25 Dec Attractive Male Archetypes

Merry Christmas everyone! Let’s talk about the Fast and the Furious movies! Wait, what? Uh… there isn’t even one out this year. Looks like BD’s had too much eggnog. What in the floppy hell does Fast and the Furious have to do with anything?
A lot. I’ll show you. Now shut up and listen.
These Fast and Furious movies make over a billion dollars every time one is released, at least lately. Why is this? There are a few reasons, but the primary one is the folks behind these movies have carefully crafted this series of silly, fun, stupid, action porn movies in specific ways to sell lots of movie tickets.
-By Caleb Jones
One of the clever things they’ve done is to make the series appeal not just to men, but to women as well. Women fuckin’ love these Fast and Furious movies, very unlike any other normal action franchise you can think of. If just guys liked these movies, I promise you they wouldn’t make a billion dollars. A hell of a lot of women see these movies and enjoy them.
Do you know why they enjoy them?
I do. Here’s just one example.
A few years ago, I took a MLTR to one of these movies, and as she walked out of the theater, she had a horny, excited look in her eye. She started talking about how much she liked the movie. When I asked her why, she said, “There were FOUR!”
“Four what?” I asked, not understanding.
“Four hot guys!” she said, “Usually, in these movies you’ll get one hot guy, maybe two. But damn, this movie had FOUR. OMG!”
Ah yes. She was absolutely right. She was, of course, referring to Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, and my main man Tyrese Gibson. These are indeed four handsome bastards, and they’re all crammed into these movies (until Walker sadly passed away).
However, it actually goes beyond that. Whomever is behind the marketing genius of these movies didn’t just throw in four randomly hot guys. Any movie can do that. Instead, the Fast and Furious franchise not only gave women four hot guys, but four guys of completely different attractive male archetypes. This way, while the men in the audience are enjoying the action, combat, comedy, and explosions, if you’re a girl, no matter what your taste in men is, you’ll find at least one of these guys super hot… exactly your “type,” and at least one or two others as at least passable.
Here are the four “hot guy” archetypes the Fast and Furious movies present the women in the audience: Masculine, Alpha, Rebel, Bad Boy (Vin Diesel): This is the thuggish, high-testosterone, tough-looking Alpha Male 1.0 who looks angry and dangerous, with a low, gravelly voice, dresses like a gansta, and always looks like he’s ready to murder someone. This is a very popular male archetype these days, particularly with younger women.
Blonde Haired, Blue Eyed Pretty Boy (Paul Walker): This is the gorgeous, clean-cut, boy next door type with dreamy eyes who just about every woman swoons over (unless they’re really into the Bad Boy). Always the best-looking guy of the group.Huge, Jacked Bodybuilder Guy (Dwayne Johnson): This is the Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hercules-looking motherfucker who looks like he’s not even real. Obviously a lot of women (though not all) get really turned on by this.
Smooth, Suave Black Guy (Tyrese Gibson): Oh yeah, I already talked about this type guy in great detail here. When a black guy shaves his head, dresses really nice, calms way, way down, and is smooth and chill with the ladies, he’s gonna get laid left and right, including and especially with women of other races. Typical black guy stereotypes (“Daym gurl you got DAT AYSSSS!”) scare women and turn women off, but smooth, calm, suave black guys, as I’ve said before, are the only men who have ever out-gamed women from under me.
And that is why women like the Fast and Furious movies, and it’s one of the reasons these movies do so well.
By the way, there is one more Hollywoodish attractive male archetype that the Fast and the Furious movies don’t portray, that we can’t leave out of this conversation:
Classy, Successful, Older Man (James Bond, Richard Gere in A Pretty Woman, etc): This is the older guy (but not too old!) dressed in a nice suit who orders fancy martinis and jet sets around the world. He’s always calm, cool, collected, and extremely confident.
