03 Jun Determining The Best Dating Site/App For Your City

your help, I’m going to create a world-wide online database that will help guys determine which dating sites/apps work best in every major city. I don’t think anyone else on the entire internet has tried this. But hey, if anyone is going to do it, it should probably be me, since I’m one of the guys who put online dating techniques for men on the map in the first place.
One of the most common questions I get, as you might imagine, is this:
I live in X. What are the best online dating sites or apps that I should be using for maximum results here?
-By Caleb Jones
This really is a core question, and one we’ve discussed on this blog many times. I also list the biggest and best (or should I say, “least bad”) dating sites/apps in my primary online dating book as well.
I can answer this question pretty well for most American cities, and several European cities, but beyond the general, “These sites/apps tend to work best for most people in your region,” I can’t narrow things down any better than that.
That’s where you guys come in. I have a pretty large audience that spans the world, and online dating is one of the core subjects that most interests this audience. There are thousands upon thousands of you out there with lots of valuable data regarding which online dating sites/apps work the best, and in which cities they work.
I’m going to use myself as a focal point for all of that data so we can collate everything and then present it to everyone in an easy-to-read manner.
And I’ll do all of this for free. Because, you know, I’m full of love for my fellas n’ shit. (Actually it’s because like publicity and traffic and money. But I like you guys too.)
First and most importantly, if you have ever used a dating site or app in the last year or two to successfully meet up with at least three women in real life (regardless of if you had sex with them or not), then take this below survey. It’s just three quick questions, do it right now:
View Survey
Seriously, take the survey. The more data we can get, the more helpful this information will be to everyone.
Next, if you know anyone who has met women via any online dating site or app in the last 24 months, send them a link to this blog article and have them take the survey as well. You are also welcome to post a link to this article on any other blog or forum where you think it would make sense. Again, the more guys we have take this survey, the more data we compile, and the more useful it will be to everyone.
The next thing you can do is post a comment on this article or over at the Alpha 2.0 Forums (more on that in a minute) relaying your experiences with the best (or least bad) dating sites and apps you have used to actually meet women in real life, and the city in which you did it.
As soon as we’ve amassed enough responses on this survey (and we need a lot, so get the word out), I will publish the results in two ways.
First, I will post at least one, and perhaps two follow-up articles at this blog with the results of this survey along with my analysis. It should be very interesting. Moreover, it will help you figure out which are the best dating sites/apps you should use for your particular city.
Secondly, we have set up a new stickied thread over at the Alpha 2.0 Forums called the Online Dating Sites / Apps Master City Index. I will have my staff continue to update the top post at that thread with all the city names and best dating sites/apps for those cities over time. The thread is here but if you’re reading this on the date I publish this article (June 3rd 2019) there probably won’t be any data there yet, so you should bookmark it and check back on it later. Also feel free to post your experiences and your advice in that thread so other men in your city can benefit.
Every few months, I will “re-bump” this survey to my audience either here or via social media, to continue to get a large, ongoing data stream. Very soon, we should have a Master Index of many, if not most, major Western cities and the best dating sites/apps to use in those cities.
Alrightee, now to handle few questions I know I’m going to get because I can read your minds:
Why are you only asking about guys who have met up with women? Shouldn’t you be asking guys about what sites they used to actually have sex with women?
No, and here’s why. As I’ve discussed in my books and blogs in great detail, “online dating” or “online game” is only the online portion of the interaction. Getting amazing photos, getting a good profile up, swiping, messaging women, scheduling dates, ensuring the dates actually happen via texting, and so on. That’s online dating.
But, once you’re on that first meet with a new woman, and she’s sitting right next to you at the bar or coffee shop, online dating is over. Now you’re in normal, real-life game. It’s certainly not cold approach game, since she’s already there talking to you, but it’s still you using your real-life dating skills to either get laid fast or turn her off and never see her again.
So, if you’ve managed to meet at least three women in real life using an online dating site or app, then I know that means two things for sure, regardless if sex occurred:
That online dating site/app officially works, at least in your city. Otherwise these ladies would never have met up with you.
