The Three Mental Barriers Preventing You From Being Long-Term Happy

Reading Time – 7 minutes

I have discussed the topic of maximum masculine freedom publicly for 15 years. The systems necessary to achieve this in the modern area involve a lot of controversial and anti-Societal Programming topics that rub a decent percentage of men the wrong way. These include things like:

  • Total non-monogamy, not only you have sex with other women but allowing your women to do the same if they really want to.
  • The Alpha 2.0 Business structure, particularly never hiring any employees and only selling high-margin items in a location-independent fashion to a tiny, narrow niche.
  • Leaving your collapsing Western country instead of “staying and fighting” for something you’ve already lost, or at least setting up an international backup plan so you can do so in the future (even if that means leaving suborn family members who won’t come with you).
  • Dating (FB or MLTR) whomever you want as long as she’s legal and consenting, with literally no other requirements, with no red pill list of perfect things a woman should have, even if she’s 25 years younger than you, or stupid, or a drug addict, or is a feminist.
  • Five flags, taking advantage of the laws of several different countries to legally minimize your taxes and maximize your freedom and long-term safety (even if that means moving to or spending lots of time in countries where, for example, they have different freedom of speech laws or where they don’t even speak English).
  • Rejecting your own Social Programming as false, including your more “treasured” programming like your religion, culture, or country.
  • Stop worrying about society (which has already fucked itself) and focus on yourself and your close loved ones instead.

My advice works. I know this for a fact due to the thousands of success stories I’ve heard from men in my audience over the past 15 years, not to mention my own example. You may not like my advice for various (usually emotional) reasons and that’s okay, but you can’t say my advice doesn’t work.

Indeed, “Caleb, your stuff doesn’t work” is never an objection I hear from anyone. Instead, the objections I hear are more along the lines of…

  • “I don’t want to do that.”
  • “I don’t like that.”
  • “I would never let women do that.”
  • “But, what if I do that and then THIS happens???”

Over the years, I have found that there is one, and only one deciding factor as to whether or not someone mentally accepts my advice.

There are an additional two, and only two reasons why someone would accept my advice but not take action on my advice.

I’ll cover all three reasons.

Accepting My Advice

Take the scenario where someone who has never heard of me or has perhaps heard of me but doesn’t know the details of the structures I teach.

This person watches me demonstrate one of the many Alpha Male 2.0 structures listed above (five flags, non-monogamy, whatever) or others for the first time via reading about them, hearing about them from someone else, or watching a video I’ve done.

This person is going to react in one of two ways:

“Hmmm. This is different. Interesting…”


“Wait, what? That’s BULLSHIT! I would NEVER do something like that! What the fuck?”

There is only one difference between these two people.

The difference isn’t how smart or educated they are. It’s not what culture they grew up in.  In most cases, it’s not their age or even their gender.

Nope, it’s only this: Whether or not they have long-term happiness as the biggest goal in their life.

Some people would say, “But Caleb, everyone wants to be long-term happy!” Incorrect.

The world is full of various kinds of people who think happiness or long-term happiness is selfish, wrong, immature, immoral, not being a good citizen, not being a good Christian, not being a good parent, or whatever. Big-name internet gurus from Jordan Peterson to Andrew Tate have verbally stated numerous times that happiness should not be a man’s goal. I know this because many of you have sent me their video clips saying it, and they aren’t the only ones saying this crap.

People deeply seeped in their own religious or cultural Societal Programming are going to poo-poo the concept of being long-term happy and will instead opt to pursue other goals, like having lots of kids, devoting themselves to God or Allah, building a massive billion-dollar corporation, voting for Republicans to fight woke people, saving the environment to fight evil rich people, or whatever.

They incorrectly believe that being long-term happy is somehow “against” these goals.

So they hear my advice and systems that will build and maintain long-term happiness and will immediately reject them, not because they don’t work, but because long-term happiness isn’t their goal.

