28 Jun Living Together OLTR Update – June 2018

-By Caleb Jones
Here I am, once again telling you things that literally no one else on the entire internet has the balls to disclose to the public: details about my open marriage to my OLTR wife, Pink Firefly. My last update was in March here. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here are the articles you can read to get up to speed:
Objectives and Expectations With My Live-In OLTR
The 9 Different Marriage Legal Structures
Q&A Today: Ask Blackdragon’s Girlfriend Anything!
The Details About My Girlfriend (OLTR)
It has now been 3.5 years into our relationship and with six months living together. So far, everything is very good. There were a few minor rough patches a few months ago that I mentioned in my last update, all of which were attributed to:
A. Both of us getting accustomed to living full-time with another human, something Pink Firefly hasn’t done in four years and something I haven’t done in 11.
B. Both of us adjusting to our radically different communication styles based on our extreme opposite personalities.
Problem A was completely resolved several months ago, and it was something I expected. You should also expect a brief rocky period if/when you move in with a woman, particularly if you’re an Alpha and/or an anal guy “who likes things the way you like them” (both of which describe me).
(Emphasis on the word brief above. If these problems persist, then you fucked up by moving in with the wrong woman and she needs to move the fuck out.)
Regarding B, both of us have made huge strides this year and I’m super impressed at both PF and myself for the way we’ve been conscious of this and learned to communicate to the other person.
PF has (more or less) trained herself to, when she gets frustrated about things, end the conversation quickly and leave me alone and allow me to re-visit the topic a day or too later when we’re both more rational.
I have trained myself to let her emote and have her say (even when I don’t want to sometimes) without trying to “fix it” like a man would, and I’ve learned to display much more love and affection when she’s not feeling 100%.
It still feels a little weird to do this (and I’m sure PF would say the same about her new behaviors as well), but it’s now something I remember to do (at least most of the time) rather than something I make myself do.
To be clear, moments aren’t drama as I define the term. They are almost always brief moments of frustration due to something that happened that day with a co-worker, family member, or some other person in her life that made her upset. The good news is that when I do something simple for her she gets ecstatic with happiness for hours. The bad news is that one person in her life can send her one negative text and ruin her day.
It’s something we’ve both learned how to manage, and while we aren’t 100% perfect, we’re much better at this than we were before.
I still regularly see my FBs on the side about once a week or so at my separate office, almost always during the daytime when PF is at work. I finally and reluctantly spent a little money and outfitted it with a futon and some other cheap but pleasant furnishings so it doesn’t look so stark.
There is one particular FB who PF and I both get along with very well who comes over to our house on a semi-regular basis for the both of us to play with. I don’t want to give details on this yet but perhaps I will if this FB sticks around going forward.
About two months ago, I gently nexted two of my more problematic FBs. As always, I’m working towards getting my grand total regular FBs down to just one or two girls, just to keep things easier to manage. I’m still not down to that number yet, but I’ll get there. Finding a regular, consistent, reliable FB when you have a live-in OLTR wife is difficult, particularly when almost all of the FBs are VYW. This forces me to play with a portfolio of several FBs instead of having just one or two core ones. Quality problems, I know, but such is the Alpha 2.0 lifestyle.
Not that I’m complaining. 🙂
I mentioned last time that I was going to get a relationships counselor for us to work with, in order to prevent future problems instead of working on current ones (since we really don’t have any right now). I have not done this yet because we’ve both been so busy. I will eventually get around to it later this year.
The next transition coming up for Pink Firefly and me is that she needs to start building some good location independent income like I have. Since we’re moving out of the Collapsing USA under a five flags model in a few years, I need her to have a location independent, Alpha 2.0 income like I have; a wage slave corporate job isn’t going to cut it. As of mid-September she will start working on her new business regularly, either part-time or full-time, with my help.