You’re doing online dating correctly, since you were able to at least schedule a first meet and you ensured it actually happened.
If you meet a bunch of women for real-life first dates, but never manage to get these women to a second date/meet and never have sex with them, that means your online dating skills are pretty good, but your real-life dating skills need more work. My point here is that your lack of real-life dating skills isn’t the online dating site/app’s fault. The app worked; you didn’t.
Why the minimum three women thing?
Because if you met just one woman in real life with an online dating site/app, that may have been a fluke, exception to the rule, or lucky break on your part. One is (or could be) luck, two is a coincidence, but three is a pattern.
Why didn’t you include X dating site/app?
Because I can’t list every fuckin’ dating site/app in the world, dude. I had to be a little choosey. That’s why there are several places in the survey where you can enter the names of other dating sites/apps you’ve used successfully that aren’t in my big list. Please fill those out if you’ve been successful with a site/app that isn’t in list.
What about sugar daddy sites?
No! This survey and data set is only about normal, “real” online dating sites or apps. Because of the financial aspect, the sugar daddy stuff will skew the results in ways we don’t want, so I have not included any sugar daddy dating sites. Anyone who enters a sugar daddy site into the survey will have his results deleted.
Obviously I think sugar daddy dating is fine for a narrow subset of men (busy old farts with higher incomes, i.e. guys like me), but that’s only a percentage of the audience of this blog. This data is for everyone, so no sugar daddy stuff this time around. (I have some stuff planned for you older men coming soon. Don’t worry.)
Why just in the last 24 months?
Because, as you well know by now, what worked well many years ago may or may not work today. Some dating sites/apps that used to be pretty well now suck balls. We are only interested in updated information.
So please take the survey and have any of your buddies who’ve done online dating (and actually met women in real life) take the survey as well. The more, the merrier. Also feel free to comment below regarding which dating sites or apps you’ve used successfully and please include what city you were in when they worked (within the last 24 months, please). Without including the city, the data is useless.
I’ll post the results of the survey soon!
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:44 am, 3rd June 201915 girls met i think in the last 24 months on tinder. In singapore.
Posted at 06:45 am, 3rd June 2019Reader from Madrid (Spain) here. In the last 2 years I was able to get 50+ dates from a combination of POF, OkCupid and a local app called “The Inner Circle” (my real life dating skills are not that good though).
Tinder is also workable here if you really know what you’re doing, although much more difficult than the sites I’ve already mentioned. Several of my buddies have lots of dates from there, although they’re pretty good looking.
Also, I was able to use Tinder successfully in several South East Asian countries: it works like a charm in Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. For Thailand, I also used ThaiFriendly with pretty good results.
Posted at 07:20 am, 3rd June 2019https://www.visahunter.com/articles/#datingandromance
I use this site to find out for the site to use. Almost all countris listed, but not by city.
Posted at 07:33 am, 3rd June 2019Tinder
All the others are crap over here.
Posted at 07:50 am, 3rd June 2019Submitted mine. The one thing missing from your survey is a subjective ‘ranking’ of all sites used to meet at least 3 women (meaning it wasn’t a complete time waster).
I used 3 apps and although for instance Tinder, I have met and slept with women on there a number of times, the effort to reward ratio for it is among the worst for all apps (in my city of Chicago, in Russia it works great).
If someone would ask if I recommend using Tinder in Chicago, I would say — unless you’re a glutton for punishment or already a pretty boy, then generally no. There are better apps.
Wouldn’t you like to know a subjective ranking. For Tinder, due to mainstream saturation, bots, attention seekers, it takes 100x more swipes than several other apps to get matches. It’s obviously not me, I generally use the same pics/ profile across all apps.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:09 am, 3rd June 2019For this survey, no. I only want objective, quantifiable information. Either the app allowed you to meet three women in real life, or it didn’t. All other aspects are your problem.
