23 Oct All This Celebrity Sexual Harassment – A Dark Cultural Change… for Men

Part of my role here is to inform free-minded men that they are living in a problematic era wherein the once great Western civilization is slowly collapsing all around us, being destroyed mostly from within. At my other blog, I’ve talked a lot about the economic reasons, and just recently, I posted this article about the cultural reasons why this collapse is occurring. I do this because the more informed you are of this slow collapse, the more willing and able you will be to A) avoid its negative effects in your life and perhaps even B) profit from the collapse in some way. Hey, if citizens and voters in the US, Canada, Europe, et. al are really that suicidal (they just re-elected Merkel, folks) then why not at least benefit from it?
-By Caleb Jones
However, sometimes things are so bad that new events take place to further this collapse that even I wasn’t expecting.
Now we have this huge rash of famous, mainstream, powerful, male celebrities being found guilty of sexual harassment and even rape on a large scale. Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Roger Ailes, R Kelly (who I analyzed here), Bill O’Reilly (who I analyzed here), and now Harvey Weinstein, perhaps the single most powerful man in Hollywood since the 1990’s.Now, the snowflakes have become an avalanche. Famous, or wealthy, or powerful beta males and miscalibrated Alpha Male 1.0’s all over mainstream and internet media are now being outed as either serial rapists or serial sexual harassers, from Amazon executives to Olympic doctors to founders of huge YouTube channels.
And it’s going to get worse. A lot worse. Just watch.
This entire thing is falling right into perfect cohesion with now dominant, left-wing Societal Programming about how men are pigs, assholes, and rapists who use their power over women to force sexual favors from them.
Creepy assholes like Harvey Weinstein make this even worse with stories about how he forced unwilling women to stand in front of him while he stared at them and jerked off into a potted plant. The audio of him trying to get a horrified model to sleep with him is painful to listen to, one of the most pathetic, disgusting, embarrassing, and outcome dependent things you’ll ever hear.
As if modern-day, left-wing society’s views of men wasn’t bad enough. But now, fuck. Men like Cosby, O’Reilly, Weinstein, and yes, even Tantrum Trump are making it even worse, almost as bad as if they were trying to make men look like the monsters the SJW’s say they are.
All the anti-man rhetoric, laws, restrictions, and portrayals that the manosphere bitches about regularly are now going to get even worse, at an accelerating rate. Thanks, Harvey. Thanks, Roger. Thanks, Trump.Yes, it’s very true that this sexual harassment stuff is standard fare in Hollywood, and occurs more there than in other aspects of “normal” society. It doesn’t matter. People are stupid. People are irrational. People won’t care. They will hear and see all of this stuff, women will dig in their heels and crack their whips, beta males will cower further, and Alpha 1.0’s will (unsuccessfully) attempt to further hide this stuff, and it’s all going to get worse.
Yes, men get sexually harassed and raped too. We all know that. Again, people won’t care. The visual and visceral images of big, fat, disgusting shitpiles like Roger Ailes and Harvey Weinstein lording their disgustingness over cute, sweet, innocent looking younger women simply cannot be overpowered by side-stories about how Will Smith might have been sexually molested once 20 years ago. In terms of emotional pull, it’s not anywhere in the same league.
I’ve talked about how modern-day terrorism is a threat to you personally, but not because of the actual terrorism. The odds of you personally getting physically hurt because of a terrorist attack or mass shooting is a tiny fraction of one percent, well within the 2% Rule. Rather, the threat you face is your government’s overreaction to terrorism. One lone dumbass tries to unsuccessfully smuggle a bomb onto a plane in his shoe, and now billions of people are forced to remove their shoes at airports like Nazi Germany.
This is how terrorism and mass shootings harm you directly… it’s not the terrorists or the shooters, it’s society’s crackdowns because of these things that hamper your life, freedom, and happiness.
It’s going to work the same with this celebrity harassment and rape stuff. As a man living in the Western world for the long-term, this will affect you negatively. I can’t say exactly when or how, but it will.
Via my blogs and my books, I have tried to present dating and relationship management skills to men in a way where you can get laid as much as you want and get from women as much as you like without having to hate women, resent women, lie to women, or treat women like shit. I think I’ve done a pretty good job, since my readership numbers are reasonably impressive for such counter-culture concepts like nonmonogamy and outcome independence. Yet, I can’t compete with even one sack of shit elite like Weinstein, much less a seemingly never-ending train of them like O’Reilly, Trump, etc.
Since I don’t like unhappiness, as most of you know in or around 2025 I’m leaving the collapsing West and moving as far away from it as I can (literally), never to return other than to visit my family or do a seminar or two. This avalanche of horrible behavior on the part of powerful male celebrities is the second time in just two years where I have been tempted to grab Pink Firefly and just get the hell out of here right now. (The first time was when I first realized it would actually be the Lizard Queen vs. Tantrum Trump in the 2016 presidential election; the two worst presidential candidates in my lifetime, by far, and that’s saying something.)
I’m a pretty chill and methodical guy, so I didn’t act on this impulse, and the impulse passes quickly… but I admit the urge was there. It makes me wonder how many times this will happen from now to 2025, and how many times I can resist it.
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Posted at 05:29 am, 23rd October 2017Is there a problem with giving away acting roles for sex (if both parties agree to the terms)? Seems like a consensual transaction. Obviously I see the problem if it becomes non-consensual.
Praxistive Ecologic
Posted at 05:35 am, 23rd October 2017>>>>> … Famous, or wealthy, or powerful beta males and miscalibrated Alpha Male 1.0’s ..
Where do you think Weinstein fall to the category, BD? Ans what’s the most distinctive characteristic between the two?
Praxistive Ecologic
Posted at 05:42 am, 23rd October 2017(cont..) especially when they are both in the position of power?
Vladislavs Samsinovs
Posted at 05:58 am, 23rd October 2017What’s wrong with Merkel?
Also, I am not sure what you mean by “collapsing West”. Are you not happy with the strong leftist movement in the past number of years or is it something else?
Posted at 06:45 am, 23rd October 2017BD, can you foresee a future that this site(and many others) being regulated or silenced?
Pancake Mouse
Posted at 07:28 am, 23rd October 2017Needless fearmongering. This affects a small minority of guys, and certainly doesn’t affect Alpha 2.0 guys.
Posted at 07:55 am, 23rd October 2017Gradually, the burden of proof needed to be presented in a rape case or in any case where a woman is involved (divorce, child support cases etc) is on the decrease. Sex without a formal consent form filled out will some day put men in the western world at risk of complete social and financial destruction. We’re certainly not there yet, but we are getting closer.
Now, imagine that you had sex with a hot, tight 18-year old woman. After a few rounds, you find out she’s a little crazy and you decide to call it quits before drama ensures.
Next day, police are at your door. She claims you raped her. They found traces of your semen inside her, as well as minor lacerations. You went a little rough. You tell them that “I have all these text messages where she told me to come and fuck her”. She tells them that she didn’t feel like it when you arrived at her place, but you forced yourself on her.
Since we are getting close to this reverse-sharia rule where the statements of a man counts as half the statements of a woman, you are now screwed. You lose all your money, and you go to jail for 10-20 years.
I’m not saying that we are there now. I’m saying that we are headed that way. As an Alpha 2.0, you are affected by this just as much as the next bloke.
Sure, you’re not going to beg a woman to come shower with you to advance her movie career, and you’re not going to pull a Cosby and put drugs in her drink, but you are at risk nonetheless.
Vladislavs Samsinovs
Posted at 08:05 am, 23rd October 2017It is an absolutely extreme scenario, which let’s be honest, is unlikely to happen in most cases. Let’s not get carried away here. I honestly think Blackdragon is over-reacting (as are you). Sure, guys who look like Weinstein or act like creep will get kicked in the nuts even harder now, but they kind of deserve it anyway. Guys who look after themselves, are physically fit and well-groomed and have decent game have nothing to worry about. Women still love and need men in their lives. 🙂
Posted at 08:18 am, 23rd October 2017You’ve continued the narrative that the opposite of male harassment and rape is males being harassed and raped.
I disagree. I think the counter narrative is Divorce Rape……..not that anyone would care, of course.
Yeah, that audio was sickening. It’s interesting to me that much of the manosphere reaction has been that he had no Game….not the most robust of condemnations, but there is no sympathy for him that I’ve come across, because he actually is a disgusting pig.