It’s a win/win, but it also has the strong possibility of putting stress on our relationship because we’ll be working together. I’ve already outlined a plan for both of these things to minimize potential conflict and she’s on board with all of it (so far, at least… sometimes women change… we’ll see). PF is a very hard worker (which is one of the reasons I fell in love with her; I tend to be attracted to extremely feminine women who are also hard workers) with a long corporate track record, so my confidence is high.
That’s it for now. I’m extremely happy, we’re having a great time, and I love being with her. But, as I’ve said before, that’s easy to say when we’ve only been living together for six months. When that six months turns into three years (December of 2020) and everything is still going great with us, that will be an accomplishment and that’s when I’ll brag.
(That’s when I’ll publish the living-together OLTR marriage book too.)
More updates to come.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:10 am, 28th June 2018@BD or PF
Do PF and you do the cleaning in the house, or do you hire a cleaning service for a number of hour per weeks to do most if not all of the house cleaning?
Same question for washing, drying and ironing clothes bedsheets and towels.
If not, who is responsible for what?
Posted at 08:01 am, 28th June 2018If you need 1-2 days to calm down just so you can think rationally about a topic she brings to you in order to respond appropriately rather than react, then that’s where your next obstacle lies. Practice relaxing and responding: keeps you rational. More difficult doing than saying, but I’m sure with your sales background you have developed some skills to help you stay calm and in the moment despite rejection and shit tests. With practice you will get better and most importantly stronger and stronger. In my experience of changing to calm response vs. aggressive reacting, I’ve found much more power in calm. Which seems counter intuitive. I have a naturally deep and authoritative voice which I’ve learned to soften quite a bit. Now, if I have to use my normal stern/serious voice, it really stands out and has a stronger effect. And I’m not putting people in defense mode unnecessarily.
I commend you for posting all this information. It’s helpful. I disagree that nobody else would have the courage to do so. I view it as more you have financial reasons to post this information. Whereas others may have financial reasons not to post. Or they’re afraid to lose some of their friends and family who will likely judge them. I’m glad you posted it. It takes courage to do so.
My wife doesn’t let things ruin her day like that. She’s very stable (for a woman). But most women I see and know, lose their shit over things they can’t control. It sounds like you are handling that pretty well, though I hope it doesn’t happen too often.
Thank you for the update.
Posted at 09:27 am, 28th June 2018How is PF’s family doing with all of this now that it’s been six months since the move-in?
Marty McFly
Posted at 09:32 am, 28th June 2018Sounds like a lot of work. Would never happen with today’s generation of instant gratification addicted skanks.
One simple mistake and *poof* she’s on to the next badboy thug cawk.
Marty McFly
Posted at 09:36 am, 28th June 2018The modern young western female has become just a bad person to be around.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:38 am, 28th June 2018She cleans her stuff, I clean mine. She washers her clothes (almost every day), I wash mine (about once a month, since I have 30 pairs of underwear; time management baby!). In the kitchen, we each clean up our own messes.
One of my goals is to get my income high enough where I can have maids clean the house regularly (I cut this service off a few months ago to re-invest money into my businesses for growth), for a chef to come out once a week a bulk-prepare all of our meals, and a few other things. Hopefully next year.
I don’t. She does.
Some of them, yes. But all of them? 100% of all the millions of couples doing this will lose money if they talk about it? Including the numerous PUA and ex-PUA gurus doing this who could indeed make lots money if they talked about it publicly and offered products and services around it? Uh, No.
There you go, THAT’S why they won’t talk about it. They’re outcome dependent pussies.
I should not be the only one talking about this publicly. The fact I’m the only one in the entire sex / dating / manosphere / PUA world is a fucking disgrace in my opinion.
You’re very welcome.
Correct; that’s the objective; to make sure it doesn’t happen often. So far, it hasn’t. If it was happening all the time PF wouldn’t be in my house.
They don’t care anymore. Neither PF nor I have heard anything about it from either of our families in about a year. The men don’t give a shit and the women are too focused on Disney crap like the wedding. Like I reported a while ago, there was some shock and anger/concern initially (mostly because they found this blog and didn’t like my tone here, unsurprisingly), but that was quite a while ago and now everything is normal.