Posted at 10:18 am, 3rd June 2019Manila-tinder(insanely good), didnt try anything else
Ho chi minh city-tinder(reallly low ratio of matches,responses and dates), okcupit-zero matches
Bangkok-tinder(very good and easy, best shit ever)
Patong,phuket-tinder(too many white people so a lot of competition,nightgame better)
Zagreb,Croatia- tinder absolutly useless(got only one meet and it was a meet and fuck from litteraly years of using it)
Currently living in Ho chi minh city, i tried both ok cupid and tinder, feeels waaay harder to get dates(online and daygame) than any other SEA country ive been to.
Also girls seem way more conservative.
I hate buying girls anything on first dates, i still do it cuz BD recommends it. Ive read guys got more lucky by buying them dinner/etc but i simply refuse to take them for dinner and paying.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:28 am, 3rd June 2019Just a quick update on the results so far…
Tinder is clearly king, Bumble and OKCupid are tied for second place, Plenty of Fish is a close third place. After that there’s a smattering of various sites and apps that are all about the same. This is all subject to change as more responses come in though.
The biggest site/app guys are reporting success with that I did not list is JSwipe. Very interesting.
More details coming. Today’s one of the filming days for the Alpha 2.0 Lifestyle Course so I’ll post another update tonight when I’m done.
Posted at 12:13 pm, 3rd June 2019Fair enough it’s your website.
I’m not talking about failing on dates. I’m talking about the app being so saturated to become useless. That’s not my problem; it’s a failing of the app. Some apps are more efficient at either getting people who actually want to screw together, or are just more male-favorable in general.
Yeah, I can use a toilet seat to drive nails into wood, but I’d much rather use a hammer.
Posted at 01:13 pm, 3rd June 2019Wow, wow, wow…. everything you predicted about all the PUA artists were so spot on.
Look at Roosh current state of mind… denouncing everything he once swore by and embracing what he once despised.
Any response would be appreciated.
Posted at 01:19 pm, 3rd June 2019I’d even argue that three could be dumb luck. I mean I use Bumble, Tinder and OKC, and I definitely meet chicks on both, but I don’t have optimized pics or anything like that. So because I’m not really taking it seriously, I’m just randomly meeting chicks on Tinder and OKC. Haven’t gotten ANY hits from Bumble yet but I don’t really expect to. In my city, that app is crowded with 33+ single mom who just want betas to take care of their kids lol.
I’d say a “pattern” would be like meeting like 4-5 in a month or something like that.
Anyway, I like this idea. Didn’t know there were so many dating apps out there, holy crap.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:22 pm, 3rd June 2019I know.
I did in the older woman thread. Go look over there.
Bottom line, it’s the prefect time to be me. 🙂
Posted at 01:27 pm, 3rd June 2019tbh, I kinda feel REALLY used by PUAs that I learned from in the mid 00s. Turns out they were never genuine in the first place. I mean I had that hunch even 15 years ago, but now its revealing itself more and more. BD is like the ONLY person I can trust with chick advice. With everyone else, its just entertainment at this point.
What do you mean? Roosh used to do nothing but attack SJdubs…has be BECOME one now? lol.
Either way, I had Roosh snuffed out since the beginning. Him and the rest of the Return of Kings crew were fake the second I saw them, just rallying up incels and taking their money to join their “cause.” I can still remember Matt Forney being exposed HARD for paying for sex and other stuff lol.
Posted at 04:15 pm, 3rd June 2019It seems that the Niagara Falls region where I live even though it has a good-size population if you count both Canadian region and the New York region as well just hasn’t seemed conducive at all for online dating and it’s been extremely frustrating because I’ve seriously applied all of BD’s techniques (got professional photography pictures, used his exact same openers he has in his ebook, have sent hundreds upon hundreds of messages over the years,ect) and still haven’t even met 1 women. Has anyone else feel like they did everything they could but still not get any results?…because as times passes, it really make me wonder how is any guy out there is able to get anything? Because like I said I’ve already pretty much done everything I could to try and succeed with online, but seriously just trying to get 1 reply or match in the first place has felt like pulling out my hair
Posted at 04:38 pm, 3rd June 2019POF is stinking piece of shit here in Sydney, Australia.
