08 Nov A Dragon in Mexico

-By Caleb Jones
my five flags plan, but also to visit and experience a few more countries on my targeted visit list.
Unlike most of my international trips, where I spend a week or more in one city, this trip required me to visit many different countries and cities. I’m hitting Mexico City, Panama City, Asunscion (in Paraguay), Buenos Aries, Montevideo (in Uruguay) and Bogotá (in Colombia).
This means that I’m not able to stay a week in these countries, but rather 3-5 days each. Thus, my city reviews for these areas won’t be quite as comprehensive as others I’ve done in the past.
For the first leg of this trip, I’m spending four days in Mexico City. This is actually the second time I’ve been to Mexico this year. I was just here a few weeks ago in Cabo San Lucas for Pink Firefly’s and my honeymoon.
This marks the first extended time I’ve spent in “non-tourist Mexico.” I’ve been to Mexico many times, but it’s always been the tourist spots like Cancun or Cabo. I’ve been to Mexico City but only as a layover to other destinations. This is the first time I can actually experience the real Mexico. (Though yes, I fully understand that more rural Mexicans may not consider Mexico City as the “real” Mexico.)
Mexico is what I consider a “second world” country, similar to where I place Italy. It’s a country that isn’t a complete shithole, where civilization and first world amenities exist, but a place that lags far behind the first world.
For example, most buildings here in Mexico City are quite shitty by Western standards. Lots of cracked paint, dilapidated structures, graffiti, and similar. Angry, stray dogs walk around in the street right where the cars are, angrily barking at the car as you pass buy. On my taxi ride from the airport, the taxi driver had to back up and use a different street because someone had dumped trash all over the road, blocking traffic.
I stayed in a decent hotel (over $140 USD per night), and even then, the internet really didn’t work (I had to tether my phone and use the neighboring hotel’s internet connection much of the time) and many of the lights in my room wouldn’t turn on.
And so on.
To be fair, many of Mexico City’s second-world problems are shared by the US. The roads down here are terrible, but Los Angeles’ roads are worse. There are tons of homeless people here, but San Francisco has more. How strange it is; as the USA continues its slow collapse, it starts to share more and more traits of second world countries.
On the flip side, there’s a constant police presence keeping the peace, and there are plenty of high rises here (though none to the level of an actual first world country, much less Rising Asia).
After four days here, these are my observations:
The Women
As always, let’s get started with this one first since I know that’s what most guys will be curious about. I have the exact same opinion on Mexican women as I do Chinese women; in that, they aren’t ugly, but they aren’t attractive either. After seeing countless thousands of Mexican women over these last few days, I’ve seen a grand total of three who I would consider at least cute (using my hotness scale of ugly, average, cute, or hot). It’s exactly like when I go to China.
I think this is more me than them, though. Even watching their advertising and media, seeing women presented on there that I think most Mexicans would consider very hot, these women do absolutely nothing for me. Not ugly at all, but not hot. I think this has to do with either my own American Societal Programming, or my biology, or both. Maybe I’m just not wired to find Mexican women attractive.
This is just a theory, however, since this does not explain why I do find other non-white races attractive, such as Asian women or Fijian Indian women. Hm.
In terms of Mexican women’s bodies, they can easily be described in four words: big butts, no hips. That describes the vast majority of women down here (as well as the vast majority of Mexican women in the US). Big, nice butts, which is nice, but no hips at all. Mexican women have oddly rectangular-shaped torsos where their waists and hips are the same width. It’s very strange. I’m assuming it’s an Aztec-specific trait since neither Spaniard women nor South American women look like this.
(The irony of all of this is that one of my current FBs is Mexican. However, she has lots of Caucasian facial features and really big tits… and even she suffers from this “no hips” thing.)
As one might expect, overweight people are common here, both with the men and the women. However, Mexican City dwellers are clearly less fat than US Mexicans and Mexicans who live out in the countryside.
The Culture
The culture here so vibrant! It’s great and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. As I’ve mentioned before, this is likely because I’m an American, and as Americans we have a less distinct culture than many other cultures. Americans like me who actually take the time to travel the world (what few of us there are) are often hungry for cultural experiences.
I came here during Día de Muertos, Mexico’s “Day of the Dead”, distantly similar to our Halloween but with much deeper cultural significance, as important to Mexicans as Christmas or the Fourth of July is to us Americans. Instead of dressing up like super heroes or movie characters like we do, the Mexicans dress up in much more scary shit, like skeletons, zombies, demons, and bloody monsters. During my first few days here everyone was walking around with white-skull face paint. Fun.
It’s an extremely casual culture here. Virtually no one dresses up in suits other than the staff at fancy establishments who are forced to. Even down in the financial district where I spent a lot of time, no one wears suits. It’s all jeans and T-shirts here.
