-Less intense
Be sure to remember the word “less” in the above list. While younger women drama will often be less rational than older women drama, that doesn’t mean older women drama is rational or makes any sense. It’s not and it doesn’t. I’ve seen women well over age 30 and 40 engage in the most irrational, borderline insane drama in the world. I’ve relayed some of those stories in my blogs and books over the years. I’m just saying that things like irrationality tend to be more common with younger women.
As you can see, there is some good news to younger women drama as well. When younger women throw drama at you, the drama tends to be less intense and much briefer than when a 38 or 45 year-old woman is doing it. This is because, as I’ve explained many times, younger women tend to be happier, more carefree, and less stressed out about life than women over age 33.Younger women have less “life overhead” such as bills, kids, careers, and so forth. They also have less baggage and less negative history. The typical woman in her late 30s can look back on decades of breakups, cheating, divorces, custody battles, asshole bosses, friendship letdowns, and so forth. The typical 20 year-old girl has virtually none of this crap taking up space in her mind… yet.
All of this translates to less intense drama from younger women than from older women, despite the fact such drama may be more irrational or immature.The most effective way to manage drama from a much younger woman is to assume a very strong but loving father-like frame. The key words there are strong but loving. You need a heavy dosage of both. The frame is that you are her strong “father” that doesn’t take any crap because you don’t have time for it (much unlike the younger men she is accustomed to dating, who have nothing but time on their hands).
At the same time, you “love” her (“love” is in quotes because you probably don’t literally love her in the romantic sense), care for her, and want good things for her. You also recognize that since she’s a younger woman and essentially a teenager since women under age 23 are essentially teenagers regardless of that numeral “2” in the first digit of their age. Thus, she’s not going to quite be able to control herself emotionally in a way an older woman might. (And again, the concept that older women can control their irrational emotions… I say that loosely.)I describe this in greater detail in The Ultimate Younger Woman Manual, but once armed with that frame, the rest is easy, provided you stick with it.
An example is that she starts bitching at you about how you don’t spend enough time with her. This is a common complaint with younger women dating older men, particularly in MLTRs.A younger guy her age would just yell back at her and argue with her for 20 minutes straight. This is the wrong move. Obviously.An older guy who was lacking this strong-but-loving father frame, perhaps a guy who is more beta, would try to explain things to her logically (“Of course I’m busy. I run a company. I have to work during the day. How else do you think I earn an income?”). This, of course, would simply result in more drama and complaints from Little Miss Younger Woman.
An older guy who was lacking this strong-but-loving father frame, but who was more of an Alpha Male 1.0, would lean too hard on the “strong” and not give enough “love.” He would get really upset, harshly snap at her, tell her to stop being stupid, and perhaps insult her further. This might end the drama (maybe), but it will also damage the relationship, increasing the odds of a break-up or LSNFTE. When she stops responding to his texts or Instagram messages, this guy is going to go through the fucking roof. And it’s his fault.
What would the Alpha Male 2.0, strong-but-loving “father” do? He would perhaps touch her gently and say something like, “Yeah. I work really hard. It’s what I do. That’s how I am and that’s how it’s going to be. If you don’t like it, you can stop seeing me whenever you want. But if you want to keep seeing me, I don’t ever want to hear this kind of complaining again. I’m not taking about this anymore…” Then he would immediately change the subject and move on. If she continued to bitch at him, which is unlikely, he would soft next her, then go have sex with the next younger woman on his list.
Strong and loving. Both. Not one or the other. It’s a hard balance sometimes, particularly if you’ve never interacted with women that way. Notice how the above example includes a little of both. It even gets a little Alpha Male 1.0ish towards the end. That’s okay for the older strong-but-loving “father” getting a little drama from his much younger companion, particularly if she’s under age 23. (If you were dating a woman who was 40, you wouldn’t approach things this way.)The good news is that if you do this stuff correctly, most younger women will just instantly stop bitching about it and get right back to happiness. That’s one of the beauties of younger women that most older women don’t have. (Older women like to stay angry for a long time.)
If you have not read it yet, I also strongly encourage you to read this article about the guidelines regarding more serious relationships as they relate to much younger women. I see more and more older guys getting into very serious relationships with women under the age of 23, which is a mistake (as I observed here). Having younger women as FBs is great. I have several and always will. Making them MLTRs is fine as long as you’re careful and you’re doing everything correctly. But making them OLTRs or even, god forbid, live-in wives is a recipe for disaster.So if you’re getting a lot of drama from a younger woman, the most likely reason is that you’ve created a relationship with a too-young woman that is way too serious. You’re 43 and you’re going to move in with a 21 year-old? Uh… yeah, you dumbass, you’re going to get assloads of drama (eventually) and it will be your fault.
But I digress. Use the strong-but-loving father frame when dealing with younger women, and they will thank you.
And then you’ll thank me.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:51 am, 18th February 2019I would be interested to read Marty’s feedback on this. It seems he manages to make that works with “Alpha 2.0 compatible” levels of drama, but I may have misunderstood the situation.
Posted at 05:59 am, 18th February 2019Could you not use this strong loving frame with older more mature girls too? Or as you hint at, would they just get offended at you putting your foot down when you convey being “Strong”? Is there a better frame to use for these older women?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:12 am, 18th February 2019I finally met Marty and his OLTR at the Brisbane Alpha 2.0 Seminar last week. He’s a great guy. Yeah, he’s made it work so far, though I think she’s 24(?) (if I recall; could be wrong).
Only in an OLTR and only for more submissive / feminine ones. Otherwise no.
Yes but that’s off-topic for this article.
Ash Pariseau
Posted at 08:04 am, 18th February 2019Younger women love the attention they get from the drama they create. Their options are plentiful so if one guy doesn’t put up with her crap, she’ll quickly move on to the next guy who will.
Posted at 08:59 am, 18th February 2019I don’t see where there is any “lovingness” in your example. It’s all tough and paraphrases to “this is how it is and you can leave if you don’t like it” Is it the fact that you speak in a soft tone, is that really adequate?