I am completely sanitizing my Facebook profile (partly in preparation for a Tinder blast….made my age 25). Nothing even slightly controversial, just happy fun stuff because I’m a happy fun guy and yeah guys like Harvey are awful let’s go get some ice cream!
I’m tapping out of the culture wars. I’m into fitness, outdoor adventures, working, cooking, coding, and learning about math and science. These are the things I think about, know about, and talk about. No longer interested in anything else. I’ve been studiously avoiding pop culture for a while now (not following any TV shows, haven’t been to the movies for years).
Does that make it harder to connect with the under 30 women who are hot and having fun? Sure, but as BD says it doesn’t much matter. I’m hot and have solid logistics….plus I’m only looking for FB’s & MLTR’s.
This is a good time to have been teaching Outcome Independence, that’s for sure.
Posted at 08:41 am, 23rd October 2017Nah, its extended to beyond 2% by now. Probably a 15% or so likelihood. That being said, if you just don’t piss a chick off and/or let her down easy, you won’t get a rape charge. Still its asinine and limits freedom, just like no access to birth control and other legit women’s issues limited women’s freedom back before the 70s. Its just going in reverse now, to where chicks will be part of the power structure in the west.
Which is why BD and others are leaving it, because he doesn’t want to deal with essentially what chicks had to deal with before the women’s movement. And by the mid 2020s, there will be a definitive matriarchal power structure in the west (especially the US). If this benefited me (and if you do not like sex or money, it will), I would stay. But it doesn’t so I’m not. By the 2030s, nonwhites will have as much power and influence as any white person. This doesn’t benefit me either, so it also means I gotta leave.
Like BD says, it isn’t the events themselves that affect you, its everyone’s “we must save the world from this or anything that resembles it NAOOOO” reaction (that usually results in stupid laws that enable the malicious even more) that affect you.
Posted at 08:46 am, 23rd October 2017That happens WAY more than anyone would ever conceive. But yeah, men are supposed to just “tough it out” and don’t get a fraction of the support that any chick would get. I know just as many male rape victims as female ones. Its crazy.
Niteride Mick
Posted at 08:58 am, 23rd October 2017Hey BD how come the US don’t change their gun laws You cant keep saying for self defence What do you call what happened in LA The silence from your Government is deafening !!! Didn’t the NRA bankroll Trumps campaign !!! Are looks like I answered my own Question!! Cheers
Posted at 09:23 am, 23rd October 2017Tapping out of most mainstream culture is always a good idea, especially television. Usually comes automatically if you are deeply into your job (or own business), fitness and other areas concerning yourself. But while you can (and should) ignore the culture war, you can’t ignore it forever. When your freedoms are being limited simply because of your skin color and sex (which is already happening to white males), you have to ask yourself how much you are going to take. I’m on the bandwagon to leave the West for good and move to a part of the world where whites are appreciated, such as Asia. Whether the West collapses culturally or not, Asia will boom economically either way.
Posted at 09:50 am, 23rd October 2017Regarding man: how about fatherhood rape ? How many men are having condomless intercourse with women they are in a LTR with (say they are married), and the woman says “it’s okay, I won’t get pregnant, I took my contraceptive pill”, only to discover a few months later that, oops, btw, she wasn’t actually, and now, she’s not going to abort, it’s her body, her responsibility, but when the child will be born, it will be the father’s responsibility too, after all.
How about cuckolding rape, too? Like, when you and your wife gave birth, but discover a few years later that, oops, the father is actually cousin Tim, but you have to provide for the kid anyway. Yeah, the woman that pretended to love you actually forbade you to reproduce and pass on your genes. Oh, it’s too late now, you are both past 45, she won’t give birth anymore, but if you dump her for a younger woman to have a chance to finally become a parent as she is, you are a pig.
Those are serious matter, yet they are never considered, ever. Even in the manosphere, actually. It’s just, you know, the way life is supposed to be.
Posted at 10:08 am, 23rd October 2017Thing like this will backfire on women being hired by companies, because, why will you risk your business reputation to be tarnished by childish story like this.
C Lo
Posted at 10:27 am, 23rd October 2017JEBs comments are not extreme, I can assure you. I had something similar happen not once but twice, within a few months, and just last year.
Assuming BD’s 2% rule is correct, it is my experience that this sort of behavior is no longer in 2% territory.
It’s one thing to have someone break up with you for another man. It’s another to be contacted by the police months (or years) after your last sexual contact with someone who isn’t stable.
And you have 0% chance of knowing how crazy she is/gets when she dumps you till it actually happens.
My uncle used to be the District Attorney in a rural California county. I assure you that I am basing this borderline paranoid view on things I’ve either witnessed or actually experienced.
A year ago, I was almost okay with becoming a VolCel, figured I was acting crazy, and sought professional help because that’s no way to live. Im trying to not fall into black/white thinking, but in my experience, I want to avoid jail a lot more than I ever want to get laid ever again.
Posted at 10:40 am, 23rd October 2017It is still a very big risk though : see all the false rape accusations that happened on US campuses, these guys were not big-time Hollywood figures.
I believe BD’s point is that those extreme cases are progressively shifting the current cultural values. Let’s say that 10 years ago you had a one-night stand with a girl, and were a bit cavalier about it the next day, not really making sure she felt good after sleeping with a stranger after a few drinks.
Back then, the girl might have felt like shit the next day, vented about it with her gfs etc. and left it at that.
But nowadays, the media is saturated with sexual harassment/rape stories, which can subconsciously influence girls to think that they have been raped too. Before, this possibility “did not exist”, since culturally a rape was a stranger holding a gun raping a girl in a dark alley. It would not have entered their mind.
This is scary, but at the same time fascinating, to realize that people’s psychology is so malleable.
Posted at 10:51 am, 23rd October 2017Back when I was a monogamous beta, I had a girlfriend of two years suggesting “sex under false pretenses” since I had sex with her while knowing I was going to break up with her in the near future.
She literally told people that I “had the audacity to have sex with her the week before we broke up”. As if it was something bad, let alone outside the norm.
While I’ve never really cared, it still says something about the changing norms in society when a woman feels she is in the right when she thinks that this is an actual “allegation”. Many of you have perhaps seen that old facebook snip from the woman who suggested that her ex “raped her” because he promised to marry her but didn’t, where her friends quickly suggests to bruise herself up a bit, tear up her clothes then call the police, since “the police can’t understand that you were actually raped, so you have to put up a show for them”. As false rape accusations result in shorter and shorter convictions t0 the (female) accusor (to “not discourage rape victims from reporting the crimes”), we’re going to see an increase in accusations against men everywhere. You can’t do anything to change that, but you do have the ability to protect yourself.
Gil Galad
Posted at 10:58 am, 23rd October 2017Care to elaborate?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:10 am, 23rd October 2017Hard to say since I haven’t seen a lot of interviews with him. I’m leaning into the direction of high-end beta, but he’s probably a low Alpha. I tend to picture this guy.
Really? You’re kidding, right?
Both the left and the right are the problem (George W. Bush was terrible in the extreme), and both have been systemically destroying the West for about the past 40 years, on hardcore overdrive for the past 17. Go read read some of the political and economic articles here for more detail.
I don’t anticipate that but I agree it’s possible. The decentralized nature of the internet means I would just have to move this site to an international server. Regardless of what happens, this is why I have 3-4 income sources, and never rely upon just one. Standard Alpha 2.0 stuff.
Man, sometimes you guys read my mind. I have a post coming up about exactly how to handle that situation.
It would only be so if I specifically predicted something (“OMG we’re all going to get accused of rape!”), and I didn’t, on purpose. I said I didn’t know what was going to happen. All I’m saying is that eventually there will likely be at least some negative ramifications for the typical man who has sex with a higher than average number of women. As to how severe they will be, I have no idea; it could just be a slight increase in difficulty in getting laid. Read this article for an example of what I’m talking about.
How, specifically?
I am making no specific predictions or warnings. I think you might be lumping me in with other commenters here.
Posted at 12:37 pm, 23rd October 2017Yup, if you want to live in the west after, we’ll say, 2025, you better prepare to never have sex again. I’m 100% on board with the conspiracy theorists when they argue that lawmakers are pushing for all sex to be considered rape. But this is all one big cycle, its eugenics but its gonna be practiced by chicks now. And then in a few decades when the west is underpopulated (because of sexually frustrated men killing others and themselves), there will be movements to reverse this stuff, and then things will readjust.