Mexicans love their dogs. This is the only city on the planet outside of the USA where people walk their dogs as much as Americans. Interesting.
They also love their tacos. Jesus. Any time you see a gigantic mob of people mashed up against one another, it’s outside of a taco street restaurant. They’ll ignore all the other restaurants on the same street and instead congregate at the taco stand to get their tacos. I saw this more than once and it was hilarious.
Something that really surprised me is that virtually no one speaks English here. I’m not sure why I expected English to be more commonplace, but that’s just not the case. Very, very few people speak English outside of a few basic words. Even trying to get them to say numbers in English is hard. Even the reception staff at very fancy office buildings don’t speak English, and many had to use Google Translate in order to communicate with me.
Most restaurants (outside of hotels) also don’t have menus in English. I often had to use a translation picture app on my phone to interpret menus, signs, and documents. Not a big deal, just surprising. I fully expect to have access to even less English as I venture further into Central and South America, but I wasn’t expecting this in Mexico. In Hong Kong, on the other side of the planet, more people speak English than in Mexico City which is just a few hundred miles south of Texas.
The City
Mexico City, by some standards, is the largest city on the planet. Over 20 million people live in its metro area(!). Holy shit. Seeing it as you fly into the airport, or viewing it, as I did, from the top of the Mirador Torre Latino building, the city is crazy huge; it just goes on forever. In terms of size of population and land coverage, it easily rivals Tokyo and Shanghai, no problem. The city even creeps up the sides of mountains in ways I’ve never seen before. Just crazy.
As you might expect, traffic is really, really bad here. Most of the time I opted to use a covered, two-seat moped instead of Uber or taxis:
When I did use Uber, I didn’t have a problem. In most countries, when you get an Uber driver, he/she has very soft music playing, or even perhaps asks you about what kind of music you prefer. Not Mexico! You’ll often step into an Uber car with the driver blasting Metallica, and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass if you like it or not. Thankfully I fucking love metal, so I would smile and just headbang along with the guy, but I’m sure most stick-up-their-asses Westerners would be upset.
Mexicans, being Hispanics, the highest-drama race in the world, honk their horns at each other non-stop all day long, for the tiniest of reasons. Pedestrians yell at the drivers, and the drivers yell back. It’s a lot like the Italians.
Security in the city is ever-present. Just about everywhere you go, at least in the Centro downtown district, you’ll see cops and security guards, and in large numbers. I suppose this is in response to the cartels, but I’m not sure. Interestingly, none of these people are armed with guns. I like that, since you don’t need guns to have an effective police force. At the same time, I’m guessing this no-gun thing is reflective of Mexico’s left-wing leanings. Hell, the entire country of Mexico has banned straws(!) because it’s bad for the dolphins or something. Yes, I’m serious.
A Final Word To All You Pussies Who Are Too Scared To Travel To Cool Places
I have to say this. Every time I mention I’m going to Mexico or Colombia or South America in general, I get a bunch of pussies freaking out that I’m going to get kidnapped, murdered, or robbed.
Oh, you fucking beta pussies!
This is just like you guys who said I would be detained or arrested if I went to Dubai. Stop being a fucking baby and start operating under the 2% Rule. The world is not this big, scary place insular, beta male Americans seem to think it is. There are over 700,000 white Americans living full time in Mexico City. Are these people getting murdered or kidnapped by the cartels? Uh, no. And you guys bitching about how I “might not get any water” if I visited Mexico City? I took showers whenever the hell I wanted here and I always had water. Seriously, several of you freaked out about this.
Next up, a place I’m really excited about… Panama!
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Mountain Westerner
Posted at 06:49 am, 8th November 2018This attractive to YOU thing you (BD) have looked at and thought of before and expanded on in several posts is without a doubt a REAL thing.
Biological, this HAS to be real, as I am without a doubt exactly opposite and have found asian women “meh” with only one I ever put the effort to have sex with (and she was Mongolian not typical of BD’s choice).
Cultural, again likely a part, I grew up in a border state and at least half of my young dating life was with Mexican ethnic girls. Hey, best to look at things realistically. To top that off I tend to like that “hot-sex/hot-drama” tenancy that Latina women have, but I also have years of learning how to control that as well, so again bias to personal.
BD is correct, f-ing forget about trying to excuse “it’s dangerous” for not visiting, I have spent weeks on end in Mexico city with never a problem, and the worst danger for me was Atlanta in the US!
Posted at 06:55 am, 8th November 2018Mexico sounds like an awesome place to visit!
There are some places where you have to be a bit more cautious anyways, as a latin american I try to not texts on my phone while walking on the streets next to the roads, in crowded areas.
Posted at 07:02 am, 8th November 2018Glad you’re enjoying it, BD. I lived in Mexico City for almost two years and loved it. Your observations are pretty spot on. The women are disappointingly mediocre however there are other parts of the country that have more attractive women. Ask any Mexican dude. But as you said maybe they’re just not your thing. Curious to hear your impression of Argentina and Colombia…those are knockouts for me.