I was expecting something along the lines of “I really enjoy the time we spend together, it’s valuable to me, but I work hard and that’s all I can give you right now but you’re free to move on if it’s not enough for you.”
Posted at 09:18 am, 18th February 2019Too needy tryagain.
Posted at 11:30 am, 18th February 2019Great stuff man, 100% agree in my experience too…especially recovering from being too cold as a guy. I think the better word for loving is either “compassionate” or “empathetic”. But loving works too.
Jeff The Beast
Posted at 01:51 pm, 18th February 2019Hey BD,
I recall you recommending KrauserPUA as a good source on daygame before. In the comments of his latest blog post he’s calling you out as a scammer. Given the popularity of his blog in the PUA sphere I thought you might want to respond to him.
Bolded words in the original links are Krauser’s replies to the reader’s comments.
Comment 1
” Rollo’s stuff is good and now he’s appearing at taped events, you can see he’s a man who has his shit together. Not just a basement nerd. I know very little about Black Dragon except a few blogposts I read and what people tell me of him. It doesn’t compute. Not least that he’s an unattractive older man doing primarily online game in a city full of ugly women. I shudder to think what his quality is like, if his stories are even real. Generally, I don’t trust any man who hasn’t publicly demonstrated his bona fides. If BD has, I withdraw everything I just said. If he hasn’t – which is how I understand it – he’s just another big mouth on the internet telling people he’s awesome and there’s no reason at all to take him at his word. K.]
Comment 2
[Yeah, it’s that kind of thing which makes me think he’s just another internet bullshitter. Also, if his results are so good – where’s the evidence? Sadly, the only thing it takes in the PUAsphere to get a load of followers is to make shit up and post regular content. Everyone wants to believe. If you can create a fresh persona and “new style” you’ll get lackeys. K.]
Comments 3
Exactly. These are the actions of a bullshitter. Roy Walker and Mr White are on the daygame circuit. If you visit certain Euro locations you’ll see them in set, and sometimes on dates. You’ll meet lads who know them. They may even show you photos from their phone gallery if you ask really nicely. They have people who have publicly proven themselves, such as myself, who will vouch for them. There are many many ways a man can prove his bona fides. Black Dragon has no excuse. K.]
Posted at 03:55 pm, 18th February 2019Sounds like a PR stunt to me. Didn’t Krause recently get outed for using actresses?
Posted at 04:59 pm, 18th February 2019BD, if you’re a younger guy like me dealing with younger women… is the strong but loving frame still correct? Or would that not come across well because of the little gap in our ages? (Most of the women I see are either my age or 3-5 years younger)
Also have you read “Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man”? It’s soo similar to your stuff that I’m wondering if you drew inspiration from their material or vice-versa?
Punter Pete
Posted at 05:27 pm, 18th February 2019If you are experiencing drama from the young girls in your life then you are not paying them enough. I read in a previous comment on another post by BD that he was paying them $150 for sex, this is not enough. If you stop being so cheap you will experience much less drama.
I had drama from one of my girls when I told her to bury her sweet little tongue in my hairy cornhole after we’d previously agreed on a price for it. So I told her we were through and found a girl who would mmmmmmm. Plenty of girls willing to do what you want for good money, no drama needed.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:39 pm, 18th February 20191. Touching her gently.
2. Soft tone of voice.
3. Not getting upset, not telling her what to do, not trying to explain yourself.
That’s okay also, but only if she’s an MLTR (not an FB).
I have and I will continue to do so for those who are interested in daygame.
Scanning your comments, the only argument being made is that I must be a liar since I haven’t provided pictures or videos of me pulling women despite the fact I’ve been writing constantly about this topic in great detail for over ten years, which would make me some kind of amazing super-genus if I was making all of this up while keeping everything consistent (barring some rare mistakes on details I make due to my memory).
I would open myself up to legal hassles if I started posting pics (at least according to my attorneys), nor would that satisfy anyone (“He probably just hired those girls!”), nor am I a PUA, nor do I teach cold pickup advice, all of which I’ve said publicly several times.
If Krauser wants to get worked up about me not being an orange when I’ve very clearly said I’m an apple many times, he’s welcome to do so. I will continue to recommend to my audience that he use him as a daygame resource (just for cold approach daygame though, nothing else) since I have nothing against him and I think he teaches good info there.
This is off-topic to this thread so this is the last I’ll say about this here.
Not really; you need to dial down the loving a little since younger men overdo the loving and younger women are accustomed to this.
Yes, a long time ago. Yes, I certainly pulled some stuff from that book and JWS is a friend of mine. It’s foundational.
Posted at 08:26 pm, 18th February 2019I think she was 19 when they met and locked in. Not super clear to me indeed, how old she was and how much drama when they moved in.
However, as far as I understand, she was no more than 20 when he started to see her more than once per week regularly. Thus my understanding is that she was no more than 20 at this time, when she reached de facto OLTR status. I think she was still no more than 20 even when they had some swinger lifestyle version of “the talk”.
I love to hear about different success stories in different lifestyle, in this case swinger lifestyle with true bisexual VYW OLTR. I wonder if he just falls in the 2% lucky or if there would be a possible systemic special method to reach that very specific goal with significant probabilities.
If there was really low drama levels, I think Marty did something very special and remarkable, or was very lucky about her personality, or both. I still believe your point to be very accurate 98% of the time about not making a VYW an OLTR and not moving in with a VYW. I stupidly tried that before discovering your blog and it was the perfect example of assloads of drama. Anyways, thanks for the great article BD, with a clear and pragmatic example.
Posted at 01:49 am, 19th February 2019@ BD Would you advise (for a busy beginner) to learn also some daygame to improve overall results for roster? My main focus is online game. I’m so busy now so I would never spend extra time for daygame but hey we all see some cute women in grocery stores, in other public places, cafes, etc during the day. Should I also learn daygame and make some intentional approaches when opportunity comes, or should I just focus on online game to master your system first?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:46 am, 19th February 2019Daygame is great but you should always focus on one game style at a time and get very good at it before you add in another style of game. Success is about focus.
