28 Sep A Dragon in Philadelphia (and a little Denver too)

-By Caleb Jones
This is the second time I’ve been to Philadelphia, and this time around I had much more time to explore the city and its people. I also spent a few days in Denver on this trip, but not enough to make a full analysis, so I’ll quickly summarize Denver at the end of this article.
1. Philly overall. If I were to summarize Philly in one sentence, it would be that Philadelphia is a more modern, cleaner, and slightly less angry version of New York. Which, if you think about it, is pretty cool. It’s got the attitude of New York without quite as much of the grime and asshole behavior. Note that I said not as much, not none at all. Philly still has it’s grime and jerks, plenty of both, but nothing near as bad as New York.
While the drive out to Manhattan is a depressing display of miles upon miles of crap, the drive into Philly is quite pleasant. In New York, as I’ve said before, all the buildings look like they were built in either the 30’s or the 70’s, while in Philly, you’ve got nice, new, classy high rises (though no where near those of Asia of course; Philly is still in the Collapsing USA after all, not the Rising East).
2. Cool history. Alongside these nice skyscrapers are classical buildings built (or replicating the look of) the 18th and 19th centuries, much with a rich and deep history (though granted, not as much as those in Europe).
Much like when I went to Washington DC, I felt a swell of American pride as I saw the Liberty Bell, walked past the very house where Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, and stood in front of the building where the Constitution ratified. While it may not sound like it sometimes, I share right-wingers sadness regarding the glory of what America once was, and what it could have been. I’m just not delusional enough to think that the old America will ever come back just because of Trumptrumptrump! Oh well.
Since I’m a pathetic child, my favorite monument in Philly is the Rocky statue, along with the Rocky steps in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which I climbed, only to get a bunch of guys offer to take my picture for a nominal fee. No thanks, dude. I seriously sat and stared at the Rocky statue for quite a while; Rocky, and Stallone in particular, was one of the rags-to-riches success stories I admired as a young man.
3. The women. Not much to say here. On my old city chart, I had previously placed Philly at the high end of “below average.” I’ve officially revised that to place Philly one tiny notch higher, in the low end of “average,” a few notches below cities of “high average” like my hometown of Portland. Women in Philly aren’t ugly. Instead, most are just, well, very average. Hot chicks are definitely here, but you have to spend some serious time hunting around for them. Nothing interesting or unusual beyond that. It’s the typical American city in this regard.
4. Racial makeup. The predominant race here is black, very unlike New York, and blacks actually outnumber whites here. (At first, I thought it was just my perception, but Wikipedia confirmed it.) There are a few Indians, a few Hispanics, and Asians are present, but rare. As usual in America, men and women of all races tend to be overweight.
An interesting thing I noticed while here, which reminded me that not all black women are built the same. This is key for those of you guys who either prefer black women or actively dislike black women. That is, just because a city has a lot of black women, it doesn’t mean all of those black women will be as attractive or ugly as another city with black women. Non-black people like myself tend to forget this.
Here’s what I mean. In my time here in Philly, I’ve seen hordes of black women, but I’ve only seen one in the last several days who I considered attractive enough to have sex with. Yet, when I was in Detroit (of all places) I saw three or four really hot black women within the first several hours of me entering the city. So not all “black” cities are the same.
Speaking of racial stuff, the other day, as I was walking down the street in downtown Philly, a young couple was in a side alley; an Asian man and what looked like a Hispanic woman. They were having an argument and the guy actually started choking the woman (ah, Philadelphia). Four big black guys saw this before I did, and started yelling at the Asian guy to stop choking her. “Yo man, don’t be chokin’ her, man!”
The Asian guy turned to the black guys, held out his hand palm up, and said, “Yo! Yo yo. Yo.”
Immediately sensing racism (accurately or not) one of the black guys furiously threw down his backpack and screamed at the top of his lungs, “Yo what!?! YO WHAT, MUTHA FUCKA!?!”