Get out of the Historic Center and Financial District if you haven’t yet and still have time. I recommend checking out Condesa, Polanco, or Roma if you want a taste of the fancier hoods. There are hotter women around these parts, too.
And fucking preach it with your closing point! Most people thought I was insane for moving there. Funny thing is my hometown of Detroit is statistically more dangerous and has significantly less to offer in terms of shopping, dining, nightlife, cultural attractions, pubic transit, parks etc.
Posted at 07:28 am, 8th November 2018Mexican women in America are some of the sexiest women I have seen, as long as they keep themselves in shape. Once they gain even a few pounds things get bad. But some of the Cuban women I have encountered in Florida have been amazing and from what I remember they have those nice big hips along with the ass. Salivating just thinking about it. Have fun BD!
Posted at 08:01 am, 8th November 2018There is nothing strange about it. The USA has imported tens of millions of second- and third-worlders. Therefore it is perfectly natural and inevitable for the USA to have second- and third-world problems. Latin Americans do not magically become capable of sustaining a first-world civilization once they cross the border into the USA.
Posted at 08:33 am, 8th November 2018Feh
Thats some nice racism ya got there
Eric C Smith
Posted at 08:49 am, 8th November 2018Gotta check out some fijian indians. Sometimes there are some super tan glowing asians that come through my work. If that’s at all related, I gotta see. Thanks for the scoop on latin America.
As a culture hungry guy, the boots on the ground articles have a lot of value to me. Thanks.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:05 am, 8th November 2018Sure. Being prudent and cautious is fine; I do those kinds of things myself. But cowering in terror and refusing to travel because of some 2% shit is just stupid.
Exactly. You are far at more risk in places like Detroit or Chicago than a place like Mexico City. It’s fucking hilarious.
Mmmmm… Cuban women… Kathy Ferreiro… Mmmmm…. Daddy Likey.
Yeah and I suppose you think Donald Trump and the fucking Republicans are going to fix all that, right?
If you like Indian women, if that’s your thing (it isn’t mine), then a required trip you must take is to Fiji and then go to the city of Suva on the other side of the island. In all seriousness, you won’t believe what you see there. (I didn’t.)
Posted at 10:13 am, 8th November 2018I had to click the link…..and you talked about Savatage. I shit you not, just last night, I PM’d a high school buddy a pic from about ’88….we both had rock star hair, and I had a Savatage shirt on. Fun times! Although I disagree on Iron Maiden….up the irons!
Ram It Down became so much funnier after Rob Halford came out of the closet.
Posted at 10:26 am, 8th November 2018That’s funny cause I love Mexican and Chinese Women LOL.
Your FB sound like she leans more Spanish. Mexican, Brazilian, Argentinian, Filipino, and other colonized country Chicks are a mixed bag on complexions, features.. Many are more Western looking, many more indigenous. Many knockouts and many that look like fuckin Goons.
And Yes I live in So Cal, many if not most of our Roads and Freeways are 3rd World. We have deep potholes on the fucking Freeway that are downright dangerous. WE just had a Gas Tax increase to “Fix the Roads” even though thy had that money already and wasted it on Jerry Browns and Gavin Newsoms train. Proposition 6 to repeal the Gas Tax, DMV Fees and require a vote for future increases on Gas Tax. It failed by 11%.. they worded it in way to purposely confuse people and say they had no money when they in fact did.
However at least in CA we did pass Proposition 7 to permanently change Daylight Savings Time to year round so Thank Fuck, I HATE the time change.
And in case you were wondering Gavin Newsom won, I know big surprise.
The New Yorker
Posted at 10:59 am, 8th November 2018You know BD,
My (admittedly) little understanding of Mexican women is that the border states up north have the hottest girls (Sinaloa), and the more south you go the more indigenous and conservative they get.
Perhaps narcos up north attract hotter ones and central America down in the south attracts family oriented “papas sin sal.”
Distrito Federale (Mexico City) is generally in the south, so…
Posted at 12:00 pm, 8th November 2018Yeah I assume you’re not talking about places like Rio, where cops armed with assault rifles are being killed in bright daylight by drug dealers (also armed with assault rifles, and sometimes even anti-aircraft guns(!!)).
