Understanding Ovulation So You Won’t Get Her Pregnant

Your single, greatest goal in your sex life is not to bang a lot of chicks, have sex with hot babes, get a girlfriend, get married, or whatever else you think it is. Nope! Instead, it’s to not get any woman pregnant by accident.

-By Caleb Jones

If you live in Scandinavia or other parts of Europe or South America, this is still important but admittedly isn’t as big of a deal. Socialist governments are more than happy to put a gun in your neighbor’s face and make him pay for your mess, so there’s less pressure on you. However, in more corporatist/authoritarian governments like the USA or Canada, the government will point that gun at you and force you to pay child support for 18 years, even if you were lied to, and will cheerfully throw your ass in jail if you can’t pay it.

I’ve talked about child support a lot and today is not the day to paint that picture. Read this and this if you want an illustration of the nightmare your life will become if you get a woman pregnant by accident. The bottom line is you don’t want that to happen.

I am proud to say that throughout an entire life of having an extreme amount of sex (at least in the last 10 years or so) with a high number of women, I have never gotten a woman pregnant by accident. This is because I’m careful. Of course, there is a nonzero chance of you getting a woman pregnant by accident no matter how careful you are, but once it gets down to the 2% Rule, I don’t worry about it anymore.

If you’re only having sex with women older than age 45 or so, then you don’t need to worry about any of this. If any of the women in your life are under 45, then beyond the basics like birth control and condom use (both of which you should be using, you dumbass), it’s very important to understand how and when women ovulate, and your risks based on these factors. This very simple medical information should be taught to boys in high school over and over again, so men never forget it. Instead, not only do men have no idea how women’s ovulation works, but most women don’t even know. Isn’t that nice? No wonder we have all these young single mothers…

Time to cure that for you right now. By the end of this article, you will be 100% educated as to your pregnancy risks based on her ovulation cycle. But first, its time for one of my happy-fun disclaimers:

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and have no medical training whatsoever. I cannot give medical advice so please don’t assume anything in this article is such. I’m just an asshole with a blog. Please double-check everything I say with a qualified medical professional before integrating any of it in your life.

Okay, here we go:

How Ovulation Works

Most women (not all, but most) who are healthy and not on any birth control operate on a 28 day menstrual cycle. Under this cycle, on or around day 14 her ovaries drop an egg into her uterus, where it hungrily waits for some sperm to devour. It stays alive for 12 to 24 hours and then disintegrates (unless it’s fertilized with a man’s sperm… then say hello to a baby you’ll have to pay for).

Right after this, the walls of her uterus thicken in order to receive a fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized, this extra lining is released out of her vag around day 28 in the form of thick, clotty blood. This blood goes onto your bed sheets and causes you to shout words like “fuck” and “shit.” This is her period. Even more fun, right before her period, she might turn into a total bitch. If she does that, refer to this article.

The important point here is that she ovulates on or around day 14 if day one was the first day of her period. If she’s operating under a normal 28 day cycle, you can generally assume that day 14 is the Day of Danger, and you should either stay away or be VERY careful with those condoms if she’s not on any good birth control (assuming you know for sure if she is; remember, you can’t always take her word for it).


I wish, but it’s anything but. Here’s how this becomes complicated.

Problem 1: Your sperm live too long. Your sperm die pretty much as soon as they leave your cock, assuming the poor bastards end up on your ceiling or into a sweat sock. (I like to honor my fallen aquatic warriors with a moment of silence whenever this happens.) However, inside a warm, moist female body, your damn spermies live up to five days, depending on how healthy you are.

This means that if you cum inside her on day 10, you can still get her pregnant four days later on day 14, even if you’re miles away having sex with her sister. So you need to be ridiculously careful.

The slight good news is that it’s not five days, but up to five days. Your sperm are as healthy as you are. So if you drink a lot, or do drugs, or don’t get a lot of sleep, or have a shitty diet, or have a lot of stress, your sperm aren’t going to last five days, but could still last 48 hours or more.
This is one of the reasons I was terrified of my own sperm before I went on TRT. I was very healthy, didn’t drink at all, didn’t do any drugs, always got 8-9 hours of sleep, had a perfect diet at least five or six days a week, and had virtually no stress or unhappiness due to an Alpha 2.0 lifestyle.

To ensure I couldn’t get anyone pregnant, I wanted my sperm to be weak and pathetic, like a pothead’s sperm. Instead, whenever I looked at my own sperm under a microscope, they were running marathons, pounding back protein shakes, calling each other “bro,” bench pressing cars, and all kinds of other shit. Not cool.

The TRT took my sperm count to near zero, which was wonderful for a while, but in the last year or two all my sperm all came back. God dammit!!! Oh well. Maybe they’re weak pussies now. Here’s to hoping.

Problem 2: A Women’s Day of Danger can be moved by all kinds of factors completely outside of your control. I said normally women ovulate on day 14. The problem is this day can and will be changed by any of the following factors:

– Stress (and think about it… when are women not stressed?)

– Being sick

– Various medications

– Drug use

– Jetlag

– Lack of sleep

– Any change in her regular schedule (getting up earlier or later, for example)

– Any big shift in diet

Any of these damn things can force the Day of Danger to arrive sooner than day 14, or after day 14. This essentially makes it impossible to predict on just a calendar alone. Fun, isn’t it?

Problem 3: Not all women have a 28 day cycle. I have tracked many women’s periods on spreadsheets over the years (see why I’ve never gotten a woman pregnant?) and I can tell you that while most women follow a 28 day cycle, many do not. One long-term FB I once played with had a 37 day cycle. Weird, I know, but there are plenty of women like that out there.

A woman with a longer cycle will have her Day of Danger after day 14, usually on the day that represents the 50% halfway point in her cycle. But not always!

You can track a woman’s periods for 90 days and try to get an average. That will give you a good idea, but will never be precise to the day on every cycle.

Problem 4: Some non-birth-controlled women don’t even have periods. I have encountered a decent amount of women who are not on birth control yet never have any periods. This is usually because of either hormonal problems (testosterone or estrogen or both), uterine problems (PCOS and endometriosis are the two most common ones), drug use (particularly heroin), or former drug use (recovering addicts who are now clean).

How the hell can you track a woman’s ovulation if she never has a period? You see the problem. The slight good news here is that technically she shouldn’t be ovulating if she doesn’t have periods. The only time a woman can actually ovulate without a period is if she has internal scarring due to a recent surgery or similar trauma.

