I am finally doing my first AMA (Ask Me Anything). You can write in and ask me anything you want. My staff will gather up your questions and present them to me, then I will answer all of them in an upcoming video.

I will answer literally any question you ask on any topic regardless of how personal. The only questions I can’t answer are specific numbers from my financial and dating life (read this if you want to know why).

Other than that, Ask Me Anything, on literally any topic, and I will answer. I will even answer challenging/angry questions from haters or disagreers as long as the questions don’t include any ad hominem personal attacks. (Any questions containing any personal attacks, even indirect or veiled ones, will simply be ignored and deleted, per my usual policy.)

When you submit your question you must include the hashtag #CalebAMA. If you don’t do this, it will not be included in the AMA video, so don’t forget!

Here are the places where you can submit your questions:

– Send an email to theonlyblackdragon@gmail.com with #CalebAMA in the title.

– Leave a comment on this blog post starting with #CalebAMA in the comment.

– DM me on Instagram here starting with #CalebAMA in your message.

– Leave a comment on this YouTube video starting with #CalebAMA in your comment.

– Mention me on Twitter @TheCalebJones using #CalebAMA in your tweet.

– Message me on Facebook here using #CalebAMA in your message.

I will answer all of these questions in a YouTube video in about two weeks, so send ‘em over!

50 Comments on “Ask Me Anything

  1. how useful is knowing your type Meyers Briggs style? Would you give few examples of how it helped you?


  2. Can you give more details about process for getting women who left back into rotation? #CalebAMA

  3. #CalebAMA

    Hi Caleb,
    My question is about meaning vs income. I’ll preface this by saying I’ve already listened to your happiness vs meaning podcast and I agree with your points there.
    I consider myself a more altruistic guy, in the long run I’d love to devote my life to helping others and solving big problems the world faces. However, I’m not making money right now and I know I have to handle that first.
    My question is, how can I reconcile these goals? Should I just work on getting my income up, and worry about passion/meaning later? Should I try to find a business that fulfills both? The two feel as if they’re mutually exclusive right now. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.

  4. #CalebAMA

    What industry would you go into if you were 23 years old in 2020 and why? Also what type of roles would you apply for and why? I am currently working at a big insurance company and I would like to go into sales or become an insurance broker and eventually own my own business, I’m just not sure if now is a good time to make a change with Covid-19.



  5. #CalebAMA

    How do you respond when girls accept monogamy doesn’t work long-term but still say things like “I just want to know that I’m enough for someone” or “I want to get monogamously married someday and at least try”?

    A common problem I’m noticing.

  6. #CalebAMA

    I’m broke, unemployed and I can’t find any job. I live in a country with high inflation.

    Is there an efficient way to start an Alpha 2.0 businesses with almost no money? (Aiming to make at least 200usd /month).

    If easier, what non-alpha 2.0 business could I generate from scratch to start rolling the wheel?




  7. #CalebAMA Why we see lower interest in manosphere sites than several years ago? Should’t problems of today’s men attract them to such sites?

  8. Do you think that a huge crisis and the collapse of the Western world might “reset” people’s vision on money and women (with their crazy DisneyWorld fantasy) or are they going to remain the same (like hitting their face against a wall) ?

  9. #CalebAMA
    I would like a good answer for how to avoid her communication on the daily.  These younger women sometimes only communicate with things like Snapchat or apps that indicate if you have been active and for how long, as well as if you have read their messages.  This has made it easier for women to corner us in to communicating too often, or at least this has happened to me with every higher-end mltr I get lately.  I am getting contacted by current mltr and same was happening with my last mltr, daily, and I am responding daily.  I know this is wrong but obviously I’ve fucked this up.  You have talked about backing off slowly to every other day and then less but the issue is she will corner me by knowing I’ve been online or read a message which causes me to respond rather than deal with any negativity or drama she might pose.

  10. #CalebAMA

    Hi Caleb,

    You’ve mentioned before that you don’t do drugs of any kind, not even coffee or a glass of wine. My question is simple: why do you avoid drugs so completely? I can’t understand how a small thing (like a coffee) could be bad for you/your long term happiness. Appreciate you taking the time to answer.

