21 Dec All My Skeletons

My public profile will increase dramatically in 2018, by design, as part of my master plan to hit my financial goals, as well as for my Mission. I have no idea how well-known I will eventually become. Either I will be well-known in the niches I want, which is all I really need to meet my objectives, or I will become well-known outside of these niches and into the mainstream, like what happened to guys like Roosh V and Mike Cernovitch.
I have no desire to become mainstream. Being famous is a huge pain in the ass, and I’m in this for money, not fame. (I want to make mountains of money and have virtually no one know who I am.) Regardless, it could happen whether I want it to or not.
-By Caleb Jones
As a contingency for that possibility, today I’m going to publicly disclose literally everything I have ever done in my past that could be considered bad or wrong. This is so that in the future, no clever reporter or private investigator can dig up something from my past that might embarrass me. (Not that I think anything below is particularly embarrassing, since I’m a generally good guy who has never done anything horrible.)
Most of these things I’ve described or mentioned before, but I wanted to list everything in one place. As of now, I never need to worry about these things “coming out” about me, because now they’re out! Here we go!
– I’ve never cheated on a woman in my entire life, but as I’ve mentioned before, I have slept with three married women who were still living with and legally married to their husbands. I even lost my virginity to one of them. (There were additional women I’ve slept with who were legally married at the time, but separated or going through a divorce, so I’m not going to include those.) Three is not very many women when compared to the overall number of women I’ve slept with, but there you go. For the record, all three of these women still love their husbands and are still married to their husbands to this day, so I’m not a home wrecker, and don’t believe in doing that. They just played around on the side a little because long-term sexual monogamy doesn’t work.As I talked about in my book, in the early 2000’s, I had some pretty serious financial problems. I was several years behind in my taxes and had my car repossessed. Obviously, I cleaned up all those problems a very long time ago.
– Almost a decade ago, when I was quite new to all this woman/dating stuff and didn’t check ID’s like I do now, I slept with an underage woman. It was a two-time thing and not an ongoing relationship. It was 100% consensual for both of us. I did not know she was underage at the time; I found out over a year later after she had moved far away (and yeah, it freaked me out). We parted as good friends, and though we haven’t communicated in many years, I still consider her a friend. (I will not answer any questions about her so as to protect her privacy. Like I said, this was a long time ago.)
– As I also mentioned in my book, in 2009, I spent about three hours in jail on four contempt of court charges which will show up on my FBI report. These were related to me not paying some alimony payments on time. I just bailed myself out and caught up the alimony debt later. (Money solves all problems. That’s why it’s important.) It was actually a very interesting and educational experience that I look back on with some fondness. This is the only time I’ve ever been found guilty of breaking the law other than a bunch of speeding tickets I had when I was a young man. As I’ve said before, the Alpha Male 2.0 follows the law even if he disagrees with it, since if you go to prison, you’ll have zero freedom.That’s it! Those are all my skeletons, every bad thing I’ve ever done. I realize it’s not very much, but I wanted to be on the record with everything. If someone “comes out” with this stuff about me, they’re stupid because I already did. If someone comes out with something about me not on the above list, they’re lying, because that’s literally everything; there is nothing else.
If you are a semi-public figure, or even a public figure, I strongly suggest you do the same thing; go public with everything bad/wrong/controversial you’ve ever done, no matter how much it might embarrass you. This way, you can completely relax and never have something bite you in the ass later. It also demonstrates outcome independence, which is always a good thing.
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Posted at 05:12 am, 21st December 2017I never understood the attraction of being famous. Money? Power? Attention? Pussy? I can do all of that except the attention, I don’t want people knowing too much about me.
Eden Snake
Posted at 05:18 am, 21st December 2017… while for the other readers, make as much money as possible but don’t go BD’s way.
I’m warning you.
Eden Snake
Posted at 05:37 am, 21st December 2017On the positive side, you will probably have a dedicated Wikipedia’s page (which is quite detailed and lengthy) on your profile 😀
That’s cool.