These archetypes work, and have worked for a long time. Combining these archetypes is a path to a goldmine of woman lust. Even the boy bands of the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s were set up like this. You know, those gay bands that made women gush for decades, like New Kids on the Block, ‘N SYNC, and Backstreet Boys. Like the Fast and the Furious, these bands were carefully designed by clever marketers to sell as many tickets and records as humanly possible to the target audience (in this case, teenage girls). So, they were almost always configured like this:
The really good looking guy (usually “the leader”)
The buffer / tough guy
The bad boy / rebel
The funny / friendly / silly guy (not a sexually attractive archetype, but women like the guy because he reminds them of all their friend zone orbiters, and we know how much women love friend zone)
The boy next door / shy guy (again, not exactly sexually attractive, but it taps into a woman’s latent provider hunter tendencies; you don’t necessarily want to fuck this guy, but this is the guy you want to marry when you get a little older and want babies).
In the Ultimate Online Dating Manual, I talk a lot about assuming an attractive persona, one that is most congruent to you, and to lean in to that persona, improve it as much as you can, and play it up as much as you can. (When I was getting started in the dating world years ago, my persona was that of “Evil James Bond.”)
The reasons this works is because women are compelled by both Societal Programming and Obsolete Biological Wiring to be attracted to certain attractive types of men, attractive archetypes (many I listed above). The closer you can match one of these (and there are many), the higher your dating results become. As I’ve said before, if Societal Programming fills people’s minds with bullshit, you might as well take advantage of it.
A word of warning about this technique: don’t want to pretend to be a type of man you’re not. You want to pick a persona/archetype that is already very close to your natural personality. For example, I could never be a Pretty Boy, or Cool Surfer Dude, or Alpha Thug. My personality and appearance is no where near these types, and never will be. But Evil James Bond, or Classy Older Man? Oh, no problem dude, that I can do.
So take advantage of Societal Programming from Hollywood; pick a persona or archetype, lean in to it, embrace it, and stick with it. You’ll thank me later.
Merry Christmas.
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Posted at 08:51 am, 25th December 2017In the Fast & Furious movies there’s always a recurring topic: family.
This is probably a trick to balance so much testosterone and badassery so that women feel more comfortable.
Marty McFly
Posted at 09:30 am, 25th December 2017Marketing geniuses, those F&F guys. America will always love cool cars, quintessential characters, and the family.
Usually I’m the brooding, masculine lone wolf archetype, but I’m able to switch roles and be fluid when necessary.
Posted at 09:43 am, 25th December 2017Do you think tyrese’ s character from f&f should be copied? The directors in the movie make him look beta at times, Being that he’s the comedy relief. I think black actors like Michael b Jordan & morris chestnut have a more laidback Smooth personality than tyrese
Posted at 09:58 am, 25th December 2017It’s interesting that in this day and age most of Hollywood producers don’t embrace classic masculinity anymore, even though you can clearly see that this is what people want.
Instead, they push for lame fem-centric movies that even women don’t like, like this female Ghostbusters movie or the upcoming Ocean’s Eight. I already know the latter one will also be a flop. You can really see this gender myopia thing going on where women try to behave like badass dudes.
Marty McFly
Posted at 10:05 am, 25th December 2017@Brandon, a little comic relief is fine, so long as you don’t overdo it. Remember Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Carribean films? Johnny Depp was voted sexiest man alive for that role.
Posted at 10:08 am, 25th December 2017Look at CW: Chris Walker (link). You can look at him in the early 2000s films, when he is not *that* old. No, he doesn’t have bulky arms or neck. He doesn’t move like a karate kid. Why ? He doesn’t need that.He’s swanky, cool-as-shit, steel frame, steel focus, in complete control.
To me that’s a bad bass, the rest are just boys playing.
And 20 years later, he’s still a bad ass. Ageless. Timeless.
Marty McFly
Posted at 10:13 am, 25th December 2017@MoChnk, I agree. That’s why as a movie lover myself, I was very pleasantly surprised to see the protagonist of the new Jurassic Park films be such a rugged, solitary alpha male. Others have noted how they respectfully paid homage to Spielberg’s recurrent theme of the classic bond a family shares, albeit adapted for a modern audience. The new Blade Runner film features these elements as well.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:10 am, 25th December 2017No, particularly in the later films. As you said, in the later films he’s become the comedy relief. All I said was that he represents an attractive male archetype.
And I don’t think you should “copy” any character, just pull elements from some if needed.
Posted at 12:58 pm, 25th December 2017Hey BD, first of all, nice post, as usual.