Incorrect. Relationship management for PF only takes me a few hours per week. My MLTR/OLTRish relationship with HBM, who didn’t live with me, actually took more time out of my week than my relationship with PF now does.
Younger women are wonderful and I have no complaints about them other than their scheduling problems, but no man should move in with a woman under the age of 24, period, for any reason, as I’ve said many times before. There was a reason I specifically wanted a woman in her mid-30s for this.
Posted at 09:44 am, 28th June 2018BD, a relationship counselor (RC), would it be any RC, a traditional marriage oriented RC, or specifically RC familiar with poly relationships and marriages?
I’ve been visiting for the last 4 years a sex addiction therapist (for porn addiction, I was virgin when I started), who is also a marriage and family certified counselor. He is accepting of my BD ways of doing things: FBs, MLTRs etc. I’m still addicted to porn though after 4 years of therapy…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:47 am, 28th June 2018The latter. There are many in our area, since nonmonogamy has become so prevalent.
I’m very sorry to hear that. My guess is that porn isn’t the problem and you have something much deeper going on, but I’m not a therapist.
Pink Firefly
Posted at 09:55 am, 28th June 2018Correction: I actually don’t need 1-2 days to calm down, that is BD’s perception. 🙂
Posted at 10:17 am, 28th June 2018Congrats you guys!
An amazing chef and a top-quality cleaning crew sound like great goals to work towards – especially the chef. On my (extended) list as well.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:43 am, 28th June 2018Oh yeah. I want all kinds of stuff, including an actual full-time or part-time personal assistant who will do things like wash our cars and run to the post office and bank and stuff like that. I seriously want a battery of servants to do 100% of all of my menial shit so I can focus on my Mission. I’m about 12-18 months away from that. Can’t wait!
Marty McFly
Posted at 11:23 am, 28th June 2018BD, sorry I was vague. I meant that the vast, vast majority of young western women are going to grow up to become crazy old cat ladies. This is intelligence that comes from having boots on the ground, as a 24 year old western male myself who regularly spends time with young women. Feminism and social media has ruined them for any chance of an LTR, ever. This means even more men going their own way, while a select few alphas have mass harems of increasingly scarce thin and pretty women on rotation.
Marty McFly
Posted at 11:28 am, 28th June 2018And don’t call me a bitter incel because I had double digit pulls before learning game a year ago and am now rapidly advancing on the big 5-0 (I’m a TOtH guy.) After that, I will stick with one MLTR for a long while and work on my fledgling business empire, spinning plates (FB’s) in my spare time.
I simply cannot see myself, even in the long-term future, ever settling down into an OLTR with one of these 4th-wave “MeToo” women who’re around my age group.
Posted at 12:01 pm, 28th June 2018It’s funny, I love VYW being I’m a guy with a dick that gets hard.
But I’m seriously thinking that a good OLTR candidate would be a woman who’s 35’ish beyond her Disney years or who’s maybe already had her kids. (If you don’t want to have kids that is) If you want to have kids and depending how many, this may not be a good idea for you.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:29 pm, 28th June 2018To a degree, yes. The Western world is completely fucked as I’ve shown many times. I don’t care. You shouldn’t either. Not if you want to be happy.
Of course things will get worse for men who choose to be betas.
But only until the sex robots come. Then that problem will be solved, at least for men.
Yeah that was the hard part for me. I don’t want any more kids so I had to keep my eyes out for women who either didn’t want any kids (like PF), or already had kids who were more or less grown or at least older teenagers. (I did not want to be a stepdad again nor be involved in raising small children.)
Women under age 35 want kids, and even if they already have one they’ll probably want more. Not a problem for those men who want kids, but for dudes like us, it’s something to be aware of.
Marty McFly
Posted at 01:32 pm, 28th June 2018I am interested in an OLTR as I age, for a bit of stability. My five-year plan involves moving to Brazil – would that be a good place to find candidates for one, or have they begun the transition into a sisterhood of harpies as well, via cultural diffusion?
