A Few Random Things

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I've had a brief but severe cold (I'm going to post about being sick soon), and a few technical problems last week, so I'm behind on blog posts here, but I wanted to give you at least a little something before the next slew of articles get posted.

-By Caleb Jones

So today, a few random things:

1. Trump is now our president. Did you see any Democrats in power seriously attempt to stop him becoming president? Did you see any prominent left-wingers move out of the United States? Did you see any left-wing states secede from the union?

I didn't.
Then what does that say about the people who said, threatened, pleaded for, or expected any of these things?

2. Pink Firefly and I just saw the movie Split. YOU MUST GO SEE THIS and you CAN'T READ ANYTHING ABOUT IT before you see it. I'm serious; you will ruin the entire movie if you read anything. It has the most exciting twist ending of any move in the last 15 years... but only if you really like movies like I do. Firefly is a normal human being so she didn't understand the ending and was actually a little disappointment in it, even after I explained it to her (though she liked the movie). But! If you're a movie nerd/addict like me, you must go see Split. Right now. And those of you who have already seen it, no spoilers in the comments!
Just trust me on this. Go.

3. Last year was only the second year in my life where I made more money, actually way more money, than I planned on. I always set an income goal for the year, and usually either fail to meet it, or just barely hit it. Last year blew everything away in terms of both my goals and expectations. I'm still a little surprised.

I say this not to brag (even though I am), but to show you what's possible when you stop farting around and work hard for a few years. Since turning 41 I've really upped my game in terms of my businesses and work focus. It's been almost four years now, and 2016 was definitely one of the payoffs. Hopefully I'll have several more years of this before my focus shifts in 2024.

This kind of thing can happen to you too, but you've got to stop fucking around, get to work, and stay focused for a few years.

4. Somewhat related to that, I have a few radical changes in store for this blog. Don't worry; they are all changes most of you have asked for. I was going to change this blog around last year but decided against it. Now I've got another big project that's coming (can't talk about it yet) that requires me to update and change this blog a little so it's compatible with what's coming.
More on this very soon. I'm going to go back to coughing now.

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