17 Jun A Message to Roosh and Heartiste Readers – Please Read

This is a letter directed to the customers, fans, followers, and casual readers of RooshV, Heartiste/Roissy, and other pick-up or red pill bloggers who convey content of a similar vibe and political leaning. This would be pick-up or ex-pick-up guys who are more right-wing, alt-right, alt-lite, Christian, and similar.
As I’m sure you’re aware, big changes have been occurring in this world over the last few weeks.
Some guys have converted to Christianity and have removed some or all of their dating books from publication, renouncing the very topics they have espoused for many years.
-By Caleb Jones
ther guys have not done this yet, but have clearly threatened to do so in the near future, urging their readers to hurry up and buy their dating books before they go full Christian and pull them from publication.
Some guys have actually banned the topic of casual sex from their forums and blogs, alienating, frustrating, and confusing a large percentage of their readership.
Other guys have been completely deplatformed and/or banned, losing entire websites or blogs and being banned from social media accounts and/or payment systems. (This is something that will sadly worsen as the Western world continues its slow and inexorable move to the political left. This shit is going to get much worse, and it’s not going to get better.)
As I’ve said before, I have nothing against Roosh, Heartiste, or anyone else. If you go back over my past articles, you will find I’ve never said anything insulting or vitriolic about any of these guys despite a few disagreements I’ve had with some of their opinions. I wish them all the best, and I mean that.
There is some overlap between my audience and the audience of these guys despite any differences. After being a part of this community in some form or fashion for a decade now, it appears to me that the audience of these content providers tends to fall into four general groups:
Group One – The Christians. These are the hardcore evangelical Christians who hold their religion as their highest priority. Topics such as women or politics are side-issues for them unless they somehow relate back to traditional Christianity.
Group Two– The Angry Political Guys. These are the really angry men who enjoy being mad, actively look for reasons to be mad, and/or enjoy internet drama. A smaller subset of group two are young trolls who like to stir up internet drama because it’s fun for them and they have nothing else better to do. Group two tends to focus on politics rather than other topics like religion, getting laid, or self-improvement.
Group Three – The Alienated Guys. These are just normal guys who really dislike the idiocy and sheer irrationality of the left. They’re not religious like group one, nor are they enraged all the time like group two. They just feel disenfranchised or alienated by this new, insane, irrational, left-wing world we find ourselves in today.
Group Four – The Guys Who Need Woman Advice. These are guys who don’t give a shit about any of this stuff and just need help with getting laid and other aspects of their woman lives.
My content will never resonate with group one, the hardcore Christians. This is despite the fact that I was raised Catholic, and even though I am an agnostic today (I am not an atheist however, and I hold some deep spiritual beliefs) I still have a decent amount respect for Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. One of the rings on my fingers as I type this bears the Holy Cross of the Knights Templar. My wife is a practicing Christian who, unlike most Christians, actually goes to church every Sunday, with my encouragement. Visiting St. Paul’s Basilica in the Vatican with my mother (herself a former Catholic nun) was one of the highlights of my life. I can recite various Bible passages and Catholic prayers by heart (Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…). And so on.
Yet, I understand that some of my stances against long-term sexual monogamy (which doesn’t work; you’ll cheat, get cheated on, or get divorced), my emphasis on men having regular sex (required for a high degree of health and well being) regardless if it’s serious or casual, and my endorsement of certain types of nonmonogamy (as long as the man remains Alpha and it’s under a specific and controlled system) are going to rub most hardcore Christians the wrong way regardless of the numerous facts or stats I can cite backing up my viewpoints. So if you’re in group one, this message probably isn’t for you, and that’s perfectly fine. Feel free to go, or read on only if you’re curious.
Group two, the perpetually angry guys and trolls, is not in my target audience. This is despite the fact that I agree with at least 80% of the alt-right/alt-lite platform, I am usually in complete agreement whenever a conservative or anti-SJW describes what he thinks is wrong with today’s society, I utterly despise the politics of left-wing, and I have literally never voted for a Democrat in my entire life (unlike Trump) and I never will.
At the same time, my entire focus is making men happier, not riling up men to get on the internet every morning and look for the next insane bullshit the feminists or SJWs have said that day so you can get angry all over again. I’ve already spoken at great length about how voting for Republicans and screaming at SJWs on Twitter, while perhaps emotionally satisfying in the short-term, isn’t going to improve your life in any way, but I understand that most of you guys are wired a little differently than I am, and that we’re probably never going to see eye-to-eye on whether or not to spend time and emotions on zeitgeist-level politics and cultural leanings over which you have zero control.
A few of you in the troll category will even get angry about this very article and say horrible things about it and me; that kind of thing always makes me money, so please proceed, and be sure to include a link to this article while you’re insulting me. Thanks in advance. (It’s actually the number two reason why I wrote this article.)
So this message really isn’t for you guys in group two either. It’s all good. Have fun with all the creative ad hominem attacks against the Muslims or gays or Jews or whomever else you’re furious with today and have a nice week.
That brings us to groups three and four. These are you guys who are Roosh/Heartiste/etc readers who just want some woman advice to make your lives better, and you guys who are not necessarily angry, but are clearly disappointed with the way society is turning out (and I agree with you). This entire article is for you guys. Read on.
If you feel like you are no longer getting the advice, help, and support you need, I would like to provide you with some, free of charge.
First, you can have my primary book, the 440+ lifestyle design manual for men, The Unchained Man, for free. Just click (or right-click) these links and they’re yours .I will keep these free download links for the book up for at least two weeks for you guys, until around July 1st 2019.
Click the links, download the book, and just scan through it, read a few pages or chapters, and check it out. See if it offers value to you. I’m pretty sure it will really help you in numerous ways, but that’s for you to decide. It’s free so you have nothing to lose.
Next, page through the archive of this blog here and my other blog here. Just scroll down and click on the article titles that seem interesting to you and that you think may help you. I have been writing how-to articles for men in the realms of dating, relationships, business, finance, and lifestyle for 10 years, consistently, with no breaks or hiatuses. You may not agree with everything I write (we’ll get to that in a minute), but there is so much how-to content in these archives that I’m sure you’ll find at least a few things that will really, really help you out.