Secondly, I have been thinking about this issue lately. But I’m struggling to find this “attractive character” for myself. I never had problems with girls before but this year has been tough. I want to know if you have any advice.
I’m a 26 year old man in Brazil, doing PhD in Electrical Engineering. Also, I’m ginger and wear glasses (always some nice ones, got compliment for that). Actually, some girls said I’m better with glasses. So I try to mix with a beard to look kind of hipster. This works for University girls but not for those 9-10 everyone wants to bang.
Also, doing research makes your mind too damn logical. This isn’t cool to interact with girls.
Is there any character for me to look up to, that is somewhat nerdy but still attractive? In a sense that attracts not only college girls but those hot bitches…
PS: I’m hitting up gym hard lately to see if that helps.
Posted at 01:17 pm, 25th December 2017Unfortunately, a Chinese or Indian man cannot become one of these archtypes. Yes, BD has written entire articles to help those men, and they can certainly improve from their very low level with his advice. But that means they will go from incels to banging 5s and 6s. Higher than that is not possible *unless* your father is very rich (that has been the common theme I have seen among the rare few Asian men who did well).
Not to discourage such men, but this article is also notable for what it did not say.
Posted at 01:43 pm, 25th December 2017” Unfortunately, a Chinese or Indian man cannot become one of these archtypes. Yes, BD has written entire articles to help those men, and they can certainly improve from their very low level with his advice. But that means they will go from incels to banging 5s and 6s. Higher than that is not possible”
@anon i don’t think that’s true. Sounds like a limiting belief. I actually think if an Indian or Asian guy embraces this personality he’ll stand out from the stereotypical Asian dude.
Posted at 02:08 pm, 25th December 2017@Philip
If you are no longer silly, and want to get the prizes given to the silly… learn to pretend to be silly.
Act it.
In this blog post, BD uses a few times the word “persona”, which means “personage”, that is, a part you play as an actor… to give people what they want from you (so that they’ll give you what you want from them, sex I guess).
Posted at 06:39 pm, 25th December 2017This is slowly becoming THE archetype to be. 33+s and college chicks absolutely love it. And it IS a sexually attractive archetype if you make moves and stuff.
I am this archetype to a T, only unlike boys who get stuck in the friend zone, I actually take my balls out of my purse and make a move.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:53 pm, 25th December 2017Nerdy isn’t attractive, as I talked about in Podcast #6 here. I say this is a huge (inner) nerd myself.
The closest thing attractive nerdy comes to are certain types of cool hipster guys, but I couldn’t advise you on how to be one. (Too different from me.) Maybe someone else could help; that’s a very good question for the Alpha 2.0 Community.
Incorrect. I have personally met Indian and Asian men who were very ripped, dressed cool, and handled themselves like Alphas, who got laid just fine. Impressively so.
There is a difference between an incel and an Indian or Chinese man. Implying that all Indian or Chinese men are incels is stupid. Stop it.
Posted at 09:47 pm, 25th December 2017“Hey Blackdragon you want your Eggnog stirred or shaken?”
“Do I look like I give a fuck?”
Posted at 02:56 am, 26th December 2017Too much eggnog?
You don’t even drink you silly goofer.
Merry Christmas to all!
Gil Galad
Posted at 05:47 am, 26th December 2017I’m not convinced. Have you had success with 7s and up using this approach? For more than a ONS? It seems more like the persona to have with plainer chicks on whom the other approaches would seem too aggressive (ie actually scaring her away with your game), but it doesn’t sound like something that would get a real hottie interested.
As for college chicks, maybe you’re right. But last time I used OkCupid I literally skipped on some hot chicks because there was too much of the college PC garbage on their profile (too much sometimes meaning three words btw). I get that almost all non-prudish girls (especially here in France) are ‘feminists’, but if they felt it important enough to actually plaster it on their online profile then it means I’m gonna run into that shit from the first date, and that’s enough to demotivate me. BD advises finding common ground to agree on then redirecting to another topic, but I’m not sure it can work with those. I guess I need to reread the You Don’t Need to Suppress Yourself article (or podcast?).
