Liberals Have Won Over Conservatives – Good or Bad For Alpha Males?
Disclaimer: I am neither conservative nor liberal. I criticize both heavily. I never, ever vote for either Republicans or Democrats (and frankly, you shouldn’t either).
This week Rush Limbaugh, God of All Conservatives™ and Voice of the Republican Party™, announced that the left has officially “beaten” the right.
He is correct.
The only point I might quibble with him about is that the left already beat the right a very long time ago. I would say conservatism in America died somewhere around the mid 1990’s when the baby boomer generation took over the reigns of power from the WWII generation. Everything that has happened since then, including George W. Bush (who was the biggest-spending president in history before Obama came along), was simply more nails in the coffin of what we call conservatism.
Obviously Europe and Australia are already left-dominated, so that ship has sailed. Here in America, in just about every political poll, from taxes to drugs to minimum wage to gun control to gay marriage to war to the economy to climate change to immigration to just about any other political topic you can think of, liberals kick conservative’s asses, often by 75% / 25% splits. Only on the issues of government healthcare and drone strikes does the liberal stranglehold waver a little, but that’s due to some initial backlash from Obamacare which will blow over in a few years. I promise you that soon everyone’s going to be bitching that Obamacare doesn’t do enough and we need more government force in healthcare. (The drones thing is a little more complicated and off-topic for this post.)
Per capita government spending has skyrocketed in the last 50 years, and last year the government spent $6.2 trillion dollars (federal, state, and local combined), which is more than one-third of America’s entire GDP…yet people’s biggest complaint is the government isn’t spending enough. Americans love big government, and crave more. And they going to get it.
The liberals have won. Conservatives never had a chance. Seriously.
Conservatism has always been a losing strategy in the modern era. In any given year, even if conservatives bust their ass and do everything perfectly to keep things the same and prevent 80% of liberals’ changes, that means liberals have achieved a 20% victory while conservatives have achieved a 0% victory. Thus I figured out a very long time ago that conservatism, even though it has some concepts I agree with, is a political movement that is literally designed to fail.
Liberalism will continue to grow in power both in the culture and in government. It’s inevitable.
So what does this mean for us Alphas? The simple answer is 50% of it is very good, 50% is very bad, and we’re going to have to learn to deal with both. Let’s cover the good first.
The Good
The good news, and it really is good news, is that as I’ve talked about before many times here, social norms will continue to liberalize, and most of these will favor the Alpha Male. Things like:
- Sex will be more accessible with less traditional barriers such as dinner dates, commitment, promises, the “three date rule”, gold digging, etc (at least with the under-33 female crowd).
- Traditional, long term, monogamous marriage will be less and less expected.
- Open relationships will be considered more normal, less “disrespectful”, and more realistic.
- Open marriages will be considered more normal.
- Things like cohabitation agreements and prenuptial agreements will be considered more realistic and less “insulting” to women.
- Demands from women for men to marry them or move in with them will continue to decrease.
These are all very good things and I’m very pleased they’re all on the rise. This is when I’m happily cheering “Go liberals, go!”.
Also, in some areas personal freedom will increase and government intervention in our lives will decrease. As just one example, although I don’t do drugs and never will, I am for drug legalization simply because I would rather the government spend its limited resources on something more important than whether or not Larry down the street might be smoking a joint. If Larry smokes pot in his basement, or even some meth, I really don’t give a shit. That’s Larry’s problem, not mine. If he wants to be stupid, let him. I’d rather government focus on things like roads and firetrucks, not Larry. Marijuana is now legal in many states, and soon it will be legal across the board and other drugs will soon follow. This is a very good thing for personal freedom and a less aggressive government.
More liberalism also puts more emphasis on protecting the environment and green technology, which are also good things for the Alpha lifestyle. Some of the new green tech on the horizon is very exciting.
Now let’s get to the dark side of liberal power…
The Bad
There are two very big problems with the continuing liberal/progressive trends for the Alpha Male.
1. Big government and its predictable massive future failures. The biggest problem with liberalism is that liberals are addicted to big government, and big government means big spending, big printing, big regulations, big bailouts, and big taxes. This is what drives me crazy about liberals and it saddens me that my liberal buddies can be so smart about everything else while suddenly getting very stupid when it comes to massive governmental power over our lives and all of its predictable failures.