Posted at 02:26 pm, 28th June 2018What’s an example of something simple you do for her?
In what way were these FBs problematic?
Thank you BD.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:42 pm, 28th June 2018BD, where is the comment counter that shows you the number of comments on the specific blog post? I worshipped that thing.
Posted at 04:00 pm, 28th June 2018Thanks for the update BD! I love these posts. They make this lifestyle seem like a more realistic option. Since I’m more of an emotional man, my goal is to have a primary partner.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:07 pm, 28th June 2018Sure. All of South America is good for that as long as you put in the numbers and let the best ones rise to the top. Don’t screen.
Not yet, but they will soon I’m sure, since the entire planet is slowly moving to the left.
Again, you shouldn’t care.
We’re making changes to the site today. If you don’t see it at the moment it will come back soon.
Good. That’s the entire reason I do them. And why I wish more people did.
I’m not emotional and I’ve always had the same goal. Pair-bonding is not a personality style thing, it’s a human thing, particularly as we get older.
Pair-bonding is good. Monogamy is not. The only problem is that people don’t realize that one does not require the other.
Posted at 04:15 pm, 28th June 2018Thank you for your replies, BD. Do you also draw the line with no sex with clients as well as the coworkers I know I’ve heard you state before. I’ve had clients come onto me pretty hard which were attractive and I’ve been kind to them but not responding in a sexual dominant way, just remaining calm, professional, and letting them talk a lot. Just makes them more attracted though. Don’t want to screw my business up in any way, so I doubt it’s wise to go there. Thank you.
Posted at 04:15 pm, 28th June 2018@Harry have you tried Jordan Peterson’s Self-Authoring Suite?
As BD hinted at the problems might be deeper. Similar problem here, discovered the roots after the process.
Highly recommended!
Marty McFly
Posted at 04:40 pm, 28th June 2018So, do you not care about the stark circumstances faced by your daughter who chooses to remain in the US? We all have a family.
Posted at 04:55 pm, 28th June 2018Boom nailed it. Gotta love how those types of chicks claim they despise fuckbois but hook up with them constantly lol. Of course, us Alpha 2s get in on that as well, but still.
That’s because therapy for that kind of stuff doesn’t really work. Quitting porn like the only way any other addiction should be stopped, cold turkey, does.
Also, what is “addicted?” Like you need to watch it all the time or else you don’t feel right or something? I mean I watch porn almost daily but its like 20 minutes tops. But if I need to I can go several days without it (as well as jerking off). Then I get back to work. I usually watch porn right before going to bed, unless I’m with a chick. Then we watch it together before having sex lol.
If you are the type who watches hours of porn daily, Read this. Yeah the guy who writes it is a psychotic overgrown frat boy Alpha 1, but when it comes to stuff like quitting porn (and a couple other things), dude is spot on.
Posted at 05:57 pm, 28th June 2018Dang, I wish someone would teach me how to build an alpha 2.0 location independent income stream. PF is lucky she has a mentor in house. Or perhaps BD you can recommend some resources that could get me started?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:13 pm, 28th June 2018Yes, absolutely. Always (unless you literally don’t give a shit about your job).
And yeah man, it’s hard. It’s painful when some cute girl who is exactly your type is flirting you up in the office and you can’t do anything about it. I’ve been there.
Just remind yourself that your Mission is more important than her. Because it is. And there are better, hotter women right outside your office doors. Because there are.
1. My daughter will probably eventually leave the country, as I’ve stated before.
2. My daughter’s dad is me, so she knows exactly what she needs to do to live a good life regardless of if she leaves the US or not, or if the West collapses or not. If she chooses not to do these things, that’s her choice and her problem.
For the third time, You. Shouldn’t. Care. Stop trying to find excuses to care about this.
Fretting about the collapse of the Western world is one of the worst uses of your time and mental energy. I’m serious.
I have something big coming in a few months that will help you do exactly that. Stay tuned.