Get good enough at online dating to the point where you know you can bring in at least 1-2 cute girls into your life. Then attack daygame. Doing it that way is much more effective.
Posted at 05:49 am, 19th February 2019Question about text drama. Happens to me semi-regularly.
A young (23-26) girl gets super needy and wants to text and talk more while you are working. You text for a bit and then gently disengage but she pushes for more at which point she becomes irrational and somewhat bitchy. I refuse to engage in that bs and do a soft-next and break all contact for a week or two. However, it happens again a few months later. What am I doing wrong? Happened with several of them. My frame might be slightly off (I am younger guy), but quite masculine and strict, with several of them flat out noting it as a compliment (“you are different to other guys”, etc).
Posted at 06:43 am, 19th February 2019Be warned of Krauser PUA. He’s a bitter angry guy who is openly neo-Nazi and an outspoken racist. Radiates a sense of grievance to everyone, you’re just one of many he takes irrational swipes at Black Dragon.
Despite being a good armchair theorist as you say, Krauser’s superiority complex and constant moralising make for some angry stuff. I’d stay clear and certainly not recommend him to newcomers.
Ask around. He’s a splinter in the community and his blog is quickly becoming a replacement for “PUA Hate.” His delusions of grandeur and catalogue of hatred are vile.
For those super fans who are cult-like followers of Krauser (usually obsessive) then start by reading this before you write sermons on here defending your Fuhrer
Posted at 12:42 pm, 19th February 2019Guys in the PUA.. Daygame… Lol.. They should call it “shit alpha’s used to do before they had jobs, kids, a actual life, and online dating”…. They reinvented the wheel for a generation of PS4 basement dwellers who don’t know how to talk to real life women.
Posted at 12:44 pm, 19th February 2019Bingo. This is not said enough.
I wasted years thinking that we would go out and do night game on Sat, and the poor returns led to a commitment to go out and do daygame the next morning on Sunday, also with poor returns. Even after online became mainstream, I would often merge that with ‘hey, let’s go to that place that has hot chicks on Thursday night’! All this led to a grand total of slow progress, particularly since so much about Game is momentum.
The earliest exposure I had to any such material was Ross Jeffries back in 2000. He said that a man should never do night game, but did not have a good explanation why (there was no online dating then, so just two types). The other flaws in his material (which was really just what some would call ‘fool’s mate game’) led to him being forgotten, even though NLP is a valuable arsenal in Game.
Posted at 12:48 pm, 19th February 2019It is funny how many PUAs become neo-Nazis, despite the fact that their own teachings helped thousands of colored men bed pretty white women. Heartiste, last week, had a post where he said he would prefer a 70% income tax rate if it meant an all-white society. Nevermind that HE is the one who educated thousands of people about how the higher the tax rate, the greater the power imbalance in favor of women (since most taxes are paid by men and given to women). I suspect Heartiste, despite being a good teacher of Game, is a very poor practitioner.
Krauser legitimately did bed a lot of hot women, but since he is inadequate in other areas of his life (including financially, I suspect), he seems fine to alienate at least half of his target audience (let’s face it, the biggest customers for Game advice are non-white men who want to get with the top 20% of white women).
For some reason, he is very angry.
Posted at 12:54 pm, 19th February 2019False. Alphas of the old days used to buy dinners for women, because in those days, the culture didn’t extent courtship by decades.
Game has a number of very sophisticated techniques that a mere ‘alpha’ that you mention could not have had a clue about. Barely 1 in 200 men are ‘naturals’ to such a degree.
Moderate knowledge of Game quickly puts a man in the Top 10% of attractiveness.
Posted at 01:09 pm, 19th February 2019Once you do enough dates with enough women and start closing them consistently, to sex, talking to women out and about comes naturally when you actually have the opportunities. If you’re a grown up like me and have a job, kid, workout nightly, clean, cook and etc. the opportunities aren’t going to be there as much. But like I said it comes naturally when you’re out and about.. once you closed enough women.. You’ll naturally put yourself in position to strike up a conversations. But to honest.. When I’m out and about I really don’t want to be gaming chicks. I have shit to do, need to get home, and I’m usually irritated that I have to do it. It just isn’t the time for it. It’s not for grown ups with a life.. it’s the shit I used to do when I was in my 20’s and living with my parents.
Posted at 01:14 pm, 19th February 2019lol.. Okay. I did that shit all throughout my 20’s and into my early 30’s.. Army, college and etc. Shit I still do it but I’m a grown up now so it’s rare. I didn’t need a boot camp eitehr. But we didn’t have PS4′ and live in our mom’s basements until our 30’s
Posted at 02:59 pm, 19th February 2019Maybe Krauser legit, maybe not.
I tend to think he is but… he looks and talks like a dork and I don’t trust any infield from a public figure.
I also find it funny how he bashes on guys going to Asia for supposedly easy lays with girls who like foreigners when he (and a bunch of other LDG guys) does exactly the same by going to Eastern Europe.
Posted at 04:55 pm, 19th February 2019What’s even funnier is that commenter on Krauser’s site who thought BD unconsciously gives off provider vibes. If an English-speaking Westerner goes to a place like Kyiv to pick up girls, it’s impossible not to give off provider vibes.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:11 pm, 19th February 2019Incorrect and terrible advice. I have literally never received any drama from any woman I gave $150.
The goal is to pay them as least as humanly possible, not “more so they don’t give you drama.” Jesus.
If you keep them as FBs and follow all the cardinal rules, you won’t get drama from sugar babies. If you do get drama from them, it’s because you’re treating them like MLTRs, not because you’re not paying them enough.
Posted at 05:38 pm, 19th February 2019” My attorneys said I will get sued” is such a bullshit excuse….