The last thing I saw were these four angry black men closing in on the Asian dude, all five of them screaming at each other, and the Hispanic woman looking terrified. I kept walking since I was on a timetable. Ah, diversity. Nothing like watching the Fall of Rome right before your very eyes.
5. Dunkin Donuts. What the hell is up with Philadelphia and Dunkin Doughnuts? There’s one of these damn things every few blocks here, almost like Starbucks. I mean, I’m a chubby bastard and I like doughnuts as much as the next guy, but Jesus. Must be an East Coast thing.
Homer Simpson voice: Mmmmmmm. Donuts.
(No, I didn’t eat any. I did pretty well on my diet this time around. In the absence of hot chicks, I just fantasized about Dunkin Donuts.)
That’s it for Philly. On the overall, I like Philadelphia quite a bit, and would be happy to come back.
Bonus Section – Denver
I only stayed a few days in Denver on this trip so I’m not qualified to give it a full analysis / review, but here are my impressions from when I was there.
The surrounding landscape of Denver is gorgeous. Rolling plains, the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Just beautiful. Reminds me of American Indians, riding horses, hunting buffalo. Good stuff.
The problem is the actual city is very blah. There’s nothing particularly wrong with it; just nothing interesting about it whatsoever. I might be biased though, since Denver is pretty much a clone of my hometown of Portland; chill people, strong and irritating left-wing feel, lots of hippies, very artsy vibe, lots of homeless people on the streets (I seriously saw more homeless people in Denver than I did in Philly, even though Philly is several times larger and I spent much more time there). Again, there’s nothing particularly wrong with Denver, it’s just nothing new to me.
One very weird and interesting thing about Denver is that women have huge boobs there. I don’t mean fake boobs, I mean natural boobs. It is, without a doubt, the biggest big-natural-boob city in America I’ve ever spent time in. I’m not exaggerating; I’m being 100% serious about this. After a while of seeing one natural, big-breasted woman after another, it became very strange. “What the hell?” I asked myself, “Is there something in the water here?”
I’m not saying the women in Denver are hot. They’re not; it’s a low-average city for that, about on par with Philly. I’m just saying the percentage of women with big natural tits is much higher than any other place in the US I’ve ever seen. And before you say it, no, it’s not because women are more overweight (there were far more overweight women in Philly than in Denver). I’m talking about average or low-average looking women of all sizes, small, medium, and overweight, with big tits. I don’t understand it. Very weird.
That’s it for Philly and Denver! Next up, I spend ten days in Dubai in November. Dubai analysis coming soon…
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Posted at 05:18 am, 28th September 2017Have you been to Boise, Idaho before? If so, I’d love to hear a quick summarization of what you think about it, as I’ve been contemplating moving there in early 2018.
Thank you. I really appreciate all of the free info you put out.
Posted at 05:20 am, 28th September 2017BD,
Ever been to Boston? Would enjoy your analysis, although, you’d have to prepare yourself for more Dunkin’ Donuts than you can possibly imagine. : )
Posted at 05:30 am, 28th September 2017Hey BD, did you hear that Hugh Hefner died?
Posted at 05:33 am, 28th September 2017What are you gonna do while in Dubai, BD?
Business-related or just traveling, and are you go with any companionship?
Posted at 05:49 am, 28th September 2017Have you been to Boston? Thoughts?
Posted at 06:39 am, 28th September 2017Thanks for the analysis. I’ve been to Philly twice, both times for family reunions on my soon-to-be ex’s side. Yes, lots of blacks in Philly, and lots of overweight people in general. I think they like their cheesesteaks and pretzels there :).
Yep, Dunkin Donuts is an East Coast thing. I’m in the Mid-Atlantic and they are all over the place here, too. I also noticed a long-defunct Krispy Kreme is being resurrected near where I work. I guess the fat people will be getting even fatter here.
Posted at 08:04 am, 28th September 2017OK, I have to ask you this. I noticed you mention this or something like this in almost every article (often multiple times per article depending on the topic) on both your blogs. Knowing you there is probably some monetary reason for doing this and if so I am kinda interested what it is. Or are you just that hell-bent on driving this point home?