Kevin Velasco
Posted at 05:57 am, 26th December 2017Great article about personas and archetypes! For self-actualization purposes, I encourage people to check out this huge list of archetypes: https://www.myss.com/free-resources/sacred-contracts-and-your-archetypes/appendix-a-gallery-of-archtypes/
Johnny Clay
Posted at 12:45 pm, 26th December 2017Well this reads like a blog post full of good old fashioned Yuletide doom and gloom… because for a lot of guys, we are NONE of these Thug or Pretty Boy archetypes. Many of us are either the funny / friendly guy, or the boy next door / shy guy. Is it Game Over for us?
I have a lot of friends who are Funny Guys or Shy Guys who went through their whole 20s and 30s virtually dateless. It was always the same pattern — they would finally meet “4’s” who would actually date and have sex with them, so they got married (and are now totally betaized in their marriages).
Meanwhile, all of the attractive women I know are dating F&F archetypes. Should I start practicing my monastic vows, or wait for the apocalyptic arrival of the sexbots?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:47 pm, 26th December 2017Neither am I.
What a stupid question. I was an overweight, balding, near-zero-experience, divorced beta male 10 years ago. Was it Game Over for me?
Their choice.
Do you choose the same, or something different?
Their choice.
Do you choose the same, or something different?
Neither. Instead you should read these four articles, and then get to work on getting laid instead of making boo-boo bullshit excuses for yourself:
Stop With The Excuses!
My Response To MGTOW’s
You Don’t Need To Date A Lot Of Women!
Everything In Your Life Is Your Fault
Posted at 02:08 pm, 26th December 2017I’ve seen the “Alpha, Rebel, Bad Boy” effect on Women first hand. When I was a teenager I got my dumb ass in some trouble and ended up in jail for a few months.
The one thing that all the guys in there had in common was that the girls that visited us were not only attractive, but they were all practically 10’s. Not even the jocks could get the Women that juvenile delinquents got!
Not only were they drop dead gorgeous, but they would do all kinds of crazy shit that their criminal boyfriend told them to do. At the risk of ending up in jail themselves, they would stuff contraband like cigarettes, money, and even drugs up their vaginas, to smuggle it in!
I never understood this until I got older and started reading blogs like this. Women are attracted to criminality, even though it’s destructive, because right or wrong, its masculine. Hell, look at Charlie Manson, he had a fucking harem! And they committed murder for him!
paternity tester
Posted at 04:11 pm, 26th December 2017BD, what other attractive male archetypes do you recognize? I think there are also artist archetypes.
Posted at 06:40 pm, 26th December 2017Many women are attracted to nedy shy guys because they feel in control. Sometimes egocentric F&F types intimidate women. Also, me personally Im a sucker for intelligence. That’s a turn on for many girls too. Sometimes even more than looks, the same goes for a worldly traveled guy. Oh and if they speak foreign languages then that’s even better.
Comp eliminator
Posted at 06:43 pm, 26th December 2017Atleast the first fast movie was somewhat about street racing even though i could have done without all the fwd rice rockets but that was the culture on the west coast at the time. Each subsequent movie was more ridiculous than the last. More actual street and drag racing. More twin turbo ls motored camaros, big inch nitrous fed big block chevys,muscle cars etc.
I know this has nothing to do with the point of the article. Put all the hot guys in it you want but make a decent car movie
Posted at 11:23 pm, 26th December 2017You know BD I where that Nerd shit isn’t attractive. However if you meet girls who say they like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game Of Thrones, ETC. They actually find talking about it attractive.
Notice I said IF they are fans, otherwise most def just Shut The Fuck Up until you fuck em, then they can see the nerd stuff.
Posted at 11:49 pm, 26th December 2017Im having a hard time getting the lesson in this post because i hate those dumb movies so much. All of those actors are horrible. Its just urban catch phrases back and forth an plotless filler. It seems like Dwayne Johnson will take any role.
Regardless, Im the closest to being the pretty boy. Im working on being more of a Vin Deisel character, because frankly, I think you need lighter features to be a pretty boy who gets noticed. So ive been becoming more aggressive, gaining some weight, etc.
hey hey
Posted at 03:29 am, 27th December 2017No women are not attracted to nerdy guys and even if these women are nerdy themselves and they extremely like these things, it’s not because they are attracted to the nerdy types but because these men are good for friendzoning and wait mode.