Mind citing the specific laws your attorneys say you might break ?
If you look at the few PUAs that got in trouble for their pics or vids is because they recorded or shot explicit sexual images which fall under revenge porn or voyeurism laws in western countries.
A fully clothed pic of both you and the girl chilling together is not illegal at all.
Here are examples of pictures from Krauser’s deplorable cad memoir.
Here is a link to pics of daygame coaches Eddie Hitchens and Richard Hood with girls.
Show them to a British, American or Canadian laywer and he’ll say these are perfectly legal to post in public.
Posted at 06:04 pm, 19th February 2019How come not able to order los angeles tix for your tour? Also whats address or hotel spot of your tour in Los Angeles and San Francisco?
Posted at 06:48 pm, 19th February 2019His pictures aren’t that great (i.e. 7s and 7.5s), and only half appear to be women he is actually fucking. The other shots could just be someone he opened and chatted up, and did not interact with again.
Hell, I have a collection of pictures with women I have dated that is better than that, and I don’t even think my Game is that great.
That doesn’t mean he has bad Game (as you clingy worshippers tend to interpret such feedback). The point is, you didn’t strengthen Krauser’s case at all. You weakened it. With friends like you, he doesn’t need detractors.
One of the worst things about PUA culture is the incredibly immature comparisons that these PUAs try to make with each other, when 99% of the male population doesn’t even have Game and is an addressible market.
When I saw the 8th-grade-level pissing contests on ASF between Ross Jeffries, Mystery, and a couple of others, taking up hundreds of hours of each’s time, I was stunned at the savant-like nature of these men. They have the skills to land 8s and 9s with ease (which they did), and yet chose to spend time shooting each other down to be the big fish in a VERY small pond? Pathetic.
The good thing about BD is that he is above that, and provides more holistic life advice that is far more applicable to men ages 40, 50, or higher, that don’t want to be PUAs.
If anything Krauser (and Heartiste, and Mystery, and Tyler) need to be BD’s students. They won’t, of course, but the fact remains, that after years or even decades of PUA, none are very happy men, because they understand little about the more holistic nature of life.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:06 pm, 19th February 2019You must be a young guy because you have no idea how this works. Getting sued in civil court has nothing whatsoever with breaking a law. I can sue you for any reason I want even if you clearly didn’t break any laws, and even if I lose, in the USA you’ll have to pay court costs and thousands of dollars in legal bills and so on.
I’m an American having sex with other American girls on American soil. Guys who bang chicks in Eastern Europe or whatever don’t need to worry as much about this because these women can’t easily sue an American citizen, particularly if he lives in America or spends a lot of time there.
If you would like to put up a bond or escrow account to cover the legal costs that I may incur by showing pics of all the women I’ve had sex with, email me and let me know. I’m certainly down for that.
You still can. If you’re getting some kind of error or something email us and let us know. No one else has reported any problems.
Not giving out the address publicly. These will be determined about 3-4 days before the date of the actual seminar to account for guys buying tickets at the last minute (which always happens).
Yes. Unfortunately this is one of the many reasons I stopped posting on PUA forums about five years ago; grown men acting like teenagers. (That included men who actually were teenagers all the way to men in their late 30s). Trying to have a real conversation based around real facts and ideas was difficult with these guys. Not all of them, but a lot of them.
Posted at 08:52 pm, 19th February 2019Agree about Krauser. The irony of him calling you fake BD then all that stuff coming to light about his “rock band” scam lol!
Met him on two occasions in Prague. Very uptight, big mismatch between his estimation of himself and reality.
My wings and I take Krauser’s rants with a grain of salt. Don’t let it bother you BD. He’s an angry dude who doth protest too much!
Posted at 03:59 am, 20th February 2019Yes I am a young guy. I have taken several business law courses at university so I understand the basics of how canadian civil law works better than most adults in my country. So let’s put the ad hominems aside and stick to the actual argument at hand.
Granted that’s not the same as american law but there is huge overlap.
You don’t get sued for “any reason”. That is something someone who gets their legal knowledge from T.V. shows and sitcoms would say…..
You can get sued in civil court for things like breaches of contract, negligence, libel/damage to reputation etc.
A legit photo that is not doctored/photo shopped (and isn’t nude/sexually graphic etc) does not come anywhere close to the definition of libel or slander since it’s not false.
Saying I won’t post vanilla photos because I could get sued is just as ridiculous as saying I won’t call so and so an asshole because I might get sued….
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 04:19 am, 20th February 2019Here’s an article on the use of photographs of a person without their consent — under Canadian law (Quebec).
Posted at 04:20 am, 20th February 2019Todd V is an american guy banging american girls and releases video evidence of himself with girls all the time on his youtube channel with over 100k subs.
The only legit excuse a blogger has for not releasing photo/video evidence is ” I have a job and don’t want to get fired” which clearly doesn’t apply to a guy who lives off his of location independent businesses.
Posted at 04:34 am, 20th February 2019I have no idea where guys who say young women give drama are coming from. I get literally zero drama from younger women: when they don’t like something they usually just leave / stop talking to you without saying a word.
Posted at 04:56 am, 20th February 2019Feeling some irrational need to defend BD, I’d like to remind that his focus is on long-term relationships, which would most likely be harmed by him releasing such photos.
Feeling some further irrational need to attack Krauser and his supporters on the aforementioned webpage, I’d like to point out the level of inanity in their daygame vs online game arguments.
Posted at 04:58 am, 20th February 2019PUA, look up SLAP suits. Perhaps it’s not a thing in Canada, but it certainly is in the US. While those are usually used by corporations to silence people, the same rationale can be applied elsewhere.
Hell I’d like to see BDs women too, I think it’s natural to be curious about that. Even without knowing what any of his women look like, I know for a fact his system and methods work
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 05:12 am, 20th February 2019Allofus, what’s the point? I showed him clear evidence that he was ignorant of the law, despite his undergraduate studies that place him ahead of the vast majority of adults. Unable to assimilate it, he ignored it and charged on. He’s not responsive to logic.