Posted at 06:07 am, 21st December 2017You check IDs? I would never do that. Not my responsibility.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 06:32 am, 21st December 2017Black Dragon: Is there a non-creepy way to ask for a woman’s id to check that she’s at least 18?
Posted at 06:40 am, 21st December 2017@AlphaOmega
It is 180% your responsibility. It can never be her responsibility, since she is underage. The law doesn’t care that she deliberately tried to hide her real age. The law doesn’t care that it was conselsual. You will go to jail for a few years and be labeled as a rapist / sex offender and will have to tell all your neighbors that you are a registered sex offender (and that you are so because you raped an underage girl). Say goodbye to your job (if you are employed), your family (if you have one), and be aware that you can never again work, live or walk near a school, kindergarten or anything related to children.
And if you’re in your 20’s (like me) and think that it would “not be a big deal”, remember that most of this stuff will follow you forever. If you decide to get children, even under the agreements that BD has explained, she will be able to take your kids away from you if you ever have a falling out, regardsless of whether she signed co-parenting papers or similar with you.
But hey, have fun being a convicted felon with a permanent record. It’s your life.
Posted at 07:59 am, 21st December 2017Hi BD.
I have always enjoyed being “in the shadow”, like minding my own business, making plans et execute them “in the background” and revealing the minimum about me.
Do you believe becoming well-known at some point is necessary if you want to achieve financial freedom and / or abundance goals.
Thank you.
Johnny Salami
Posted at 08:56 am, 21st December 2017“I have no idea how well-known I will eventually become.”
Not at all well known. Relax.
Posted at 09:12 am, 21st December 2017These are all pretty tame really…
I once put fat-free mayonnaise on my sandwich… I know it’s not what you’ve all come to expect out of me and I apologize, I hope we can put it behind us.
Posted at 09:14 am, 21st December 2017Those skeletons aren’t a big deal really. My worst were probably sleeping with a few married women and plenty of infidelity before going to the non-monogamous model.
I’ve had a “sugar baby” I guess you’d call her as well which I’m sure this puritanical society would call a hooker but she’s just a young, hot little thing I threw a few bucks at for some no strings fun and to experiment with sugar daddy game.
Posted at 11:12 am, 21st December 2017My goals are to be rich, obscure and eccentric.
I’ve got two out of three so far.
Posted at 11:47 am, 21st December 2017BD, is there a possibility that sleeping with the underage girl could still legally effect you? Why/why not?
PS: I always check ID’s too! This is one of the scariest aspects of being “promiscuous” to me, aside from contracting one of the rare, life-altering STD’s.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:00 pm, 21st December 2017You just said being famous is bad, but having your own Wikipedia page is cool? Um… okay.
And having a Wikipedia page is not cool. I don’t want one.
Okay. Have fun going to prison and being a registered sex offender for the rest of your life (if you live in the USA or Canada that is; I agree you can get away with that in places like Europe).
Yes. Just ask. I always do. I’ve never had a woman get weird about it.
As always, if you don’t think it’s creepy, she won’t. If you do, then she will.
Absolutely not. Being a public content provider is just one path of many. There are a thousand ways to be successful and/or financially free without being a public figure. This is just the path I fell into about 20 years ago. (I never had a goal to be a public figure. I just wanted to be a successful computer consultant.)
Good. And it’s okay to be jealous.
I agree. Part of me wishes they were more juicy. Oh well. I really am a pretty nice guy after all.
No. Statute of limitations ran out a very long time ago. When I first found out about this, I panicked and did the legal research, then just patiently waited until the statute ran out. And we parted on very good terms, even communicated years later, so I wasn’t worried about it from that standpoint; I was more concerned about a third party. But it’s all moot now.
Posted at 12:05 pm, 21st December 2017BD would never have to worry about being compared to those two. Roosh and Cernovich are far edgier and the mainstream would attack them before BD. Especially Roosh. That boy is the king of saying stupid shit. I’ll still never forget his blog post about how he thinks rape should be legal, followed by over 9000 miles of backpedaling saying it was satire. Hilarious.
