January Through May is GO TIME

I’ll pass on something today I learned from one of my greatest mentors in business and success, Robert Ringer. These days he’s become a political pundit but back in the day he wrote about business success…and his stuff was gold.  This tidbit today has the potential to be life-changing if you understand it and put it into practice.

-By Caleb Jones

The absolute best time of the year to accomplish your business, career, or financial goals is between January 2nd and May 31st.


Because in order to do business, you need to be communicating with other people, and January through May is the only long stretch of time when people are “around”.  There are no major vacations during this time frame.  Yeah, there’s spring break, but that doesn’t compare to the dead zone that holidays like Christmas creates.

Go back over your life and think about it.  Ever had trouble getting a hold of people and/or getting them to focus on work during the summer?  Hell, I have.  It sucks.  During the summer everyone is out on vacation or with their kids or camping or at the beach or whatever.  I’m not saying you can’t get business done in the summer, I’m just saying it’s tougher.

After summer you have a little spurt of time to get work done between Labor Day (early September) and Halloween, then starting in early November people start to float again for the holidays.  It’s hit or miss until the day after New Years when people finally get back to work.

I call this five-month period between January and May “Go Time”.  You need to make the most of it.  A lot of you have probably set goals for the new year, and that’s great.  Now it’s time to stop fantasizing, put your head down, and WORK, and work HARD until June 1st when you can relax a little and proudly look on all you’ve accomplished during Go Time.

Don’t fart around for the next few months and then start focusing on your career / business goals around March or April, only to get stymied a month or two later when everyone goes on vacation.  I’ve done this a few times before and it was bad.

I always visualize January 2nd as a giant starter pistol going off, signaling Go Time has begun and I now have five short months to push the envelope to accomplish my financial goals.  I’m going to be working very hard over the next few months and I hope you will too.

New Years was great.  Now it’s done.  Get to work.

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  • Jed
    Posted at 05:24 pm, 1st January 2012

    This post is inspiring.

  • Snow
    Posted at 05:54 pm, 1st January 2012

    This post is important. I’m thinking of starting an online networking business, and this is ABSOLUTELY go time. It really sucks being dependent on people who are out of office for breaks.

    Make the most of it.

  • Capsaicin
    Posted at 08:07 pm, 1st January 2012

    Spot on.

    I’ve been thinking along the same lines the last few days.

    I’m getting to work right now, January 1, at 11:05 pm, and knocking out all of my goals and resolutions ASAP.

    Keeping in mind that it will take time, certainly, but daily consistency and intense focus and hustle will get me much farther down the road than where I’m at now.

  • Snow
    Posted at 02:38 pm, 4th January 2012

    Any advice on how to get a hold of people who don’t respond to e-mail? Phone calls? Show up at their office? I’ve been waiting on some very important correspondence for roughly two days now (dealyed on their end).

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:02 am, 5th January 2012

    Just call them!

  • Giulio
    Posted at 10:20 am, 3rd January 2017

    Hi bd! I know that u have other blogs but are you planning on writing a book on how to build an alpha 2.0 business?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:25 am, 3rd January 2017

    I know that u have other blogs but are you planning on writing a book on how to build an alpha 2.0 business?

    I have something in the works about this, yes.

  • Jeff.0
    Posted at 10:13 am, 18th January 2017


    I look forward to hearing more about creating and doing business alpha 2.0 style. Love your work, great advice. Time to put your nose to the grind-stone as they say. What are your thoughts on moving in with parents while I work on dual Masters degrees…it doesn’t  feel alpha 2.0 but if I can still get laid just as often and save up money, it might be worth it before the age of 25.

  • suidine
    Posted at 04:30 am, 13th December 2018

    I’m going to flip this question around-

    When is the best time of year to socialize? I have quite a few friends and acquaintances which I don’t get to see very often due to everyone being so busy.

    So, in the spirit of compartmentalization, if I were to spend one month per year catching up with everyone (quick coffees, drinks, etc), when would you say is the best time?

    It’s about balancing when people are most likely to be in town, but also with a bit of free time on their hands.

  • Movie Reviews - Early 2016 - Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:31 am, 14th February 2019

    […] have been a little slow in my movie life. Go Time has been pretty intense this year, and I’ve been changing a few things around in my personal […]

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