Just to be transparent about this, I’ll make a few negatives about me clear before you get started:
1. While you and I will agree on most things, I will definitely say one or two things you will disagree with. I will certainly say one or two things that Roosh/Heartiste/etc would find horrible. I’m just warning you about that in advance. There are also ways in which I have lived my life, and continue to live, that may conflict with some of your right-wing sensibilities.
But, and here’s the important part, there are lots of men in my audience who completely disagree with me about certain things who have still found significant value from my systems and techniques and have used them to improve their lives. They’d be happy to tell you about it.
So if you see something I say that makes you scratch your head (and you will!), just take a deep breath and keep reading. Skip over the parts where you think I’m crazy and you will find other parts that will really, really help you.
2. Unlike Roosh/Heartiste/etc, I’m actually running a business here. Unlike most other men in this space, I’m not blogging for fun, or for political activism, or to push a philosophy, or to Change The World™, or to Save Western Civilization™. I really don’t care about that stuff so I’ll let guys like Roosh/Heartiste/etc focus on that instead. More power to them, but I’m not a social crusader. I’m a highly motivated businessman who works seven days a week running a for-profit business here. It’s one of my three companies.
That all means that in addition to the mountains of free content I provide, I also sell stuff. A lot of stuff. I know that makes some of you upset. That’s okay. But here’s the good news: you don’t ever have to buy anything of mine, and it won’t hurt my feelings or bother me (I already have plenty of money so I’ll be fine), and you still get all the benefits from my mountains of free and helpful content. It’s a pretty good deal.
With that said, here’s what I promise you:
1. The topic of sex, in any context (serious, married, casual, meaningless, whatever) will always be a topic I focus on and will always be a topic I will allow to be discussed at my blogs, social media pages, and forums. I will never, ever ban that topic for any reason. While I’m all for serious relationships (I’m married and I never do one night stands), sex is too important to a man’s happiness to limit its discussion only to narrow, religiously-approved contexts.
2. I will start to include daygame and night game as topics at my websites. I personally do online dating (which I know is something some of you hate), and since I can’t teach something I have not personally done, I can’t teach daygame or night game. However! I have reasonably vast resources at my disposal, and I will make a commitment to you guys that if daygame and night game are areas you need help with, I will find and feature real-world experts in these areas to assist you and help you hit whatever woman goals you have set for yourself. If the night game and daygame guys are slowly vanishing from the right-wing side of the internet, no problem, I’m a capitalist and I like money so I will take up the slack and provide these resources to you. Give me a little time, but it’s coming. More on this soon.
3. I will never un-publish any of my books, courses, or other content. I may update these things, and have in the past, but I will never remove them from publication. They will always be available, and that includes future books and content as well.
4. I will continue to regularly discuss the topics of dating, pick-up, and relationship management until at least 2024. Back in 2009, I made a 15-year commitment to my audience that I would continue to discuss these topics and allow these topics to be discussed, and I always do what I promise. 2009 plus 15 years is 2024, so you can guarantee I will still be here talking about these things until at least then, regardless of any changes in my personal life.
Unlike most guys who talk about sex, pick-up, or dating, I don’t suddenly stop talking about these things just because I get a girlfriend, or get married, or change my religion, or move, or “get busy with work,” or whatever. Nope. As just one example, I’ve been married for a year and a half now and I’m still here talking about this stuff. That won’t change. I am as constant as the north star.
At or after 2024 I might change my focus, maybe, but even if I do, I will still provide an avenue for these topics to be discussed. Like I said, I will never ban these topics.
5. I will never do a 180-degree mind-change on major shit. As far as I know, I have been the most ideologically consistent guy in the entire Manosphere for the decade that I have been a part of it. None of my core opinions or convictions have changed since I first started doing this stuff way back in 2007 and started writing about this stuff in 2008. Since then, I’ve raised two kids, started new businesses, had very serious relationships, and even got married (though it’s my version of marriage, a version that doesn’t threaten a man’s long-term freedom or happiness). I still have not changed my political opinions, my opinions regarding sex, women, monogamy, dating, relationships, marriage, or whatever else. Of course, I’ve changed a few details and side-opinions, but that’s to be expected since literally never changing one’s mind on anything would indicate a lack of critical thinking skills.
The main reason for this is that I entered this world when I was already 35 years old (I’m 47 now). Most content providers in this area started talking about these topics when they were young bucks in their twenties, and who are only now getting into their mid or late thirties, and thus changing their minds on everything.
6. I am a long-term strategic thinker and businessman and have thus taken great steps to not get banned or deplatformed by anyone, steps most other content providers never even think about.
Most of these things are items I can’t talk about publicly, but here are a few examples of the ones that I can:
– None of my income is reliant on any one social media platform or any one commerce website. I could be permanently banned from Twitter or Amazon or YouTube tomorrow morning and I would barely feel it.
– I will shortly start posting on social media much more often, but I will be posting on 15 different platforms, not just one or two. (More on this soon.) My rhetoric is also much less angry and (what is considered) less offensive than what you’re used to from Roosh/Heartiste/etc, so this reduces the odds of me having these kinds of problems in the first place. But if they happen, it won’t be any big deal.
– I do not host with a hosting company like WordPress who can ban my websites. Almost all of my sites are hosted on my own physical server that I control myself, located well outside of the USA and Europe, masked by multiple IP CDNs. (Please don’t ask me any details about these things; most of this stuff is beyond my technical understanding and I still wouldn’t tell you if it was.) While no one is 100% bulletproof, no corporate left-wingers are going to take down any of my websites. They’re mine, and mine alone.
– I’m an international businessman; I bank using multiple and unrelated international banks and payment systems. If any one payment system or bank were to ban me or prevent transactions to or from me, granted it would be a hassle for a while, but it would not stop me. Not even close.
So that’s about it. You may not agree with me on everything, but you can count on my help, and you can count on me to be both consistent and present with you for the long haul.
I’m here to help the men who really want help. I’m here to help you if you want it. And if you don’t, that’s fine too. Start with my book using the links above, and go from there.
Regardless of what you decide to do, I wish you the best, and I hope whatever path you choose is the one that makes you the happiest.
Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:27 am, 17th June 2019Thank you.
Eric C Smith
Posted at 05:52 am, 17th June 2019thank you.
day game/night game advice from whoever helps for when im just going about my day.