And yeah, those offenses are pretty tame. Better than me I guess, the only times I ever broke the law was getting caught driving with a suspended licence. The police even joked about it when getting my info and decided not to throw me in the can because the only other thing on my record was a traffic ticket lol. They even lowered my fines. Good times.
Funny/sad to see that the “You aren’t a man until you break the law” narrative is still running strong lol.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:54 pm, 21st December 201717? 13? 15?
Also, how old were you?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:59 pm, 21st December 2017HAHAHAHAHAHA….deep breath….HAHAHAHA!
Do you know what the sex offender registry is?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:24 pm, 21st December 2017Uh…..sleeping with an underage girl? Yes, that’s a HUGE deal here in America. If the statute of limitations ran out, he can’t be legally prosecuted for that, but he can still be labeled a pedophile by our blue pill faminazi culture, a predator, a creep, etc…
Just look at what the parasites did to Milo. And he never even slept with anyone underage as an adult. He just suggested that the age of consent should be puberty, which is pretty commonsensical to me.
Statutory rape aside, what about “contributing to the delinquency of a minor?” Did the statute run out on that too? Also, what about civilly? I’m wondering if you still can be sued for “emotional distress?”
If someone wants to destroy you, they can find her and pay her a shit load of money to write her “tell all” book, plus be paid additionally to appear on “Dr.” Phil, Oprah, and “Dykes Are Us” in order to recount her “tragic tale of emotional coercion and survival at the hands of a monster.”
And forget about suing her for defamation. All she has to do is couch her “distress” in emotional terms while claiming that she acted enthusiastically with you due to “Stockholm Syndrome” and “denial.” “Of course, I acted friendly towards you! I was just a child, waaaaah, waaaaah, waaaah, googoo, gaga, boohoo! Oprah, can I get a kleenex?” Money is a great motivator. Just saying.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:01 pm, 21st December 2017Allow me to repeat something from the article you seemed to have missed:
I will not answer any questions about her so as to protect her privacy. Like I said, this was a long time ago.
I’m not answering any questions about this.
This is America. Anyone can sue me for anything at any time. You’re a former attorney so it’s bizarre I have to point that out to you.
As for me actually worrying about this the way you always do, 2% Rule.
…and I would make at least 1.5 million dollars from that kind of national exposure. As I’ve said many times, I can only hope for that kind mass publicity, negative or otherwise (from a financial standpoint that is, which is all I care about; I have no desire to be famous, but millions of dollars come with it, I’ll take it; I’d like to buy a nice boat).
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:53 pm, 21st December 2017I meant, do you think it is practically feasible for her to still sue you for “emotional distress,” considering the practicality of the current time, especially when realizing that the criminal statute of limitations for “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” may not have run out.
That’s why I asked how old you were and how old she was. It’s relevant to a potential future lawsuit. But if you want to just lump it all into the 2% rule, fine.
Posted at 03:29 pm, 21st December 2017I’m not sure what purpose this would serve
Your defense to it is ‘ I’ve said it so if any reporter digs up your past , they won’t find anything to embarrass me ‘
Point 1 : You already have a public foot print and an audience (ex X thousands of people ). If your fame increases by 10 or even 50% there is no guarantee that your current probability of being investigated will dramatically increase for it to be a concern.
Unless your fame shoots to stratospheric level ( Ex Elon Musk) then I don’t think you are more at risk then you are now.
Point 2 : I think you’ve just revealed points to be attacked on ( As you can on the threads ) , there are now reasonable grounds to believe that you may be a child molester. Whether it is accurate or not it doesn’t matter you have now officially given ammunition to people to shoot you with.
Point 3 : Even if you’ve committed a questionable act , there is no guarantee anyone will actually find out.. and if you carefully thought about it .. it will even be less obvious which again reduces the risks of being caught and ending up on the public stage.
If no-one knows about anything shady you’ve done does it really matter ?
Point 4 : If you intent was be to as clean , honest and straight forward as possible.. it doesn’t matter … people are dogs and will hunt / attack you as soon as they get a small window. You must know by now.. that given any opportunity to contradict / insult or attack people would do so.