I’ve even had some people verbalize this.

Some guy will demand he wants long-term monogamy, or to have multiple live-in wives, or to stick with his 9-5 for the rest of his life, or whatever, and I’ll say “You can do that, but that won’t make you long-term happy,” and the guy will respond with something like, “I don’t care,” or “There’s more to life than happiness,” or “Being a real man/alpha/father/Christian/whatever is more important than happiness,” or “Jordan Peterson/Andrew Tate/some other internet guru I worship says happiness isn’t important.”

Taking Action On My Advice

If someone really does want long-term happiness and accepts my advice, there are two possible barriers to actually taking action on my advice. I have lots of men in my audience who love my advice but who rarely or never take action on any of it (beta males, LISGs, etc). Why?

The first reason is fear. This is usually one of three types of fear:

  • Fear of rejection (“What if approach this girl and she doesn’t like me???” “What if I call on this prospect and they won’t hire me because I’m too new???”)
  • Fear of failure (“What if I pick the wrong niche???” “What if my girlfriend/wife breaks up with me when I tell her I want to have sex with other women???”)
  • Fear of social blowback (“What if my mom finds out what I’m doing???” “What if a girl posts my picture on one of those player forums???”)

We live in an era where the elites have successfully brainwashed several generations of low-T Western men to be completely terrified of doing anything outside of social norms. The world is full of men who wish for a better, freer, happier life but are too scared to do the things necessary to take it. This is the quintessential definition of the beta male.

The second reason one may not take action on my advice is our good old friend, Societal Programming. This is when one accepts my advice, doesn’t (necessarily) fear taking action on it, but feels that somehow my advice is bad or hurtful to individuals or society.  Examples of this are when guys say things like:

  • “If I have sex with other women, won’t that make women feel bad? That would make me feel guilty.”
  • “If I don’t pay much in taxes, aren’t I stealing from countries when I use their roads and stuff? Isn’t that kind of wrong?”
  • “I agree monogamy doesn’t work, but having a two-parent man/woman household raising kids is the best thing for society, right?”
  • “How can I make a lot of money if I only work with a small niche? Doesn’t it make more sense to sell to everyone?”
  • “Having sex with other women but not verbally telling women this right up front is lying, even if you’re not serious and just started dating. That’s wrong, and I don’t want to lie to people.”

So, even though you agree with and accept my advice and want long-term happiness, your fear and/or your false Societal Programming snaps you right back into line as the compliant little beta male your collapsing society wants you to be, and the elites win again.

Is it okay to be scared?

Sure. I was very scared when I started on my Alpha Male 2.0 journey 17 years ago.

But I took action anyway.

Is it okay to doubt?

Sure. I doubted all kinds of things when I first got started.

But I took action anyway.

And that is literally the only difference between me and many of you.

To have your question featured here where I will write an entire article addressing it, click here. You will always remain anonymous.

Question of The Week:

Should I Speed Up The Talk?

J.J. Writes:

Have a solid MLTR candidate I’ve been seeing for just over 3 months. For once I’m following all of the cardinal rules in addition to seeing other women… predictably things are going great. I have two questions:

1. My main issue is she’s wanting to take a winter weekend trip out of town to hang out at a cabin. I want to do this too as I have a light schedule for the moment. But we haven’t yet had the talk. I know its against your rules to go on a trip with a woman before the talk.

The last thing I want to do is bring up the talk before she forces the issue. Right now we’ve had zero drama. I sense the talk is looming ahead with some comments she’s hinted at, but I could probably get another 3 months in before the talk if I use your tactics of changing subject, etc.

Do I just change the subject every time she brings up planning the trip? Feel this would be hard to do because I genuinely want to go with her, and already let this slip when she first brought it up.

Or implement the talk, see how it goes – then go on the trip with her if we survive the talk?

 2. I have one FB I’ve been seeing for about five months. How do I discuss this FB with my MLTR after the talk? Or do I never do this unless I’m asked. I’m unclear on when or if.