Regardless, while a woman probably isn’t ovulating if she’s never having periods, I do not consider her safe to gush into, and you shouldn’t either. You need more data before you do that (or take the safe route and refrain from doing that at all).

How To Determine If She’s Ovulating

As I’ve already talked about before, during ovulation a woman usually looks a little prettier and feels more feminine, sexy, and horny. However, you can’t use this as a definite indicator of ovulation. Women can be plenty horny and pretty on days nowhere near the Day of Danger.

There are only two ways I know of to determine this, and one of them I don’t even believe is real.

According to doctors, the first method is to look for a “cervical mucus that is slippery, wet, and similar to egg whites.” If it’s there, she’s probably ovulating. Just one problem. I have paid very close attention to a hell of a lot of vaginas in my day, and I have literally never seen anything like this. (The only time I’ve seen anything like this were with women who were pregnant. Yes, I have fucked pregnant women. Because fuck you.) I’ve seen a lot of stuff come out of a lot of pussies, but not egg whites, or anything that looks like it. Therefore, I personally think this is more medical industry bullshit.

A second and better way is an ovulation test kit that you can buy at your local pharmacy. They work just like pregnancy tests; she pees on a stick and you get a reading. The problem is these tests are not cheap like pregnancy tests; you’re looking at $25 per test or more. Regardless, my understanding is that they are indeed quite accurate.

Personally, if you’re going through that much trouble to see if you can cum inside your MLTR next Tuesday, then dude, just put on that damn condom or settle for a nice blowjob (or anal sex, if she’s into that).

Congratulations, my young Padawan. You are now more educated on the process of ovulation than the woman you’re having sex with. Cool, huh?

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  • AL
    Posted at 05:39h, 30 January

    Unless you have a raging desire to have children, get your tubes cut. Yes wearing a condom as well seems like overkill but unless you know a particular women well, then wear a condom anyway.

    The so called “rhythm method” doesn’t work, never has, never will.

    In these present times, there is absolutely NO reason for pregnancy to occur by accident. None at all.

  • JB
    Posted at 06:11h, 30 January

    Word of advice:
    One of my friends jumped on the bandwagon and decided to try and see what my new nonmono lifestyle could bring him. He got a beautiful (but insanely emotionally unstable) 18 year old, who he made all the usual beginners mistakes with

    He verbally stated the nonmonogamous nature very quickly
    He saw her more than once a week
    They texted all the time
    He got jealous when she was around other guys (especially when he/she was drunk)
    He let her move in because she had no money (……………………)

    But most importantly:

    He trusted that she would take her birth control regularly, despite her chaotic lifestyle

    A few weeks after their relationship effectively ended because he moved to the other side of the country, she found out that she was pregnant. To make a long story short, she got rid of it the day before the end of the 3rd trimester (… thank god we live in non-religous Scandinavia), but not without him having to endure a couple of months of frantic phone calls, crying, blame, drama, screaming, you guys know the drill.

    Now, while you should be careful with any woman (I am NOT perfect in this area if she has an education in the pharmaceutical / health field), remember that it’s with the crazies who you will most desire to fuck without a condom that you should be the most careful. They not only fuck other guys without condoms as well, but they have no self-control and will forget their pills all the damn time.

    DO put your dick in crazy (If she’s an FB), but be damn sure that you will not get a lifetime souvenir, be it herpes or a baby.

  • hey hey
    Posted at 06:30h, 30 January

    What religion has to do with killing a human being? Do we really have people who believe that is ok to kill a baby?

  • Alejo
    Posted at 06:56h, 30 January

    You forgot to mention some apps, ovulation apps are pretty awesome. I remember when I was in LTR my gilrfriend would get super angry out of nowhere, I would take out my phone and see if it was day 20.

    Always when she got mad was day 20.

    Edit: The PMS article is 100% real, made me laught

  • Recep
    Posted at 06:58h, 30 January

    I’ve seen and tasted the cervical mucus.

    Not with every woman, though.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 08:00h, 30 January

    she got rid of it the day before the end of the 3rd trimester

    I hope you mean 3rd month ? otherwise this is horrible. I’d put anything beyond 7 weeks in a morally grey area, and 18+ weeks would be murder. What’s the law in Scandinavia ?

  • Toli Kolocotronis
    Posted at 08:29h, 30 January

    Interesting to see that your sperm have returned while being on TRT. Have you continued giving yourself shots? Never heard of sperm returning after going to zero and continuing to receive testosterone injections regularly (2x week). But maybe for some reason your brain signaled to your testicles to start producing again.

  • Izzy
    Posted at 08:31h, 30 January

    Can you elaborate more on your sperm coming back. I was not aware while on TRT that could occur or did you switch something up in your protocol?

  • Eddie
    Posted at 08:48h, 30 January

    Thanks BD… an article I’ve been longing for.

    This subject has always left me confused, different people (even the medical professionals) state different things.

    So for clarity (under normal conditions)…

    Day 1 is the last day after her period?

    Then, days 1 through day 9 are technically the safe zone (assuming she will ovulate day 14)?

    Then after day 15…we are back in the safe zone?

    Also, are we not in the safe zone during her period (some like “period sex”)?


  • Anon.
    Posted at 09:08h, 30 January

    Eddie, day 1 is the first day of the period[1]. TBH, if you have misconceptions of such scale, you should refrain from basing any decisions on counting days until you study the subject really well.


  • JB
    Posted at 09:10h, 30 January

    @Gil Galad
    You are indeed correct, I forgot to correct trimester to month. Otherwise it would be sick. Thank you.
    @hey hey
    Check your SP. It’s not a baby just because it’s been conceived. Unless you thought I actually did mean third trimester, which would indeed be killing a baby.

  • MoChnk
    Posted at 09:13h, 30 January

    Two years ago when I still was a Beta with Alpha 1.0 tendencies I was in a live-in monogamous LTR with a girl who decided to get her IUD removed and go all natural.

    So we purchased the book “Taking charge of your fertility” by Toni Weschler. I was even more interested in the book than her, because jeez, I’m also terrified of my own sperm and their ability to destroy my life plans.