Nothing beyond the basics, like Four Hour Workweek, E-Myth Revisited, etc.
Like I said, I have something coming.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 07:50 pm, 28th June 2018I’d be interested to hear how you add new FB’s to your roster. You live in a place where non-monogamy is becoming more common. So are you up front with these women that all you’re looking for is a FB? Or do you finesse the situation after getting two bangs? After your initial coffee date what’s the move to get them to your office for a bang? My question applies to non sugar babies. I realize that SB’s don’t care if you’re pair bonded, and generally are fine with being just FB’s.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:20 am, 29th June 2018If I buy her flowers for no reason, she’s ecstatic, for literally 48 hours or more. A while back I borrowed her car for a day, and while I had it I filled her gas tank and had it washed, and again, she was ecstatic.
Not problematic to me, just living problematic lives in general. These ones were doing drugs and engaging in some risky behaviors. Flaked on a lot of appointments too. All my current FBs now are normal girls.
It’s too soon. I only do blitzes for new women once every 1.5 to 2 years these days, and I’ve only lived with PF for 6 months. So there hasn’t been any new non-sugar-daddy FBs yet since the move-in. Prior to the move-in but after PF and I became OLTR there were several, but I imagine you don’t care about those since I was still living alone at the time. (If you do then let me know.)
However, I’ve written an entire book about what other men with open marriages do and there are several chapters in it that directly answer your question. It’s here.
Posted at 03:49 am, 29th June 2018Do you have a joint bank account? I think having one is not a good idea but I would create one just for bills and food (if she is doing all the cooking). By the way, who is doing the cooking? Do you separate your food in the fridge, etc.?
Posted at 05:05 am, 29th June 20181)Hey BD,you said that now you have extended the time in which she can give you drama to a few minutes.Since she is a Live In OLTR this is understandable.When she gives you drama lets say for a minute.What do you do in that time:
-you shut up and wait for her to finish?
-you engage in the conversation?
-you do something else?
-you ignore her?
2)If you had two houses,would you soft next and keep the 20 second rule?Or since somebody is an OLTR it is understandable to extend the 20 second rule if you want that relationship to last?
Posted at 08:24 am, 29th June 2018As someone from a Western european country who has moved to Brazil 3 years ago, I honestly do not see a huge difference in girls’ behavior here compared to Europe, at least in the major cities.
I also do not really agree with your bleak views on modern young women, I am well into 3 digits, and am still amazed at how frequently I encounter girls who are the total package. It all depends on your frame honestly. Just do what BD writes in his books, and you will never run out of great girls to add to your life!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:07 am, 29th June 2018NO. No shared finances with a woman, ever, in any way! That’s a requirement of OLTR and a legal requirement for me to keep the extensive paperwork she signed enforceable.
It doesn’t matter if it’s “convenient” (which what a lot of women will say in trying to get you do to this). Merging your finances in this manner means the odds of her financially raping you if/when you divorce go up. NO.
We each cook our own food. She mostly eats stuff like salads so she doesn’t do much actual cooking.
No, right now its all just mixed together, but I don’t eat her food and she doesn’t eat mine. She mostly doesn’t like my food or can’t eat it because of stomach sensitivities. I, of course, can eat everything (and do), but I don’t touch her food. On the rare occasions I want to eat something of hers I ask her first.
However, lately the fridge has gotten pretty full and unruly so I will probably separate our food on different shelves just to make life easier.
Good question. My current system, which is somewhat working but needs some improvement, is that I will listen to her talk for as long as she is more or less rational, provided she has promised to stay rational for as long as she can (which she usually does). When she starts actually getting upset and losing rationality, (i.e. she starts really raising her voice, or starts saying things that make no sense, or starts repeating herself, etc), I will end the conversation and leave the room. She really doesn’t like this, but she will go along with it, provided I promise to re-start the conversation the next day and finish it. Sometimes I forget do do this the next day which is my fault. When we continue the conversation, we usually wrap it up pretty quickly and she stays rational.