Plus, I dont know about Mexico but in some latin countries (again Brazil for example) you shouldnt feel too safe walking around the streets. Sure getting robbed isnt a daily thing, but gringos that dont take care of their stuff (like cell phones, wallets, watches and necklaces) and that feel generaly too safe are eventually going to get robbed. If you play it cool and is always aware, you’re fine. Still, given time, you’ll get robbed. 90% of the people I know have, including me (fuck I need to move out of here)
Posted at 02:25 pm, 8th November 2018In all seriousness though, I have a friend who took a winter road trip last year, where he visited and took pictures of some of the worst shit holes Mexico had to offer. He went to a lot of sketchy places where security was nowhere in evidence, but recent gang activity was plainly obvious. I think it’s fair to say my friend isn’t a pussy who scares easily. With that being said, his opinion of Colombia is fuck Colombia, he’s never going to visit Colombia again. I forget how he put it, but basically the tourist pablum trying to get tourists to come back to Colombia is complete bullshit, and the country is a failed state. It’s not safe to travel anywhere in the country except by air, and even with the ever-present security in, I believe it was Bogotá, he got mugged. I took Colombia off my someday list after watching his misadventure.
If I can get everything together in time, I want to go to Argentina in January or February. I want to get the divorce buttoned down first, and get all of the hidden costs I’m not expecting out of the way. I’m hoping taking myself to a place where I am more of an exotic commodity will help me break the ice so I can start interacting with women again. Single life hasn’t been going well in that respect, although it’s been going fine financially.
Posted at 03:32 pm, 8th November 2018This is the number one thing that white middle class Americans want to do. They just want to go through life wearing whatever they want and not really paying attention to stuff, while feeling comfortable and safe; IOW they don’t want to live in reality like the rest of world. Ever since I got on the internet about ten years ago, all I ever read is “is it safe over there?” ” I heard that area is not safe” “does such and such place have crime.” This is just regarding the U.S. God forbid if you even mention Mexico/SA. Solution: gentrify the fuck out of everything so you don’t have to worry about shit. I could understand women acting like this, but men are being way too alarmist and pussy about it too.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:55 pm, 8th November 2018Yeah, yeah, I’ll be in Bogotá next weekend and if I get mugged there, I will retract my statement in my article.
I have a feeling I’ll end up retracting fuck all. (cough2%Rulecough)
Correct. I’ve seen men freak out about this as much as women. But Western men castrated themselves a long time ago. They’re a lost cause.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:07 pm, 8th November 2018Amen!
Self-evident commonsense!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:35 pm, 8th November 2018Political correctness detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:
Yet another man who’s on the wrong blog. You lost? Tumblr is nowhere near here.
Everything Feh said is 100 percent correct. By calling him a racist, you are making one of three arguments:
1. If you import third world savages into the first world, you sincerely expect them to become civilized first worlders over night.
If this is what you’re saying, how does that work? That makes no sense. You expect them to change their personalities immediately and stop their savagery? You expect Muslims from Africa to stop mutilating the clitoris of their little girls? In Montana, they’re fighting to have that be declared a First Amendment right, for fuck sake!!! Just what kind of “magic dirt” do you think America is that these savages will suddenly embrace human rights and western ideals of freedom and democracy?
2. You don’t believe these people are savage at all, but think they are just as enlightened and civilized as us and possess the same beliefs in freedom, equality, human rights, and democracy.
This argument also makes no sense. If this is what you believe, how do you explain their home countries being such tyrannical shitholes, both technologically and philosophically? They are educated as children to believe in dictatorship. You think they were able to magically resist their own societal programming? Idiots in America can’t even resist monogamy! You think Guatemalans will magically know all the principles of the European Enlightenment and champion human rights and equality for all when they have had the opposite drilled in their heads since childhood? On what basis do you believe in their lack of savagery?
3. You believe that Feh was making a racial instead of a cultural statement.
Again, this makes no sense either. Feh didn’t say anything about race, and therefore, can’t be called racist. He was alluding to culture. Culture can be changed. But it takes time. If they were to come to America and undergo some kind of cultural assimilation program, provided by immigration authorities, in order to Americanize them (what PC people refer to as “cultural genocide”) than yeah, they have the potential to become just as civilized as us.
The problem is that powerful forces on the left think that cultural genocide (what Martin Luther King called “integration”) is somehow bad and cultural segregation (what is now called multiculturalism and diversity) is good. Well, if you allow them to retain their savage cultures and pass them to their children (thus reinforcing savage racial stereotypes) you are justifying the racism of real racists, which is why all decent people should be against you!
The only way to overcome racism is through cultural assimilation and integration. Kill their inner third world savage and they will become our equals. There is nothing racist or racial here. It’s just “culturalist.” Not all cultures are equal, even if all races are.
Drop your PC buzzwords and join us in the real world!
Posted at 08:13 pm, 8th November 2018I am curious : where do you rank those cities? Does it look like that? Feel free to use other examples.
1st world :
Singapore, Hong Kong, Shangai, London, Dubai, Paris, New York, LA, Tokyo, San Francisco
2nd world :
Mexico City, Rome, Bangkok, Cracow (Poland), Suva (Fidji), Detroit
3rd world :
Manila, Marrakesh (Morocco), Lviv and Kiev (Ukraine), Windhoek (Namibia)
Posted at 08:38 pm, 8th November 2018More than a “no hips” problem, I perceive it more as a “waist as wide as hips” problem, Meaning for me the problem is their waist is too wide, but their hips are fine in proportion to their height and shoulder width. I totally agree with the rectangle shape perception.