    The book is packed with information, even though it’s written in an annoying feminist style. (The author is whining about society saying cervical mucus instead of the more beautiful expression cervical fluid and that men have the privilege of their cum being called seminal fluid instead of mucus. I’m not kidding. She totally cuts out the fact that men’s genitals are often called junk, or that if a man is mean to other people they call him a dick, or masturbating is called jerking off, etc.)

    So the mucus isn’t really like egg white, but generally slimy (=fertile) vs. jellylike (=infertile).

    Then there is also the tempearature measurement. I bought her a Lady Comp, which is a device to measure the basal temperature right after waking up in the morning.

    And she got the Kindara app for her iPhone to track everything. I also got the app for my phone and with her password I could log into her account and check everything from my own phone.

    But it’s still too risky and this Lady Comp device is friggin expensive.

    Plus all the factors that BD mentioned in the article.

    We even had the worst case scenario happen. On one of her fertile days we were having sex with a condom and it ripped.

    So we got her a Plan B pill. And she warned me beforehand that this pill could really alter her mood for a few days. I even think she used it as an excuse and permission to become a super angry harpy and unload all of her emotional crap on me. Haha! Now I can laugh about it. I’m glad I ended the relationship and didn’t get her pregnant.

    But the overall situation still sucks. At age 26 without children I don’t want a vasectomy. What do you think about these clips you can attach to your seminal ducts?

    There is a company from Switzerland that invented them. They have a website with a video description spoken with a funny German accent: https://www.bimek.com/

    I’m really thinking about getting these. This would turn me into a cool cyborg-dude.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:12h, 30 January

    You forgot to mention some apps, ovulation apps are pretty awesome

    I purposely avoided the topic of apps because I might make a post about that in the future, but yes, those apps are helpful, particularly for tracking bitchy time, not actual ovulation.

    I remember when I was in LTR my gilrfriend would get super angry out of nowhere, I would take out my phone and see if it was day 20.

    Always when she got mad was day 20.

    Yup. And I’m sure it was always “all your fault” too.

    Way back when I was mono-married, my wife at the time was the same. I tracked her periods on paper (we had no smartphones back then), and sure enough, whenever she started screaming at me for no reason, I’d go check, and it would always be day 24.

    Interesting to see that your sperm have returned while being on TRT. Have you continued giving yourself shots?

    I don’t want to derail this thread into a conversation about TRT, so I’ll be addressing that on the post going up on Thursday. Ask me your questions about it then.

    Day 1 is the last day after her period?

    No. Day 1 is the first day of her period.

    Then, days 1 through day 9 are technically the safe zone (assuming she will ovulate day 14)?

    Then after day 15…we are back in the safe zone?

    Also, are we not in the safe zone during her period (some like “period sex”)?

    Jesus fuck, no.

    It goes like this:

    Day 1 is the first day of her period. The danger zone is days 9-17 (or so). During the first few days of her period, she’s somewhat safe (but not 100%). During the latter days of her period, it’s a grey area (i.e. somewhat dangerous). Days 17-22 (or so) are also a grey area. Day 23 until the start of her next period is your safe zone (notwithstanding all the factors I described in the article).

  • Eddie
    Posted at 11:33h, 30 January

    OK, much thanks, Anon and BD ( that… Jesus fuck no, had me falling off my seat laughing)… for the much needed clarity.

    Dammit, given all those grey areas, plus additional factors…. it’s NEVER safe.

  • Pyro Nagus
    Posted at 12:28h, 30 January

    Congratulations, my young Padawan. You are now more educated on the process of ovulation than the woman you’re having sex with. Cool, huh?

    Oh yeah, totally! Now I get to be a smart ass about this subject. 🙂 Never mind the fact that the information is ultimately useless.

    Curious about the TRT issue…I’ll be waiting…

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:54h, 30 January

    Pyro, I think this is about the third time in a row that you’ve bashed the topics I’ve talked about. If you find this blog so unhelpful, please go read some other blog, or kindly refrain from commenting here. Thanks.

  • Pyro Nagus
    Posted at 13:17h, 30 January

    I don’t remember bashing anything. This topic is very important to me as it is to you. However, I was pointing out that while this stuff is nice to know, it has no applicable use other than…being a smartass about it. What good can the info do if you can’t actually rely on it to save your wallet?

    Don’t take it too seriously. I even put an friendly emoji there for ya. I’ll be a little nicer about my snarks next time if it pleases you.

  • hey hey
    Posted at 14:05h, 30 January

    Yep JB thats what you wrote. And thats what i thought. I was like wtf? Is thos considered ok to do?

  • JB
    Posted at 14:23h, 30 January

    @hey hey
    Sorry man, it looks kind of messed up when you read it. My bad for lashing out.
    Too bad I didn’t write fourth trimester abortions instead, that would have been even better

  • Calvinator
    Posted at 14:33h, 30 January

    One word: Vasectomy

  • Lksa
    Posted at 15:56h, 30 January

    If you’re only having sex with women older than age 45 or so, then you don’t need to worry about any of this. If any of the women in your life are under 45

    I know personally a woman that got pregnant, and successfully gave birth, past 60 years of age.


    Thanks for this post, though. I came to inform myself on the topic after I was 35.
    All men I know and a good amount of women are uninformed.

    It’s not only school’s fault. As I and you know, certain kinds of people don’t grasp concepts and even notions, no matter how hard they are explained those.

  • KryptoKate
    Posted at 17:38h, 30 January

    The egg whites thing is a thing. However it is not that different from the lubrication that occurs during sexual arousal so that’s probably why you wouldn’t notice. Both are clear and slippery but during ovulation it is also very cohesive…so if you ribbed it between two fingers and then separated them it would stretch in a string between your fingers for a few inches before snapping. If that make sense. Similar to egg whites but not as heavy. Sorry for the graphic detail. I can always tell when I’m ovulating easily by the egg white thing but there is otherwise zero noticeable difference to me in mood, appearance, or sex drive. I think women actually tend to be horniest before, not during, ovulation (ie roughly the week after their period).

    I seriously don’t understand why every woman doesn’t just get an IUD…you think about it once every 5 years and it solves all these problems with a 99.9999% effectiveness rate that requires no forethought or effort once it’s placed. Honestly every girl should get once upon entering high school and then changed out every 5 years thereafter until she and a partner knowingly and voluntarily have it removed to purposefully make a baby. Just that one thing would solve like 90% of our social problems.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 18:09h, 30 January

    One word: Vasectomy

    I generally agree, but the problem is most men won’t do this (myself included). I talk about that here.