Einstein once said
Formula for Success
If A equals Success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y plus Z , where X is work , Y is play and Z is keeping your mouth shut.
and Einstein was no moron
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:54 pm, 21st December 2017Read above what I said to Jack. I don’t fear negative publicity, particularly since such publicity would likely increase my income (and has in the past). This post is strictly a preventative time management measure. Now I can just paste a link to it in the future if anyone attacks me about anything in my past, and I won’t have to dick around with stupid arguments. It’s the same strategy I used when I made this post last year.
I realize that negative publicity (false or otherwise) would terrify the typical person, but you guys have to remember that I’ve been talking about intimate details of my sex life to the open public for almost ten years, and have been doing so under my real name. I am the example of outcome independence that I talk about so often. I walk my talk. I don’t give a fuck. If you do, great, but I don’t.
Lastly, if you have advice for me on what to do or not do as a public figure, then with all due respect, I’m not going to listen to a word you say, unless you are already public figure with a larger audience than me and you make more money from that audience than I do.
You guys are projecting your own fears onto me. “Well I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” Great, but I’m not you. Clearly.
Posted at 09:19 pm, 21st December 2017(I want to make mountains of money and have virtually no one know who I am.)
Interesting. I sort of want the opposite, if I have to pick one. Beyond basic necessities, money does little for my happiness, but I would really like to be known for creating some important work or invention, that remains famous long after I am gone.
In short, if I could, I would like to win the Nobel Prize (even if there was not money associated with it), while living a modest life in material terms. But I only want to be famous for something brilliant, not for something SJW-ey or otherwise stupid.
BD, perhaps explain why some men want money but obscurity, while others want recognition and accolades, but are neutral on material luxury.
Posted at 10:11 pm, 21st December 2017Anon, its just how different people are wired. I am the same as BD; I can’t imagine wanting to be famous. It could make it easier to sleep with women, but I would hate everything else about it. However, most people are probably like you. Recognition and accolades are a major source of pleasure them.
Posted at 10:37 pm, 21st December 2017Considering that you’re from the Pacific North-West, I thought that you might confess to being a serial killer.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:49 pm, 21st December 2017It’s purely personality differences. Different personalities will want different things. For example, more extroverted men will want more public recognition. More horny or intense men (like me) will want more sex. More greedy men (like me) will want more money. More relaxed men will want more social interaction and/or connection to others. And so on. There’s no right or wrong thing to want; it’s all about what makes you happy, as long as you don’t lie or don’t try to control others.
Yeah no kidding. We’ve always had shitloads of those bastards up here. Must be the rain.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:32 am, 22nd December 2017I’m stealing this. I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Really? If you’re not a homeowner, how do you have sex? Do you live in an apartment? If so, do your neighbors ever call the police, or bang on your wall to tell you to shut the fuck up? Does your apartment have central air? If so, how do you maintain your privacy when everyone in the building can hear your girl’s every moan?
Do you consider a car a basic necessity?
Do you really want to be a person who can be googled? I’ve googled myself many times and with the exception of some professional information pertaining to my former career, I’ve found literally nothing. So I breathe a sigh of relief. You actually want people to know shit about you? If information about you is external to you, you no longer have control over your own destiny. Anonymity and secrecy are the only things which make power (even over your own self) possible. Without the cover of darkness, you are just the world’s puppet. Do you really want women on a date to be able to google you?
And remember, fame is just another word for harassment.
If your reputation precedes you, your entire life will be defined for you. You are no longer in control. That’s why those who run our world are the anonymous ones behind the throne. You have to choose between fame and power (even if it’s just power over yourself).
Who said anything about luxury? How about just logistics? You can’t live in a cheap ass apartment with walls thinner than toilet paper if you want to live a promiscuous sexual lifestyle.
Obscurity = freedom, autonomy, and latitude.
Fame = slavery, harassment, and mainstream judgment
Posted at 02:39 am, 22nd December 2017BD,
This is a question I have had for a longer time:
As you say you’ve been publishing your women life, your philosophy and political opinions for a long time under your real name. You mention working with local clients, I suppose companies.