My opinion about attraction for non racist men is that it’s roughly 80% biology including a huge part of genetic, 20% SP. Reverse those numbers for bigoted people and then they sometimes have conflicted attractions where SP goes against biology.
I just come from Vietnam where many men praise the viet women looks. While I recognise that they are somewhat objectively good looking, it’s not my type. I couldn’t feel sexually attracted to the vast majority of them. Problem for me include lack of sexy dressing – even prostitutes and disco/bar freelancers dress too formal for my tastes – and too white skinned and either too western facial feature or too chinese facial feature. Instead I feel more attracted to Thais and even more to Filipinas (even though oddly enough I recognize that in average viets have probably more symmetry than pinays and thus are objectively more pretty I guess).
Caucasian women, especially the more white, I can’t stand their noze too long for their face. I have similar feeling as you where I see only very few women I find attractive. And don’t start me with red hair women, yuck!
Arab, persian and Indian women I perceive even more extremely: 99% are ugly for me, and 1% are beauty goddesses, there is no in between.
I am very attracted to a lot of Black women.
Posted at 08:54 pm, 8th November 2018This happened to me. It was a stupid mistake on my part though. Next time I have to go there I will check every single millimeter of everything in my luggage and review every single medicine I carry is off their banned list because I have seen guys arrested for just traces of weed in their pants pocket. I am talking about a microgram of weed, a one millimeter tiny twig. It’s ridiculous.
Not a 2% rule thing: you really have to prepare for this in advance, especially if you are a marijuana user or used to carry some medicines in your bag.
Posted at 03:20 am, 9th November 2018Hey Michael, I’m curious, are you white? Cause if you are white and go to argentina you will just blend in. Everybody is white over there and the only exotic thing about you will be your bad spanish.
All the americans I know have a pretty bad perception of argentina, that’s why I’m saying this. What US tv sells as argentina sometimes is actually Colombia/Brazil/Central America
Argentina is the most westernized latin country
Posted at 07:44 am, 9th November 2018Hey BD,if you were to move in Mexico city and you saw 200 random women,who were between 23 and 30,and you will fuck only the ones who are above 8,based on your post,the procent of fuckable women there is 0.3%,or less.In Portland ,Oregon,from a sample of 200 random women,how many do you think are for you an 8 or above as a percentage?
Posted at 08:20 am, 9th November 2018Hey BD,
Your five flag program sounds like an effective way to minimize taxes. It also sounds like a lot of work and a lot of time spent flying here and there, hopefully not in economy. To me it sounds like a whole career to just manage, not to mention the cost of airline tickets, attorneys, and fees. (I’ve flown nearly 6mm miles and have businesses in five countries on three continents so I have a grasp.)
Many people neglect to put a dollar value on their personal time. (Time Value Money) For example they will drive 30 minutes to save 5 cents per gallon on a 12 gallon purchase. Yay, they saved 60 cents by driving 30 minutes! Their personal TVM is $1.2 per hour! I would gladly pay $100 to have an extra hour, so you won’t find me waiting in the Costco gas line. (or sitting in economy on a long haul flight.)
If you just picked someplace you like, paid the taxes, and spent the five flags time instead working doing something profitable, might your life quality improve?
One of your best recent posts was about forgiveness, how my life will improve if I don’t get bent out of shape by stupid thing people do to me. Fantastic article!! A lot about The West makes me angry; I share a lot of your gripes. But every country has something stupid going on because it is run by humans. You can’t outrun stupidly run places. Worse, your passport and banking shenanigans might get you onto a watch list and make all of your travel and your whole financial life excruciating.
Pick a happy medium, someplace with reasonable taxes, good looking to you women, and enjoy your life.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:26 am, 9th November 2018Yeah, your list is more or less correct, though cities can be high or low within each scale. For example, Singapore is on the high end of first world, Paris is on the low end (and continuing to descend with the rest of Suicidal Europe).
I don’t see a difference between those two things.
In all seriousness, if you’re stupid enough to leave some weed in your bag and fly to somewhere authoritarian like Singapore or Dubai, that just means you’re stupid and you really shouldn’t be traveling internationally to begin with, not that these countries are dangerous.
I have flown all over the world for years on end, including to “dangerous” countries, and have literally never had a problem anywhere, because I take to the time to do my research and preparation before I go. This is a required step with international travel. If you’re too stupid, lazy, or in a hurry to do this, you are not traveling correctly, and of course you’ll have problems. But again, the problem is you, not all of these countries.
Correct. If I lived in Mexico City I would be extremely unhappy for this reason.