Posted at 06:03 am, 17th June 2019*July 1st, 2019 (for giving away the free book, not June 1st)
The amount of value you provide here is insane, just insane.
Keep up the good work, and thanks.
Posted at 06:21 am, 17th June 2019What happened?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:29 am, 17th June 2019Thanks; fixed.
And you’re welcome guys. I wouldn’t be here without you.
Posted at 06:30 am, 17th June 2019You godsend. You provide content that has helped a lot. I’m only 21 y.o. and never had a father in life so never knew the how to’s to be a man and get women in the process. Rollo and you are the ones I follow almost religiously because you guys have a mission: to help men in need. I want to be like you, or to strive as high as you at least. Thank you so much, seriously, from a 21 y.o. dude from fucking Venezuela. Yeah, that’s it. Keep rockin’.
Posted at 07:20 am, 17th June 2019Keep rocking
Posted at 07:41 am, 17th June 2019Impressive article,impressive attitude, impressive message. Respect.
I look forward to visiting and finding out more.
Mirck Elvas
Posted at 08:18 am, 17th June 2019Comment deleted for violation of Rule Number Three.
Posted at 08:23 am, 17th June 2019Caleb.. Being that Day/Night Game isn’t your strong suit..
Would you have guest articles from dudes with good info.. say Alan Roger Currie?
Posted at 08:39 am, 17th June 2019Honestly, heartiste blog has helped me further regarding actionable outer game advices, but yours i found prior to that…i started with coach corey wayne purple pill shit with this dating stuff.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:43 am, 17th June 2019Alan is my boy. It was fun to catch up with him last year at the 21 Convention.
The answer is yes. I’m not sure if they will be articles, videos, interviews, products, or a combination of all of those things. I’ve got a lot of ideas and I’ve already spoken with a few guys; I’m still mapping all of this out. As soon as I have things solidified you guys will be the first to know.
That’s good; I’m happy to hear that.
Johnny Caustic
Posted at 10:10 am, 17th June 2019Thank you so much for sharing your book, Mr. Jones. I bought a paper copy back when you released it, but it’s really great to have an electronic version now too, as I travel frequently.
BTW, all your advice about minimizing legal entanglements around marriage and children has just had a decisive effect on one of the biggest decisions of my life. I’ll never know for sure what would have happened if I’d chosen the other path, as she’s a very loving and devoted woman, but Not Like the Others? It’s probably better to temper her expectations now rather than commit to watching the fading of love over time.
Posted at 10:15 am, 17th June 2019Even though he has his own Day Game products, I’d definitely appreciate Tom Torero coming on to cover DG. On his excellent podcast last year, he once invited guys aged 50 and over who do DG to send in an audio to talk about themselves and while it was helpful and motivational to hear from the guys who spoke, it wasn’t enough.
If they’re wanting to do DG and approach younger women, guys aged 40 and over do need to adjust their game differently (compared to guys in their 20s and 30s), as well as make sure they’re always on top of their health and fitness, diet, grooming and inner game, as they’re going to get blown out a lot more and need to be unfazed by this.
I’d appreciate seeing something instructional on video, showing how guys aged 40 and over who are successful at DG (which wouldn’t be a lot, as most don’t do it) do DG on video.
I’m not interested in Night Game, but the main challenge of NG, for guys wanting to do it and/or who enjoy dong it, is how to do it if you’re always sober and are always drinking only water (which is how it should always be done, unless you want to waste a lot money on alcohol and getting Ubers and cabs, because you can’t drive) and you’re not relying on liquor at all to loosen up, as most guys tend to do, which makes NG harder.
C Lo
Posted at 10:17 am, 17th June 2019I’ve always considered SJW’s just liberal Type Twos. Even if you agree with what they are saying, a lot of people despise them for wrapping themselves in fairly transparent virtue signaling. Others (like myself) don’t like surrounding themselves with that sort of energy sucking drama.
On Caleb’s suggestion, I’ve been reading Brian Tracy and almost stopped when he started touting “the law of attraction” which is bollocks. So Caleb’s comment this morning:
The work of some other writers in the sphere does not stand up in that way. Often, you either accept the full of the orthodoxy or you are a beta cuck, even when you know that they are dead ass wrong or outright lying. That’s not helping men, it’s substituting one form of unhealthy control for another.
You and Brian aren’t like that, but then again, you both are selling practical solutions based on self improvement, and have been very helpful to me IRL.
I’m grateful to pay you both.
Posted at 10:53 am, 17th June 2019Wow this is insane… giving out your book.
Heartiste’s blog was veering of right-wing craziness for years when it got axed. His stuff remains a classic with his earlier posts.
PUA content remains strong content that must be covered.
Here is what I suggest your readers want to see.
How-tos for men over 40 dating younger women (+15 years age difference). Openings, seduction, inductions, rules. And by openings I don’t mean opening the wallet.
A topic many men (especially younger) would like to see covered is How to get women when you DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY. (Applauses). No spending money. Period. I don’t remember anyone in the field touching on that subject, although you’ve had a recent article on how to make money when you’re broke and in a new city. I mean it is easy to say frame is everything (it is !) but people want practical tips.
I specialize in alpha becoming a beast. If you need any help in that area, let me know. I could contribute something. That’s a restricted, unsavory, hard-to-digest, walled-off space with a tiny following, however.
Take the lead. Keep up the good work !
C Lo
Posted at 10:58 am, 17th June 2019If you read it, you’d realize how really generous this is. It’s really fantastic for just about any man in a rut, or not satisfied with his life.
Which is every divorced guy ever but I digress.
Posted at 11:39 am, 17th June 2019Damn. Masterfully executed.
I’ve been watching Black Dragon for quite some time and I’ve always thought he may eventually become the biggest name in the red pill movement. Now I’m sure of it.
Not because he has the best ideas – I enjoy his teachings but don’t agree with all of it – but because no other redpill guru seems to have BD’s work ethic or business savvy.
That’s the biggest difference BD has. It’s not that he has an open marriage or teaches online game. It’s that it seems like most red pill guys are doing this as a inconsistent hobby while BD is always focused and working all day and night at taking over the internet.
I wouldn’t be surprised if BD surpasses all of these guys, and soon. He’ll probably get mainstream attention like Mark Manson or Mike Cernovich.
