Real-World Dating and Relationship Techniques For Men That Will Keep You Free, Alpha Male 2.0 Style
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there’s gonna be lots and lots of women who can’t wait to cheat and/or be “single” after being shacked up with a beta for months
Like BD says: bad for society, awesome for alpha 2.0
As a TH guy on lockdown in the UK which is likely to be in the range of 2-6 months, business goals are going very well. I’m very successful out of lockdown at obtaining new FBs quickly having purchased all of your ebooks many years ago, and feel that it’s not worth even swiping during this period as the lockdown will lead many of these starts to “die on the vine”. Wondering if you have another perspective on this, ways to progress things over the phone etc?
China Divorce Spike Is a Warning to Rest of Locked-Down World
there’s gonna be lots and lots of women who can’t wait to cheat and/or be “single” after being shacked up with a beta for months
Like BD says: bad for society, awesome for alpha 2.0
As a TH guy on lockdown in the UK which is likely to be in the range of 2-6 months, business goals are going very well. I’m very successful out of lockdown at obtaining new FBs quickly having purchased all of your ebooks many years ago, and feel that it’s not worth even swiping during this period as the lockdown will lead many of these starts to “die on the vine”. Wondering if you have another perspective on this, ways to progress things over the phone etc?