Walking around on any random street? For women 23-30? Maybe 1 in 20? 5%? This goes up to perhaps 8-10% in malls and certain neighborhoods. Again, this is the Portland area, not Seattle (which is noticeably worse than Portland for some reason).
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:40 am, 9th November 2018Correct. If the only reason you’re doing five flags is to minimize taxes, then you need to be making at least $150,000 per year to make all the time and effort worthwhile. (I make much more than $150,000 per year.)
Again, that’s if you’re doing five flags only for tax savings. There can be other compelling reasons to do it beyond taxes depending on your needs/situation (asset protection, insuring freedom of movement, international banking, etc).
I have already done this, and my quality of life has dramatically improved, as has my income. But now I pay a shitload more taxes because of my increased income (unacceptable) and I live in a slowly collapsing country (the USA) that utterly hates people like me (high-income, white, libertarian Alpha Males). Time to get the fuck out of here. I’ve just begun the two-year countdown timer. January 2021, I’m gone.
Correct. That’s exactly what five flags fixes; you’re no longer depending on any one country; you’re instead dependent on a portfolio of different of countries and benefiting from the best of each while avoiding the problems of all.
Incorrect. Yes you can. Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle + five flags does exactly this. Hell, just doing Alpha 2.0 on an international scale without five flags does much of this.
If you believe that, you have a thorough misunderstanding of five flags. Getting multiple passports is A) completely legal and B) prevents the very problem you’re stating. (If there’s a problem with one passport, you’ll have several others, so no worries.)
Do you seriously think I’m not enjoying my life?
Posted at 11:32 am, 9th November 2018Man, you should really swap Bogota for Medellin. Bogota is ok, but Medellin is way better.
Plus when you want to get PF a treat, please take her to Cartagena. You won’t regret it.
Happy travels man, I totally get what you’re saying about Americans who are scared to travel (met quite a few on the road, you should see their faces when I say I’m from Brazil LOL).
Posted at 04:10 pm, 9th November 2018I love mexican girls. Ive been with exponentially more mexicans than white women. The hottest are from Guadalajara. Perfect mix of mayan and french. The boxy midsection is true in central mexico. I think its actually the waist above the hips is wider, which makes the hip curve vanish into a straight line. On the bright side, So far, indigeonous latin americans and filipinas are the tightest chicks ive been with. Im an italian who also speaks spanish, so i get along great with mexicans and the crazy culture!
And Jim, the author’s own comment about latinos being the highest drama race was far more literally racist than Feh’s comment on immigration. Europe is encountering the same scenario and i believe it was acknowledged on this blog already. It doesnt mean both comments aren’t true statements though
Posted at 04:18 pm, 9th November 2018I have a small theory on this. Everywhere you go the majority of danger comes from scumbags. They could be high level organised crooks, low level crooks, scammers, opportunist crooks, or just drunk dickheads looking for a fight.
My city is very safe on the world scale. But our main Saturday night entertainment area that literally has 100’s of nightclubs and bars in a few blocks can be extremely dangerous at times because of the number of drunk and drugged up young guys around.
Most of the time all these different types of scumbags are looking for easy targets. If you are a well built guy that knows how to fight (even a bit) and you are Alpha, you have a certain way that you carry yourself. You give off a certain vibe. Its also what helps you attract women etc. This is often enough to make these scumbags think twice about messing with you and look for easier targets. If you keep your wits about you as well and make sure you are aware of your surroundings etc. This is even more so.
So regardless of where you are in the world. Being Alpha can make a big difference to your security risk. I’ve just noticed this over the years with guys who talk about getting into issues here and other places around the world vs myself and other friends who are well built and know how to fight who never seem to have these sorts of issues. Even in the same places.
Posted at 04:40 pm, 9th November 2018Yeah, not regardless. I agree with you in certain places, but when crooks are openly armed on third world countries it is irrelevant. If you look too tough they will take extra pleasure on torturing you
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:04 pm, 9th November 2018As Eddie Murphy already pointed out 30 years ago, a statement isn’t racist if it’s a statement of statistical fact (when he said “black people have bigger lips.”).
Hispanics are very high-drama. Not my opinion. Fact.
That’s the problem I have with left-wingers… they literally think facts are racist.
The problem I have with right-wingers is not their observations, but their prescriptions. (“Vote for Trump make a America great again!!!” Uh, no. Trump can’t make America great again, nor wants to.)
My understanding is that there is actual scientific data that backs this up; walking taller, straighter, more confidently, with your chest out, etc, actually reduces the odds of you getting mugged or otherwise accosted.
But honestly, this fear is just from pussy Americans hearing about some shooting in Mexico, then watching a few movies like Sicario, and then assuming every nation below Texas is a death trap. People are fundamentally irrational.