Now, your stuff is non-mainstream and at times non-pc. What do you clients say about that stuff? Are they even aware/ has it ever been an issue?
E.g. a manager approaching you like ‘Caleb, we appreciate your service. You doing a great job, but we cannot work with you anymore, HR is complaining about the stuff you write on your blogs.’
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:40 am, 22nd December 2017No! It would make it way harder. Unless you don’t mind gold diggers and status whores!
As a non-famous man who hides his wealth, I’m absolutely sure that a new girl I sleep with is sleeping with me because she’s horny for me. If I were famous, that assurance would fly out the window. I probably would end up literally castrating myself in sexual frustration, because no woman could probably ever convince me that she’s not faking it just to tell all her friends on Facebook that she’s fucking a famous man!
I’ll go so far as to say that fame and sex are completely incompatible and mutually exclusive concepts, unless, once again, you don’t care about fucking hookers, gold digging trash, and status whores who will fuck you for completely non-sexual and gender neutral reasons. Fuck that!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:49 am, 22nd December 2017I call that my best.
Again, that’s not bad.
She WAS a hooker. And this has nothing to do with puritanism. Puritanism is about hating sex for sex. Fucking someone for money, status, citizenship papers, or any other gender neutral reason is prostitution. And prostitution is puritanism. The biggest prostitute is the housewife. The only reason the Puritans hated the street walker is because she was preventing the housewife from inflating her prices. But that’s an in house dispute between puritans. Sex for sex is never even considered as an option by these sex-hating betas.
If you don’t care about fucking a fake actress, then fine, it’s your life. But don’t call the rest of us puritans just because we prefer the real thing.
Posted at 04:06 am, 22nd December 2017Yes I live in Europe.
Posted at 05:24 am, 22nd December 2017I’ve often wondered if some mainstream lefties or SJW’s were to come after you what they might react to. Especially because you are not like Roosh saying stupid shit or Cernovich deliberately stirring the pot.
Be interested to hear what you think it would be?
My guess would be the anti monogamy and multiple partners message being framed as an anti women or women hating thing. Or a form of abuse. Eg using women for your own gratification. This sort of attack could become more and more dangerous in the current climate.
It’s interesting. When I explained my lifestyle and what I want out of life to my Mum she responded with saying. “Oh so you are just using women for your own gratification then!” Apparently the fact the women in my life voluntarily being involved because they like it has nothing to do with it. ?
Posted at 07:40 am, 22nd December 2017If folks on Tumblr et al. came here? BD would be a sexist narcissist (add some -ists here n there) white male asshole (they want to fuck). I’ve done my share of sjw, but I like white male assholes and found BD refreshing. I’m tempted all the time to share articles with dominant gal friends who need a shot of reality.
Gil Galad
Posted at 08:46 am, 22nd December 2017That’s the narrative. Force men to bear all the responsibilities of adults and more, and squeeze their rights down to more or less the rights of children by encroaching as much as possible onto their private lives and how they run them. Conversely, absolve women of most of the responsibilities of adults – all the while screaming that society is refusing them genuine adult status – while framing everything bad that happens to them the same as you’d frame it if they were children: never their fault, never their responsible agency, but the men’s fault.
It is doublethink par excellence. Everyone is a child and an adult, depending on convenience.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:59 am, 22nd December 2017100% of my regular business clients are aware that I have a controversial blog talking about women, sex, and dating. None of them care, or ever have cared, for the following reasons:
1. I make money for my clients, and in very obvious ways. It would be financially stupid of them to stop working with me while I’m making them money just because I write words on a website that have nothing to do with them. (It would always be possible, just stupid, thus unlikely. It’s never happened before.)
2. I’m not an employee of these companies, therefore HR doesn’t affect me. Being an employee is being a slave; I have no interest in being an employee.
3. I’ve worked with most of these companies for many years, and I’m a very easygoing guy to work with. They like me.
4. I tend to work with smaller / medium sized companies who are more chill about this stuff than the big, politically correct Fortune 500 corporations.