Like I said, it’s partially working, in that she’s learned to stay rational longer than she normally would and allows me to end the conversation when I need to (which is a compromise on her part; she’d much rather keep going even if she’s upset), and I’ve agreed to continue the conversation later (which is a compromise on my part; I’d rather drop the entire thing and move on). It’s not ideal because she still doesn’t like that I end conversations, and I sometimes forget to continue them a day or two later.
We don’t have this happen very often so it’s no big deal. Regardless, we’ll come up with a better/refined version of this system soon. It’s one of my goals for the next few months.
No, purely for logistical reasons I would still extend the drama length, but not by much. I wouldn’t want to be regularly driving back and forth between houses while I was trying to get work done.
My drama tolerance is extremely low so I won’t put up with it regardless of the logistics, nor ever will.
And remember, as I’ve said before, drama is not a disagreement. It’s harsh negativity thrown at you. PF is more than welcome to disagree as much as she likes as long as she keeps her cool, and usually she does. That’s not drama. Drama is disagreeing with you and losing your cool.
Posted at 12:19 pm, 29th June 2018Do you think TMM could have any benefit, even a tiny one, over an OLTR marriage?
(The only “advantage” I could think of is a little more social acceptance from people of your inner circle.)
I don’t know if you already answered that, but does Pink own any real state? If she does, how are you guys handling finances and logistics on that vacancy, since she’s living in your house now?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:50 pm, 29th June 2018Of course:
1. Social acceptance
2. A temporary period where you can satisfy your Disney / purity fantasies (before she cheats on you or divorces you or stops having sex with you).
As I explain in my book, these two things should not be of great concern to you if long-term happiness is a priority.
If that had happened that would be her problem to figure out. I would have advised her to not move in with me until she sold or rented it, but the decision would have been hers. Again, her finances are not my problem, and vice versa.
Posted at 07:49 pm, 29th June 2018Where is that neocon tool Jack outside the box. He is a real piece of work shouting his deep state narrative on the mountain tops.
Truth is that day game is easier than it has ever been because of people like Jack pushing the deep state directive which now has guys walking on egg shells when they are around women.
Combine this with the fact that everyone is being pushed to go digital which plays in the females favor and kills the inner game of a male.
I can’t tell you how many women later told me how they like a more aggressive/assertive man when referring to me having the balls to approach. Sure I get rejections but the difference is there is no shame in my game versus the average beta who doesn’t have the balls to approach a woman live.
Posted at 04:17 am, 30th June 2018Just re-read this little gem https://alphamale20.com/2013/06/26/freedom-and-the-alpha-male/
Wondering if you’re still experiencing the same level of freedom while living with a woman full-time. When I actually lived with my last OLTR, I could do whatever I wanted whenever as well, but sometimes I had an extra grumpy lady to come home to…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:23 am, 30th June 2018Not quite. As I’ve said before, moving in with a woman (moving in with anyone, frankly) will reduce your freedom at least around 10% even if you do everything correctly. This 10% freedom reduction is the price you pay for living with someone. I’m happy to pay that price as long as it’s only about 10%. More than that, then no.
Posted at 10:49 pm, 30th June 2018I agree with that. I say this in a lot of BD’s posts, but chicks are out for betas (for being needy) and alpha 1s (for being chauvinistic), not all alphas. This means you can still get at chicks, but just don’t be belligerent or needy about it. People think that just because chicks don’t like catcallers mean that getting at chicks live is all of a sudden impossible? Um no, cuz now you CLEARLY know what not to do. AND you can joke about catcallers as a legit conversational thread as well as taking the pressure off the chick. Its almost become canned material when approaching chicks during the day now. “You’re not gonna accuse me of catcalling or something, are you? Cuz that would kind of ruin my day.”
Also, actions ARE the words when it comes to game. I could speak to a chick like a sheepish beta but if I have the EFA and the outcome independence of an Alpha 2 and all of a sudden the chick thinks I’m amazing. Someone could speak to a chick like a hyper and “aggressive” alpha 1 but if they get butthurt when they get shot down (which happens to lots of alpha 1s) they’ll get targeted for it. This makes things EASIER for Alpha 2s cuz now they know how not to act but how to think.