Iggy Pop
Posted at 06:46 am, 20th February 2019@GrapplePUA
You don’t know shit, kid. You’re a laughable case of a young punk who thinks he’s some kind of legal expert because he’s taken a few law courses. It pisses me off. I’m in the legal field and we see lawsuits brought about for no reason all the time, just as BD has indicated. Its an epidemic.
The United States is the most litigious country in the world and your Canada doesn’t even rank in the top ten.
Learn a thing or two before you shoot your mouth off.
Posted at 07:00 am, 20th February 2019Lol, these guys are funny. Guys don’t come here to learn how to annoy random strangers on the street after a 48 hour call of duty marathon. Or pickup girls between college classes.
With that being said BD’s shit is legit in regards to it’s intended purpose. It works like a charm. I can work all day, come home take care of my kid, cook, clean, workout, grocery shop, do laundry, the lawn, pay bills, and am able to quickly and easily fit in picking up women online. Then get laid within a date or 2 with very little money. If I decided today to send out a bunch of openers i will have dates lined up for the weekend and will have at least one of them cumming all over me in the back of her mommy mobile. Of course I don’t need to because using BD’s shit keeps prior women messaging me telling me how they can’t stop thinking about me making them cum. Women I haven’t seen in months. begging to meet up. That just happened a couple nights ago actually. If I want to pickup women out and about I can do that also. BD knows his shit.
Posted at 07:59 am, 20th February 2019I just want to know if this Thai gal was into me. I really don’t care about marriage right now or the lack of LTG which many men struggle with.
Brought her back to my room. We had some banter back and fourth then when we were on the bed she turned into an animal. Bit my tongue and I winced. She realized that she lost control and apologized. We went back at it and it got a bit loud. At one point she was on top of me with her fingernails stuck deeply in my pecs.(left bruises). When we were done she snuggled on my shoulder. Then as we were snuggled next to each other we could not resist escalating to round 2. When that was over she snuggled next to me but then fell asleep and started snoring. I tapped her until she woke up so as to stop snoring. I think she got offended and moved to the other side of the bed. She did not want a 3rd round. When it was time for her to go she got up and went to the bathroom. I got up and asked for her number. She gave it to me then asked me to call her phone. I called her phone and she thanked me. Then she said “I like you” I was still in a bit of a stupor given what had gone down so I did not respond. She said I did not have to walk her down and then gave me a big formal bow(Wai). I opened the door and let her out she looked around and then looked at me and said (what way?). I just pointed and she looked at me and walked.. I felt so guilty and wonder if I offended her. I have sent 4 texts but she has not replied. Is there anyway to get her back? Was she into me? Need to know so that I DON’T make the same mistake again.
Posted at 08:49 am, 20th February 2019I never claimed to be a legal expert.
I literally said I understand *the basics*. If you think someone saying they understand the *basics* of a subject is claiming to be an expert than you either simply have a very poor grasp of the language or are deliberately making a straw man argument.
Posted at 09:22 am, 20th February 2019Bd,im in my early 20s.
For younger guys attracted to milfs ,do you recommend for them to have mid mltr relationships,or high mltr relationships with older milfs,if that mltr is a mild dominant and the guy has a frame of a high beta/low alpha and always fucks other fbs on the side?
If i get serious with a mild dominant and i soft next her ,will it result in more drama,or it will increase attraction and the relationship will remain healthy?
Im thinking of upgrading an older fb to mid mltr,who has the body type im most attracted to and who looks almost exactly like this..
How would you rate her on the HB scale?For me she is approaching HB 10,but i think for other guys she can be an HB6.
Posted at 09:35 am, 20th February 2019Bd you should not give a fuck about krauser pua,a long time ago he wrote an article about tom torero,who faked an infield.The frame of that article was”Its true that tom torero faked that infield,but he still has game”,i call that bullshit.
I cant find his older posts where he had a breakdown of the girls he fucked,but he admited that he fucked a lot of Hb6,hb7, and the rare hb 8,hb9.
And even if you post pictures,the haters will say that you hired the girls or that the girls are escorts.So who doesnt like you,then he should go to another blog.
Posted at 10:46 am, 20th February 2019She’s cute. I have gone out with a lot of women over 40 and she’s pretty cute for that age. They sure do rock you world. horny, horny, horny, I can barely keep up with the demand..
Posted at 11:51 am, 20th February 2019“How would you rate her on the HB scale?For me she is approaching HB 10,but i think for other guys she can be an HB6.”
This has all the earmarks of the start of a pissing contest. lol
Posted at 12:40 pm, 20th February 2019You’re young so I somewhat understand it but your life will get a lot better when you stop caring what other people think. You attracted to her? Good enough.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:09 pm, 20th February 2019You can have older women in FB, MLTR, high-end MLTR, or OLTR. Whatever you want based on what you like.
Soft nexts always work correctly and boost attraction provided you do them correctly and don’t fuck them up.
I don’t believe n the 1 to 10 scale because it’s subjective and always results in immature arguments. Read this:
Posted at 06:45 pm, 20th February 2019@Yoda: looks like a 7 to me, from what can be seen of her. But kinda old.
Punter Pete
Posted at 07:51 pm, 20th February 2019Hmmmmm, how is you paying them $150 to have sex with you any different than me paying them more to not have any drama?
I am much older than you and not much to look at, so of course when I want them to do certain things I may experience drama where a younger, better looking man might not.
You pay sugar babies because you otherwise could not get them into bed without paying them, I pay them for that reason too, but realised they were less hassle and more willing to do what I wanted the more I paid them.
Posted at 10:53 pm, 20th February 2019I completely go with BD on this. It’s very subjective. I can show you scores of pictures of Filippinas for instance that I rate solid cute but BD would most probably find ugly. And I guess a few hot that I rate HB10 or HB9 and he would rate average on the ugly, average, cute, hot scale.