If anything, the most common reaction from my business clients, besides indifference, is entertainment. This blog makes me the most interesting business consultant in the world.
True story. Many years ago I started having sex with a young FB and one of her young beta orbiters found out about it. He got really mad, went on one of my business web sites, and sent emails to a few of my business clients “outing me” as a “child predator.” As a matter of fact, something like this happened again a few years later. Both times, not one of my clients gave a shit, because they already knew I was dating much younger women. A few of them thought it was funny.
For the thousandth time, outcome independence works. Spending your life worrying about negative “what ifs” is not the path to happiness. If you do quality work and don’t care about anything else, life will reward you.
You just said it. They’ll never get as angry with me as they will with other manosphere guys since my messaging is softer, more rational, and more fair to women. It’s harder for a feminist / SJW type to bash my material when I repeatedly say that men should never tell women what to do and should let women fuck other guys if they want (as just two examples). That messaging is literally the opposite of the angry, right-wing manosphere dudes who want to go back to the 1950’s and think Islam’s relationship structures are pretty cool.
Yes. “Your techniques are manipulation!” is the closest form of hate I’ve received from these people, particularly with soft nexting. I just bring up that women manipulate men on dates and in relationships too (makeup, push-up bras, dangling sex, withholding sex, etc) and that usually shuts them up. Fair is fair, ladies. If you’re going to manipulate us, we get to “manipulate” you too. The split second women stop manipulating men is when we don’t have to do it in return.
Yep. But as always I ignore/delete name-calling and just focus on people who disagree with actual points I make. Everyone labels anyone they hate on the internet a “narcissist,” as I already explained here. “Narcissist” is the go-to word to use to attack someone on the internet when you can’t address his or her points because you know they’re right.
Posted at 03:58 pm, 22nd December 2017Certainly an american blog, this. What nonsense 🙂
Financial problems? Ok, a skeleton, perhaps where money is a god
Sleeping with married women? Er..ok, and they didnt participate somehow? On which planet is that not their issue?
Jail on alimony… What is that, even. ? Most americans probably think this bizarre stuff happens elsewhere.
Underage girls? Who probably werent even underage by any reasonale standard…
Good thing, blackdragon isnt running for office, where I live. Not because of the nonsense here but I believe he once declared himself a teetotaler. This voters would never accept
Posted at 06:10 pm, 22nd December 2017High schoolers think this way. And why do you want to be relevant to others after you die? You’re gonna be DEAD, you won’t be able to bask in your post-mortem glory! lol.
Your thirst for fame will destroy you, like it does almost anyone else who aims to be famous.
Its more like “troll” or “idiot” or “asshole” or some other insult. I haven’t really seen “narcissist” being used as an online insult. Alt-Righters and progressives have their carefully crafted insults, but that’s just in their circles. I get called all kinds of names across all kinds of communities when I announce that I’m an Anarcho-Capitalist. It’s hilarious and it just reveals how weak they are.
LMAO whenever they rage like that it just reveals so much about how weak they really are. As awesome as he is, Victor Pride is like that sometimes and its disappointing. If you want freedom for yourself but no one else then you really do not want freedom…
Posted at 12:13 am, 23rd December 2017The benefits of becoming a public influencer are… well, business and women. Ive worked with some private rich guys who are lonely as hell. But I have also worked with less succesful guys who are popular on social media, and they get so many booty calls from women its not even funny. Im happy as a minimalist with a good career at 34, but if I want a steady stream of interest from women as I age, I either need to start a band again, or start some kind of influencer business wih my face on it.
Influencer marketing is getting big. Faceless brands are living off their past success. Todays consumers want to feel unique and niched, even if they are all sheep. Many like knowing who the founder is before buying a product.
Posted at 04:57 am, 23rd December 2017BD,
your clients seem like rational and cool people.
Good you posted the story about the pathetic beta trying to hurt your business out of his own jealousy. I did expect that at some point some dickless pussy or some crazy feminist would use your lifestyle against you.