Mike Hunter
Posted at 09:05 am, 28th September 2017I can’t wait for the Dubai analysis! It’s a modern city, but in an Arabic country. Will he shore a Russian hooker? Will he meet a hot college girl flown over there to be a human toilet for a rich sheik? Will he hit on an Arab woman and risk the wrath of locals? It should be an interesting trip.
Chris Stevenson
Posted at 09:33 am, 28th September 2017In Philadelphia one also notices how nice the people are and how easy it is to interact with them. You can start a conversation up with almost anybody of any race. This would be a great place to practice meet and greet pickup with females. Whereas people in NYC do not make eye contact and are hard to startup a conversation, in Philly it is easy. People servicing you are very mannerly and friendly. In the 1990’s my experience was that they were the nicest lunatics on the road. Fuck street direction or signage, but they would always let you in, merge, make a turn if you were in a bad spot, whatever. If they saw you at an intersection, they always let you go. Really nice, hopefully that has not changed.
Posted at 10:57 am, 28th September 2017Philly is the cityfied version of my hometown in Delaware so reading this felt like home. Mostly black. Average looking folk. I’m not hot by any means. I’m cute and men don’t think I’m from here. That’s how average we’re talking.
There’s a Dunkin Donuts down the street from my house.
Yeah, there are hotter black cities than others, and I know mine ain’t one of them.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:06 am, 28th September 2017No, and I have no plans to ever go.
No, but it’s definitely on the list. Some time in the next two years or so I’ll visit.
How could I not have heard about that?
I always do business and fun whenever I travel, anywhere, for any reason. I’ll do at least one seminar there, plus maybe a little coaching, but mostly I’m visiting cool buildings and doing research for my international investments, looking to see if Dubai would make a good country C or D. PF won’t be going with me on this trip; I’m going alone. Instead her and I are going to Vegas, with some of others in my family, in October.
A lot of you guys really should read the comments above you before you place a comment.
Do be fair, that’s almost the entire USA. (Myself included; I’m overweight but not “fat.”)
Read this.
There are several points I repeatedly “drive home.” Everything is your fault. Long-term monogamy doesn’t work. Relying on politicians doesn’t work. The West is collapsing. Etc. You’re just emotionally reacting to that one in particular.
I drive these points home in an attempt to make the upper 10% of men wake up to the fact that the Societal Programming they’ve been taught their entire lives will literally destroy them. “Go to college, get a good job, work hard, get traditionally married, have kids, invest in the stock market, and vote for Republicans. Then you’ll do fine.” No, you won’t. You’ll be fucked if you do those things. This isn’t the 1950’s.
Haha. My trip won’t be that exciting. I won’t be having sex there at all unless something unusual happens. If my goal was to get laid while traveling, I’d be going to Colombia or Japan, not Dubai. This is a financial trip.
Yes, I agree with that observation. People in Philly definitely have an edge to them and have big tempers, but they are absolutely much more friendly than in many East Coast cities.
Posted at 11:46 am, 28th September 2017Shit. You’re right. You do have a lot of points you constantly bang on about. Not sure why that one, in particular, stood out to me since I actually agree with it.
Why Japan? It’s one of the places I would like to visit but I didn’t hear about that aspect or do you just mean that women there are hot.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:24 pm, 28th September 2017Not sure how anyone could rationally disagree with it. 🙂
That leads into a very big discussion/debate that I’m not having today. The bottom line is if you’re a Western guy just looking to get laid as fast as possible, have zero or near-zero game, and aren’t very picky about how hot the women are, you’d go to the Philippines. You’ll be up to your ass in horny pussy over there. If instead you have at least some game and want hot chicks, you’d go to Japan. Western men who have even a little game absolutely clean up in Japan, and the women super hot (if you don’t mind small boobs). That’s all I’ll say about that today though.
Posted at 02:44 pm, 28th September 2017Seconded about Boise. Also been considering it recently.