Posted at 09:44 pm, 9th November 2018It’s a long story to explain for my case, I didn’t actually know I was carrying anything illegal for Dubai. But yeah it was really a stupid mistake on my part. However the point I was making is that some of my “cell” mates were arrested for a tiny twig 1/100inch/1 micro once of cannabis. If you are a cannabis user who carries marijuana in your pockets you surely have such tiny twigs stuck in your pocket even after you wash them. The inspection in Dubai is crazy meticulous and they will arrest you for such microscopic quantities. It requires preparation. Also some perfectly legal and medicines or bits of food (you may eat a sandwich and a poppy seed fall in one of your pocket => you get arrested in Dubai). It’s nuts!
Posted at 11:31 pm, 9th November 2018Exactly, thus the “rectangle shape”.
Posted at 12:07 am, 10th November 2018I don’t have first hand experience but this is what I heard especially from Brazilian expats friends. I generally share the opinion of BD that most people generally are pussies frightened to travel. Brazil is one exception that I am trying to figure out. I have never been there, but my uncle and aunt have been there, my cousin is adopted at birth. They said at night it’s accepted to drive through red crossing lights to avoid getting robbed at gun point. I have several brazilian friends: they all have been robbed at gun point and/or have a family member who was shot dead and robbed. I was managing a project for TAM airline: my office colleague was robbed of everything at gunpoint in broad daylight inside a taxi stuck in traffic on her way back to the airport. etc… etc…
So I am wondering: is Brazil really exceptionally unsafe? Have you been there BD, what’s your thought on Brazil (Sao Paulo/Rio)?
I feel reasonably safe everywhere I have travelled, but Manila feels borderline unsafe to me. I insist on feels which is subjective not facts. I got robbed of my mobile, enclosed in my buttoned pocket, in a jeepney. Thankfully I felt it and immediatly grabbed the (old little) guy so he could not run away while my MLTR punched him in the face and he gave my mobile back. I feel this pickpocket story could easily happen in Paris except for the pocket was closed and buttoned… One of the thing that probably participate in my perception are guards with shotguns everywhere, even in front of 7-eleven.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 04:06 am, 10th November 2018Dubai is nuts. You can get arrested for having any alcohol in your blood – such as when you had a single glass of wine on the plane over there. And that’s even on the Dubai state line. In practice, they only use it when someone is pissing them off. Someone is rude, the officiale order a breath test. But it’s a bit like getting bitten by a shark. It doesn’t happen that often.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:15 am, 10th November 2018I have never been to Brazil, and not going on this trip.
It’s on the list, but its way down on the list.
Posted at 10:14 am, 10th November 2018Yep! We never fail to attract a hardcore Trump Tard or so every post lol.
Caleb you’re right o the money by saying our country hates Libertarian, White, Alpha types. The Left says we’re selfish and the Right who hates us much less still wants us to fall in line somehow with their way of doing things.
Lving I’m So Cal you’ve just motivated me to walk across the border soon lol. Being TJ is pretty chill part of Mexico, the only thing scary if there is gonna be the hookers.
Honestly if someone is afraid of a certain area to travel to than just plan to avoid those areas during your stay versus stay home lol
No more mr nice guy
Posted at 12:16 pm, 10th November 2018BD, I’m totally on the same page as you WRT to an hourglass figure, and it’s hard for me to find a woman attractive if she doesn’t have a good “waist to hip ratio”.
There’s been some research on this, and the magic number seems to be 0.7 – most women who are considered truly attractive have hips that are about 30% wider than their waists.
Note that this is independant of weight – slender women and chubby women can all have good ratios.
Here’s a fairly good article, with photos of several women with the “ideal” ratio.
I believe this has been tested across cultures, and is a universal preference for human males, but don’t quote me on that.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:20 pm, 10th November 2018CTV – NO ad hominem attacks here please. It doesn’t matter if I agree with you or not, I have to enforce this rule equally with everyone. Don’t do that again.
I think you’re right, but that then doesn’t explain how Mexicans are able to reproduce so much they have the largest city in the world and vastly out-reproduce white people, whose women have superior hip-to-waist ratios. So there’s something more to this.
Posted at 01:42 pm, 10th November 2018Rio has stunningly beautiful women. They are adventuresome, social, and not victimized by societal programming. Very fun.
Posted at 03:39 pm, 10th November 2018Understood Caleb.
Posted at 05:09 pm, 10th November 2018Sigh. Did I say I thought Trump was going to fix the problem? No. But I hope you enjoyed leaping to that conclusion and pummeling that strawman.
People like Jim who think facts are racist merely amuse me. There are none so blind as those who will not see…
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 08:52 pm, 10th November 2018Chatting with baby sister this morning. She rode her bicycle all the way from Alaska to the tip of South America, on an absolute shoe-string, camping by the side of the road, couch surfing, leveraging her minor stardom on the cycling circuit for invitations to stay here and there.