For instance the woman you show is too old, facially not my type, and probably too tall for me to rate anything more than average at best, so that’s HB5 to 6 max. I guess her asset is her boobs but I am insensitive to boobs, and I imagine them either natural and too soft or silicone, both a turn off unless exceptions. I am a bubble butt guy, show me one even absurdly fake and I go crazy. So I wouldn’t bang her unless I have a 6 months or more dry spell and I am desperately horny, which is unlikely to happen. I do recon she is objectively good looking among a 55 years old caucasian women group.
Still, I find it interesting to see the wide variety of tastes men have in women.
Posted at 10:59 pm, 20th February 2019@BD
About the photos, it seems to me the only way for you would be to post photos of women with their written and formal enforceable consent. But I guess you already thought about it and no woman agreed to this.
Posted at 11:02 pm, 20th February 2019What does it matter what other guys think? It’s what you think that’s important.
Posted at 11:19 pm, 20th February 2019@Punter Pete
Your experience is interesting. I am curious to know if ever you care to answer any of the following questions:
How old are you?
What sexual things you ask them to do?
How much do you pay them per meet (or hour)?
Also where is that and how much in other countries that you may have tried?
One of my financial objectives is to be able as soon as possible to rely entirely on the various pay for play routes to satisfy all my sexual needs. Including hookers, freelances and sugar babies. My main kinks are anal (as in my cock in her ass), and bisexual FFM 3somes.
Posted at 11:53 pm, 20th February 2019@Jimmy with the Thai girl
You should not be focusing on her but instead focus on building your rotation.
You sent 4 texts without replies from her that’s needy as fuck! Very bad, never do that. Stop it.
If you made her cum, she was just sleepy and not horny anymore for a 3rd round and maybe pissed that you woke her up in the middle of her sleep. Perhaps she felt moody from tired or hangover next day.
What you could and possibly should have done better is to not let her sleep the night with you after sex since she is not yet an MLTR, assume FB status.
She gave you her number and said she likes you, so all is good. Relax. And if she wanted only a ONS, there is nothing much you can do about it.
When she replies schedule to meet and fuck her again. Probably not today but from tomorrow it’s ok. after this 2nd time having sex, proceed to meet her only once per week.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:21 am, 21st February 2019Because at $150 I don’t get any drama so I don’t have to pay them any more.
And at $0 I don’t get any drama either (normal FBs).
The amount of drama you receive from a woman you’re fucking has nothing whatsoever to do with your age or appearance. If you’re getting drama from FBs, there are only 3 possible reasons, none of which are due to your appearance or age:
1. You’re being an asshole.
2. You’re treating them more like MLTRs or girlfriends and thus creating incongruency.
3. You’re genuinely attracted to bitchy and/or high-drama chicks (some men are).
1 and 2 are directly within your control to change at any time. (If it’s 3 then I can’t really help you.)
Incorrect. That’s why you pay them, which is fine based on your age. I have and still am having sex with hot younger women without paying them a penny.
I pay sugar babies because A) its way faster than normal game and my time has become extremely scarce and valuable lately and B) they don’t care that I’m married so I don’t have to deal with that aspect of the seduction or relationship management with them.
I pay because it makes things easier, not because it makes them possible.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:27 am, 21st February 2019Haha, actually, a small few women over the years have agreed, but they demanded other things, like for me to devote entire articles about them and talk about how wonderful they were, or for me to refer them mass amounts of followers for their Instragram pages, and so on.
I wasn’t interested in this crap for several conflict-of-interest reasons and potential for drama between us. And I’ve said before that lots of my current and ex women, at least the younger ones, are on YouTube, Instagram, and so on in very public ways capitalizing on their hotness. (It’s what hot young girls do. I would do the same thing.)
Posted at 05:12 am, 21st February 2019This would be really interesting to ponder your perspective on this from, not the obvious, (all men cheat- monogamy doesn’t work) but from a different more interesting angle, that most people and mainstream media don’t understand and that would be, the true nature of a woman. This young woman had every reason NOT to screw her BFF’s, sisters husband but she did it anyways, regardless of the risk and potential consequences… here’s the link… hope you do a blog on it. Thank you.
Posted at 06:40 am, 21st February 2019Women are horny and they like to fuck. Most important thing I learned coming from a crazy religious background. Not all women just like not all men. I have known men in their 20’s all the way up to 60 who are still virgins. Something is obviously wrong (religion or past assault) there but point is that if a woman or man in perfectly normal emotionally and physically they love to fuck. It isn’t a question of morality. Men and women both get those crazy urges to fuck. You got catholic priests, school teachers, and etc going crazy. We’re just hearing about it more now but shits being going on as long as mankind has existed. Shit I had a female teacher try to seduce me 25 years ago. Women are animals just like men when it comes to sex.
Posted at 08:06 am, 21st February 2019Legit, PUAism has A LOT to do with that, sadly. Mental Masturbators everywhere.
Even the ones who have had to deal with insane religions or past assault are horny. Hell, about 1/3 of the chicks I’ve had sex with told me that they were assaulted at one point in their lives…and they were the horniest ones. One chick I tried to get at was brought up crazy religious, couldn’t stop hopping on the cock carousel after moving away from her folks.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:16 am, 21st February 2019No need. Kylie Jenner is 21 years old, i.e. still a teenager. This is the kind of thing teenagers do.
Posted at 09:32 am, 21st February 2019off topic again but since we’re talking about other mano-sphere gurus :
Have you guys seen the pitch of RooshV’s new book “Lady”?
It’s a book for women, explaining them in details basically how they should not have sex with men and hunt for beta providers who will marry and impregnate her. And how to spot players and non-monogamous guys. Un-fucking-believable. He’s completely lost his mind.
Posted at 10:05 am, 21st February 2019off topic
I know absolutely nothing about laws. This is a genuine question. And I am not suggesting that you should do that. Nor I am suggesting that this would make any sense or be of any benefit for you to do that. I am interested to know your purely hypothetical opinion on this because this is something I may consider doing in forums for instance and I trust your knowledge of this type of stuffs.
