01 Feb Feminists Are Funny!

Ohhhh baby. I’m in a playful mood today, so let’s some Fun With Feminists™.
Some feminist on Tumblr recently posted a huge list of criteria that a man must have in order to date her. She clearly stated that a man must have “at least 80% of given criteria for me to consider dating you.” This list has been referenced by several other blogs and YouTube videos already (referenced here and here as just two examples), but when I saw it, I just couldn’t resist.
-By Caleb Jones
Let’s see how I measure up to her criteria. I’m sure this woman is super attractive, very fun, really chill, and a real catch.
You cannot be a neo-Nazi, alt-right, white supremacist, Trump supporter, KKK member, anti-Islam, or anti-BLM.
I am none of those things, though I do agree with some of the political stances of the alt-right / alt-lite. I just wish they actually voted for people who did as well.
You must acknowledge your privilege.
Oh, I do Darling, I do. As I said here, I LOVE my privilege as a high income heterosexual white American man. It’s fucking great!
You must have friends that are LBGTQIA, black, Asian, Muslim, disabled, fat, or Latino.
One of my fuck buddies is a Latina, does that count?
You have to be an intersectional feminist.
Sorry, I’m not a feminist, intersectional or otherwise. And what the fuck does intersectional mean? Does that mean I’m a couch? Stop confusing me.
You must be an ally to all marginalized groups.
All of them? You just said I can’t be a neo-Nazi, and they’re a marginalized group. So you want me to be an ally with them too?
You cannot speak over me or gaslight me.
Shit. I guess I don’t get that one because I’m going to speak over you semi-regularly. Because you’re a woman, and women talk a lot. Speaking over people who ramble is required for effective discourse. Sorry.
If it makes you feel any better, I speak over a lot of men too.
No sexism allowed.
I am not sexist, as I explained fully here. However I’m sure I do and say a lot of things that you would consider sexist even though they aren’t, so I probably don’t get this one either.
You must be an ally to the fat acceptance movement and work in eliminating fatphobia.
Hmmmm. Interesting you bring this up. With all of these demands, I assumed you were a perfect LA ten. You’re starting to make me nervous now.
Anyway, fat acceptance is stupid and destructive, and I say this as an overweight man. Why would you want to actively encourage people to be unhealthy? I don’t get it.
You cannot in any way suggest that I change my looks or lose weight.
Oh, don’t worry. I won’t and never will. If you get too fat, I’ll just have sex with a skinnier girl. No prob, baby.
You are only allowed to look at sexy pictures of me, and only me.
So… how does this work, exactly? Let’s say I’m on the internet minding my own business when an ad pops up showing a sexy porn star. I “looked” at the picture, so am I in violation of this rule? What if I look at it, for like, three seconds before I closed it. Would that be okay? What if I walk by a billboard of Scarlett Johansson’s cleavage and I see it? How many nanoseconds are allowed before I avert my eyes? I just need some parameters here.
You must report to me weekly about your internet searches so I can make sure you’re not cheating on me.
But my browser doesn’t track my searches, just my history, so again I’m kinda stumped here.
And I’ll never cheat on you, Darling. Fuck other women, yes, but never cheat on you.
If you use incognito on any device, for any reason, I will dump you.
Soooooooo what if I’m trying to hide things from you that have nothing to do with cheating on you? Like when I try to hide some bitcoin transactions?
You must take me out to dinner once a week to show you care for me.
Sure. You’re paying half.
Activism is my job, so you will have to help pay for my funds. You must respect this and as such, pay for me when necessary.
Cool, what do I get in return? Do I get to have sex with some of your friends? I mean, what do I personally receive in benefit for this financial expense? (And if your answer is “you,” then you know what that makes you, right?)
You are not allowed to call me babe or honey. It’s creepy and rude.
Okay Kitten.
You must be okay with having sex at least five times a week. I’m sex positive and I should not shamed for my sexuality.
Finally, something we agree on. No excuses about how sore your pussy is though. Some women love to brag they need sex three, four, five times a week, but when you actually give that to them (and I’m the man to do it, Kitten), they turn around and complain about sore pussies, so if you want me to fuck you five times a week, then okay, but you’d better be careful what you wish for.
You have to keep up with certain TV shows that I like.