Actually, she did get mugged in Bogota. But she didn’t draw any general conclusions about the place, and neither would I. She lost about a hundred bucks, apart from that she was fine.
She’s doing talks and seminars now on managing fear. I sent her a copy of a book BD recommended, Feal the Fear — and Do It Anyway. She said it was exactly what she was trying to say.
All this fear shit is just fear of the unknown. It’s like when America goes into a panic about Ebola, when what people should be worried about is diabetes and high blood pressure. For some reason, it’s not so scary to die from something that everyone else is dying from, too.
Posted at 02:10 am, 11th November 2018In Australia here everything can kill you. We have 8 of the top 10 deadliest snakes, spiders, crocodiles, sharks, blue tongue lizards etc etc. Even Kangaroos will fuck you up if you are not careful! 🙂 Everyone freaks out about all the dangerous shit over here, but you know what kills the most amount of tourists?
Drownings is what kills everyone! Like a lot! Every year!
Some Asian 15 yo and his father who was trying to save him drowned in a public swimming play area at the beach the other day that is probably less than 6 foot deep. Every week in summer multiple tourists drown at the beach. Its crazy how irrational and uninformed peoples fears are.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:04 am, 11th November 2018No. I wasn’t referring to you. I was referring to conservatives. If I was referring to you I would have clearly stated that.
Posted at 08:40 am, 11th November 2018Funny Mexico is on your radar, too. Going with residency in Panama (and IBC somewhere else, banking somewhere else, etc.). Will rotate between Montreal (around May 15th – October 15th) and either a place in Mexico, Colombia, or Argentina. Looks like Medellin and Buenos Aires are in first place to spend 6 – 7 months of the year. Hong Kong is totally off of my radar (One of my two OLTR gfs is actually from HK) because a totalitarian government = deal breaker, but we all have our different preferences.
Wanted to do the beach thing this winter, so three months in Belize. Since all of my businesses are online, this is rather easy to pull off.
A lot of guys probably see your pitch for your audiobooks and courses as shilling for something that won’t really happen. They have the right to be wrong: You and I have done the quite similar things, lead quite similar lives and have never met. In other words, this stuff really. Does. Work.
I asked one of my business partners last year where she wanted to be in 5 years (a question I ask everyone) and what she said was telling: “I want your life.”
The way to get it is simply to invest in education and application.
Frankly, people should just buy the books, courses, audios and actually use the materials in order to live wherever they want, however they want.
Yours are extremely well thought out, and despite our considerable difference in politics (Libertarianism really was a last century thing with no place in the AI fueled 21st century) and social issues (I tend to agree with the goals of many fighting for social justice), you’ve probably put together the best package of essential knowledge on the subject.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:21 am, 11th November 2018Sounds great! Like you said, to each their own, as long as you’re living that five flags lifestyle who cares which countries you choose? It’s about whatever you like.
Yes, and my audience are those men rational enough to know that it works instead of getting emotionally defensive about how it’s “impossible.”
I get this too.
More or less correct; libertarianism has been completely destroyed and will never be coming back in any recognizable way (Bush, Obama, and Trump supporters have ensured this). That’s exactly why I’m forced to do five flags. If I can’t have libertarianism in society (and I can’t), then I can have it within my own life instead, no problem.
Thank you.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 07:00 pm, 11th November 2018Funny. I’ve been providing a bit of input and support for someone I knew years ago who’s trying to set up an online business. An English teacher, a total party girl. rarely turned up to the school she was working at because she was still out partying. She started teaching online to make life a bit easier. And then she started reading Flynn and Walker and Ferris. And she had the bright idea that most English teachers working abroad were exactly like her — lazy slobs who were really just looking for a way to travel and see the world and have fun with as little work as possible. So she just launched a site to target exactly that kind of market (Where to get a bhang lassi in Varanasi, that kind of stuff), selling online pre-packaged courses and other support materials for these teachers. She just launched this weekend.
So much fun to hear her squeals of delight when she got five paying clients on the first day of her launch. She seemed happier with that $200 than from $2000 in a pay check. She realized that it is possible, that it is going to work. I felt happy all day just hearing how excited she was.
Posted at 07:21 am, 15th November 2018While I feel comfortable visiting just about any place, you do need to be careful if you plan on staying there long term, (more than a week or so). My wife is from the Philippines, and I have been to her rural village in Zamboanga , (Mindanao island), three times, but I would never spend too much time there. People you don’t want to interact with eventually come snooping around to see the American, and not all of these folks are nice people.
If you are in an urban area, then this is much less of a concern.
Posted at 08:16 pm, 29th November 2018Depending on the era, Metallica isn’t REAL metal. Any Metallica after 1995 is just pop metal to me. lol
Luis Alvaro
Posted at 07:48 am, 27th December 2018If you come back to Mexico City I could be your official translator.