Do you think it would be a risk to write a post with a link to whatever their social media is and say : “I have seen this woman in person.” And provide no context whatsoever. Not post any picture on your site. Just the link and something so general that it could just mean that you have seen her once across the street. Maybe even just “I once saw this woman in real life”. Maybe even “I think, maybe, I once saw this woman in real life.” Maybe push even further the deniability and add : “I am not sure, maybe I didn’t see very well or my memory is incorrect”.
Not state whether or not she is a purely platonic friend or if you actually had sex with her “a friend with benefits”.
Not state anything like “relationship”, FB, MLTR, OLTR, nothing at all.
Same question, same thing, but this time a bit more context. “This woman is/was a friend”. And nothing more at all in term of context. Just a link, still no picture on your site.
Of course you would receive tons of questions : “did you fuck her” but you would not give any other information at all. You would also refrain from giving any judgement about her personality or her appearance, so no HB or ugly, average, cute, hot rating. Really nothing.
Posted at 11:00 am, 21st February 2019Anyone, how would you recommend reconnecting?
I just want to know if this Thai gal was into me. I really don’t care about marriage right now or the lack of LTG which many men struggle with.
Brought her back to my room. We had some banter back and fourth then when we were on the bed she turned into an animal. Bit my tongue and I winced. She realized that she lost control and apologized. We went back at it and it got a bit loud. At one point she was on top of me with her fingernails stuck deeply in my pecs.(left bruises). When we were done she snuggled on my shoulder. Then as we were snuggled next to each other we could not resist escalating to round 2. When that was over she snuggled next to me but then fell asleep and started snoring. I tapped her until she woke up so as to stop snoring. I think she got offended and moved to the other side of the bed. She did not want a 3rd round. When it was time for her to go she got up and went to the bathroom. I got up and asked for her number. She gave it to me then asked me to call her phone. I called her phone and she thanked me. Then she said “I like you” I was still in a bit of a stupor given what had gone down so I did not respond. She said I did not have to walk her down and then gave me a big formal bow(Wai). I opened the door and let her out she looked around and then looked at me and said (what way?). I just pointed and she looked at me and walked.. I felt so guilty and wonder if I offended her. I have sent 4 texts but she has not replied. Is there anyway to get her back? Was she into me? Need to know so that I DON’T make the same mistake again.
Posted at 11:01 am, 21st February 2019…she is a Thai woman
Posted at 12:11 pm, 21st February 2019You don’t.. Leave her alone. You probably came off as someone who is going to be too much for her with your 4 texts. She didn’t respond. You’re done for now. You go fuck someone else. Shit go fuck about 10 other women. She might come back around in a month or two if you forget about her and go.. fuck… someone… else…
Posted at 01:51 pm, 21st February 2019Blackdragon,do you think younger girls attracted to older guys or younger guys attracted to older women have daddy or mommy issues and because of this they are attracted to people who are older than them?
Posted at 01:53 pm, 21st February 2019“You don’t.. Leave her alone. You probably came off as someone who is going to be too much for her with your 4 texts. She didn’t respond. You’re done for now. You go fuck someone else. Shit go fuck about 10 other women. She might come back around in a month or two if you forget about her and go.. fuck… someone… else…”
Will take that as NC for 2 months. And yes had someone tell me she may come back around given the situation. The fucking other women thing does not help me with any mistakes I may have made though. Will probably pass on that unless I come across another 20 yo 10. That’s the problem when you push the bar too high.
Thanks for the response
Posted at 02:21 pm, 21st February 2019Don’t worry about past mistakes. Just improve so you don’t make them anymore. Women after a fuck are typically clingy and insecure. At least if you have a alpha frame. Once you have banged enough women you will have less of a scarcity mindset, more experience, confidence, and just be more alpha. At that point you’ll start banging more women you consider 10’s and not lose them. You’ll have the whole thing down to a fucking science or art, if you prefer..
Posted at 02:43 pm, 21st February 2019Haha, OK, guess you didn’t watch the video. This is more about her best friend, Jordyn.
Why would she, Jordyn, risk everything, childhood friendship, living in Kylie’s home, social rejection from friends and the Kardashian clan… all for a fling with one of their husbands.
Posted at 05:51 pm, 21st February 2019BD said :
Wait, what is this? Why is BD paying women at all? For what purpose?
What is the full story here?
Posted at 06:45 pm, 21st February 2019“Don’t worry about past mistakes. Just improve so you don’t make them anymore.”
Yeh ok right. If I took that advice in life I would not be where I am at nor been able to experience the things I have. If it works for you then so be it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:03 pm, 21st February 2019Some do, yes. Some don’t, and it’s just a matter of preference. I was super attracted to much older women when I was a teenager and in m 20s, and I don’t have any “mommy issues.”
I couldn’t tell you the percentages though.
Where have you been? I’ve been repeatedly talking about me doing sugar daddy game for about three years now. Have full how-to chapters in my books about it too. Go through the archive and catch up.
Posted at 08:27 pm, 21st February 2019I don’t visit that often, and haven’t read all the archives.
Posted at 01:36 am, 22nd February 2019youre welcome Rico and enjoy that time machine..
Posted at 07:09 am, 22nd February 2019I used this word for word the other day after she was complaining about me not spending enough time with her (she’s a new FB). In her complaint she said something about how it wasn’t working for her. After I used this line, her first reaction was, “so you don’t want to be with me?”, to which I said, “No, I would be sad if you left but if it’s what you have to do then I’ll let you go.” After which, the complaint instantly became a plea to stay, don’t go, and of course the resulting epic sex. Psychology and frame ftw.
Posted at 08:43 am, 22nd February 2019“youre welcome Rico and enjoy that time machine..”
Haha, got it. Still can’t shake the memory of a particular gal I made out with when I was a 19 yo. Learned my lesson never to lower my standards if I can help it.