Uhhhhh… well… if your TV shows are things like the Bloomberg channel then I guess that’s okay.
You must be a Star Wars and Harry Potter fan.
Harry Potter is for little kids, so you get a big fat no on that. I’m actually an adult that acts like an adult (most of the time anyway). I know that’s not like a lot of men today, but there you go. (See, Kitten? I can bash both feminists and Millennial MGTOW’s at the same time. It’s called “objectivity.”)
I was a Star Wars fan, but then this happened, so I’m not anymore. So I guess I don’t get this one.
You can have any body type. You can’t control how thin or fat you are, so I won’t judge you for it.
I can’t control how thin or fat I am? I must have not lost all that weight then. I must have been imagining that whole thing.
You must be open to certain kinks in the bedroom. It’s okay to not like them.
Cool! Does that include a threesome with your skinny 19 year-old sister? I’m down!
You must massage me three times per week.
As long as you massage my dick three times a week…
You must have a job. No pay requirements.
I have a business. Several of them. But no job. I haven’t had a job in like 25 years. Jobs are gay.
You have to drive me to protests and help me make signs and flyers.
Sure, my rate for on-site work is $225 per hour, and I bill bi-monthly.
You must be politically active and a democrat.
Political activism and voting no longer work, so I don’t do that anymore. (I don’t utilize systems that don’t work, you know, like political activism, monogamy, the 8-5 workday, going to college, etc.)
In terms of being a Democrat, they, like the Republicans, have destroyed my country, so I can’t say I support them either.
You must be politically correct at all times.
Fuck. I’m literally never politically correct, so I guess I’m out on that one too.
Absolutely no microaggressions.
Since people like you think that asking someone where they’re from or saying “God bless you” after someone sneezes is a microaggression, I guess I don’t get that one either.
No ableism.
I’m “able” to fuck you and your sister. Does that count?
No racism.
Well, I have a black son. And there’s that Hispanic fuck buddy again. And I’ve had sex with just about every race of woman on the planet. Does any of that count?
You are not allowed to question how much I eat.
Ohhhhh shit. Houston, we have a problem. My fatty detector just redlined.
I think I’m going to have to see a recent full-body picture of you before we go out on our first date, Kitten.
You must acknowledge that all health is a social construct.
Oh yeah. Totally. You know, when my dad got cancer two years ago, I told him, “Hey man, don’t worry about it. Cancer is just a social construct. So just say no, dude. It will be fine.”
You must practice basic hygiene at all times.
I shower every morning and after every time I have sex, so that means I shower many, many times per week. Does that count?
You must be okay with what I choose to do with my body. My body, my choice.
I’m an Alpha Male 2.0, so you can do whatever you want with your body with no argument from me, ever. And I can put my dick into any woman I want, since it’s part of my body. My dick, my choice. I mean, certainly I’m allowed to have the same freedoms in our relationship as you do, right?
You must have interests in diverse and less problematic media.
Sure! Let’s sit down and have a cozy night watching Alex Jones. You’ll love it.
You cannot be a fan of problematic people.
Alex Jones? Cenk Uygur? How about both of those maniacs?
You must like Beyonce.
I like her ass. Does that count?
You cannot question how I spend money.
I will never question how you spend your own money that you earn yourself. That’s your money. And you can’t ever question how I spend mine, including when I refuse to buy you dinner. Sounds like a deal!
You are not allowed to play problematic video games such as GTA.
Okay, okay, what if, when I play GTA, I promise to only kill six hookers?
You must love me no matter what I do with my life.
Oh, Kitten, I love you already. You sound like the perfect woman. If only I lived in a society where more and more people were turning into people like you, and where people like you were the future of our society.
Oh wait
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Posted at 06:19 am, 1st February 2018She just got rejected by another Beta male who she subconsciously despises even though shes despite for a relationship! Now she’s doubling down own her learned entitlement! I have “vagina” so I deserve to have my promised prince! Hurry up and meet my demands!…………….dead silence. Oh shit! 😀
Posted at 07:10 am, 1st February 2018She’s a loser and likely a whale.
Did you post this to the comment section of her article with link? If not,do it.
Posted at 08:42 am, 1st February 2018Thank you for that enlightenment
it is a very long list for a date
BD brace yourself, you two might lack “chemistry”!
it was really a reading comprehension test
you failed twice
sex five times a week?