  11. This has made it easier for women to corner us in to communicating too often, or at least this has happened to me with every higher-end mltr I get lately.

    you can make it in the settings usually that they cant see it. Or dont open the messages. Easy

    “I just want to know that I’m enough for someone” or “I want to get monogamously married someday and at least try”?

    Its funny because those same women think they can say no to sex or stop dating you whenever they like withiut having a pre approved reason. That for me is one of the main reasons to not do monogamy.

  12. #CalebAMA

    Recent thoughts on Covid-19 and its alleged “resurgence” in recent weeks and how the government is continuing to over exaggerate this nothing-burger of a “super virus” by forcing people by law to wear masks even though they don’t actually protect you from getting Covid-19?

  13. #CalebAMA

    I remember you said in a comment once that if you were God, you would have made men and women a little more rational. So my question is: How would Blackdragon Tha God (not a typo, reference to rapper Charlemagne Tha God) update men and women?



  14. #CalebAMA.
    I know you said you don’t use online dating much currently as you’re ok for now and that’s all fine, but for the guys who are using it, it’d help us if you could regularly show us on YouTube (with the names of the women’s usernames blurred, but not what they look like), message exchanges of you with other women online and of women from different age ranges.

    Similar to what Alex from Playing with Fire, does on his YouTube channel, not all the time, but he does with many of his YT vids. Stuff where you’re just talking on camera can get tedious.

    Like you’d say: ‘here’s an exchange of a woman I had with a totally blank profile, who like most women these days, was too lazy to write anything about herself and how I got her to open up’. Or ‘here’s an exchange I had, of a woman with a totally blank profile, who was too lazy to write anything about herself and I tried getting her to open up, but she was a time waster and when you’re doing online game, you’ll be regularly encountering heaps of these women, because they’re just online as it’s a fun diversion to pass the time for them. I can pick these type of women pretty easily now and this is how you also can’.

    Both of successful exchanges that lead to a meet up in person and even unsuccessful exchanges, for whatever reason. Like if a woman is just an antagonistic bitch towards you for whatever reason and you just couldn’t turn things around. Or if a woman is over 33 and has sky high ASD, so the exchange didn’t go well, but you did the exchange on purpose, primarily so you could show guys how you deal with over 33 women you chat with online, as an example.

    If you say: ‘do you mean exchanges online I’ve had and have from a dating site and also text message exchanges, where I have a woman’s number and getting her to meet up. Or if it was a struggle for me to get a woman to meet up in my texting with her (as she was being flaky and/or was playing games)’, it’d be both.

    Even if you’re not actually meeting any women, but you’re primarily doing this to show guys what you do, that’s fine.

  15. #CalebAMA

    Caleb, thank you for this opportunity, and thanks for this forum. I have two questions, if you do  not mind. If you want to limit your answer to just one of my questions, please answer #1.

    Background: I have read The Unchained Man, read other authors you recommend, and have consumed your blogs, videos, and other media for a couple years now. I have used your information to make improvements in my life, but I am far from Alpha 2.0. My question revolves around your philosophy on risk, in general.

    I am 50 years of age, in decent health, with a good mental makeup, and a positive outlook for my future. Your risk philosophy from The Unchained Man is a basic 2% rule; if the negative outcome has a equal or less than 2% chance of occurring, you treat it as a zero chance. You may have a more refined view, but that is the gist of my understanding.

    As I get older, and time grows shorter for me to achieve my full potential as a masculine creature and to have certain experiences, I find my risk tolerance increases.

    Question #1: Do you think it is rational to allow risk tolerance to rise in proportion to age alone, i.e. as I get older, I care less about actual risk and to regard levels of risk higher than 2%-sometimes much higher- with the zero-risk-attitude you talk about in your book?

    Set Up Question 2

    This is exclusively about wealth creation. My current situation: age 50, just landed a new career/job using new skills. I have never been an entrepreneur, have no hard technical skills, and am starting from a negative net worth due to student loans. No family at home, no distractions at home. No cash on hand at this moment.

    Question #2: Using your knowledge of persons that match my facts as close as possible, what is my best shot at creating a location independent income that, at the very least, replicates the financial benefits of my new job ($45k, plus minimal bennies)?

    Thank you in advance for your answers and elaborations. You will probably be able to re-frame or improve my questions, please feel free. I am keen to read/ hear your answers to all of our questions.