    I know personally a woman that got pregnant, and successfully gave birth, past 60 years of age.

    Bizarre exceptions to the rule are never relevant.

    All men I know and a good amount of women are uninformed.

    It’s not only school’s fault. As I and you know, certain kinds of people don’t grasp concepts and even notions, no matter how hard they are explained those.

    Yeah, but it’s mostly education. I realize there are hopelessly stupid people out there, but having a general idea of when a woman ovulates isn’t overly complicated.

    I think women actually tend to be horniest before, not during, ovulation (ie roughly the week after their period).

    You might be right about that; I’ve seen a lot of that too.

    There’s also a big subset of women who are horny during their periods.

    I seriously don’t understand why every woman doesn’t just get an IUD…you think about it once every 5 years and it solves all these problems with a 99.9999% effectiveness rate that requires no forethought or effort once it’s placed.

    I agree a thousand percent. The women I’ve explained that to who didn’t like the idea said:

    – “I don’t want anything ‘in’ me”

    – “what I’m doing now works”

    – “I heard it was bad for your bones” (like birth control pills aren’t?)

    – “IUDs make you bleed” (yeah, just for a while when you first get one, then you never bleed again)

    Honestly every girl should get one upon entering high school and then changed out every 5 years thereafter until she and a partner knowingly and voluntarily have it removed to purposefully make a baby. Just that one thing would solve like 90% of our social problems.

    Yep. Correct.

  • Scott
    Posted at 03:18h, 31 January

    Do you have any dogs/pets? Do you personally think they are worth the cost and time? They say its can cost up to 3000 a yr to raise a dog. And if your goin to buy one as a busy single man, im sure the dog would appreciate at a friend. That can raise the cost to 6k a yr down the drain. I like animals but having a better shot at financial freedom seems more important . I would sporeciate your take on this

  • eb
    Posted at 06:46h, 31 January

    Thanks for posting about this BD.  More people need to know.  I myself had no idea about it until I started researching alternatives to birth control pills.  I was always under the social programming impression that I could get pregnant from sex any day, any time until I was old and gray.

    Currently I’m using a combination of Ladycomp (device that tracks your temp and tells you when you’re ovulating.  Gives red, yellow, green lights for when it’s safe/not safe), condoms and the Plan B pill in case a condom breaks.  So far, no babies.  Ladycomps are expensive, but there are some other devices out there.  I used HSA money to buy mine, so that might be an option for some.

    Can’t say I agree with you guys about IUDs:

    -the hormonal versions cause just as many hormonally related problems as BCPs.

    -over time the copper they are made from leaches into the body.  Copper is used in numerous functions throughout the body and seeks to be in balance at all times.  Too much copper is a big underlying factor in many diseases.  Google “copper dysregulation” for more info.

    -there’s a good chance they break/puncture/get stuck somewhere besides the uterus.  No thanks!

    -science has no idea why they work, just that they do.

    I’m surprised no one mentioned Vasalgel.  It’s a substance that is injected into a guy’s vas deferens.  During ejaculation, when sperm travel down the vas defs and through the Vasalgel, it renders them “unswimmable”.  Thus you can ejaculate regardless of her ovulation and have no chance of getting a girl pregnant.  Also interesting in that Vasalgel can be removed at any time, so if a guy wanted to have kids he would just go get the Vasalgel removed.  And when he’s done having kids, just go back to the doc for another Vasalgel injection.

    It’s currently being developed in the US by the Parsemus Foundation (it was invented in India and goes by the name of RISUG there).  They’re still working on getting it through the FDA.    https://www.parsemusfoundation.org/projects/vasalgel/

    It will be a game changer for sure when it hits the market.  Otherwise, we humans are sorta screwed with the whole contraceptive thing.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 07:53h, 31 January


    I feel like I’ve been hearing about Vasalgel for many years now but it’s still not available.   Since this method puts the birth control more in the hands of the men, I feel like there’s some conspiracy keeping it from the light of day.   Since the advent of the pill, reproduction has been firmly in women’s hands while men’s only option is a condom for the most part.   Vasalgel would give men 100% say in pregnancy occurring.  Paternity concerns would be almost eliminated (although that’s just some VERY old SP to enforce monogamy since paternity tests are very cheap and widely available if there’s ever a concern these days), no more trapping men via “unplanned” pregnancy, etc…   I just feel the powers that be don’t like the idea of the mean having this much power over reproduction.

    It could be a big game changer and that generally doesn’t sit well with the status quo folks.  I’m guessing a lot of whining from the right and left ends of the spectrum.

  • David
    Posted at 08:49h, 31 January

    I cant bust during sex, so im good right?

  • eb
    Posted at 08:52h, 31 January

    Yeah I hear ya.  Conspiracy, tons of red tape or both?  Either way, getting this kind of stuff in the mainstream seems to take years.  Here’s something Vasalgel mentioned via a Facebook comment in Dec 2016:  “That said, we expect to enroll the first clinical trial in the second half of 2017, followed by a larger trial in 2018.” https://www.facebook.com/Vasalgel/posts/1381123441911479

    Guess we’ll see.  If there was ever a cause for the manosphere to pile money at,  you would think this would be it 🙂

  • Roberto
    Posted at 10:12h, 31 January

    I cant bust during sex, so im good right?

    No, not at all. Fluid containing sperm can escape even if you don’t cum and ejaculate.

    The author is whining about society saying cervical mucus instead of the more beautiful expression cervical fluid and that men have the privilege of their cum being called seminal fluid instead of mucus.

    lol – that’s just ludicrous. It’s called cervical mucus because it is produced by a mucous membrane. But if people feel happier calling it “cervical fluid” then good luck to them – it really doesn’t prove anything.

  • Bulma78
    Posted at 10:17h, 31 January

    According to doctors, the first method is to look for a “cervical mucus that is slippery, wet, and similar to egg whites.” If it’s there, she’s probably ovulating. Just one problem. I have paid very close attention to a hell of a lot of vaginas in my day, and I have literally never seen anything like this.

    BD and anyone else who might care – This is actually VERY real, but I think the problem with this is that there isn’t really enough of this slime that a guy would notice, so it makes sense you never did see it.  (I’m a girl) The only time I notice it is when wiping with toilet paper, after using the restroom; it’ll show up on the toilet paper. It’s not a huge amount either, but everyone is different.  If you are fooling around or getting ready to have sex, she’ll be wet anyways and you’d never notice it then.