Not only does big government severely hamper the Alpha Male’s ability to earn a living and keep and invest his hard-earned money, but it also means Alphas are going to have to suffer all the impending economic disasters of the next few years just like everyone else. Because of the western world’s insane addiction to bailing out the very banks that are destroying them, on top the left’s bizarre and childlike need to suck on the government teet and rely on it to solve everyone’s problems, over the next several decades governments all over the western world (including the U.S.) are going to either collapse completely or radically implode/transform into something previously unrecognizable. This has already started in Europe and will get worse. Soon it will spread to America and its economic satellites (Canada, Mexico, etc). Only Australia and New Zealand are exempted (somewhat) from this swath of destruction because of their proximity to resource-hungry Asia which is on the rise.
The answer to this is true capitalism (I said capitalism, not corporatism which is what the U.S. and Japan practice. Bailing out millionaire bankers is NOT capitalism, so please don’t call it that.)  The way to prevent all this is lower taxes, less laws, less borrowing, smaller government, and strong limits on printing money. Because liberalism has won, no one wants to hear this right now. Everyone wants to keep borrowing and printing and spending and regulating and banning and if you don’t want to do these things you’re an asshole. Well, okay then. Soon this party is going to suffer an abrupt end, and Alphas are going to suffer along with everyone else (unless they take radical steps to prepare for it, and most Alphas won’t).
2. Increased power of the over-33 female class. This means more political correctness, more quasi-feminist concepts, and more “man sucks, women are great” societal programming in the media and culture. I just watched a YouTube video the other day where an over-33 woman was bragging to a guy that she was dating a dude ten years younger than her and how awesome it was. The guy smiled and said that he was dating a woman ten years younger than himself as well. The woman did an immediate 180, got very pissed off and started throwing shit at the guy. Because of more liberalism, which by its very nature is pro-woman, pro-feminist, pro-submissive beta, and anti-Alpha, get ready for more of this kind of “logic”. Get ready to experience more hatred and sneers from over-33 women and the betas who support them. Get ready for more over-33 female politicians in more positions of power to push this shit even further. (Hillary Clinton is very likely to be president at some point.)
It’s utterly fascinating to me that so many men out there who support pro-man positions routinely vote for liberal-progressive politicians who actively work against men.
On the older-man-younger-woman thing, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. As life expectancy increases, this will become more normal. In the short term though, get ready to experience more shit from society if you ever sleep with or date any women ten years (or more) younger than you. Of course women are allowed to fuck much younger people. That’s empowering and hot. You go girl. But if men do it, ew. Gross. Pedophile. Get ready for more of this.
Get ready for more men to get raped in more divorces and child custody cases and the laws to further turn the screws on anyone born with a penis. Get ready for even more demonization of men, husbands, and boyfriends in movies, TV shows, and commercials. Get ready for more women to rally around their sisters to “divorce that guy!” or “just go ahead and cheat on him…you work hard, you deserve it!” or “he’s only 22? Damn, you go girl!” while brutally smearing men who do the same exact things.
Yes, liberalism has won and will continue to gain power. Take full advantage of good, and prepare for the bad, because there’s a lot of both coming.
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Great article. I can’t see anything that I disagree with even after wrecking my brain trying to find a point to fight you on.
Your prediction of the future frightens me.
I’m not closely familiar with US politics but the situation you’re describing seems painfully familiar to what we have here:
On one side there’s conservatives who are actually doing a pretty good job fiscally but have social awareness outdated by ~50 years and then there’s the liberal side, who are laying solid groundwork for society to move forward but are borderline retarded when it comes to financial decisions.
Naturally, the liberal side is winning.
Anyway, it seems that society is getting closer to the “boiling point” where either everything will break down or a new global political movement will emerge (or both).
One of the things I’m doing to prepare is learning how to game married women so that when all her friends are cheering for her to cheat on her husband I’m the guy they’re rooting for.
I’ve already been the beta-husband who gets cheated on, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s much better to be the guy she cheats with than the guy she cheats on.