Posted at 02:48 pm, 28th September 2017One advantage Philly has for pickup is the many universities and colleges in the entire metro vicinity, which obviously draws all types of – hot – VYW. So if your VYW game is strong, you can do quite well here.
Problem is many of them leave once they graduate.
On the other hand the supply of incoming students is ever renewable lol.
Sorry I missed BD’s session.
Posted at 04:32 pm, 28th September 2017There are more homeless people in Denver than Philly bc it is much more pleasant to be homeless there. Even more so in San Diego which literally has an entire growing tent city of the homeless. Homeless population used to be mostly mentally ill men over the age of 50, nowadays in the West it’s an enormous growing population of heroin addicts who are often young and lots more women. I live in a western city and its a huge problem you didn’t see 5 years ago and now it’s becoming a crisis bc there are strung out young couples begging and sleeping in the streets and the weather is mild enough that they can survive outside without either frigid cold in the winter or sweltering humidity in the summer.
As for the bigger boobs I think it’s bc the whole rocky mountain region is still populated by predominantly Germanic and Scandinavian descendants (among the white people) rather than in the east where you have way more French and other nationalities with smaller boobs. In general in the Utah Colorado Idaho Montana mountain corridor you have white people who are on average taller more fair bigger boobs and WAY more blue eyes than the east. Those places are all getting more transplants so it’s quickly changing but historically these people are descended from physically hardy pioneer stock women who came out here on wagons and popped out a dozen kids each, and they were disproportionately Scandi/Germanic and they are way chestier. If you went to Minnesota you’d see women with huge boobs too but I don’t think you have any reason to go there 🙂
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:29 pm, 28th September 2017I am never going to Boise. Sorry. It’s Boise.
Posted at 09:41 pm, 28th September 2017I was recently in Denver/Boulder and while it was really beautiful around there, it’s a sausage fest. This was confirmed by locals of both genders-way more men than women so you’ re up against it. I like the odds in my favor, not theirs. Plus a little too lefty hippy out there for my taste.
Western Old(er) Mountain man
Posted at 07:04 am, 29th September 2017Based out of Colorado and strangely business monthly out of Philadelphia so infinitely familiar with hunting trim out of both areas.
The hippie element of Colorado (in particular Boulder and the collage areas) makes the women great freaky uninhibited sluts sexually but long term this “spiritual rot” makes them more bothersome than a bur under the saddle. I’ve never kept a Colorado FWB/FB/MLTR in the harem longer than about a year and a half. Philly on the other hand going on one MLTR for over five years now.
I prefer the natural skinny small girls that are gym-rats in Philadelphia and the tall (as BD points out) big breasted yoga wenches out of my home state. BD is correct on the attractiveness of Colorado women, many are very thin and in shape but bland to horse-faced (except the California escapees). Lots of “traditional” provider hunters outside of the hippie and urban slut parade, so I focus on the latter.
Older man game in both areas is like “fish in a barrel” just be in shape, confident (even better completely authoritarian with “older generation pass”) and you can have doting, loving, submissive women that will make your sex life grand.
Posted at 06:42 pm, 29th September 2017I was in Philly September 2016 for one week. I stayed downtown and completely disagree on the “nicest lunatics on the road”. We didn’t drive, but walking around downtown for several days, I have never witnessed such road rage in my life. Although I’m in a passive west coast Canadian city to begin with, watching Philly drivers was like watching people escape from a nearing apocalypse. Every man for them self. Philly drivers get pissed. Constant honking and yelling at each other while literally teething and enraged….ready to pull a gun out or something so they can get a few car lengths ahead. During the same holiday, my weekend in Manhattan was very different. Excessive honking in Manhattan, but people did not seem like they were enraged and ready to pull a gun out on you.
In Philly, Toyota was offering us some gift cards to test drive one of their cars. We said “hell no” because of witnessing so much road rage, but let their driver chauffeur us instead. It was only around the convention centre and we witnessed 3 instances of extreme road rage just circling one building. One female driver was partially blocking the intersection so pedestrians had to go around her car to cross. A group of pedestrians got into a verbal altercation with the driver and it ended with a male pedestrian opening the passenger door and getting into the vehicle to continue the fight. Not sure how it ended, but to me, that is insane.