Case in point: I’ve explained to the most dominant 33+ chicks what I think outcome independence means and they don’t think its “objectifying chicks” at all. When I explain that objectifying someone comes from a core of neediness, they agree. The feminists alphas are taught to hate? They’re the ones who are the most accepting of open relationships.
I think deep down JOTB knows this, but he’s addicted to drama so he comes across like a combination of some raging alpha 1 (when pushing that deep state directive as you say) or a raging dominant chick (when he disses tradcons). He’s become more entertaining through the months. Fine by me; its not my energy he is wasting.
Posted at 04:30 pm, 1st July 2018Jack Outside the Box is a national treasure. The western world might not be in such a miserable state if more people were like him.
Posted at 07:35 pm, 1st July 2018Heard this and had to share…
Posted at 09:01 pm, 1st July 2018“Jack Outside the Box is a national treasure.”
Would agree that the deep state views him as a national treasure given the neocon bullshit he spews.
“The western world might not be in such a miserable state if more people were like him.”
On the contrary, the western world is in the miserable state because of lackeys like him who obediently push the neocon directives. Why doesn’t JOTB start preaching against the 1000’s and 1000’s of rapes which are committed against women in the U.S. every year instead of his politically correct church lady bullshit. His soap box campaign regarding the great sins of touching a women’s arm or saying something that might offend a woman is about as morally bankrupt as John McCain and Hillary Clinton.
The dude has lost his moral compass to the extreme and can burn in hell.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:57 pm, 1st July 2018I am most humbled, sir. Thank you so much for the great compliment.
Please be sure to check out my blog around August. I’ve hired a computer expert who will help me with installing a VPN, since, you know, doxxing is bad, especially for a guy like me who will have a blog with many controversial opinions.
There’s a specific reason why it’s taking me so much time. I have to have all my ducks in a row so that some feminist, hired by the deep state, can’t hurt me or send death threats to me and my girlfriend. But the blog is coming.
Thank you again for your kindness.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 10:13 pm, 1st July 2018Well hello, happy person! How was your weekend? Mine was awesome. My girlfriend and I are seeing the 4th Purge movie on the 4th of July!
LOL! Neocon? I’m a libertarian, sir. Neocons are globalists. I’m a civic and economic nationalist.
Um……I’ve never shouted a single “deep state narrative.” I actually hate the deep state. I voted for Trump precisely to show my disgust for said deep state. Try again.
Ok, this is a blog with a bias towards internet daters. As an internet dater myself (although I’m now more into referral game), I’m allowed to have my preferences. But I’ve never spoken against day game or cold approaching, nor have I ever advised men to walk on egg shells around women.
I simply stated that you shouldn’t break the law, that’s all. (1) Don’t physically grab female stranger’s hands (that’s assault), (2) don’t follow them when they’re walking away from you (that’s stalking), and (3) don’t continue to insist on talking to them even after they told you to go away (that’s criminal harassment).
Other than those three things (which are illegal), enjoy cold approaching and day game. Have fun!
If by “going digital,” you mean online game, I’ve had great success with it (and so has the fucking owner of this blog). We’re pretty sexually satisfied and haven’t played into any woman’s favor, nor did it kill our inner game. Where are you getting this? Inner game is incredibly important for online dating, especially for the first date.
Good for you. I never said don’t approach.
Us online daters prefer the convenience of online dating. There is nothing wrong with that, just like there is nothing wrong with day game (as long as you stay legal). As long as we’re all sexually satisfied, we shouldn’t be shamed for our seduction preferences.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 10:30 pm, 1st July 2018Again, I’ve never spewed any “neocon” bullshit ever. I hate globalists!
And just which “neocon directive” have I pushed?
LOL! Because that’s fiction. Not just any fiction, but politically correct fiction. Real rape is actually pretty rare, the lies of the deep state and garbage feminist “statistics” (in which they define rape by the absence of autistic verbal procedures) notwithstanding.