At the expense of acting paranoid, I’m arguing that this will eventually be a thing, and a lot sooner than others are thinking. Its already a thing on college campuses, and even asking out a female coworker can land you in prison nowadays from what I hear.
Posted at 01:02 pm, 23rd October 2017In your “How bad will it get?” blog you say some major crisis is going to happen in the next 7+ years. What is it based on? Why not 30+ years? Or 50+ years? This is rather speculative… What if none of that happens? Would you be happy in the US, or would you still move because you are not content with how thing are now?
And yeah, Merkel… Germany are doing pretty good and she is quite popular in Europe.
Posted at 01:42 pm, 23rd October 2017Rape is wrong and unacceptable. And if you like sex and have a clue, it’s not hard to get consenting women to sleep with you. The problem is most guys don’t have a clue, as you know, hence the blog.
Posted at 01:43 pm, 23rd October 2017Never ever EVER take woman’s word for something like that. Even if she has good intentions there is a realistic chance she will forget to take it regularly. Contraceptive pills are very unreliable if not used correctly and even then I wouldn’t trust those things. There are other more reliable options but even then you should never just take her word for it and double check. Call me paranoid but it just isn’t worth the risk.
C Lo
Posted at 01:45 pm, 23rd October 2017I think you are underestimating the problem.
The only thing that a woman needs to get you into a restraining order or arrest is a call to the police and these three words:
“I feel threatened”
The man is getting arrested and gets to attempt to prove a negative (eg “I didn’t beat my wife”). To my knowledge, this is the only place inside if criminal law where you are guilty until proven innocent because all men are stalker domestic abusers.
This has been the case in California since OJ Simpson. I piously thought it would never be a problem for me because “I’m a good guy” and I married “that one special girl”.
I have a stack of attorneys bills and a mean case of PTSD to prove that I was wrong, and not special.
This is the only place I’m aware of inside the law where feelings trump facts, insofar as ROs. Which, BTW, you must fight and quash if your employment requires a background check.
It’s appropriate that I thank Caleb for clarifying the topics of societal programming and obsolete caveman wiring. I take minor exception to some of those impulses being healthy. They might be healthy and safe, but what fucks up your frame worse, not getting laid or getting tossed in jail?
Sorry for being extreme in this view. I got stung real hard by two chicks in a four month period and I’m clearly not over it, and still terrified because AWALT.
C Lo
Posted at 01:49 pm, 23rd October 2017Ashley,
Nobody here disagrees with you.
You know what else sucks? Never raping or threatening someone, who accused you of such as cover because she was cheating on you, or as leverage in a divorce.
Nobody here is advocating anything non consensual.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:08 pm, 23rd October 2017and
It is these kinds of ridiculous comments that, I think, people are attaching to me.
To anyone reading, as I explained in part three here, commenters on my blogs can say whatever they want (as long as they follow the five rules), but remember that just because they’re saying it doesn’t mean I agree with it.
Hold me accountable for what I say; never hold me accountable for something someone else says, and never lump me in with a group of people who say things I think are insane.
Mountains of financial data. Again, go read the numerous articles I’ve written about this at my other blog. That’s off-topic for this blog.
Correct. It is only a guess. I could be wrong.
That would be awesome! I would make even more money while living abroad and not paying the ripoff tax rates of the West.
I’m not moving out of the US because of an impending collapse. That’s one of the sub-reasons. The big reason is taxes. I have no interest in paying ridiculously high American/Canadian/European tax rates just to send my money to losers who don’t want to work and warmongers who like to bomb civilians.
At the moment Germany is doing pretty well, yes. It’s also destined for collapse like the rest of Europe, specifically because of people like Merkel, who is owned by the big banks and is importing vast amounts of third-worlders who will transform the nation for the worst. Germany has one of the lowest birth rates in the entire world. Right now it’s fine, but long-term, Germany is fucked. Good luck!
Correct, because Europeans are suicidal, as I’ve clearly demonstrated at my other blog numerous times. Obama was one of the worst US Presidents in my lifetime (corrupt warmongering corporatist), and he’s really popular too. Western voters are insane and stupid… yet another reason the West is dying.
I’m not discussing these issues here though. Feel free to comment about them at my other blog. This blog is about dating / relationships and Alpha Male lifestyle.
Duh. I already said that right here.
Posted at 02:45 pm, 23rd October 2017Welcome to France ! Here, there’s a very recent trend : if you want to have sex with your LTR and she’s not sure but you insist and she finally agrees, thinking “sure, why not, I’m not that excited right now, but he really seems to want it”, that’s rape. Yup. Meaning I am a rapist and I am a rape victim and we probably all are both (unless you have a very high sex drive and always want sex : then you’re just a rapist, not a victim).
There’s also the well-known buyer’s remorse rape : “well, sure, I had sex with him and it was consensual, but the day after I realized it was stupid to have sex with him, because this or that. So, that was rape”.
This is just a minority for the moment, but I read more & more about that in social media and newspapers. And this is France, not puritan UK or US.
Posted at 03:02 pm, 23rd October 2017“I honestly think Blackdragon is over-reacting (as are you). Sure, guys who look like Weinstein or act like creep will get kicked in the nuts even harder now, but they kind of deserve it anyway. Guys who look after themselves, are physically fit and well-groomed and have decent game have nothing to worry about.”
Either you live in BubbleLand (like many Americans) or you’re lying; for your sake I hope it’s the former. ‘Game’ is gonna save you? LOL.
The PTB could have come down on Weinstein et al. any time in the past couple decades, but chose to do it now. There are reasons for that. Men and boys in New Amerika are being scammed and set up, yet again, and all the ‘conservative’ sites like Breitbart and American Thinker are on-board. Props to Blackdragon for speaking the truth about this manipulation of events.
You already live in a nation where ANY disagreement with a female, including male strangers failing to obey the commands of U.S. women, puts you at significant risk for incarceration and destruction. The Weinstein takedown, and the enormous media coverage attendant, is the last major gambit of the Sisterhood and its many paid male servants in government, LE, media, academia, etc. The noose has just competed its last loop around the neck of Amerikan masculinity and fatherhood. You already live essentially ‘at the pleasure’ of your females.
But not to worry. Above, Joel says that y’all will be just fine . . . as long as you don’t ‘piss off’ some female, known or stranger. Hey that’s great! I can’t wait to live in a country where what little remains of my FREEDOM is contingent on the momentary mood of some female, ANY female. I’ve had complete strangers call the cops on me for nothing but, in one instance, telling their boyfriend not to hammer on his cars in the shared auto-shed. That got me half the Sheriff’s Department screeching to a stop at my front door, pounding on it demanding to know why I leered in the Poor Dearies window and screamed threats at them. Which never happened, or came close to happening. But any lie is a prosecutable lie, as long as some Poor Victimized Female is telling it. And I’ve got worse stories than that, much worse, but too lengthy for this space to relate.
You have just seen one of the last major pieces of the NWO put in place, while ‘conservatives’ all over the nation cheered and applauded, pretending macho-ness and patting one another on the back for their ‘bravery’ in supporting the Hollywood Takedowns. They imagine they are injuring Leftism, but instead they’ve just joined the FeMarxists in furthering the Amerikan/Western Gulag. They’ve been singling you out for destruction for decades, and it’ll really ramp up now that the Left and (putative) Right have joined forces to feed off what’s left of the American male population. If you don’t have significant wealth or political connections, you are going to be the prey, and I’m not guessing. Groveling may buy you some time, probly. Quite an ‘option’, eh? The whole point of these fem-populist hysterias is to make males essentially slaves to females and the fake elite, to remove the last shreds of male autonomy in the West. Your ‘conservative’ MAGA president preaches yet MORE Female Empowerment in his addresses, and recently his top guy, Kelly, urged the nation to ‘make women sacred’ because, you know, why bother with God the FATHER when the nation already has 150 million sacred, divine beings on hand? Women are NOT sacred, and despite what Kupkake Kelly claims, they weren’t considered sacred in the Fifties, either. I know, I was there.
I’d say God help you, but I won’t, because He isn’t going to. He has no use or respect for a nation ruled by its predatory, uber-empowered women and self-castrating ‘men’. I don’t blame Him, and I’m sure not gonna ask him to deliver a nation of greedy, hypocritical, emasculated cowards.