She gets oral from you , no Greek ever ,missionary (oops what is the nonproblematic name for that) once a month and your privileged orgasms are unnecessary and problematic
wait you do not do drama and you fix or walk away from drama
hmm.., you might be bumping up against the 2 per cent rule
oh when you contact her do not ask for a photo because that would be sexist
good luck!
Pancake Mouse
Posted at 08:49 am, 1st February 2018This smells of troll, and you fell for it:
Posted at 10:08 am, 1st February 201810 years ago I would say this is clearly a joke but nowadays I wouldn’t put this past women of that ilk.
Posted at 10:25 am, 1st February 2018You forgot pangender people.
I will work with you on boycotting gyms.
I will also send you a copy of my 33000 emails and my tax returns.
Even if it is to look at those sexy pictures of you?
And I’m HIV positive. But I am sure this won’t be a problem because health is a social construct.
John Smith
Posted at 10:41 am, 1st February 2018I think intersectionality is where they compete to see who is the most oppressed. For example, black women get to feel superior to white women because of racism AND sexism. White women benefit from white privilege, so they earn fewer punches on their victim card. But if a fat black lesbian Muslim disabled woman walked into the room, women who are only women or only black and female would all have to check their privilege.
I could be wrong though. One of the privileges of being a straight white male is that I can express opinions about these kind of things without bothering to educate myself about them first. 🙂
Posted at 11:32 am, 1st February 2018“You cannot speak over me or gaslight me.”
It seems like a lot of women’s definition of gas lighting is making them doubt themselves because you proved them wrong.
Posted at 11:59 am, 1st February 2018That’s basically right. Intersectionality theory looks at the idea that all aspects of a person’s identity interact with each other; its proponents typically examine this thesis in relation to privilege and hierarchy in society, but it could in theory be used in a much more sociologically “neutral” way.
Lots of words are written about it, but – if you think about it – its self-evident. As a simple example, a person who is both mobility-impaired and poorly educated is likely to be more disadvantaged than a person who only has one of those problems. So it’s reasonable to bear this sort of thing in mind. But no doubt the academic study provides a lot of jobs for a lot of people, and it also enables “point-scoring” of disadvantage, as described above.
Gil Galad
Posted at 12:08 pm, 1st February 2018Lmao this thread is gonna be good xD
Posted at 12:11 pm, 1st February 2018It is not nice to make fun of retarded people. ?
But I think it was a troll, it can’t be real.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:12 pm, 1st February 2018Oh, yes, of course.
I see no evidence of this, including your link. It sounds so bad that it sounds like a troll, but the closest city to my house is Portland, Oregon, one of the most left-wing hippy cities in North America, and I actually know people who are like this. People like this are very real.
Exactly; again, I’ve meet people who are just like this and actually talk like this, and they really mean it.
It’s hilarious.
HIV is a social construct, you fucking sexist!!!
So basically everyone on Earth needs to check their privilege except for fat black lesbian Muslim disabled retarded women who have been sexually harassed. Check.
I don’t even know what the fuck gaslighting means. I don’t speak all of this feminist left-wing PC lingo.
Posted at 12:13 pm, 1st February 2018I forgot intersectional thing. It is especially not nice to make fun of people who are retarded and fat.
Posted at 01:18 pm, 1st February 2018And what will be the next article she writes? We all know it. Say it with me:
I don’t think so. At first, you are really inclined to think that this has to be a joke, but the more you look at feminism today the more you realize they are serious about it.
The best example is the current Star Wars movie. In some scenes, it doesn’t really seem like a feminist movie but more like a parody movie that is making fun of feminism because it’s so over the top idiotic. E.g. the scene when Luke Skywalker drinks milk from the saggy tits of an obese alien that looks like the stereotypical feminist. You can’t make this shit up. I mean, you would expect this kind of stuff in a South Park episode. But then you realize the feminists are dead serious about it and really mean it this way. Now I think this movie has the potential to become a trashy b-movie cult classic in a time when society has come back to its senses (maybe in 50 years or so).
This sounds like a hilarious card game or board game for drunken parties! Like a feminist Monopoly by Hasbro.