Keep at it, BD. I disagree with some of what you espouse, but no one can say you haven’t earned your success.
Posted at 01:51 pm, 17th June 2019I agree with Jimbo 100%
Posted at 07:46 pm, 17th June 2019I strongly disagree with some of your advice to men (in relationships in particular – as I am a woman) and have been vocal about it, but I applaud you for being an amazing businessman, and I admire your consistency in your viewpoints.
I actually hope you give out more advice on location independent living/investing/business (I read some on your CJ blog) in the future, but I understand it’s of less interest to the masses in terms of marketing.
All the best.
Posted at 08:53 pm, 17th June 2019Sounds like this is the guy version of “I’m a Christian now and I don’t believe in sex before marriage.” aka “I’ve fucked too many girls and I want to balance out by not having sex for a while.” according to your woman language blogpost.
Posted at 10:37 pm, 17th June 2019SJdubs now act almost EXACTLY like Neocons did up until the 00s or so: If your rhetoric goes against their dogma, you are a cultural terrorist.
Fortunately, they are extremely rare, just like Neocons were extremely rare back in the day.
What isn’t rare is the toxic collectivism that is surrounding our culture, and the actions of Roosh, Cernovich, and now even Victor Pride are all giving into the temptation to save the world with their dogmatic views and spooky language. It really REALLY sucks that the manosphere have become the SJdubs that they despise just for a different side.
The manosphere needs to understand that seeking external solutions is NOT masculine. In fact, seeking out external solutions is the diametric opposite of masculinity – toxic femininity.
A man’s role is deal with dumb shit that comes their way, find a way to overcome it, then show others the way. Not going to college campuses and acting exactly like the SJdubs that cult leaders like Roosh, Cernovich, or Tomassi or Krauser or whatever tell you to despise.
Posted at 05:33 am, 18th June 2019Damn yes, it was about time someone cared about these two guys’ readers, since they obviously don’t. Daygame articles are going to be a great addition to this blog and I really look forward to them, now that the pickup guys are leaving the game there will be a sore need of more of this content. Maybe you’re thinking about Jon Anthony as a collaborator? MD and this one are the only blogs I think are worth the salt in the Manosphere.
It’s a great detail from you to offer them your book for free, it shows you really care about men who want to improve themselves. I’ll do my part and link as many dudes I can to this article and the free book as I can. I am really glad that I chose to keep up with this blog and not the others from the Manosphere.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:50 am, 18th June 2019Please show me where in the article I said, or even implied, that I was not having sex, or less sex.
(I have sex several times a week with multiple women, have done so consistently for about 12 years, and will continue to do so.)
I don’t know who that is but I’ll look into it. I don’t really keep up on PUA stuff these days.
Posted at 06:59 am, 18th June 2019I will always remember in The Game by Neil Strauss, where his ex-player friend suddenly became super orthodox religious…
So this 180 degree man-whoring to pious religious zealot turn has been around.
I wonder what the psychological trigger is for such phenomenon.
C Lo
Posted at 08:49 am, 18th June 2019Neediness. Using sex to fill some non sex void in your life. Lack of mission. Looking to external sources to fix internal problems. Getting mono with that “one special girl”. Laziness.
Lots of things.
Posted at 09:07 am, 18th June 2019Watch out guys; BD is strategically creating a monopoly here! In two to three years the whole manosphere will be his empire. All of the manosphere authorities will be little princes of the great emperor Blackdragon! 😉
But seriously, why do you guys think that Mark Manson and Cernovich got that mainstream attention? I mean, their content is not that breathtaking.
Posted at 09:55 am, 18th June 2019Blackdragon
Since you post only one time per week,I think you should not post about daygame or nightgame,because there are already a lot of great resources online to learn this stuff.
BUT if you will do a collab ,dont do it with Tom Torero(who faked an infield),or with Jon Anthony (who is a KJ).
A guy who has a deep understanding of game and was an ex RSD coach is Karisma King.His game is very advanced and he knows how to teach guys at any level.
I recommend to watch his series about top 10 PUAs(which includes a breakdown of their game) or to watch his videos about the fundamentals of game.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:12 am, 18th June 2019As I said above, I don’t know if this content will be posts here at this blog. Perhaps they will, but I have many other ways of presenting this information besides just this blog.
Okay, here’s the problem. (And I’ll get into more detail about this later.) PUAs and people in the PUA world love to form high school-like cliques, scream at each other, and call each other scammers, lairs and KJs. It’s a deeply ingrained part of PUA culture. (As well as one of the reasons PUA has collapsed and never really accomplished much as a movement or industry.) This means I could pick pretty much any PUA guru (including this guy you’re talking about, Karisma King, who I don’t know), and some guys would love him and some other guys would scream bloody murder about how he’s liar/scammer/KJ and how I’m insane for collaborating with him. It will happen with literally anyone I choose.
So you more hardcore PUA types are just going to have to CHILL and deal with the fact that some of the guys I use as resources for daygame and night game might be guys you hate or guys some of your PUA friends hate. I can’t make everyone happy; it’s not possible. Especially with PUA types.
Posted at 12:42 pm, 18th June 2019I understand this.But the reason i said you should not pick tom torero is because he fakes infields,and even krauser admited this.Tom torero,sasha,krauser ,Yad,james tusk, all use the london daygame model,where you jump like a creep in the front of the girl,there is pretty much no calibration in the interaction and your ratio of lays per 100 approaches will not get higher than 2%(which is small).
A guy cannot get to a high level in daygame using this model,this model is good for beginners and for low end intermediate guys.
You could do a collab with a lot of great guys like:any guy from RSD(with the exception of luke,papa or derek),todd valentine,bradicus,valentino kohen,alex social,Vadim from honest signals,JP from todd crew.The reason i said you could do a collab with karisma king is because he is not that popular and you could reach a better agreement with him compared with the other guys that i mentioned.(Also he has great game.)
To understand the difference between the london daygame model and advanced daygame,watch this video from 8:56 to 11:20.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk8YH-64Sj8
Now speaking about Jon Anthony,he claimes he fucked 1000 girls,he has a lot of videos where he bashes RSD,like this one from 4 days agohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5gljmWu4IM Only watch 10 seconds of his video to understand, how stupid he is to attack RSD and especially Tyler.