C Lo
Posted at 03:08 pm, 23rd October 2017I used to think what I wrote (and Caleb disagreed with) was lunacy. Then it happened to me. Okay, that’s coincidental. Twice. Inside of four months?
That’s not 2%, that’s either .04% (2%*2%, or having simultaneous 50:1 shots come in back to back), I’m legitimately a horrible person (possible), or this isn’t a 2% issue anymore.
As a person who believes “everything that happens to me is my fault” I’m not sure how I avoid a third encounter with law enforcement after some chick breaks up with me.
There’s a group of five men I used to associate with 20 years ago. One is still married (and miserable), the rest of us had some law enforcement entanglement at the moment of getting dumped or sometime thereafter. This is not uncommon.
I know, don’t get monogamous and don’t get legally married in California. But to get back to the original point of the original post, I think it has already happened. I’m just not sure what to do about it.
Posted at 03:11 pm, 23rd October 2017Did you pick up on that OK Cupid report where 80% of men were reported as “below average” attractiveness?
Yeah, that’s not not having a clue, that’s being seen as ugly. No excuse to rape, obviously, but this dismissive and condescending attitude is part of the problem. Plenty of guys cannot get a consenting woman to sleep with them.
Which is not the purpose of this blog, in my opinion. I haven’t internalized BD’s methods here because I couldn’t get laid; rather, it is to avoid being sucked into Disney drama. He might set me straight on this, but I see his work as more elevating your game than creating it from scratch.
I don’t think any of BD’s avid readers can miss that his techniques and suggestions go a loooooooooooong way towards buyer’s remorse false rape charges. The avoidance of one night stands, the acting in ways congruent with your relationships, outcome independence, making sure ladies have a good time…..he has a whole post about how he loves women. Not perfectly typical for the Manosphere but I’d say his work does the opposite of contribute the problem.
Of course, he’s also looking to make a buck. No problem there!
Posted at 03:19 pm, 23rd October 2017I’d say don’t be a seducer in California.
In Colorado, it’s different. Colorado is not an affirmative consent state.
Still…..it seems like Frame can go a long way towards avoiding problems. BD has a metaphor about showering, lowering the temp of the water little by little until a woman has gotten comfortable with the idea of non-monogamy. It’s a matter of calibration and consistency, and perhaps not for the faint hearted.
This is not to excuse a woman from filing false rape charges because she felt deceived, but it is to suggest that prudence is in order to avoid the problem.
Posted at 03:31 pm, 23rd October 2017In terms of sheer repulsiveness this is a bad one. It’s pretty much a homerun in terms of ammunition for changing the cultural narrative. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s paranoia bone started tickiling after this
There really is something to that idea! I was more cynical I’d make a female author alter ego, write a book espousing this and make $$$bank.
PS Typo:
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:32 pm, 23rd October 2017NO SHIT???? REALLY???? YOU DON’T SAY!!!! WELL FUCK ME!!!
When “Dr.” Phil said it, I didn’t believe it! When Oprah said it, I just thought she was a dyke! But HOLY SHIT I think it just clicked! Thanks for the enlightenment! Now how do I integrate this new radical knowledge while avoiding complete mental shock and psychological collapse???
Did you hear that everyone? Rape is wrong and unacceptable! We MUST expose other men to this incredible piece of news! Tell your brother! Tell your friends! Tell Facebook! Tell the world!
Together, we can change hearts! Together we can change minds! Together, we can save lives! Together, we can gay cliché, gay cliché, gay cliché, AND gay cliché!
Wow! Powerful!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:17 pm, 23rd October 2017You may want to consider the possibility that it was a result of you doing something wrong, rather than women or society suddenly turning evil in the last few months.
Yep. And specifically regarding false rape accusations, I already wrote this:
5 Ways To Avoid False Rape Accusations
Fixed; thanks.
Posted at 04:32 pm, 23rd October 2017I think the reason some of you guys have trouble is due to you projecting your paranoia onto others. I used to have similar views to some of you in the comments and my behavior reflected as much. Because of this, I did not get many women. When I did lighten up, women magically started wanting to hang around me.
Do you know why this is? The easy answer is because most guys are terrible about going about trying to get sex with women. Most guys are afraid of rejection and wouldn’t try to talk to a girl if their life depended on it. And even if the hottest bitch in town tried to hop on their dick with no chance of false rape charges, most would opt out because they dont “want to have sex with a whore who puts out quickly”.
Trust me, the average woman is very sex starved. If you are an average guy whom she knows that you won’t slut shame her after the fact, she will be on your dick in an instant. You wouldn’t believe how many girls I’ve gotten by asking a girl for sex and giving her my word that I wouldn’t slut shame her. I’m not the hottest guy either.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:38 pm, 23rd October 2017But it can be hard to avoid false rape accusations (FRAs) if you choose the wrong woman. This problem is multiplied if you refuse to stick to sex-positive women and instead insist on dating low sex drive Disney prudes because you’re a slut shaming conservative male with a Disney purity fetish!
No! The problem is FRAs from power hungry gold diggers and man-hating feminists who have already successfully redefined rape on college campuses as any act of sex which isn’t prefaced with autistic verbal procedures employed by the brain damaged.
I strongly suggest, if you really want to open your mind to what is really going on, that you spend a great deal of time on this site:
Posted at 04:52 pm, 23rd October 2017@ Vladislavs Samsinovs “What’s wrong with Merkel?”
the fuck….
Gil Galad
Posted at 04:57 pm, 23rd October 2017Link? I live in France too and I don’t mix too much with the culture because the PC stuff irritates me, but I gotta know for later.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:58 pm, 23rd October 2017AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this is how an average European question, Europe is more fucked than I ever realized!!
Really? You think Germany is doing great? Seriously? Watch this:
Posted at 07:11 pm, 23rd October 2017I don’t believe most rape and harassment charges are false. Most of them are genuine. False charges are rare and the paranoia that surrounds them is just a way to try and discourage women further from reporting real rapes and harassment. Many men are just flat out stupid in the way they interact with women. I’m currently dealing with a situation at work where an old man has said some totally inappropriate things to the young women he is working with. It took a while before anyone confronted him but we can’t just continue to let it slide or he will get a real harassment charge. We are having to have HR talk with him because he’s making comments to women about how he just needs a nice young lady to “rub his knob”, and a bunch of other gross stuff. No one should have to feel uncomfortable in their work environment. Unfortunately it’s super common.
Posted at 07:37 pm, 23rd October 2017You’re on a blog aimed at men building an Alpha 2.0 lifestyle. Outcome Independence means that most men who can pull off an Alpha 2.0 lifestyle are the least of your concerns.
Understand, if you will: The women who make false claims harm women as well as men. There should be easy common ground here. I can say for myself, I’m sympathetic towards women in workspaces like you describe. A little bit reciprocation might not be a bad idea.
Pink Firefly
Posted at 09:48 pm, 23rd October 2017Exactly! Always use a condom to be safe. Don’t just rely on women to prevent pregnancies. Honestly though, there is always a risk for pregnancy anytime you have sex with a woman. Rely on yourself not others.
Birth control pills are very reliable if used correctly. I have not used any other form of contraception other than condoms, as birth control works great! I wouldn’t use anything else.
Posted at 01:55 am, 24th October 2017@Gil Galad
Here’s an example of a French article dealing with these issues : link . This is in French obviously, so to anybody : feel free to ask for translation if something is not clear.
No, once again : this is still a small minority thinking that way, but it looks like a growing trend nonetheless.
Posted at 02:32 am, 24th October 2017Never get legally married. Nowdays it is not a good idea.
Posted at 02:35 am, 24th October 2017So all these dating companies have got it wrong about understanding how women think, feel, react and how guys should learn how to flirt, tease her.. etc!?…
All any guy has to do is just go up to her and say “Hey, you don’t know me but I would never slut shame you. Lets bang each others brains out!” and she’ll go “OK!”
Posted at 02:53 am, 24th October 2017You know what’s even more effective guys? VASECTOMY!
Get one, today. And, still use a condom. You’ll be shocked if and when a woman tries to make you the baby-daddy for some kid she conceived with another guy, but rope you into paying for it and raising it. There’s a great Tom Leykis segment on Youtube about this very thing happening to a guy who had a vasectomy. He escaped that trap.
“Oh, but I want to have kids someday.” FIne. Put your swimmers on ice first, then get the vasectomy. Honestly, you’d do well to think long and hard before creating more life on this decaying planet. There are much better ways to leave a positive legacy than creating humans who may or may not turn out as you hope. However, most men seem hell-bent on creating a legacy for themselves by having children. To each his own.