Alright, here are the rules:
There is no dice to roll. Instead, you earn the steps on the path with your oppression factors (e.g. female, black, fat, Asian, disabled, gay, Muslim, etc.)
Oppression factors can be combined into victim jokers to jump to a field of your choice.
You lose steps for making fun of any of the aforementioned oppression factors (so you’re not allowed to laugh during the game for any reason whatsoever). Plus you have to pay money to the victim for making fun of them.
You can’t buy any streets like in the original Monopoly game. But you can vote for your government to buy them.
Whenever you step on a street that is owned by the government, you are taxed and lose money.
You can earn money from the government by adding oppression factors to your meeple (e.g. gender reassignment, converting to Islam, doubling your bodyweight, etc.)
There can’t be a single winner in this game. The goal is to make all players win together so that nobody loses. Therefore the game ends when every player has accumulated at least 5 oppression factors and when all the money has gone to the government and the players don’t have anything left.
Posted at 01:49 pm, 1st February 2018Intersectionality was coined by black women left out of the women’s movement but now it’s used to make sure feminism is spread so thin no two feminist will agree on one thing which leads to massive in-fighting. It’s amazing watching feminist call out other feminist. They’ll turn on each other quicker than a flipped penny.
Posted at 03:22 pm, 1st February 2018Hopefully to save guys she writes that on her dating profile so they instantly know to run the fuck away from that crazy bitch.
Actually no, i’d have a ton of fun writing a message to her to tell her we are perfect for each other. Starting with “Hey honey babe” and really hamming up every stereotype she says she hates, that I hate all the shit she says I must be into and that I goto KKK rallies on the weekends and she must massage me before the meeting and come along dressed in a skimpy KKK outfit.
Unless shes fat.. then obviously I can’t be friends with her!
Posted at 03:28 pm, 1st February 2018The problem is not that this girl is a feminist, the problem is that she is an idiot.
Posted at 04:21 pm, 1st February 2018BD,
You ought to put up a photo of this woman. The article is incomplete without it, for obvious reasons…
I mean, many people have seen her before, but for a first-timer reading this list and the rebuttals.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:44 pm, 1st February 2018Can you please explain to us the difference (if any)?
Posted at 05:32 pm, 1st February 2018Still in The Twilight Zone
But how come you’re not a feminist?
Girls fucking around with whomever they want in a slut shaming free environment … not feminist enough!?
Beta here must be missing something…
Posted at 07:50 pm, 1st February 2018Jordan Peterson gave the bottom line of intersectionality…..after you take all the intersections, you’re left with the individual.
I know you’re poking well deserved fun, BD, but it is really sad. I’d focus on women our age if they would workout half as much as I do, watch their diet half as much as I do, and respect my goddamned boundaries.
Posted at 09:12 pm, 1st February 2018“Speaking over people who ramble is required for effective discourse.”
Macro Investor
Posted at 11:52 pm, 1st February 2018Betas are already pretty much afraid of approaching women. It helps no one get laid to constantly drum the message that women are a waste of time. The truth is this is another 2% rule failure. VERY FEW women actually give a shit about what the political screamers are saying. They may pay lip service out in public but that’s about all.
Another truth is extreme feminism is attention whoring for clicks or internet fame. Just like the news has to be more and more sensational to get attention, the purple hair girl wanting web advertising bucks has to raise the nonsense bar to stand out. She may or may not believe anything she wrote. Betas getting angry, or bloggers making jokes, just plays into her hands. Lesson — don’t feed trolls.
PUAs should be the first to realize feminism mostly benefits men. We are surrounded by easy sex and we don’t even have to pay for dates any more. Women still have the patriarchy, but they’ve traded a loving husband for a boss who doesn’t give a shit about her.
C Lo
Posted at 12:06 am, 2nd February 2018Kitten. I lol’d.
Posted at 12:07 am, 2nd February 2018LMAO all the weird language that edgy asshole uses is equal parts hilarious and unsettling. Whoever wrote it is probably very miserable, mad at the world, and full of nothing but negative energy. I cannot even attack such a being, I just feel bad for him/her/it.
That being said I think I met exactly one chick who was like that, and she was just using the terms and stuff. But we were joking about it.
tbh this is nothing different than what tradcons used to tell people back in the day with their own ridiculous terms. IMO today’s feminist assholes are pretty much using the same methods as the ultra-conservative in that if they make whoever disagrees with them feel guilty enough, they’ll go away.