    The so called “rhythm method” doesn’t work, never has, never will.

    Hi Al,  this is different than pulling out though right?  The rhythm method would not include pulling out before the end?


  • Roberto
    Posted at 10:24h, 31 January

    I would love to have a vasectomy – it would completely suit my lifestyle. But at age 26 that seems a very final decision to make. Until it becomes routinely reversible I’ll pass at this stage.

    I don’t really think that the “rhythm method” is safe though, unfortunately, certainly not unless I and she are very aware of our facts and her menstrual cycle. Therefore another form of contraception is needed, in my opinion. Plus there’s the risk of STIs. I have one girl that I fuck bareback, and I trust her implicitly to use condoms with anyone else she sleeps with and to control her fertility. With everyone else I cover up, no matter what they say. Am I unusual in this?




  • Roberto
    Posted at 10:28h, 31 January

    The rhythm method would not include pulling out before the end?

    People that use the rhythm method might do that too, but the rhythm method doesn’t rely on him pulling out before he finishes – it simply means abstaining from sex, or from unprotected sex, during those parts of the cycle when she is liable to become pregnant.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 13:20h, 31 January

    Do you have any dogs/pets?

    I did once by not anymore. Both my GF and daughter have a dog though.

    Now try to stay on topic.

    Currently I’m using a combination of Ladycomp (device that tracks your temp and tells you when you’re ovulating.  Gives red, yellow, green lights for when it’s safe/not safe),

    Holy shit, that’s fantastic! I’ve never heard of this. Looks like they run about $500, but yeah, if you use your HSA you can write that off on your taxes.

    Very cool! I’m so excited about all the new tech that will solve these problems soon. Very exciting!

    -the hormonal versions cause just as many hormonally related problems as BCPs.

    Yes, but that’s true with almost all other forms of birth control.

    -over time the copper they are made from leaches into the body.  Copper is used in numerous functions throughout the body and seeks to be in balance at all times.  Too much copper is a big underlying factor in many diseases.  Google “copper dysregulation” for more info.

    Then don’t get the copper kind. Those Merinas made of pliable surgical plastic are best.

    -there’s a good chance they break/puncture/get stuck somewhere besides the uterus.  No thanks!

    2% Rule. There is not a “good chance” of this.

    I’m surprised no one mentioned Vasalgel.

    To quote what I said when I talked about vasectomy here:

    Upon reading this, a whole bunch of you emailed me saying that male birth control has already been “invented”, excitedly pointing to this link. That method is in development in India, and male birth control stuff has been “in development” for at least 30 years, going back to when I was in high school in the 1980s. “In development” does not mean working, viable, or available. When my next-door neighbor can get reliable, reversible male birth control with little or no side effects, then I’ll get excited. Not until then. We’re still at least a decade way from something like this, at best.

    I cant bust during sex, so im good right?

    Yes, you’re good for not getting women pregnant. You’re not good for STD prevention though (obviously).

    No, not at all. Fluid containing sperm can escape even if you don’t cum and ejaculate.

    That won’t make a woman pregnant; there isn’t enough sperm in that fluid. For those of you worried about women getting pregnant from “pre-cum,” read item number two here.

    BD and anyone else who might care – This is actually VERY real, but I think the problem with this is that there isn’t really enough of this slime that a guy would notice, so it makes sense you never did see it.

    Yeah, I think that makes sense based on what you and Kate are saying.

    But at age 26 that seems a very final decision to make. Until it becomes routinely reversible I’ll pass at this stage.

    Just have a bunch of your sperm frozen. You can do it for less than $1000, and it lasts 30+ years. (Perfectly healthy babies have been created with sperm frozen for that long.)

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 14:30h, 31 January

    As someone who used a version of natural family planning for years- yes cervical mucous that is stretchy is real lol. Like bulma just said, it’s something a woman can pay attention to though not as noticeable to a man. If women learn more about their bodies they can tell when they are fertile. I can actually tell when I’ve ovulated- due to ovulation pain, passing mucous and then having sore boobs.

    28 day cycles are what women on birth control have. 21 or 28 days, but birth control stops ovulation so many women aren’t ovulating at all.

    Other than that, cycles actually vary widely from woman to woman. It depends on a variety of things. Before having children I had a period of time where my cycles were 45 days apart. After many years of having babies and breastfeeding (which actually kept me from having periods for 5 years straight at one point) my cycles now are usually 23 days but occasionally they are 25 or 26.

    It’s actually easier to track backwards than forwards in a cycle but you have to do this over a few months to get a pattern. Typically, your period starts 14 days after ovulation- regardless of how long your cycles are.

    I was lucky and was given a little fertility monitor by a midwife years ago that I didn’t have to pay for. It’s basically a microscope that you put either a drop of cervical mucous or saliva on and if it makes a fern pattern you are fertile (or pregnant). They are harder to get ahold of in the U.S but you can still find them online and they are fairly inexpensive.

    The only way you can get pregnant on your period is really if you have short cycles and are having sex on the last day or so. Otherwise there are really only about 6 days a month you can get pregnant- if you include the day after ovulation because it is possible while the egg is still on its way out of the body.

    I get pregnant pretty easily, but I’ve never gotten pregnant when a guy actually pulled out and I’ve practiced a ton of the pull out method in my life- lol. I hate condoms. The issue is when a guy decides NOT to pull out in time. So for someone that has control and isn’t actually trying to get you pregnant it works fine.

    I’ve had guys cum in me before when (thank god) I wasn’t ovulating and it was fine. When someone pulls out, even if I am, it’s also been fine. But every time someone has cum in me when it was during that 4 day window or so of ovulation I got pregnant (that’s 8 times, including miscarriages).

    If you use the rhythm method correctly, it works but you have to have a lot of self control to avoid sex on the best days of the month or to use a condom those days or pull out. Plus you really have to know your own body. That’s why it fails for most people, not because it’s a faulty method.

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 14:50h, 31 January

    Oh, and a woman can get pregnant without having a period- but not without ovulating. This can happen after having a baby because most times women go several months without periods if breastfeeding. What happens is that you can ovulate before your first period arrives and get pregnant that way. Happened to me (and several other women I know).

  • Roberto
    Posted at 07:50h, 01 February

    Just have a bunch of your sperm frozen. You can do it for less than $1000, and it lasts 30+ years.