I’ve done this and have counseled my young son to do the same. He’s a legal adult now and has not followed my advice. But he would do well to really understand the risks he runs by carrying around his man weapon with live ammo. There’s just too much liability in this day and age.
Posted at 03:02 am, 24th October 2017Sure. And pull out! With a condom. With vasectomy. Can’t be too safe!
Seriously, though… I am all for safe sex, but some people are actually paranoid.
Posted at 03:46 am, 24th October 2017@Neil
Well, looking more into the study I find that you have misinterpreted some of the data. For one thing 80% of men are not unattractive according to the study. The 80% of the study only includes those who are not “above average” according to the OkCupid rating system. 1/6 of people being above average does not mean the rest are 5/6 below average since that overlooks those who are average.
And even if your statement was true, the most important thing that you’re missing is context. The online dating arena is a lot different than other modes of dating. Since the gender ratio on these sites are usually skewed as all hell and as BD has pointed out most people do not have good profiles, it’s no surprise that online response rates are so low. It’s just simple supply and demand.
Yes, you get easy sex from women that way, but I wouldn’t phrase it that way to women. Sex is just a numbers game, the problem is that most people are too afraid of getting their egos hurt by being rejected during a cold approach or online dating.
Lastly, I should have clarified that most of my lays have been with women I have known for at least a week. I find social circle game to be the easiest and most seamless. It works even better when you have the reputation of a guy who’s in “the know” about things.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:48 am, 24th October 2017Why not?
Dude, no state (not even California) is an “affirmative consent” state. The California law mandating “affirmative consent” applies only to college campuses that accept state funding. This isn’t a criminal law anywhere in the country. It’s not even a civil law in California or anywhere, except on campus!
Posted at 04:09 am, 24th October 2017This sort of thing worries me – though it doesn’t have to be a “hot, tight 18-year-old”. (That just makes it seem more salacious for the popular press. There are plenty of such cases where the complainant is a lot older than 18.) But the first time I fuck a woman, or the first couple of times, I do sometimes wonder what her response is going to be later on, especially if she decides she wants the relationship to be be something other than what you want it to be, even if you thought, quite reasonably, it was all perfectly clear and straightforward at the time. (This is particularly so if you find that she is a little “crazier” or less well-adjusted than she seemed at first.)
There is also a problem that many people are prone to generalise from the particular. I have no doubt that in some of the celebrity cases that are often cited there has been inappropriate pressure put on the woman to have sex or to do things that she doesn’t really want to do. This is of course particularly likely if she is vulnerable in some way (e.g. much younger than the man, or dependent on the man for employment, job preferment, or something else that is important to her). Of course, I think that we shouldn’t forget this, or try to sweep these cases under the carpet, nor should we forget that “date rape” is a real phenomenon. But these genuinely bad scenarios are also grist to the mill for certain “noisy” types who want to see rape or coercion in just about every male–female transaction. And I also have no doubt that this way of thinking does lead to “copy-cat” accusations.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:18 am, 24th October 2017It’s called quid pro quo sexual harassment. And it violates civil law.
If you’re dealing with a professional superior who has direct financial or career building power over you, him promising a positive professional consequence in exchange for sex, or threatening a negative professional consequence if you say no to sex, is worthy of a lawsuit.
You cannot speak of consent if the person who wants to sleep with you has direct power over you in the professional sense.
Of course, the difference between radical feminists and sane people is that sane people understand that the whole “power imbalance” concept must be individualized and tailored to a person’s specific circumstances.
By contrast, radical feminists de-individualize and collectivize the “power imbalance” concept without regard to any individual circumstances, which is why they believe all sex is rape. They claim that power differences between men and women in a “patriarchal society” make true consent impossible, which means that “women as a group” cannot consent. This is, of course, totalitarian garbage because it disregards human individuality.
But the “power imbalance” concept remains valid as long as it remains beholden to individualism. If it is proven that there is a power imbalance between a specific man and a specific woman in the form of the man having direct control over the woman’s job or career, for example, than I would say we could call that rape, even though it is currently only called quid pro quo sexual harassment and violates civil law only.
Exceptions can be made of course if it was the woman’s idea and she got into this originally from a position of strength, such as in the case of prostitutes, gold diggers, and traditional house wives.
But such exceptions would not cover most women in Hollywood getting unwanted harassment from their bosses who can make or break their careers.
Posted at 04:52 am, 24th October 2017@anon1
I never mentioned online dating only cold approach.
All any guy has to do is just go up to her and say “Hey, you don’t know me but I would never slut shame you. Lets bang each others brains out!” and she’ll go “OK!”
Yes, you get easy sex from women that way, but I wouldn’t phrase it that way to women. Sex is just a numbers game, the problem is that most people are too afraid of getting their egos hurt by being rejected during a cold approach or online dating.
That’s just too direct for cold approach. If you went up to 1000 girls and basically said “Hey your hot; fancy coming back to my place!” you’d be lucky to get 5 in the day (at night in bars, if they were relaxed the number would be higher). The girls ASD gets in the way of agreeing; hence the time honoured ‘do you want to come up for coffee?’ comment; all parties know what it means but it bypasses the girls ASD as she can say things “just happened”.
You can’t compare the two. Social circle game is the opposite to cold approach. You already have comfort taken care of, so all you have do is start building attraction.
Posted at 05:04 am, 24th October 2017@neil
No, you’re chances are more like 1/25 and at worst 1/100. And dropping all pretenses does actually work if you put in the numbers. ASD is not that big of an obstacle as others make it out to be. If you’re sincere about what you say, she most likely won’t get ASD.
Another phenomena I’ve noticed while cold approaching is women taking up my offer after the fact. I’ve had women reject me only to later ask to take me up on my offer after some time has passed. On average it takes about a week for them to reconsider.
Posted at 05:18 am, 24th October 2017If your saying that an average looking guy, who has no understanding of how women think, react etc.. can screw one girl in 25 from cold at best and at worst, one in a hundred in the daytime from cold approach, then you should be marketing it as a course and start watching the cash pour in!
Posted at 05:34 am, 24th October 2017@neil
I suppose I could, but I’d just be regurgitating what’s already at least subconsciously known by those who are in the pua community. I guess I’ll do it someday. The only reason you don’t see many people using this approach is because most people’s egos are so fragile that they can’t deal with rejection. Even if this knowledge was well known throughout the world, people are too afraid to put the method to practice.
Posted at 06:07 am, 24th October 2017I suppose I could, but I’d just be regurgitating what’s already at least subconsciously known by those who are in the pua community. I guess I’ll do it someday. The only reason you don’t see many people using this approach is because most people’s egos are so fragile that they can’t deal with rejection. Even if this knowledge was well known throughout the world, people are too afraid to put the method to practice.
But it’s not. Your going against what guys like Tom Torero who’s probably the best guy teaching daygame, are saying.
Your saying women are just guys in skirts, who you just have to ask if they want to fuck and they’ll go “Yeah, why not!”
I remember a few years ago when I was in NY, a lot of guys started doing something similar in the daytime with the launch of “Mode One”. They said the same thing and the whole thing lasted about two months as… shock, horror!.. girls weren’t going to sleep with a stranger who comes up to them in the day, asking to screw them. If your lucky to get a yes girl who’s massively into you, then you could bang her, but guys just end up getting rejected left, right & centreand pack it in.
No guy is going to take thousands of rejections and just keep on, if he feels he’s not improving his chances and learning from his blow outs, which this method doesn’t give you.
Posted at 06:40 am, 24th October 2017Possibly, but it’s also not really a very efficient way of scoring. I do it because I enjoy it and because I enjoy ONSs and like the idea that I’ve been able to talk a girl that I don’t know at all into bed. But it’s not how I aim to get sex, nor is it how I get most of my partners; for me it’s more a bit of extra fun.
But girls you don’t know at all are obviously the most “risk” in terms of what BD is talking about above. Not that I’ve had any problems in reality; it’s (so far) more of a theoretical problem.
And I agree with anon1 who said that sometimes women who have rejected a cold approach at first accept it, or ask if it’s still current, on a future occasion if you see them again.
Posted at 07:04 am, 24th October 2017“Is there a problem with giving away acting roles for sex (if both parties agree to the terms)? ”
The other issue is that there is another party involved here: The Company (movie, theater, or otherwise) and the Customers. The Company isn’t hiring a directors to choose actresses based on which will have sex with him.