TL DR:There is no need to read this post,but if you are gonna chose a PUA to do a collab with,find a LEGIT GUY,who didnt faked infields and it will be great if it will be a PUA who doesnt use the London daygame model,or the PAUL Janka model,becuase the ratio is very,very small.
Posted at 01:05 pm, 18th June 2019He’s the mind behind Masculine Development. He has a similar work ethic than yours, focused on providing value and making a business from it. His article titles can look clickbaity but the content he puts out is legit. He has many information products (ebooks, etc) that seem to sell pretty well. Though he’s one of these “young bucks” you talked about before but seems way too level headed for his age.
Posted at 01:36 pm, 18th June 2019Dylan, BD explained that readers would not agree with his choices as PUA’s polarise opinion. You reply saying you know and then just ignore what he said and confirm his views by saying how ‘this guy’ is a fake but ‘this guy’ is legit.
Bottom Line; unless you actually have coaching in person from a guy or wing with him, you can’t say if they’re legit. Infields are too random as they can be manipulated & don’t mean a guy is successful as they don’t confirm he slept with the girl.
Just find a guy who resonates with you as a person and try his stuff; if it works, great. If it doesn’t find some other person.
Ive been doing daygame for over eight years and I borrowed ideas from a load of guys. Don’t get caught up in this PUA worship/resentment crap. The goal is to fuck girls, not debate who is the best or worst.
To illustrate my point, I’ve only winged with two established PUA’s in person, both of whom were amazing and “walked the walk”.
One you rated and the other you dismissed.
Posted at 01:38 pm, 18th June 2019Very sad, put that into your to do list of future articles… Disgusting to see, I would bet any amount of money, that is the reason pua is pretty much over, is mainly due this fact….
Posted at 01:54 pm, 18th June 2019I think “Jon Anthony” and “John Anthony” are two different people.
Jon Anthony – Seems to run Masculine Development website
John Anthony – The PUA formly known as JMULV. Claims to have slept with 1000+ women and runs a YouTube channel that says he’s the best in the game and bashes other coaches especially Tyler and RSD.
Posted at 01:56 pm, 18th June 2019Unfortunately egos always get in the way of a more collaborative effort in the community. Plus it’s a very wide topic with lots of different schools and a hard to quantify success ratio of the top dogs.
Posted at 05:40 pm, 18th June 2019Not you, BD. I meant the guys like Roosh, Heartiste, et al.
Posted at 06:51 pm, 18th June 2019If you listened to his podcast, Tom Torero has evolved from the London day game model. Yes, it’s true that a few years ago Tom faked an in infield and it was a very dumb move on his part and it was a one off incident, since he does have legit game and also has legit infield footage. PUAs are like everyone – they make mistakes and TT learned from his.
ToddV isn’t with RSD anymore and went out on his own in 2017. His excellent YouTube channel is the only dating coach one that I follow.
Posted at 01:48 am, 19th June 2019I’ve read and/or bought pretty much everything you’ve done since around 2013 when I was going thru my divorce. It took weeks for me to drop $50 on that first ebook I bought but it’s saved me thousands of dollars and tons of wasted time. All your stuff is like that for me so making money off of me is a joke compared to how much value I’ve gained.
I’ve realized after buying your latest consultant course that it hasn’t been so much what I should be doing that’s helped me but what I shouldn’t be doing. I maybe SHOULD be dating more, doing an online business, etc etc but I definitely SHOULDN’T be getting legally entangled with women, spending tons of money on women and relying on one source of income. I’d say the things you’ve helped me avoid have helped more.
I’d second Tom Torero. He’s made mistakes but has really grown over the last couple of years but like you he’s all about action, action and more action. Not just mental masturbation but doing things in the real world with real people. Plus he doesn’t really hide the (sometimes many) downsides of his lifestyle.
Posted at 02:14 am, 19th June 2019Good post and I too have the utmost respect for christianity, although i would never argue for creationism or monogamy in the US.
The manosphere is so interesting. I started on rooshv forum ten years ago after googling “how to bang more girls” lol. Somehow through various comment sections there i developed an interest in health, fitness, languages, philosophy, economics, geopolitics, libertarianism, mgtow, genetics, evolutionary psychology and ive read a ton of books on those subjects… to the point where im called a renaissance man at work. Ive found business role models like kiyosaki and the annoying gary v, and intellectual ones like Peterson and Molyneaux. Im pretty grateful for that. The alternative might have been anime obsession or video games, which would have been more isolating.
Posted at 02:29 am, 19th June 2019Thank you Caleb! you are a great guy, I have buy some material from varius gurus: (Doc Love, Roosh V, Blackdragon, Sebastian Harris) they open my mind and make me stronger, forever thankfull to all
Posted at 04:09 am, 19th June 2019Fantastic post BD. You and Tom Torero are the only sane ‘libertarian’ voices I resonate with. Everyone else is going further ‘right’ than puritanical popes!
Torero and Todd V would be amazing additions to this blog. Seen both in the field and can vouch for their ‘cold approach’ skills which are additions to your online game BD. Todd also has solid knowledge about bars.
Funny how much of what BD predicted about the manosphere came true. With Roosh and Heartiste becoming stuffy conservative zealots the cognitive dissonance of them trying to combine their old dating advice with TradCon thinking is mind boggling.
C Lo
Posted at 03:04 pm, 19th June 2019Once someone shows themselves to be less than completely reputable, never trust them again. Especially in the ‘sphere where everyone and their dog is selling something “to save men”.
You only get to lose credibility once, and you never really get it back.
C Lo
Posted at 03:18 pm, 19th June 2019I was preparing to drag RT @ RM for being a charlatan and generally untrustworthy, but it appears that the guys from the 21 convention already did it for me.
Sooner of later, if you are a turd, everyone will smell it. If you lead a life beyond reproach that same shit doesn’t stick.
Posted at 11:11 pm, 19th June 2019As someone who used to be an RSD fan, their quality has gotten progressively worse over the last five or so years. JMULV has proved almost decisively how ineffective they have been. The proof of this is RSD charging the kinds of money that they charge.
However, JMULV himself doesn’t seem too legit either. Highly doubt that he has had sex with over 1000 chicks, but he’s definitely better than RSD currently, who seem to be ducking out of PUAism completely.