That could be why I love this dialog on the train in Casino Royale so much.
Bond: Don’t worry, you’re not my type
Vesper: Smart?
Bond: Single
Lol I like this one. I’m a 31 year old MILF-Hunter so I’m with you on this one.
The less regulation, the better for an Alpha.
Only an Alpha can rise and kick ass when he feels like it (for ex. injustice from the landlord) and that’s why the landlord is trying to root out the Alpha breed. Beta pussy will always obey and do what he is told without questioning.
So more regulations and betaizing to come…
(btw. I don’t give a shit about that.)
I agree somewhat with the initial observation of this post but the rest is over-dramatized BS in my opinion.
Alphas victimized by a bunch of liberals and old women? What kind of pussy whining is that? It is pretty much tautological that alphas will rise to be dominant in any social system, and reap the rewards.
That’s what an alpha is, right?
IIRC, the (ultra liberal, ultra radical, anti-capitalist) socialist societies of the cold war era produced some of the most alpha badasses out there then and today. I posit that this was so because the alphas were able to thrive under adverse conditions while the rest of the populace could not, so their dominance and power was exaggerated. Why would our country end up any different? Why wouldn’t beta types be more victimized by the factors you describe than alphas?
Alpha males will NOT somehow be beaten down in America. They will adapt to a changing society more quickly than everyone else and thrive.
That’s why they’re alphas, right?
“When you hear the word “Freedom” it tends to be in the same sentence with something called “Democracy”. It’s fascinating how people today seem to believe that they actually have a relevant influence on what their government does, forgetting that the very nature of our system offers EVERYTHING for sale. The only vote that counts is the monetary vote, and it doesn’t matter how much any activist yells about ethics or accountability. In a market system, every politician, every legislation, and hence, every government IS FOR SALE. The fact is, politics is a business. No different than any other in a market system. And they care about their self-interest before anything else.” – Peter Joseph
Great post, man.
1. Marijuana is legal in many states? I’m only aware of two.
2. Can you link to that youtube video with the woman doing the 180 when the man says he’s dating a younger woman? I’d very much like to watch it.
3. How many years would you say we have till the collapse and what are your thoughts on the one world government that is supposed to replace national sovereignty when that happens?
@DaviT: Don’t forget that Peter Joseph is a pure communist/totalitarian.
While I completely agree with you on drug legalization and the incredible amount of public money that goes to waste on penalizing drug related offenses, I am not as optimistic as you seem to be. Other drugs will soon follow?? Depends on how you define soon. Even the left dominated holland, where buying marijuana is as easy as walking into a coffee shop and asking for it, seems to be going BACKWARDS on this tendency, since now they want to prevent tourist from doing it. Not to mention other drugs.
I’d say it is going to be centuries, if anything, before things like cocaine and MMDA are legal in the western world.
Kurt – You’re right in that Alphas will eventually overcome just about anything in the long term. In the short and medium term, they’re going to suffer. Yes, in places like Soviet Russia some Alphas did well, but millions more Alphas were either killed or rendered destitute along with the women and the betas. If the economy suddenly crashed by 80% tomorrow morning you and I would suffer badly no matter how Alpha we are, at least in the short and medium term.
Jack – 1. I should have said “legalized or decriminalized”. About half of the 50 states in the U.S. have either legalized, medicinalized, and/or decriminalized weed. (Yes, it’s still illegal at the federal level. That will change.)
2. It’s been over a week since I watched it and I already cleared my internet history. If I come across it I’ll let you know.
3. I don’t know. My guess is that all the bad stuff will be over with by 2040, but from now until then we’re in for some serious shit. Not consistently, but regularly. I don’t believe we will ever have a one-world government; government is just too inefficient, and the larger it is the more incompetent it gets. Even if some one-world government is proclaimed, I promise you it will be in name only. Many areas will just laugh and won’t obey. (What are they going to do? Station 6 billion troops in everyone’s house?)
Alejandro – You’re right. Super hard drugs like cocaine will probably never be legalized in the way we understand legalization, because most liberals agree “these” drugs are “bad”, while “those” drugs are “okay”. What I’m saying is that many other drugs will become legal as time goes on. All of them? No. More of them? Yes.