Some middle man doling out acting gigs for personal gain (whether it’s for bribes, sex, etc), rather than the actors/actresses ability to act, is an excellent example of corruption.
Posted at 07:40 am, 24th October 2017BD,
what do you think about the rising of feminism among asian countries. These sexual harrassment, ”yes means yes” things scare the shit out of me, I may screw with western women but i feel it’s better to do in my country.
By the way, I’m in Malaysia.
Posted at 08:27 am, 24th October 2017Yup. Very common. Just like the woman in the 19th century who was exiled from the village because she had sex with one man before getting married so now she’s a “witch.” What we are seeing right now is the 21st century version of the Salem Witch Trials.
As far as the “yes means yes” thing, that is just chicks practicing eugenics. Allow me to prove it right now. Let’s hear what some chicks who commented on this have to say about how dudes go about getting sex.
Seems like she wants particular actions from particular men.
Oh look, here too. If it wasn’t an old man and instead was a good looking 25 year old with a nice physique, would she say the same? We should all know the answer to this.
And here’s BD’s girl straight up TELLING you to be OI. Relying on yourself and not others = Outcome Independence.
So going into the 2020s, the chickens are coming home to roost. The Alpha 1 is going away and chicks are using the law to hunt them down. And yes, despite BD’s disagreements, they are coming for the Alpha 2s next. This is great if you don’t like sex, money, or are a chick who likes both sex and money.
By the 2030s, the west (and especially the US) will be a legitimate matriarchy, and men will not have the same rights as women. Also whites will be treated like nonwhites up until the civil rights movement, but that’s a different kind of discussion.
Already been done. Google Bell Hooks, Virginia Woolf, Gloria Steinem, and others who supported the bra burners in the 1970s. My mother, who was a member of NOW back then, always told me of how NOW had two groups: Chicks who just wanted to be on an equal playing field to men and nothing else (which she was part of), and chicks who preached total matriarchy and wanted to replace patriarchal structures with them. The individuals I listed were part of that movement, and current day women’s groups are part of it. I know my history about this stuff. Collectivism in any form always begets quests for supremacy.
Just be glad that all you have to do is save up a few grand and you can move to Southeast Asia within a year or so to avoid all this (temporarily, anyways).
tl;dr version = If you enjoy sex and want to keep having sex through the 2020s, then get the hell out of the west. The progressives are coming for you. If you do not mind not ever having sex again past 2025, you can stay where you are, you won’t be affected. If you are a chick, you’ll have the same kind of advantage over your peers that men did before the women’s movements began.
Yeah, allow me to be self accountable here: My arguments are NOT BD’s arguments.
Posted at 08:50 am, 24th October 2017Ouch. That would make any sort of ongoing long-term relationship that included a sexual element almost impossible. You could of course take the same attitude to almost any activity, taken to its logical extreme: “I didn’t really feel like going out to dinner; I did it only because he seemed really keen,” “I didn’t want to go shopping but she seemed to think I should be there,” etc etc.
Often I think women are encouraged in this by their (female) friends.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:46 pm, 24th October 2017The same as I always think; I think the entire planet is slowly moving towards the political left and there’s nothing you can do about it other than to design a lifestyle to make such social aspects irrelevant.
You’re overreacting.
1. Feminism is not the threat you think it is. Read these:
2. Western women aren’t the threat you think they are as long as you do the correct things. I’ve had sex with a massive number of Western women and have literally never had a problem like the guys in this thread are freaked about, but I do the correct things.
Posted at 01:06 pm, 24th October 2017The correct things I assume.
Kevin Velasco
Posted at 01:07 pm, 24th October 2017BD,
2025 is a long time. Why not leave now and pay less taxes via expat exemption?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:39 pm, 24th October 2017Read this.
Praxistive Ecologic
Posted at 02:30 pm, 24th October 2017Off topic.
Visiting via my mobile phone, I could use text editing tool(to quote you, or marking the font, for example) in your calebjonesblog.com.. but not here, BD.
I do that by switching to view desktop mode on there, which I can’t see similarity here.
Posted at 03:32 pm, 24th October 2017So wheres the next New World? A place with a free market and feminine women?
Posted at 07:37 pm, 24th October 2017Perhaps Voyager 3 will help us find it.
Posted at 09:29 pm, 24th October 2017Hey Caleb, you have any articles about online girls who are fake or are a catfish, etc?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:57 pm, 24th October 2017I’ll have my guy look at it.
That doesn’t exist “out there” in the world anymore. It only exists if you create it in your own life. I’m surrounded by a free markets and feminine women in my own life, because that’s the way I designed it.
Stop looking for external solutions and get to work on your internal ones.
No. I’ve run into that a few times over the years but I don’t consider it a major problem.
Posted at 11:29 pm, 24th October 2017Wow…I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many woe is me, we’re all doomed, beta bullshit comments on BD’s blog before.
Imagine the life Weinstein could have had if he was Alpha 2 instead of being a creepy idiot! There’s a lesson in there for everyone!
Posted at 09:34 am, 25th October 2017BD you say your meet-to-sex time is 3-4 hours over 2 dates. So 1st date is 1 hour, and then on the 2nd date you spend 2-3 hours eating dinner/watching a movie at your place before you initiate sex? 3 hours seems kinda long to hang out in the living room before sex happens.
An article with a step-by-step explanation of your typical 2nd date would be appreciated.
Posted at 09:58 am, 25th October 2017How about missing escalation windows if you’re at your place with her for 2-3 hours and still not having sex?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:40 am, 25th October 2017I tend to agree.
I have a book describing that instead, in great detail. Right here. The bottom line is that you’re not “sitting on your couch for 2 hours.”
The second date is not 3 hours in my case. My average is about 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, though in many cases it’s 30 minutes or less.
Posted at 01:48 pm, 25th October 2017“I do the correct things”
Famous last words.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:05 pm, 25th October 2017Yes, I’m just as paranoid as you and I’m sure I’m about to be accused of rape at any time now.
Kevin Velasco
Posted at 07:10 pm, 25th October 2017“That doesn’t exist ‘out there’ in the world anymore. It only exists if you create it in your own life… Stop looking for external solutions and get to work on your internal ones.”
All is Within
Posted at 07:13 pm, 25th October 2017When I heard about this I thought, “Here we go again, yet another sex-negative/sex as a crime news headline of the week to make people continue to think sexuality is bad.” While all abuse is wrong and I’m 100% against all abuse; I try to avoid sex-negative propaganda where basically everything involving sex is treated as a sex crime to make people form the false belief that sex is bad. I try to avoid the news, but recently I took someone to an office over many days and in the office the news was on in the background and the news kept talking about this celebrity harassment scandal and other sexual criminals, repeating it over and over again. Many people were watching it like it was “the news,” but I’m very aware of brainwashing, propaganda, and Social Programming techniques, so I could see how millions of people were being subconsciously conditioned to form false beliefs such as even being touched by a man is sexual harassment, but most people were not even aware they were being brainwashed by constant sex-negative stories in the news such as this. Then there’s movies, books, magazines, newspapers, tv shows, and commercials about “real men” get monogamously married and are good husbands and fathers, and dating sites are for monogamous marriage, and about men as sex criminals.
It is going to get worse in that there’s going to be more sexual harassment stories in the news and more people, especially women, are going to form more sex-negative views. The Right and the Left are both sex-negative, both anti-sex, both anti-male, want to be authoritarian, and want to control the sexuality of other people in different ways (Right: control men by saying have to be their religion and go to their church, must get traditionally monogamously married and can only have sex in a traditional monogamous marriage, be an obedient beta male/ Left: if a man touches a woman it’s probably a sexual harassment sex crime, wants more sex crime laws). I disagree with both of those sex-negative views.
I’m Alpha 2.0. I will continue to live my own lifestyle to be happy. I don’t care about news such as this, but I’ve just observed how other people are brainwashed/Socially Conditioned by it. It’s like people who work in an office and every week people bring in junk food with tons of flour and with tons of sugar and gradually they gain tons of weight, so more people are going to have sex-negative views and allege sexual harassment. There’s less of a chance of facing these allegations by not being famous, and by not having sexual relations while hiring someone.