    Much respect,


  16. How do you break off of a date after ~1 hour per your model? Do you make an excuse up before the date, which might lead to flaking on your date for more involved commitments; other dates/life, or bring  it up during the date, which might lead to auto-rejection if she thinks it’s an excuse to get away. Depending on which approach (before or during the date), how do you calibrate to avoid the mentioned problem; I’ve experienced both? #CalebAMA

  17. How do you setup the 2nd date for a meeting at your home, ie typical text exchange you would have? #CalebAMA

  18. Hey Caleb

    I am a 22 year old christian person and agree with the most of you material. But christian scripture states that a man should be loyal with one woman or become a monk. I still have sex with many MLTRs and love that lifestyle. Do you believe it is hypocritical as a christian to do so or what do you recommend to christians to do when it comes down to women?


    Thank you in advance for a response!

    Kind regards


  19. FYI if any of you write multiple paragraphs in your question my staff has instructions to ignore it. Please keep your questions brief and to the point.

  20. How do you break off of a date after ~1 hour per your model?

    Well, BD and many others have written lots on this. Bottom line, when you pitch the date, you mention it’s going to be a short and low-pressure event from the very start; then (optional) you mention it in passing when you meet; then, 45 minutes in, you simply say you propose to wrap it up in 15 minutes.

    None of this reduces her attraction, on the contrary, you are a busy businessman who can’t spend hours with someone who has yet to earn his interest. Indeed, sometimes inventing false time constraints is recommended.

  21. You have mentioned before that you often talk about sex on the first date, but what specific things do you talk about? How graphic do you get?

  22. #CalebAMA You have mentioned before that you often talk about sex on the first date, but what specific things do you talk about? How graphic do you get? Do you talk about sex with asian girls that are brought up in Asia, on the first date? Thanks

  23. #CalebAMA

    Any tips you could give on fuck closing a woman the first time at her place?  All my experience is fuck closing at my place.  But due to current logistics that isn’t possible.    Usually when I try to bang the first time I make up an excuse to go up to my apartment; in order to give her plausible deniability.

  24. #CalebAMA

    I’ll understand if you can’t answer this in a single video, but how would *you* have fixed Game of Thrones?

  25. #CalebAMA

    Hi Caleb,

    My question is

    if you only had $50,000.00 and nothing else

    what would you invest in right now?



  26. #CalebAMA

    could you give a specific step by step guide to referral game? Fucking the friends of your FBs and MLTRs ??

  27. #CalebAMA, can you have a webinar with someone on YT (as it’s not something you’re properly qualified to do yourself)  on:

    _ using only all natural methods to help permanently overcome ED, PIED (porn induced ED) and/or PE, for guys badly afflicted with either of, or both of them.

    _ discussing how to get rock hard erections and reducing the refractory period during sex, through only using herbs, diet and nutrition only, as opposed to using pharma meds and drugs, that should be totally avoided.

  28. #CalebAMA.

    In acknowledging guys with a public profile and a ‘brand’, are restricted in what they can say about themselves (plus they’re entitled to having a private life and it’s nobody’s business anyway), from what you know and/or you’ve read about them, who do you consider the best, preferably living alpha 2.0 role models for guys to follow, as opposed to guys who’ve fucked things up like Arnold Schwarzenegger. They don’t have to be guys from entertainment, but they can be from politics, sports, business, etc.


  29. #CalebAMA

    How many women do you approximately need on your roster so you can have one FB all year round without using other methods to meet women?


    What is a reasonable expense for a single meet-up with an sugar baby for guys that have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of game?

  30. #CalebAMA.
    If your own dad Caleb who’s divorced is healthy, that’s very good to know, but when a guy gets really older, are there ways he can avoid becoming a grovelling beta towards their female partner. I’ve seen this in my own dad who turned 88 last week and it’s both super depressing and heartbreaking, as my stepmother who looks after him, can often be a rather selfish bitch. In his case, he has declining heart health and has Macular (so he can barely read and he’s almost blind and hasn’t been able to drive since 2015). So he’s lost all his ability to be independent.

  31. #CalebAMA

    How much money does pink fire fly contribute to the bills and rent?


    What changed that you weren’t able to talk about your income before and even made an article about it, where now you openly say multiple six figures or half a million?