In Cebu, Philippines Tinder is king. 99+ likes in less than two days, countless matches and more dates than I could put on a calendar. I also met three VYW via Filipino Cupid (paid).
Posted at 04:52 pm, 3rd June 2019What are you talking about? Please pay some respect to your fellow brothers who made what we have now possible.
Separate message from the messenger. Maybe, say, Mystery was a psychotic beta bitch, but his work is genius. Still been ripped off by the second and third generation of PUAs.
Posted at 05:58 pm, 3rd June 2019@joelsuf… yea, it’s sad how they misled so many guys. Neil Strauss, Roosh, Mystery, DeAngelo, Matt (as you stated), Tucker Max, on and on, even Gene Simmons… They never were the Alphas they claimed to be.
They were all betas, posing as Alphas and guys ate it up. They talked a good game but couldn’t walk the talk because deep down they were all phony baloney.
I guess it’s just more proof that BD is the real deal.
Posted at 08:42 pm, 3rd June 2019OKCupid works great in Jakarta, Indonesia. Very high response rate to messages, strong likelihood women will meet you, and a good chance (around 50%) that they will have sex with you. Tinder not so much, at least not for older guys. Too many women just have a Tinder profile, whether or not they are available. Younger good looking guys may experience that differently.
Who cares? If they say something useful, use it. At least Strauss writes well. The issue should be “Does what he says work? Is it true?”, not “Is he an ideal Alpha 2.0 Male worthy of respect and emulation.”
C Lo
Posted at 11:53 pm, 3rd June 2019Word up on that. He’s a fantastic writer IMO, and has an ability to get people to open up and be honest where others don’t get a sniff.
That said, he’s a hot mess. I remember when I read “The Truth”, and a couple of his other books, it seemed like to me that he is one of those kinds of people with attachment issues, has lead an insanely screwed up life from childhood on, and deep down pines for a Disney relationship to that “one special girl” to get his head right.
He never portrayed himself as an Alpha, IMO. He did learn what buttons to push with women to get laid. After he cracked that, it seemed like he went into some radical existential crisis because it was like “seriously, is this all there is?”
IMO what he lacks is vision for what he wants, as opposed to the betaized dutiful suburban husband dad bod life he thinks he wants but will hate like everyone else who has to live it.
Back OT: I’ll be interested in what works on Caleb’s survey. I haven’t online dated for several years where I had excellent results (if three real life meets are the criteria) with Match, POF, and, well, anything else I tried.
Hey BD is three meets in two years really the definition of success? That’s a surprising threshold.
Posted at 01:10 am, 4th June 2019Never said they didn’t provide useful stuff or had nothing to offer. They did. Just saying that they ripped off A LOT of dudes and its been getting worse and worse and worse.
No one should be paying thousands to hang out with a PUA and have them tell you that you suck then fill your head with a whole bunch of theory, yet even *good* PUAs of today like JMULV will charge that amount. To me, that’s unethical and unnecessary.
That’s the problem with Mystery: He created the very business model that networks like RSD now use to squeeze money out of dudes who really just want someone to give them some direction to address their frustration.
And as for the 2nd and 3rd generation of PUAs…completely agree. The PUAs that have come out over the last decade are completely transparent and have pretty much nothing to offer except entertainment. RSD’s getting to that point now. They can entertain whoever they want but they should not be charging people thousands for it.
Posted at 02:01 am, 4th June 2019Tinder is relevant. If you see someone on there it means they exist and there app is open and active. Zoosk is full of “old unused” profiles. Zoosk likes to boast that it has the biggest data base. I have personally seen profiles on Zoosk that has been inactive for over 5 years.
I cannot comment for the rest. I live in a small town in South Africa and while there is only 3 – 5 Tinder swipes available daily they are relevant.