    Now that is worth considering. Thanks!

  • Leon
    Posted at 20:06h, 01 February

    From what I read and know of based on what medical industry claims, a sudden egg could drop and fertile ANYTIME with no reason at all (more chance if you make your girl orgasms vaginaly, hard). Is it true? You seem to agree with it when you said cumming inside on period is just “somewhat safe”? I have gushed into girls on period (day 3-4) a few times and no baby has come out yet though.

    Personally I believe in pull-out method, almost always go bareskin with my OLTR and have never had any problem with it, just make damn sure you know your limit and always go pee before a round 2. For low-end MLTR and FB of course you need condoms, good ones.

    I understand accident could happen though. BD, it would be great if you could write about how to prepare and deal with accidental pregnancy. My OLTR always get terrified whenever I bring the abortion subject, even by early abortion pill, the fact that she’s a praticing buddhist doesn’t help.

  • Roberto
    Posted at 02:53h, 02 February

    From what I read and know of based on what medical industry claims, a sudden egg could drop and fertile ANYTIME with no reason at all (more chance if you make your girl orgasms vaginaly, hard). Is it true? You seem to agree with it when you said cumming inside on period is just “somewhat safe”? I have gushed into girls on period (day 3-4) a few times and no baby has come out yet though.

    Anything is possible, but completely “random” fertility is vanishingly rare. More of a problem is that some women have irregular cycles, and even those with generally regular cycles can have the odd irregular one. Fertilisation during the actual period is not likely to happen.

    It is sometimes said that a woman who has an orgasm during sex is more likely to become pregnant. I don’t think that there is any certainty about that though, nor I think is there all that much research about it. (I certainly stand to be corrected on that point.) In any case, the thesis refers to an orgasm during her fertile period increasing the likelihood of conception, not to an orgasm at any time during the cycle.

    Personally I believe in pull-out method, almost always go bareskin with my OLTR and have never had any problem with it, just make damn sure you know your limit and always go pee before a round 2. For low-end MLTR and FB of course you need condoms, good ones.

    I find pulling out before I cum very frustrating. I could do it, but to do it regularly would drive me crazy. With my OLTR I ride bareback, but she is on appropriate contraception. This arrangement suits both of us. With FBs I cover up but I don’t pull out. With casual partners I also cover up, of course, and it’s very rare that one asks me not to cum inside her.

  • Hastarus
    Posted at 03:50h, 02 February

    Hey BD, I don’t how to contact you so you can see this.

    In your ebook the Unchained Man 2.0 you made a typo error.

    P.38, last sentence above “The facilitation of Happiness”

    “You cannot achieve the Alpha 2.0 lifestyle if you if you believe negative emotions should be repeated from time to time.”

    Have a good one !

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:47h, 02 February

    BD, it would be great if you could write about how to prepare and deal with accidental pregnancy.

    I’ll add it to the list, but the best way to deal with it is to avoid it in the first place.

    In your ebook the Unchained Man 2.0 you made a typo error.

    Noted for the next update, thank you!

  • BrianNY
    Posted at 21:52h, 02 February

    It sounds like it is never safe to NOT use condoms, unless maybe she is on an IUD or had her tubes tied. Before reading this had thought if she was on Birth Control Pills then there would be a few “safe” days a month.

    There’s A LOT of Cream Pie type porn (and people getting stuff all over the place and often then sticking it back in and such) and once in a while I see some of it and I can’t believe it and I think, “What are these people thinking!!” Sure I’m jealous and wish could do that. But they are not thinking and are really risking it.

    When I used to go to church they would say how contraception is evil and couples should use Natural Family Planning (check cervical secretions) and pray. Then, heard many saying NFP does NOT work and many were getting pregnant. Some well known Christian couples started going public saying even Christians should use contraception.

    Maybe it should be a new thing that when girls turn 16 that in order to get a drivers license they have to get an IUD or have their tubes tied until after college.

    Eventually there will be technological innovations for better contraception.

  • Bulma78
    Posted at 07:18h, 03 February

    Hi BrianNY,  In theory if a girl is taking birth control pills, everyday of the month is a “safe day”…..but this is only if they are not missed and they are supposed to be taken at the exact same time each day.

    And……..in case this thought never crossed your mind……in porn movies I’m sure all of those girls are on some kind of birth control, so they really aren’t risking anything.  I highly doubt they’d be doing all that reckless stuff otherwise.

    Maybe it should be a new thing that when girls turn 16 that in order to get a drivers license they have to get an IUD or have their tubes tied until after college.

    Please don’t go there and/or keep dreaming. That’s like a threat/punishment, saying you can’t get your driver’s license unless you get an IUD!?  I don’t think its right to force anyone to do anything of this sort.  Some girls would be fine with it, but some…….what are they going to do? hold them down, kicking and screaming?…….but obviously I don’t think 16 years olds should be having kids either.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 14:28h, 03 February

    I have to agree with Bulma. Even if you’re not technically forcing them to get the IUD, that kind of pressuring is just not right. The better kind of law would be one that lets them make their choices but then holds them accountable by not giving any financial help to teenage mothers.

  • K
    Posted at 23:29h, 03 February

    16 is too young, 30+ is too old. Doctors say that strictly biologically speaking, the ideal age is 22. Average life expectancy… at any rate, unplanned as well as planned babies are their parents’ responsibility. BOTH parents’. You made the baby, you take care of it. (Duh.)