The tumblr assholes are probably the types to throw parties on the graves of guys who kill themselves. Again, just like how the hyper religious folk rejoice whenever a terrorist kills in the name of their religion.
Its all just collectivist nonsense to me which seems to be a drug everyone is dependent on. Back in the mid 19th century, Marx argued that religion was the opiate of the masses. Well now its collectivism.
Posted at 01:10 am, 2nd February 2018Searching the fastest I can
Indeed, the true feminists of the 60’s and 70’s were at level six on the Six Levels of Monogamy Belief, meaning they were actually more opposed to monogamy than I am.
Yeap! True male feminists grew a pair of balls.
Posted at 02:15 am, 2nd February 2018This girl is totally irrational, because there is no reason at all for a woman blessed with so much to support such a weak ideology. Unless of course she feels guilty about it, and calling others out all the time helps to diffuse that guilt. Or LA is hemorrhaging in PC, that declaring it publically will help her advance her ‘career’. Or the brainwashing has been so hypnotic that she hasn’t even pondered for a moment what any of it really means…
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:09 am, 2nd February 2018Because I’m not a castrated virgin seeking to be a woman’s loyal poodle.
You’re stuck in the 70s. That’s not what feminism is anymore. Feminism today is all about man-hating and how all sex is rape.
What do you mean by “true” feminists? There is no such thing and there never was. All the contradictory versions of feminism are equally “true” in their own sight. The only thing that’s relevant to us is which type of feminism is running the entire show today. And today, it’s the man-hating heterophobic version.
Sex-positive feminism is dead. Today, if a woman is sex-positive, she’s way more likely to call herself an anti-feminist, a humanist, or simply an egalitarian. Calling herself a feminist would imply that she is a heterophobic rapeochondriac.
Dude, a male feminist today is a virgin dork with extremely low testosterone, low self esteem, and zero sex.
Here are the ten steps of a sexual market loser (known as a male feminist):
Step I: Proclaim that all men are scum, or at least “problematic.”
Step II: Distinguish yourself as the “one good man.”
Step III: Act like a supplicating poodle towards a specific woman. Apologize a lot on behalf of other men whom you have no right to speak for.
Step IV: Hear her crying about her anti-feminist jerk boyfriend who treats her like shit.
Step V: State that she, as a beautiful goddess, deserves better and that she should dump the “abuser.”
Step VI: Listen to her agree and thank you with a kiss on the cheek.
Step VII: Jump for joy and have a dorky smile on your face for the next three weeks.
Step VIII: Listen to her ask you to drive the boyfriend to her house from jail because they made up.
Step IX: Bail him out of jail with your own money and drive him to her house so they can fuck passionately while you get another kiss on the cheek.
Step X: Scratch your head in perpetual confusion and end up blaming her behavior on the insidious brainwashing techniques of “the patriarchy.” Then blame yourself for not being a convincing enough “ally,” while trashing yourself some more for your “male privilege.”
There’s your “true male feminist.” He needs a “true” kick in the ass! Or the rest of us will continue to fuck the shit out of all the women he ever falls in love with.
Posted at 03:37 am, 2nd February 2018The new feminists of the 21st century:
1) war pigs beyond saving;
2) average chicks who got dumped/cheated by a good-looking Alpha they liked;
3) 7-8s who could be 9-10s, but don’t wanna take advantage of their looks because that’s “superficial”;
4) celebs with a shit-load of money;
Of course celebs don’t count because they are a tiny fraction of the phenomenon (although very influential), but I’m pretty sure 100% of those chicks would drop their “demands” like a bag of chips if they could get their hands on a Hugh Jackman or Jason Momoa type.
It all comes back to success on the dating market. In the real world, there’s no hottie paying attention to that feminist crap. They’re too busy taking care of themselves and enjoying men’s attention.
Posted at 08:35 am, 2nd February 2018I don’t think most of us have a problem with the Feminists who just want equal pay for the same job, right to vote, abortion, etc.
The Sex-Positive Feminists are also on our side.