The only people who are working hard to increase real rape are Muslims.
What? Calling attention to the “rape culture” myth is precisely what is politically correct. There is no rape epidemic in the western world at all, except in majority Muslim neighborhoods.
You’re the one who is being PC by spewing nonsense about “thousands and thousands” of rapes!
Church lady? Holy shit, now you’ve completely lost me! Saying that you shouldn’t break the law while day gaming isn’t “church lady.” It’s just good advice.
It’s not a great sin. It’s only a misdemeanor. Still, physically grabbing female strangers is illegal. Simply pointing that out doesn’t make me a neocon or a church lady. LMAO! And what campaign? That was just one thread. I never mentioned it again.
When did I ever talk about “offending women?” I offend feminists all the time and am very proud of that. If you don’t offend feminists, there’s something wrong with you.
Offend women (and men) all you like. Just stay legal.
By the way, how did this thread get on to the subject of cold approaching anyway?
Wow! Not breaking the law must be really hard for you. Sorry if you think staying legal is immoral. Calm down dude! Being law abiding is not that bad or “extreme.” And you can cold approach all you want! Jesus Christ!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:57 pm, 1st July 2018*Every* problem that guy describes is *only* a problem in *monogamous* relationships. Alpha 2.0s never have to worry about any of that.
If PF doesn’t want to have sex, no prob, I don’t care at all… because I can do that with other people whenever I want.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:07 pm, 1st July 2018You can’t objectify someone because the entire concept is fictional. Objectification doesn’t exist. It’s lesbian separatist horse vomit!
Uhh, those aren’t the feminists that alphas are taught to hate. You’ve just described sex-positive feminists. Both of them.
I and most alpha 2s are cool with both sex-positive feminists. But the sex-negative ones who think everything is “objectification” (whereas the sex-positive ones would see it as empowerment) are the ones we hate. And no, they don’t accept open relationships unless every sex act is filtered through autistic verbal procedures. Fuck that!
Nope. You’re just wrong.
And what “deep state narrative” do YOU think I’m pushing?
LOL! So I diss both sides. That makes me a sex-positive libertarian. By the way, you’ve dissed tradcons too!
Oh just wait until I get my VPN and start my blog!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:17 pm, 1st July 2018By the way, here’s what I think of the globalist deep state:
And here is what I’ll be teaching my children instead:
Posted at 01:40 am, 2nd July 2018Agreed! I just thought it was funny and demonstrates a lot of your points about monogamy. Plus the part where he relates his “buying a house not JUST because it has a bathroom, but he’d be upset if he was only allowed to pee in it once a month” was funny and spot on.
Posted at 11:30 am, 7th July 2018“LOL! Because that’s fiction. Not just any fiction, but politically correct fiction. Real rape is actually pretty rare, the lies of the deep state and garbage feminist “statistics” (in which they define rape by the absence of autistic verbal procedures) notwithstanding.
The only people who are working hard to increase real rape are Muslims.”
Look at the damn hamster spin. Human nature is unbelievable.
“I simply stated that you shouldn’t break the law, that’s all. (1) Don’t physically grab female stranger’s hands (that’s assault), (2) don’t follow them when they’re walking away from you (that’s stalking), and (3) don’t continue to insist on talking to them even after they told you to go away (that’s criminal harassment).
Other than those three things (which are illegal)”
Wow, and the hamster goes full throttle just preaching about the great illegal sins. Un-fuckin believable.
Well if there were any doubters before there shouldn’t be now. JOTB is a feminine neocon lackey who has lost his moral compass.
Posted at 05:18 pm, 13th July 2018Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I don’t have a good idea of your dynamic together as a couple without like, actual snippets of dialogue or something. Every now and then you two get cutesy in the comments of this blog, but imo people’s online chat style is completely unrelated and different from their real-life interactions. Would there be some way for extended day-to-day conversations between you two to be on the blog?