This is what these women love. Don’t confuse attraction with like. Getting into a nerdy mode is very dangerous pre lay with whatever woman. You should think attraction as “she can’t wait to fuck you” not “she likes being with you and talk to you about Jedis and shit”.
Posted at 09:14 am, 27th December 2017Well, this isn’t mutually exclusive, as long as you aren’t representing the entire archetype (the single worst thing is self-deprecating humor).
That seems quite true unfortunately. I have some accomplishments in mathematics, three girls who were involved in that field lit up at hearing that… yet hardly anything came out of that (fingered one of them, that’s all).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:02 am, 27th December 2017Chapter 6 of this book, I give the entire list.
And yes, there are artist types.
Incorrect. Read what hey hey said. What women “like” and what makes women actually want to cram your cock inside them are two very different things. Read this.
I think it was Gunwitch who said, “Most guys focus on getting liked, not laid.” Accurate.
Posted at 11:24 am, 27th December 2017That’s what I was getting at. That’s kind of my archetype. Think of the wrestler Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan). That’s how I look and act like.
Not really. And ONS’s are pretty much all I do unless the chick begs to see me again or something. I don’t really go for 7s and higher anyways. If you want a 7 or higher you either need a nice physique yourself (which I do not have lol), or you need to quintuple your commitment when compared against 6 and under (in the traditional sense). I’m not “matched up” with 7s and higher when it comes to looks or social status. So therefore, I don’t waste my energy going for them and only them. I’d rather just aim low until I develop a better physique.
I run into that too, but its really just smoke and mirrors to scare away PUA types. They don’t care. Its just a defense mechanism. And if they do run their mouth about it, I don’t care cuz a great majority of it is hot air. Those types are also the most sex-positive chicks as well, talking about sex right out of the gate.
A lot of women’s movement chicks secretly (and perhaps openly) wish to do the same things that guys do: The catcalling, the sexual misconduct, etc and still feel like they are living in a world where they can’t do that. So they get mad at dudes for doing it.
I’m not going to be as nice as BD. My answer is yes, you should. Leave room for guys like us who actually get out there and construct our love lives the way we want to. Feel free to join us, but know that in order to do so you’ll need to get your balls out of your purse and stop being so emotionally invested in the opposite sex.
Posted at 12:16 pm, 27th December 2017Hey BD,
You said that you can combine archetypes if you don’t find yourself strictly in one of them. Can some archetype combinations be contradictory? For example, bad boy/masculine and metro fashion style. Thank you!
Posted at 01:50 pm, 27th December 2017I have a bit of a dilemma.
About a 1-2 years ago, I grew out my hair longer, on a whim. I just change up my style every now and then.
I have some edgier shirts I wear, tight black V-necks, jewelry, white + black graphics, etc.
Anyway let’s just say, suddenly, with the long hair + my usual style, I put out a heavy ‘rocker’ vibe. Not really intentionally, I just kinda got into longer hair. Girls have told me this, too.
Thing is, other than some musical theater + acting I used to do, I don’t play any instruments and am NOT in a band, etc. Never claim that I am or anything like that. It DOES help my success with women though. I don’t know though. Is it such a crime to have long hair these days? I did not grow it out specifically for women, just kind of an experimentation with style — it seemed to piss off a lot of people too (surprisingly) and for some reason that makes me want to keep it even more, lol.
I hear being authentic, but some things are more ‘fake it til you make it’, right?
Posted at 02:12 pm, 27th December 2017@johhnybegood I think you can still do the “rocker” vibe even if you’re not a musician or singer. I love music but couldn’t carry a tune to save my life LOL. You can be a fan of music, be knowledgeable about certain artists/genres, enjoy going to concerts, know a bit about your local live music scene, etc.
If it has increased your success with women, who cares what others think?
Posted at 03:06 pm, 27th December 20171.) Hey Blackdragon, which category does Jason Statham fall into? (New character)
2.) do you think Jason Statham is one of the few Alpha male 1.0/2.0 left in the Hollywood film industry ?