It’s the radical Feminists who bring the Misandry to the table that put men off, even when they may have valid points. They’re intolerant of men in general. It’s also the part where they begin to deny science. If you go to the Doctor they need to know what your gender you were born with to give you proper care. If your blood works says you’re in danger for diabetes, Low testosterone, low Vitamin D, etc than you have to change it! Health isn’t a Social Construct!
Posted at 11:26 am, 2nd February 2018I don’t think Alpha 2.0 men have a problem with feminists of any kind. What’s so problematic about their existence?
Gil Galad
Posted at 12:06 pm, 2nd February 2018They find our existence problematic, and since genocide is not really on the table, they’re actively trying to wipe us out in another manner, by wiping out masculinity. It’s happening on all levels, from the standard PC crap to trying to pass laws forcing men to sit to pee, to wanting to decrease animal protein intake in schools and colleges in certain countries, etc, etc. They want us gone, yesterday. They are succeeding, to a degree.
Posted at 12:37 pm, 2nd February 2018Do you have a link for this?
Posted at 01:06 pm, 2nd February 2018After reading this, it is no wonder so many men are becoming gay here in Seattle.. I was thinking this was some type of joke, but after reading several dating ads I can actually affirm that these slobbering fat feminazis are actually this deranged and insidiously twisted in their plethora of demands and expectations.
Sometimes the only way to appease a woman like this is to do everything she says she hates and it actually turns them on. I am amazed at how after butting heads with some feminazis how they start feeling hopeless and horny and will open up their whale sized cunts to the world.
Many of these militant feminazis are this way because they feel like they are not sexy and not worthy of respectable male company.
If I ever want to become very popular with these breed of witches, perhaps I should try to befriend them saying I am a Transgendered Muslim of a Jewish background who identifies as a Lesbian. I may find I have more flabby feminist pussy to suck on than I bargained for :p
Gil Galad
Posted at 01:24 pm, 2nd February 2018Admittedly and last time I checked they failed to pass the law, but they tried. You’ll find many links like this one:
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:26 pm, 2nd February 2018I couldn’t find one. Feel free to link to it, but only if you’re sure it’s the author.
That’s the only part of sex-positive feminism I like.
Modern day feminists are just one of 100 different symptoms / results of a collapsing empire slowly moving more and more to the political left.
For me, feminists are just a source of entertainment. When I first read her article I was literally laughing out loud.
I love it. I have a front-row seat to the biggest disaster movie in all of human history… it’s awesome… and as an Alpha Male 2.0, I’m disconnected from this stuff so I can actually enjoy it instead of being bothered by it.
Posted at 02:43 pm, 2nd February 2018I am anti-Islam. And most other barbaric religions. Stoning homosexuals? Treating women as cattle? Suicide bomb vests in vogue? Yeah can’t say I agree with any of that. Christianity sucks, too.
Yes I’m privileged for being white in America. Women are privileged for having tits. Acknowledged.
Yeah I do, but so what. Isn’t this considered tokenism? I thought only closet racists trotted out “how many black friends” they have. Awk-ward! And I refuse to ever say Latinx. Ever.
I’m equal opportunity when it comes to paying women for jobs, women of all races. Wet, sloppy jobs. No fatties though. Not a protected class.
But muslims and jews want to kill each other. I know from Big Brother and Survivor that “allying with the entire house” often blows up in your face. Just sayin’.
I might as well accept someone’s opioid addiction. Jesus. Also, ew.
That would be thin-phobic, wouldn’t it? Or hot-phobic. Fuckable-phobic. Or whatever you clearly aren’t.
Midget horse porn is the name of a top-secret work project.
It all leads back to food, doesn’t it?
Lol when a man has sex frequency standards he’s considered a huge asshole by feminists.
I hear North Korea used Kimmy and Khloe and Kummy Kardashian as Level 5 interrogation torture.
Does wanting to fuck a woman who resembles a woman and not the Michelin Man count as a kink?
I’ll stick to overt aggressions.
Posted at 04:00 pm, 2nd February 2018By the way BD, her 80% requirement means you can refuse up to 8 out of 38 points. You said no 10 times. So close!
Posted at 01:34 am, 3rd February 2018The argument could be made that Feminism is kinda like MGTOW, in the sense that only undesireable people go that route.
But One difference is, feminism threw the first punch. It ruined traditional monogamy for both sexes, encourages poor health, gluttony, obesity, promiscuity, is ilogical, contradictory, and derailed logical thinking in politics, as we all know.