The comments here inspired me to ask and try to answer the following question:
What is the best society for being alpha?
Paleo times: Being alpha is extremely dangerous. Dying from violence from another man is the most common cause of death. Beta behaviour is on average the best strategy for this reason. The small groups is making it generally best to wait until the alphas kill each other or die from old age. This is why men usually have the tendency to wait and observe. Men that acted mostly on beta impulses had a bigger shot at surviving and had more children these days, so the human species still to this day act beta as default. In these times, it’s only favourable to go alpha under the right circumstances.
More traditional christian societies: Beta males are favoured because they are pretty much guaranteed a wife that will obey. In places like southern Europe, free thinkers and rebels where brutally eradicated for hundreds of years. Obviously it was good to be alpha in this age, but only if you could back it up. And very few men had any means to back up that claim.
Modern day U.S., Europe and Oceania: Alphas face practically no real risks, even if they have nothing to back themselves up. Chicks gladly fuck a broke rock star wannabee, as long as he acts alpha. Betas have poor sex and problems to get laid at all. Acting alpha has clear advantages pretty much no matter what life situation you are in. The beta behaviour to wait for the right circumstances (like the current alpha being killed) is obviously not paying off at all. This is the age where men of action can fail and fail again (with women or other things) without severe punishment.
Failed states like Russia, Mexico etc: A small percentage of the alphas will make it to the top and have unlimited amounts of women and money. But way more will spend their lives in prison or being broke in a society where money is necessary to stay alive or get at least some kind of respect from others. If you only look at the successful alphas, you do a common statistical error that is often pointed out in economics when mapping the characteristics of self made billionaires… just because a person act the same way that most successful billionaires did when becoming rich, it doesn’t mean he will become one. It might increase the probability, but if the probability is only 0.01%, it’s might be a recipe for disaster and not at all the best strategy overall.
The winner is: “Modern society” and the coming economic collapse and violence will probably lessen the average payoff of acting alpha.
Black Dragon–
Why do you waste your time thinking about this stuff? It probably won’t affect you much, and if it does start affecting you severely, there won’t be anything you can really do about it. Or you’ll be around 70 (in 2040) and close to death, in a situation where it really won’t matter to you. Writing something like this (the system screwing Alphas) is the same as a Beta talking to his buddies about how his wife is going to cheat. It’s kind of paranoid, don’t you think? If you’re goal is to try to better the system for the future, blogging isn’t going to change anything. In fact, even if you’re goddamn President of the US won’t change anything.
Randian –
I talk a lot about this in my book, but the best era to be an Alpha is actually this one. Despite all the problems of the modern era, Alphas can do things now that were never allowed before. 🙂
Alex –
Well, because this web site is called a “blog”, and on a “blog” the blogger talks about his opinions regarding society, even if he has zero control over it.
First I would commend your blog as I have learnt useful informations about online dating.
I’m from Europe (ex-socialist state) and it seems strangely how Americans consider Europe left. Here we consider Europe right not left. The only real left party in whole EU is Syriza in Greece. The EU got scared they might win so they started with propaganda against them. All other parties are right or right centre. Even those so called “left socialist” parties are supporting capital and not people.
There are few more issues I encounter sometimes on so called “manosphere” or PUA blogs that leaves me wondering and I find them too simplified. It’s that it’s socialism or communism responsible for feminism and the current state of affair.. How come it’s so much worse in US which is a capitalist country than in ex-communist countries where they lived under communism for 50 years?
I personaly think it’s a direct result of capitalism due to women being bigger spenders and also viewers of TV and then media pampering to their ego and influencing them to spend more or get their husbands to spend the money. So they get more and more power. It’s getting worse here after we became a capitalist country.
And about prisoners being alpha. Pretty much everyone in prison has suffered severe childhood traumas. If that makes you alpha, traumatise your kids to make them alpha. Not that I think anyone would recommend doing it.
You consider it right as compared to what’s “right” in Europe. I’m no expert in European politics, but it’s very clear to me that in many European countries (like England and France and others) political parties that are considered “right” would be considered “left” or even “far left” in America. It’s all relative; based on what you’re used to.