Dandy Dude
Posted at 04:02 pm, 27th December 2017@Philip
Are you from São Paulo by any chance? Me and my friends usually hang out and exchange game tips and experiences, maybe you could join us.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:46 pm, 27th December 2017I don’t think so, no.
Masculine Bad Boy, just like Vin Diesel. They just doubled up on that archetype (because, why not?).
Yes. Look at this. As I talked about in my book, during the 40’s through the 80’s, masculine Alpha was the norm with male heroes, particularly in the movies (though many in TV too). As American culture continued to shift further left (as it always does), and as the baby boomer generation took over, in the 90’s you started to see less of this, with a steady decline. Today it’s the exception to the rule. And it will get worse. Just look what they did with the new Punisher TV show.
The mild good news is that what few Alpha actors/characters there are left in movies are still quite popular. Guys like Mark Walberg and Dwayne Johnson are the some of the highest paid actors right now. (These guys wispy shadows compared to the Alpha’s of the 80’s with guys like Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and Seagal, but I’m trying to be objective and present both sides.)
Posted at 07:10 pm, 27th December 2017@Dandy Dude
Nah Bro. Im from RS. But that would be nice! It’s lacking friends who wants to do real game here.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 03:42 am, 28th December 2017@Philip
What a shame, man. But look on the bright side: at least you live where the best looking women are. Can’t beat southern girls, lol!
But anyway, you could try what I did and drop some game knowledge on your friends, create your own circle. Not everyone will be open to some of the harsh truths, but some will, and little by little they’re going to see the world for what it is. Then they’ll start experimenting and you’ll learn with them and by teaching them.
Posted at 08:12 am, 28th December 2017@Dandy Dude
Yeah sure. But man, I went to Uberlândia – MG and that city is amazing for me. Got so many matches on Tinder. They all really liked gingers, it is the opposite here, hahaha.
Yeah, I will try, got some good friends to game but they are all in serious relationships now etc…
Posted at 01:15 am, 30th December 2017Some strange days I wake up wondering why guys don’t adapt the attractive male archetypes instead of attempting to invent a completely new archetype. I am anti drugs but were you to do drugs every week such as recreational weed you would have alot easier time attracting girls. Alcohol doesn’t work like weed does. Many of you guys probably think as I do and say no way despite it making you life alot easier.
Same with putting tattoos on your chest, forearms, calves, back. Girls will be that guy is fun and outgoing which makes life much easier. But I’m not the tattoo kind of guy you say to me.
Girls see you covered in tattoos and ding ding goes off in their heads. He must be fun, social, outgoing.
Girls do weed with you and ding ding again. He’s chill, fun, easy going to be with.
Instead some of you stupidly try to justify, I don’t need tats I’ll be boring ol’ me. I don’t need weed why we can walk to mcd’s and get a cup of coffee and a soda. That’s cool? The results are noticeable. You’re a no name dancer who lives in a cramped apartment with 5 other guys, works at fast food but dances in his spare time COOL you must be fun, I’ll date you over that non fun engineer. Archetypes make life easy.
paternity tester
Posted at 04:34 am, 30th December 2017Because not everyone wants to fake someone else. Not everyone can. Some have authenticity ingrained so deeply in their minds that whenever they fake someone they start to resent themselves and everyone sees it.
Posted at 05:36 am, 30th December 2017BD,
you mention Wahlberg and Statham as alpha characters left in today’s movies. In my book they are alpha, too. In most movies, they get cute or even hot chicks. And I think they are popular with women irl, too.
You said that the eighties characters like Stallone or Seagal are masculine alphas, too. I’ve not watched many movies with these two guys (Rocky and few others). But they seem tough.
Did these 80ies alphas get lot of women in their movies and irl?
I’m asking because nowadays guys like Stallone (Rambo etc) are portrayed as poseurs and bad examples of hyper-masculinity that would actually turn women off.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:51 pm, 30th December 2017Existing archetypes are far more effective because the women you’re trying to attract already have them installed in their brains.
I agree.
I’m still not doing drugs though. But that’s me. Instead I just let everyone do them in front of me.
Ohhhhhh fuck yes. Arnold was a huge player his entire life, even far before he became famous. Stallone was banging chicks left and right. I’m quite sure the lay counts of both of these men were well past 100 by the early 80’s, before they became super famous (and married, but they cheated like dogs of course).