Posted at 04:23 am, 4th June 2019Tinder works wonders in Atlanta. I have one shitty pic of a mirror selfie and still get matches every day, and 99% of the girls I meet are EXPECTING to fuck. POF is a complete waste and annoying. It should be called POS! Way to many bots. The actual female to bot ratio (feels like) 40/60. I just deleted POF after about 3 months of using it last year.
Posted at 06:34 am, 4th June 2019Based on cities I’ve been to recently/live in:
London – Had at least three dates with two of the main sites (Bumble, POF) so pretty good but you need to put in the groundwork as BD recommends in his books.
Tinder – hopeless in London unless you’re a good looking and or under thirty (also confirmed by some mates who’ve tried it). I read a recent report that said in London the Tinder ratio is skewered to seven guys for every girl.
Daygame and night game still very good if you enjoy it (which I do, luckily! J)
Tokyo – Tinder is ok but massive number of flakes (similar to D2’s in daygame). Had good results with “Japan Cupid” but you need to filter out the over thirty’s looking for husbands. “Line” Dating app work well but you need to be able to read/speak Japanese to get good results.
Daygame still the best in Tokyo IMO.
Rome: Mixed results with dating apps; got a few dates but not really the quality that you see on the streets and in restaurants. Poor results with daygame as it seems a complete mind fuck to most women when you approach them. This was backed up by what an Italian colleague mentioned to me that dating is done via Social Circle, pretty much exclusively.
Posted at 01:23 pm, 4th June 2019I’ve been part of the so called “community” for more than 6 years now, so I think I can say some words about the matter.
The best seducers are not commercial or super famous, and never will be. They are just normal guys who offer advice on closed forums (or simple websites where they sell cheap but effective products) because they want more people to be successful, so they can increase common knowledge about this very topic. I know it sounds corny, but that’s really it.
Some of them despise online, some of them accept it as a secondary option or “lead” generator.
The only exception I can think of now is Chase, who grew a business but never did that awful 180 once he became successful.
Posted at 03:46 pm, 4th June 2019Hey Paul! I’m not too far from you in Rochester and I agree with your comments. I don’t know what it is about the upstate NY area, but it just seems it’s tough going. Maybe it’s the hellish long winters, I don’t know. Very conservative folk here. Have you tried Buffalo?
Posted at 04:57 pm, 4th June 2019No sure about rip off. Mystery’s books cost like 20 bucks. mASF archives are free online. What else do you need?
It seems to me, Mystery never had a big business breakthrough with his stuff. He tried it with Style. It didn’t go anywhere. He tried it with Savoy. Savoy is still running LoveSystems but Mystery was expelled.
Now he is trying it again with Colgate (whoever he is). There is an article about this new endeavour on BuzzFeed https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/scaachikoul/pickup-artists-manosphere-incels-the-game-mras
My favourite quote from there:
That’s the power of game right there.
The chick knows he is PUA. She knows about the game. Yet she can’t help but play along.
Pseudonymous User
Posted at 02:56 am, 5th June 2019And/or the power of pre-selection.
Posted at 08:17 am, 5th June 2019I’m based in Belfast (UK), Tinder is king here and I’m still getting results from it although it was probably better about 2015-16. Have met & had sex with a few VYW through the app. Also had countless matches and conversations that went nowhere.
Bumble not as good and is full of over 30 single mothers. POF is terrible, barely get a reply despite using the same pics that I’ve had good success with on Tinder. OK Cupid was also a waste of time.
Posted at 10:12 pm, 5th June 2019Western NY is the only place where I had a guy accuse me of being a fake profile. Or maybe it was the Toronto region. I guess the combo of me being hot and offering my phone number right away short circuited his brain. His loss. I met a beautiful professor in Rochester (Tinder), and a sexy Russian in Waterloo (OKC). Saw the latter a couple more times when he swung through my city on business. 😛
Posted at 04:31 am, 6th June 2019I’ve been on most of these and a few others, and I have yet to have a first date. After awhile, I start to see the same chicks on all these different sites, so that tells me they aren’t finding anybody either.