I don’t think feminism is necessarily derived from socialism or whatever. However it’s clear to me feminism is not worse in the American than Europe, especially if we’re talking about the Scandinavian countries were feminism is so deeply ingrained in society it’s considered normal “forest-before-the-trees” there. In the more southern Mediterranean countries I know it’s not quite as bad. Yet.
It’s just that America is so far right that it seems all other countries are left compared to it. It still annoys me that Europe is considered left because the economic policies are clearly rightist.
Yeah, Sweden is probably the worst in the world.
I’m from one of the southern Mediterranean countries country and I do recognize it’s getting worse which is a shame.
This is a spot on analysis. We are already seeing the effects of turbo-liberalism in places such as California where big government rules the day. The effects? One of the largest taxation rates in the United States. More and more lax immigration policies which threaten the security of domestic citizens. Less school days for kids. Higher unemployment rates. Overall deadweight loss from the government when it comes to wasting money. California will eventually turn into a consumer economy because it is virtually too costly and too risky to start a business over there. The days of the Silicon Valley entrepreneur start-up tech geek striking it rich is nearing its end. The 21 century Gold Rush is done. I believe that California will continue to be a large hub of entertainment and technology but that’s only because old businesses will sustain themselves while new ones will flounder much faster than in previous years. California is a beautiful place, I just wish it had the sensible economic policies that attracted all those fools with twinkles in their eyes years and years ago.
I’m not a conservative in a traditionalist sense (maybe fiscally but I dunno) and I can even see what big government has done to society. There is no more emphasis on individualism. There is no more emphasis on doing what needs to be done in order to “make it”. There is no more emphasis on making the right choices. Government can take care of everything for us, apparently. In comparison to us, many Americans view Europe as a backward ultra-leftist socialist utopia and for a while, they did better than us.
Things will get harder for everyone, economically, socially, and mentally. There are already “do not approach women” laws in several cities. How much longer until men can’t even look at women?
It’s gonna be a rough century ahead.
Very shortly this web page will be famous amid all blogging visitors,
due to it’s pleasant articles
Another bad – young men who want some semblance of what used to be considered a loving and loyal wife and family will be out of luck. Actually, they are pretty much out of luck as we speak.
I finally stopped posting and largely talking about politics since the election so far.  Long time libertarian and this article pretty much confirmed what I already know.   Great piece BD.
Most of the “bad section” either is a delusion or isn’t really a big deal. For example, the classic libertarian “capitalism not corporatism!” delusion: Once capitalists acquire enough wealth, they will simply use their money to influence the state. Bam, corporatism! I don’t get why libertarians still don’t understand this obvious flaw in their magical fairytale world.
Yes, western economies will continue their boom/bust cycle, mainly due to the expansion of power of the financial sector. It’s really irrelevant if the liberals or the conservatives control the government because they will still be under subjugation by their banking overlords. So no, this cannot be considered a negative of liberalism, it’s simply the self-destructive endgame of the state-capitalist model.
As for the “increased power of the over 33 women,” you forgot to take into account that the behavior of your “age groups” model of women is affected by societal pressures at large. Therefore the “over-33” woman of tomorrow is today’s 19-32yo woman, which is probably a good thing. I think a more useful grouping for the future is to simply split women into 2 groups. Because modern feminism is kind of all over the place (e.g. some say the same exact scenario is sexual empowerment while others call it sexual objectification) women will generally just fall into 2 camps: prudes and non-prudes. Most women will end up being feminists, but their nature will cause them to tend to agree with one side or the other. Women who are all about protecting themselves from the evil menz will effectively act as your “over-33” prude group. The other women will essentially be independents and divest from societal pressures such as slut-shaming, traditional marriage, etc in the name of feminism, which is a good thing. As for this part:
this basically is another delusion, very few people are blatantly hypocritical like this (most people would agree that cheating and large age gaps are negative things regardless of gender). As for divorce, yeah that’s going to go up, but why is that relevant to an alpha 2.0? The so-called “demonization of men” I would say is more of an “illusion” than a “delusion” because on the internet, opinion articles, blogs, media stuff that demonizes men has definitely increased, but you rarely run into these types of people in the real world. People upvote the supposed “demonizing” shit on Facebook like “yeah! I support women blah blah!” but then in real life just continue doing whatever the fuck they were doing before. It’s just virtue signaling and has almost no bearing on real life for 99% of people who aren’t in the echo chamber.