Is the government that has a (beta) male majority, or Pappa Patriarchy (there’s P in trumP), churches that are controlled by “males” (who are extremely weak betas or less than betas with LOW sexual energy like drained batteries in an annoying old toy parrot), or big media that’s run mostly by males, going to do anything over the next three years to benefit men (even as simple as saying every time a man touches a woman it is not harassment because males and females still have to meet each other to possibly have a relationship, or end no fault divorce)? Probably not.
The Frame of “I’m not sexually judgmental, I’m not sexually repressive, I don’t slut shame, I don’t kiss and tell, we are discreet, whatever we do in private stays private between us only,” is done non-verbally to begin with in the subtle sexual intent/gradually increasing sensual vibe/moving the interaction along, and then maybe after a few “dates” with a quick story (contrast: that guy who tries to slut shame women is so stupid, I’m not like that at all, I’m easy-going and I like to have fun, or compare: the guy in this GIF/video clip doesn’t slut shame women, they’re enjoying the pleasure, that guy and me are the few cool guys).
Stop focusing on who wears the pants in the relationship. Relationships work best when no one is wearing pants.
Never get on one knee for a girl who won’t get on two knees for you.
Not all men want a relationship just for sex. Some want their dishes done too.
My son’s friends are so funny with nicknames. Mine is MILF.
Marriage is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:29 pm, 25th October 2017or end no fault divorce)?
What the fuck? I thought you said you’re not a tradcon? And you want to make it harder for men to end their slavery?
Dude, divorce should be made as easy as humanly possible. We need more divorces, not less. The more divorces, the less marriages. Less marriage = more freedom. Duh!
Also, never get on one knee for a girl who WILL get on two knees for you. Abolish all marriage!
I know this is a joke, but no man should be dependent on a woman for anything of a gender neutral nature, such as cooking or dishwashing. That’s how you become lazy and that’s how the woman can manipulate you. You must make sure that if you break up with her, your gender neutral life will be just as comfortable as it was before you met her. Otherwise, you get needy. So cook for yourself and do your own dishes. Give women no leverage of any kind.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:31 pm, 25th October 2017Hey BD, please don’t ban me, but I just wanted to make you aware that your comment editing function is shot!
Posted at 06:28 am, 26th October 2017Don’t breed. Fewer problems for you. Fewer problems for others. Fewer problems for your own flesh and blood. (hmm…Fewer younger women. Alright, you got me there!)
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Posted at 06:35 am, 26th October 2017@Sideburns
Kids are great. I’m extremely glad I had mine! The world today is a lot better than most times in human history. It’s an awesome time to be alive…especially if you are Alpha 2.
I do agree you shouldn’t breed though! Very sensible idea!! Keep up the good work and leave the breeding to us more positive characters!! 🙂
Posted at 07:53 am, 26th October 2017@ Marty:
If breeding is so good for us, people should want to do it while feeling negative too, like exercise.
Your kids are great, you’re extremely glad; your world is better today.
Ask the same questions of your possibly female, possibly beta, possibly alpha 1.0 offspring (and theirs) in the next 50-100 years. Judging by the article and comments above, I’m not the only one sensing things are going south fast for all these unfortunates, and for a lot of Alpha 2.0s too.
social aspects NOT irrelevant, to them
And what if your kids become negative about all this? What do you say to them then? “Nevermind…keep breeding, you’ll feel better”? Or encourage them do something more practical instead?
Posted at 08:09 am, 26th October 2017@sideburns
Totally agree. For negative, socially programmed people like yourself who feel like they don’t have control over their own lives and are SO worried about what morons who write in the NYT’s and other crazy mainstream group think people are doing, its not going to be good.
But for us and our kids who see the opportunity this brings like BD’s writes about its actually a bonanza. The practical thing to do, is to use this opportunity to have lives beyond our wildest dreams. Like I’m doing now. In a million years I never would have thought I could have a life like I’m having now. It literally blows my mind. My daughters are benefiting a lot already from it and my sons will too as they get a bit older.
Posted at 10:07 am, 26th October 2017Test
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:09 am, 26th October 2017Why would notifying me of a problem cause me to ban someone? I think you’re mistaking me for someone else.
And yes, the blog has been very weird for the last few days. I have someone working on it.
Posted at 10:29 am, 26th October 2017@ Marty:
Sounds like you’re an outlier, when it comes to positivity. But is it replicable?
By opportunity, you mean ‘make the best of a bad situation’. Sure why not. Hope it works out for you. But please don’t deny it’s a big gamble, when it’s their turn to decide to breed, and they ask your opinion.
Posted at 11:25 pm, 26th October 2017BD
Thanks for posting on a tough subject
How these guys turned over to be about FRA
I do not understand
Yes this is a long term set back for the average guy
“Show me the money”
Cosby – self employed – only Cosby loses money
Bill oReilly – employee- 40 million buyout – bad management dumb legal advice
H Weinstein CEO owner — board and business partners see many deals with several years before payoff
Vaporized 10 of millions lost
“Soultions ”
None good and all self serving
Several women politicians have said the cure is to elect more women
Corporations will require employees to complete approved
“I now know that sexual harassment is bad and I would never do that”training
Vendors and independent contractors are included
A woman owned consulting firm could make a double boatload of money creating these trainings
All employees would sign agreeements if you are fired over sexual harassment you forfeit all pension severance stock health benefits no arbitration allowed
The company reserves the right to not turn you over to the police
C Lo
Posted at 05:02 am, 27th October 2017“Western women aren’t the threat you think they are as long as you do the correct things.”
I thought about this – real hard – for three days before I posted back again. I think this is exactly correct, but what I was struggling with was identifying what the WRONG things were.
At a minimum, every occurrence where the cops got called included being monogamous. Well, don’t do that and your life gets easier.
I have zero doubt that BDs stuff works (I’ve bought all of his books and they are gold), but the fear of repeating the same mistakes when I was a married pussy (and didn’t know any better) is bleeding into my frame. Of course I’m not going to have these problems anymore; because I’m not doing the shit that caused them in the first place. Duh.
Sorry for shitting up the blog.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:10 am, 27th October 2017Of course they did.
Posted at 02:29 pm, 27th October 2017BD, I predict that your upcoming multi country lifestyle will make it harder not to become defacto monogamous.
After all, you not only can’t keep FB s well maintained or in your pocket if you love in a place only a few months at a time.
Not only that, but I imagine PF will start to get her feathers ruffled if you’re out on your own going on a bunch of first dates so you can drum up new girls, leaving her home alone in a foreign country.
What’s your plan to make this work?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:23 pm, 27th October 2017https://alphamale20.com/off-topic
Posted at 10:56 pm, 28th October 2017Is it? I thought the point of the article was providing further evidence of the need to move out of this country sooner than later : p
Posted at 11:21 am, 29th October 2017BD, he isn’t wrong. It is going to eventually get like this. We all see the writing on the wall. No, it is not like this now. But in 5-10 years it will be. It is not wrong to think this way. Yes it is a waste of energy, but it is an accurate observation.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:00 pm, 29th October 2017Not only is he wrong and you’re wrong, but you’re both hyper-irrational to the point of near insanity.
Having a rational view of the world means viewing the world as indicated by the facts, including the negatives that don’t mesh with Societal Programming, such as when I say Western civilization is slowly collapsing (controversial and difficult to hear, but factually accurate).
It does not mean viewing the world through your own negativity, experiences, feelings, or fears, like when you say men won’t be able to have sex after 2025 (obviously stupid), or when that depressed MGTOW (I know he is such from his past comments) said I’m going to be accused of rape the next time I sleep with a new woman (obviously stupid). I just slept with a new woman last week. Strangely, I was not accused of rape. The same will be true 10 years from now, because I do the right things. Just watch.
There’s a difference between being coldly rational / anti-SP and making outrageous statements that flow from your own depression, irrational negativity, and/or anger.
Praxistive Ecologic
Posted at 11:05 pm, 30th October 2017Hi BD,
Have you heard about Kevin Spacey coming out?
I think it just another smokescreen per se.
My utopia from American Beauty… Evaporate.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:47 pm, 30th October 2017Yes. I’m really not sure why anyone is surprised.
Oh, he’s gay as fuck, but he’s using his coming out as a shiny object to divert people away from the very strong likelihood that he was also a child molester. And it’s mostly working.
As I said in the article, all kinds of crazy shit is going to come out now. The floodgates have opened.