Thanks as always – your advice and experience is invaluable.

A few things:

1. There is no such thing as an “MLTR candidate.” You can make any woman an MLTR as soon as you have sex with her twice. A woman doesn’t need to “qualify” for an MLTR. It’s an OLTR where she needs to qualify for the position, which takes many months or years.

2. I don’t give a fuck if she wants to go on a trip with you and you shouldn’t either. You don’t violate the relationship model or the Cardinal Rules just because some girl wants to go on a trip with you, or wants anything else for that matter. Women will always want all kinds of things from us; it’s how they’re hard-wired. It’s our job to nicely say no to these things to maintain our freedom and keep their attraction for us high.

You have The Talk at 3-5 months or more into the relationship only when refusing to talk about the relationship really pisses her off and not talking about it anymore isn’t an option. You aren’t there yet, so no, don’t have The Talk yet. Only have The Talk when she absolutely demands it, never before then.

And if you end up not going on the trip, then you don’t go on the trip. There will be many other trips you can take with her down the road. There is no rush.

3. You don’t have to change the subject all the time. You can instead say something like, “It’s way too soon for me to discuss this. Let’s discuss this down the road.” The point is to not discuss it too soon. How you avoid discussing it is up to you.

4. You don’t have to discuss any other women with an FB unless you really want to. Whether or not you’ve had The Talk with these other women is irrelevant. FYI the beatify of FBs is that even if you do talk about other women (and again, you don’t have to!) they don’t care because they’re not dating you. (This is unlike an MLTR, who absolutely will care, so don’t give them any specifics until and unless they become your OLTR, which they must qualify for.)

  • Reader
    Posted at 06:39 pm, 7th April 2024

    even if that means moving to or spending lots of time in countries where, for example, they have different freedom of speech laws or where they don’t even speak English.

    Regarding the quote above, a genuine question:

    Since one of the reasons to leave the collapsing West is to also leave behind its collapsing culture, part of it being cancel culture and having to worry (even if just a bit) about what one says so as to not piss off the wrong people, how does living in a country with more restrictive freedom of speech laws is makes you a freer man in that regard if you still have to worry about not pissing off the wrong people (albeit a different group of people)?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:27 am, 8th April 2024

    Because the countries like that (most of them) offer 100% free speech except that you can’t say anything bad about the government of that country. Since you probably don’t give a shit about the the government of a small non-Western country where you live that leaves you alone (UAE and Paraguay in my case) you probably don’t care to say anything negative about those governments in the first place. Therefore, you have all the free speech you want… probably more so than in your collapsing woke Western country.

  • JAG
    Posted at 03:10 pm, 3rd May 2024

    Nope, it’s only this: Whether or not they have long-term happiness as the biggest goal in their life.

    Well, your most talked-about rule for long-term happiness is the “2% rule” (probably only after “monogamy doesn’t work”), but I’m not sure how it leads an Alpha Male 2.0 to consistently make decisions that will make him long-term happy since it ignores the extremely bad, Black Swan-type events that can destroy his life in a blink.

    You say that this is irrational, and as long as the cumulative risks are below 2%, an AM2.0 should proceed.

    So let’s say there’s a lottery: if you win, you gain the amount of money and health that will guarantee you 100% freedom and happiness until the end of your life. If you lose, you will lose all of your limbs and dick for the rest of your life. The probability to win this lottery is 98.1%, and the probability to lose is 1.9% (so under 2%).

    Should an Alpha 2.0 enter this lottery (one time)? Would you?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:21 pm, 3rd May 2024

    Yes, I would absolutely enter this lottery, assuming I 100% verified the 1.9% risk odds, and so should you. The negative outcome, no matter how bad, is irrelevant if the odds of less than 2%. The severity of the negative outcome doesn’t change the 2% figure. Otherwise no one would ever jump out of an airplane (something else I plan on doing).

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