You clearly have not read very much of my material, because not only am I 100% opposed to corporatism, but I probably hate it more than you do. Read what I wrote here.
Correct, but it does make some difference, since in a bank-owned nation run by conservatives, I won’t be paying quite as much money in taxes, and men won’t be quite as demonized, as in a bank-owned nation run by leftists.
You’re correct, and that is a very bad thing, not a good one.
Then why do I see those exact scenarios play out with people literally all the time?
Completely, utterly incorrect. Read this.
It isn’t. It’s only relevant to the Alpha 1.0, and it’s only one sentence in the above article.
I do, and have, more than once.
I agree that a lot of this is internet echo chamber stuff, but you’re wrong if you think that’s all it is, and that it won’t get worse.
Can you elaborate? All I’m saying is that the general attitudes towards sex and dating will tend to become more relaxed. I don’t see how this is a problem.
Completely irrelevant. I can be opposed to gravity, but that shit still sucks me in every time. Why does it matter if you are against corporatism if all the other rich fucks are still swimming in it?
I don’t know, but I’ve never seen these scenarios. But if you say so. I can’t really argue about your anecdotal experiences.
Like most libertarians, you fail to understand how things are connected. Yes, you will be paying less in the short run, but in the long run due to everyone else being poor as fuck thanks to rampant austerity, there’s no more money available for average people to spend on your business to increase your wealth. Now maybe, your particular business will be unaffected because the things you sell might tend to have very low prices (e.g. nobody’s going to stop buying toilet paper) but for the rest of society, they are fucked. A liberal-controlled (meaning slightly mitigated) banking dystopia is slightly less shitty for society than an unregulated far-right banking dystopia. To be fair, the right-wing dystopia will be much better for a few select rich people. But better for alpha males as a whole? No, probably not.
This. Is overcompensation for seeing older men dating much younger women everywhere. Women saying this are publicly trying to provide emotional support to each other BECAUSE they are scared. A cougar with a young man is still a relatively rare occurence, compared to the opposite scenario, and, perhaps with the exception of the woman involved, nobody expects the relationship to last (regardless whether it’s open or not). Which is why the good friends of the woman will not be overjoyed about the situation and tell her to be very very careful – as long as they know she’s after something more serious and not just a fling. Which is the case with women more often than not, all the more with older women – right?
Younger women will be more sex negative when they become 33, and that’s what I was saying is a bad thing. Much of the reasons for this are based on age and biology, not society or culture.
I was responding to you saying that I was a libertarian living in a fantasyland where corporatism doesn’t exist. I’m well aware corporatism exists, and that the US is corporatist, and that corporatism is horrible.
Then you think most of society is “fucked” unless we have big government. The facts clearly show this to not be the case. Take the US before 1913, Hong Kong before the 1990s, etc, these tiny countries becoming economic powerhouses with a strong standard of living… via small government. Small government and real capitalism (not corporatism, but real capitalism) benefits the poor and middle class, not just the rich. But if you want to argue that age-old argument here, I’m not interested. You’re for big government, I’m for small government; let’s agree to disagree. We won’t be changing each other’s minds on that.
True, but the point is they won’t be horrified by their 45 year-old female friend banging a 22 year old guy the same way they will seeing a 45 year-old man banging a 22 year old girl. Defensive people like jomalia think gender makes no difference in people’s perceptions of these things, when it fact it’s makes a massive difference. (I wish it didn’t.)
Spot on Caleb.
Being I’m in So Cal I see it more..
I heard on Young Turks once that Progressives are always winning on the ballot issues and it’s TRUE. Even the Gas Tax was voted to stay in place.
With all the Anti-Trump shit going on even Orange County turned Blue in the 2018 Midterms.
I wonder what kind of demise Gavin Newsom will lead us into now that he’s governor.