Another difference is, MGTOW is a response to feminism. In defense of MGTOW , It also encourages self preservation. I dont blame some fellas for going this route, especially in the US.
Meeting women in Latam really opened my eyes. Its like every american woman i know was raised thinking she was a man. They fail miserably most of the time. In the workplace, they get hung up on the feelings of a decision. They have drastic mood swings ( great for HR!). They flip positions on a platform based on the time of the month. (Not all but most Ive worked with)
Now that I know this, I realize that women are RARELY saying what I hear coming out of their face. There’s a pattern ive started to pick up on. If I explain something with clear logic, and she repeats her debunked claim, i now see that the argument is over. I cant win because it was never about the argument in the first place. She wants to FEEL a certain way about the conversation. Imswear to god alpha females have bigger egos than any dudes ive met.
I see now why thousands of cultures had the parents choose an OLDER man for their daughter. A younger man might try to make her happy, listen to her recommendations, and fail miserably, confused why she is still unhappy receiving exactly what she asked. A man 10-15 years older with experience understands that a womans words dont matter. She wants to feel something, and many times its just to feel that he knows what he’s doing.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:23 am, 3rd February 2018Slut shaming and heterophobia detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:
No dude. Traditional monogamy is what ruined traditional monogamy for both sexes, not feminism. Monogamy doesn’t work. It violates human and animal nature. Seriously man, so many of your posts here are about you pining for the 1950s.
Um…..are you suggesting that promiscuity should…….not be encouraged??? May I ask what you’re doing on this blog? I’m asking because a fair number of your posts have been very prudish and anti-sex. You even want to go to Latin America for the “family values.” Jesus dude, perhaps a more Disney oriented blog would be right for you.
As distinguished from what? What’s a woman to you? A parasite feeding off your bank account because “work is for men?” I agree with feminists and the MGTOW boys on one thing: Your way of thinking should be held in contempt.
Again I ask: What’s your solution? Prevent women from working? Then who will feed them? Me? I don’t want that responsibility. Next question: If I refuse to feed a woman, is it right that I be denied sex?
Dude, you’re a perfect spokesman for the conservative matriarchy (which is what feminists call “patriarchy” because feminists are retarded).
Please explain to me – a man – with logic, why I should give a woman money for sex. Also, why is promiscuity bad? What’s the alternative? Have you had sex with more than one woman in your life? If so, explain why you haven’t castrated yourself in shame.
Oh dear lord! So that’s your alternative? Arranged marriages via parents? Are you serious? I’m sorry I asked!
So if I want to start fucking my girlfriend (who was 19 when I started), in your perfect world, I’d have to go through her fucking father and prove my worthiness to him? Fuck that!
That’s why we have the seduction community today – to teach young men the right way, instead of them being fucking cock blocked by daddy!
You really need to deal with all these slut shaming thoughts of yours. Heterophobia is not healthy. It leads men to hate themselves for their own urges, worship women who frustrate them, and spit on women who satisfy them.
If a woman has sex with you, do you hate her for it? And do you hate yourself afterwards? Get help.
Posted at 05:00 am, 3rd February 2018You think that, but you’d be wrong. I know trans people who were ousted by feminists for disagreeing with them on very minor things.
The point of group-think and collectivism is that ALL people in the group MUST think the same, and even if you look like you could be part of their ranks, if you do not believe EXACTLY what they believe, you are an enemy.
MGTOW and the “manosphere” think the same way. THAT’S how bad collectivism has become. It’s gotten men to attack women’s movements with the same toxic feminine strategies (collectivism = a toxic feminine trait, monogamy is as well btw).
Alexander Becker
Posted at 08:24 am, 4th February 2018Boring and time wsting. dont feed the trolls. theyll die out anyway.
Posted at 09:59 am, 4th February 2018How do you disconnect from this stuff while still living in the USA?
I feel a bit down because it seems like a hopeless downward spiral going on with society.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:11 pm, 4th February 2018Easy. Read this, then this, then buy this book and do what it says.
Nick T
Posted at 02:23 pm, 4th February 2018Gaslighting comes from psychology. Narcissists use it a lot. The term actually originated from a movie. In short, gaslighting is when you try to convince someone that a past event/spoken words etc. didn’t happen. It’s an attempt to change history as it suits you in the moment.