  • BrianNY
    Posted at 13:18h, 04 February

    To clarify a few points here is a follow up to my previous comment above. I said “new thing” like a trend or habit that girls freely make their own choices themselves for their own benefit. I was trying to help women to do more things to not get pregnant like the theme of this post. I did not say that girls should not be allowed to get their drivers license unless they get an IUD or start Birth Control Pills or have their tubes tied. I did not say there should be a law that girls cannot get a drivers license unless they get an IUD or take Birth Control Pills. I would be against any “law” trying to control/limit the sexuality of women or men. I think that religion/government/society is already TOO controlling/repressing of sexuality (and with the current extremely anti-sexuality government that wants to limit/punish/control the sexuality of women even more it will probably get even worse over the next few years) and I am totally against that. My comment was that maybe some girls could use the general time frame of sometime between getting a drivers license and college age as a simple REMINDER to themselves that they might want to consider getting and IUD or start taking some form of Birth Control making their own choices of what to do with their own bodies around this time. Similar to someone reminding themselves, oh when I drink coffee in the morning that’s going to remind me of my new habit to exercise daily. My core values are Freedom, Sexuality, and Fun/Enjoying Experiences. I am 100% in favor of Freedom (especially 100% Sexual Freedom) for men and especially for women. I did not say to make threats to anyone (I am 100% against threatening anyone). I did not say by force (I am 100% against forcing anyone to do anything against their freewill). I did not say anything about punishment (I am 100% against punishing anyone who did not commit a crime, I am so much 100% against punishing for women for anything especially for anything sexual that I have spent hours over many days last year and this year leaving comments on other sites such as how it was wrong for the Puritans in the early Puritan Theocracy of the New England Colonies to publicly whip people for having pre-marital sex and I’m the only person I know of in the whole world now who has said this). I never said pressure anyone to do anything they don’t want to, and two years ago I read Sex 3.0 and I agree with it especially over how religions/controlling societies try to use fear/guilt/shame/duress to repress people especially women sexually. I have written so much against slut shaming that I don’t even know where to begin now (I cannot stand people who try to slut shame women and I often speak out/write against it in many ways). I left religion because I could not continue to associate with sexually repressive people who are extremely anti-sex. I have tried to enlighten Christian people such as, how Augustine who among others was anti-sex had mistresses/pre-marital sex for many years/had a son, and I write and talk often how the original word Porneia (that was eventually changed to the word Fornication) was NOT pre-marital sex (it was the Puritans in the 1600’s who incorrectly changed the MEANING to their definition as pre-marital sex). I am 100% Sex-Positive/Pro-Sexuality for men and especially for women. I cannot stand the beta guys (especially in religion and the fake PUAs) that have anger towards women, that hate women, that try to control women, and that try to limit the sexuality of women. I am 100% in favor of women being even more sexually liberated. I’m not an insecure beta “White Knight” (they are the ones trying to control/limit the sexuality of women who like religion thinks women should only be allowed to have sex in marriage or only with them), so I’m the opposite of that. I am 100% in favor of women having more sexual experiences, more sexual pleasure, to be even happier. I am 100% in favor of men and women having pre-marital sex without fear/shame/guilt/slut shaming. I love women. I love “sluts.” As a very masculine man many of the women I am sexually attracted to are the women that beta guys call “sluts” because these women like me have a very high sex drive so “sluts” and me are on the same high sexual energy level. I am 100% in favor of and okay with women sucking and fucking other cocks. I treat women amazingly well (not in a beta way either). I am 100% Sex-Positive and I support/encourage women to be 100% Sex-Positive, but I’ve been distressed the last two years once I’ve discovered (such as on many PUA type blogs) that most guys hate women, try to put women down, want traditional marriage to control women, and because the huge majority of beta guys are Sex-Negative there likely will not be a Sex-Positive society for hundreds of more years (there probably will never be a total majority Sex-Positive society unfortunately). Out of around thousands of PUA type blogs, there’s only a few that don’t turn into hating on women, and that’s one of the reasons I like and respect this Blackdragon blog. I want 100% sexual freedom and enjoyment for men and women. I’m an Alpha Male and I’m one of the few that 100% supports men and especially women having sex and having fun. Christians (I’m personally non-religious anymore after over 20 years of being in a sexually repressive church that I totally disagreed with and left) believe that “Mary” had “Jesus” around age 13 or 14, that’s why most are hypocrites when they are against “illegitimate/out of wedlock/unmarried” children. I’ve heard in churches for years their terrible “advice” to follow Natural Family Planning and just “pray” (but churches never pay for the medical costs of having a baby or for the expenses of raising a child). My mother had me when she was 16. For almost all of human history girls used to have children (until the last 200 years or so) when they were teenagers between ages 12 to 16 range. Nowadays teenage mothers should get emotional/financial/educational support from their relatives. I am 100% against women being punished for anything sexual or punished for having sex. I’m not very familiar with IUDs and those types of things yet, so when I heard about those type of things recently I simply thought maybe more women might want to consider something like that (didn’t BD say that something like an IUD or similar type things would HELP a lot?). I buy women vibrators for gifts. I teach men and women sexual techniques, and do various sexy/sexual type “projects” so men and women can have a variety of more pleasure/fun. In the midst of all the increasing hate from many guys towards women/sexuality (that watch is going to be intentionally instigated by agitators including the government and religions and bloggers and many others will probably increase in the years ahead); I’ve been one of the few Alpha men who has genuinely tried to help guys and women to have more Sexual Freedom, more Sexual Pleasure, and more happiness, so how many have said THANKS, zero, but I will continue to do so because I like to help/support/lead/encourage women and other guys, I think it’s the correct thing to do and I enjoy living a worldwide Alpha lifestyle of freedom and enjoyment.

  • BrianNY
    Posted at 19:29h, 04 February

    It’s good that I found the comment in this post on January 30 where a commenter said, “I don’t understand why every woman doesn’t just get an IUD with a 99% effectiveness rate,” and BD responded, “I agree a thousand percent.” A commenter continued, “Every girl should get (an IUD) upon entering high school. Just that one thing would solve like 90% of social problems,” and BD responded a second time, “Yep. Correct.”

    This is what I was referring to in an earlier comment very late at night that appears that I did not word perfectly, so sorry about any mix up, and I tried to clarify it above as I’m not a legal expert nor medical professional. It seemed like “upon entering high school” was too early an age for most to start Birth Control, so that simply made me wonder if maybe some girls may want to think to themselves sometime between the ages of getting a drivers license and college something like, “Oh, I’m getting a drivers license or going to college, that reminds me that I said to myself in order to get a drivers license or go to college I have to go see my medical professional because those events were my reminders to go do that, and I’m very glad I made that reminder to myself so that I remembered to go see my doctor to talk about those Birth Control things.” Nothing involving parents/schools/religion/government/laws. Keep in mind I’m someone who years ago left religion because it is totally wrong (in a historical context and in a personal context for people having the Sexual Freedom to as adults do what they want to do with their own bodies context) for religion/parents/government/laws to tell people untruths such as, “People must/have to/are required to be married in order to have sex,” and I often speak out against this in many ways.