Posted at 09:48 am, 6th June 2019Hey BD,
I know this is off-topic, but could you maybe write an article about Steve Pavlina and his journeys in polyamory, or write something short in the comments? I just started reading his content and he seems like a very interesting guy.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:18 pm, 6th June 2019Quick update on survey results so far…
Tinder is clearly king, the biggest app by far, 27% of all respondents report Tinder working in their city. Nothing else comes even close. Interesting.
Bumble and OKCupid are more or less tied for second place at 14% and 13% respectively.
Plenty of Fish is a strong 4th place at 10%.
Then we have a bunch that have all tied for 5th place, all at 6%, such as Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel, Match, Badoo and “Other” (which varies greatly per city). Then a whole bunch of other sites/apps floating at around 2-3% each.
This is all subject to change as more results come in, of course.
Posted at 04:30 pm, 6th June 2019I’ve got the Playing with Fire book about using Tinder, but Tinder is all about good looks if you have it and having good pics, so it’d be much harder to meet younger chicks on it if you’re an older guy. If BD was getting great results from using it, he’d have written about it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:36 pm, 6th June 2019All online dating is about good pics. That is in no way unique to Tinder.
Correct, and I’ve said that about 100 times: older men looking for much younger women should not use Tinder. Use the other dating sites/apps instead. Both the culture of Tinder and the technical aspects of Tinder make older man / younger woman game really difficult there. But this is not a problem with most other sites/apps (though all older men going after much younger women will get very low response rates no matter what they do, like I always have).
Posted at 05:39 am, 7th June 2019Agree. The only caveat here is if you change your age AND if you look younger than your current age. I’ll soon be 40, but my “tinder age” is 32, and I def look 32. Works like a charm.
I can match with at least 3 new chicks per week who are below 25, and they are HB7s or above.
Funny story: I went on a date with a hot 24yo asian…everything was going great until she blatantly asked about my age. I tried to change subject, but she was adamant she needed to know exactly how old I was. When I told her, she went cold and the date ended there, LOL. She said her age limit was 34. Oh type ones, gotta love them.
Posted at 08:58 am, 7th June 2019Here in Amsterdam it’s definitely Tinder #1 like in most cities, but on number 2 badoo and 3 happn which aren’t too common in other countries I think.
BD what are your thoughts on the dating app Facebook is currently working on? I think it’s going to be massive and blow tinder out of the water if the privacy checks out and it’s still kind of anonymous (I think u get what I mean)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:49 am, 7th June 2019I agree. I think it will be huge. It may even be the next big thing in the online dating world that works great for a few years (before it starts to suck, as per the usual pattern).
But then again, I thought Google Plus was going to be huge…
Posted at 07:41 pm, 7th June 2019i’ve used tantan (chinese tinder) over here south east asia, it’s wayyy better than tinder’s because you’re able to put mini videos (DHV) on your picture slot, also the customer service is efficient. Most i met are asian or indonesian chicks here.
Posted at 08:40 am, 8th June 2019I’m similar to POB, in that unlike most older guys, I don’t look my age at all and can easily pass as someone almost 20 years younger, so I’d still want to use a Tinder, I wouldn’t rely on just that. I’d use other things as BD suggests.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:49 am, 8th June 2019Yes, I’ve heard that a lot from guys in Asia.
Not surprising to me at all that the Asians are doing this better.
C Lo
Posted at 10:34 pm, 9th June 2019Off topic:
A couple of threads back I posted a new cite/book that women were “fucking miserable” in marriage, but would only admit it when the husband was out of the room.
Turns out the author misread the data. “Spouse absent” ment the husband wasn’t living in the house because they were split up and the author was a fool because he didn’t ask what that ment.
Pedro Orrico Boscov
Posted at 08:29 am, 10th June 2019Although king, Tinder is supplemental at best. Speaking about myself, right now it’s def playing second fiddle to daygame (most of my roster has come from daygame these days).