Posted at 09:53 pm, 4th February 2018Jack Outside the Box
Relax bro…
I love sluts and consider myself one as well. Nothing I said was meant to be shaming women for being sluts.
Ive made clear on these comments I oppose marriage and monogamy. My longest relationship was 11 months and that was 14 years ago. I’ve had a great time enjoyinggn the decline smashing girls I meet in bars and on my travels. That doesn’t mean I can’t hypothesize about why it seems to have worked for my grandparents generation and earlier ones.
Regardless the author of this blog already stated that moving to another country to live in that society is one of the only exceptions to monogamy working (possibly.). So That’s what I’ll do when I’m old. As long as the divorce laws aren’t like the American laws, I won’t care if it works anyway. I’ll get another passport out of the deal and have a few years with a hottie 25 years younger. There’s my 1950s fantasy coming to fruition. Hell maybe the polygamy laws will be flexible too. I already speak Spanish pretty good and earn double the median income of an American so I’m well on my way. How’s that for a solution? I’ll buy you a drink when you come visit
Posted at 11:13 am, 5th February 2018My goodness that’s a long list. She must have a lot of first dates.
Posted at 08:26 pm, 5th February 2018BD you have a black son? How? I thought your ex wife was your model beauty archetype ie blond white chick with massive knockers?
I’m curious if the current brand of mental illness passing for discourse was as prevalent in the prevailing centuries as it is today (the quoted tumblr post being a prime example). Surely this is not the first time society has collapsed into moral ambiguity and chaos because the lowest common denominator has the megaphone..
It might be unique to todays era because in times long past people like this were either killed outright (burning of witches) or thrown in the loony bin. However, I’ve heard Weimar Germany pre 1933 was also a hotbed of Freudian degeneracy as well, so it’s a curious case study.
Out of curiousity, what was your family life like?
Your point about the animal kingdom and monogamy is somewhat incorrect. Humans are not prone to monogamy barring social constraints, but can be happy in monogamous sexual circumstances for a variety of reasons (think maslows hierarchy of needs and how sex is not the only human need).
Your main thesis is not completely invalid and neither is Blackdragon’s for that matter, especially today, but humanity’s closest ancestors are either Gibbons or Bonobos. At times humans have the behavior of each type of monkey. The gibbon pair bonds for life, whereas the Bonobo makes short term pair bonds of 2-3 years usually for the purposes of child rearing, and is the only animal besides man to exhibit recreational sex and sex that is used for the purposes of building social bonds. The point being that serial monogamy is very much a natural part of nature and man’s closest observable primitive relative (since the evidence seems to lean towards bonobos being the model of human behavior).
I highly recommend Sex at Dawn for a proper scientific treatment of the matter that’s very much accessible to the layman. I think you will very much enjoy it.
For what it’s worth I think the other poster’s point about the 50s was that a society that wants to be stable and promote scientific progress/beta male specialization/cooperation is best to mirror the social mores of the 50s. I realize those aren’t your goals, but the question posed was not what your selfish desires are (not meaning to be pejorative here, just specifying that what you are after is more geared towards maximizing individual hedonic pleasure). I certainly understand your comments about polyamory and women having to make their own money, but realize that the society it creates may very well lead to the dysfunction the author criticizes in this post (ie a society of disillusioned narcissists).
I asked about family life because I think every kid wants to grow up in a nuclear family surrounded by warmth and love, which is not as great in a single parent household. So effectively by pursuing non monogamous marriage you may be depriving your kid of a traditional stable family life. Of course you as an individual may not want kids, but we aren’t operating in a vacuum with 10 women for every man right?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:35 pm, 5th February 2018My blonde wife had a black son whom I adopted when I married her back when I was a young beta.
Incorrect. She was cute, blonde, and had decent sized boobs but she was not my model beauty archetype. Those women came later when I became Alpha 2.0. (Pink Firefly is one of them.)
Society has not collapsed into chaos.
Posted at 02:11 pm, 6th February 2018Cool. Got it.
Posted at 06:14 pm, 9th February 2018Lol, the girl i date in the future better not hate GTA Online bro. Otherwise instant next for me.