  32. #CalebAMA.
    Caleb you’re a big proponent of TRT for guys aged 40 and over and I can totally respect that, but for numerous reasons, I’m not myself, as it holds absolutely no appeal. If you’re an open minded guy, please interview someone like Zander Holt on your YouTube, who espouses using only diet, nutrition, herbs to naturally boost testosterone.

  33. #CalebAMA How do you avoid dominant women when you use online dating apps? We know that date with dominant woman is usually waste of time.

  34. #CalebAMA

    In your experience, what is the most effective method for tracking your goals, projects, and to-dos using the E3D time management system: index cards, journal, software, apps, or some combination of these?

  35. Do you own any big toys?  Like boat, Harley, Muscle car, Sports car, and etc?  Details if so

  36. #CalebAMA

    Why do you say you agree with rihc cooper on everything?

    he is in a monogaous relationship. he aint alpha 2.0!!

  37. #CalebAMA

    What do you recommend to improve speaking skills? You speak well in your videos, I want to learn that too.

    Thanks, AJ

  38. #CalebAMA

    I noticed in a write up of one of your most recent trips – you mentioned you didn’t gain any weight (or actually lost weight). Can you explain what your mindset or system was to achieve this?

    I’m interested to hear what you did to be able to keep weight off while traveling. I always put on weight during trips.

  39. AJ – Join a Toastmasters club in your area, although it wouldn’t be as good now, as it’d probably only be online, but it’s better than nothing.

    Grant – Go for a daily jog when you’re travelling, if the hotel doesn’t have a gym.

  40. #CalebAMA

    Do you think with the current social climate it’s dangerous to approach VYW if you’re 30+? Or do you have any tips on doing it without ruining your reputation? People are getting called predators, pedophiles, etc. for dating young women.

  41. #CalebAMA

    how to effectively kick girl out of your room/home to outside when things get bad ,before things get physical push as last resort as she not agree to leave and continue talking drama

  42. #CalebAMA

    What change could you expect from a woman that live long-term with an Alpha 2.0 man? Since you met her, had Pink Firefly picked up any Alpha 2.0 traits (be more outcome-independent about trivial stuff..), or she stays the same?

  43. Do you think with the current social climate it’s dangerous to approach VYW if you’re 30+? Or do you have any tips on doing it without ruining your reputation? People are getting called predators, pedophiles, etc. for dating young women.

    I am not sure where you live but if anything its becoming more normal and accepted compared to say 10,20,30 etc years ago.

    try asking someone who remembers those days about that and you will see

  44. #CalebAMA

    What do you think of the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy when it comes to relationships?

    In other words a conventional bf/gf situation or marriage where the woman understands that “men will be men” and that it’s not going to be exclusive but she does not want to know about the flings in an “out of sight out of mind” kind of way?

  45. How long after birth should I wait before trying to meet and have sex again with a FB or MLTR due to their “new baby NRE“?

    I read that women who are breastfeeding their baby have lower sex drive due to an hormonal mechanism involved during the production of milk.

    Broadening that point, how long do you think women have some kind of “baby NRE“, where they are obsessed with their baby and aren’t interested in men? To clarify my question is NOT in the context of me reproducing with a women but more in the context of me having MLTRs or FBs with single women or women who are in an open relationship with a boyfriend or cheating on him, and then they get pregnant (not from me), give birth to their baby, etc…

    How long after birth should I wait before trying to meet and have sex again with a FB or MLTR?

  46. #CalebAMA

    How long after birth should I wait before trying to meet and have sex again with a FB or MLTR due to their “new baby NRE“?

    I read that women who are breastfeeding their baby have lower sex drive due to an hormonal mechanism involved during the production of milk.

    Broadening that point, how long do you think women have some kind of “baby NRE“, where they are obsessed with their baby and aren’t interested in men? To clarify my question is NOT in the context of me reproducing with a women but more in the context of me having MLTRs or FBs with single women or women who are in an open relationship with a boyfriend or cheating on him, and then they get pregnant (not from me), give birth to their baby, etc…

    How long after birth should I wait before trying to meet and have sex again with a FB or MLTR?

  47. #CalebAMA


    Any advice for someone with persistent RSI but also want to get started on a Alpha 2.0 business?

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