Posted at 07:41 am, 31st October 2017And how glorious is it. Most of these scumbags are left wing SJW’s who have given everyone a serve from their glorified pulpit. Would be great to see some of the female icons take a kick in the head as well. But unfortunately that is probably not going to happen.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:15 am, 31st October 2017Yes, but not relevant to the point of my article and the bigger picture. This entire thing makes men look really bad, and plays into the SJW narrative of men being pigs/assholes, the “patriarchy,” rape culture, etc, etc.
Looking at everything through the lens of politics is not a smart idea. That applies to both SJW’s and you.
Posted at 03:04 pm, 31st October 2017Did you miss the part where I argued that the west starting in the 2030s is gonna be a great place for chicks and betas/omegas with low sex drives? I don’t want to be in such an environment so therefore I’m leaving it. I’m arguing that the west is going to be an environment that men with decent sex drives will not be happy in, just like you argue, BD.
I’m not too sure you can make these types of predictions, BD. Unless “doing the right thing” would mean literally getting a chick’s permission every time you do something intimate with her which is what its eventually going to become. At least that’s what I am preparing for. And because I don’t want sex to be like that, I will instead go to a place where it is not like that. I mean I kind of already do that (whenever I make a big move on a chick I ask very quickly “you good?”) but in a decade or so its not gonna be enough. Again, this is just some prediction I have. I might be wrong and I hope I am. But I’m preparing for the worst here.
I’m not making an outrageous statement.
This would be the freak out/angry MGTOW/Manosphere collectivist paranoid closet faggot answer:
“More and more men are being falsely accused of rape! It is now illegal for any man to talk to any woman! This needs to stop now! The War On Men is upon us! Its us vs The World! Its our job to form as one and fight against any and all women’s movements for the sake of our future! If you aren’t with us then you are a feminist who is out to destroy the world!”
That will never be my type of answer. And I will continue to openly and swiftly mock anyone who has that type of answer (the “we must save the world from ___” answer) towards anything.
Posted at 03:14 pm, 31st October 2017From what I can gather, the wrong things are:
-Not establishing rapport with the chick before sex
-Not making the chick orgasm at least once
-Having sex with the chick and just running away, not even texting or calling after
-Not using protection
At the moment, when women’s groups talk about “rape culture” I don’t think they are attacking sex positive philosophies so much as they are attacking boys who suck in bed and/or won’t allow themselves to be bossed around by dominant chicks. I view it currently as a form of passive eugenics, which will eventually turn into legitimate eugenics which will screen out Alphas completely. Chicks in women’s movements desperately want to mirror the men they despise so much, so they are copying things that these same men did to make sure no one benefited but them.
BD is at odds with this observation but from what I’ve been observing around me, it seems like its going that way. Which is fine, I don’t really care about changing it, but I don’t want any part of it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:28 pm, 31st October 2017Yet a few comments above you said,
Yup, if you want to live in the west after, we’ll say, 2025, you better prepare to never have sex again. I’m 100% on board with the conspiracy theorists…
That’s stupid. And alarmist.
And you know it.
Gil Galad
Posted at 03:51 pm, 31st October 2017@Joelsuf: I think I asked you this question in the past but I’d be interested in an update and how it compares to BD’s plans: where would you go?
I suspect Latin America might work in this respect, but Latinas are not really my type, especially as MLTRs and above; mostly I’m attracted to them when I’m just horny, but I find white women more beautiful and just culturally more relatable.
Posted at 10:10 am, 1st November 2017Dustin Hoffman?
who is left now ?
Alan Alda?
Posted at 12:08 pm, 1st November 2017That’s stupid. And alarmist.
And you know it.
Then why is it gaining so much traction at such a fast rate in the west? This article provides a good example:
Check out the last comment on that blog post. THAT is alarmist. In fact that whole article is alarmist. I accused the author of it of saving the world (which he is) and he just kind of brushed it off. I’m protecting myself by preparing. Is there anything wrong with this? And it isn’t like I’m trying to reverse what is happening either. I don’t understand why you think it is so alarmist. And its as I keep mentioning; at the moment it isn’t bad.
The west won’t be a good place for men to live in come the 2030s. Sooooo, Instead of wasting my energy trying to change it, I am instead just going to adapt. Like you, I preach internal solutions, BD. I don’t understand why I strike you as someone who believes in external solutions when I specifically argue that external solutions create more problems.
I’ll be visiting a whole bunch of places in the east next year (specifically Southeast Asia), to see how they are. In between 2022 and 2027 I will move to somewhere in Southeast Asia. My plans aren’t like BD’s, they are more like Victor Pride’s, where I stay in a cheap place and occasionally visit other places. Which I suppose is like BD’s. tbh, I’m quite overwhelmed on how to do this but I will have a legit plan and will be able to take action eventually. I need to have location independent income first obviously.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:53 pm, 1st November 2017Only in the legal sense, of course (which leaves him liable to charges of statutory rape). In the real sense though, 14 is pubescent. I wouldn’t call a 14 year old a child (outside the legal realm).
In any case, here’s his perfect response to Hollywood:
Posted at 03:08 pm, 9th November 2017Don’t get it…This shit these weakass MFers are running is so lame…Get some game MFers and knock off your vile shit…
Maybe a power trip thing as many of these ugly ass weak MFers can have pussy without even trying due to their power and influence….
Outside of game and looks a Dude got a stack of Hundies wrapped in a rubber band tops all game. Pull out a wad of cash and see how bitches get wet.
So, again I don’t get it….
Posted at 08:30 am, 11th November 2017You are all wrong about this. The Weinstein case is all about corruption. The bribe is sex. The aspiring actress is giving the bribe (sex) to the movie industry official (Weinstein) in exchange for favors (a role in a movie). None of the participants of such exchange is a victim, they are both perpetrators in an act of corruption.
The real victims are:
1) Investors in movies. Investors have a right to expect the best actress to be hired. This requires a hiring pool of all women, including those who don’t want to have sex-bribe with an movie industry official (Weinstein). Investors should sue BOTH participants of the corruption: Weinstein (bribe taker) and actresses he hired (bribe givers) for lost profits.
2) Customers that paid for movie tickets. They got inferior experience, lower quality of acting, because of such bribery. If women from the entire pool of women were hired, instead of just those willing to give bribe-sex, then the quality of acting in the movies would be higher.
3) Those women who were unhired, because of not wanting to give sex-bribe to the industry official.
4) Economy in general. Corruption costs, always. In this case: lower quality movies mean less exports of movie licensing, less GDP and so on.
By the way: if humans are incapable of hiring for movies, because of inbuild instrinct it should be mandated that such job is done by AI.
Posted at 05:06 pm, 17th November 2017You know this whole celebrities and high status men who proposition women with sexual favors reminds of the “Nice Guy” Syndrome or Beta male in high school and college years. A loser nerd/beta male who are intelligent and useful decides to help a beautiful girl with her homework and errands. Loser nerd and beta male gives the beautiful girl advice, help, rides, money, gifts, etc. They even get time alone in his or her room in a house. Loser nerd, beta male, or whatever guy decides to ask her out/or ask to be laid for all the kind and/or helpful things he has done for her. She refuses because she is only using him for his resources and help. He gets angry and frustrated. Rejected multiple times reveals his entitled towards women’s bodies. Now imagine that same nerd work hard and become a man of status like Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Weinstein and most men were nobodies in their youth while girls were chasing after Alpha males 1.0 or 2.0 during their youth. They gain money, status, and power that corrupts them to think their entitled to women’s bodies because pop culture taught them money, status, and power means access to hot women. These women still reject them despite having gaining all these things. These men need the Blackdragon Alpha 2.0 lifestyle of gaining consensual sex without job and reputation ending scandals. Blackdragon has probably had a lot of sex with many women. He has multiple income streams so any women who tries to ruin him, he will probably will not be affected because his income is location independent of any corporations. He works for himself so any of his sexual escapades will not tarnish him in the long term. He is honest about the sexual desires instead of these high status men who hide it behind squeaking clean personas. If you are going to have scandal free casual sex with women, follow the Blackdragon Alpha 2.o lifestyle
Posted at 07:06 pm, 17th November 2017Just google it, for example, the Wikipedia article lists a number of studies which show highly varying rates of false accusations.
Though anyway, the probability of being falsely accused is tiny. For example, another quick search told me that about 20 thousand rapes are reported annually in the UK. Even grossly overestimating that every single report is false, one would have to bang 30+ UK women per year to hit the Two Percent Rule.