A lady also wanted to make a left turn and forced her car to cut off someone who had the right of way so she could get in his lane. The dude that got cut off lowers his windows and starts yelling, literally in the most beta man child scream while stomping his feet, “IT’S MY TURN. IT’S MY TURN. YOU CAN’T DO THAT! IT’S MY TURN. NO NO NO IT’S MY TURN”. My jaw dropped. I wish I wasn’t in such confused shock and filmed it. Would have gone viral for sure.
I must note, I don’t have any complaints about interacting with Philly people. I did notice that after the marathon I ran, that everyone in Philly threw all their garbage on the ground it the finish line area, even though there were bins around. In Montreal a week later, everyone would go out of their way to throw garbage in the bins after the run.
Posted at 07:34 pm, 29th September 2017Dude, 2 nights ago I was out at a local bar by DU. It was dead until about 10, then the chicks started rolling in. At points there were at least 2 females per male, and it was never worse than 1 to 1. I was one of the first dancing, I like to get the party going….later on, I was walking from the dance floor to the bar, and this girl literally grabbed me and started making out with me, right in the middle of the floor. I didn’t see her before that, and not a single word was said until the end, when she declined to come back to my place….I was a little buzzed, could have handled that better, I should have just bounced her to the next bar…..there are 8 on that stretch. I haven’t gotten enough reps in. But damn….and as you said:
Couldn’t have said it better myself, although I dropped the hippy part intentionally, have at them!
I thought I couldn’t get any action around here because of Greek life, but young women love to fuck drama free, and while young men aren’t as dramatic as women my age, my last (much younger) LTR has some horror stories about the drama in her life these days.
I’ve been in LTR’s most my life, more recently a year long Monk Mode, lifting & running etc, my life is now tight as hell, time for my Game to pick up. If I can get to first base, I can get home, I just need to follow BD’s advice: put in the numbers.
I was going to call you out on the inconsistency of there being relatively few fat women (almost none in my neighborhood) and yet being below average on looks, but the guy just above had a pretty good point about genetic stock. Still, many have fine bodies…..I’m surprised about the tits part.
I also think the Menver thing is overblown, it depends on where you go.There’s a “yeah plenty of guys but they’re all the same guy” problem. I had turned pretty sharply from hippy over a decade ago, which was accelerated with my last LTR (who oddly enough has gone left). I’m not so sure that my target audience has an oversupply of men, considering how many fucking stoner’s there are around here. Smart, in shape, ambitious and put together young women don’t typically like man buns. I’m thinking there will be more than 1 who would be down for a FB/MLTR relationship with me.
Have fun in Dubai! The women in Kuwait were out of this world. I was blown away at how pretty they were, but even moreso by the flirtiness. That was totally unexpected, but then again, we did liberate their country.
Kevin Velasco
Posted at 06:49 pm, 1st October 2017Dubai’s male:female ratio is 3:1 (or worse) … Mad props if you go to the beach, cold approach a woman wearing a burka, and same day lay her.
Posted at 12:45 am, 2nd October 2017Fun fact about the homeless and heroin problems in Denver (and I think actually Philly, too) – they’re making librarians take courses in treating overdoses because ODs happen so frequently in public libraries.
I live in Boulder. The population is so Nordic-looking sometimes I feel like I’ve stepped into a Tolkien novel.
Boise has some of the best outdoors stuff to do in the country. You’re missing out, BD.
Posted at 04:39 am, 7th October 2017Bwaahaaa, Seen Philly drivers in action, and they are an emotional species. But nothing compares to drivers in Montreal.
Montreal has Italian-style traffic chaos, coupled with aggro at the next level. Drivers in Montreal will drive their car at you if you’re jaywalking and might slow them down for a fraction of a second. No Philly or Jersey style blustering, just a cold-blooded game of chicken