Tinder has lots of ghosting, flakes, etc. Of course it depends on a lot of factors, but even if you’re very good, your match/sex ratio will probably never be better than 15:1 (15 matches to get a full sexual encounter).
Posted at 10:26 pm, 10th June 2019For me it’s Hinge get tons of matches with so many hot woman in a major city in the North East USA (Hint: Freedom towers located here) which I just moved to and I’m sure you can guess as I don’t like revealing my identity accidentally online.
I’m in my mid late 20’s. I am the Exception to the Rule. I happen to be a Goodlooking guy (think Jamie Lanister GOT) and have many good pics, and I have a big d**k which I show off in grey tight sweat pants in a shirtless pic. (No humble brag as you’ll see why) had 4 dates by the 2 weeks I’ve moved here only 3 failed easily, and 1 was a lay as I just copy pasted “what are you doing later and got straight to the point?”
@Blackdragon is so 1000x right about game vs looks. I fucked up my all my dates since I moved here recently (drank alcohol very little gets me very drunk) on a few dates to bars and my texting game is shit again and keep losing girls after a few days of getting there Snapchat or number. I’d say it’s 80% game 20% looks easily(only open doors).
@Blackdragon any tips of articles that can help me recuperate as I used your game(book which I lost) in the past and was extremely successful after I took all of your advice. However I fell off the dating bandwagon from college (no debt) for 2 years. I’m getting out there again and need to relearn: an opener, texting, how to approach the date, and how to behave a certain way (I know one thing I gotta relearn is to shut the F**k up as talk too much) which I do recollect you warning before.
Posted at 12:44 pm, 12th June 2019I am a 50 yr old European guy living and working in Doha, Qatar. Here what is clearly working NOW is Tinder and Badoo. I have scored several success on both. Got a couple of dates from Instagram here, too.
I tried Happn, but there are simply not enough people using this app here, so no results. Same with Lovoo and Jaumo. I heard there is some action on MeetMe, although I haven’t really tried it.
The apps landscape is changing fast, though. Three years ago (here in Doha) Tinder was anecdotic, and Badoo was king. I could also use the “People Nearby” function in WeChat and get dates out of that. Now WeChat is out, Badoo is decreasing and Tinder ramping up.
Oustide Doha, I have tried online dating in the Philippines (mainly Cebu), and in Kenya (Nairobi). Tinder and Instagram both delivered great results there.
Posted at 01:36 am, 17th June 2019I’ve only used Tinder. Here’s my observations from 2017 to present.
Jakarta – Very good. Inundated with matches. Girls will have sex first date. They want a boyfriend but will keep seeing you regardless. Very few white guys so you are a celebrity. Some very sexy, naughty Muslim girls. Many hookers.
Denpasar, Bali – Good. Ridiculous numbers of hot girls from every country. Lots of white chicks who look like models. Seriously crazy numbers of fit, hot people on holiday or living in Bali long term. Many more white guys, many of them attractive, so much more competition. A lot of hookers. The hookers will give it to you free the second time if they like you (same as Jakarta).
San Francisco Bay Area – Meh. Some hot chicks but they are looking for boyfriends and marriage. A lot of plain, un-sexy girls. Not a great place for matching for sex.
Istanbul – Wow, obscenely hot girls. Unbelievably hot girls. Mostly Turkish of many races (white and blonde, dark and olive, and everything in between). Many Russians. Didn’t have time for dates, but the pics were amazing.
Auckland, New Zealand – Bad. Occasional hot chick but overall really unattractive. Not necessarily fat, but just plain-faced, bad teeth. So weird, because it’s totally different across the ditch in Australia.
Melbourne, Australia – Good. A lot of sexy chicks.
Nairobi, Kenya – Good. A lot of beautiful black girls. Great place if you love dark chocolate. Many of them are quite tall and muscular/slim. They are very interested in white guys. Wear a condom, this is sub-Saharan Africa.