Remember, at the end of the day it is all about SMV. Every guy wants the gal with the highest SMV. Truth be told most men would throw away everything they have for it. This is why most people hate red pill. It is the uncomfortable truth that SMV drives everything.
Posted at 09:07 am, 22nd February 2019I used this word for word the other day after she was complaining about me not spending enough time with her (she’s a new FB). In her complaint she said something about how it wasn’t working for her. After I used this line, her first reaction was, “so you don’t want to be with me?”, to which I said, “No, I would be sad if you left but if it’s what you have to do then I’ll let you go.” After which, the complaint instantly became a plea to stay, don’t go, and of course the resulting epic sex. Psychology and frame ftw.”
As someone who has been in a LTR for a VERY long time….the shit testing never ends.
Posted at 01:51 pm, 22nd February 2019lol.. I thought it was a good one. I’m just saying you can’t change the past and there are plenty of hot women out there.
Posted at 05:40 am, 25th February 2019@BlackDragon
I don’t understand with your average 3-4 hours from first meet to sex and previous roster of girls…why would you need to use sugardaddy game?
Like, the way I see it that is much easier to resurrect former FB than to try to find a sugar babe? Or when you have skills – to have couple of first dates and lay a girl?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:07 am, 25th February 20191. It’s a backup in case not enough of the women from my roster are available when I need them. This doesn’t happen all the time but can happen.
2. Sugar daddy game is faster than even my system (instead of 3-4 hours it’s 1 hour or less) and I’m much busier now with work than I have been in the past.
3. Unlike a few years ago, I’m married now and live full-time with a wife, which causes some complications with meeting new women and explaining all of this. Sugar babies don’t care. Some actually prefer it.
4. I can use my system and sugar daddy game. It’s not like I need to do one or the other. Sugar daddy game is a tool just like anything else (just for more busy, higher-income men though).
Posted at 01:38 am, 26th February 2019Thanks BD. It was great to finally meet you in person as well.
My OLTR was 19 when I met her and we moved in together about 8 months later when she was 20. We have been living together for just over 2.5 years and she just turned 23. I just turned 51.
I moved in with her before I read anything from BD. So I didn’t have his wisdom to guide me at the time. But I found his stuff about 2 months after she moved in. It really helped me sort out our relationship at the time. I had already told her I wouldn’t be monogamous and had a lot of the things BD says worked out to some extent. But other stuff really helped.
I have never had much drama with her. We did have some at the beginning as we were working out our relationship. But a lot of that was from me still not knowing how to do things correctly. In the last year, I have had zero drama at all and we are getting on better than we ever have.
I have never had any expectations that our relationship would last a long time. Both her and I from the beginning thought we would probably only last 3 years or so and then go our separate ways. We verbalized this to each other but we were both happy to just take things as they come with no pressure either way.
The opposite has actually happened. We are now both very happy being together, love our lifestyle and see us staying together for at least another 5 to 8 years. This may change as she gets older but neither of us is too worried about it. While we enjoy being together we’ll keep doing it. If one of us wants to move on so be it.
Not sure if we are outliers re the general rule with VYW. She is quite intelligent, grew up in a foreign culture, in a wealthly family and is very different from most western women her age. She hates all the bullshit young western women go on with. She is also a very strong Type 2 and doesn’t like young guys at all.
Posted at 10:50 pm, 1st March 2019Great to read your take on this point Marty, thanks for sharing 🙂
Posted at 07:30 pm, 8th March 2019@Jimmy with the Thai girl
“You should not be focusing on her but instead focus on building your rotation.
You sent 4 texts without replies from her that’s needy as fuck! Very bad, never do that. Stop it.
If you made her cum, she was just sleepy and not horny anymore for a 3rd round and maybe pissed that you woke her up in the middle of her sleep. Perhaps she felt moody from tired or hangover next day.
What you could and possibly should have done better is to not let her sleep the night with you after sex since she is not yet an MLTR, assume FB status.
She gave you her number and said she likes you, so all is good. Relax. And if she wanted only a ONS, there is nothing much you can do about it.
When she replies schedule to meet and fuck her again. Probably not today but from tomorrow it’s ok. after this 2nd time having sex, proceed to meet her only once per week.”
Thanks for the reply…somehow I missed it. Yes I know about the 4 texts in a row without a reply is bad, lol.
It has been almost a month and have heard nothing but we are in different cities, far from each other. I have had a lot of good sex in my time but nothing will match what happened with her. I don’t think most people would understand what went down.
Posted at 07:07 am, 9th March 2019So if you did hear from her, would you do some stupid thing like fly her to your location?
Sounds very defeatist. Of course it will be matched and surpassed.
Maybe nobody will ever understand. Maybe you did something that reminded her of something and killed the attraction entirely. Maybe another man got all of her attention. Maybe she got hit by a bus. Whatever. She isn’t available. Millions of other women are.
Posted at 05:54 pm, 10th March 2019Some fair points Anon
Posted at 02:06 am, 14th March 2019Hello BD,
I have been seeing a younger women for 3 months plus and i have noticed a changed in her behavior recently , we were talking this week and the conversation lead to her telling me that she knows i like her and she feels more comfortable with me so now she can be here self more .e.g. not hide her mood swings and her stubbornness
How do I approach this new situation please ?
Posted at 10:53 am, 15th March 2019“Hello BD,
I have been seeing a younger women for 3 months plus and i have noticed a changed in her behavior recently , we were talking this week and the conversation lead to her telling me that she knows i like her and she feels more comfortable with me so now she can be here self more .e.g. not hide her mood swings and her stubbornness
How do I approach this new situation please ?”
Go fuck other women!! lol..
Seriously, distance. Calibrate it. She is shit testing.
btw, no one understands the level of adult consensual sex I had because they can only compare it to what they know in America and not what they did not know exists. Transcendent is the best way to describe it. I know this sounds arrogant but so be it. No way in hell is someone going to do the things I did.