Correct, that’s precisely how such men will be viewed in today’s pussified, left-wing, low testosterone world. But men like this still get laid left and right.
Women will still be attracted to what they are biologically attracted to regardless of how often society tells them it’s wrong.
Posted at 06:23 am, 1st January 2018Pumping Iron is a great movie about Arnold. This guy was a prime example fo confidence and dedication. He almost seems like a comic character, but doesn’t give a damn.
I need watch some 80ies movies. Never got into 70ies / 80 ies movies. Watched classics like The Godfather and Rocky very late. Surprisingly, despite the ‘oldness’ of these movies they beat a lot of modern movies by a long distance.
Posted at 10:50 am, 2nd January 2018BD
Regarding your comment on the stigmatization of hyper-masculine men in today’s low-T world:
What do you think about majority of PUAs take on masculinity?
My impression is most of them buy into this demonization or ridicule of hyper-masculinity (guys like Stallone, Schwarzenegger,…) as well. Notable exceptions being you (applying the term PUA loosely) and Roosh. Even guys like Manson do. While Mystery was about breaking down the seduction process into linear steps, many modern PUAs focus on conversation techniques. That is not bad per se, but they put a very narrow focus on ‘connection’ and more feminine stuff.
paternity tester
Posted at 04:08 pm, 2nd January 2018This depends on what kind of guy are you. For example techniques get me nowhere.
Posted at 04:39 am, 10th January 2018BD this is off topic but I thought this was the best post to bring it up I think. The ultimate anti_male archetype!! Have you ever thought about writing some detailed analysis of classic historical Beta morons? I’ve been watching the Crown on Netflix’s. The Duke of Windsor. It’s quite amazing to see how some of these historical people have completely fucked their whole lives over some chick. This guy would have to get the prize for the biggest idiot of the 20th Century surely?? Literally gives up the chance to be King of England (at one of its most powerful times) for a 2 x divorced chick with NAZI connections from the USA. You seriously couldn’t make this one up. Talk about fertile ground for exploring the stupid shit guys do for pussy!!!
Posted at 04:22 pm, 14th January 2018No love for ethnic men? Women in the west still not loving a handsome latin or handsome foreign guy with exotic looks?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:07 pm, 14th January 2018Political Correctness detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:
Are you suggesting that white people aren’t ethnic? There are more ethnicities within the Caucasian race than within most other races. Europeans are probably the most ethnically diverse people in the world. The cultural differences between a French guy and a Slovenian guy are breathtaking.
BD’s descriptions here were mostly about personality, not race. These personalities are easily translatable to the other races. Just because his examples from the movie involved mostly white guys displaying those personalities was pretty much a coincidence. All races are technically included within these personality types.
Drop the race baiting and the anti-white guilt tripping. It’s pathetic PC horseshit, and everyone on this blog will see through it.
Posted at 04:06 pm, 12th February 2018Could you recommend anything for my case?
I have a very young, smooth baby face, young boys face, yet am 6’2” very broad shouldered and have bad boy / bodybuilder body archetype. I am working out for a decade now and it shows in my stature and body, yet my face is complete opposite. It looks like a teenagers face. If I cut on bodyfat (which is already pretty low) I look just gaunt and still young.
I am not the typical pretty boy, because my face is too young and not “classically pretty”, just young looking.
I’m not bodybuilder, because while I am jacked, I’m still realistic.
I’m not bad boy, because I can’t even grow a fucking beard and my facial features are very young and feminine.
I have been having very bad success with dating. I have no issues approaching women, but none of them are interested for years. No body, no height, no great clothes help.
What the fuck do I do? How do I play my cards?
The only girls that have been interested in me are chubby academic girls (nerds / phds, etc…), but I’d rather kill myself than fuck a fatty, I’m attracted to thin and fit girls, since I am myself extremely fit.
I’m in my early 30s, but even women in 20s think I’m too young for them and say I look 22. I am rich and well off. I don’t give a fuck and am generally pretty low inhibition.
But none of this helps. I have been wearing top of the line suits and playing the fit, young, suave player dude and still got rejected like shit and women found me weird.