    As I tried to clarify for legal age mutual consent adults regarding sexual topics (sex, birth control, etc) I am 100% against threats/punishing, punishments/mental or physical abuse/force/pressure, duress/any repressive or controlling “laws,” let alone any more of those “laws.” There are already too many laws/rules/regulations in the U.S. even involving sex and there should not be anymore laws repressing/controlling sex, but there’s going to be even more laws controlling sex over the next few years. Religions and the government wants more laws to like the Puritans punish especially women for sex even more over the next at least four to thirty years range, the insecure wolves are now out for blood to limit/control especially the sexuality of women as the top insecure dogs in the government now have as part of their agenda attacking sexuality by passing more laws. There is still in 2017 “anti-fornication and other sexually limiting laws on the books in many states” (has anyone else spoken up about those sexually repressive laws? I have many times before). I am against passing more laws controlling sexuality, there should be less laws. Whenever I hear anyone who wants to punish especially women for anything sexual it makes me very upset (and many bloggers and in the government have been saying a lot more recently to punish people especially women for sex and it will get even worse in the years ahead). This confirms the views of people like BD, myself, and others to spend more time in other countries going into the coming years. Adults should be able to do what they want with their own bodies.

    I support women driving, voting, going to college, having careers, having sex when they want to, using any form of contraception they choose to use. I was a virgin in high school and college and after college because of religion. I had no “men” to learn from, there was no internet then, and I had to learn things on my own.

    Over the years I have thought probably hundreds (if not thousands) of times that people in porn are almost certainly using some form of Birth Control and I often wonder what form, but there’s so much stuff (some regular people type porn, and people in real life) that once in a while there might be a thought that some of them might be taking some chances. I’m easy-going and I’m not against those things. I would want to do those things. I’m just not sure if I would dare to take some of those chances myself at least without making sure there were some extra safety measures in place. I did not say anything against porn, or against any type of porn. I am basically 100% in favor of porn. I would like to watch porn a lot more often (I would like to for hours a day), but I don’t have a lot of extra time to watch a lot of porn, so currently I watch a few porn clips a month. I have nothing against porn. Personally I am against “no fap/no porn.” I like/enjoy watching a variety of porn. I’m a supporter of porn. I can’t stand it when guys slut shame women for doing porn.

    Maybe someday I would consider getting a vasectomy (an issue that would have to discuss with a doctor is if any rumors of any possible slight mental changes are true or false), hopefully there will be better options for men in the near future, therefore I think condoms remain the best option for myself as a man to continue using for now.

    The topic of this post is very important for men and especially women to help prevent women from getting pregnant. It’s especially for the benefit of women to not get pregnant while still being able to be sexually active, to have the Sexual Freedom to enjoy openly expressing sexuality, and to feel more sexual pleasure from having a variety of sexual experiences. Even this one blog post here is much more than we heard in high school. In 2017 there is many (mostly old beta guys) in religion and government and schools who don’t want to teach people this.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 22:07h, 04 February

    I didn’t read your comments because they were too long, but my point way above was that yes, it would be beneficial to society if every girl got an IUD starting at age 14ish, and removed it later if/when she was ready to have kids with a man who made a decent amount of money. But no woman should be forced in any way by the government to do this.

    Arguments could be made that IUDs aren’t healthy, or aren’t healthy for teenage girls, and I’m sure some of those arguments are valid, but if we’re talking about society the way it is now, having IUDs like this would help society. (Not that I care.)

  • Daniel
    Posted at 20:23h, 07 February

    Personally I don’t like any solution that takes me out of control of the issue. I don’t trust she’ll remember her pills, or that the IUD has remained in place. There are two excellent options for men to take control of their situation.

    1. Heat therapy. http://www.newmalecontraception.org/heat-methods/

    This works. I do the wet method. I sit in the tub for 45 minutes and read a book or watch TV, with the shower hose gently turned on, and my balls in a bowl with a thermometer. Do that every day for three weeks, and I get a zero sperm count for about two months, and although they start coming back at that point, I’m effectively non-fertile for a total of about four months, because non-motility and life span are so huge.


    2. The easiest possible method, eat 1 teaspoon of papaya seeds every day. This takes around 2 or 3 months before it finally kicks in. I went off the heat method above for 6 months, until I was fully fertile again. Then I tried the papaya seeds (I bought a papaya seed powder). 3 months later I was again at a zero sperm count.


    Although it’s a lot more trouble, however, I didn’t stick with the seed powder, I continue to use the wet heat instead,since with the seeds I was a bit nervous about potential long term unknown effects.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:51h, 08 February

    I’m familiar with the heat method. It’s way too much trouble / time consuming in my view.

    This is the first I’ve heard of the papaya seeds, but as I was reading your description, I was thinking exactly what you were: what the hell would the side effects be? So no thanks.

    Technology will solve this problem at some point. I’m patiently waiting.

  • Daniel
    Posted at 22:50h, 08 February

    I’ve actually made some pretty good gains in my Chinese language study as a result of those 3 week sessions lol.

    This is interesting on the papaya seeds however. It was many many years ago I did my little experiment to verify that it worked. It appears that they have now done two clinical studies on them which offer some comfort. Also, they have been used for a very long time traditionally in India and some other Asiatic countries without (apparent or reputed) ill effects, which is worth more than nothing at least.


    On the technology, those vas-deferens plugs look promising, possibly within this decade, I’d definitely sign up for those. Personally, I can’t achieve orgasm wearing condoms, so it’s worth it. Also, as most (younger) women are very put off if a guy has a vasectomy, these methods have the advantages that you can reassure her that if you ever wanted to you could be fertile again.

    Frankly the papaya makes me WAY less nervous that the TRT, i’m curious on your thoughts on that, no misgivings on the long-term potential side effects there?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:19h, 09 February

    Frankly the papaya makes me WAY less nervous that the TRT, i’m curious on your thoughts on that, no misgivings on the long-term potential side effects there?

    TRT has a 40 year history of data. There are men who have been on TRT, in some form or fashion, since the 1970s. Thus there’s a huge amount of historical data and we know a lot about it. That’s why I wasn’t nervous about doing it.

    The same cannot be said about eating papaya seeds.

  • Duke
    Posted at 07:26h, 10 February

    Interesting topic on papaya seeds. I did a search on it and apparently they are good for you.  http://www.wikihow.com/Eat-Papaya-Seeds

  • Charles
    Posted at 08:00h, 01 March

    Comment deleted for violation of Rule Number One.

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