Yup. NONE of those guys are legit. They do everything that women’s groups who want to target PUAs do, and I’ve developed some theories that they are actually working with these women’s groups to demonize PUAism even more.
BD nailed it, as usual. This is exactly why I don’t mess with PUAism related communities anymore. Too much toxic bullshit. Is it not possible to create fundamentals out of every PUA dude’s “methods?” Probably not, and that sucks.
Posted at 01:04 am, 20th June 2019Regarding game, Todd V (I don’t think he is legally allowed to use his former RSD name Valentine) is one of the only guys who has a rational and intellectual approach to game, just as BD. His videos are to the point with no BS. Too bad his old programs have been erased from the internet by RSD. I met him in real life and he is one of the smartest guys around, and also a brilliant business man.
Posted at 02:19 am, 20th June 2019The LDM isn’t “jumping like a creep in front of the girl”. It’s a framework of interactions for guys to follow until they develop their own style and front stops are only a part of it. The front stop is used as guys, new to daygame who are working on their calibration, can let the girl walk away if she isn’t interested. Once they get comfortable vibing and flirting, then they can approach girls sitting in cafes/trains/shops without unsettling the girl.
Posted at 02:24 am, 20th June 2019Lol! The comment above shows why BD will find it hard to have any guy talk about daygame without being vilified.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:44 am, 20th June 2019I’ve already been vilified. And will be vilified again. I make money whenever it happens so it’s cool with me.
I’ll just have to put a disclaimer on any guest content that says that anyone screaming this person isn’t legit (regardless of who it is) needs to remember that if I used their “ligit” guy there would simply be other guys saying he wasn’t “legit.” It’s unavoidable no matter who I use. Again, it’s endemic to PUA culture, and as Dylan’s second comment above illustrates, it’s so ingrained in these guys that they don’t even realize they’re doing it.
It’s not a problem. If anything it will just create more traffic for me.
Posted at 10:04 am, 20th June 2019I’m not a follower of Roosh but do read him occasionally. What a little bitch! After years bragging about casually banging mountains of pussy, he now does a 180, so he doesn’t have to feel guilty about it. Poof! He’s now a redeemed sinner and instant upstanding Christian man. Sure he will do some form of dreary imposed penance as a part of his “journey”, but what horse shit. While most people are raised with huge amounts of oppressive religious programming and slowly break those chains, gaining freedom later in life, this nitwit is voluntarily enslaving himself. Oh the celibate joy he has in store for him! In ten years, when his self flagellation has run its course and he really, really wants strange pussy again, watch for his epiphany and all of a sudden he will be talking about his awakening and how he is throwing off those shackles. What a hypocritical douche.
Posted at 07:44 pm, 20th June 2019Good riddance. Their content made me sick to my stomach. Yours gives me some hope that there’s a middle path to be found.
You a Joni fan? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f_OtHVLAF4o
Posted at 09:55 pm, 20th June 2019For anyone that is upset about Heartiste site being taken down, you can still read some of the old content.
Just go to web.archive.org and type in the web address to view some of the old blog entries
Posted at 10:03 pm, 20th June 2019Wow… I stopped reading Roosh a few years ago when I realized how fucked up he is and the dumb shit he would post. And I also hate feminism and sjws, but you know the stuff like ‘girls with coloured hair are mentally ill’ ‘no girl with a cellphone is capable of a relationship’.
Now he does this. I had no idea. Seriously, I just searched it and found his new ‘rules’.
Things you can no longer discuss:
-Meeting women with the intention of fornicating with them
-How to bang
-Physical intimacy with women you’re not married to beyond the act of kissing
-Maintaining relationships with multiple women (i.e. spinning plates)
-Cheating on significant others (adultery)
-Using technology to fornicate
-Discussion of travel destinations which are best for fornication
-Stories of sexual activity while not married
-Promoting masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.
What a joke. And he also ‘recieved a message’ while on mushrooms that converted him. What a totally sane reason! :Z
“Using technology to fornicate” hahahahhaha.. wtf.
Posted at 03:20 am, 21st June 2019Nope. “jump like a creep” and “pretty much no calibration” isn’t the impression I get from Sasha or Yad at all.
Posted at 03:39 pm, 21st June 2019Hey Blackdragon,
i bought the unchained man, and i would definitely pay for it again, even though right now it’s available for free, because of the value it offers.
Cool move on your side. Seems that people who are confident of their materials can afford this approach and still do very well – example Correy Wayne and his 3% man ebook.
I haven’t had an opportunity to meet you in person, but I’ve read all articles on this blog twice (for real) and i would like to thank you for everything you do as well as you being you. Therefore, thank you so much, you’re doing a phenomenal job!
Best regards and utmost respect.
Posted at 06:27 pm, 21st June 2019Saying that someone “isn’t legit” isn’t vilifying. It’s calling someone out. I take every piece of information (chicks, business, fitness, whatever) with a grain of salt because what was effective 15 years ago isn’t as effective today. This is true in almost any life area.
And yet, there do exist certain fundamentals that have stood the test of time.
With chicks, it’s LMS and good people skills. Those got dudes laid a century ago and they’re getting dudes laid now.
With business, it’s knowing how to budget your time wisely, having good discipline, not wasting your money on stupid shit, knowing what to invest in, and having strong attention to detail. These created millionaires before Think and Grow Rich was even written and they will create millionaires a century from now.
With fitness, it’s not consuming processed shit, staying hydrated all the time, being active as much as you can, and getting proper rest. I’ll literally bet money that everyone in the Pumping Iron documentary 40+ years ago did those exact things.
With PUAs, I see NONE of those fundamentals being practiced or preached, certainly not enough to produce successful students.
If people succeeded from PUAism as much as they claim, we wouldn’t have as many raging incels as we are seeing more and more of.
This isn’t vilifying, it’s just me calling people out. Every dating coach I’ve read has let me down after I followed their stuff. The only four that I kind of benefited from have been BD, Squattin Casanova, JMULV, and Sonny Arvado. And guess what all four of these guys know the fundamentals: They have good LMS and can socialize well. Who woulda thunk?
If I said that they are “teaching dudes how to rape chicks” like the SJDubs do, THAT is vilifying. I’ll never do that because I wasn’t stupid enough to waste money on their “bootcamps.”