Also, everyone who puts himself out there and is controversial to some extent will attract haters. It doesn’t always have to end as with John Lennon though.
At some point you should make a post about that whole story. If privacy permits. That would be very interesting.
Will Freemen
Posted at 06:30 am, 24th December 2017Great stuff BD
Still keeping it real after all these years, you’re the man, and one of the only guys online that I would vouch for. Hope to see you on YouTube soon.
Posted at 09:32 am, 28th December 2017BD,
Been reading your stuff for years. Never commented before, but had to comment on this one.
I get it. You don’t care what people think about you. But if messing with an underage person can take down Kevin Spacey (which came out loooong after the statue of limitations), I’m fairly certain it could take down your business as well. Regardless if you care what people think about you or not. I don’t think any potential bad publicity that you receive from this will improve your business. Because the allegation against you is a whole different demon then almost any other crime in existence, to include murder. People don’t work with pedophiles.
But what does my opinion matter, after all, you “make more money then me”, so why listen?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:19 am, 28th December 2017Kevin Spacey? He tried to rape someone dude. That wasn’t my scenario and has literally nothing to do with what I was talking about.
A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent little kids, like under age 11. Fucking disgusting. Again, literally nothing to do with what I was talking about. Not even close.
Correct. I don’t take business advice from people who make less money than me, and you shouldn’t either.
Posted at 01:57 pm, 28th December 2017BD,
I don’t think you’re into little kids, man. But people can speculate all day, especially when you didn’t specify an age. Not the image I’d want from a business standpoint. But I’m speaking for myself.
By the way, minor’s cannot legally “consent” to sex with an adult. Which makes it non-consuensal sex (legally). Non-consensual sex = rape.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:25 pm, 28th December 2017As I already said in comments above, I’m not threatened nor worried about people’s inaccurate speculations. If you are, that’s fine, but I’m not.
I will not lose any money, ever, from what I said in this one blog article. Just watch.
And I’ve addressed that many times before. The idea that a woman who is 17.9 years old can’t consent to sex is utterly stupid beyond belief. Age of consent should be 16, if not perhaps 15, and I’ve been saying that for at least 25 years. Just because the law says something doesn’t mean it’s objectively accurate or even makes any sense; most laws on the books are completely absurd.
As an Alpha 2.0, I follow the law, because I don’t want to deal with the ramifications of doing otherwise, but doesn’t mean the law makes any sense. It does not.
Rae M
Posted at 03:09 pm, 19th January 2018Hi BD
I just want to let you know that I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for the past 2 years.
I am a bisexual, polyamorous, Canadian female in my mid 20s. Grew up in a Catholic family but chose to be agnostic when I was a teen.
Even though I don’t agree with everything you say I like hearing about different non-monogamous life styles and the male perspective.
Will continue to read your blog for sure!
Keep up the good work 🙂
Posted at 04:10 pm, 8th February 2018Ah, I’ve seen worse….As a former police officer of 18 yrs and a wannabe thug growing up in Chicago I’ve seen worse. One point you did mention that many people arrested overlook is that all arrests, regardless of the seriousnous of the arrest go into an FBI data base.
In my case before I entered the police academy I had 4 arrests for street fighting, all Class “C” misdemeanors. I hired an attorney who expunged and sealed the records pretty easily but because it was an arrest I have a marking in the FBI’s data base listed with a designator, some form of letter or number as having been arrested.
So, even though I didn’t have to list my arrests on my police applications or tell them due to the expungments a good background investigator could and at times did find out I had been arrested just by seeing that designator when they ran my Criminal Case History (CCH). So the next question once they found out was the integrity questions which went something like this; “You been arrested, but due to the record being sealed we don’t know for what. Would you care to tell us about it?”
I don’t tell and I don’t get the job. I do tell and I still won’t and most likely won’t (in most cases I didn’t) get the job.
Soooo….Unless you’re getting vetted by the current White House Administration most employers, background investigators, especially those with some snap will find out if you’ve been arrested and take it into account in their calculus of deciding whether to hire you.