Posted at 09:09 am, 22nd June 2019Looks like the Christianity angle is part of Roosh’s new gig – get your GF banned from social media and she’ll worship as the true Alpha God you are.
Oh well, gotta admire the creativity and it is good for a barrel of laughs.
Regarding the manosphere, from what I understand, YouTube and other platforms are cracking down hard on PUA, Red Pill, MGTOW and similar content. With Roosh being deplatformed from Amazon, Heartiste being nuked from WordPress, content providers that heavily invested their money and persona are adapting.
21Con and RMG seem to converging more to purple pill, tradcon content. Example, there is a recent interview Stefan Molyneux with his usual pro-marriage speech (which is the same as suggesting to leave your bunker during nuclear winter, because we are not supposed to live underground).
It’s a shame, as professionally ran events like reaches a much wider audience, and gives that personal connection/emotional aspect to the ideas. The danger, which I can see happening, where such conventions become Alpha Male LARPing with manly beards, cigars and fast cars just to come home and sacrifice the rest of their lives for wife and family as “that is what a real man does”.
On the other hand, more logical and theorycrafters like Rollo and TFM do not provide solutions that will bring happiness to most men as they are generally verging towards nihilism/Black Pill.
We’ll see what happens – thanks for sharing the book to everyone. Abundance mentality.
Posted at 09:46 am, 22nd June 2019Joelsuf – read what I said properly. I said BD will get vilified as ANY dating coach he picks will result in Caleb getting emails from guys saying that the guy he chose is a fake.
I picked your bizarre comment about daygame coaches being in league with Women’s rights groups as evidence of the extreme reactions PUA’s provoke from guys online.
Charles Bronson
Posted at 12:26 pm, 22nd June 2019This is why BD is the single greatest writer in the “manosphere”. He is the only one, the ONLY one, who takes the information and treats it as a toolbox and not a religious screed.
One look at the 21 Convention’s meltdown at Rollo Tomassi is all one needs as a reminder of what happens when happiness isn’t the focus of all this.
Posted at 03:41 pm, 22nd June 2019You’re married? How is that safe? Prenups don’t always hold up in court.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:40 pm, 22nd June 2019My version.
I know; I’ve said exactly that many times. Read this and this.
Post Alley Crackpot
Posted at 04:21 am, 23rd June 2019There’s an even simpler reason why this position works: not everything on the Internet is necessarily about you as an author or you as a reader, and this point applies to everyone on the Internet.
But the slowly emergent and implied position on the Internet is that everything on it must be “democratised”, meaning that it’s “accessible” to everyone, regardless of whether it’s suitable for purpose or suitable for a specific audience.
This is, of course, cargo cultism of a mostly Popperian variety which astute observers can readily identify and also make educated guesses as to its ultimate source.
Social media makes it seem like the Internet is a huge bullhorn, but in reality most social media submissions are barely read or are read by a relatively insignificant audience, with many of the rest often consisting of making noise and only a few rising to something resembling significance or importance.
So why bother with catering to an imagined “mass media audience” or audiences of not-so-special interests when you’re not writing for them or caring too much about what they expect from you as an author?
That said, your four groups respectively condense to these: not your audience for religious reasons, not your audience for political reasons, not your audience for social reasons, and the only audience you ever really had as your natural audience.
If the subject matter precludes writing for “everyone” or for a “mass media audience”, why do damage to it by trying to bend it into that shape?
You neglected to notice a fifth group, however, and it’s this group that’ll be the most challenging to deal with: the people who really, truly want to believe, not because of the efficacy of the message, but because You’re The Man (of the hour, year, etc).
These people aren’t your audience as well for what often amount to invented authenticity reasons.
Not that this should be a surprise — I get the sense that you’ve become acquainted with some of these over the past year …
C Lo
Posted at 10:25 am, 23rd June 2019I think this is correct.
One of the genius spots of BD’s spot on the web is he will allow you to disagree, respectfully, with cites. BD is not 100% consistent in this respect (eg his blackjack strategy is a long term winner, math disagrees) but he won’t outright ban someone if he’s caught redhanded about something (cough – RM&RT, hundreds of times).
Some guys are doing it for the ego stroke. Thats what gets SJWs and Tradcons rocks off. They think they are saving the world, but they are really just jerking themselves off because they don’t have a fully formed sense of self without hating on somebody.
Posted at 09:24 pm, 23rd June 2019Oh my bad. I thought it was something different. But yeah, that is true.
I wouldn’t say its an extreme reaction, just an observation of mine. It seems silly, but I’m just trying to put two and two together; most of the more intense Girl Power groups don’t want heterosexuality to exist, so it’s not above them to use cringy daygame to explain their observations.
I got this observation from a lesser known manosphere writer named Sonny Arvado, as he observed that a lot of the major daygame organizations like RSD have instructors that are very effeminate and not really masculine in their demeanors at all.
The 21 convention vs Rollo is further proof of this. The stuff that Rollo did was something that high school girls do. Starting drama on social media is stuff that high school girls do, yet many of these “masculine” manosphere assholes do that.
Posted at 09:29 pm, 23rd June 2019Someone give this guy a Nobel Peace Prize.
I wrote an entire e-book about this called The Collectivist Inquisition. This kind of thing is going to get even worse going into the 2020s, as you soon won’t be seen as a good person if you just have the “live and let live” attitude that triggers so many SJdubs and Tradcons.
Really sucks. To me the manosphere is nothing more than the yin to the SJdubs’ yang. They complete each other, yet neither wants to be the first to divorce from their collectivist platform. And people like BD and I are at the vantage point, saddened by it all (well maybe BD isn’t sad, but I am).
C Lo
Posted at 02:40 pm, 24th June 2019Thanks. I’ve made it this far by observing human behavior, and recognizing patterns of motivation.
If you get into the spot where you can do it, keep it to youself. People don’t like it when you know and will react violently.
Posted at 02:57 pm, 24th June 2019God I’m glad I found this blog. I knew this was happening with social media, but didn’t realize until now that it was happening with hosting and the like.
Posted at 08:25 pm, 24th June 2019Roosh’s books, Bang and Day Bang are excellent intros to game. They are straightforward, to the point and hit all the essentials. The travel intell Roosh and his forum proveded were also excellent. Unfortunately all this intell made some good game locations less good. I look forward to less thirsty guys circling good spots in the future.
I for one appreciate the good things roosh did but also saw him going off the deep end the last few years. It seemed to me that he started to live up to the masogynist label people had given him. Its wierd, as Ive slept with more women I’ve liked them more. Roosh seemed to have the opposite reaction. Anyway, I wish roosh the best on his journey. I sense that although confused he is deep down a good guy.
Posted at 08:34 pm, 24th June 2019Does anyone else see that identity politics is just a way for the elites to grab more money/ power. Instead of uniting about issues that matter like the broken American health care system, people are outraged about not enough religion in school (the right) or transexual rights (the left). Meanwhile elites are making a fortune off our broken corptocracy.
Posted at 11:17 am, 25th June 2019Good luck BD. I really got into the manosphere trough this blog and after you I found out about guys like roosh and especially Roissy and became a much better and happier man after all that. While all of them changed over time given a variety of reasons, you kept your core ideas, like you said, while developing and improving yourself and your work.
I’m an engineer and I highly value BDs technical, surgical approach, and his on point communication. I think it will be challenging for him to compete with Roosh and Roissys more philosophical approach, sometimes poetic, I’d say, on the best days.
Maybe it will be key to mix in some content that is not so straightforward, and BD has done some of that with his fantasy texts and stuff. Keep it up!
C Lo
Posted at 10:49 am, 26th June 2019It’s a wedge issue to keep you angry and malleable. Angry people are susceptible to manipulation because anger clouds your judgement and saps your rationality while increasing ones engagement.
This is not new.
Posted at 07:35 pm, 26th June 2019Been following your blog since my mid-teens to my early 20s, and the amount of stuff you wrote in here that’s confusing or seems against your general aggressively nontraditionalistic vibe is flabbergasting. BUT. I’m super excited for you to get to daygame and nightgame. I was actually idly thinking this morning to email you if you had any recommendations for experts on daygame and nightgame. I hope you prioritize getting daygame and nightgame experts on your blog and products cuz I would pay for that shit.
I have always had huge reservations about parts of your beliefs and style of communication, but despite all that, you’re my primary self-help source and as far as I can tell, right 8 times out of ten. And if the manosphere is imploding to religion or general societal upheaval, I would rather these new audiences without their needs met are yours to teach than any other human being alive.
TO ANY NEWBIES READING THIS: Please, PLEASE take some of his techniques to heart. I’m probably going to plan entire decades of my life around this man’s advice and I STILL vehemently disagree with him and even get angry, but the parts of his systems which apply to you will save your life. I’m not joking. If it helps at all, my mindset has always been to think about him as my cranky confrontational uncle who shouts his opinions in everyone’s faces and laughs when they get angry, but this uncle is well-traveled and will tell you shit no-one else has the guts to say, even when you disagree with him, you respect him.
Posted at 02:40 am, 27th June 2019Just so You know BD, reading your blogs made me transition from being a Left Wing Liberal, to being a Libertarian.
Im pretty sure the Right_wing Guys reading you can make the same transition from the opposite side.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:57 am, 27th June 2019Wow… interesting. And cool.
Some, yes. Not most. But some…
Posted at 06:01 am, 28th June 2019Why do you exclude Australia and NZ from your predictions of left wing ideological decadence? I’ve been to Australia and their mentality is as bad as the UK or Canada.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:13 am, 28th June 2019In many ways it’s actually worse, yes, as I noted here. The answer is that they will be partially affected but I don’t think they’ll experience full collapse for two reasons: A) they don’t have the insane debt load other Western countries have and B) their proximity to China and the Rising East. There is a LOT of Asian money in Australia and NZ and there will be more as time goes on. I examined this in greater detail in articles at my other blog.
I’m not excluding them from ideological decadence. I don’t care about that. I’m excluding them from full-on collapse.
Posted at 05:37 am, 30th June 2019Cool that you’re looking into experts to feature on here for day/night game.
The (only) difference between online dating and day/night game is the opening… it just requires a little more balls to walk up to a girl in real life instead of sliding into her dm’s or sending a tinder message whatever. Everything else still applies, be high value, have a strong frame, be easy to talk to, knowing when a girl is DTF and logistics are in your favor, lead the girl and have the balls to escalate things to the next level.
So in my honest experience featuring a ‘pro’ is kind of a waste of money, unless you want to teach your audience how to hardcore pimp, open groups, mixing sets you’ve opened, accumulating social proof in a night club etc. If you become good at this you can get the hottest chicks (9s maybe even 10s). This is kind of the stuff some RSD material focuses on. However, they forget to mention the work behind the scenes. The only guys I’ve seen manage this in real life are handsome, very funny, extremely outgoing and extroverted, very confident, know a lot of people (in the venue but a big network in general) or very rich. To be in this position you don’t have to be ‘top 20%’ but top 0.1% which just isn’t possible for most people in this audience realistically speaking, it might benefit a few but not the majority of your audience. All the puzzle pieces have to fall in the right place if you want to have regular one night stands with 9s and 10s. Besides, I think most guys in general are already very content if they can get a 7 or 8 at the end of the night, in which case you would be performing better than 98% of guys and to achieve that your material is sufficient for the most part.
donnie demarco
Posted at 04:41 pm, 30th June 2019I’m really happy that daygame will be getting more coverage here. In my experience, it’s the best way to “punch through” difficult cities like Toronto or San Francisco. I don’t bother with online game anymore because the ROI from daygame is so much better here.
In particular, I’m looking forward to seeing a more American treatise on the subject. While guys like Torero* and Krauser have the fundamentals down to science, the whole experience is wrapped in this “cheeky London” veneer that is better suited for daygaming in Europe.
My dream collab? You and Too Short. It’d be really cool to see the core daygame model manifest as a pimp from Oakland.
*Yeah, I said Torero. Yeah, I know he faked an infield. I don’t give a fuck. I use his material because it works. I don’t need the Legit PUA Police to protect me from those who have committed crimes against the PUA Citadel. I can test the material and see what works for myself. Go get laid, guys. The rest of us will be fine.
Posted at 03:21 pm, 3rd July 2019Also, could you get experts on social circle game? I seem to SLAY at social circle game, and it’s way easier for me.